AIESEC in Poland MC 16/17 Second Round Application Booklet


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AIESEC in Poland MC 16-17

Application Booklet





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Welcome…To the

Adventure of a lifetime…Click here for the video

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IdeasIndraneel Roy Choudhary






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Table of contents1.Introduction 2.General JD & Role 3.Working & living

conditions 4.Requirements 5.Selection process 6.Roles of corners 7.Application

guideline 8.Transition timeline 9.Application


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Dear MCVP Candidate 2016/2017, The world is your oyster!

You have countless number of possibilities, but there is one extremely challenging, difficult, intense, rewarding, powerful and joyful experience, and it's the MC experience in Poland 16.17.

It’s one in a million chance to share you life (and your room ☺) with a bunch of young individuals, who are extremely passionate, have similar ambitions and live a bigger purpose to change the world only for better. We know that next MC team will consist of people who believe in the same and will give in everything of what they have to transform AIESEC in


“We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges” and this experience will be challenging, that we can promise for sure. But we can also promise that it’s going to be worth it.

You’re going to lead and be responsible for AIESEC in Poland. You’re going to pursue your goals. You’re going to shape this entity.

The only thing that will be transformed, is everything.

Are you ready for it? We believe you are, because you came this far reading this.

Good luck, 

MC Pryzmat 



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Lead the transformation, have an adventure of a lifetime | AIESEC in Poland MC 16.17

General Role•Ensuring of all our actions are aligned with the AIESEC Way, •Ensuring accountability, sustainability and legality of actions of

AIESEC in Poland, •Representation of AIESEC in Poland in national and global network, •Ensuring realisation of the set MoS of entity, •Ensuring realisation of global and national direction and strategies.

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General JD•Setting functional direction for the entity •Creation and execution of strategies for MoS achievement •Monitoring and tracking performance of entity in terms of responsible area •Functional and cross-functional project management on national and

international level •Network education and management (commission, NSTs, LCPs) •Coaching and consultancy for LCs •National conferences delivery •Representation of MC on specific events on external and internal events/


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Working & living conditions

•The office is 10 minutes by walk from the house •The salary of every MC member is 1050 PLN (~250 EUR) * per month upon revision.

The salary is enough to live, assuming you keep control over your expenses. •Travel costs and fees for national conferences and team days are fully covered for the

MC. Also travel costs and fees for international conferences and meetings are covered*. •Accommodation and basic living necessities are provided in the lengedary and

mystical PINK HOUSE

*This information is subject to change based on the decision of the new MC team.

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RequirementsRequirements from the compendium: – You need to be a member of AIESEC in Poland to apply to Member

Committee – International candidates can apply if they are a member of AIESEC in

another country –Candidates to Member Committee need to have English exam

passed at least on level B in AIESEC in Poland scale. It can be proved by a certificate according to AIESEC in Poland regulations passed during General Assembly. Please bring the proper document with you to the General Assembly.

– Refer to chapter III of National Compendium to read more about elections to the Member Committee.

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Selection process• Application – released 7th March, closure: 23rd March 8 PM GMT +1

• Presentation + Question & Answer - during General Assembly – To be declared

• Interviews – 29 March start date

• Announcement – To be decided

Vice presidents are selected by the MCP elect with support of current MC team.

Vice presidents are allocated to certain positions by Member Committee President elect according to individual talents and capabilities.

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T ransition timelineTransition process for MC team will require moving in to Pink House in the following timeline:

• Finance Director: 5.04.2016,

• Rest of Management Team: 7.05.2016.

• Rest of MC team: 14.05.2016.

The official term 16/17 will start on 1st July 2016 and will end on 30 June 2017.

You should complete your transition on LC/MC level until this date because there will be no possibility to get days off during transition period.

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LCPs 16-17


Customer Experience MCVP


Customer Experience MCVP







Growth &MCVP

InnovationsCluster 1,2,3

Global CitizenMCVP


Global TalentsMCVP




Growth &MCVP

InnovationsCluster 4 &Expansions






Global CitizenMCVP


Global TalentsMCVP









Proposed MC structure

The MC structure is very fluid and

subject to evolve depending on

various factors.

For now, this is the proposed structure.

These roles are highly subject to evolve

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General role of corner

Role of all the corners is to develop strategic direction for the area and execute it in the best way possible to enable AIESEC to deliver more life changing experiences.

