AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 10 - May 2015

Volume 10 - May 2015 The American International School of Bucharest


American International School of Bucharest (AISB, AISBucharest) Monthly Newsletter - Volume 10 | May 2015

Transcript of AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 10 - May 2015

Volume 10 - May 2015

The American International School of Bucharest

In this volume:

Message from the Director

engage | prepare | inspire

School-Wide News

Message from the PTO

Bucharest Buzz

The Month Ahead

Volume 10 - May 2015

Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 1

Message from the Director

Dr. Robert Brindley, Director

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear Parents,

As the academic year draws to a close,

I would like to introduce the new facul-

ty for next August, who, as always,

come from the four corners of the

globe. You can find their introductions

within our new NoticeBoard, which I

invite you to read more about within

the School Wide section.

In the meantime, you can access their

biographies here or by clicking on the

i m a g e t o t h e r i g h t : h t t p : / /

As mentioned in an earlier post on my blog, and in

the Monthly Newsletter, we have finalized the

plans for the new Early Learning Center that we

wish to have completed by August

2016; an aggressive timeline, but we

are hopeful. Again, you can find the

plans within the NoticeBoard, at the

following link:

You can also click on the image to the

right to access the plans.

Upon arrival next year, you will also notice the

changes to our entrance security. We will send you

the new protocols just before the students return in


Likewise, we will be sending you all stationery lists

for each subject and grade. There will be a distinct

change in how we encourage students to be

more organized, and teachers will refocus their

attention on the work that students produce to

ensure a balance between handwriting and typ-

ing, and the way such information is recorded and

filed. There will also be an emphasis on ‘executive

functioning,’ the cognitive processes that allow

students to engage more productively in their

learning. Such strategies include organizational

skills, attention to detail, developing work or study

plans, task initiation, and problem-solving behav-

Friday, May 29, 2015

Dragi parinti,

Ne apropiem de finalul anului scolar si

as dori sa va prezint noii profesori care,

ca de obicei, vin din toate colturile lumii

si care isi vor incepe activitatea la AISB

incepand cu luna august. Va rog sa ac-

cesati urmatorul link pentru a-i cunoaste

mai bine:


Dupa cum am mentionat si intr-o

postare mai veche atat pe blogul meu

cat si in buletinul de informare lunar, am

finalizat planurile in vederea constructiei

unei noi cladiri pentru pentru clasele

EC2-Kindergarten, constructie ce speram ca va fi

finalizata pana in august, 2016. Acest termen limita

pe care ni l-am propus reprezinta o adevarata

provocare, insa suntem optimisti! Va rog

sa accesati urmatorul link pentru a ve-

dea planurile noastre de constructie:

Odata cu inceperea noului an scolar

veti observa si anumite schimbari legate

de intrarea in campus cat si de proce-

durile de securitate. Va vom trimite noile

regulamente in cursul lunii august si de asemenea

veti primi si o informare legata de rechizitele

necesare pentru fiecare materie si clasa in parte.

Veti observa o schimbare majora in felul in care ii

vom incuraja pe elevii nostri sa fie mai organizati.

Profesorii isi vor concentra atentia asupra re-

zultatelor lor si se vor asigura ce exista un echilibru

intre scrierea de mana si tastare concentrandu-se

in acelasi timp si asupra modului in care aceste

informatii sunt inregistrate si procesate. Se va pune

accentul pe “eficienta performantei”, procesul

cognitiv ce le va permite elevilor sa se implice intr-

un mod mult mai productiv in procesul de invatare

si studiu. O astfel de strategie include dezvoltarea

abilitatilor organizatorice, sporirea atentiei fata de

detalii si presupune de asemenea dezvoltarea un-

ui plan de studiu, initierea unor sarcini specific si

Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2

engage | prepare | inspire


This year has been busy, and next year will be no

different, but it is expected that our actions will

afford an opportunity for all students to be more

engaged in their studies, enjoy the learning pro-

cess by understanding more competently how to

navigate the pressures of work, and importantly

become more successful.

Enjoy this long weekend ahead and see you on


Best Regards,

Robert Brindley

rezolvarea situatiilor dificile.

