Alpine Linux



Alpine Linux (tutorial and how to)

Transcript of Alpine Linux




  • The tutorials are hands-on and the reader is expected to try and achieve the goals described in each

    step, possibly with the help of a good example. The output in one step is the starting point for the

    following step.


    Configure Networking

    Setting System Hostname

    To set the system hostname, do something like the following:

    echo "shortname" > /etc/hostname

    Then, to activate the change, do the following:

    hostname -F /etc/hostname

    If you're using IPv6, you should also add the following special IPv6 addresses to your /etc/hosts file:

    ::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

    fe00::0 ipv6-localnet

    ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix

    ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes

    ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters

    ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts

    Tip: If you are going to use automatic IP configuration, such as IPv4 DHCP or IPv6 Stateless

    Autoconfiguration, you can skip ahead to Configuring DNS. Otherwise, if you are going to use a

    static IPv4 or IPv6 address, continue below.

    For a static IP configuration, it's common to also add the machine's hostname you just set (above) to the

    /etc/hosts file.

    Here's an IPv4 example:

    And here's an IPv6 example:

    Welcome to Tutorials and HowtoS

  • 2001:470:ffff:ff::2

    Configuring DNS Tip: For users of IPv4 DHCP: Please note that /etc/resolv.conf will be completely overwritten

    with any nameservers provided by DHCP. Also, if DHCP does not provide any nameservers, then

    /etc/resolv.conf will still be overwritten, but will not contain any nameservers!

    For using a static IP and static nameservers, use one of the following examples.

    For IPv4 nameservers, edit your /etc/resolv.conf file to look like this:

    The following example uses Google's Public DNS servers.



    For IPv6 nameservers, edit your /etc/resolv.conf file to look like this:

    The following example uses Hurricane Electric's public DNS server.

    nameserver 2001:470:20::2

    You can also use Hurricane Electric's public DNS server via IPv4:


    Tip: If you decide to use Hurricane Electric's nameserver, be aware that it is 'Google-whitelisted'.

    What does this mean? It allows you access to many of Google's services via IPv6. (Just don't add

    other, non-whitelisted, nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf ironically, such as Google's Public DNS

    Servers.) Read here for more information.

    Enabling IPv6 (Optional)

    If you use IPv6, do the following to enable IPv6 for now and at each boot:

    modprobe ipv6

    echo "ipv6" >> /etc/modules

    Interface Configuration

    Loopback Configuration (Required)

    Note: The loopback configuration must appear first in /etc/network/interfaces to prevent

    networking issues.

    To configure loopback, add the following to a new file /etc/network/interfaces:

    auto lo

    iface lo inet loopback

    The above works to setup the IPv4 loopback address (, and the IPv6 loopback address (::1)

    if you enabled IPv6.

  • Wireless Configuration

    See Connecting to a wireless access point.

    Ethernet Configuration

    For the following Ethernet configuration examples, we will assume that you are using Ethernet device


    Initial Configuration

    Add the following to the file /etc/network/interfaces, above any IP configuration for eth0:

    auto eth0

    IPv4 DHCP Configuration

    Add the following to the file /etc/network/interfaces, below the auto eth0 definition:

    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    IPv4 Static Address Configuration

    Add the following to the file /etc/network/interfaces, below the auto eth0 definition:

    iface eth0 inet static




    IPv6 Stateless Autoconfiguration

    Add the following to the file /etc/network/interfaces, below the auto eth0 definition:

    iface eth0 inet6 manual

    pre-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra

    Tip: The "inet6 manual" method is available in busybox 1.17.3-r3 and later.

    IPv6 Static Address Configuration

    Add the following to the file /etc/network/interfaces, below the auto eth0 definition:

    iface eth0 inet6 static

    address 2001:470:ffff:ff::2

    netmask 64

    gateway 2001:470:ffff:ff::1

    pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra

    Example: Dual-Stack Configuration

    This example shows a dual-stack configuration.

    auto lo

    iface lo inet loopback

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet static




  • iface eth0 inet6 static

    address 2001:470:ffff:ff::2

    netmask 64

    gateway 2001:470:ffff:ff::1

    pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra

    Firewalling with iptables and ip6tables

    See also: Alpine Wall - How-To Alpine Wall - Alpine Wall User's Guide

    Install iptables/ip6tables

    To install iptables:

    apk add iptables

    To install ip6tables:

    apk add ip6tables

    To install the man pages for iptables and ip6tables:

    apk add iptables-doc

    Configure iptables/ip6tables

    Tip: Good examples of how to write iptables rules can be found at the Linux Home Networking Wiki


    Save Firewall Rules

    For iptables

    1. Set iptables to start on reboot

    o rc-update add iptables

    2. Write the firewall rules to disk

    o /etc/init.d/iptables save

    3. If you use Alpine Local Backup: 1. Save the configuration

    lbu ci

  • For ip6tables

    1. Set ip6tables to start on reboot

    o rc-update add ip6tables

    2. Write the firewall rules to disk

    o /etc/init.d/ip6tables save

    3. If you use Alpine Local Backup: 1. Save the configuration

    lbu ci

    Activating Changes and Testing Connectivity

    Changes made to /etc/network/interfaces can be activated by running:

    /etc/init.d/networking restart

    If you did not get any errors, you can now test that networking is configured properly by attempting to

    ping out:


    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=58.5 ms

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=56.4 ms

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=48 time=57.0 ms

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=48 time=60.2 ms


    --- ping statistics ---

    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3007ms

    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 56.411/58.069/60.256/1.501 ms

    For an IPv6 traceroute (traceroute6), you will first need to install the iputils package:

    apk add iputils

    Then run traceroute6:


    traceroute to (2001:4860:8009::67) from 2001:470:ffff:ff::2, 30

    hops max, 16 byte packets

    1 2001:470:ffff:ff::1 (2001:470:ffff:ff::1) 3.49 ms 0.62 ms 0.607 ms

    2 * * *

    3 * * *

    4 (2001:504:0:2:0:1:5169:1) 134.313 ms 95.342 ms

    88.425 ms

    5 2001:4860::1:0:9ff (2001:4860::1:0:9ff) 100.759 ms 100.537 ms 89.907 ms

    6 2001:4860::1:0:5db (2001:4860::1:0:5db) 115.563 ms 102.946 ms 106.191 ms

  • 7 2001:4860::2:0:a7 (2001:4860::2:0:a7) 101.754 ms 100.475 ms 100.512 ms

    8 2001:4860:0:1::c3 (2001:4860:0:1::c3) 99.272 ms 111.989 ms 99.835 ms

    9 (2001:4860:8009::67) 101.545 ms 109.675 ms 99.431 ms

    Additional Utilities


    You may wish to install the 'iproute2' package (note that this will also install iptables if not yet


    apk add iproute2

    This provides the 'ss' command which is IMHO a 'better' version of netstat.

    Show listening tcp ports:

    ss -tl

    Show listening tcp ports and associated processes:

    ss -ptl

    Show listening and established tcp connections:

    ss -ta

    Show socket usage summary:

    ss -s

    Show more options:

    ss -h


    You may also wish to install 'drill' (it will also install the 'ldns' package) which is a superior (IMHO)

    replacement for nslookup and dig etc:

    apk add drill

    Then use it as you would for dig:

  • drill @

    To perform a reverse lookup (get a name from an IP) use the following syntax:

    drill -x @

    Connecting to a wireless access point

    First make sure your wireless drivers are loded properly. (if you are using a Broadcom chipset, see note

    at the end of this post.)

    Install wireless-tools and wpa_supplicant.

    apk add wireless-tools wpa_supplicant

    Bring the link up so we can look for wireless networks. (An error here means you probably need extra


    ip link set wlan0 up

    Find a network to connect to. Look for the ESSID. In this example we will use the ESSID "MyNet".

    iwlist wlan0 scanning

    Lets set the ESSID:

    iwconfig wlan0 essid MyNet

    We need to create a shared key for wpa_supplicant.

    wpa_passphrase MyNet > wpa.conf

    It will wait for the password from stdin. Enter the password and enter. Now you will have a wpa.conf

    file with the preshared key.

    Start wpa_supplicant with the generated config:

    wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c ./wpa.conf

    From another console, start dhcpcd:

  • udhcpc -i wlan0

    You should get an IP address.

