“All it takes to achieve success is the right mindset.”

“All it takes to achieve success is the right mindset.”

Transcript of “All it takes to achieve success is the right mindset.”

“All it takes to achieve success is the right


The Market America WebCenter SolutionThe Market America WebCenter Solution

What is a Market America WebCenter? What is a Market America WebCenter?

Your Web site Sales and Hosting Businessthat allows you to sell:

Your Web site Sales and Hosting Businessthat allows you to sell:

Everything is done through your WebCenter Everything is done through your WebCenter

1. Web sites to countless types of businesses1. Web sites to countless types of businesses

2. E–Commerce to your Web site customers2. E–Commerce to your Web site customers

3. Domain names3. Domain names

Market America WebCenter Market America WebCenter

MA WebCenters Web sitesMA WebCenters Web sites

What is a Market America WebCenter?

Sell Web Sites from $299 to $2499 Sell Web Sites from $299 to $2499 Distributor Cost is $250 Distributor Cost is $250

Earn up to $2,249 retail profit Earn up to $2,249 retail profit

Earn 200BV per Web site sold Earn 200BV per Web site sold

Earn 15BV per month for each site sold Earn 15BV per month for each site sold

Earn up to $40 retail profit per domain sold Earn up to $40 retail profit per domain sold

Earn $50 retail profit, 50BV per e–commerce account sold and 5BV/month

Earn $50 retail profit, 50BV per e–commerce account sold and 5BV/month

The MA WebCenters Solution Provides the best of both alternatives, without the disadvantages

Professional site without programming skills Web site owner maintains full control of the site Web site owner is able to make changes instantly The site is never “Under Construction” No cost to make changes or additions Hosting and e–commerce are provided through the same company for convenience and support

Benefits for Web site Owners

Free Customer Care Complete control of Web site at no additional cost Driving directions to their door Online calendar available to their customers Unlimited number of pages on their Web site Free search engine submission tool Ability to offer an online catalog Ability to offer online shopping cart for their products 500 MB of storage space Online management tools for their Web site

Let’s take a look at what a few of our top selling WebCenter Owners have to say about the program

Bill Trabulsie

Sold Over 40 Web sites in 2006!

“My success with the WebCenter program has dramatically changed our lives. My wife and I have not had a boss in four years and have been able to replace our full time day J-O-B incomes with the income that we earn selling Web sites.”

John Zaino

WebCenter Owner of the Year2 years running!

Sold over 60 Web sites in 2006!

"I've been able to substantially supplement my normal income through the sites I've sold, which has been a great benefit to my family.  The BV from the sites, both the initial BV from the sale and the residual 15BV per month per Web site ... goes a long way toward additional MA checks through the UnFranchise System for my team and myself.  I'm very thankful for the opportunity that the MA WebCenters program has afforded me."

What’s new at MA WebCenters?

Design Center

Over 350 Design Center Packages

sold in the last 5 months.

A 20% increase in Website Sales

Now WebCenter Owners can offer a

complete Custom Solution, and easily

deliver the finished Product.


Design Center Spotlight

Resources Available to You…Resources Available to You…

2. Customer Care2. Customer Care

1. Sales Support1. Sales Support

3. Conference Callswww.MAWC411.com

3. Conference Callswww.MAWC411.com

4. WebCenter Help Sites4. WebCenter Help Sites

MAWC411.com & MAWebCenters.comMAWC411.com & MAWebCenters.com

9:00am – 8:00pm EDT; Monday - Friday9:00am – 8:00pm EDT; Monday - Friday

10:00am – 10:00pm EDT; Monday - Friday10:00am – 10:00pm EDT; Monday - Friday11:00am – 8:00pm EDT; Saturday11:00am – 8:00pm EDT; Saturday


All New and Improved MAWC411.com

Brand New Getting Started Guide

Still not sure this is for you? Let’s see what a couple of Distributors just like you have to say about taking advantage of the WebCenter Special…

Lynn Kraemer

Got Her Free WebCenter at Leadership-2006 and has already sold 12 Web sites

“The Sales and Customer Care support teams are phenomenal!”

“I’m usually not afraid to take risks, but becoming a WebCenter owner was totally out of my comfort zone. I was able to overcome my fears because I knew I wasn't alone. My WebCenter ‘TEAM’ was ready to give me encouragement, aid and support.”

“Selling Web sites allows me to work from home.......and you know what they say.......THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME....”

Susan Merlo

Got a Free WebCenter at Leadership-2006. She has Already sold 7 Web sites!

“Sales Support is our ace-in-the-hole. They sell Web sites for me and make me money.”

“I earn more working part-time than I did working in Corporate full-time.”

“I am my own boss - I answer to absolutely no one but me.”

“BEST OF ALL: It allows me to spend a ton of time with my 3-year-old son, and because I am raising him on my own, this is incredibly important to both him and me.”

Hundreds of Distributors who took advantage of the Buy

your 3 and get a WebCenter Free Promotion have had success selling Web sites


International Convention 2007WebCenter ChallengeWebCenter Challenge


Applicable dates are for the period of January 6, 2006 through July 6, 2007Applicable dates are for the period of January 6, 2006 through July 6, 2007

4. Sell Six Web Sites From Your Own WebCenter4. Sell Six Web Sites From Your Own WebCenter

5. Listen to four (4) WebCenter conference calls5. Listen to four (4) WebCenter conference calls

6. Sponsor two new distributors, who becomes a WebCenter owner6. Sponsor two new distributors, who becomes a WebCenter owner

1. Purchase a WebCenter (code 6040) or be an existing WebCenter Owner.

1. Purchase a WebCenter (code 6040) or be an existing WebCenter Owner.

2. Purchase 2 International Convention Tickets2. Purchase 2 International Convention Tickets

Submit the following information to Corporateto receive credit for completing the ChallengeSubmit the following information to Corporateto receive credit for completing the Challenge

New WebCenter Training Program New WebCenter Certified Training (WCT) - $35 per person

Focus on Sales, Recruiting & Expanding your business – Direct Application

All technical aspects will posted online as free downloadable video “modules”

WCT will also be posted online as free downloadable video – Get trained, anytime and anywhere – in addition to live training

New Market America Certified WebCenter Trainer School – March 17th 2007, Greensboro NC – Market America Headquarters

We Want You! – Apply to be a Certified WebCenter Trainer (CWT) Must be at least Executive Coordinator WebCenter Owner Have at least Sold 8 websites in last 12 months Submit application to Market America Internet Sales & Training Dept

(Downloads – “Administration”) and $100 per person no later than March 9th 2007

See you in Greensboro on March 17th 2007!

The Market America WebCenter SolutionThe Market America WebCenter Solution