Anul acesta a fost un an incarcat si aglomerat iar

anul viitor promite sa fie asemenea. Acestea fiind

spuse, ne asteptam ca masurile luate de noi sa le

ofere elevilor ocazia de a fi mult mai implicati in

procesul de invatare si in acelasi timp sa se bucure

de acest proces intelegand mai bine cum sa faca

fata presiunii si mult mai important, cum sa aiba


Va doresc sa va bucurati de weekend-ul prelungit

si ne revedem cu totii marti!

Cu stima,

Robert Brindley

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 3

School-Wide News

We are the AISB Vampires! | Community Time at the Gazebo

engage | prepare | inspire

Class of 2015 University Applications

We are proud to announce the results of the hard work of our Class of 2015, as recognized by the universities

and colleges that have accepted them. Congratulations Seniors!

As of May 1st, our seniors sent off 308 applications, at an average of 6.7 applications per student.

One student did not send applications due to taking a gap year where she will teach English in Central


From 308 applications sent, we received 74 acceptances and 127 conditional acceptances for a total of

65.3% (the UK does not offer full acceptances until after the IB results are released).

32 results are still unknown.

10 applications have been placed on wait lists.

5 have been withdrawn since the student was accepted early.

60 (19.5%) have been denied.

4 students were asked to attend interviews at Oxford and Cambridge.

Below is an abbreviated list of the universities that have accepted (and conditionally accepted) our seniors

this year. Multiple acceptances are indicated.

Friday, May 29, 2015

US Acceptances

American University

Baldwin Wallace University

Berklee College of Music

University of California, Davis

University of California, San Diego

University of California, Santa Cruz 2

DePaul University

Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts

Florida Atlantic University

University of Florida

George Mason University

Ithaca College 2

James Madison University

Lafayette College

Lehigh University

Lynn University

Marymount Manhattan College 2

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Miami 6

UK Conditional Acceptances

University of Aberdeen 2

Anglia Ruskin University

Arts University Bournemouth

Aston University 2

University of Bath 6

University of Birmingham 2

Bournemouth University

University of Bradford 2

University of Brighton

University of Bristol 3

Brunel University 2

University of Buckingham

City University 7

Durham University

University of East Anglia 3

University of Edinburgh 4

University of Essex

University of Exeter 8

University of Glasgow

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 4

engage | prepare | inspire

Wishing a Warm Welcome to the new PTO Team!

At the beginning of May, we held elections for the executive posi-

tions of the PTO Executive Committee for the next school year, 2015-

2016. Thank you very much to those parents who accepted their

nominations and volunteered their time and energy for the upcom-

ing school year.

The votes have been counted and the new PTO Executive Commit-

tee has been selected. The votes for Middle School Representative

were extremely close and we would like to thank both candidates of

this position for participating in the elections. According to the PTO

Bylaws (section7), Despina Szavuj's position as Treasurer will need to

be confirmed at the next PTO General Meeting in June. We would like to offer our congratulations to the

new team.

Check out the PTO section of this month’s newsletter to find out who will be representing our Parent Com-

munity next year!

US Acceptances (continued)

University of Michigan

The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music

Northeastern University 5

University of Oregon

Pace University, New York City 2

Pennsylvania State University

Portland State University

University of San Francisco

St. Olaf College

Stony Brook University

SUNY College at Geneseo

Syracuse University 2

The University of Tampa

Vassar College

University of Vermont

Willamette University

Europe Acceptances

Delft University of Technology

Hotelschool The Hague

MODUL University Vienna 2

Canada Acceptances

University of British Columbia 2

University of Ottawa

UK Conditional Acceptances (continued)

Heriot-Watt University 2

Imperial College London

King's College London 7

Lancaster University 5

Leeds College of Art & Design

University of Leeds 2

University of Liverpool 2

London Metropolitan University

University College London 3

Loughborough University 6

University of Manchester 2

Newcastle University

University of Northumbria

University of Nottingham

Queen Mary, University of London 4

The Robert Gordon University 2

Royal Holloway, University of London

School of Oriental and African Studies, Univer-

sity of London

University of Sheffield 2

University of Southampton

University of St. Andrews 2

University of Sunderland 3

University of Surrey 3

The Glasgow School of Art

University of Kent

University of the Arts London

University of Warwick 4

University of Westminster 2

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 5

engage | prepare | inspire

AISB International Festival

This year’s International Festival, like the ones before

it, was a fantastic success. Saturday, May 23rd

brought over 1,000 visitors to AISB to celebrate cul-

tural diversity. With over 30 country tables, our visitors

enjoyed the day playing national games, winning

prizes, eating delicious food, enjoying traditional

drinks, and participating in cultural exchanges.

