analysis 2


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Page 1: analysis 2

There is a yellow masthead, however rather than contain the usual information of the name, price

and date of the magazine, it splashes information to grab the readers attention of current musical

news. The title of the magazine ‘NME’ an abbreviation of ‘new musical express’. Although the whole

magazine is busy and pulls you in straight away will all the contents displayed, the name straight

away catches your attention, with a bright block red and black outline standing out against any


The masthead, is the very first thing that catches your eye amongst all the other things that do. The

title of the magazine ‘NME’ an abbreviation of ‘New Musical Express’, pulls you in straight away with

a bright block red fill colour, and a black outline, making it stand out against any background used

for the magazine.

A banner is used along both the top and the bottom of the magazine. Along the top, a bright yellow

is used which is yet

another thing that

catches your eye

immediately on

the magazine

against the black,

bold font. The

banner at the top

of the magazine, is

relating to the

current music news

that people would

want to hear

about. The

background colour

of the top banner

matches the colour

of the leading

article, this then

also stands out

against the

background and

draws attention to

the features of the

magazine. The

banner at the

bottom of the

page, has a black

background and therefore doesn’t stand out as much against the dark background. It is also a lot

smaller which suggests that this article is of less importance to the other articles featured on the

cover. The main feature of this article of the magazine it’s obviously about ‘the wombats’, their

image is used as the magazine background for this issue, and the yellow colour is used again, to

make it look much brighter and stand out even more. It is also the biggest piece of text on the page,

Page 2: analysis 2

other than the masthead so it immediately draws our attention and we are aware that this is the

main story followed through. Reverse-out text is used on the titles of the other articles, situated

around the headline, the white and blue does not stand out as much as the yellow, which tells us it is

not as important, these colours are also used in the title of the articles featured around the edges. T