Advanced Swiftpage Email Strategies for Capturing, Nurturing & Converting Leads into Sales

Advanced Swiftpage* Strategies *Sage e-Marketing For Capturing, Nurturing & Converting Leads into Sales
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Swiftpage Email is an amazing business development tool, but most subscribers treat email marketing like a weapon of mass destruction. In this advanced Swiftpage workshop, you'll discover the "e-Marketing Trifecta" that guarantees you will: * Fill your sales pipeline with prospects YOU want as customers--who are eager to buy from you * Create more informed, needs-based sales reps who approach prospects with timely info that is more likely to lead to a sale * Tie together all marketing assets (website, CRM, SEO, PPC, content, social media, offers, landing pages) so they're integrated workhorses--instead of you managing multiple programs. Learn how to set up your company's "e-Marketing Trifecta," including: * The #1 way your Swiftpage subscription can help you convert more web visitors to sales leads * Integrating Swiftpage's lead generation web forms into your website (including a free Wordpress widget) so prospects flow into your CRM * How to launch the perfect drip marketing sequence for new website leads * 3 ways to create original e-marketing content that can be re-purposed as blog posts, drip marketing and social media status updates You likely pay the equivalent of 2 nights of fine dining a month* for a Swiftpage subscription. Now find out how that small investment helps you leverage your CRM data to feed prospects the relevant info they want when they want it--eliminating their motivation to move on to a competitor. * Based on 1,000 sends per day

Transcript of Advanced Swiftpage Email Strategies for Capturing, Nurturing & Converting Leads into Sales

PowerPoint Presentation

Advanced Swiftpage* Strategies

*Sage e-Marketing

For Capturing, Nurturing & Converting Leads into Sales

Welcome to this advanced presentation on Swiftpage Strategies (Swiftpage is also known as Sage e-Marketing).

Im Stacia Shinaberry, Vice President of Aviva LLC and The Database Diva. which was recently named the Top Swiftpage Reseller in the world. We help transform websites into list-building tools that generate leads and convert prospects to paying clients.

Thank you all for the terrific feedback and questions we received from you about todays presentation. Ill be your emcee, and Id like to give a call out to our guests from:GuatemalaNew ZealandUK

OK, heres how it works:

Todays presentation is being recorded. You will automatically receive a copy plus our list of resources well be talking about.

On your screen you should see the meeting panel, which has a place for you to enter your questions. Ill be monitoring questions as we go and well save time for Q&A at the end.

We want to keep this session to 55 minutes, as promised. So at the end, Ill let you know when our times up, and well officially end the meeting. However, if you still have questions, well stay on a bit longer, and that will be part of the recording if you need to jump off.

OK, let me introduce everyone



Advanced SPE Strategies

Presented By

Stacia Shinaberry

Todd Viau

Lori Feldman

Todd Viau is VP of Technology Services and has been with our company for 15 years. Today hes our man behind the curtain, but hes our Swiftpage expert, so youll be hearing from him later and hell be around for your questions.

Lori Feldman, is founder and president of The Database Diva and is a 25-year veteran of direct marketing industry, where she received the prestigious Direct Marketer of the Year Award. Shes our company newsletter editor (which you can sign up for on the home page of our website) and it has won the APEX Award for Newsletter Writing Excellence 3 times.




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Top 2 Marketing Challenges

Heres what you told us were your top 2 marketing challenges



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e-Marketing TrifectaDatabase SegmentationThe Sales Conversion ProcessContentTrackingSpecial Offers

So heres the agenda we put together for you.

We have way too much to cover, so we decided were going to laser focus on each session over the next 6 months

So if you feel you want more than you got todaystay tunedwere going to break it down for you.

In fact, the next session will be Wed, Feb 20, on How To Avoid a Website Makeover

LORItake it away



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e-Marketing Trifecta



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Eblasts, Newsletters = all about you

Drip = all about the customer

All require good content, but different



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Special or Limited PromotionAnnouncementEventSaleDiscountClose-Out

Email Blast

Least interesting, least effectiveAnd the way most people handle all their marketingAll about ME ME MEnot very interesting to most peopleMost likely to get the most opt-outs



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They come in long, longer, longest

No timeworked his way up from printer with ink under his fingernails to sales manager

Working sales manager and top rainmaker

He really has no time

But hes in the newspaper businessCANARY IN THE MINE!!!! Newspapers are dying!

