Analyes of a range of television commercial

Analyses of a varied range of television commercials Different companies of different status or financial footage in the commercial industry use television commercial to advertise their products or create an awareness for them. Various companies work on different budgets, and the amount of money they have to spend is a major role in how the advert will be presented. The cost of the budget often defines the aesthetic and technical elements to support the purpose of the entire advert. I will be comparing a very high budget advert (Guinness ‘Evolution’) (don’t tell me what you’re going to do just get on and do it eg. The Guinness ‘Evolution’ commercial is an example of a high budget, high production value, concept ad. In fact, Guinness have done a series of ads focussing on this particular concept, namely the amount of time it takes for a pint of Guinness to be poured and settle. In contrast the Autoglass Ad is quite obviously made on a much lower budget. The Guinness advert is also perhaps referring to evolution as missing a very ‘important’ part of human life all the way through time, at least until now, the Guinness beer. This gives the advert a very quirky, humourous style, which along with the pace of advert makes us the audience stay tuned to the ad. Therefore this makes the purpose of advert, to attract our attention to the product, achieved. On the other hand the Autoglass TV commercial is easily identified as low budget because of the very simple concept and basic nature of the screen action within the


Analyes of a range of television commercial

Transcript of Analyes of a range of television commercial

Analyses of a varied range of television commercials

Different companies of different status or financial footage in the commercial industry use television commercial to advertise their products or create an awareness for them. Various companies work on different budgets, and the amount of money they have to spend is a major role in how the advert will be presented. The cost of the budget often defines the aesthetic and technical elements to support the purpose of the entire advert.

I will be comparing a very high budget advert (Guinness ‘Evolution’)

(don’t tell me what you’re going to do just get on and do it eg.

The Guinness ‘Evolution’ commercial is an example of a high budget, high production value, concept ad. In fact, Guinness have done a series of ads focussing on this particular concept, namely the amount of time it takes for a pint of Guinness to be poured and settle.

In contrast the Autoglass Ad is quite obviously made on a much lower budget.

The Guinness advert is also perhaps referring to evolution as missing a very ‘important’ part of human life all the way through time, at least until now, the Guinness beer. This gives the advert a very quirky, humourous style, which along with the pace of advert makes us the audience stay tuned to the ad. Therefore this makes the purpose of advert, to attract our attention to the product, achieved.

On the other hand the Autoglass TV commercial is easily identified as low budget because of the very simple concept and basic nature of the screen action within the advert. This commercial uses a basic demonstration to get its message out, and that’s what makes it very effective.

Sound plays a major role in the “Guinness Evolution” commercial. The non diegetic musical soundtrack is ‘Rhythm of Life’ which is very catchy and allows the audience/viewers to remember parts of the advert as they seem to coincide with the screen action – give examples here be specific – cite egs of what you’re talking about. This will help the audience directly respond to the product Guinness, as well as the creator of the advert and relate to their target audience, mostly male Mainstreamers, who as part of their profile it would seem just want to ‘fit in’. More over, the sound effect directly corresponds with the video, e.g. as the ice breaks in the video” – rewrite here and be more specific and reword it. This happens continuously throughout the advert and every sound effect basically all non-diegetic because, its all sound/sfx played over.

On the other hand Autoglass did not use sound so much because, the sound probably would cost more money, therefore they cant because they’re working on a very low budget. The only sound played to is the non-diegetic slogan, which is use very effectively because to played repeatedly, therefore simonling the brain to remember the auto glass slogan. The sound effect is actual genuine diegetic sound, however they have been edited or digitally enhanced to make it classier.

Auto glass, Mise en scene is base on actual real life road setting, this further shows why they had to do this because; they were working on a very low budget. So filming on the road, which you properly just need a filming permit makes perfect sense. Moreover the only use of any other props are; Vans, the tools, and the character in the shoot. However the Guinness advert using a variety and a very large range of props and settings used in the advert. The props consist of the pints of beer, costume and even the scenery. The different props vary to fit the right scenery. Firstly the setting is constantly changing from the beginning of the advert to the end. This is showing the process of evolution and how scenery has changed over time. Guinness cleverly uses the rule of three, that idea of doing something three times and people remember it; repetition. Triangular arrangement allows the Guinness logo to be shown.