The day was full of wonderful cheer, with the flag

parade, cultural fashion show, and splendid enter-

tainment to add to what was already an incredible

trip around the world among the country tables.

Sixty countries were represented in the flag parade,

where the youngest and oldest AISB student of each

country got to hold their national flag. It was a

beautiful display of color, symbols, and pride. Add-

ing to the parade, the cultural fashion show high-

lighted the many fabrics, designs, and vibrant colors

that are present in the national costumes of the cul-

tures we celebrate at AISB. The entertainment was a chance for everyone to experience music and dance

from around the world, and to see how the elements of each national costume are highlighted in move-


Our entire community again came together to support those in need, this time raising awareness and funds

for the tragedy that struck Nepal in the earthquake of April this year. A High School student group organized

the Nepal country table, and together with donations from other country tables, 2,450 RON was raised to

support those in Nepal, during our International Day. It was a true demonstration of the nature of our won-

derful, helpful, and generous community.

Thank you and congratulations to all who helped with the organization, making this year’s International Day

a huge success!

Salwa Patricia Khalil, Development and Communications Assistant

Supporting Nepal

Everyone at AISB got together to raise funds to support Nepal, following the trag-

ic earthquake of April 2015. Students and faculty got involved, alone, in pairs,

and in groups, to raise what they could. At International Day, many country ta-

bles made donations to supporting Nepal, and a group of students also looked

after the Nepal table in order to raise funds. All together, we raised 6,385 RON.

Congratulations to all those who put forward their time, efforts, talents, and origi-

nal ideas to helping those in need.

Welcome to our Newest Alumni Members!

This week was a busy one for our graduating seniors, with many events

to prepare them for and commemorate their graduation from AISB on

Saturday, May 30th. On Thursday, May 28th, Maria Tudor, President of

the Alumni Association, came to AISB to welcome 47 new members to

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 6

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the Association. Over a delicious brunch, Maria explained what the

Alumni Association is all about, and together, a Class of 2015 Repre-

sentative was elected. Four alumni were there to answer the questions

of the graduating seniors, such as “what can we do to earn money

while we are studying?,” “what kinds of clubs and societies will we be

able to join?,” and “what is it like to live in University halls?” After all of

the ‘serious’ talk, we had a great deal of fun presenting the seniors

with gifts, including personalized business cards that the Grade 12 ad-

visors put together. There was much laughter and cheer, and great

energy in the air. All in all, it was a wonderful experience for all, which culminated in the annual Alumni vs.

Students Soccer Game at the end of the day. Thank you to everyone involved, it’s great to have 47 new

alumni members!

Salwa Patricia Khalil, AISB Alumni Coordinator

HR Corner with Roxana Lungu, HR Manager at AISB

I am struggling to find some pretty words to introduce this month’s HR Corner

personality as a lot has been going on around the school recently. The campus,

in the hearts and minds of all its inhabitants, is experiencing many feelings: hap-

piness, sadness, joy, fear, wishes, regrets... all of these emotions are blended like

a smoothie that makes everyone a little crazy and at times collapse.

The end of the school year is nearby and we can almost smell it in the air!

Just let it be, breath deep breaths, and read all about it – Doctor’s orders!

Alina Teodoru, AISB Doctor, is featured as the May Personality. Happy Birthday


1. As a little girl what did you want to become

when you grew up? What do you do now at the

school? When you are a child you live in a dream

world and you are confident that all your dreams will

come true. My parents guided me towards an artistic career, they wanted me

to study classic ballet or figure skating. When I was a teenager,, I thought that I

would stay forever in the artists’ world and that I would even take acting clas-

ses. However, my mother who is a pediatrician opened my eyes to a new world:

the medicine universe. So in the end I decided to become a doctor!

