ALVIS · 2019. 6. 18. · ALVIST,A,S Number Four. JUNE 1951 -O-O-O-O-~O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O LIST OF...


Transcript of ALVIS · 2019. 6. 18. · ALVIST,A,S Number Four. JUNE 1951 -O-O-O-O-~O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O LIST OF...

  • • \

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    ALVIS OWnER! OLUB 10 '0 °0, • • '0' • • • • ,I • • I , , I


    President :- o '-;0 . ., 1[1' J,A.Cooper , A.M.I.M.E.

    ,87 La,nBdo~e Road, LONDON W 11 ~

    Viae- President ~ A. G ~Colef:A.·

    Lake Lamp hey " PEMBROKESHIRE· .•

    Chairman :-.:0 JJr:J: • H • I.e'(;) eo n ,

    Vice - Chairman :-. .: .. ' , ..... ~~::. AX:nold Lees,

    '·9'~ Brook Street" , .,:·.,.:·:Stourbr idge, Waxcs


    L. T .0 .Ro 1 t, The Cottage,

    .Stanley Pontlaege , Gratton, Glos.

    'H.R.HatnrLcrelcy, . Br oome Lane, Kidderm1neter,

    . W'QrQ's •.

    A.e .RuGsell, 98 Glyn F:l.rm Rd, Q~ntcn, Bth~ 32.

    Secretary :-

    It.P .Birke, 201 Yew Lane,

    .Ecclcsfield, Sheffield 5.

    Prose Officor :-N. S .Hyalop" Cwmma Farm,

    0 •• _ • ~


    H.J .Picton, Whi t El Lo dgG , Showell Lane, WQ lyorh9ll1Pto~.

    R.J • Edmund, Piaton ·'Rd. Hilford'Haven P0mbroke'sh~re •

    Brilley, Whitney on Wye, Herefo,rdehirc.

    'Lt t.tle· ;Haywoo,d) :staff'or'dehir d·. .

    A.James ~ i o. ~ The Bung~low.

    New Rd. Tring,' Hart.e.

    J • H. COll.ier , . Z~· Birohfiold. Rd. R0dditch, Wo:ro~.

    E.E. TurnfT I 3 G9.t~.vick, Rd • So~uthfi0ide, London S.W.18,

    TJ;e~9urcr' :-

    R.E.DiokinBcn, Scuth View, Churoh L~no,

    Dare, Shoffield.

    Hen. Auditors: .;.- Ue88r~, Pictcn & El~ieon • . ~.!~~~ •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

    __ o~ __ • __ .'~' •• _____ ~_.~. -.~.-~- .•••


    Number Four.

    JUNE 1951 -O-O-O-O-~O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O


    87 La,nt.'iowne Ro ad,

    a LQnQ,on WIl.

    A. G. aole~ , Lake Lamphrey, Pembrokcshire.

    Lare setwioe manager Mesers ALVIS Ltd

    rho ~ .. bovc 'lr 0 Ho nor e;ry MOwbcr e.

    Prcaidcnt and Vioo President of the Club and are

    11 D.G.French, Ra,vcnswoo d.,

    Kids grove J 8tok~ on Tront.

    la J • H. Loe~on, Brook Street, StQUJ;'br idgo.

    13 R.P.Birks , ZOl Yew" Sh0f+i~ld 5.

    14 A.J .L.8adlier, Br i ght 1 n.nde, Nt?Wl)hOL1, Glos

    15 Vi .H.Charnook" Grey House,

    High Sal vingtGn, Wo~t~ing, 8uooox.

    16 N.S.Hya'lop, Owmrna Fs:l.xo, Drilley, HQI'Qfor dahir o.

    17 K.D.Waleh, Moorland View, High Eldwiok, D~ngley.

    18 R.E. Thwa,m,torJ Manor" "Mill









    Perran ar Wortha1J Truro" Oornwall.

    Saloon BKV 508

    19.8 Saloon AVG 936

    19.8 Tourer YS 1035

    :3"5.6 Saloon ASG 309

    16.95 Sports AWK 67

    1~.9 V~n DG 7538.

    13.0 DAD 329

    19.G Tourer DFC Z9D

  • 19 VGID ----







    E.8hip1ey, 1934 a-, Ste neygat0 Road, L~iQe,·.ter ,

    O.L.L~nham;. 19~ PO Box 10(],{

    Oa,pe.TQwn; S.A

    L.T.O.Rolt, 1924 The Cottage,

    Stanley Pontl~ge, Ohel~enh~~. 19a5

    J.M.How lett 1931 35 Portsmouth Ro~d, 8'\lX9i ton.

    N.N.Wood, 1950 7 Whea.tley Ave nue, no·n Rhyj.ding, I1kley, YQr~~.

    G.D.Oareer, 1935 Jrooklande, Wenlook Roa.d, S~~webury.

    A.H.Tetlow. 1939 103 Otley Old Ro~d, LQeg.B.

