al g ti hr NecanWr e 3STEPS Stephan Gängel - Global …€¦ ·  · 2018-05-07al g ti hr NecanWr...

1 Global Outreach Day Training Manual 3 STEPS IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM Werner Nachtigal Stephan Gängel

Transcript of al g ti hr NecanWr e 3STEPS Stephan Gängel - Global …€¦ ·  · 2018-05-07al g ti hr NecanWr...


Global Outreach Day Training Manual

3STEPSin Personal evangelism

Werner Nachtigal Stephan Gängel


Ghana Global Outreach Day 2015

1. Equipping every member of your church to reach out for souls through specific training how to share their testimony, explaining the Gospel and inviting them to Church. For this you can use this training manual.

2. To motivate and mobilize every member of your church to share the Gospel at the weekend of the Global Outreach Day (30. + 31. May 2015) in a variety of ways.

3. Reaching 1,500,000 people in Ghana with the Gospel. As a measure, there will be used of 1,500,000 Gospel tracts.

4. Once mobilized, continue with weekly or monthly outreach/evangelism to create a lifestlye of evange-lism and disciple the new believers.


Contact in GhanaJames WalkerP.O. Box KN 4249Kaneshie, AccraOffice: 233 249 636 915 / Cell: 233 266 500 118

[email protected]



Global Outreach Day 2015

1. On Sunday 17th or 24th May: Train your whole church during the service on how to share the Gospel, using for example this train-ing booklet. Motivate them to take part in the Global Outreach Day and give ideas on how they could do it. Pray together for this worldwide Day of Salvation.

2. Friday 29th May: Take part in the nationwide inter-cessory prayer for Global Outreach Day 2015. You can or-ganize in the evening as a prayer meeting in the church or as a group in your community.

3. Saturday 30th May: Global Outreach Day!!! Do all sorts of outreaches (open air, public, home to home, one on one, individual etc), so that everyone can be involved. Encourage all church members to participate – collectively or individually.

4. Sunday 31th May: Make only a short church service, give a little training and then let the whole church go out all together or in small groups to share the Gospel. Define a time to come back for testimonies and maybe welcome new believers.

5. After the G.O.D.: Continue with weekly/monthly evangelistic outreaches. Disciple the new believers and if necessary start new discipleship groups and churches.

6. Send your report: See page 21.



“I want to encourage you to go out full force! We are hundred percent involved in this.”

Pastor E.A. Adeboye, RCCG

“The Global Outreach Day is a great way to encour-age people to start sharing their faith.“

Steve Douglass, Campus Crusade for Christ

“One exciting thing about the Global Outreach Day is that it brings Christians together from everywhere to bring the Gospel into the world.”

Geoff Tunnicliffe, World Evangelical Alliance

“Imagine a “Day of Salvation” throughout the entire world! Get inspired! Get involved! Let’s reach the world for Jesus!”

Dick Eastmann, Every Home for Christ

“The Global Outreach Day is a day of salvation!”Reinhard Bonnke, Christ for all Nations

Three Steps in Personal Evangelism

Global outreach DayTraining Book

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.



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The vision of Global Outreach Day is of every Christian sharing the gospel with others on that day.

Every year, every Christian, everywhere.

Millions of Christians of all ages and from all cultures and denominations use their gifts to share the Gospel in various ways at the Global Outreach Day, which is taking place every year on the last Saturday in May.

Imagine a day when every believer is active and shares the Gospel with at least one person. What an impact that would make on a lost world! Out of this first step can grow an evangelistic lifestlyle.

The first Global Outreach Day (G.O.D.) took place in 2012 and kicked off for example with a prayer meeting involv-ing one million Christians in Lagos, Nigeria. Immediately after the prayer meeting, they were sent out to evan-gelize. Since then over 25 million Christians were mo-bilized to share the Gospel through the G.O.D. and we received reports of hundret thousand of people saved and added to the church.



Many churches and missionary organizations are work-ing together to reach the people in our world, but on this one special day the focus is not on any church or ministry – it is on the gospel of Jesus Christ!

About 97% of all evangelical Christians (nearly) nev-er share the Gospel. The G.O.D. is a great help and challenge for ordinary believers to become and stay active.

Preparing for Global Outreach Day

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the best message in the world and the only way to salvation. That is why we need to take Jesus to the people. This little booklet will teach you the three main steps in personal evangelism.

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors ...”2. Corinthians 5:20

As ambassadors of Christ, you need to know the mes-sage and how to communicate it.

