Alteration in Mobility in Children

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  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    Alteration in Mobility in Children

    Different Forms of Achieving Immobilization Casts Traction Splints External Fixators Ambulatory Devices

    Nursing Care of the Immobilize Chil Neurovascular Assessment ! " #$s

    o #aino #alloro #ulselessnesso #aresthesiao #aralysis

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    Alteration In Comforto Aministration of #roper Analgesiao #roper Alignment of Tractiono #roper #lacement of #illo%s

    Alteration in S&in Integrityo Change position if possibleo 'se Eggcrate (attress or Sheeps&in on )e

    #otential for Infectiono Cast Careo #in Careo *oun Care

    #romote Nutritiono Colloborate %ith #arents an Dietician to #lan Nutritious (eals an Snac&s

    #romote Normal Eliminationo Increase Flui Inta&eo #rovie +igh Fiber Dieto 'se Stool Softeners Appropriatelyo #rovie #rivacy During Time of )epan 'se

    #revent (uscle Atrophy an Impaire (obiltiy

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    o #revent Contractureso Colloborate %ith #hysical Therapyo #repare Chil an #arents for Disuse Atrophy

    #romote ,ro%th an Developmento 'se Age Appropriate Explanationso Normalize the Chil$s Environment as much as possibleo Encourage Siblings an #eers to -isito #rovie Age Appropriate ,ameso Collaborate %ith #arents an School to #rovie Tutoring

    Nursing Diagnoses for the Chil %ho is Immobilize Impaire physical mobility r.t mechanical restrictions an physical isabilty /is& for impaire s&in integrity r.t to immobility an.or therapeutic appliances /is& for in0ury r.t impaire mobility Diversional activity eficit r.t impaire mobility1 musculos&eletal impairment1

    confinement to hospital or home /is& for altere family processes r.t a chil %ith a isability or illness

    Fractures Etiology

    +ave to ifferentiate bet%een intentional an non!intentional in0ury Trauma 2 3eaing cause of eath in chilren 4 5 yr of age

    o Certain evelopmental characteristics of chilren at various ages ma&ethem more susceptible to in0ury

    Infants ! 66666 Tolers ! 66666 School!age an aolescents !66666

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    Clinical (anifestations S%elling #ain Diminishe 'se

    Diagnostic Evaluation !*hat Tests %ill be one6 Therapeutic (anagement

    ,oals of Fracture (anagement /euction 2

    o /egain Alignment an 3ength Immobilization 2

    o /etain Alignment an 3engtho /estore Functiono #revent Further In0ury

    Criteria for Determining 'se of /euction (etho for Fractures Age of Chil Degree of Displacemnt Amount of 7verriing Degree of Eema

    Conition of S&in an Soft Tissue Sensation an Circulation Distal to the Fracture Emergency Treatment of Fractures

    #age 589: /apiity of )one +ealing is Inversely /elate to the Chil$s Age

    True or False;

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    Cast Care (ost casts are mae out of synthetic material

    Avantages Dries %ithin minutes 3ight *eight

    (ay get %et %ith permission of practitioner> Clean %ith soap an %ater>Dry %ith blo% ryer set on COOL *hen hanling on$t use fingertips 2 this may cause inentations

    7nce cast is ry 2 ?hot spots@ inicate %hat6 *hat is the chief concern uring the first fe% hours after cast application6

    Traction Types of Traction See )ox 9:!: page 58B

    (anual 2 Traction applie to the boy part by the han place istally to thefracture> Nurses typically o this uring the Application of a cast

    S&in Traction 2 #ull applie to the s&in surfaces an inirectly to the s&eletal surfaces>#ulling mechanism is applie to the s&in %ith ahesive material or an elastic banage>Not to be use if there is altere s&in integrity> 3imite %eight allo%e>

    Types of S&in Traction )uc& extension 2 lo%er extremity Dunlop 2 lines pull on arm /ussell 2 lines pull on lo%er extremity )ryant 2 lo%er extremities flexe at : egree angle 2 /arely use S&eletal 2 #ull irectly applie to the s&eletal structure by a pin1 %ire1 tongs into

    or through the iameter of the bone istal to the fracture> 'se %hen significanttraction is re=uire> The placement of the pin or %ire puts stress on the bone1 notthe surrouning tissue

