Ankle Deep: Wet Weather Driving Tips

Ankle Deep: Wet Weather Driving Tips By, Tire Recappers

Transcript of Ankle Deep: Wet Weather Driving Tips

Ankle Deep: Wet Weather Driving Tips


Tire Recappers

1. Check Your Tires

When was the last time you checked out your tires?

Ensuring your tires are in good condition can make a huge difference when driving it wet conditions. Low-tread or balding tires are much less efficient at stopping quickly and are more prone to sliding on wet asphalt.

2. Turn Off Your Cruise Control

Never use cruise control when the roads are wet.

The chances of losing control are much greater if the cruise control feature is active as you lose the ability to release the gas and slow down gradually.

Save your cruising for drier conditions.

3. Maintain a Safe


You should always maintain a safe distance between you and other drivers no matter the conditions, but this is particularly important when it’s wet outside.

Anticipating sudden stops from the drivers ahead and allowing yourself adequate room to slow down is important when the roads are slick.

4. Slow Down

Drive a bit slower than usual to give yourself time to react to road conditions and other drivers.

It also prevents hydroplaning – when the tires rise up off the pavement inhibiting the rubber of your tires from gaining traction – a dangerous side effect of wet pavement.

5. Keep Your Vehicle from Hydroplaning

If you feel your car begin to hydroplane, don’t slam on your brakes or turn the wheel.

Instead, gently release the gas pedal, keep the wheel straight, and allow your car to slow down naturally. Once you regain traction, apply gas and continue your drive.

6. Stay Safe in Ice &

Freezing Rain

When it comes to ice, heed the advice of the local weather notifications. Ice can be difficult to spot so if it isn’t necessary for you to drive, then don’t. If it is, take great caution and stick to main roads.

Throw an emergency bag of salt or sand your vehicle in case you get stuck.

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