    27 R • E • H • Dr ci t hW'li t e , 7 GrMge Ave. 1933 D~rby.

    2C N.Routledge, 1932 7 Elructe Ave, eo~olc·~" Leeds.

    29 D.G.8it~c, 1933 20 Founta1ns Lane, D~qling' Kent.

    30 G.G.Pindar, 1932 Field('ide, C~i~ton H~pdea~ Derkd

    ~l J,B.Roaper, 1939 GreonH Place, I .. ·.fi e .d, Uokfield, Sueee:" ~






    TjA 14








    under rcbui~d ~or rcrogiator

    Ooupe CL 3690

    Sport. ~~ .xu 362

    DD 0366

    GP 5043.

    Sports .. Nl'1F 1

    DIE Ccupo ALE 047.

    S~lcon EWR 621

    Spcr.t (; MKR 7 40

    SJ.::crt ~ KV 107 5

    D/H ~ ~:o FXV 56r.

  • I I

    3a R • H • E ad~ ;.), 1.9 ~l 153 Mid~~eton Hall Rd, ~·~rningh~ 30.

    33··.) 1933 The Dung!J,lo\v I New Roa.d,

    . Tring.

    34 C .HUlL16. 19~ D!Ul Y Gr aig, Daglan, I?ort Talbot.

    S5G.W.Gxeen1 .• 19~4 49 HarJ:fden Ro Std" LQn,,-n B.E .la.





    B.G.Robinson, 1934 146 Stewaxt no~d. DQUJ; nemouth.

    W.H.D1unt 1934 a. Fr1. ~e Terraoe" D~nb':'~

    F.B.Bedford, 1931 Apple Oroft-, B~ford, Via rhcfficld.

    8.Gornthwaito, 1935 56 Barton Lodge Rd. B~rlPingha.m aa

    40 P.R.Homing 1933 Reverio, Oh'"' s10r Hr ad, NQVlIJuay.

    41 W.E .Ja.oJr .Ion Im8 Statior. ~oa.d, RQ~ill.

    42 H.J. Pioton 1:9 38 Whi to Lodge I Bho.well Lane.t Wolverhampton.

    43 R.A.Mills) 1937 a 81 Court Lane Erdington, Birmingham.

    12/50 GP 3300

    19,0 Toure r' AGT 364

    TjA 14 S!'vloon. 0FC 142"

    11.9 Saloon. NV 37G6

    19.G Touror OJ 60 04

    19.0 KV 7701

    12/50 Saloon. WJ' a 494

    16.95 Tourer AUM 450

    19B AltJ 634

    la/50 TU 7602

    25.6 Sal

  • , . . 44 A.E. Blade, 19 l i7 T/ A 14

    BpI' inghi11, LongwQrth,Abingdon, Berks.

    45 C.M.Collior, 1927 248 Bixchiicld Rd. RQdQ.i tch.

    . S G.B. Stokes, 1937 18 Ra ecmount Rd.

    B'l).rlQn on Trent.

    47 H.R.Hammaxeloy 1937 Broom Lane, B~akedown,Kiddermin~t0r.

    48 K.J. TryhCITn, 1933 487 Foxho11i0i3 Rd.. BiI'rpingham a8

    49 G.L.Harb1n, 1934 35 The Gruitlone J


    50 R.J.Edmund, 1949 Piotcn Rd. H~~,~lford Haven.

    51 E.E.TurnQI' I 1~50 3 Gatwiok Ro ad., Lo~don B. W .18.

    52 Ao Lees, 1937 Do1feoh1as'-IC1af 1 Rhydytlwyn, NI' Hold, N'\:ih. Wales •

    53 J.J. Gwythcr, 1927 Boa.r~ Hoad, BiS~ops Castle, Salop.

    54 J.U.Soith, 1939 Ch!lr1estown nd. M~nQhcst0r 9

    55 J.E.Brrnnbridgc, 1936 27 Sunny Hill Grovo, K

  • , ,

    57 R. G. T .Powcll, 1]3 35 167 ,Mill Lane, Burgess Hi11,SuesGx.

    58 P.H.Ogdon, 1934 Burtree House, S~s~a,YIThirsk.

    59 E~D. Wataon-St;4yth, 1949 Gui1efield TId. We~eJj.podJ Mont.

    60 C • F • Tudobury , 1949 W0Ett gat e , SQuiihwcll, Notta

    61 D.M.Gil1iee, 1939 17Dudley Gardens, LQi~h, Edinburgh.

    62 S9P.Steed, 1936 Dyke Farr.1 Lamina, Darve,l.


    63 D.A.What01oy, 1935 9 Hi11cmet Ave. Edg~waro, l1iddleeex.

    64 R.B.~·"·\VaonJ 1930






    215 Che~tC'r Rd. Hrutford, Northwich, ct 1j'"3 t er

    D .n . \1 .Durbury 1950 Luchana, T~ignmouth, Devon

    N. W • Tip~)ett 1935 o~ 4- Church street, D~rwick on Tweed.

    C.E. Abbott 1949 Ro~egaxdon Cottg,ge,

    Hi ddl ehatl , Leyburn, YQxks.

