ALCOHOL Bill Cosby talking about alcohol .


Transcript of ALCOHOL Bill Cosby talking about alcohol .

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Bill Cosby talking about alcohol

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alcohol that is formed by fermentation of fruits, juices, or cereal grains.

Known as grain alcohol.

Very toxic in large amounts

Found in alcoholic beverages

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METHYL ALCOHOL – Wood alcohol

Very toxic

Can be found in products such as paint thinner, and shellac

Can be destructive to the eyes, leads to blindness

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Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

Expressed as a percent and is the ratio of alcohol in a persons blood to the person’s total amount of blood in the body

Can be measured through urine, breath and blood samples

The legal standard of intoxication in most states is .08 to .1 BAC

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LEVELS OF BLOOD ALCOHOL .04 - .07 – DWI (Driving While Impaired/Intoxicated .08 – Illegal to drive in MN and many other states (DUI)

Driving under the Influence .15 – Visibly Intoxicated (slurred speech, impaired motor

skills) .30 – Coma or Death

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If alcohol is a depressant why does it make me so jumpy and happy?

At low concentrations alcohol actually stimulates certain areas of theBrain. This makes the brain more receptive to Glutamate.

Also when most people drink they are put into a stimulating Atmosphere… bar, club, party Tests have shown that in these Atmospheres people act accordingly, even before chemicalsEffect their brain

A side effect due to metabolism in the brain causes people to Become more animated in speech and movement

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Consumption of alcohol Through the esophagus into the stomach Stomach absorbs some alcohol and enters into the blood stream Remainder travels to the small intestines Most alcohol is absorbed here Remainder of alcohol travels to the liver and brain Alcohol begins to effect the central nervous system Coordination, reaction time, and judgment are effected Heart and breathing rates slow down If drinking continues, poisoning may occur

Alcohol is a depressant

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Alcohol (Ethanol) is quickly absorbed into the blood stream whereIt travels to the brain. Alcohol quickly travels past the bloodBrain barrier

Effects the GABA system. This system is a series of NeurotransmittersThat open ion channels into your brain cells. Controls the amount of either positively or negatively charged ions to enter into your brain.

In drinking's case, extra negatively charged ions enter into the brainSlowing down it’s functions

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Enzymes in the liver break down the alcohol and convert themAcetate. (Acids)

The acetate is then turned into either fats, Carbon Dioxide, and/or water

The fats are mostly deposited locally, causing a Beer Belly

Chronic drinkers over work the liver causing plaque buildup in theCapillaries around liver cells… which begin to die off

This leads to Cirrhosis, damaging your bodies filtration system

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Consumption of alcohol has a rapid diuretic effect. This meansThat more urine than usual is produced… (extra antidiuretic hormone)

Drinker’s rarely replace this loss with cups of H2o leading to dehydration

Hangovers are mostly attributed to dehydration. Though thereAre other various other chemicals in drinks that attribute to yourPain.

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MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES Cirrhosis – scarring of the liver Gastrointestinal Problems – stomach Acute/Chronic Pancreatitis – abdominal pain (pancreas) Wernicke’s Disease – areas of the brain are destroyed Osteoporosis – alcohol increases bone fractures Cardiomyopathy – damages the heart Ischemic Heart Disease – deficient blood circulation Atherosclerosis – fatty build-ups causing heart attack or stroke Cancer

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ALCOHOL & PREGNANCY Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Severe birth defectsMental retardation Abnormal growth, weight, length Abnormal brain functioning Behavioral and intellectual impairment Small head, small eyes, thin upper lip, short nose,

flattened mid-facial area

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ALCOHOLISM What is Alcoholism?


Someone who goes through with drawl without alcohol

Is dependent on alcohol

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WARNING SIGNS Blackouts Loss of control (abuse, behavior, drink more than

intended) Family problems due to drinking Strong desire to drink (pre-parties) Stealing money

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Drink too much Blackouts

MIDDLE Blackouts more frequent Decline in work performance Unsuccessful attempts to quit

LATE Family life disrupted Loss of responsibility No control over drinking

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TREATMENT AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)



Alcoholic Teens