    You then want to make the connection process automatic on boot-up. Open

    /etc/network/interfaces and add the following stanza:

    auto wlan0

    iface wlan0 inet dhcp

    You will also need to set wpa_supplicant to start automatically on boot:

    rc-update add wpa_supplicant boot

    Next, create /etc/wpa_supplicant/ (permissions of 755 with root:root are fine), and move wpa.conf

    into that folder, renaming it to wpa_supplicant.conf.

    Reboot and check that you are associated with the access point:

    iwconfig wlan0

    and check that you got a DHCP lease:

    ifconfig wlan0 | grep addr

    Note: BROADCOM WIFI CHIPSET USERS will need to compile the firmware manually for their

    chipset. First, apk add alpine-sdk, then git clone aports from, switch to the

    aports/non-free/b43-firmware folder, then run abuild -r. Install the generated apk file. Run fwcutter,

    and you should be good to go.

    Bonding Note: Alpine Linux v2.4 or later is required


    First, install the bonding package. This will give you support for bonding in the /etc/network/interfaces


    apk add bonding


    Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file:

    auto bond0

    iface bond0 inet static


  • netmask


    # specify the ethernet interfaces that should be bonded

    bond-slaves eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3

    The keyword is bond-slaves that will make ifup add the slaves to the bond0 interface.




    First, install the vlan package. This will give you support for vlans in the /etc/network/interfaces file.

    apk add vlan


    Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file:

    auto eth0.8

    iface eth0.8 inet static




    With the vlan package installed ifup will find the trailing .8 in eth0.8 and will create a vlan interface

    with vid 8 over eth0.

    Alternative with vlan8 over eth0:

    auto vlan8

    iface vlan8 inet static




    vlan-raw-device eth0

    In those examples a static ip address was used but it works with dhcp as well.

    Example with vlans over bonding

    In this example we will bond eth1 and eth2 interfaces and create vlan trunks with vid 8, 64 and 96. The

    gateway (ISP) is on eth0.

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    auto bond0

    # use manual because the bond0 interface should not have any ip.

    iface bond0 inet manual

    bond-slaves eth1 eth2

    # bring up the vlans with 'ifup bond0'

    up ifup bond0.8

    up ifup bond0.64

  • up ifup bond0.96

    down ifdown bond0.96

    down ifdown bond0.64

    down ifdown bond0.8

    # no auto since ifup bond0 will bring this up

    iface bond0.8 inet static



    iface bond0.64 inet static



    iface bond0.96 inet static




    Using brctl

    Bridges are manually managed with the brctl command.


    Manage ethernet bridges


    show Show a list of bridges

    addbr BRIDGE Create BRIDGE

    delbr BRIDGE Delete BRIDGE


    delif BRIDGE IFACE Delete IFACE from BRIDGE

    setageing BRIDGE TIME Set ageing time

    setfd BRIDGE TIME Set bridge forward delay

    sethello BRIDGE TIME Set hello time

    setmaxage BRIDGE TIME Set max message age

    setpathcost BRIDGE COST Set path cost

    setportprio BRIDGE PRIO Set port priority

    setbridgeprio BRIDGE PRIO Set bridge priority

    stp BRIDGE [1|0] STP on/off

    To manually create a bridge interface br0:

    brctl addbr br0

    To add interface eth0 and eth1 to the bridge br0:

    brctl addif br0 eth0

    brctl addif br0 eth1

    Note that you need to set the link status to up on the added interfaces.

    ip link set dev eth0 up

  • ip link set dev eth1 up

    Configuration file

    Note: Alpine Linux v2.4 or newer is required for this

    Install the scripts that configures the bridge.

    apk add bridge

    Bridging is then configured in /etc/network/interfaces with the bridge-ports keyword. Note that you

    normally don't assign ip addresses to the bridged interfaces (eth0 and eth1 in our example) but to the

    bridge itself (br0).

    In this example the address is used.

    auto br0

    iface br0 inet static

    bridge-ports eth0 eth1

    bridge-stp 0



    You can set the various options with those keywords:


    Set ageing time


    Set bridge forward delay


    Set hello time


    Set bridge max message age


    Set path cost


    Set port priority


    Set bridge priority


    STP on/off

    Using pre-up/post-down

    For older versions of Alpine Linux, or if you want be able to control the bridge interfaces individually,

    you need to use pre-up/post-down hooks.

    Example /etc/network/interfaces:

  • auto br0

    iface br0 inet static

    pre-up brctl addbr br0

    pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-arptables

    pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables

    pre-up echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-ip6tables




    post-down brctl delbr br0

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet manual

    up ip link set $IFACE up

    up brctl addif br0 $IFACE

    down brctl delif br0 $IFACE || true

    down ip link set $IFACE down

    auto eth1

    iface eth1 inet manual

    up ip link set $IFACE up

    up brctl addif br0 $IFACE

    down brctl delif br0 $IFACE || true

    down ip link set $IFACE down

    That way you create br0 with: ifup br0, and you can add/remove individual interfaces to the bridge with

    ifup eth0, ifdown eth0.

    Bridging for a Xen dom0

    Bridging in a dom0 is a bit specific as it consists in bridging a real interface (i.e. ethX) with a virtual

    interface (i.e. vifX.Y). At bridge creation time, the virtual interface does not exist and will be added by

    the Xen toolstack when a domU is booting (see Xen documentation on how to link the virtual interface

    to the correct bridge).


    - the bridge consists of a single physical interface

    - the physical interface does not have an IP and is configured as manual

    - the bridge will have the IP and will be auto, resulting in bringing up the physical interface

    This translates to this sample config :

    Example /etc/network/interfaces:

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet manual

    auto br0

    iface br0 inet static




    bridge_ports eth0

    bridge_stp 0

    After the domU OS is started, the virtual interface wil be added and the working bridge can be checked


    brctl show

    ifconfig -a

  • OpenVSwitch

    Installing OVS

    apk add openvswitch

    rc-update add ovs-modules

    rc-update add ovsdb-server

    rc-update add ovs-vswitchd

    rc-service ovs-modules start

    rc-service ovsdb-server start

    rc-service ovs-vswitchd start

    Using ovs-vsctl

    Open VSwithes are manually managed with the ovs-vsctl command.

    To manually create a switch named "lan":

    ovs-vsctl add-br lan

    To add interface eth0 to the switch "lan":

    ovs-vsctl add-port lan eth0

    Note that you need to set the link status to up on the added interfaces.

    ip link set dev eth0 up

    To see what OVS are defined:

    ovs-vsctl list-br

    To see what interfaces are linked to the lan OVS:

    ovs-vsctl list-ports lan

    To enable spanning tree (if needed):

    ovs-vsctl set bridge lan stp_enable=true

    LACP Timer setting 'fast' mode: ovs-vsctl set port bond0 other_config:lacp-time=fast

    Using OVS appctl

    ovs-appctl lacp/show bond0

    Configuration file

    configured in /etc/network/interfaces

  • auto eth0 lan

    iface eth0 inet manual

    up ifconfig eth0 up

    down ifconfig eth0 down

    iface lan inet dhcp

    OVS and qemu

    Helper scripts



    switch=$(echo $0|/usr/bin/cut -d- -f3)

    [ -z ${switch} ] && echo "Please define some symlink with suffix to use." && exit 1

    [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "Too few params. Must be 1 and is $#." && exit 2

    /sbin/ifconfig $1 up

    ovs-vsctl add-port ${switch} $1

    logger "qemu: $1 added to ${switch} at startup of VM"



    switch=$(echo $0|/usr/bin/cut -d- -f3)

    [ -z ${switch} ] && echo "Please define some symlink with suffix to use." && exit 1

    [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "Too few params. Must be 1 and is $#." && exit 2

    /sbin/ifconfig $1 down

    ovs-vsctl del-port ${switch} $1

    logger "qemu: $1 removed from ${switch} at shutdown of VM"

    OVS and LXC

    Helper scripts



    switch=$(echo $0|/usr/bin/cut -d- -f4)

    [ -z ${switch} ] && echo "Please define some symlink with suffix to use." && return


    [ $# -lt 5 ] && echo "Too few params. Must be 5 and is $#." && exit 2


    /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl del-port ${switch} ${nic}

    /usr/bin/logger "lxc: ${nic} removed from ${switch} at shutdown of VM."