The communication structure you will find in Step 1:

1. Attention 2. Interest 3. Desire

The message structure you will find in Step 2:

1. God’s Plan 2. The Problem

3. God’s Love 4. The Decision

How to get a response you will find in Step 3.


The approach and your conversation

By the time she was more than 20 years old, a pastor’s daughter had never shared the gospel with anyone because she was afraid. One day she went out, firmly resolved that fear was not going to hold her back any longer. A woman came up to her and she told her about God’s plan and his love.

The woman started to cry. The pastor’s daughter hugged her to comfort her. The woman pulled a pistol out of her bag and said that she had been on her way to the forest where she had planned to kill herself. Before she set out, she had prayed, “God, if you are there, send an angel to stop me. As a sign, he should hug me.”

Today that woman’s whole family believes and tells oth-ers about Jesus who saved them. If you make yourself available to God, now take the right steps to ensure that through you his plan for the world can be put into ac-tion. You will never want to go back. Off you go!

Many Christians do not find it easy to go up to people and talk to them about Jesus. But everyone can learn how to do that! We will show you practical steps to be-coming an effective witness for Jesus.


STEp ONEHow To Communicate

1. Get the person’s attentionFirst of all, it is important to get the person’s attention. Without that you will only be wasting your words and energy. Sometimes getting a person’s attention requires courage and creativity.

Don’t preach to them. Don’t pressurize them. Listen and share!

To start with, simply say, “Hello!” Yes, it really is that easy sometimes. Smile at the person, and the conversation will usually develop naturally. Attract their attention so that they do not feel threatened.

Think: This person is someone Jesus died for. This person can be extremely open and prepared to accept Christ. This person has only one chance to get saved: To hear and believe the gospel of Jesus! When you approach people and start talking to them, remember that God


can work through you even if you are fearful, unsure, or do not know what to say. Even saying something wrong is usually better than not saying anything at all. Listen to God and let him speak through you.

Try starting with normal, everyday questions – like in a normal conversation. Start with something in the im-mediate situation. For example, the special offer in the supermarket or their views on a current news event. In order to communicate effectively with somebody, you need to establish trust by asking open questions (How come ...? Why? What happened ...?). Find out where people stand and you will be able to connect with them more effectively.

Then start to go a little deeper. Ask “What do you think about God?” or “What does God mean for you person-ally?” Do not worry about getting a negative response. Sometimes that will happen, because God has given us all free will. Just relax! Ask “Did you get a present today?” Give them a good gospel tract – perhaps with a candy attached to it – and say, “This is for you if you just prom-ise to read it.” Use what you have or try different things and find out what works best.

Make a list of ideas about how to attract strangers’ atten-tion. Prepare your strategy by considering their locality and their specific situation. Different situations require different approaches.

Be relaxed but determined!


2. Build interestOnce you have someone’s attention, the next step is to arouse interest. By asking the right questions and offer-ing appropriate information you can increase people’s curiosity. When you realize they are curious, you can build on this by continuing to ask questions. Don’t an-swer their curiosity with short, pat answers. Instead, let their interest grow and their curiosity intensify. By ask-ing questions, you are leading the conversation and can eventually lead the person to Jesus.

You definitely will not stimulate interest by talking non-stop. God gave you one mouth and two ears. That means you should listen twice as much as you talk. Interest be-comes evident when people begin to open their hearts and share their own stories. During that time, be quiet, listen, and pray silently for the right response.

Take an interest in people and you will get their interest!

3. Create a desire to follow JesusIf you have spent time finding out about the person you are talking to, you will know what he or she needs and how to guide the conversation. You need to be fully convinced that a person without Jesus lacks the most important thing in life. Exercise your faith and assume that the person wants to receive Jesus.

If you feel it is appropriate, share part of your own story. You could even offer to pray for some specific need.


Your testimonyYour story is very important! You can tell it in a boring or a very interesting way. Maybe your past is not as inter-esting as your present or a certain part of your life. You could also share examples of how God healed you, an-swered your prayers or has helped you.

The important thing is not what you say but what the other person understands!

You have to communicate on the same level as the peo-ple you talk with if you want to capture their attention. Your story is unique. What you need to learn is to tell it in a unique way. Select that part of your life with which your listeners can most easily identify. Above all, be honest. Give God the glory with your life.

Focus on what God has done and can do. Check that the people understand what you are saying and ask what they think about it. Be sensitive to the signals they are sending that indicate their interest. It is vitally important for you to pick up on those signals and, as a result, ask relevant questions.