    A.El1ioon, 1938 Rylo tonee, Earnsdale Ave. Dar'.vcn, . L~nce,

    Lieu"1i :p.rri9Xko, 1931 H.M.S aURSllY

    0/0 G.P.O. London ( at

    1:9 .0 ELl 274.

    16.95 KY 7401

    T/A 14 JOX 143.


    T/A 14 Sport e Tourer NPF 010

    12/70 Saloon ST 9095

    13. D/H Coupe BLJ 697

    1:9 ,0 wv 7G40

    12/50 Special LG 5729

    T/ll. 14 Saloon MTA 577

    11.9 Sports WD 6135

    T/A 14 D/H c0Ul.::e FPY 235

    4.3 Saloon. ELT 382

    12/60 n6etl~baok FS 557

    Present in or near Malta G. C)

  • 70 U.E.J aCQbe, 194C 44 Nowl~nde Park, H1;ll:)', E. York B •

    T/A. 14

    71 W. N. Wilaon" 1935 19.0 7 The Groen, ·NQr~on, stookton on Tees.

    7 a H.H. We etmaoott, 1932 New Road"


    Dr~o~nc11" Harts •

    D.A.DarrYJ 1949 o ~f ~ '"Qk;t)t n~ MO Dal10y Lane I Bl)effiel~ 1

    T.H.Cullingw orth~ 1950 Council House Court, Sl),r ~W!lbttry •

    75 R.E .Dickineon, 1947 South View, Churoh Lane, Dore. N:r t;Jheffield.

    76 F. D.Atkine" 1948 Leya " Vleo t El1a Way" K~r~ Ella" Hull, E.Yorko.

    77 H.B. Wood, 1934



    Brookwood, Birch Vale Drivo , RQmily, Cheohire.

    M.Latimer, 1931 0/0 The Nook I Borth y Goot, Por~madoc, Caerna.

    K.M.Litt1e" 1935 11 Queen Anne st. LQnQ.on VI 1.


    T/A 14

    T/A 14:

    T/A 14

    T/A 14









    D/H Coupe

    D/H Coupe

    80 J.W.Walk0r" 1949 T/ A 14 Saloon 6a Church Lane, M~rfield" Yorka

    81 A.D.Yapp, 1935 42 Ranmoor Clif fe Rd. Sheffield 10

    16.95 D/H ooupe

    CVG 659

    DXD 721

    JD 64

    LWE 207


    KDJ 732

    JWE 998

    GBT 632

    DE 96888

    Vcrr 388

    AVO 80

    H! 8679

    ET 8933

  • 82


    , , MiGO V • I • Kern..: ~ L .- , ~lm odge, D(.i.l~ci th.

    R.D.Eond Cromer ~ L!:'ukc Rd. E~s t Cardiff.



    64 B ,Connelly , 1939


    29 Norfolk Rd.

    Mioo D,K.Tomllnson, 71 Knutaford Rd. 1931 Wilmolow, Choohiro.

    56 1.8.Richr..rdo 1935


    90 Bro~d O?~O Rd, 1932 Sq 1 ihu11, D t h':Jll,

    R.Pancgcri. 1925 51 Marlboro ,Ave. BJ;omegrovc, WorcG.

    YI • Laml:lough, 1938 Halory, I T~nncr 0 Gr cc n, 1Jor 00,

    89 l\~. L .I::oPhcr £ton 1950 30 Suthcrl~ndo Ave. Pol1ockahiclda Glq,~go~ ..

    90 J.u.Tom1innon, 1948


    71 Knuteford Rd, Uilmalo~, Chcohire,

    F • L. ShCl:·h.·~rd, 1949 Groy G:Lblcs" Linton, ~cthcrby, Yorkr;; •

    92" ~7. A. Ho1m;\,n, 18/17 Trcdis House, P91b~thic, E Cornwall.

    93 n.R .HcGregor , 304 \7ig£l.n L;'vne, V/~g0-n, L:-..nce.

    94 E.G.F3.rr, @ !scade Rd, London N22.






    19.8 19.8









    Saloon EAE 44

    Ss-loon IL :;'OZl


    Beet1obaok GO 5769

    Coupe Tourer

    .AR11 293 MG a269

    CB:E Tourer YM 998

    Sports HUS 384

    S!l.loon JNE 277

    Saloon NNYl 664

    Br CJ.ko JLN 524

    Saloon JP 7096

    Sports UF 8638

  • 95 R.L.Secker, 1835 126 Cobden Ave. P9 t erborc.