    Beware to have OVS package files available with no hassle at next reboot! this ca be a problem when

    running from ram with no cache...

    How to configure static routes

    First, set the staticroute service to start automatically on boot by entering the following command:

    rc-update add staticroute

  • You can now define your static routes in one of three ways:

    Option 1: Edit /etc/conf.d/staticroute

    Routes are added as a parameter value - the staticroute file has header information that explains the

    syntax - for example:

    staticroute="net netmask gw"

    If you need to add multiple static routes, just add additional routes to the end of the text between the

    quotes, with each route separated by a semicolon or a line break (press ENTER).

    Option 2: Create /etc/route.conf

    Use nano, vi, or your favourite installed editor to create the file /etc/route.conf and add each static route

    on a separate line - for example:

    net netmask gw

    net netmask gw

    Option 3: Setup routes in /etc/network/interfaces

    If you have static network configuration in /etc/network/interfaces, you can add a static route that gets

    activated when an interface gets brought up:

    auto eth0

    iface eth0 inet static



    up ip route add via

    up ip route add via

    Once editing is complete, remember to save your changes if you are running the OS in RAM (eg:

    booting from a USB stick) - if you are not sure how to do this, see this article: How to Boot Alpine

    Linux and Save Settings on a USB Stick or Alpine_local_backup

    You can verify your settings by restarting the server, or by issuing the following commands:

    To add your defined static routes manually (for testing):

    /etc/init.d/staticroute start

    To remove your defined static routes:

    /etc/init.d/staticroute stop

    There is a 'restart' option to do an automatic stop/start, but it seems less reliable than using the two


    Alpine Wall

    This sessions is a design and implementation plan for a new firewall management framework. The

    new framework addresses the limitations of Shorewall, which is probably the most common

    solution used with Alpine.

  • Proposal

    We evaluated serveral existing open source projects, none of which satisfied our demanding taste. The

    existing solutions are either too tied to specific (router) distributions, targeted to home users (with too

    many assumptions built-in), or depedent on bloated frameworks (usually Perl). Moreover, we would

    like to keep management of firewall settings and activation of such settings as two separate workflows,

    which would facilitate centralized management of firewall rules.

    As no readily available solution was found, the proposal is to implement a new management

    framework for iptables, which would integrate with the Alpine Configuration Framework (ACF).

    The framework is hereafter referred to as the Alpine Wall (awall).


    Awall would consist of three major components: data model, front-end, and back-end. It also

    implements a plug-in architecture, which allows extending the data model and functionality, in order to

    simplify common organization-specific administrative tasks.

    The data model would describe the firewall configuration using concepts and terminology that is

    roughly compatible with Shorewall. It would also borrow some useful concepts from other firewall

    solutions we evaluated, such as the Service concept as defined in the Turtle Firewall (but generalized a

    bit). Awall plug-ins can contain schema extension modules augmenting the basic model provided by

    the framework.

    The back-end is responsible for translating the model's data into configuration files, most notably the

    files that can be read by iptables-restore and ip6tables-restore. Moreover, it can produce files

    into e.g. /etc/modprobe.d and /etc/sysctl.d if necessary. When a plug-in extends the data model,

    it must also provide a back-end module that interprets model extension and translates the data into

    iptables and other rules. The framework includes a module for interpreting the base model. The

    framework is responsible for ordering and aggregating the results produced by all modules into actual

    configuration files.

    The front-end is essentially an ACF module which allows editing the data model and activating the

    changes with the help of the back-end. The front-end implements also a fallback mechanism that

    prevents the operator from locking himself out by a faulty configuration. The configuration data is

    stored in text files which can be directly edited. The front-end provides a command line tool for

    validating and activating the configuration after manual changes.

    Base Model

    The basic data model could roughly look like as follows:


    interface*, subnet*


    (protocol, port*)+

    Forwarding policy

    Zone:in*, Zone:out*, accept/reject/drop, masq_on/masq_off

    Filtering rule

    Zone:in*, Zone:out*, Service+, accept/reject/drop, conn_limit?, flow_limit?

    NAT rule

    snat/dnat, Zone:in*, Zone:out*, Service, ip4_range, port_range?

  • Subnets in zone definitions can be declared using IPv4/IPv6 addresses (CIDR notation), domain names,

    or as references to ipsets. A domain name can resolve to one or more IP addresses. The referred ipsets

    may be managed manually or by some other tool.

    If a packet with source address a arrives on interface i, it is considered to originate from zone Z = (I, S)

    (where I is the set of interfaces and S is the set of subnets) if and only if I includes i, and a belongs to

    any subnet of S. In zone definitions, I would default to the set of all interfaces and S to {, ::}.

    The destination zone would be defined in a similar way based on the packet's destination address and


    Implementation Considerations

    The data model should preferably be based on some existing format, such as JSON, XML, or YAML.

    In order to allow extensions to the data model, awall must define some kind of schema language. This

    language would embed the necessary information the front-end needs to automatically generate a user

    interface for the extension. For example, the help texts shown to the user would be placed in the

    schema modules.

    Ideally, the base model would be described using the very same language as the model extensions, but

    it would impose quite demanding requirements on the language, e.g. support for complex data types. If

    we select this approach and model the data using XML, we could use XML Schema as the basis. There

    is also an (expired) Internet Draft on JSON Schema, but there seems to be no existing validator

    implementation in C or Lua.

    Even though elegant from architecture point of view, it is unlikely that support for complex data types

    would be required by typical extensions. In most cases, a set of global variables of primitive types

    would suffice. Therefore, we could just use a very simple language for declaring such variables or

    implement support for a limited subset of some well-known schema language. In this alternative, the

    base model would not be described using this language but rather hard-coded into the front-end.

    The back-end modules are responsible for translating the configuration data into configuration file

    fragments. As regards their implementation, we have two alternatives. The first alternative is to

    implement them as Lua functions invoked by the framework in a defined way. The framework would

    provide a library that allows the said functions to access the data model, and also otherwise assists in

    their implementation. The functions would report the results back to the framework, which finally

    would translate them into target files.

    In the second alternative, the back-end modules would be implemented using a template language

    rather than a general-purpose programming language. An example of a firewall-related template

    language is ferm, which unfortunately is implemented in Perl. Ferm also lacks certain capabilities

    required to implement e.g. the Zone and Service concepts conveniently. However, we could introduce a

    new template language that would better suit our purposes. Such a language would eliminate some

    redundancy from the back-end modules which necessarily comes with the use of a general-purpose

    language. On the other hand, developing and maintaining such a language would take effort and might

    make the framework initially more difficult to use.

    The back-end will contain functionality for domain name resolution. In the data model, hosts of groups

    thereof can be identified by their domain names. The back-end will resolve these to IP addresses, which

    will be stored in the target files, so there will be no need to resolve anything when activating the

    configuration during boot.

    How-To Alpine Wall

    Make sure you are running latest version by running the following commands:

    apk update

  • apk add -u awall

    apk version awall


    Your AWall firewall configuration file(s) goes to /etc/awall/optional

    Each such file is called Policy.

    Note: AWall versions prior 0.2.12 will only look for Policy files in /usr/share/awall/optional.

    From version 0.2.12 and higher, AWall will look for Policy files in both /etc/awall/optional and


    You may have multiple Policy files (it is useful to have separate files for eg. HTTP,FTP and other


    The Policy(s) can be enabled or disabled by using the "awall [enable|disable]" command.

    Note: AWall's Policy files are not equivalent to Shorewalls /etc/shorewall/policy file.

    An AWall Policy can contain definitions of:

    variables (like /etc/shorewall/params) zones (like /etc/shorewall/zones) interfaces (like /etc/shorewall/interfaces) policies (like /etc/shorewall/policy) filters and NAT rules (like /etc/shorewall/rules) services (like /usr/share/shorewall/macro.HTTP)


    After installing AWall, you need to load the following iptables modules:

    modprobe ip_tables

    modprobe iptable_nat #if NAT is used

    This is needed only the first time, after AWall installation.

    Make the firewall autostart at boot and autoload the needed modules:

    rc-update add iptables

    A Basic Home Firewall

    We will give a example on how you can convert a "Basic home firewall" from Shorewall to AWall.