2. Tell us a few words about your family and your upbringing. I grew up

here in Bucharest within a big, happy and united family with parents, grandpar-

ents, lots of uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews and a sister.

3. Please continue the sentence: I love to… ...spend most of my time

with the “wonder” of my life, my son who is 17 years old. I also love spending my time admiring the nature,

travelling and discovering new places and new people.

4. Because everyone lives for a bit of intrigue: are there any intriguing/funny stories from the school

since 2011 when you started that you can share with us? The funniest thing that I remember since I first

came here is when I saw the school Director sliding down on the children’s slide.

5. What is the craziest life experience you have lived so far? The craziest thing I did, among others

(my poor parents, they should tell you what they’ve been through!), was when I managed to make a

wasp’s nest very, very angry. The wasps attacked me all of sudden and the wasps stung me from head to

toe. Besides the fact that I was in a lot of pain, I was all right but I ended up in the hospital where I was

treated for allergy. Because of the treatment administrated, I slept two days in a row and my parents were

more scared than upset with what I had done.

6. Do you think penguins have knees? Of course they have knees, but they are well hidden under

the “midi dress” they wear.

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 7

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NoticeBoard at AISB!

We’ve put together a

fantastic new tool that

combines news and visu-

als so that we can share

what’s happening at AISB

with you in the best way

possible. We’d like to in-

troduce you to the AISB

NoticeBoard. From today,

you will be able to ac-

cess the NoticeBoard from the homepage of our website, within

the icons on the right side, and also the first link in the green bar

on top.

Check out the AISB NoticeBoard now by clicking on the images,

or by visiting directly, and let us know what you think. Scroll down and watch

the page update with what’s been going on at AISB over the last few months. You can bookmark the

page on your computer, and you can also subscribe to the RSS feed, by clicking on the orange icon on

the top right of the page.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help you out.

Salwa Patricia Khalil, Development and Communications Assistant

Terry Fox Run T-Shirt Design Contest

Get involved in this year’s Terry Fox Run T-Shirt Design Contest

and submit your idea! Everyone can participate and submissions

are due by June 2nd to Ms. Myles or Mr. Bird. See all details in the

poster beside.

Returning Library Books and Summer Check-Outs

Parents and students must have all library books returned by Fri-

day, June 5th. The library will suspend circulation of all library ma-

terials from June 5th- 15th. If there are any lost or damaged book

fees to be paid, these must be settled before the end of the

school year.

The library has created summer reading lists for middle and high

school students, which are available on the library homepage.

There are also several displays with suggestions.

From June 15-18, parents and students are encouraged to bor-

row books for the summer holidays if their accounts are clear of

overdue books and fees.

Students in grades 2 and below must be with a caregiver to check-out up to 10 books for the summer.

Students in grades 3 and above can independently check-out up to 10 books for the summer.

Middle and High School Students can borrow up to 10 books

Parents are permitted to check-out up to 25 books for the summer.

Students and parents are responsible for fees if books are lost or damaged during the summer period.

Families leaving AISB will not be permitted to check-out any library items from June 5th onwardsPlease

note that the library will close on Friday, June 19th at 12:00pm and will re-open on Monday, August

10th at 8:00am.

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 8

engage | prepare | inspire

A Great Day Out with the Bears

There were about 50 students, parents and teachers who visited the Bear Sanc-

tuary in Zarnesti last weekend. There are 79 rescued brown bears living on many

hectares of land in this wonderful sanctuary which was established in 2005.

Some of these bears were rescued from terrible circus conditions, while others

were kept in small cages in the back of restaurants

as a way to lure customers. Some of the bears had

never seen a tree or walked on grass before they

came to the Sanctuary.

It was wonderful to see them living happily with each

other in a place where they will never be mistreated

again… a true paradise!

Janice Myles, ES Service Learning Coordinator

Empowering Students through the Grade 5 PYP Exhibition 2015

The theme for this year’s PYP exhibition was The Arts Are a Powerful

Tool for Activism. A new approach was adopted, which required the

students to engage in a variety of in-depth inquiries to identify and

connect their passion to the arts. This approach also promoted the ac-

tive involvement of the teachers and specialists to help students pre-

pare for the Exhibition.