    96 J.P.Bromlcy, 1936 75 Brc';\,d et. Che s h!, Buoks.

    97 F • G. Dc.viee" 1936 Briok Bridge,

    Wc~byurne, St~ffe.

    S8 G.F.Stevons, lS35 Pcn-y-Dryn, Hcnistcr Heights Purley" Surrey.

    SS C.G.Dc\vman, 1940 15 Clexemcnt G~rd0ns, Lei~h, Edinburgh 6.

    100 D.r.Gro·Dfel1, lS33 Church L~ne, Tydd St. H~"ryt G ~~EJbcoh, Cg,mbs.

    101 N.Sanders, 1931 C 1- Luxby Ln,ne, Ewoll Surr0Y·

    102 G. Wr ight, 1837 10 Ha\7CG Croo. Li tt 10 H(;rtc·n, DJ; aq.icr d, YcrkG.

    103 J .D.~cl ten, 1836 Fe res t Dr i vc , KingQwccd, Surrey.

    104 E.L.Draokcnbuxy, 1~36 Wccdbury P?Jk it-l, Tunbr idge rle 11 G.

    105 A.H.Francis 1950 47 Gecrges ilcc.d Rd. D~cykm~n9 r~rk, Herts.

    ~06 E.H.Kcrry, 1938 21 Queens Rd. LC\lghbcrc." Loi, cs.

    107 S .:cnncLon, 1949 l1Gtohtcn, Nr Sandbaoh, Cheshire.

    13.9 Coupe EGU 71

    lS.S5 89.1oon JU 9305

    CJW 660

    13. '5 BDU 58

    T/A Coupe Gse 117

    11.3 'Spcrte OY 5253

    lS"Z5 Tourer KJ 1267

    25.6 AAJ 16

    16.S5 Tcurer OLT 1~7 5

    16.S5 D/H Coupe

    T/A D/H Ccupe . LGP 73G

    12/70 JK 7665

    T/A LMA 203

  • loa R.B.R.Blox. am, 1935 16.95 S9.1oon AVP 625 Gorse Bank, B~oughton in Furnos9,

    109 A • Bea.urdont , 1936 16.95 S'3.1oon, CVlA 440 39 Firth P~k /1vo. Sheffield 5.

    110 Mise M.Mason, 1949 T/~\ Saloon MPJ 178 Tr eg3.l' then, Godling Rd.Arnold. No t t inghara.

    111 R .Payne" 1935 19.8 8g,lcon BNU 409 3 Ellie Rd. B9d+ord.

    112- W .E. Fr ct'yo+ll 1933 11.9 Tourer lWJ 581 15 Ashloy Lane,

    LOl)dyn, N. W. 4

    113 N.N • Dryant 1935 1.9.8 F/H Coupo ID 5851 The Stai! f1011ogs, CaJpb 9r! ey r Surrey.

    114 E. H. Taineh, 1949 T/A Saloon GYS ~9 5 DrunswiQk Lr'"ne,

    gl~Ggow C 1

    115 D.H .Lawrence, IG36 16.95 D/H Coupe COH 769 Vler caster St.

    Stcurbridgc Ucrcs.

    • • •••••••••••••• oooOOOcco •••••••••••••• .; •

    W.ANTED .13rY~lInt, Rcquirco infcxms.tion leading to the 0bt9.ining ef E' .. jack, t;\.o 'lffixed tc the b~ac of the rear opring on his SJ.:.ccd T11enty Thc,ugh he h~n trierl several sourcea, he haa not found one at ~::.1y " re~e(,nabl0 figure. He would ~'rreci~te ~ny cffers of assistancc.


    Owncra ef the 16.95 series of around the 1935-6 rcricd m~y , if they owlish, obtain a nCC11Y Ca.t" vcreicn of the Ha.ndbcok fer that model. I am 8.E5ked tc say tha.t this ia NOT a Phctcetat version but a far mere aatiafaotc,ry mcthcd ef reFrc duoticn 0Bi:eoially, deviaod by tU' A Dcn,uEl0nt 39, Firth Park AVC1 Sheffield 5. ntt Deaumont will .ocnsider the ccpying ef ~thcr tn-ee if criginais of sufficient clarity oan bo obt~ined.


    Mr ArncId Lees J ~hc has recently ohanged his 9.ddrCBS' tc th9.t a1r:.cot unpronouncablc conglCir.lcr~tion of coneonanta that Eq)l~e~s bcnc! hiG n~mo on :" rrcviouC3 r~ .. ge, wishes to extend an invit~vticn to any mel:1bcr who finds hinoe1! in the area, to 1rcp in ~nd have ~n appetioing drink, -Qut v~....rno that it ~iGht be w~tcr. Welsh water" however, is ne tcd fer curative rrcrcrtico in acme 'severe C~Gea of nerve us disorder ouch '\f3

    D.T's etc ••• Hc.-:-.revcr, you oculd ~l~e'),ye try BCl!le. An-:-llet me knc~v he·,"! tc prcncuncc it a.ftcrt.1n.rdo.