    Example firewall using Shorewall

    Let's suppose you have the following Shorewall configuration:

  • /etc/shorewall/zones

    inet ipv4

    loc ipv4


    inet eth0

    loc eth1


    fw all ACCEPT

    loc inet ACCEPT

    all all DROP



    Example firewall using AWall

    Now we will configure AWall to do the same thing as we just did with the above Shorewall example.

    Create a new file called /etc/awall/optional/test-policy.json and add the following content to

    the file.

    Tip: You could call it something else as long as you save it in /etc/awall/optional/ and name it



    "description": "Home firewall",

    "zone": {

    "inet": { "iface": "eth0" },

    "loc": { "iface": "eth1" }


    "policy": [

    { "in": "_fw", "action": "accept" },

    { "in": "loc", "out": "inet", "action": "accept" }


    "snat": [

    { "out": "inet" }



    The above configuration will:

    Create a description of your Policy Define zones Define policy Define snat (to masqurade the outgoing traffic)

    Note: snat means "source NAT". It does not mean "static NAT".

    Tip: AWall has a built-in zone named "_fw" which is the "firewall itself". This corresponds to the

    Shorewall "fw" zone.

    Activating/Applying a Policy

    After saving the Policy you can run the following commands to activate your firewall settings:

  • awall list # Listing available 'Policy(s)' (This step is optional)

    awall enable test-policy # Enables the 'Policy'

    awall activate # Genereates firewall configuration from the 'Policy'

    files and enables it (starts the firewall)

    If you have multiple policies, after enabling or disabling them, you need to always run awall activate in

    order to update the iptables rules.

    Advanced Firewall settings

    Assuming you have your /etc/awall/optional/test-policy.json with your "Basic home firewall"

    settings, you could choose to modify that file to test the below examples.

    Tip: You could create new files in /etc/awall/optional/ for testing some of the below examples


    AWall will (since v0.2.7) automatically log dropped packets.

    You could add the following row to the "policy" section in your Policy file in order to see the dropped


    { "in": "inet", "out": "loc", "action": "drop" }

    Note: If you are using Alpine 2.4 repository (AWall v0.2.5 or below), you should use "action":

    "logdrop" in order to log dropped packets .

    Note: If you are adding the above content to an already existing file, then make sure you add ","

    signs where they are needed!


    Let's suppose you have a local web server ( that you want to make accessible from the


    With Shorewall you would have a rule like this in your /etc/shorewall/rules:



    DNAT inet loc: tcp 80

    Lets configure our AWall Policy file likewise by adding the following content.

    "variable": {

    "APACHE": "",

    "STATIC_IP": ""


    "filter": [

    { "in": "inet",

    "dest": "$STATIC_IP",

    "service": "http",

    "action": "accept",

    "dnat": "$APACHE"



    As you can see in the above example, we create a

  • "variable" section where we specify some IP-addresses "filter" section where we do the actual port-forwarding (using the variables we just created

    and using some preexisting "services" definitions)

    Note: If you are adding the above content to a already existing file, then make sure you add ","

    signs where they are needed!

    Tip: AWall already has a "service" definition list for several services like HTTP, FTP, SNMP, etc. (see


    If you need to forward to a different port (e.g. 8080) you can do:

    "dnat": [

    {"in": "inet", "dest": "$STATIC_IP", "to-addr": "$APACHE", "service": "http",

    "to-port": 8080 }


    Create your own service definitions

    You can add your own service definitions into your Policy files:

    "service": {

    "openvpn": { "proto": "udp", "port": 1194 }


    Note: You can not override a "service" definition that comes from


    Note: If you are adding the above content to a already existing file, then make sure you add ","

    signs where they are needed!

    Inherit services or variables

    You can import a Policy into other Policy files for inheriting services or variables definitions:

    "import": "myfirewall"

    Specify load order

    By default policies are loaded on alphabetical order.

    You can change the load order with the keywords "before" and "after":

    "before": "myfirewall"

    "after": "someotherpolicy"


    Help and debugging

    If you end up in some kind of trouble, you might find some commands useful when debugging:

    awall # (With no parameters) Shows some basic help about awall


    iptables -L -n # Show what's in iptables

  • Alpine Wall User's Guide

    Configuration File Processing

    Alpine Wall (awall) reads its configuration from multiple JSON-formatted files, called policy files. The

    files located in directory /usr/share/awall/mandatory are mandatory policies shipped with APK

    packages. In addition, there can be installation-specific mandatory policies in /etc/awall.

    The latter directory may also contain symbolic links to policy files located in

    /usr/share/awall/optional and /etc/awall/optional. These are optional policies, which can be

    enabled on need basis. Such symbolic links are easily created and destroyed using the awall enable

    and awall disable commands. awall list shows which optional policies are enabled and disabled.

    The command also prints the description of the optional policy if defined in the file using a top-level

    attribute named description.

    Sometimes a policy file depends on other policy files. In this case, the policy file must have a top-level

    attribute import, the value of which is a list of policy names, which correspond to the file names

    without the .json suffix. The imported policies may be either optional policies or private policies,

    located in /usr/share/awall/private or /etc/awall/private. By default, the policies listed there

    are processed before the importing policy.

    The order of the generated iptables rules generally reflects the processing order of their corresponding

    awall policies. The processing order of policies can be adjusted by defining top-level attributes after

    and before in policy files. These attributes are lists of policies, after or before which the declaring

    policy shall be processed. Putting a policy name to either of these lists does not by itself import the

    policy. The ordering directives are ignored with respect to those policies that are not enabled by the

    user or imported by other policies. If not defined, after is assumed to be equal to the relative

    complement of the before definition in the import definition of the policy.

    As the import directive does not require the path name to be specified, awall expects policies to have

    unique names, even if located in different directories. It is allowed to import optional policies that are

    not explicitly enabled by the user. Such policies show up with the required status in the output of

    awall list.

    List Parameters

    Several awall parameters are defined as lists of values. In order to facilitate manual editing of policy

    files, awall also accepts single values in place of lists. Such values are semantically equivalent to lists

    containing one element.

    Variable Expansion

    Awall allows variable definitions in policy files. The top-level attribute variable is a dictionary

    containing the definitions. The value of a variable can be of any type (string, integer, list, or


    A variable is referenced in policy files by a string which equals the variable name prepended with the $

    character. If the value of the variable is a string, the reference can be embedded into a longer string in

    order to substitute some part of that string (in shell style). Variable references can be used when

    defining other variables, as long as the definitions are not circular.

    Policy files can reference variables defined in other policy files. Policy files can also override variables

    defined elsewhere by redefining them. In this case, the new definition affects all policy files, also those

    processed before the overriding policy. Awall variables are in fact simple macros, since each variable

    remains constant thoughout a single processing round. If multiple files define the same variable, the

    definition in the file processed last takes effect.

  • If defined as an empty string, all non-embedded references to a variable evaluate as if the attribute in

    question was not present in the configuration. This is also the case when a string containing embedded

    variable references finally evaluates to an empty string.

    Configuration Objects

    Configuration objects can be divided into two main types. Auxiliary objects model high-level concepts

    such as services and zones. Rule objects translate into one or more iptables rules, and are often defined

    with the help of some auxiliary objects.


    A service represents a set of network protocols. A top-level attribute service is a dictionary that maps

    service names to service definition objects, or lists thereof in more complex cases.

    A service definition object contains an attribute named proto, which corresponds to the --protocol

    option of iptables. The protocol can be defined as a numerical value or string as defined in

    /etc/protocols. If the protocol is tcp or udp, the scope of the service definition may be constrained

    by defining an attribute named port, which is a list of TCP or UDP port numbers or ranges thereof,

    separated by the - character. If the protocol is icmp or icmpv6, an analogous type attribute may be

    used. The replies to ICMP messages have their own type codes, which may be specified using the

    reply-type attribute.

    If the protocol is icmp or icmpv6, the scope of the rule is also automatically limited to IPv4 or IPv6,

    respectively. There are also other services which are specific to IPv4 or IPv6. To constrain the scope of

    the service definition to either protocol version, an optional family attribute can be set to value inet or

    inet6, respectively.

    Some services require the server or client to open additional connections to dynamically allocated ports

    or even different hosts. Connection tracking helpers are used to make the firewall aware of such

    additional connections. The ct-helper attribute is used to associate such a helper to a service definition

    when required by the service.

