An Advice to the People of Ibb1 (specifically) and to Ahlus-Sunnah (generally)

ب هل إ أ نصيحة ل)خاصة( نة لس هل إ أ ول)عامة( An Advice to the People of Ibb 1 (specifically) and to Ahlus-Sunnah (generally) Written by: Ash-Shaykh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Bin Hizaam Al-Fadli Al-Ba’daani May Allah show him the right way and pardon him Friday the 27 th of Jamaad Al-Awwal 1430H Dar Al-Hadeeth Dammaj Translated by Abu Ishaaq Sa’d Bin Musa As-Soomaalee 1 A city in Yemen, where the Shaykh himself is originally from.


Written by: Ash-Shaykh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Bin Hizaam Al-Fadli Al-Ba’daaniTranslated by Abu Ishaaq Sa’d Bin Musa As-Soomaalee

Transcript of An Advice to the People of Ibb1 (specifically) and to Ahlus-Sunnah (generally)

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    An Advice to the People of Ibb1 (specifically)

    and to Ahlus-Sunnah (generally)

    Written by:

    Ash-Shaykh Abu Abdillah Muhammad Bin Hizaam

    Al-Fadli Al-Badaani

    May Allah show him the right way and pardon him

    Friday the 27th of Jamaad Al-Awwal 1430H

    Dar Al-Hadeeth Dammaj

    Translated by Abu Ishaaq Sad Bin Musa As-Soomaalee

    1 A city in Yemen, where the Shaykh himself is originally from.

  • All praise is for Allah; the Lord of all that exists, the most gracious, the most merciful, the only owner of the day of recompense, there is none worthy of worship except Allah and he does whatever he wills, whatever he wills takes place, and whatever he wills not does not take place, he guides who he wills and protects and guards (against harm) generously , and he misguides who he wills and forsakes and tests who he wills justly, and I send prayers and peace upon his messenger and his close friend; the one sent as a mercy to the creation, the one who conveyed the message, clarified the evidences, fulfilled the trust and advised the Ummah and I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone with no partners and I bear witness that Muhammed is his slave and his messenger. As for what follows: It is not hidden from Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaaah what Abdurahmaan Al-Adani came with by way of fitnah towards Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajooree (may Allaah preserve him) and towards Daarul-hadeeth in Dammaj (may Allah protect it) specifically, and the Dawah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah generally, which resulted in division and in the wasting of a group of students of knowledge in the rest of the Islamic countries. And he was also the cause for incitation of hatred and enmity in the hearts of many people (in causing them to be) against this centre (Dammaj) and against Shaykh Yahya, may Allah grant him success and good health, And indeed the city of Ibb was in security from the fitnah of this man up until recently, then we saw that his fitnah began to creep into this city; therefore I wrote this advice for them and the rest of Ahlus-Sunnah, so I say:

  • This mans hizbiyyah has become clear even if there are no other proofs against him except the following:

    1 What I have previously indicated towards from his causing of division in the dawah and him being pleased with it, taken from his statements and his situation. 2 His slander of the virtuous Shaykh Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him, and that has within (i.e. the slander) a warning to the people against him (Shaykh Yahya), his knowledge and Daarul-Hadeeth in Dammaj (may Allah protect it). 3 His evil oath, which had made apparent the filth he kept within himself, where he said: I swear by Allah - the Great, that I have never known, since I started seeking knowledge till now one who is ascribed to knowledge and uprightness, more wicked when disputing and hatred and greater in lies, deceit and deception than Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree. The people of sound intellect understand from this oath that the man is a troublemaker in this fitnah, with a purpose and an objective and that he was playing games when he had signed the declaration of Mabar and Hudaydah (two cities in Yemen), that which the Mashaayikh had issued, may Allah preserve them, protect them, and grant them success to every good, and that this man belittles the scholars, those whom he had signed with (on this declaration) and agreed to adhere to whatever he agreed to adhere to whilst being unconcerned with them. 4 What his companions and close ones carry out from stealing masaajid from Ahlus-Sunnah and provoking the people who are in authority upon them.

  • 5 - Restricted allegiance and disassociation, so they ally and aid those who are with them even if he (the one who is allied with) gives a verdict in opposition to the Haqq, and they show enmity towards those who oppose them in their hizbiyyah and Fitnah. 6 His and his companions striving in inciting hatred between the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah and their causing a separation between the Dawah of some of the scholars from Ahlus-sunnah, may Allah preserve them and the Dawah of Shaykh Yahya, may Allah preserve him. 7 Their drawing nearness to some of the hizbiyeen (people of partisanship), those who are known to be upon hizbiyyah from the companions of Abul-Hasan and other than him without them making the tawbah thats well-known.

    8 Entering sins and innovations into this dawah which was known from their predecessors from the hizbiyeen. And these issues that we have just mentioned, are issues that have been affirmed from them from what has been seen and heard, and indeed many proofs have been mentioned pertaining to this issue in the book The Clear Summarised Clarification Regarding the Hizbiyyah of Abdurahmaan Al-Adani and Those who Follow him Upon Fitnah and Enmity .

    And indeed I did not mention what has proceeded to please anyone, rather I mentioned it to clarify the issue to the one who doesnt cease to be deceived, seeking by it nearness to Allah, glorified is He the most High.

    And I advise the Mashaayikh of Ahlus-Sunnah, may Allah preserve them, those that do not cease to be defending Abdurahmaan, that they look deeper into the affair and that they take a stance against this man, the one that does not care about them but rather takes them as a shield for himself. Therefore we ask Allaah - Azza Wa Jel, that he opens our chests to the truth and that he shows us the Haqq as Haqq and provides us with the ability to adhere to

  • it, and that he shows us the Baatil as Baatil, and provides us with the ability to stay away from it. And we ask Allaah - Azza Wa Jel, that he diverts from us and our dawah every tribulation, evil and harm. And we ask him, glorified is He, the most High, that he returns those who are struck by fitnah, and from them is Abdurahmaan Al-Adani, to the Haqq with a good returning or that he saves us from their wickedness and their fitnah, and all praise is to Allaah, lord of the all that exists.