    ~ellc Ag~in t Sccttieh Seotion Calling ~ AnethGr month gonc byj Hew tit~e flies. Aprcpcrted. in l~et month's Alvietaa the Berwick n.nd Diat 1-': .•. 0 I ol1Dcrdcr Ra,llyll to which the seotion were invited, took cn Sunday 20th H~Y. Two r.-.embcre of the Seotion entercd,Viz: .... Ulsa Violet !C?mp, 12/70 ;~Qccn and yc,ux humble soribe in a. "Ditto". Unfertunately iil.GS KCtrl'Jt s qEif didn't got b:lok frcm the painters in. tim7 to cCtTtctc

    GC shc had to ocratch at the last mCLlont .,Ancthor Seot~cn .l\~0rrLbcr., l'fcrric Tippct t Vlhc is e"lse ~ ElcLlber ef the Promoting Club,wae en duty at cnc of thE) oontrols, se there V'lcre at least two menbors ef the Club at thio event.

    The ocura0, which started at at Doewallle covered a distance of ar1,:rexin~ately 175 r~iles, the weather was what one c~elCte at this t iLQ ef yc~n:', (er, indoeQ., n.t any ot her tine of year ) it poured Cato s.nd Doge all d!:'vY l So~c aeotions were a bit 1Itriallyl1 in parto, but, on the \~hole" the :-'&D .]_~. C ~cXe to be oongratulated on a very exoellent· = lido". HoVl did. cur 0010 cOL:pcting ropresentative fare?-- well ... the Alvie finic;hcd the oourse r:1nd w6,sn't 19.8 t, quite.- get ,leet once er twice ~nd, in ccnacquenoe, the tot~l ~ileagc waD nearer 200 than 175 !The finiah w~o at Deadnell, Northumberland, where a h&.! ~nd egg tea w~s l~id 0n by the Deanncll Hall Hctel:Thc got tcgethcr 'in the D~ aftcrwarns was ec~cthing to be remebcred.' A goed tim~ Ha3 ~ad by all, GC; don t t mise thc next Border Ra.lly! .

    A hce..rty welccme goes out thia hlcnth to our 19.test "Link" ,r':.r E.H.Tainsh ef Gln.ago71, who owns, an1 dxiv0S, a T/A 14 Saloon. Onc of

    cur I-ro£3l~octivc r.lcrr.bere is anxious to heal' of a "Firefly" engine ~.,nd gear bex'ocndition unimpcrtant) a. 12/70 ditto or a really good ":JoGtlcbo,ok f1 ocnrlete, not too vintage, Ycur· soribe will be pleased to l~aaG en rtetails- E' .. nd might withold the "Gcn" until our frien(l oiGna up. .

    Th~ .... tt S ~ .. ll for this Gonth:rcmbcr" we still need nellloers ~n':'l if each cf us cculi introduoe at least one now oember to thc Club ... . . .• Well !

    Eerc Next Honth, -:'-yc fer new and boat wishes 1;;0 all other Sccticno free Scotl~nd,


    . 00000000000000000000000000000000 !hor C ':lould o COlT. to bo ~ short age of F Ifly engine stuff, ~ .. Hr ~8XruGh" ef S~ddlc G~tc, Uoll~ton Ncttingh~ h~B written to every Section ~akinG fer asaiet~nce in tracing one.Hc says that he would like tc strike")." if VlC find one before he aces, he'll jcin thc Club ~ ..... It io l")CGsible that if' he fincle one "before we cl0, then YiC 11:irrht be eXl:ccted to hioi AB this might be rather cnlbarr?d3ElinG hiG cffer h~d tc be deolimad, with thanka, of -course.

    It w(;u1d be S Generous gesture if s,ny ct UB who could lay held . en the thinGo he requireo, would get in touch with him;And wc don't want !lny :' .. (.1'0 ef this "bargain" business •••• net in this cr:>"se, !:l.nyw3.y,

    (,(.ccocc.oc,COOOCOOCCOCOOOOOOOOCl00000000 • The h~cl luck story of thel;} 3.11 underlies the request from Doe. Ti~ko to be 0xcuoecl the receipt of invitatione to Cheltenhar~'l, Dunstablc, etc eta .. " it oec:m-~t3 the Lord High Adm'irale deoided to show hir.1, in c"dditicn tc the Fl~g, tc the natives 'of Malta and ot:tlcr remote plr. .. cos fer the next two yc~s: •• within two weeks of his joining the Club.

    Thio c nly goes •. ". . •• to shcw \ aome on all you R. N .Rtd tYrco .. drGP thc la.d rt, cOli.:forting phrs,oe or two"thcugh there io an ;t.nC7!Cr to' any letter frc.r.: hone 'W·hen you t re cut thexe counting .. Fiata .•... ··00 the root of you neodn't be diffident.