    All rule objects, except for policies, may have an attribute named service, constraining the rule's scope

    to specific services only. This attribute is a list of service names, referring to the keys of the top-level

    service dictionary.


    A zone represents a set of network hosts. A top-level attribute zone is a dictionary that maps zone

    names to zone objects. A zone object has an attribute named iface, addr, or both. iface is a list of

    network interfaces and addr is a list of IPv4/IPv6 host and network addresses (CIDR notation). addr

    may also contain domain names, which are expanded to IP addresses using DNS resolution. If not

    defined, addr defaults to the entire address space and iface to all interfaces. An empty zone can be

    defined by setting either addr or iface to an empty list.

    Rule objects contain two attributes, in and out, which are lists of zone names. These attributes control

    whether a packet matches the rule or not. If a particular zone is referenced by the in attribute, the rule

    applies to packets whose ingress interface and source address are covered by the zone definition.

    Correspondingly, if a zone is referenced by the out attribute, the rule applies to packets whose egress

    interface and destination address are included in the zone. If both in and out are defined, the packet

    must fulfill both criteria in order to match the rule.

    The firewall host itself can be referred to using the special value _fw as the zone name.

    By default, awall does not generate iptables rules with identical ingress and egress interfaces. This

    behavior can be changed per zone by setting the optional route-back attribute of the zone to true. Note

    that this attribute can have an effect also in the case where in and out attributes of a rule are not equal

  • but their definitions overlap. In this case, the route-back attribute of the out zone determines the



    A limit specifies the maximum rate for a flow of packets or new connections. Unlike the other auxiliary

    objects, limits are not named members of a top-level dictionary but are embedded into other objects.

    In its simplest form, a limit definition is an integer specifying the maximum number of packets or

    connections per second. More complex limits are defined as objects, where the count attribute define

    the maximum during an interval defined by the interval attribute. The unit of the interval attribute is

    second, and the default value is 1.

    The maximum rate defined by a limit may be absolute or specific to blocks of IP addresses or pairs

    thereof. The number of most significant bits taken into account when mapping the source and

    destination IP addresses to blocks can be specified with the mask attribute. The mask attribute is an

    object with two attributes defining the prefix lengths, named src and dest. Alternatively, the mask

    object may have object attributes named inet and inet6 which contain address familyspecific prefix length pairs. If mask is defined as an integer, it is interpreted as the source address prefix length.

    The default value for mask depends on the type of the enclosing object. For filters, the default behavior

    is to apply the limit for each source address separately. For logging classes, the limit is considered

    absolute by default.

    Logging Classes

    A logging class specifies how packets matching certain rules are logged. A top-level attribute log is a

    dictionary that maps logging class names to setting objects.

    A setting object may have an attribute named mode, which specifies which logging facility to use.

    Allowed values are log, nflog, and ulog. The default is log, i.e. in-kernel logging.

    The following table shows the optional attributes valid for all logging modes:

    Attribute Description

    every Divide successive packets into groups, the size of which is specified by the value of this

    attribute, and log only the first packet of each group

    limit Maximum number of packets to be logged defined as limit

    prefix String with which the log entries are prefixed

    probability Probability for logging an individual packet (default: 1)

    With the in-kernel log mode log, the level of logging may be specified using the level attribute. Log

    modes nflog and ulog are about copying the packets into user space, at least partially. The following

    table shows the additional attributes valid with these modes:

    Attribute Description

    group Netlink group to be used

    range Number of bytes to be copied

    threshold Number of packets to queue inside the kernel before copying them

    Filter and policy rules can have an attribute named log. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a reference to

    a logging class, and logging is performed according to the definitions. If the value of the log attribute is

  • true (boolean), logging is done using default settings. If the value is false (boolean), logging is

    disabled for the rule. If log is not defined, logging is done using the default settings except for accept

    rules, for which logging is omitted.

    Default logging settings can be set by defining a logging class named _default. Normally, default

    logging uses the log mode with packets limited to one per second.


    There are several types of rule objects:

    Filter rules Policy rules Packet Logging rules NAT rules Packet Marking rules Transparent Proxy rules MSS Clamping rules Connection Tracking Bypass rules

    All rule objects can have the in and out attributes referring to zones as described in the previous

    section. In addition, the scope of the rule can be further constrained with the following attributes:

    Attribute Value format Effect

    src Similar to addr attribute of zone

    objects Packet's source address matches the value

    dest Similar to addr attribute of zone

    objects Packet's destination address matches the value


    Object containing two attributes:

    name referring to an IP set and

    args, which is a list of strings in and


    Packet matches the IP set referred here when the

    match arguments are taken from the source (in) and

    destination (out) address or port in the order

    specified by args

    ipsec in or out IPsec decapsulation perfomed on ingress (in) or

    encapsulation performed on egress (out)

    Rule objects are declared in type-specific top-level dictionaries in awall policy files. If a packet

    matches multiple rules, the one appearing earlier in the list takes precedence. If the matching rules are

    defined in different policy files, the one that was processed earlier takes precedence in the current

    implementation, but this may change in future versions.

    Filter Rules

    Filter objects specify an action for packets fulfilling certain criteria. The top-level attribute filter is a

    list of filter objects.

    Filter objects must have an attribute named action, the value of which can be one of the following:

    Value Action

    accept Accept the packet (default)

    reject Reject the packet with an ICMP error message

  • drop Silently drop the packet


    Put incoming TCP connections into persist state and ignore attempts to close them. Silently

    drop non-TCP packets. (Connection tracking bypass is automatically enabled for the

    matching packets.)

    Filter objects, the action of which is accept, may also contain limits for packet flow or new

    connections. These are specified with the flow-limit and conn-limit attributes, respectively. The values

    of these attributes are limit objects. The drop action is applied to the packets exceeding the limit.

    Optionally, the limit object may have an attribute named log. It defines how the dropped packets should

    be logged and is semantically similar to the log attribute of rule objects.

    Filter objects may have an attribute named dnat, the value of which is an IPv4 address. If defined, this

    enables destination NAT for all IPv4 packets matching the rule, such that the specified address replaces

    the original destination address. If also port translation is desired, the attribute may be defined as an

    object consisting of attributes addr and port. The format of the port attribute is similar to that of the

    to-port attribute of NAT rules. This option has no effect on IPv6 packets.

    Filter objects may have a boolean attribute named no-track. If set to true, connection tracking is

    bypassed for the matching packets. In addition, if action is set to accept, the corresponding packets

    travelling to the reverse direction are also allowed.

    If one or more connection tracking helpers are associated with the services referred to by an accept

    rule, additional iptables rules are generated for the related connections detected by the helpers. The

    related attribute can be used to override the default rules generated by awall. It is a list of basic rule

    objects, the packets matching to which are accepted, provided that they are also detected by at least one

    of the helpers.

    Policy Rules

    Policy objects describe the default action for packets that did not match any filter. The top-level

    attribute policy is a list of policy objects.

    Policy objects must have the action attribute defined. The possible values and their semantics are the

    same as in filter rules.

    Packet Logging Rules

    Packet logging rules allow packets matching the specified criteria to be logged before any filtering

    takes place. Such rules are contained in the top-level list named packet-log.

    Logging class may be specified using the log attribute. Otherwise, default logging settings are used.

    NAT Rules

    NAT rules come in two flavors: source NAT rules and destination NAT rules. These are contained in

    two top-level lists named snat and dnat, respectively.

    Each NAT rule may have an attribute named to-addr that specifies the IPv4 address range to which the

    original source or destination address is mapped. The value can be a single IPv4 address or a range

    specified by two addresses, separated with the - character. If not defined, it defaults to the primary

    address of the ingress interface in case of destination NAT, or that of the egress interface in case of

    source NAT.

    Optionally, a NAT rule can specify the TCP and UDP port range to which the original source or

    destination port is mapped. The attribute is named to-port, and the value can be a single port number or

  • a range specified by two numbers, separated with the - character. If to-port is not specified, the original

    port number is kept intact.

    NAT rules, may have an action attribute set to value include or exclude. The latter means that NAT is

    not performed on the matching packets (unless they match an include rule processed earlier). The

    default value is include.

