Advertising campaigns


Transcript of Advertising campaigns

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Target audience: young parents, people with money (working class). Representation: the shocking imagery is used to prompt donations and to prevent child mistreatment.

Message: Not every child is born into a nice, caring family that can provide a happy and a safe life for a baby.

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The silver spoon in the image represents wealth, the spoon has been photoshopped to keep within the ASA guidelines. The slogan “if only every child was born with a silver spoon” anchors the image and links to the perfect little baby with a silver spoon in it’s mouth. The colour scheme of the photo uses gold and silver colours, this creates a happy and warm emotion when looking at the baby. The baby is lying on a furry blanket which is important because it shows the baby is being looked after and cared for, the baby is comfortable and safe in a clean and welcoming environment. The hospital tag on the babies wrist has connotations that the baby has been born in a safe, clean and professional environment and it has been well looked after. The baby is quite chubby which indicates that it is well fed and isn’t being starved. The slogan is out of the way in the corner. The fact that the writing is bold, big and black makes it much easier to read.

The baby looks happy and clean which tells us that it is well looked after and that it is content with its surroundings. The silver spoon is a significant part of the image, it stands out a lot compared to all of the things to see in the image.

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There is a drastic change of imagery compared to the previous image, it’s a increase in shock value. The layout of the add is still very similar to the previous image, the font it the same, the text size and colour are the same and its out of the way and in the corner. The colour scheme is mainly white and light blue tones, these colours are used to create a cold, hard and unwelcoming look to the image. The slogan has negatively changed to emphasise the change in imagery.

The bottle has been photoshopped into the babies mouth, this is done deliberately so that they keep within the ASA guidelines. The bruise on the babies chest and the bottle of chemicals in the babies mouth signifies that the baby isn’t looked after nor is it cared for. The baby crying indicates it’s unhappy and in pain which then tells suggests that the environment which it’s held in unsafe and causing pain. The baby has a hospital tag on it’s arm telling us that is was born in a hospital, a safe environment; however, just because the baby was born in a safe environment doesn’t mean it will stay safe, when the baby is born it has been taken into an unsafe environment.

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The larger the add campaign grows, the larger the shock value is. A silver spoon has been replaced with a diseased cockroach a complete contrast in objects. The cockroach furthers the impression as the insect itself is known as filthy and diseased. The cockroach in the babies mouth can be seen as a personal invasion, the baby doesn’t have the ability to look after it’s self. The cockroach has been photoshopped to keep within the ASA guild lines. The layout is the same as the previous two ads, out of the way, noticeable but not too noticeable, clear and the text is tidy. The orange oily/ greasy glow further emphasises that the baby is in an unhealthy, unsafe

environment. The ad image makes it clear that the baby needs help! The orange white colours are similar to the colours used in the first ad, however, they are used in a completely different context. In the first ad, the colour white was used to represent sterol and cleanliness and in this as the colour white represents a cold and harsh environment, an uncared and abandoned environment. The orange was before used as a warm safe colour and in this ad its used as a dirty, unclean colour. The baby itself is sweaty and unclean suggesting that it hasn’t been bathed or cleaned in a long time, the baby clearly needs help and Barnardo’s used the shock value to make the target audience to have empathy for the babies.

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As the campaign has continued, the shock value has escalated. The baby is now appearing dirtier, thinner and in an even more dangerous position. The layout is the same as the previous two ads, out of the way, noticeable but not too noticeable, clear and the text is tidy. The colour scheme is a harsh white and light blue, this creates a cold, harsh vibe and suggests that the baby is cold and abandoned. The facial features of the baby suggest that it’s in pain. The use of a syringe has a connotations of a dangerous environment, an uncared for environment and a dangerous poverty home. The substance in the syringe heavily implies drugs and other illegal substances unsuitable for anyone never mind a baby. Like the other ads the baby look s dirty and unwashed, the baby still has the hospital tag on its wrist and by the looks of it hasn’t been bathed since being born. The baby looks thinner than the babies in the other ads suggesting it hasn’t been fed and its belly looks like it is starting to bloat. The baby crying shows that it is clearly uncomforted and needs help.

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TESCO CHEROKEETarget Audience: Middle aged adults, 30+.

Representation: using models in terrifying situations, but their brand is so comfortable they don’t notice.

Campaign Message: clothes produced by Tesco Cherokee make you feel relaxed and comfortable no matter what the situation.

