Analysis of student digipaks


Transcript of Analysis of student digipaks

Page 1: Analysis of student digipaks


Brett Moore

Page 2: Analysis of student digipaks


Geeta Gohil’s digipak is one that conforms excellently to what one would expect from an R’n’B album digipak. Geeta has used the recurring theme of close ups of the artist in black and white to coinside with her genre as this similar use is evident with artists such as Rihanna and Adele.

Geeta’s research into digipaks on her blog suggests that she is indeed aware of the conventions of digipaks in her genre and has thus acted upon these notably with the colour scheme of red, black and white. This colour scheme is not specific to RnB with other genres including rock and metal also using said colours however other aspects including the font and overall design conforms to that of RnB and so therefore this digipak identifies Geetas intensive research into her chosen genre.

Page 3: Analysis of student digipaks


Sophie Boston’s digipak deters away from the generic type of digipak for her chosen genre and is very conceptual and metaphoric. For example the lack of use of a close up of the main image is restrained but instead an image representative of the title of the album. Furthermore the use of graphics is very influential and eye catching in Sophie Boston’s work to which would be effective in attracting new audiences however could also deter someone as it can look quite cluttered having the connotations that the song or album maybe less refined and maybe not as good as the artist intends to be represented.

Page 4: Analysis of student digipaks


Tara Wilton, much like Sophie Boston, has decided to go against the generic use of close ups in her digipak, and to good effect. This digipak has a simple design but also uses the photography in a literal sense with regards to the name of the album. Tara uses the conventional colour schemes and even fonts as well as name dropping ‘Ed Sheeran’ adding a more professional edge to the digipak. Overall the simplicity of this is the best attribute as it is clear and easy to read in terms of the administrative details, whilst also standing out as unique and also conforming to all the necessary codes and conventions in conjunction with this genre.