  • .".ftor the HC1:e ;.~ccting, it: ·Ell1.s0fl took a holiday,11lh1oh ~iaG opent in p~tt'1ng in a oouple of we19l1s hard wor.k in prer·a..ring hie oar for tho A10rcoambe Rally.Havin~ hit onc of thoRo ;criods when almoot everything goee wrong, thls wao no reat r;c!'iod. However 11:'0 ;Juoccaofully coped with hin troubleG and wao U!lfortunatc J.l1~hat iJ."" loot a mark in the arrival teot whioh eliminated him from tbe list o~ rrizcwimnoro~ much tc hiG diGar~iontment. ThiG rolcg~t0d to the ll1~ght h3,ve boon Gts.go, he oOe.l'ched out Mr Ch9.d'tviok of Blackb'UI'n, ?on Alvia 0nthu3i~st to iVhom the Olub hdtpco tc extend :l, welcome in the vc r y near future.In the next week or tuc , June the twonty fcurth to be prooiae , Ii~r El11acn hp~ca tc greet all the North9r.ncrB,. ~Tith

    :l,S JllMY of the ethor seotion m0mbcr.1 whc c~"n get ~long) a.t :m 0xt~emely wc~l o~g~~iocd sooi~l effort th~t will be held ~t the STIRK HOUSE HOTEL, GISBURN, YORK8. at ~1.30 ~, tc>n1tter bnfcrc lunoh" o;..nd tc get dc·wn to serious Seotion Form~ting afterwards, This ia onc ef the Ncrthern Hotels that arc BO juatifinbly famed fer the be~uty ef their nurrcundingo, the rxo01lenoe of their ouioinc the high otn.ndA.I'd ef ncrvioc that iG extended to their guests, p..nd for the gr~vity ef the ~lc ~nd Guoh like lcc~l oustoms. If the ohcice of venue iD :..n indox., then this will be ~" highly euoooGoful p~..rty. Gioburn lien cn the .ASS, the read thr"t geea. from Hull to P:rcoton, and io delightfully o~ .. ay ot aoooos, AS ••• A1 ••• A61 and m0..ny other f~st Ncrth Scuth RC5~B aress AS9 within ~ twenty mile strcmbh, oc roll ~) yeu tr;CG from Hull, Ho1l ~nd H~ifax, and l of ocurne} the ' ether ~arto of hhc North, the Clerk of the wc~ther knows botter th~n to oend un rain on the days wc held our meats. A gooC\ attendance would be the sc~l on our 9.1Jpreolat1on of the offorte of the 8coti0~-. Scorets.rlce, ,vho ~c putting in mmy bourn of rc9l.1y h~d work th:~t you might~ h~vc morc opportunitiea of h~ving ~nd ~njoying your fun more cften ~nd more ohe~ly th~n ~culd be the c~ec without th~ So cticn Organioationo.

    Ord~r Lunch through Mr Elliocn, Bring your wife c~ W1VCB} ~n1 any other ~cmbcr~ 6f your family} not excluding the ohildren from Gcven to seventy. It would naoist the org~niaers .if attenQ~noe wan notified., by the 17th June. More details arc Gohedulcd tc gppcar in the Motering prODS. ~nd Northern member s will be oiroul'lrieed..

    TCI the so c f ycu t7hc h~vc not h~('l the CfPcrtuni ty of 9,ttcnding ~n Alvis Owner Olu~ ahcw •• , here ia youx ohanoe t~ see acme moter O?~B, h~vc OC~O fun, ~n1 coet ycur frionds,

    M . Elliacn io fGrtun~tc enough tc h~vc scoured the aid of Mrs El1iaon, who h~"ving reoovered from her exorticna in the l~l~ttcr ef the fly at Ho~o, is new aaaieting her,alle;cdloYI better half in the

    crb~ .. nie1nG ef the Ncrth'a ~"ffairB. We wcul~1. r,cntion here that Mx Blcx!lm, of the LaGonda. ~Cbistor

    hores to be t~lnb 0, },:;art in the org£l,niso,tlcn, It is l:Goaiblc thg,t we might groet acme of our friends f':rCtl the

    la/50 Rogiator at thiD ~nd other Nortern effcrtB, sinoe thGre ia a gocdly rcprcaentatlcn in the Araa.8hculd you E0et any of them en you~ tra.vels, ~r .. os the glad word that wo'd be pleased. t,c sea thorn ~nytlwo, but rlont t e,tr'..rt n,ny ':\.Xgumonts ever wotcr o?tXs , Reraembc~ the cId. ,..i standard ef mC!1.l3urcl:':ent ( befor~ they invented H.P ,1, whon s.n 1\.1 via .. W0..n ~nd ~" third la /50' a ( Silver Eagle), cnc and a bit 12/50' ~ ( the Firebird ) ~nd think on those thinge.

