American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary...

1-1: Roots of Democratic Government American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

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Page 1: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

1-1: Roots of Democratic Government

American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English

Parliamentary traditions.

Page 2: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Anticipatory Set

What comes to mind when you think about democracy?

Page 3: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

California StandardsSocial Studies Standard 8.1.4:

Describe the nation’s blend of civil republicanism, classical liberal principles, and English parliamentary traditions.

Social Studies Standard 8.2.1: Discuss the significance of the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Mayflower Compact.

Page 4: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Inputdirect democracy: a system of

government in which an assembly of ordinary citizens makes decisions.

jury: a panel of citizens who make judgments in a trial.

republic: a system of government in which the people choose representatives who govern in their name.

Page 5: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Inputlegislature: a group of people who

have the power to make laws.bill of rights: a written list of

freedoms that a government promises to protect.

habeas corpus: the principle that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime.

Page 6: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

InputJudaism and Christianity helped shape many

basic moral and spiritual values. Many American ideas and values are rooted in Judaism and

Christianity. Judaism:

It is the faith of the ancient Hebrews; Hebrews believed in one god; and They are governed by a set of moral and

religious rules called the Ten Commandments.

Moses receives the Ten Commandments

Page 7: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

InputJudaism and Christianity helped shape many

basic moral and spiritual values. Many American ideas and values are rooted in Judaism and

Christianity. Christianity:

Emerged from the Jewish tradition about 2,000 years ago; Inspired by the life and teachings of a Jew named Jesus; Roman officials had Jesus crucified; His followers spread Christianity; and Eventually, after years of persecution, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Jesus of Nazareth

Page 8: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Input & ModelingJudaism and Christianity helped shape many

basic moral and spiritual values. Many American ideas and values are rooted in Judaism and

Christianity. Judeo-Christian Influence:

Judaism and Christianity eventually spread to the Americas; Judeo-Christian ideas about justice, morality, and equality proved to be influential; The Hebrew Bible comprises the Old Testament of the Christian Bible The Hebrews taught that rulers are subject to God’s law; and Christians believe that, in the eyes of God, all people

are equal.

The Gutenberg Bible was the first major book to be widely

printed in the West.

Page 9: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Input & Modeling The Greco-Roman TraditionAthenian Democracy:

Athens was the first Greek city-state to adopt direct democracy;

Much of our judicial system is similar to that of Ancient Athens;

One important duty of Athenians was to serve on juries; and

They believed that democracy depended on educated citizens.

Page 10: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Input The Greco-Roman Tradition

Roman Government and Law: In 509 B.C. Romans established a republic; An elected senate and assembly made the laws; The system of checks and balances derives from Roman

representative democracy; and Eventually, the Roman Empire spread its ideas about law

across western Europe.

Page 11: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

Input & ModelingEnglish Parliamentary Traditions

Magna Carta It was signed in 1215 by King John; It was the first document to place restrictions on an

English king’s power, limiting taxation without consultation, protecting the right

to own private property, and ensuring the right to trial by jury; and It established the principle that the king must obey the law.

Page 12: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

InputEnglish Parliamentary Traditions

Parliament Nobles formed a Great Council to advise the king; The council developed into the English Parliament; Parliament had the right to approve new taxes, which

gave them some control over the king; and By the 1600s, Parliament had developed into a two-

house legislature (the House of Lords and the House of Commons).

Page 13: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

InputEnglish Parliamentary Traditions

English Bill of Rights It was approved the year after King James II was removed by Parliament in 1688; It restated many of the rights granted by the Magna Carta; It upheld habeas corpus, the principle that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime; and It prevented a monarch from raising taxes or an army without the consent of Parliament.

Page 14: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

How did Judeo-Christian beliefs support the idea of equality?They taught that all people were equal in God’s eyes.

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Page 15: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

What was one of the important duties of an Athenian citizen?They had to serve on a jury.

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Page 16: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.

List two rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta.Limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the right to trial by jury.

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Page 17: American constitutional government has its roots in Greek, Roman, and English Parliamentary traditions.


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