Alat Standar Rs Type d

 ALAT STANDAR RS TYPE D 1. Halogen examinat ion la mp  2. Sphi gnomanomet er   3. De nt al un it 4. Dental Ra!  ". Light #ur ing Appa rat u$



Transcript of Alat Standar Rs Type d

ALAT STANDAR RS TYPE D1. Halogen examination lamp 2. Sphignomanometer 3. Dental unit

4. Dental X Ray

5. Light Curing Apparatus

6. Sterilisator listrik 7. Autoclaf

8. Mobile operatng lamp

9. Mesin anastesi

10. Surgical suction pump

11. Infus pump

12. UV room sterilisasi

13. EKG 14. Nebulizer 15. Autuspirometri

16. Babby doppler pocket

17. USG transvaginal 18. Colposcope 19. Dilatation and curretage diagnostic set 20. Baby suction pump 21. Tonometer 22. Electro cauterisasi

23. ENT Diagnostik

24. Head lamp

25. Laringoscope

26. Audiometer

27. Otoscope

28. Oto Acoustic Emission 29. Tympanometer 30. USG colour 31. Defibrilator dan monitor 32. Ecocardiografi

33. Broncoscope

34. Sterilisator table top 35. Endoscopy 36. O2 cnsentrat 37. Infant warmer 38. Ventilator

39. Portable pulse oxymetri

40. Capnografi

41. Spine splint set 42. Bedside monitor

43. Syringe pump

44. Treadmill unit45. Cathlab angiografi

46. Haemodialisa

47. Mobile X Ray

48. BGA

49. CCTV for operation50. General X Ray 51. CT Scan52. Mammografy unit53. Bracththerapy

54. Microscope binoculer55. Centrifuge56. Haemacitometer57. Lab refrigerator58. Rotator shaker

59. Troley Emergency

60. Emergency drug troley

61. Ambubag

62. Bed Emergensy

63. VK emergency

64. Nurse station 65. HCU

66. Rak roll opack 67. Inkubator 68. Meja resusitasi bayi 69. CPAP 70. Head box bayi 71. NST