    Packet Marking Rules

    Packet marking rules are used to mark incoming packets matching the specified criteria. The mark can

    be used as a basis for the routing decision. Each marking rule must specify the mark using the mark

    attribute, which is a 32-bit integer.

    Normal marking rules are contained by the top-level list attribute named mark.

    There is another top-level list attribute, named route-track, which contains route tracking rules. These

    are special marking rules which cause all the subsequent packets related to the same connection to be

    marked according to the rule.

    Transparent Proxy Rules

    Transparent proxy rules divert the matching packets to a local proxy process without altering their

    headers. Such rules are contained in the top-level list named tproxy.

    In addition to the firewall configuration, using a transparent proxy requires a routing configuration

    where packets marked for proxying are diverted to a local process. The awall_tproxy_mark variable

    can be used to specify the mark for such packets, which defaults to 1.

    Proxy rules may also have an attribute named to-port for specifying the TCP or UDP port of the proxy

    if it is different from the original destination port.

    MSS Clamping Rules

    MSS Clamping Rules are used to deal with ISPs that block ICMP Fragmentation Needed or ICMPv6

    Packet Too Big packets. An MSS clamping rule overwrites the MSS option with a value specified with

    the mss attribute for the matching TCP connections. If mss is not specified, a suitable value is

    automatically determined from the path MTU. The MSS clamping rules are located in the top-level

    dictionary named clamp-mss.

    Connection Tracking Bypass Rules

    Connection tracking bypass rules are used to disable connection tracking for packets matching the

    specified criteria. The top-level attribute no-track is a list of such rules.

    Like NAT rules, connection tracking bypass rules may have an action attribute set to value include or


    IP Sets

    Any IP set referenced by rule objects should be created by awall. Auxiliary IP set objects are used to

    defined them in awall policy files. The top-level attribute ipset is a dictionary, the keys of which are IP

    set names. The values are IP set objects, which have two mandatory attributes. The attribute named

    type corresponds to the type argument of the ipset create command. family specifies whether the

    set is for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, and the possible values are inet and inet6, correspondingly.

    For bitmap-type IP sets, the range attribute specifies the range of allowed IPv4 addresses. It may be

    given as a network address or two addresses separated by the - character. It is not necessary to specify

    family for bitmaps, since the kernel supports only IPv4 bitmaps.

  • Command Line Syntax

    Translating Policy Files to Firewall Configuration Files awall translate [-o|--output DIRECTORY] [-V|--verify]

    The --verify option makes awall verify the configuration using the test mode of iptables-restore

    before overwriting the old files.

    Specifying the output directory allows testing awall policies without overwriting the current iptables

    and ipset configuration files. By default, awall generates the configuration to /etc/iptables and

    /etc/ipset.d, which are read by the init scripts.

    Run-Time Configuration of Firewall awall activate [-f|--force]

    This command genereates firewall configuration from the policy files and enables it. If the user

    confirms the new configuration by hitting the Return key within 10 seconds or the --force option is

    used, the configuration is saved to the files. Otherwise, the old configuration is restored.

    There is also a command for deleting all firewall rules:

    awall flush

    This command configures the firewall to drop all packets.

    Optional Policies

    Optional policies can be enabled or disabled using this command:

    awall {enable|disable} POLICY...

    Optional policies can be listed using this command:

    awall list

    The enabled status means that the policy has been enabled by the user. The disabled status means that

    the policy is not in use. The required status means that the policy has not been enabled by the user but

    is in use because it is required by another policy which is in use.

    Debugging Policies

    This command can be used to dump variable, zone, and other definitions as well as their source


    awall dump [LEVEL]

    The level is an integer in range 05 and defaults to 0. More information is displayed on higher levels.

    PXE boot

    Guide to options ip

    Required for PXE.

    Set ip=dhcp to get an IP via DHCP. (Requires af_packet.ko in the initrd, in addition to the

    modules needed for your NIC.)

  • Set ip=client-ip::gateway-ip:netmask::[device]: to specify an IP manually. device is a

    device name (e.g. eth0). If one is not specified, one is chosen automatically.


    Valid forms include:

    An HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URL to an apkovl.tar.gz file which will be retrieved and applied.

    device_name[:fs_type]:path, where device_name does not include /dev (e.g., sda). fs_type is optional (e.g. ext4). path expresses the path on the device to the apkovl.tar.gz file.

    A relative path, interpreted relative to the root of the alpine_dev. If not specified, a file matching *.apkovl.tar.gz is searched for in the root of the

    ovl_dev. (If more than one exists in the root of a device, all are ignored.)



    The alpine_dev specifies a device used for reference data which must reside on a

    filesystem; currently, this is only the case for kernel modules.

    This is also used to obtain APKs if a repository is not explicitly specified; see below.

    Valid forms include:

    A device name, not including /dev/. UUID=filesystem-uuid LABEL=filesystem-label nfs:ip-address:path, specifying an NFS export to use as the device. You may need

    to add modules to the initrd.


    Valid forms include:

    device_name[:fs_type] If not specified, various devices are searched for a file matching *.apkovl.tar.gz in

    the root directory.

    This argument can contain the fields {MAC} and {UUID}, which will be substituted with the

    MAC address of the NIC used by Alpine and the system's DMI "Product UUID" respectively. If

    these substitutions are used, the value passed to ovl_dev must be enclosed in quotes. e.g.



    If set, /etc/apk/repositories will be filled with this. May be an URL. Otherwise, try and

    find a directory containing the marker file .boot_repository on the alpine_dev.


    if the specified file is of http/ftp or https (if wget is installed), the modloop file will be

    downloaded to the /lib directory and will be mounted afterwards

    ie modloop= in the append section of

    your bootloader


    Alpine can be PXE booted starting with Alpine 2.6-rc2. In order to accomplish this you must complete

    the following steps:

    Set up a DHCP server and configure it to support PXE boot. Set up a TFTP server to serve the PXE bootloader. Set up an HTTP server to serve the rest of the boot files. Set up an NFS server from which Alpine can load kernel modules. Configure mkinitfs to generate a PXE-bootable initrd.

    This article describes a setup using gpxe as a PXE bootloader, but you could also use PXELINUX.

    Standard setup of all involved services is not covered here; advice on setting up basic

    DHCP/TFTP/HTTP/NFS/etc. is widely available.

    Set up a DHCP server and configure it to support PXE boot

    If you use the ISC DHCP server (package "dhcp"), amend your subnet block like so:


    filename "gpxe.kpxe";

    Set up a TFTP server to serve the PXE bootloader

    Install a TFTP server (package "tftp-hpa"). You will need to place a gPXE image at

    /var/tftproot/gpxe.kpxe. You can generate an image online at Select the

    ".kpxe" output format and the "undionly" driver. You will need to specify a custom boot script. Select

    "Customize". The following boot script works well:

    dhcp net0

    chain http://${net0/next-server}/gpxe-script

    You can include ${net0/mac} and ${uuid} in the URL for the interface MAC address and machine

    UUID respectively.

    Note that as of writing, ROM-o-matic appears to produce a buggy image unless it is used with the

    "undionly" driver. If you require a different driver, consider building gPXE yourself, especially if you

    experience inexplicable connectivity issues. Common symptoms are a seemingly correctly configured,

    randomly functional network connection which appears to suffer from extreme packet loss.

    Set up an HTTP server to serve the rest of the PXE boot files

    Suppose you have an HTTP server configured to serve from /srv/http. Place an appropriate gPXE

    script, such as the following, at /srv/http/prov/gpxe-script:


    kernel http://${net0/next-server}/prov/grsec ip=dhcp alpine_dev=nfs:${net0/next-

    server}:/srv/nfs/depot alpine_repo=

    initrd http://${net0/next-server}/prov/pxerd


    ip=dhcp instructs the initrd to obtain an IP via DHCP. The NFS share specified by alpine_dev will be

    mounted. alpine_repo specifies an apk repository to use.

    Using lpxelinux instead of gPXE

  • Since recent version of syslinux, pxelinux also has support to boot over ftp/http.

    The pxelinux.cfg/default file (or specific MAC address file name) should be in the same format as with

    regular syslinux.

    You will need to use a copy of the lpxelinux.0 found when installing syslinux on alpine:

    /usr/share/syslinux/lpxelinux.0 and copy it to your tftp server.