The goal of the Exhibition was to help stu-

dents demonstrate knowledge and skills

through the process of investigating, planning, and taking action. In addition,

the students developed their organizational, collaborative, cooperative, prob-

lem-solving, conflict resolution and critical

thinking skills. Students had the opportunity

to celebrate and showcase learning ac-

quired during their elementary school years.

It was also a time for our community to rec-

ognize and appreciate their hard work, ef-

fort and commitment, while demonstrating

independence and responsibility during this

personal and challenging endeavor. Stu-

dents were encouraged to self-reflect and document their thinking throughout

the process in their creative process journals.

The students chose a variety of topics through personal connection or strong

interest and these included: Human Rights, Environment, Health, Music, Role of

the Arts, Animal Testing and Rights, Interactions, Technology, Space Travel,

Legos, Sports, Learning, and Food. Within these topic groups, each student se-

lected a deeper issue to focus on, such as food waste, STEM education for girls,

e-readers and impact on health, Lego therapy, expats and

transitions, sportsmanship, social media and technology, litter

in space, healthy eating for kids, sweatshops, and music thera-


This year, the Exhibition was enriched by the addition of many

new elements such as the passion pitch, the X-Factor and the speech contest where stu-

dents were given many opportunities to practice their speaking and presenting skills.

Furthermore, students developed a Research Based Argument Essay, in learning how

persuasion is a powerful tool to make a difference. The thesis theme of the essay was in-

tended to promote thinking and persuade the reader.

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 9

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Students were encouraged to take action in a variety of ways. Many chose to take action by raising

awareness for their causes through documentary films, websites, videos, YouTube uploads, brochures, peti-

tions, and writing informative books. Others wrote persuasive letters, visited nursing homes, orphanages,

and maternal centers where they volunteered their time. Many students made personal changes by put-

ting recycling bins in their compounds, convincing their parents not to use products in their household that

are tested on animals, and boycotting factory chickens within their families. The arts were used through a

variety of medians such as Collage, Picture Books, Comics, Documentaries, Paintings, Water Color, Insula-

tion Art, and Sculptures. Some students applied Visual Metaphors to their piece of art, and lyrics to songs.

At the culminating event, students were required to demonstrate their understanding of activism by shar-

ing and presenting their projects to the community. This was done through displays on bulletin boards,

PowerPoint presentations, video displays, and artwork. It was evident to all the attendees who watched

the students speak with power and conviction, that the students certainly developed and enhanced their

cognitive, affective and social-emotional capacity through engagement in the Exhibition.

The PYP Exhibition can be summed up through the words of some student reflections…

“Exhibition was a journey and a celebration of learning - a celebration of me as a learner, a student, and a

global citizen.” - Ingrid

“Exhibition helped me inquire and get information about my topic, but also led me into knowing more

about myself.” - Ana

“Exhibition was a challenge but an amazing experience to work hard and have fun at the same time.” -


“Exhibition has taught me to be more responsible and independent with my learning skills such as search-

ing for new resources.” - Maria

“I have also learned how powerful art can be to raise awareness about something.” - Ilinca

“Exhibition was a journey in which I found a lot about my topic, but not just that, I found out a lot about

myself: more than I could ever imagine!” – Fabian

“I learned a lot during exhibition. It was a lot about my topic, but I also found out about myself. What I real-

ly cared about and what I was really passionate about.” - Clara.

This was a wonderful experience for the students as they learned the true meaning for the value of coming

together collaboratively to tackle a real-world problem by using their collective insights, expertise, talents

and interests to take action in making a difference in the world. Without a doubt, the PYP Exhibition has not

only provided the students with the opportunity to showcase their learning but also the opportunity to

share their passion with their peers and the entire community. The hope is that the action students took

during the PYP Exhibition will extend beyond the life of the Exhibition in helping to prepare them as respon-

sible future global citizens.

Janice Myles, Elementary Service Learning Coordinator, AISB

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 10

Message from the PTO

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, President

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear AISB Community,

It is unbelievable how we are almost at the end of the school year already!

