Ancient Rome. Friday March 27, 200 9. Rome spreads across seven hills along the _____ River on the...

Ancient Rome

Transcript of Ancient Rome. Friday March 27, 200 9. Rome spreads across seven hills along the _____ River on the...

Ancient Rome

FridayMarch 27, 200

9. Rome spreads across seven hills along the _____ River on the _____Peninsula, which extends into the _____ Sea.

10. What group of people taught the Romans many skills?


9. Tiber, Italian, Mediterranean

10. Etruscans

Interesting Facts about Rome

There is a Roman legend that the city of

Rome was founded

by two brothers

Romulus and Remus.

MondayApril 6, 2009

1. (Look at the picture on pages 278-279.)

What is the picture of and why is it important?

2. How did Rome’s location help it to grow from a small village to a powerful city?


1. Aqueducts were used to bring water to Roman cities.


• Hills protected Rome from attack.

• The soil was good for farming.

• The Tiber River connected Rome to the coast for trade and travel.

Roman Aqueducts

Interesting Facts about Rome

The smallest country in the world is located within the city of Rome. It is Vatican City – population approximately 1,000 and square area 109 acres. Vatican City is the spiritual and governmental center for the Roman Catholic Church, the largest Christian church in the world. The leader of this country-city is the Pope. It has been an independent country since 1929. St. Peter’s Basilica, one of the largest churches in the world is located here. Vatican City issues its own stamps, money, license plates, and has its own flag.

Vatican City

St. Peter’s Basilica

Vatican City’s Flag

Tuesday April 7, 2009

3. Who were the patricians and the plebeians?

4. How was the Roman government like our government?


3. Patricians were the wealthy class of people in Rome.

Plebeians were the common people in Rome.

4. In a republic, the citizens elect representatives to run the government.

(USA government = representative democracy)

Interesting facts about Rome

The Roman Colosseum was the largest building of its kind on Earth. It held 50,000 people. Festivities began at dawn and often lasted well into the night. The most popular events involved fighting between the gladiators. Weapons of the gladiators included:

sword and shield, stick weighted with lead, net and trident and dagger

As many as 2,000 men might fight in a single day with about half of them getting killed.

WednesdayApril 8, 2009

5. Who was Julius Caesar? What happened to him?

6. Who was Octavian?


5. Julius Caesar = 100-44 B.C. a general and hero who became dictator of Rome in 45 B.C.

He was assassinated by senators who opposed his rule on the Ides of March (the 15th) in 44 B.C.

6. Octavian was known as Augustus which means “great.” He was the first emperor of Rome and ruled during the period of time known as the

Pax Romana or the “Roman Peace.”

Julius CaesarOctavian Augustus

Interesting Facts about Rome

What do you think this is?

That’s right! The Romans used communal toilets!! And this is a Roman bath!

ThursdayApril 9, 2009

7. What was the Appian Way?

8. What was Rome’s enemy in Africa?


7. Appian Way = most famous Roman road that stretched for more than 350 miles south and east of Rome.

8. Carthage (Rome fought Carthage

3 times during the Punic Wars which lasted for over 100 years.)

Interesting Facts about Rome

Which of the following pets were most likely NOT found in the Roman home?

a. parrots

b. snakes

c. monkeys

d. dogs


a. parrots

FridayApril 10, 2009

9. Name 5 architectural achievements of the Romans.

10. How is the Roman republic DIFFERENT than the democracy in Athens?

Answers9. • Colosseum• aqueducts• temples like the Pantheon• domes• roads• arch• Concrete• keystones10. In the Roman Republic, citizens elected

representatives to run the government - indirect democracy.

Athens had a pure democracy where the citizens ran the government – direct democracy.

Tiber River

Arno River

Interesting Facts about Roman Boys

Roman boys learned reading, writing, counting and public speaking in school. They went to school 7 days a week–no days off! The Roman boys did get a day off for a religious holiday, and there were a lot of those. When a Roman boy reached adulthood, he was entitled to wear the white toga of a man and Roman citizen. For recreation, Roman boys played at war with wooden swords.

TuesdayApril 14, 2009

1. What was the name of the time period when Roman rulers brought peace and wealth to the Mediterranean region?

2. What do the following words mean?

• reign

• Latin

• Romance language


1. Pax Romana (Golden Age of Rome)

2. reign = rule

Latin = official language of Rome

Romance language = language developed from Latin

Interesting Facts about Rome

The Romans used a weapon in battle called the ballista. It was a giant slingshot that threw heavy rocks over 1,200 feet!!

TuesdayApril 14, 2009

3. Athens had a direct democracy, and Rome had an indirect democracy. What does this mean?

4. Rome’s code of laws was called the _________ ________.


3. In Athens the citizens ran the government = direct democracy

In Rome citizens elected representatives to run the government (a republic) = indirect democracy

4.Twelve Tables

• Here are a few of the lawsin the Twelve Tables These have been reworded 

• If you are called to go to court, you must go. If you don’t show up, you can be taken to court by force.

• If you need a witness to testify and he will not show up, you can go once every three days and shout in front of his house.

• If it's your tree, it’s your fruit, even if it falls on another man’s land.