    : egree flexion Dunlop traction can be use as s&eletal

    Devlopmental Dysplasia of the +ip DD+ #athophysiology

    Cause is un&no%n> Certain factors 2 F$s ,ener Female1 )irth orer First1 Family history1 Intrauterine position Feet first )reech 1 Delivery type an postnatal positioning are &no%n to increase the

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    ris& Configuration an relationship of structures

    Clinical (anifestations Infants

    'ne=ual s&in fols on the thighs an buttoc&s 3imitation of abuction on the affecte sie 'ne=ual &nee height or leg length

    7ler Chilren 3imp an Trenelenburg$s ,ait pelvis tips for%ar on normal sie

    rather then up%ar

    )arlo% (aneuver 2 If the hip is islocate1 i>e>>1 the hip can be poppe out of the soc&et2 the test is consiere positive

    7rtolani (aneuver 2 #ositive sign is istinctive ?clun&@ %hich can be hear an felt asthe femoral hea relocates anteriorily into the acetabulum

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    Diagnosis of DD+ G 9 months of age 2 'ltrasoun 2 +igh incience of False #ositives 4 9 months of age 2 H!/ay 2 7ssification of the femoral hea occurs bet%een 9!

    8 months of age

    #avli& +arness Dynamic splinting %ith the proximal femur centere in the acetabulum in an

    attitue of flexion (a&e sure infant oesn$t %ear harness %ithout 'nershirt an Diaper bet%een

    s&in an straps 'sually use for 9!" months straps every 5! %ee&s ue to infants rapi gro%th

    7steomyelitis Etiology

    Ac=uire from Exogenous an +ematogeneous Sources (ost Common 7rganism66

    #athophysiology Infective emboli travel from the focus of infection to the small en arteries in the

    bone metaphysis 2 Does not sprea to the epiphysis +as o%n bloo supply Infectious process leas to local bone estruction an abcess formation Abcess an necrotic ebris exerts pressure %ithin the rigi bone Infection spreas beneath the periosteum

    Clinical (anifestations

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    Fever Failure to use affecte extremity Erythema1 heat an s%elling over area of infection Tenerness in affecte area Decrease /7( in the 0oints of the affecte extermity

    3aboratory Finings *hat bloo %or& %ill be orere an %hat %ill it sho%6 Nursing (anagement

    Aggressive Antibiotic Tx for at least %ee&s *hat antibiotics %ill be orere for Staph Aureus6 *hat about if it is (ethicillin /esistant Staph Aureus (/SA6

    Scoliosis Etiology

    In most cases cause is un&no%n 2 Can be associate %ith many ifferentconitions

    Complex Spinal Deformity in 9 #lanes 3ateral Curvature Spinal rotation causing rib asymmetry Thoracic hypo&yphosis

    Clinical (anifestations Iiopathic Scoliosis curvature typically not evient before 5 years of age

    Diagnostic Evaluation H!rays of chil in staning position an then use Cobb techni=ues for curve

    magnitue Therapeutic (anagement

    )racing an Exercise In an 7ut of )race ! Not effective for curvature 4 J )races

    )oston )race or *ilmington 2 'se more often for Scoliosis (il%au&ee )race 2 'se more often for Kyphosis Thorocolumbosacral 7rthosis T3S7 The type of brace an the amount of %earing time 58!9 hours.ay is

    epenent on the nature of the curve1 the age of the chil an any unerlyingconitions

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    Surgical /epair of Scoliosis /ealignment an Straightening %ith Internal Fixation *hat are the &ey areas of nursing focus post!operatively6666 Nursing Care #lan on page 58B

    Cerebral #alsy C# Causes of C# 2Table !5 58:

    Clinical Classification of C# 2 )ox ! pg 58:9

    C#LEtiology Any perinatal or neonatal brain lesion or brain malevelopment1 regarless of the cause1

    may be lin&e to as many as M of the total cases of C# #renatal.postnatal Infection #renatal.postnatal hypoxia. asphyxia 7ften no ientifiable immeiate cause #reterm birth of E3)* an -3)* is single most important eterminant of C# AnoxiaLmost common cause of brain amage whenever it occurs

    Types of C# Spastic Athetoi.ys&inetic Ataxic (ixe.ystonic

    Spastic (ost common clinical type

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    #resents as hypotonia most oftenTypes of Spastic C#

