aint Peter the Apostle Catholic

707 Main Street - (P.O. Box 28) - Gueydan, La. 70542 337-536-9258 Rev. Fr. Corey Campeaux-Pastor Holy Mass Schedule Monday No Mass Tuesday 5:15 p.m. Wednesday Noon Thursday 5:15 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. St. David 8:30 a.m. Confession: Saturday 2:45-3:45 p.m. & 30 minutes before all other Masses or by appointment. Baptism: Arrangements made by the parents with the Pastor. Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing Catholics. Marriage Arrangements made by the couple with the pastor no less than 6 months before desired date. Anointing: Emergency calls are answered immediately; call office for Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick at home or in a hospital. Office Hours: Monday: Closed Tues-Thurs 8am-3pm Friday-8 am-Noon Lunch: Noon– 1pm S aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Way of the Cross Fridays at noon at St. Peter And Mass and Way of the Cross At St. David Fridays at 5:30 p.m. Beginning February 26 February 21, 2021 First Sunday of Lent

Transcript of aint Peter the Apostle Catholic

Page 1: aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Peter $ 2184.00 $ 733.00 St. David $ 255.00 $ 34.00 Let them be filled with patience

707 Main Street - (P.O. Box 28) - Gueydan, La. 70542 337-536-9258

Rev. Fr. Corey Campeaux-Pastor

Holy Mass Schedule Monday No Mass Tuesday 5:15 p.m. Wednesday Noon Thursday 5:15 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. St. David 8:30 a.m.

Confession: Saturday 2:45-3:45 p.m. & 30 minutes before all other Masses or by appointment.

Baptism: Arrangements made by the parents with the Pastor. Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing Catholics.

Marriage Arrangements made by the couple with the pastor no less than 6 months before desired date.

Anointing: Emergency calls are answered immediately; call office for Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick at home or in a hospital.

Office Hours: Monday: Closed Tues-Thurs 8am-3pm Friday-8 am-Noon Lunch: Noon– 1pm

S aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

Way of the Cross Fridays at noon at St. Peter

And Mass and Way of the Cross

At St. David Fridays at 5:30 p.m.

Beginning February 26

February 21, 2021 First Sunday of Lent

Page 2: aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Peter $ 2184.00 $ 733.00 St. David $ 255.00 $ 34.00 Let them be filled with patience

Cindy, Larry Benoit Tabby Broussard Benoit Effie Broussard Tammy Broussard Cormier Judy Guidry Earline Hardee Richard Hardee Willie Mae, Wilson LeJeune Wayne LeMaire Mabel Martin Sidonia Primeaux Trudy Schexnider Aimee Sonnier Cena Mae, Floyd Zaunbrecher

Please pray for the following:

Offerings First Collection Second Collection St. Peter $ 2184.00 $ 733.00 St. David $ 255.00 $ 34.00

Let them be filled with patience and joy in your

presence as they wait for your healing touch.

Please restore your servant to full health, dear

Father. Remove all fear and doubt from their

heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and

may you, Lord, be glorified through their lives,


Loving God, you are the author and sustainer of our lives. You know the anguish of the sorrowful, you are attentive to the prayers of the brokenhearted. Hear your people who cry out to you in their need; strengthen their hope in your lasting goodness. We pray today for those who have died because of violence, of terrorism. Draw them to yourself; let your face shine upon them. May they be greeted with choirs of angels and experience your eternal peace and joy. Be near to all those who have been touched by violence: those who have been hurt, lost their loved ones or lost their sense of security. Be for them a steady comfort and safe resting place. Soften the hearts and steady of the minds of those who would do violence to others. May hate be replaced with love, violence with peace and darkness with your light. Amen.