    Frc~ the Ncrthe tc The N0rth~ th~ttG IT for this mont~ Tc 0.11 aectic. ne, \10 would 'be pleased tc. Bee ~y of ycur nur:.lbc~4' thf'"t cax c tc :t-C 11 'Up 0n t he':. day, .


  • £UJJ~'l'l~l1AL Thi"G -m.onth h-::-.. o neon the rOr:' .. l oommencomont of thio at work ~nd y"TO

    regret to say th~t our firot meeting was very .poorly ~ttendod. This m~y h~ve been iue r~rtly to the fact that one motoring Journ~l put un in Wcroeoter 'J.nd F .. ncther l:ut UG in Sutton Ccldfield. . The inauguxt:':.l ruccting \7~S held. cnThura4.~y loth M~ .. y ~"t the Bn.ssetts Pclc Inn Nc~x Suttcn Ccldfiold.Apologies were reoeived from seven Mi11~nd l~icmbcrs, :':.n(l th:. eo pr oGont were all cId fnmiliar f~vOCD, being Mooors Pict~n, H~l~ricraleYICcrnthwaito,E~dee,&Collier. An ~ntcreeted non-member V.r Thc~11~oc,n, turned Uj,) ,!:'.tnn during the Qveing all ?"dj ourned tc the C':'.X r?U'k where n, single Sclox c~rburettcr .oonversicn ·cn his 1 st"'oed 25 1 r;f"G viewed -;;lth interest .. corCci:1.11y in these daye ef 3/7 a g~"llcn.We hepc tc give lilc,re details ef thia ~(In. _

    In view of the small attendanoe~all members present were nominated and~ ~ clected as Ccwoittoo. as followa:-lu- Pioton •••. " .... Chairman" . Mr Collier ..•. Hon Soo & Treasurer. lfi' Eadca •••.•... Soribo for Alvi~'tas: ·~·Messra Cornthwaito, Hanui10ralcy arid:) RuodCll, •..• CCL1Ei ttec ruembers.· . BUGineoo was oonfined to the disouaoion 'of future ovento s,nd s,otivitico s.,nd theso !!laY be OUl:~L1ar izcd 3.:1 tl1c aiLH~ :.of this Region:- To lJrovidc intercoting l~cctings for the enthusiast· at minir~un oc et with !:Ullrlc ol';1:'0rtunitieo fer t.hc exchange of infC'rm~ .. tion (ahcoting e.,' lino 1) in ocngcni!'",l oux·roundingn.

    On Friday 18th l{!)'y" The 12/50 Register held, ~ .. Noggin & N~ttcr at the Puner. B~wl, W~~wick.Thio ~~overy ~ell: crg~niz0d by l~ Eadee, ~nd after nn excellent r:lo:tl, beds vlere ehcetlng linea right & lef't; By the ~.,ttend8,ncc of ef vehicles, thana ;vore j uot ified. The Registor Ghc.wcd s, rO!ll interaot in 0UX aotivities ~nd we~e.very keen to C(-Crer~to tc tho ~aximum.All newbera o he, ulld re·ad the l~tcot Bullet in for this shcwlJ very olearly that thcY'- h~ve fcrgottcn the ~:,C'"ot. A.O.e members were invited and sevGral turnod up and enjoyed the RegiBter' G hoaj,~ita,lity. We hope to aa-operate even more 010001] with the Register, in view of the oonnooticne ef Dcme ef our membcro ~ith thio organioatien. Our Committee met at the Plcugh and Harrow en Friday 25th,and 0njoyed the hcopitality vf Mr HrummcrGlcy ~hc entertained them tc e~ exoellent menl. Our thanko tc him. Mr Ruoacll h~a some very geed Photcgrapho of the Hope V~lley Aff~ir.Pnxticulnrly ef th~t orc~ cclcurod Alvie •.•• Future Aotivitiea, Wo ~e cuming to a difficult time of' the ye~, when fclk arc cff fer their 9.nnual Vleek to cent inent, aO!lside er cc.untry, th(.ugh~ it must be at~tcd that somo pccple will be luoky tc. got them away this Y82,,] if their cnthuGinOID f0r dcing up the Alvia le~vca them with ~ny caoh,tinc c,r even the otrcnghh tc drive it. Th~t Ccrtr"i.n gontlem~ .. n in Wolvarh~wptcn ': h"1o f3t~tod oCI:ething 71hich will take 9, lcng t iree tc die dGVln, I think, Sir, th~t n. nurL~bcr ef }'~idl~nderG will give you rll run for yeur rr.oney Shcrt1~ NcvcrthclesD •• cur hcn.rticst ecngrntulat icns en the oondi tion ef your r.lctcr ON June lOth •..• The EIL19 , Abborley, Wores. A rcut 0 finding and t.1inirJurJ

