Airport Plann Layout Presentation

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  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation



    & LAYOUT

    Instructors:Dr. Yahya SarrajDr. Essam Almasri

    References:Fricker J., D. and hitford, R. !., Fundamentals of "rans#ortation En$ineerin$, %&&'.(aefiner, ). E., Introduction to "rans#ortation Systems, *+ - # % /0a1uette, R. J., Ashford, ri$ht, "rans#ortation En$ieerin$, *+/%, # '(oronjeff, R., 0lannin$ and Desi$n of Air#orts, *+-%


  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


    1 Introduction

    "he air a$e 2e$an on Decem2er */, *+&3 at !itty (a4k 2each in 5orth 6arolina, 7SA. 8n that day il2ur and8r9ille ri$ht ri$ht ;rothers< tried their first hea9ierthan=air craft.

    Air trans#ortation, the most recent mode in moderntechnolo$y, has 9astly chan$ed 4orld tra9el, #resentin$ the

    2usiness and recreational communities 4ith si$nificantly

    im#ro9ed o##ortunities to reach distant #laces in minimumtra9el time.


  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


    Air Transportation and Airports;asic re1uirements

    Forecast future traffic for airports Capacity of an airport Delay for operations Winds and runway orientation Runway length Allowable takeoff weight Landside components including the terminal,

    parking and curbside Airfreight


  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


    2 Airport Demand

    After makin$ forecasts of annual air #assen$ers, this fi$uremust 2e con9erted to a #eak hour flo4. "he follo4in$em#irical e1uations can 2e used:

    A9era$e monthly #assen$ers

    > &.& '*/ ? annual #assen$er flo4 *@*%< *.&*

    A9era$e daily #assen$ers

    > &.&3%%- ? a9era$emonthly flo4 *@3*

    0eak=day flo4 > *.%- ? a9era$e daily #assen$ers

    0eak=hour flo4 > &.&+*/ ? 0eak=day flo4


  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


    0eak hour #assen$er flo4 can 2e used to estimate #eakhourly aircraft mo9ements, usin$ estimates of a9era$e

    #assen$er load@aircraft Aviation is growing fastn the !"A#

    $ear Revenue %assenger &iles'R%&()*+ -- ./ 0illion)*1- )-+.) 0illion)*** 223.- 0illion

    After )) "eptember had a ma4or impact on the growth

    of aviation in the !.". 5owever it is gradually returningto previous levels.

  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


    3 Selection of Airport Site

    "his is the most im#ortant as#ect of the #lannin$ and desi$nof air#orts.


    I. Desk study o t!e area*.re9ie4 of e?istin$ land=use #lans%.analysis of 4ind data run4ay orientation3& ?&./&.

    % .*

    7se %+ $ates.


  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


  • 8/12/2019 Airport Plann Layout Presentation


    #+a%p"e:Determine the num2er of $ates re1uired at an air#ort. "he

    desi$n hour 9olume at the air#ort is & aircraft @ hour. "hemean time for stand occu#ancy is ' minutes. Assume thatthe #ro#ortion of arri9als to the total mo9ement is &.-.


    n > m1t > & ? &.- ? &./ > %%.

    7se %3 $ates.