Prayer for the Victims of Violence

DAILY PRAYER FOR PRIESTS Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

PRAYER FOR SEMINARIANS O Lord Jesus Christ, great High Priest, I pray that you call many worthy souls to your holy priesthood. Enlighten the Bishop and Vocation Director in the choice of candidates, the Spiritual Directors in molding them, and the professors in instructing them. Lead the seminarians daily in your unerring footsteps, so that they may become priests who are models of purity, possessors of wisdom, and heroes of sacrifice. May they be steeped in humility and aflame with love for God and man, apostles of your glory, and sanctifiers of souls. Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us. Amen

Page 3: aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Peter $ 2184.00 $ 733.00 St. David $ 255.00 $ 34.00 Let them be filled with patience

“The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to him.” Mark 1:12 We need Lent because we are sinners. The prophet Isaiah says, “All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Is 53:6). We have gone astray like sheep. Sheep are fairly unintelligent creatures, and they have the habit of wandering. We stray like sheep from Jesus even when we are trying to keep on the way. Today even more go astray when they are led astray by false shepherds and bad Catholics. Is it any surprise. Jesus, for His part does not go astray. Jesus does not follow his own way, but that of the Father. Jesus goes into the desert to endure temptation because the Spirit impelled him to go there after the Spirit descended upon Him and God the Father spoke to him. Our job through Lent is to journey with Jesus who goes before us. We often think of Lent externally, as something to be endured. The call from God is internal. God does not want us to suffer through Lent. God wants us to repent, believe in the gospel and be changed once again through His intervention. We should think of Lent reorienting ourselves to a deeper relationship with God. He alone can heal us, not the many counterfeits which catch our attention. We are so bombarded every day form the moment we wake up with little false gods and comforts that living lent is a matter of spiritual life or death. None of the things we follow will suffice to satisfy us. St. Teresa of Avila was correct when she said, “Solo Dios basta (God alone is enough). Lent is not so much a time to show off our virtues. It is a time to observe the love Jesus bears us and follow him as sheep follow the shepherd. The three children of Fatima (St. Jacinta, St. Francesco, and Lucia) exemplify a life of prayer and penance. It did not come easily or naturally to them. Before the Angel of Portugal appeared, they would sometimes say the rosary by abbreviating the Hail Mary down to 4 words so that they could finish it more quickly. When the Angel of Portugal later appeared he taught them to pray acknowledging God for who He is and making reparation for those who do not acknowledge Him. It was a big change in their lives which took time and even error to appreciate. Once the children were playing, and the Angel appeared exclaiming, “What are you doing? You must pray! Pray! Pray!” Was their play sinful? No, but the angel understood that souls are going to hell as we Christians go our own way. The Angel sought to impress the need for prayer upon the children to help them fulfill Jesus and Mary’s plans for them. This plan is also God’s plan for us. Ask yourself, “Did Mary and Jesus ask these children to live such an extraordinary life or prayer and penance just so that each of us can live our lives any way we please, or is God calling us through them to live lives of prayer and penance? The answer is “Yes.” God is calling us, He has always called us and we have forgotten. Lent is a time for us to answer this call. The world is in the state which it is because we have failed as disciples of Jesus. We have failed to live the faith and more and more have allowed the world to creep into our practice until for many it is indistinguisha-ble from the world. Jesus did not die on the cross for us to live the sinful life of the world, but to be set free from sin. The Faith is about Jesus. “The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Is 53:6). Isaiah 53:6 speaks about the suffering servant bearing the sins of all. The Faith is about Jesus because He does what we cannot do for ourselves. I think that we forget that there is no salvation without Jesus. The only thing we can claim as our own, is sin. Everything else is a gift of God. Ask yourself, “Do I truly credit or acknowledge God or am I an unprofitable servant who has only done what he was obliged to do?” (cf Luke 17:10). Today the world is very sick. Today even the church is sick. We have poisoned ourselves with the false delights and the false freedoms which satan has tempted us with. There is no antidote except the blood of Jesus, and we cannot watch from afar. This treatment requires our participation, and Lent is our therapy. Now is the time to rise and answer the call of Jesus and Mary like the children of Fatima did. They were generous in their yes to God and they did not regret their sufferings. They were happy because they had Jesus. Nothing else mattered more than that. God worked miracles of Faith in and through them. God can do the same in us if we have but the courage to say yes, and put our yes into action. -Fr. Campeaux