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Role of Operations corner✓Managing diverse customer portfolio through cooperation with the

commissions, ensuring customer centricity while servicing in all the programs.

✓ Guarding the quality of value delivery in every single experience and securing fulfillment of standards to reach customer's satisfaction.

✓ Enabling bigger number of realizations through supply management, especially through gaining and maintaining country partners for exchange programs.

Answer Operations Corner questions for the following roles: MCVP CX-S, CX-O, MCVP Global Citizen-Students & Organisations, MCVP Global Talent-Students and


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Role of Organizational Development corner

✓ Managing network, internal communication and human resources in a way that facilitates implementation and supports bigger number of realisations,

✓ Directly supporting entities (also expansions) to enhance their capacity for exchange delivery.

✓ Ensuring full scale realisation of the LC plans.

Answer Organisational Development questions for the following roles: MCVP Growth and Innovations Cluster 1,2,3 & Cluster 4 and expansions, Talent Management.

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Role of Marketing corner✓ Setting communication strategy for our products along with

enhancement of digital and offline channels in order to generate more leads and eventually attract more customers to get involved with AIESEC.

✓ Getting closer to the customer, understanding their needs and setting strategy accordingly and enabling a scale up in operations through shaping the right message and adjusting our products together with the product responsibles.

Answer Marketing corner questions for the following roles: MCVP Marketing, Students and Organisations.

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Role of Business Development corner

✓ Gaining and maintaining business partnerships to assure revenue stream that can sustain the organization. The role comes down to assuring clear communication with business partners, delivering high quality Account Management and looking for business opportunities that can facilitate desired growth of both AIESEC and the partner.

Answer Business Development corner questions for the following roles: MCVP Business Development, Managers.

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Role of Finance✓Managing finances of the ltd. and association, securing

legality of the organization along with providing strategic support and advise for Member Committee and the network. The role comes down to assuring formal transparency within and the organization globally and nationally, as well as fulfilling all the external obligations required by polish law, educating the network and making financial decisions

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Application GuidelineThe application package for AIESEC in Poland MC 2016/2017 team should consist of: 1. CV: give us all important information we need to know about you, your AIESEC

Experience, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use maximum 1 page to create your CV.

2. Endorsement letters: Collect at least 2 endorsement letters with contact details of authors. At least one endorsement letter should be provided by a customer/external stakeholder that have cooperated with you in your AIESEC Experience (representative of company, NGO, BoA, Alumni, Exchange participant)

3. Questionnaire- not more than 13 pages including title page. 4. *For  international  candidates:  all positions are open except Finance Director & BD

team.Please provide us extra pdf file (1 page) with explanation of requirements to get a year-long visa and timeline.

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Submit your application with attachments by

To MCP current, MCVP TM 2015/2016 and MCP elect

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Send one zip file with all documents in the format: „”.

Make sure you create separate files for all documents.

You will receive a confirmation within 24 hours. If the application will not fulfil all requirements, the candidate may be rejected from the process.

After sending your application package you will be in formed about the schedule of the review boards starting from 29th March . Final decision of candidate selection and MC structure is up to the MCPe with consultancy

from the current MC team.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact :

Piotr Herstowski, MCP 15/16 and Alicja Siemieniec, MCVP TM 15/16, Indraneel Roy Choudhary, MCPe

Application Guideline23rd March 8 PM GMT +1

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Application Questionnaire





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Application Guideline• General part: Answer 6 general questions (4 obligatory questions and 2 chosen by

applicant). • Candidate, who are applying for role in Management Team have to answer one more

general question, • Functional: choose 1 or 2 corners of your preference: – If you want to apply for one corner- you have to answer all questions from this corner, – If you want to apply to two corners- you have to answer 3 questions per each corner

that you apply for (in general 6 questions). • General questions should not take more than 6 pages. • Whole application should not take more than 13 pages with title page.