    r:il0!,..gC ocr~r ot i tien. - - 1.-.,-. '.1. ..... •

    - I - - _.. - . • ., - J: ---... , -- •

    July 13th .•.. Ncggin 8: -Natter c.t-tho White Hart, Kinver, From ~-30 p.lTl. ~e ho~e th~t u~rc ~idl~ndcre will cc~c to these evenno fer they oannct be ~ oucccee with0ut you.Like Kit6hener •• We need every cnc of ycu.Ycur Arc~ Hen Sec will be l:'lc~sed :bv heD.!' fret: ycu .!:l,bout ot-hor Alvis Ownwro net yet in the Club ~nd ~ note in the post will reooive prqmpt attontion,We ahculd ~16c like tc receive ~ny little ~ncodctcs th~t ycu ocnsidcr :~lueing •. suo h ne "He, w I cl e~n t:y C 11" tt •• er how Ire 8};-r ayed my Al vi a '. oc 'uo hope Ge;ruO budding aut her a (c·r authc,reea' a) will' let ue h~ve a report.

  • .. ·::t~'~;T;i"~9~~~~,¥,8-~;[;~B~nct.,··:ft;}·'>rs .. ". .f ;....... ....•. . . :.'::.:".: .' .. :-.~:;~ .. -~. :Rot .: liG;!l~ >thi(f.:~idnth·. iri··tb .. at . the·:·:(j·iub .ha·s( boon· acccrdod: full

    ~.~ ~~~ i.

    . " ...... :-'; .... , M:c ·llXl~o.1 dLoe8:,·-t:he· ... r~:~f1> W·it h' ~l1c'h~ t ful+::~9:f :£',,:· sGa~I··;·:.cCuht:rv:··"!2'8 .. rs..{::'0. ~t: .Stableioxd • Hid:"x idirig' was 'ef the

    ." •... _., ··c.· .v __ U ... ~ . ~~"-, ....... , . - "." - ......... - "

    · .. tYl?p: ... ~h~t:.~_~cs~:~:j;·.qnj··o.y~p·l.,._ ... ,:-. ...... : "- .:".' - .

    ,":'-........ ~~-=..~~;: .... :-~-..:..:.. ~ ~ :,-.-.--. .:..,,--;. .. ~.

  • '. r . , . I eOUTHEAE1TmN

    .' .. ' ~rc.:'2:0 S'itli ttlC.~b.chindwith·.ia,te· .. ncws·'fr6ri1.the;.S·-,Ji:. ~~ther 0 is no "wo'rd' a's ·:tc· the c,ut.ocl~O~:~c··f···wh!it·;··t.llr eateri0d 1;-Y'7~,,,:ftll: .j .he . :u-duQuss,nd'cncrous' job of xunniiilg ·an ev·crtt.of;thie·.··riatvr:e~ .. '. .qood: tur·na.>t.t:ont.·,~ ~~:~embcr,£1·'-and:::friends.~9·s· inthc

    'aroa :rcquire_ Mt· Turnqr t'o··r:cqueBt·newB:of·~:~'h.6":fol1owing~'i:' " vyan.ted. •• A 12/5btour'cr ir1 gC'od' co.nditi61) ...... . Wanted •• Bl-ock.;'G.osr. Pinions,. and 'e,·down~'aught: 'carb',& o.n .

    . instructIon. book:al1: for'19'H4 ·S.B.: lZ/50'4Soater.· Wanted •• He .. ndb66k for 1936.·)rirebird. .., .

    . Mr_T.uxne;r~loa.cohia::.:rer·o:rt 'wi t,h.a. .. ·note o·n·the ·hi-gh;;la.v·cl·:·c;f ... ·. ··inte:reat that he has encountered in the Seotion,Vie ,who 60C frorna ~istance , think " that this is. only EL fair. _'r_ef'leotion ,ofth~w()r~·~that·hae·been . and', putfntc.t.hc 8ecttons.Affairsby·.M,l' ·.Turn.or,· ··rr~6Pindax lJ, MrP.,?·woll::1n.c1.~l1~, cthcr~entll"Lls~a.8t ~~y.~P .,~e~m..~(),:.~~,?:~I.1~_ ~n:t~e , London ar.ee_ .Sa,d news·t·e .that·.tb.c.· of Pindars th~t walks (~io) cff w~tli our moot ... ~valuable .pr.izee •

    . . coc.cbt.o coooc ooooo·OOOOCOOc.oo o.oc.ococe Se ut h Wea~e:rn.· .......... '. ..' .. ' ... ..... ..•.• .... .... '. .... ..... . '.' ..... .·,N6:r,YJro.:rii. ·lp ... tc= :'ha;nd frCLl.::th,ias.opt i,cn;.wil~ .. ~o9·~9n~· . eay: rJo r~i ·sotlething~r.lqJ;e·,:- t han "1~tne·e. ti~ •. ,,~;·.f' t .'. '. ',:' : ..... ' .":';~ .' lrifcl.'rJn.ttcn.os.y.G that. the·