    Don't forget to also copy ldlinux.c32, as its a dependency of syslinux variants (see documentation).

    DEFAULT alpine

    LINUX http://ipaddr/grsec

    INITRD http://ipaddr/grsec.gz

    APPEND ip=dhcp modules=loop,squashfs,sd-mod,usb-storage alpine_repo=http://repo-url



    Using pxelinux instead of gPXE

    Since recent version of syslinux, pxelinux also has support to boot over tftp.

    The pxelinux.cfg/default file (or specific MAC address file name) should be in the same format as with

    regular syslinux.

    You will need to use a copy of the pxelinux.0 found when installing syslinux on alpine:

    /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 and copy it to your tftp server.

    Don't forget to also copy ldlinux.c32, as its a dependency of syslinux variants (see documentation).

    PROMPT 0


    default alpine

    LABEL alpine

    LINUX alpine-vmlinuz-grsec

    INITRD alpine-pxerd

    APPEND ip=dhcp alpine_dev=nfs:

    modloop= nomodeset quiet


    vmlinuz-grsec is taken from a system running in memory from usb.

    pxerd is generated on a system running in memory from usb. With network nfs and virtio_net added.

    /srv/boot/alpine is a copy of /media/usb from a system running in memory from usb.

    modules=loop,squashfs,sd-mod,usb-storage is not needed as loop and squashfs are hard coded into the

    init script and we do not use sd nor usb.

    modloop=http://ipaddr/grsec.modloop.squashfs does not seems to work. Without neither...(*)


    (*) about the modloop problem: /etc/init.d/modloop tries to load the file from /media/nfs instead of

    /media/alpine and starts trying to mount it! (unsuccessfully) A fix to it is (a proposal) see

    Set up an NFS server from which Alpine can load kernel


    NOTE: by adding modloop with http support, this is no need for modules.

    Set up an NFS share at /srv/nfs/depot and export it via /etc/exports:

    /srv/nfs/depot *(ro,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

    This export does not currently need to contain anything, unless you wish to use it to serve apks, in

    which case ensure that a file ".boot_repository" is created in the directory containing architecture

    subdirectories and remove alpine_repo from the kernel arguments. The repository will be autodetected

    by searching for ".boot_repository". Eventually Alpine will be able to load kernel modules from this


  • Configure mkinitfs to generate a PXE-bootable initrd

    NOTE: There is currently a mkinitfs profile just for networking called: network. Using it will

    automatically add pxe support and all ethernet drivers to the initramfs.

    You need to add drivers for any Ethernet cards with which you might PXE boot to your initrd. To do

    this, create /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/network.modules. List any kernel drivers you require for

    your Ethernet card. If you are using an Intel E1000 card (this is used by VMware and VirtualBox, and

    so is good for testing), add


    You also must create the following files so that the modules and scripts necessary for DHCP and NFS

    are inserted into the initrd.

    /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/dhcp.files, containing:


    /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/dhcp.modules, containing:


    /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/nfs.modules, containing:


    Finally edit /etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf and add features squashfs, network, dhcp and nfs.

    Generate a PXE-capable initrd by running

    mkinitfs -o /srv/http/prov/pxerd

    You should now be able to PXE-boot Alpine Linux. This feature is still in development and non-fatal

    post-initrd boot errors (regarding modloop, etc.) are to be expected.

    Specifying an apkovl

    If you wish to specify an apkovl, simply add


    to the kernel arguments. {MAC} and {UUID} in this parameter will be substituted with the MAC

    address of the boot interface and the machine UUID respectively. If you use these parameters, ensure

    you place the URL in quotes.

    You can also use ovl_dev= if you want to obtain an apkovl from a device. Use either apkovl or

    ovl_dev, not both.

    Using serial modem

    Install packages

    Install required packages

    apk add ppp

    Load modules

    Load some needed modules and make sure they get automatically loaded at next reboot

  • modprobe ppp

    echo "ppp" >> /etc/modules



    (The filename 'serialmodem' can be changed to whatever is appropriate for you, but you will need to

    remember it when running pon/poff command)






    asyncmap 0




    user '{login_id}'

    connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-serialmodem'


    (The filename 'chat-serialmodem' can be changed to whatever is appropriate for you, but you will need

    modify above configfile to reflect your decition)






    ABORT 'Invalid Login'

    ABORT 'Login incorrect'


    TIMEOUT '60'

    '' 'ATZ'

    OK 'ATDT{phonenumber}'

    CONNECT '\d\c'

    Username: '{login_id}'

    Password: '{your_password}'


    When you look at the logs and see pppd report something like this:

    daemon.debug pppd[5665]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xf6


    (Note the "" section)

    Then you might need to use pap-secrets file (or chap-secrets depending on what pppd reports in the


    You file might in this case look something like this

    # client server secret IP addresses

    {login_id} * {your_password} *

    If you are using 'pap-secrets' (or 'chat-secrets') you should most likely comment out 'Username:' and

    'Password:' lines in your '/etc/ppp/chat-serialmodem' config.

  • Note for above example configs

    Note: Replace above words {login_id}, {your_password} and {phonenumber} with what you

    received from your ISP. The characters { and } should also be removed.

    Note: You might need to replace the 'Username:' and 'Password:' parts to reflect the words your

    ISP is using to ask you to enter your credentials

    Tip: You might need to replace "CONNECT '\d\c'" with "CONNECT 'CLIENT'" in your chat-

    serialmodem config



    Start connection

    pon serialmodem

    Stop connection

    poff serialmodem

    If something goes wrong...

    Check if process is running

    pidof pppd

    Logfile might give you a clue on what went wrong

    egrep "pppd|chat" /var/log/messages

    Check nic information

    ifconfig ppp0

    pppd has a statusinformation function that could come in handy


  • Using HSDPA modem

    Install packages

    Install required packages

    apk add ppp

    Load modules

    Now let's load the driver (using the values you just found out) and prepare it to get automatically loaded

    at next reboot.

    modprobe ppp

    echo "ppp" >> /etc/modules



    (The filename 'E220' can be changed to whatever is appropreate for you, but you will need to

    remember it when running pon/poff command)













    connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-E220-pin || /usr/sbin/chat -f



    (The filename 'chat-E220-pin' can be changed to whatever is appropreate for you, but you will need

    modify above configfile to reflect your decition)





    TIMEOUT "10"

    "" "ATZ"

    OK "AT+CPIN={PIN}"

    OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"ip","{APN}"

    OK "ATE1V1&D2&C1S0=0+IFC=2,2"

    OK "AT+IPR=115200"

    OK "ATE1"

    TIMEOUT "60"

    "" "ATD*99***1#"

    CONNECT \c

  • /etc/ppp/chat-E220-nopin

    (The filename 'chat-E220-nopin' can be changed to whatever is appropreate for you, but you will need

    modify above configfile to reflect your decition)





    TIMEOUT "10"

    "" "ATZ"

    OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"ip","{APN}"

    OK "ATE1V1&D2&C1S0=0+IFC=2,2"

    OK "AT+IPR=115200"

    OK "ATE1"

    TIMEOUT "60"

    "" "ATD*99***1#"

    CONNECT \c

    Note: Replace above word {PIN} with the "PIN" of your card (typically a 4 digit code)

    Note: Replace above word {APN} with the "Access Point Name" of the service you use (for instance

    mine is ""). If you don't know the Internet APN, ask your service provider


    Create a default gw route to your 'ppp0' device.

    ip route add default dev ppp0


    Figure out what DNS-servers your provider has.

    egrep -i 'pppd.*dns' /var/log/messages

    This might give you some useful information.

    Search for a IP-address that might be your providers DNS-server and add this IP-address into


    echo "nameserver {DNS-server-IP-address}" > /etc/resolv.conf


    Start connection

    pon E220

    Stop connection

  • poff E220

    If something goes wrong...

    Check if process is running

    pidof pppd

    Logfile might give you a clue on what went wrong

    egrep "pppd|chat" /var/log/messages

    Check nic information

    ifconfig ppp0

    pppd has a statusinformation function that could come in handy


    Huawei E378

    Tested on Alpine 2.3.3.