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General Questions1. Why are you applying for Member Committee of AIESEC in Poland?* 2. What do you see as your strengths? How will these contribute to the work of MC and

development of AIESEC in Poland?* 3. What do you see as your flaws? How will they influence your work and life in MC and how

will you work on them?* 4. Please share with us what is in your opinion on the MC role. What should be the MC team’s

approach towards the network both internally and globally?* 5. How do you imagine managing your subteam members as Management Team member?** *Obligatory questions

* Obligatory for Management Team applicants

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4. How do you see MC involvement in assuring the highest quality delivery for International Congress 2016? 5. What is your idea to make AIESEC in Poland a Youth Leadership Movement? 6. What does it mean for AIESEC in Poland to grow disruptively and what does it take to achieve this

growth? 7. How to shape what AIESEC in Poland does around what the world needs? Who are the key stakeholders

and why them? 8. How can we increase our accessibility as AIESEC in Poland so we get closer to being accessible to

everyone, everywhere?

General Questions

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Functional questions- Operations Corner1. What would be your strategy to ensure that AIESEC in Poland grows by at least

100% in all exchange areas for the term 16.17? 2. From Global number 3 in 2010 to Global number 10 in 2015. Critically analyse the

journey and path of AIESEC in Poland over these years and where do you envision AIESEC in Poland in 16.17? How will it happen?

3. For our OGX Programs how would you increase conversion rate (Open-Approved) from an average of 9% to 25%. Please mention the activities that will evolve at LC level, and how as MC you will ensure implementation of the same.

Answer Operations Corner questions for the following roles: MCVP CX-S, CX-O, MCVP Global Citizen-Students & Organisations, MCVP Global Talent-Students and


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4. What would be your 1 breakthrough strategy for every exchange area to grow disruptively within your MC term 16.17? You have the license to change anything within the area. [TIP: Assess the growth model of AIESEC in Poland].

5. "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" How do you picture and imagine the ideal culture of operations (overall) within AIESEC in Poland. What steps/actions/activities you would undertake to make sure it happens?

6. Please assess the current financial sustainability and contribution of Operations to AIESEC in Poland. What according to you is the desired situation? How can we ensure that LCVP Exchangers are accountable for financial performance of the area.

Functional questions- Operations Corner

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Functional questions- Organizational Development Corner

1. Prepare concise report on learnings from OD strategy of AIESEC Brazil, AIESEC Colombia, AIESEC Egypt, AIESEC Russia and AIESEC India.How do you plan to bring these learnings from these entities to AIESEC in Poland?

2. Design an innovation plan for an LC in Poland in 2016 to reach 600 exchanges? And how can each LC in cluster 3 and cluster 4 have 100% growth than the previous term?

Answer Organisational Development questions for the following roles: MCVP Growth and Innovations Cluster 1,2,3 & Cluster 4 and expansions, Talent Management.

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Functional questions- Organizational Development Corner

3. Analyse current state of expansions area development – take into consideration level of area development in MC level and development level of new entities of AIESEC in Poland. What are areas for improvements and what kind of activities you would like to undertake to develop Expansion of AIESEC in Poland?

4. Evaluate LCs Development in 3rd and 4th cluster? Please cover: back office and front office, Organizational Structure, Exchange results, Operations, market, culture and challenges. Basing on LCs analysis prepare strategies and focuses for MCVP responsible for lowest clusters.

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Functional questions- Organizational Development Corner

5. Role of Talent Management area is supporting exchange. Please evaluate how supporting exchange looked like on National level till now. Decide what new you would like to do in upcoming term in TM area to boost extensively exchange and how you will measure that. How will you cascade it on local level?

6. Human Resources is starting to play more important role as strategic advisor. Please evaluate current situation of Talent Management as strategic player on local and national level and analyse external transformation of this area (outside of AIESEC). How this transformation should affect Talent Management area in AIESEC? Write action steps how you will make sure that this change is also happening on local level.

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Functional questions- Business Development Corner

1. Career Days: compare our fairs to 3 biggest competitors on our market through the most important factors, point out the main characteristics that are crucial for our fairs in order to maintain our position and brand, also provide a SWOT analysis for the product, keeping the division of external and internal factors and including all the resources engaged.

2. Portfolio : please asses the National Portfolio in terms of deliverability, capacity, competitiveness on the market and source of income for the National budget. Please go through every product. What are the 5 strongest points of Local Portfolios, and what is their contribution to national and local sales.

Answer Business Development corner questions for the following roles: MCVP Business Development, Managers.

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Functional questions- Business Development Corner

3. Compendium and National Index : what would be your strategy for National Index sales (please include plan of tracking sales and new sales prospect ). What changes to the compendium would you propose to clear the principles of ER in Poland and what redistribution percentages in general would you propose to create a fixed set of rules applicable in every situation?

