America Gets a New Deal, 19321940. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The Election of 1932.

America Gets a New Deal, 19321940
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Transcript of America Gets a New Deal, 19321940. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The Election of 1932.

America Gets a New Deal, 19321940

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The Election of 1932

The Coming of the New Deal

Francis Perkins, Sec. of Labor

Harold Ickes, Sec. of the Interior

The Banking Crisis


Unemployment Relief and Public Works

Civilian Conservation Corps

PWA Constructio

n Site

Tennessee Valley


The New Deal and Agriculture

The New Deal and Housing

Supreme Court and the First New Deal

The Grassroots


Labor’s Resurgence

Voices of Protest

Huey Long Father Charles Coughlin

The Second New Deal


Social Security and the American Welfare


The Election of 1936

The Court Fight

The Limits of Change

The New Deal and Women

Eleanor Roosevelt

The New Deal and Minorities

Mary McLeod Bethune

The New Deal in

American History

A New Conception of America

Important New Deal legislationYear Legislation Purpose

1933 National industrial Recovery Act

Allows businesses to set price, wage, and production codes

1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act Paid farmers to plant less in order to raise crop prices

1933 Civilian Conservations Corps Employed young men in reforestation and construction

1933 Public Works Administration Construction projects provide work relief to poor

1933 Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 Insures Bank Deposits (FDIC) and separates commercial and

investment banking

1933 Securities and Exchange Commission

Regulated and reformed the way stocks were purchased

1933 Tennessee Valley Authority Brings electricity to rural areas, stops devastating


1935 Social Security Act Guaranteed eligible workers a pension, unemployment

insurance, and aid to disabled and widows with dependent


1935 Wagner Act Offers government protection to unions

1935 Works Progress Administration Extensive public works program that employed 8

million people from artists to construction workers

1938 Fair Labor Standards Act Established federal minimum wage and maximum hours per


Keynesian Economic Theory

An economic theory stating that active government intervention in the marketplace and monetary policy is the best method of ensuring economic growth and stability.

Soaring Unemployment

Competing Arguments

The New Deal did not end the Depression, but

lessened its impact and put us on the road to


The New Deal prolonged the Depression and

Roosevelt should have used conservative economic policies

What does this data reveal about unemployment from 1931-1940?

This Graph is counting people with New Deal jobs as employed. What does this say about the New Deal?