Autoglass, uses the very basic shot type and shot angle to portray their very simple and basic advert, such as; MLS, CU, lots of MS, as well as LS. This is the very basic of making a film. On the other hand Guinness’s Advert has been made to look played backwards in Post Productions however they have purposely created that idea of time going backwards. The lighting changes throughout the advert for example when they walk through the ice, the lighting is very bright.

However the Guiness advert uses varios complex shot types, such as; MLS, LS, ELS etc. Furthermore the creators use dymanic and panning effect to the advert. This courses the audience, not to lose intrest therefore, by them watching the whole advert, the purpose is achieved. Moving on they use ELS to show the scenery/surrounding they are in, this is used because it helps the target audience understand the point that time is going backward, the effect of this, makes the target audience which are mainly lesser educated males, get an better understanding of the very fast paced advert, which the various dymanic shot types back up.

The difference in editing is quite visable as we watch both advert. Autoglass we see has a very basic editing, this covers the idea of the them working on a low budget. However, they do try and spice

this up a bit, as they introduce an video filter on top of screen, the effect of this means they advert seem more contemptal and modern, therefore making the company seem more hi-tech to the average eye. Evenmore the advert is very saturated to give it that very warm effect, even to say there just invited you in there grasp. Along with this smooth transitions from scene to scene give it thats professional extra touch to make it an successful advert. On the other hand, Guiness uses an diverse of different editing tools as well as platforms to the maximum effects from the very high value advert. Firstly

Cresta Vs Honda.

The Cresta Bear Ad is made by 2D line drawing, then made into an animation. The Ad targets Identification Celebrity Endorsement. The advert is about a bear, which drinking the new ‘amazing’ drink and goes into some sort of fit. The creators took full advantage of this by making the 2-d bear act like sociopath, and whilst doing so saying different celebrity signature phrases. The effect of this on the audiences leaves us wondering what that drink can do to us. However the Honda ‘Hate Something’ commercial is an example of a high concept, high budget, and high production value CGI animation advertisement. The advert successfully produces an advert for all ages to enjoy. The Ad uses global concerns such as pollutions that are coming from the old diesel engine and Honda is saying that they have found the solution ands listen to the public’s cries and woes about the old diesel engine.

So they have now created something completely new and environmental friendly for the world to rely on for years to come. Interesting the advert include aspects of maternal or paternal love, because parents with children are always thinking about their children’s future's and how they want a better future for their children to live and work in.

The Cresta Bear is the main character in the ad. However symbolical the bear represents a range of different famous people's character's. Moreover this is presented in a more creative way because, the voice appeals to older young people with sense of humor. Such as when the bear says “WHAAHH” The effect of this makes us the audience laugh because our minds automatically remember our childhood favorite cartoon characters, famous catch phrases.

Sounds play a major role in both adverts as there hardly any similarities. The voice of the bear is diegetic, this fits the creators purpose, to deliver something plain and simple. Were as the Honda advert takes on a more quirky approach, with the non-diegetic soundtrack “Hate Something”. I understand from this, thats both decisions were most likey based on the amount of funding both companies received. Therefore the amount of features eg (sound effects etc..). For instance the “slupping” noice we hear were his drinking half of the drink, may just be present as a normal sound that drinking a beverade makes. However if we go underneath the shell, the slurring of the drink can represent a range of different things. Such as the idea that the producers are presenting, thinking that you finish the entire drink, you get the full effect. This is very effectful, because we the audience may not nessarily notice this. In contrast to the Honda “ Hate Something” has a range of different sound effect used in the ad. For example, the non-diagetic engines. The creators purposely made it this way because, they successfully give a negative repoach to all that have those old engines. Therefore they are forced to listen to the rest of the advert because they want to know how they are able to change. I personally think the they could have presented it better, because were not informed why the engines are bad, however i understand that the engine sounds and looks portray that idea to us. Futhermore, the non-diagetic soundtrack “Hate Something” uses it quirkyness, to directly address us the audiences leaving us capitvied in it's creativity and technical charm.

The mise en scene in the cresta advert. Is close to nothing it just a plain white background

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