New PTO Executive Team, 2015-2016

I again would like to congratulate the newly elected PTO Team and thank them for volunteering to serve at

the PTO Executive Team for the school year 2015-2016. Congratulations, dears!

...and welcome to the most exciting, active, fun PTO you have ever seen!

I would like to take a moment to thank the present PTO Executive team, Terry O’Donnell, AnaMiriam Mar-

tinez, Fela Sanjuan, Meghan Currier, Daniela Kaiser, and Despina Szavuj, for your service this year, for all your

efforts, time, passion and dedication to all our students, not just your own kids. THANK YOU!

AISB International Festival

Last Saturday, we had our annual

AISB International Festival. What a

great event! It was such a great

day! The weather was perfect, so

many stands and so many partici-

pants, such great food and fun

Friday, May 29, 2015

Sorina Muresan-Tulea

PTO President

Sarai Boyd

PTO Secretary

Despina Szavuj

PTO Treasurer

Denitca Raykova

VP, EC Representative

Dawn Kovacs

VP, ES Representative

Yasemin Badea

VP, MS Representative

Fabiana Papastefani

VP, HS Representative

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 11

engage | prepare | inspire

things to see. Thank you to every-

one who participated, who

cooked, who helped and served,

and who organized behind the

scenes. A special thanks to Ms.

Margritha Hofman, to Ms. Catali-

na Gardescu, and to our Mainte-

nance team. The pictures taken

that day only illustrate a part of

the excitement, happiness, and

fun that everyone had that day.

Final PTO General Meeting of this


On Thursday, June 4th, 2015 we

will have our last PTO General

Meeting. It is a beautiful tradition

now to have a potluck with all the Parents, Teachers, and Principals, so please do join us at the PTO Potluck

Meeting on Thursday, at 13:00 in Community Room 10. We would like to take this opportunity to be able to

say “See you soon” to friends who are returning next August and “Goodbye, best of luck” to friends who

are carrying on with their adventures in other parts of the world. Bring a dish to share. See you all there!

What's coming up? Please see the chart below

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, PTO President | American International School of Bucharest

Date Event

June 1 Romanian Holiday (no school)

June 2 MS Service Learning (13:00 – 13:40)

June 3 MS/HS End of Year Concert

June 4 PTO General Meeting – Potluck (13:00 in room 10)

June 4 Grade 3&4 Spring concert and Art Show

June 5 EC3 and EC4 End of Year Concert (8:15 in CR 13)

June 5 Storyteller, Priscilla Howe, visits AISB Library

June 8 EC Principal Parent Meeting (8:10 – 9:30 in Library)

June 9 ES Principal-Parent Coffee (8:00 – 9:00 in room 10)

June 9 MS Service Learning (13:00 – 13:40)

June 9 MS Parent/Principal Meeting. Let’s Have A Tea Talk with the MS Principal (13:45 – 14:45 in

room 10)

June 10–15 HS Exams (school, grades 9-11)

June 11 Grade 5 Spring Concert and Art Show (14:00 – 15:00 in the Theater)

June 12 Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony, 6:00-8:00pm

June 16 PTO says Thank YOU to all our teachers and all AISB Staff. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch

June 17 ES Report cards available to parents on-line

June 17 Grade 5 Promotion

June 18 MS Learner Profile Awards

Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 12

Bucharest Buzz

Herăstrău Park Cultural Festival | Bucharest Jazz Festival

The Bucharest Buzz section of the Monthly Newsletter is a place to share information about-events and

places with those in our community. Are there events coming up that you want others to know about? Did

you go somewhere worth a visit? Send your Bucharest Buzz items of maximum 150 words and 1 photo to our

Manager of Admissions and External Relations, Ms. Catalina Gardescu, at [email protected] and if

appropriate, your news items will be featured in the next Monthly Newsletter.

engage | prepare | inspire

World’s Smart Cities, Bucharest

Bucharest is growing and changing every day. We invite you to

watch this upcoming show on Bucharest, entitled “World’s Smart Cit-

ies, Bucharest” and learn about the fantastic inventions and innova-

tions coming out of our host country. You can watch it on Sunday,

May 31st at 6pm on the National Geographic Channel, or catch it on

Monday June 1st at 6am, or Saturday June 6th at 10pm. Find out

more at:

Dino Park opening in Rasnov on June 12th!