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The model is in a dangerous situation, yet their body language does not reflect this. Instead, they are relaxed implying that their comfort levels exceed their pain level. The simple layout with the brand name and slogan in a bright white colour placed in t he bottom right corner doesn’t take away attention from the image itself. The brown and green colour scheme is create to give the setting an earthly or nature look. The photo has been photoshopped to keep within the ASA guidelines.

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The model is in a dangerous situation, yet their body language does not reflect this, instead they are relaxed, this implies that their comfort levels exceed their pain level. The colour of the slogan and the company name has changed to grey because its more convenient to the background colour in this image. The colour scheme is dark blues and white; exaggerating danger as there is no visible help or land in the background. The logo and the company name is in the top right corner our of the way but still noticeable, it is positioned their so that the attention isn’t brought away form the main image and so that the shock value is heightened.

The main subject is obviously photoshopped as it would be a major safety hazard and so that the company is staying within the ASA guidelines.

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The full, long shot is used to highlight the danger and help create the exaggerated, dangerous situation. We can clearly see that the model is plummeting to the ground from a great height. The body language doesn’t reflect the situation the model is in. They are very calm, checking their watch which reflects how comfortable the model is in what he is wearing. The white is the dominant colour in the background and it’s used as a blank canvas so that the colouring and texture of the clothes stands out, drawing viewer’s attention to them.

Simplistic layout is used with the brand name and slogan in the corner so as not to detract from the main image.

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The use of a longshot is to highlight the situation as well as to show the model in the full outfit. The exaggerated situation shows the model in a dangerous situation yet with a casual response, further implying that their comfort level exceeds their pain level. The colour scheme used in this image is very simple, The background is predominantly white with sections of green. The white is used as a background colour to represent a blank canvas, the clothes stand and you are able to see the quality of the clothes. The green has connotations to nature and like the first image, it gives an earthly vibe to the campaign. The logo and the slogan are placed in the top right corner, out of the way but still noticeable.

The layout is simple and tidy so that no attention is taken away from the main subject. The photo is photoshopped so that the company keeps within the ASA guidelines.

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TESCO F&FTarget Audience: Females, 20-30 working class.

Representation: Model/ Price on the catwalk demonstrates high quality clothing at affordable prices.

Campaign Message: Working class women can still have high quality, fashionable clothes at affordable prices.

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The shallow focus used is to give all of the attention to the main subject (the dress). The contrast between the dark subjects in the background and the main subject dressed in white helps draw more attention to the main subject. The price on the tag is visible and clear to reinforce the campaign message and to entice the target audience. The price tag with the main subject on is dangles in front of the camera lined up with the catwalk this is done to further the idea of the clothing range being good enough to be noticed. The slogan attracts the audience by portraying the clothing as high quality but affordable. The colour scheme is black, white and silver, the photographer uses the contrast of these colours to focus attention on the dress. The simple and tidy layout with the logo and slogan in the bottom right corner of the image. Thus not detracting away from the main image. The text is still noticeable so that the target audience know the brand name.

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The shallow focus used is to give all of the attention to the main subject (the dress). The contrast between the dark subjects in the background and the main subject dressed in white helps draw more attention to the main subject. The price on the tag is visible and clear to reinforce the campaign message and to entice the target audience. The price tag with the main subject on is dangles in front of the camera lined up with the catwalk this is done to further the idea of the clothing range being good enough to be noticed. The slogan attracts the audience by portraying the clothing as high quality but affordable. The colour scheme is black, white and silver, the photographer uses the contrast of these colours to focus attention on the dress. The logo and slogan is purposely positioned in the bottom right corner of the image. Thus not detracting away from the main image. The text is still noticeable so that the target audience know the brand name.

The shot is angled slightly different to the previous image, the further away the shot is taken, the more of the background we are able to see.

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The shallow focus used is to give all of the attention to the main subject (the dress). The contrast between the dark subjects in the background and the main subject dressed in white helps draw more attention to the main subject. The price on the tag is visible and clear to reinforce the campaign message and to entice the target audience. The price tag with the main subject on is dangles in front of the camera lined up with the catwalk this is done to further the idea of the clothing range being good enough to be noticed. The slogan attracts the audience by portraying the clothing as high quality but affordable. The colour scheme is black, white and silver, the photographer uses the contrast of these colours to focus attention on the dress. The simple and tidy layout with the logo and slogan in the bottom right corner of the image. Thus not detracting away from the main image. The text is still noticeable so that the target audience know the brand name.

The change of location is to maintain visual interest and the public setting is more relatable to the target audience. The size of the audience is doubled compared to the previous images, this furthers the fact that the dress is noticeable and people want to look at it.