Page 4: aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Peter $ 2184.00 $ 733.00 St. David $ 255.00 $ 34.00 Let them be filled with patience
Page 5: aint Peter the Apostle Catholic Peter $ 2184.00 $ 733.00 St. David $ 255.00 $ 34.00 Let them be filled with patience

Saturday 02-27 4:00 p.m. St. Peter Church Mass Intentions: Carol Badon Renee’ Benoit Crip, Edith Bertrand, B.B., Evelyn Breaux, Aldis, Marie, Bernice, Jane, Clevenis, Eriste, Craig ,

Brenda, Robert P. Wanda, Wilfred “Blanc Broussard, Joe Gaspard, Johnnie B. Hebert, Ryan Henry, Ruby, Wallace Istre, Donald, Shawn Linscomb, Jo Ann, Jules, Jules C., Wayne Martin, Albay, Anite Thibodeaux

Kathryn M. Hatch, Nolan LeBlanc family, Dorothy, Ellis Toups family, Joseph Zaunbrecher family Irvin, M/M Wilfred Broussard, Sr., Marvin Compton, Susan Earls, Jude Fluitt, Robert Paul Francez,

Barbara, Faye, Francis, George, Henrietta, Jim, Lenia, Mildred, Bob, Pat Klein, Cathy Langley Betty, Percy LaPoint, M/M Sidney Lounsberry, Carrie Walpole

Joseph “Buster”, Wanda, Kathleen LaPointe, Ryan (Bubba) Laseter, Buford, Dorothy Marceaux, Agnes, Hubert Suire, Lola Tuiller

Arnold, Duci, Steve, Jr., Theresa Meaux Dunice, T-Joe, Brenda, Faye, Neelis Bertrand, Anastasie, JD, Joseph Simon, James Smith family,

Rodney Stelly, Jr.& Sr., Lela Suggs, Father Donald Theriot, Dwayne, Wayne, C.P. Zaunbrecher families, Lucille, Wilbur Guidry Doreen Broussard, Anne, Clalie, Wilson dePerrodil, Peter Paul Trahan  M/M L.C. Melancon living and deceased families, Proford, Shirley Petry living and deceased families,

Bill, Billy, M/M Joseph Zaunbrecher families, special intention Sandra Guidry (AOD 3 years)

Tuesday 02-23 5:15 p.m. St. Peter Church Mass Intention: M/M L.C. Melancon living and deceased families, Proford, Shirley Petry living and deceased families, Bill, Billy, M/M Joseph Zaunbrecher families, special intention Wednesday 02-24 6:30 a.m. St. Peter Church Mass Intention: Fred Zaunbrecher (BD) Thursday 02-25 5:15 p.m. St. Peter Church Mass Intention: Priscilla Carlson Friday 02-26 10:00 a.m. St. Peter Church Mass Intention Helen, Jim, Richard Hardy, Ellis, John D., Lorena Istre, Robert Ortego

Sunday 02-28 7:00 a.m. St. Peter Church Mass Intention: Belle, (AOD 3-1), Eula (BD), Hubert Suire

8:30 a.m. St. David Chapel

Mass Intention: William Hardee, Logan LeMaire, Evelyn Landry, Kalix Broussard, Billy, Josie Duhon, Bill Jr., Marie, William Greene, Sr., Mary Anne Hargrave, Elias, Edward, Gussie, Guy, Lori, Roberta LeDoux, Lelia, Lovelace, Robert LeMaire, Belle, Nick, Noel, Noelie, Romeal Trahan, Emick, Helen “Sis” Melancon, Nellie, Thomas, Willie Petry, Velma Trahan, Anna Mae, Bert, Johnny Darbonne, Karl, Dr. Reno Petry

10:30 a.m. St. Peter Church

Mass Intention: Parishioners of St. Peter and St. David Church

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