Get ready for a family fun day! From June 12th, life-size dinosaurs will

become part of your life. Visit the newest amusement park in Rasnov,

near Brasov, to wander around the forest with 45 dinosaurs between

8 to 24 meters long and 2 to 20 meters high. The 1.4 hectare park is

the largest dinosaur-themed park in South-Eastern Europe, and prom-

ises to be an amazing day out. The park will also have playgrounds, a

food court, and other leisure facilities.

Find out more from our friends at Romania Insider, here.

Cambridge Immerse 2015: An unparalleled educational experience in August 2015

Cambridge Immerse is a two-week residential educational experi-

ence designed for 15-18 year olds that allows participants to gain an

unrivalled insight into a chosen discipline, ranging from the arts, to

the sciences. Subjects offered include: Medicine, Law, Economics

and Engineering. Tutorials and seminars are taught by highly regarded tutors from Cambridge University in

an optimal learning environment that stimulates academic enquiry; yet the carefully planned schedule en-

sures that the program not only meets the academic needs of the participants, but also provides a unique

insight into the university city through an abundance of activities.

Enrollment in the program is ongoing, and students aged 15 and above are welcome to apply. We've add-

ed lots more subjects this year, so please take the time to explore A PDF ver-

sion of our prospectus is also available to view at

Friday, May 29, 2015

Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 13

engage | prepare | inspire


If you are interested in applying, please apply online through our website, or alternatively, if you require fur-

ther information please don't hesitate to email [email protected].

Famous British Artist comes to Bucharest this Summer

British pop-rock artist, Colin Vearncombe, or Black, as he prefers, will

perform in Bucharest for the first time in May. Songs included will be

1987 hits like “Wonderful Life,” and also pieces from Black’s new album,

which will be launched this year. Tickets for the Sala Palatului gig are

now available from at a discounted price until February 4th

and from February 5th onwards, they will be available from a number

of other suppliers, including,,, sala-, Diverta stores, Romanian Post offices, Inmedio, and Sala


The Month Ahead | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 14

The Month Ahead

AISB Terry Fox Run 2013 | AISB International Festival 2013

engage | prepare | inspire

Monday, June 1, 2015

Romanian Holiday—No School

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time

| 13:00—13:40 | CR10

Tuesday, June 2—Tuesday 9 2015

High School exams

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Secondary School End of Year Concert

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Elementary School Assembly

Thursday, June 4, 2015

PTO General Meeting | 13:00—14:30 | CR10

Friday, June 5, 2015

Early Childhood 3 & Early Childhood 4 End of Year

Show | 08:15 | CR13

Friday, June 5, 2015

Grade 3 & 4 Spring Concert

| 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Friday, June 5, 2015

Storyteller, Priscilla Howe, visiting AISB

Saturday, June 6, 2015

SAT Testing | 07:00—13:00 | CR10 and CR13

Tuesday, June 9—Friday 12, 2015

Early Childhood 3—Grade 1 Student-Led Portfolio


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Elementary School Parent Coffee

| 08:00—09:00 | CR10

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time | 13:00—13:40

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Parent / Principal Meeting: Let’s Have a Tea Talk

| 13:45—14:45 | CR10

Wednesday, June 10—Tuesday 16, 2015

High School Final Exams

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Early Childhood Gathering | 12:30—13:00 | CR13

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Grade 5 Spring Concert | 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Friday, June 12, 2015

Grade 8 Promotion

Friday, June 12, 2015

Grade 8 Camp-Out Night | AISB

Monday, June 15, 2015

Early Childhood 3 Bike Rodeo | 08:15—09:00

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Early Childhood 3 Water Day | 13:00—14:00

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Elementary School Assembly

| 14:00—15:00 | Theater

June 2015

The Month Ahead | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 15

engage | prepare | inspire

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Early Childhood 3 End of Year Party | 10:30—11:30

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Last Day of School for Students—Noon Dismissal