4. Market: Prepare analysis of the Polish Market, divide it into 2 levels - per city and per sector. What are the most potential sectors for AIESEC and what would be targeted for them. Also include your assessment of the current employer branding trends. Please attach a list of sources used in the research.

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Functional questions- Business Development Corner

5. iGIP and Product Development: please describe your stand on NEP and iGIP sales. what would have to be done, to achieve growth, including timeline, resources needed and target group for both stakeholders and main responsibles. Additionally propose what new initiatives/products/directions could be undertaken in order to widen our cooperation with stakeholders and market penetration. Make sure you take into consideration the timeline, market realities and organizational health and capability.

6. BD work: How do you account management to be conducted on national level? What are the crucial points of preparing and executing a sales plan (indicators, timeline, milestones) and how should the BD corner work on it on a daily basis ? How should it be tracked?

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Functional questions- Marketing Corner1. What is the role of Marketing in AIESEC? Please evalute how this role evolved in the

last 3 terms and where do you see Mkt area at the end of your term (16/17). 2. What would be your strategy to grow our online and offline reach in 16/17 term?

Propose 3 strategies, with argumentation and timeline of implementation 3. What is the role of Youth Speak initiative? How does it connect with daily

marketing activities? 4. What is the future of B2B Marketing in AIESEC in Poland? Please assess our

potential in this field and propose key MoS goals for term 16/17.

Answer Marketing corner questions for the following roles: MCVP Marketing, Students and Organisations.

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Functional questions- Marketing Corner5. Analyse marketing for OGX in AIESEC in Brazil, AIESEC in Egypt, AIESEC in India, AIESEC

in Turkey and AIESEC in Russia. Taki into consideration initiatives, channels, structure and results. What would be one thing you would implement in AIESEC in Poland from each of those countries? Explain your decision.

6. What do students in Poland need? Are our programs answering the biggest issues of young people in our country? Present methodology of your assessment.

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Functional questions- Finance Corner1. Please analyze financial performance of MC and LCs in terms 2015/2016 and

2014/2015. What are your conclusions? What should we focus on to improve financial situation on both local and national level?

2. Please make an analysis of organizational health. Please prepare analysis and sum it up in overall AIESEC in Poland assessment.

3. How do you imagine the functioning of ideal state of organizational financial model? What elements should it consist of? Please assess the current model and it's elements. What are the actions steps you'd undertake in order to transform it?

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Functional questions- Finance Corner4. How do you imagine ideal state of financial&legal subsystem in AIESEC Poland?

Please describe what kind of structures shall be functioning and what should be the division of responsibilities in order to secure sustainable development of the whole organization.

5. Based on answers for previous questions: what should be the key deliverables and responsibilities in finance area for term 2016/2017.

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Questions- Internal Communications & Information Management

1. In maximum one page, explain what do you think is the job description of MCVP Icomm & IM along with key MOS and deliverables.

2. How can we drive behaviours in the network using online ICOMM Channels.

3. What according to you should be the main channels of communicating messages through ICOMM.

4. How can we improvise our conversion rate for OGX through lead nurturing? 5. What would be your one revolutionary idea to implement Icomm in a way which

ensures engagement of every member of AIESEC in Poland?

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Questions- Public Relations1. In maximum one page, explain what do you think is the job description of MCVP Public

Relations along with key MOS and deliverables.

2. How according to you we can ensure visibility and presence of AIESEC throughout Poland. 3. Looking at the 2020 context and increased focus on EWA activities, assess the current EWA

Products that we have and how we can improvise them? 4. Please propose at least 3 new EWA products that we can implement. How would you

ensure engagement of LCs in delivering those products.

5. Please prepare a research on all conferences, forums, events that according to you should have representation of AIESEC, throughout Poland and Eastern Europe.

6. How can we ensure maximum utilisation of IC 2016 in Poland? What would be your follow up action steps for the term?

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Questions- National Exchange Partnerships1. Please assess the current NEP Delivery model. How would you improvise it? 2. In maximum one page, explain what do you think is the job description of MCVP

Public Relations along with key MOS and deliverables. 3. In maximum 2 pages, analyse the business model of AIESEC in Poland NEP. What

would be your proposals for evolution.

4. Prepare a 3 year plan and strategy of NEP, and what state you envision of AIESEC in Poland NEP after 3 years.

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