Annoted Bibliography

Thompson 1 Annotated Bibliography What is the Real Meaning of Feminism in Contrast with how it is Perceived Today? Mary Thompson (Max) Professor Malcolm Campbell English 1103 March 9 th , 2015

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Annotated Bibliography

What is the Real Meaning of Feminism in Contrast with how it is Perceived Today?Mary Thompson (Max)Professor Malcolm Campbell

English 1103March 9th, 2015Annotated BibliographyMcRobbie, Angela. Beyond Post-Feminism. Juncture 179-84. IPPR. 1 Sept. 2013. Web. 8 Mar. 2015.

This scholarly source traces feminism from the past twenty years through political and cultural change in a hope to explain the current issues feminists are still fighting. McRobbie uses references to active feminists such as Tony Blair and news gathered from BBC to stitch together the past years of the feminist movement. McRobbie states the new wave of feminism upholds the principles of gender equality, while denigrating the figure of feminist. She also discusses why feminism has turned into a misleading meaning of anti-man. Her research shows that there were many types of feminism; some did refer to hating men and wanting to take their power away. This is something I didnt know before but needed to be informed of before doing my project.Angela McRobbie is a cultural theorist and feminist and teaches at the University of London. Her research spans beyond forty years, throughout she has written multiple books about feminism, young culture, and the change in society due to feminism. Due to her many years of research she is considered a reliable academic resource. The source I have pulled from her is also peer-reviewed making it even more reliable. In order to complete my paper I must first understand the roots of feminism and what specifically it has been fighting for in the past years. McRobbie offers the insight I need in not only this particular source but also many of her other published works. The research she has completed is essential to mold my paper and give it the reliable sources it needs.

Meltzer, Marisa. Who Is a Feminist Now? The New York Times. 21 May. 2014. Web. 8 Mar. 2015.

This New York Times Style writer opens this article with an interview with famous actress Shailene Woodley. When she was asked if she considers herself a feminist and Shailene replied, No, because I love men, and I think the idea of raise women to power, take the men away from the power is never going to work. Meltzer goes on to describe how young girls dont really mean what the word feminism means or stand for. She interviews other celebrities that have differing views. She examines why actresses try not to associate with feminism because of the misleading stigma that follows it. This article clearly depicts exactly what I want to discus in my project. It shows that there is a strong stigma attached to feminism, which causes women to differ from associating with it.

Marissa Meltzer is an accomplished author of two books and has had work regularly published in The Wall Street Journal, Slate, Elle, Vogue and The New York Times. She has personal experience growing up a woman and having to stake her claim in a hard career field sprawled with men. Her insight gives a real world perspective with claims that are relevant to todays youth.

Meltzers article will allow me to add the insight of professionals that understand what being a feminist really means. This article shows the relevance feminism has on young girls today and how celebrities can shape that image. The way that feminism is shaped in society today and how it influences others opinions is really what I want to focus on in my extended inquiry project, this article will help me to achieve that. Spar, Debora. Interview by Barnard President. Todays Wonder Women Must Reframe Feminism. National Public Radio, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 8 Mar. 2015.

This is an interview with Debora Spar, author of Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection; President asks questions about the misinterpretation of feminism on the younger generation as well as what is on the feminist agenda in the years to come. These are two points of feminism that I have also chosen to focus on. She also talks about the pressure on women today in society to be everything; to work, have a family, and balance a successful personal life. She connects this with personal experience of having to rise to the top giving my paper more reliability. She points out the current problems still facing women such as unequal pay, womens leadership, and political equality. Debora Spar is currently the President of Barnard College, a liberal womens college. She also taught at Harvard Business School where she also received her doctorate. Her years as a professor and the doctorate degree make her reliable. She was a woman who had to claw her way to the top just as Marissa Meltzer did.

The subjects that she stated in the interview are what I am trying to focus my research on. Her book and the interview sourced here from NPR give me the materials I need to apply more depth to my subject. Watson, Emma. "Gender Equality Is Your Issue Too." UN Women. UN Women, 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 8 Mar. 2015.Emma Watson, famous actress, elegantly lays out the misleading meaning of the work feminismanti-man. This is a transcript of her speech to announce the launch of the HerForShe campaign that invited men to join to fight for gender equality. She expresses her views on feminism and growing up learning about the subject. She relates to women that were called bossy or masculine just because they wanted to be in charge or play sports, as men do. Watson also explains the pain she has seen from men that cant express their emotions for fear of looking weak. She confidently says that both genders should have equal rights, equal pay, and equal ability to express emotions without discrimination. Her speech fully captures what I want my project to depict. I will also be using other resources from UN Women as they are the leading feminist organization in the world. By keeping up to date on all feminist issues as well as the past fights of feminists I will be able to fully understand and analyze why the modern meaning has become so misinterpreted. Emma Watson is not only a famous actress but also a graduate form Brown University and a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. She uses her identity as a celebrity to express her ideas about gender equality. She has promoted the importance of educating young girls on the issue and has put most of her focus at UN Women on the HeForShe campaign explained above. Watsons speech completes my circle of very different influential women (including the three listed above) as sources to fully pull together my project. Each three came from very different backgrounds, have focused on different things in their lives, but all identify themselves as feminists. I hope to gain more insight about the problem from this article and some of the other speeches and written works Watson has published on the issue.