    Ouariparesis tetraparesis Four extremities involve.severe isability Speech an s%allo%ing ifficulties

    Tongue protrusion incomplete 3abile emotions in some patients Diplegia (onoplegia

    Triplegia #araplegia

    #ossible (otor Signs of C# #oor hea control after age 9! months Stiff or rigi limbs Arching bac&.pushing a%ay Floppy tone 'nable to sit %ithout support at age M months Clenche fists after age 9 months

    #ossible )ehavioral Signs of C# Excessive irritability No smiling by age 9 months Feeing ifficulties

    #ersistent tongue thrusting Fre=uent gagging or cho&ing %ith fees

    Cerebral #alsy an IO *ie variation "!8 of C# patients have normal IO Difficult to assess

    /igi1 atonic1 an =uariparetic C# have highest incience of profoun impairment,oals of Therapy for C#

    Establish locomotion1 communication1 an self!help ,ain optimum integration of motor functions Correct associate efects as early an effectively as possible #rovie eucational opportunities #romote socialization experiences

    #harmacologic to Decrease Spasticity in C# )otulinum toxin type A )otox )aclofen


    Implante pump for intrathecal aministration Dantrolene soium Dantrium Diazepam -alium Associate Disabilities an #roblems in Chilren %ith C#

    Intellectual Impairment Attention Deficit.+yperactivity Disorer AD+D Seizures Drooling

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    Difficulty Feeing 2 *hich can lea to Aspiration Impaire ,as Exchange 7rthopeic complications -isual Nystagmus an amblyopia an +earing 3oss Constipation

    Dental problems 2 Caries (alocclusion ,ingivitis

    Nursing (anagement of the Chil %ith C# +olistic approach Interisciplinary

    *hat other isciplines %oul be involve in this chil$s care66 See Nursing Care #lan on pages 5B!5B9

    +ypotonia ?Floppy infant synrome@

    (uscles feel atrophie1 mar&e hea lag1 often have poor suc& Diagnostic evaluation Therapeutic management an nursing consierations

    Infantile Spinal (uscular Atrophy S(A Type 5 Also calle *ernig!+offmann isease Autosomal recessive trait (ost common paralytic form of floppy infant synrome congenital hypotonia

    Infantile S(ALCharacteristics #rogressive %ea&ness an %asting of s&eletal muscles Degeneration occurs in spinal cor an brainstem1 resulting in atrophy of s&eletal

    muscles Age of onset variableP earlier onset has poorest prognosis

    Intermeiate S(A Type (anifests bet%een an 5 months of age First1 %ea&ness of arms an legsP

    later1 generalize %ea&ness #rominent pectus excavatum (ovements absent uring relaxation.sleep 3ife span B months to B years

    Muscular Dystrophy

    #seuohypertrophic Duchene (uscular Dystrophy D(D ! the most common 2 An H!3in&e Inheritance #attern 2 About 5.9 of all cases represent ne% mutations

    (utation of the gene that encoes ystrophin 2 #rotein prouct in s&eletal muscleDMD

    Clinical (anifestations *hen oes muscle %ea&ness begin to emonstrate itself6 #elvic *ea&ness

    *aling gait 2 lorosis 2 fall fre=uently ,o%er$s Sign

    (uscle Atrophy 2 Calf muscle hypertrophies 2 Fatty infiltrates 7ccasional (ental Deficiency

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    Increasing /espiratory Distress

    Nursing (anagements ,enetic Counseling 2 #renatal Testing #olymere Chain /eaction Activity Encourage Exercise 2 Delays %heelchair confinement Interisciplinary Consultation

    Talipes E=uinovarus AKA Clubfoot See )ox 55!8 #athophysiology 2 'n&no%n 2 There is a strong familial tenency Therapeutic (anagement 2 Involves 9 Stages

    A> Correction of the Deformity )> (aintenance of the Correction

    C> Follo%!up to avoi reoccurrence Serial Casting begins shortly after birth> (ore severe cases %ill re=uire surgery After correction is achieve the infant may %ear a splint to prevent reocurrence>

    Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI)

    At least " ifferent types of 7I Clinical Features inclue varying egrees of;

    )one Fragility1 Deformity an Fracture )lue Sclerae +earing 3oss Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