•A person who had been found guilty of giving false witness shall be hurled down from the Tarpeian Rock.•No person shall hold meetings by night in the city.•A dead man shall not be buried or burned within the city.

Marriages should not take place between plebeians and patricians. (As time went on, this law was changed. When the tables were first written, this was the law.)

Interesting Facts about Roman Girls

Roman girls did not go to school. They were taught at home by their mothers. Spinning, weaving, music, and sewing were important skills girls needed to know. For recreation, Roman girls would play with dolls made out of wax or clay. Some of the dolls even had jointed arms and legs! Roman girls also played board games. They were NOT allowed to fall in love and choose their own husbands – a marriage would have been arranged between families.

WednesdayApril 15, 2009

5. Name the three largest groups in the Christian religion.

6. What was the Protestant Reformation?


5. Three largest Christian groups:• Roman Catholic • Protestant • Eastern Orthodox

6. Protestant Reformation -> a movement began in the 1500’s when Martin Luther wanted the Catholic Church to reform -> it led to the formation of new Christian churches

Interesting Facts about Rome

When babies in Rome were nine days old, they received a charm called a bulla. This charm was worn around the neck and chased away evil spirits.

Young Roman Boy Wearing his Toga and a Bulla

ThursdayApril 16, 2009

7. What did the Emperor Diocletian do to the Roman Empire?

8. What was the Byzantine Empire?


7. Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into two parts -> one in the East and one in the West

8. Byzantine -> the Eastern part of the Roman Empire (lasted 1,000 years after the fall of the Western Empire)

Eastern and Western Parts of the Roman Empire

Interesting Facts about Rome

Among the fiercest barbarians that attacked the Roman Empire were the Huns. The Huns were from Central Asia. Led by Attila, the Huns attacked many parts of the empire while the Romans were fighting off other barbarian tribes.

The Goths, from western Europe, in A.D. 410 stormed Rome and caused the great city to fall in the hands of barbarians.



MondayApril 20, 2009

1. What was the law of the Byzantine Empire?

2. How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the traditions of Ancient Greece and Rome?


1. Justinian Code


• Justinian Code was based on Roman laws.

• Roman & Greek art and architecture was used in the Byzantine Empire.

Justinian and his Code

Interesting Facts about Rome

The Romans used sundials to tell time. A shadow cast by the sun on the hour markers indicated the time. They even had a pocket-variety sundial!

9. Who is the founder of each of these religions?

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,


10. Who do the Christians believe the

Messiah to be?


9. Judaism = Abraham

Christianity = Jesus

Islam = Muhammad

Buddhism =

Siddhartha Gautama

Hinduism = the Aryans

10. Jesus

Friday April 17, 2009

9. What do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have in common?

10. What are the holy texts of all three religions?


9. These religions are all monotheistic.

10. Holy text of each:Judaism = the TorahChristianity = the BibleIslam = the Koran

Interesting Facts about Christianity

Early Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. They met secretly in Roman Catacombs for religious services. Catacombs were vast, undergroundrooms where Romans buried their dead.

Roman Catacombs

Interesting Facts about Christianity

Today is Martin Luther’s birthday. He was born on April 17, 1483. There are three major types of Christian Religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox. Martin Luther wanted to “reform” or change the Roman Catholic Church. His protest of the practices of the church led to the formation new Christian religions-> Protestant

Are you a Protestant?

Martin Luther

Martin Luther Nailing his 95 Theses on the Church Door

Examples from Martin Luther’s 95 Theses…

• Christians should be taught that one who gives to the poor, or lends to the needy, does a better action than if he purchases indulgences.

• Because, by works of love, love grows and a man becomes a better man; whereas, by indulgences, he does not become a better man.

Homeworkfor Friday->

April 17, 2009

• Study for test on Rome, Christianity, and the Byzantine Empire SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK!

TuesdayApril 21, 2009

3. For what is Augustus remembered?

4. What is the relationship between the Jewish faith and Christianity? (Besides that they are both monotheistic religions)


2. Socrates taught his students to learn by _____________ _____________. This came to be known as the ____________



3. He brought order, good government, and peace to Rome – Pax Romana

4. Jesus was a Hebrew.

The Old Testament is important in both religions.

Both religions follow the Ten Commandments.


2. asking questions

Socratic Method

Interesting Facts about Rome

Romans used keystones in theirarchitecture. A keystone is thewedge shaped piece at the top of the arch that locks the other pieces into place.

Keystone used in Aqueduct

WednesdayApril 22, 2009

5. Which best describes a republic?• All men and women elect their leaders.• Only the rich can vote.• Citizens have the right to vote, or choose their leaders.• A king rules the people.6. Who made Christianity equal to other religions in the

Roman Empire and banned the persecution of the Christians?

• Marcus Aurelius• Caligula• Augustus• ConstantinePASS:3. The Byzantine Empire preserved the traditions of ancient

______________ and _____________.


5. Citizens have the right to vote, or choose their leaders.



3. Greece and Rome

Interesting Facts about Rome

A Roman consul was a chief government administrator who commanded armies. Caligula once proposed that one of the consuls would be:

• his wife.• his 5 year old son.• Cleopatra. • his favorite horse.

His Horse!!!