Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic...

Anatomy From Now to Eternity

Transcript of Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic...

Page 1: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Anatomy From Now to Eternity

Page 2: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.


Diencephalon hypothalamus thalamus

Telencephalon limbic system basal ganglia cerebral cortex

Page 3: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

W. W

. No r


Page 4: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.


Controls autonomic nervous system body temperature circadian rhythms blood pressure

controls the endocrine system hormones produced by hypothalamus

controls pituitary gland controls hormonal release

Page 5: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.


Organizes behaviour related to survival of the species - the so-called four F’s:





Page 6: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.


Composed of numerous nucleiGateway to the cortex

all sensory info except olfactory controlling general excitability of the

cortex attention/blocking info during sleep

Page 7: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

W. W

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Page 8: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Limbic System

Hippocampus learning and memory spatial navigation

Amygdala emotional memories classical learning

associating environmental stimuli with emotion (fear)interpreting emotions conveyed by facial expressions

Page 9: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Basal Ganglia

Consists of caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus

input from cerebral cortexproject to motor centers of brainstemplanning and producing movement

Page 10: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

W. W

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Page 11: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Frontal Lobe

Primary motor cortex contralateral connects to muscles in

different parts of the bodyMotor Association cortex

planning movements* Prefrontal cortex* Dorsolateral cortex* Orbitofrontal cortex

Page 12: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Parietal Lobe

Somatosensory cortex info from skin

touchtemperaturepressurepossibly pain (phantom limb)

Page 13: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

W. W

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Page 14: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Parietal Lobe

Somatosensory cortex info from skin

touchtemperaturepressurepossibly pain (phantom limb)

posterior parietal lobe visually guided movements hemineglect

Page 15: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Temporal Lobes

Primary auditory cortexauditory comprehension

left hemisphere - language right hemisphere - sounds, melodies,


Page 16: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Occipital Lobes

Primary visual cortexvisual association cortexpathway from visual to parietal cortex

visually guided movementspathway from visual to temporal

cortex object recognition

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Cerebral Asymmetry

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Page 19: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Kandel, E. et. al. (2000)

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W. W. NortonGazzaniga & Heatherton


Synaptic cleft

Axon of Cell #1


Dendrite of Cell #2


Page 21: Anatomy From Now to Eternity. Forebrain zDiencephalon yhypothalamus ythalamus zTelencephalon ylimbic system ybasal ganglia ycerebral cortex.

Genetic Basis Neuronal Action

Acetylcholine Monoamines Amino Acids Peptides

Neurotransmitters Hormones

Genetics and Biological Foundations

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“major functions are to regulate states of arousal and affect (feelings) and to motivate behaviour”

four monoamines epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine

& serotonin

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Dopamine (DA)

main transmitter of rewardinvolved in motor control and planning may play huge role in addictions

cocaine blocks DA reuptake DA in synaptic cleft for longer therefore, binds with more receptors if in the synaptic cleft for longer, activates

more receptors heightened feeling of pleasure

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Emotional statesimpulse controldreaminglow levels

sadness and anxiety agression food cravings

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Drugs that block serotonin reuptake (so that serotonin remains in the system for longer) used to treat: depression obsessive-compulsive disorders eating disorders obesity