To get a message across effectively, remember the rule: “Don’t tell, ask!”

For instance: “Jesus died on the cross for you. Do you know why he did that?” Find out what the person al-ready understands, give your own testimony and stimu-late a desire in that person’s heart to say, “I want that!”


STEp TwOHow to share the messageThe message can only save someone if he or she under-stands what you are saying. That is why you have to learn how to share the gospel in a way that is easy to understand. The people you talk to need to understand the following main points:

1. God’s PlanGod created people with a wonderful plan in mind: to live in fellowship with him. At the time of creation, ev-erything in the world was in order. There was no war, no injustice, no sickness, and no sin. Man lived in harmony with his creator in paradise.

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”Genesis 1:31

God’s Plan for the person you are going to talk to is the best that he or she can ever have.


2. The ProblemMan separated himself from his creator and decided to go his own way. Today we see the consequences of that decision: Instead of living in peace and harmony with each other, we live in hatred, jealously, sickness, and war. But more frightening than all those tragedies is our eter-nal separation from God.

Jesus made it clear that we human beings could never bridge the gap to God by our own efforts – we can never live up to God’s requirements, and that is why we are in such a dilemma.

“There is no one righteous, not even one. For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.”

Romans 3:10,23

Before the person you are talking to wants to get saved, they have to understand that they are lost.

3. God’s LoveGod is just and holy, and yet he loves us eternally. That is why he took the punishment that judgment would rightly bring on every individual and laid it on his own Son. Jesus paid for our sin on the cross.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16


4. The Most Important DecisionJesus rose from the dead! He is alive and is waiting for your response. You cannot get to God by performing good deeds, meditating or even going to church – there is only one way to God: Turn to Jesus and accept what he did for you, ask him for forgiveness and follow him.

“If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and be-lieve in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9

When people hear of Jesus and what he has done for them, of God’s plan for their lives and his offer of forgive-ness, peace, real joy, and eternal life, they will let go of their false beliefs. Confrontation only hardens hearts.

To win people for Jesus, you must first befriend them. Even when your views are completely different than theirs, try to understand them and respond respectfully.


STEp THREEHow to get a response

1. Invite them to make a decisionNow we come to the stage where your action requires a response. Don’t be afraid of this step! Simply ask, “Do you want to get right with God now?”

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

2. Corinthians 5:20

At the end of a conversation there should always be a response. Challenge the person you are talking with to make a decision. Many Christians are often much too hesitant at this point.

If people mean what they say, they will make a decision – if you invite them to.


2. Explain the requirements and then extend a clear invitation to follow Jesus:

1. Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins? – “Yes.” (Even if people say “No” in the beginning, faith can grow as they listen to you.)

2. Do you believe that Jesus rose again from the dead? – “Yes.” (Faith is not a feeling; it starts with a decision.)

3. Do you wish to receive Jesus into your heart now? (Don’t talk now. Wait for the answer.) – “Yes.”

Don’t hesitate to pray with the person. Nothing more needs to be said. We do not want to force or manipulate people, but we are not talking about joining some sort of club – this is a matter of life or death!

3. Ask them to pray after youNow ask the other person to pray a prayer out loud af-ter you. Ask the person to close his or her eyes and start praying loud and clearly like this:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I be-lieve that you died for my sins. Please forgive me and come into my heart. I believe that you rose from the dead and are alive today. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I will follow you for the rest of my life. Amen.”


4. Ask if they know what they have just doneThis is the time for you to firm up the decision. It is vital to set this decision on solid ground. We are talking about the first few minutes after someone has accepted Christ. Make sure they realize what this decision means by asking:

Do you understand what you have just done?

Did you really mean it?

What will you do if your friends or your family make fun of you or tell you you are crazy?

Explain the four most important points of Christian life to the new believer:

1. Prayer Talking to God and building a relationship with Jesus

2. Bible Reading God’s Word, learning about God and His ways

3. ChurchMeeting and building friendships with other Christians

4. Mission Sharing the gospel and your experiences with others

Finally, you need to exchange contact details and arrange to meet again within the next 72 hours. Disciple the per-son or find somebody else to do it. Invite the person to at-tend a church service or a follow-up group. If possible pick him up at his home and accompany to the meetings.

Make sure that the four important points become the foundation of the new believer.


STEp OUTEveryone can reach someone! Be creative! Consider ways that suit you, your situation, and the people you want to reach. Here are a few ex-amples:

There are unlimited ways of reaching people on this day.