    Inheritance #attern (a0ority of cases 2 autosomal ominant1 although the most severe form

    emonstrates autosomal recessive Classification of 7I 2 See )ox 9:!5" page 58B" Therapeutic (anagement 2 (ainly supportive

    Stuy Ouestions 5> A 8 year!ol has a cast applie for a fracture raius> The nurse completes an

    orthopeic assessment on this chil> *hich of the follo%ing symptoms re=uires

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    immeiate attention an shoul be reporte to the (D6 A> Capillary refill of secons in the affecte foot )> Eema in the affecte hans that improves %ith

    elevation C> The chil escribing feeling of the affecte han being

    ?asleep an tingling>@ D> S&in surrouning the cast is %arm an ry

    > *hich of the follo%ing nursing care measures ta&es highest priority in caring fora chil in s&eletal traction6

    A> Assessing bo%els souns every shift )> Assessing temperature every hours C> #roviing ae=uate nutrition D> #roviing Age!appropriate

    activities 9> *hich of the follo%ing statements mae buy the caregiver of a chil being

    ischarge %ith osteomyelitis re=uires further teaching by the nurse6 A> ?I can stop the antibiotics %hen I see that my chil is

    feeling better>@ )> ?*e %ill ma&e sure that our chil has plenty of calcium an protein>@ C> ? I %ill loo& at the I- site for signs of infection a

    couple of times a ay>@ D> ?(y chil %on$t ta&e physical eucation at school until allo%e by the


    > *hich of the follo%ing statements mae by a parent of a chil %ith 7steogenisImperfecta 7>I> nees clarification by the nurse6

    A> ?(y chil may be able to participate in sports>@ )> ?There are no meications available to help this isease process>@

    C> ?Surgery may be neee to place ros in the bone for stability>@ D> ?(y chil %ill nee to be home schoole to protect him from in0ury>@ "> *hich of the follo%ing interventions is inappropriate to incorporate into the plan

    of care for a chil %ith Duchene (uscular Dystrophy hospitalize for a respiratoryinfection6

    A> #hysical therapy )> Aggressive antibiotic therapy C> #assive /7( exercises D> Strict )erest

    8> A 5!year!ol has been fitte %ith a (il%au&ee brace> *hich of the follo%inginclue all that apply shoul the nurse inclue in teaching about this brace6

    A> The brace shoul only be %orn %hen the

    aolescent is sleeping or in the recumbent position )> The brace shoul be %orn next to the s&in C> Exercises to increase pelvic tilt shoul be one several

    times per ay %hile in the brace D> The aolescent shoul experience no pain as a result

    of %earing the brace> B> An infant is place in a #avli& +arness for Developmental Dysplasia of the +ip>

    *hich of the follo%ing statements inclue all that apply mae by a parent inicates

  • 8/12/2019 Alteration in Mobility in Children


    incorrect &no%lege of the care of this infant6 A> ?The straps of the harness shoul be %orn next to the s&in>@ )> ?The harness shoul be %orn for 8 hours a ay>@ C> ?It %ill ta&e a long time for my chil to %al& an cra%l>@ D> ?I can move my chil aroun on a large s&ateboar>@

    M> *hich of the follo%ing symptoms is not typical in an aolescent %ith iiopathicscoliosis6 A> )ac& pain )> 'ne=ual hip heights C> 'ne=ual shouler heights D> 'neven %aist angles

    :> #ostoperative care of an aolescent follo%ing a spinal fusion for scoliosisinclues;

    A> 7ral analgesia for pain )> 3ogrolling %hen repositione C> Nasogastric tube for ecompression D> Straight catheterization every hours

    5> A 9 year!ol chil is suspecte of having Duchenne$s muscular ystrophy>*hich of the follo%ing assessment finings by the nurse %oul support this iagnosis6

    A> A history of elaye cra%ling )> Inability to ambulate inepenently C> Difficulty climbing stairs D> ,o%er$s sign

    55> A chil is suspecte of having osteomyelitis> *hich of the follo%ing bloo valuessupports this iagnosis6 Choose all that apply

    A> Decrease %hite bloo cell *)C count )> #ositive bloo cultures C> Increase hematocrit +ct

    D> Elevate ES/ Erthrocyte seimentation rate