    Add usb-modeswitch (currently only in testing repo):

    apk add usb-modeswitch


    usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1446


    # Configuration for the usb_modeswitch package, a mode switching tool for

    # USB devices providing multiple states or modes


    # This file is evaluated by the wrapper script "usb_modeswitch_dispatcher"

    # in /usr/sbin

    # To enable an option, set it to "1", "yes" or "true" (case doesn't matter)

    # Everything else counts as "disable"

    # Disable automatic mode switching globally (e.g. to access the original

    # install storage)


    # Enable logging (results in a extensive report file in /var/log, named

    # "usb_modeswitch_" (and probably others)


  • DefaultVendor=0x12d1







    auto ppp0

    iface ppp0 inet ppp

    provider E378

    pre-up usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf














    connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/chat-E378-nopin'






    TIMEOUT "10"

    "" "ATZ"

    OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"ip",""

    OK AT+CGQREQ=1,2,4,3,6,31

    OK AT+CGQMIN=1,2,4,3,6,31


    OK ATD*99#

    CONNECT \c

    Novatel MC679

    Tested on Alpine 2.4.5.

    Add usb-modeswitch (currently only in testing repo):

    apk add usb-modeswitch


    usbserial vendor=0x1410 product=0x7042

  • /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf:

    # Configuration for the usb_modeswitch package, a mode switching tool for

    # USB devices providing multiple states or modes


    # This file is evaluated by the wrapper script "usb_modeswitch_dispatcher"

    # in /usr/sbin

    # To enable an option, set it to "1", "yes" or "true" (case doesn't matter)

    # Everything else counts as "disable"

    # Disable automatic mode switching globally (e.g. to access the original

    # install storage)


    # Enable logging (results in a extensive report file in /var/log, named

    # "usb_modeswitch_" (and probably others)


    DefaultVendor= 0x1410


    TargetVendor= 0x1410

    TargetProduct= 0x7042




    auto ppp0

    iface ppp0 inet ppp

    provider MC679

    pre-up usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf || true














    connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/chat-MC679-nopin'






    TIMEOUT "10"

    "" "ATZ"

    OK ATD*99#

    CONNECT \c

  • Setting up a ssh-server If you need to administer a Alpine Linux box, you can install and use openssh. Openssh is used to

    provide a secure encrypted communications between you and the host where openssh is running (the

    ssh-server is called sshd and the ssh-client is called ssh).


    Install package:

    apk add openssh

    Note: If you want the ACF-frontend for openssh, you should install 'acf-openssh' instead (assuming

    that you have setup-acf)

    Make it autostart

    Next time you reboot your Linux box, you would probably want your sshd to automatically start.

    rc-update add sshd

    You can check your boot services:


    Start it up now

    The reason we want to manually start sshd at this moment is that we want sshd to create some initial

    files that he needs. After they are created, we can permanently save them.

    Next reason is... we don't have time to wait for the box to reboot ;-)

    /etc/init.d/sshd start

    Note: Don't forget to permanently save your settings by using the 'lbu ci' command when you are


    Fine tuning

    The default config that comes with openssh has pretty good default values.

    But sometimes you would like to fine-tune things. We show some examples below on what you might

    want to do.

  • Note: You are _not_ required to follow this #Fine_tuning section. You can skip it if you want to

    make things easy!

    The fine-tuning is done by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    "#" marks that the rest of the line should be ignored by sshd. Everything right to the "#" is treated as


    UseDNS no # By setting this to no, you could increase speed when the client

    starts to connect to this ssh-server

    PasswordAuthentication no # Instead you could use private/public keys to

    authenticate to this box (this increases security for the box)

    Many other options are found in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. The describing text that comes in the same file

    will guide you in your fine-tuning.


    As default, sshd will communicate on port '22' using protocol 'TCP'.

    You would need to make sure that the box where sshd is running, doesn't block your connection

    attempts on 22TCP.

    If you still have trouble accessing your box, make sure that there is no other firewall blocking your


    Sometimes 22TCP is blocked by some firewall that you can not control. In those cases you might want

    to configure sshd to communicate on some other port.

    In that case you change /etc/ssh/sshd_config to reflect your needs.

    But before you do so, you need to check so you don't use a port that already is in use. (You can check

    this by using the command 'netstat -ln' on the box where you plan to run sshd)

    Port 443 # Use whatever port number that fits your needs

    You need to restart sshd after you done you modifications.

    /etc/init.d/sshd restart

    Save settings

    If you already haven't done so, save all your settings

    lbu ci

    Alternative: Dropbear

    Alternatively you can use Dropbear. Install it through the Alpine setup scripts, or manually with:

    apk add dropbear

    Start it:

  • rc-service dropbear start

    And if you are happy with it, add it to the default runlevel:

    rc-update add dropbear

    Use the following command to check all available server options:

    dropbear -h

    The config file is located at /etc/conf.d/dropbear

    dropbear also includes an SSH client which in its simplest form can be used like this:

    dbclient x.x.x.x

    (where x.x.x.x is the destination server). Use dbclient -h to see all available options.

    How to setup a wireless access point

    Install needed packages

    apk add hostapd wireless-tools wpa_supplicant

    Check that card is detected

    Cat /proc/net/dev and see which cards are detected. If no cards are available, check what driver the card

    uses and modprobe it. Check that the card is in master mode.

    Setup Bridge

    Please see Bridge for how to set up network bridges.

    Setup Encryption

    Edit /etc/hostapd/hostapd.wpa_psk and insert the following, replacing PASSPHRASE with the

    WPA_PSK key you would like to use (remove keys that you don't want to use):

    00:00:00:00:00:00 PASSPHRASE

    Setup hostapd

    Edit /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf and replace entries that need to be such as interface, bridge, driver, ssid,

    etc. Example file below:

  • interface=wlan0





















    If you wish to use MAC address filtering, uncomment the lines starting with macaddr_acl and

    accept_mac_file, create /etc/hostapd/accept (with 600 permissions) and add the allowed clients' MAC

    address to the file.

    Start hostapd.

    /etc/init.d/hostapd start

    Associate clients

    Associate a few different clients to test.

    Setting up a OpenVPN server This article describes how to set up an OpenVPN server with the Alpine Linux. This is an ideal

    solution for allowing single users or devices to remotely connect to your network. To establish

    connectivity with a Remote Office or site, Racoon/Opennhrp would provide better functionality.

    It is recommended that you have a publicly routable static IP address in order for this to work. This

    means that your IP address cannot be in the private IP address ranges described here: WikiPedia

    If your Internet-connected machine doesn't have a static IP address, DynDNS can be used for resolving

    DNS names to IP addresses.

    Setup Alpine

    Initial Setup

    Follow Installing_Alpine to setup Alpine Linux.

    Install programs

    Install openvpn

    apk add openvpn

  • Prepare autostart of OpenVPN

    rc-update add openvpn default

    modprobe tun

    echo "tun" >>/etc/modules


    One of the first things that needs to be done is to make sure that you have secure keys to work with.

    Alpine makes this easy by having a web interface to manage the certificates. Documentation for it can

    be found here: Generating_SSL_certs_with_ACF. It is a best practice not to have your certificate server

    be on the same machine as the router being used for remote connectivity.

    You will need to create a server (ssl_server_cert) certificate for the server and one client

    (ssl_client_cert) for each client. To use the certificates, you should download the .pfx file and extract it.

    To extract the three parts of each .pfx file, use the following commands:

    To get the ca cert out...

    openssl pkcs12 -in PFXFILE -cacerts -nokeys -out ca.pem

    To get the cert file out...

    openssl pkcs12 -in PFXFILE -nokeys -clcerts -out cert.pem

    To get the private key file out. Make sure this stays private.

    openssl pkcs12 -in PFXFILE -nocerts -nodes -out key.pem

    On the VPN server, you can also install the acf-openvpn package, which contains a web page to

    automatically upload and extract the server certificate. There is also a button to automatically generate

    the Diffie Hellman parameters.

    If you would prefer to generate your certificates using OpenVPN utilities, see #Alternative Certificate


    Configure OpenVPN server

    Example configuration file for server. Place the following content in /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf:

    local "Public Ip address"

    port 1194

    proto udp

    dev tun

    ca openvpn_certs/server-ca.pem

    cert openvpn_certs/server-cert.pem

    dh openvpn_certs/dh1024.pem #to generate by hand #openssl dhparam -out dh1024.pem


  • server