One on One – Call or visit someone or invite him or her over for a coffee and talk about Jesus.

Two by Two – Meet at your church and split up into teams. Then go two by two to reach the people where they are: on the streets, in the market places, in hospi-tals, etc.

Care and Share – Do something good for someone and then share the Good News with him or her.


Reach your local area – Plan how to reach your region, your village, your neighborhood, or your city. If on Glob-al Outreach Day each participant knocks on 20 doors to spread the gospel, a team of 1.000 Christians could eas-ily reach 20.000 households. With an average of three people per household, this adds up to about 60.000 people! Prepare thoroughly and recruit as many leaders and Christians as possible.

Gospel-spreading Ideas from A to Z – From airport evangelism to the zoo, there are so many ways to reach people and so many different places where they can be reached: book tables, playgrounds, meetings, door to door, street outreaches (with 1:1 evangelism, music, drama, megaphone or other activities), hospitals, prisons, orphanages, parks, neighborhood, railway stations, shop-ping malls, and even the internet.

Find more ideas and training ressouces at Please upload your re-ports to the website to encourage others. Thanks!

This day can change the whole world. God will use you to be a blessing to your neighbors and your nation.

Everyone can reach someone, together we can reach the world!


Global Outreach Day 2015

Thanks for sending your report and testimonies, to en-courage many others to also share the Gospel and give thanks to God.

Numbers to report:

Christians trained for evangelism

Participating church(es)

Participating Christians

People reached with the Gospel

Gospel tracts, literature shared

Decisions for Christ

New people in discipleship

People baptized

New groups or churches started

The numbers in the white fields you can report directly after the Global Outreach Day. The gray fields you can let us know in the following months, latest until Novem-ber 30th 2015. Please also upload or send testimonies, videos and pictures.

You can submit your report on Or you call, e-mail or send this page (contact see page 2). Thanks a lot!



“Everyone can reach someone, together we can reach the world.” What a powerful truth: the whole Body of Christ in action is the main answer for a lost world. Imagine when hopefully in a couple of years 500 Million Christians will participate, we can reach all together 2 billion people or even more with the Gospel in one day.

The same principle applies, when it is about finances: “Every Christian can contribute some-thing and together we can finance the G.O.D.” Imagine if every Christian in Ghana would give once per year a donation of the value of only one bottle Coca Cola, your whole nation could be reached and saturated completely every year with the Gospel and the churches would grow like never before.

The Global Outreach Day is very cost-effective. Some funds are needed to mobilize and train, some for Gospel tracts and Bible courses. It requires only about 0.08 GHc per reached person for this whole process, including the printed material. This means, with about 96,000 GHc one million people can be reached with the Gospel and many can be won for Christ. If 1,900 churches make a special G.O.D. offering and in each church 50 Christians donate 2 GHc, this can be fully financed. Together it is possible!

We invite you do make once per year a special “Global Outreach Day offering” after your regular of-fering and ask every church member to donate 2 Ghc.

Everyone can contribute something!




ONE MOVEMENT - transform your activity on the Global Outreach Day into a continuous lifestyle!

As a single person or church you can go out to reach peolpe monthly, weekly or even daily with the Gospel. Let’s start a movement that cannot be stopped. If one Christian reaches one person every day, this will result in 365 people per year. If 3 million Christians each were to reach one person a day, this would result in (1.1 billion) reached people per year!!

One drop of water is not a lot but a million of them is a flood. Let’s flood the world with the Gospel!

We only can fulfill God’s plan all together. “He wants everyone to be saved. He wants them to come to know the truth” (1. Timothy 2: 4). The Great Commission can be fulfilled – with your help. This world needs Jesus and is waiting for you and your church to play your part by introducing Him to others.


Creating an evangelistic lifestyle

For more training mater ia l see:w w w. g l o b a l o u t r e a c h d a y. c o m

Werner Nachtigal and Stephan Gängel are the initiators of the Global Outreach Day and travel the world to inspire, mobilize and train Christians for evangelism.

The principles explained in this book have been proved extremely effective.

Together we can reach the world!

Training Manual

The Gospel is the greatest message of all time. God wants to use you to take it to other people.

In this 3 Steps Training Manual, you will learn how to win people for Christ! Applying this will unleash an unimag-ined potential in you, allowing you to be a blessing to people who do not know Jesus despite of all your weak-

nesses and fears.

3STEPSin Personal evangelism