Had to change something

Stephen Trentmann, Sales Manager, Washington Missourian4 years uninterrupted monthly editions2 hours once a quarter to curate, write and layout 3 ISSUESAverage 9-12 new quote requests each time



Advanced SPE Strategies

Drip Marketing

Website LeadProposal sentFirst-time customerTrade show leadNetworkingLost saleCustomer stops buying (Inactive)

TRIGGER EVENT in your business

Describe campGraduated more than 200 campers$100K RFPMortgage broker 9 deals within 10 daysCamp tackles the 2 biggest road blocks to more revenue and faster sales closes:No time to follow upNo idea what to writeDescribe FormatGuarantee



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Heres How it Adds Up



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Eblasts, Newsletters = all about you

Drip = all about the customer

All require good content, but different



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These are some of the most common ways to segment your database

Persona - who buys your product/service Could be job title or kind of interests, behavior, pain level, trigger

Buying Process UrgencyWhere are they in the sales funnel?


Customers vs. prospects

Product / Service



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The Sales Conversion Process



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The Customers Buying Process

Shortlist Vendors

Criteria Checklist


Here is where most people make a mistake:

They treat everyone in their funnel the same

As soon as someone becomes a lead, theyre blasting them with special pricing, discounts, buy now, me me me offers


So heres what were going to do



Advanced SPE Strategies

A top of the funnel offer

Cheat sheetSpecial ReportSign up for the newsletterOnline calculator

Come up with a middle of the funnel offer

Free CritiqueFree Eval / AuditCase Studies

Bottom of the Funnel offerFree Consult$100 off first order



Advanced SPE Strategies

Your Online Sales Funnel

Drip Marketing Follow Up

Thank You Page

Landing Page

Offer(Call To Action

Example of how I did it for this webinar.

Landing page, thank you page, drip marketing follow up are all done thru Swiftpages survey tool.

I could have put the landing page on my website as I did for the offer on my home page.



Advanced SPE Strategies

Your Online Sales Funnel - Mapped

Drip Marketing Follow Up

Thank You Page

Landing Page

Offer #1

Drip Marketing Follow Up

Thank You Page

Landing Page

Offer #2

Drip Marketing Follow Up

Thank You Page

Landing Page

Offer #3

Lets say your sales cycle is fairly long9 months

Your drip marketing campaign for those just starting their research will be 9-12 months

Your drip campaign for the middle of the funnel prospects will be 4-6 months

Your drip for those who are ready to buy nowand this means youve already talked to them to know that, in most caseswill be 30-60 days



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Wordpress Widget Here





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More Offers = More Leads!



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ROI of Lead Generation

2 points of entryYou push them with your e-marketingSEO and other search

Only tools you need are CRMSwiftpageWebsiteGoogle Analytics

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Seems overwhelming because youre trying to create something out of nothingDont do thatStart with free tools and make your readers do the workespecially if youve not mailed your list frequently



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10 Compelling Content Idea Starters

Customer SurveyInterview customers for Case StudiesGoogle Analytics Keywords and Top PagesGoogle AlertsGoogle Suggest ToolGoogle TrendsQuora.comLinkedIn Questions (and Answers)Fiverr.comRe-purpose Drips > Blogs > SM Updates



Advanced SPE Strategies

Request for Interview

Subject Line: I'd like to interview you for a feature article

[[First Name]],Thanks for accepting my request to interview you for a case study about [[Company]]s experience with drip marketing. Id like to interview you by email, and then write an article from your answers. The article will appear on my blog and then will be distributed to all my social media networks and in my newsletter.

I am very proud of the work youve done on your database and the success youve had. Id like to share your effort with my other prospects and clients as a way to inspire them to start their own drip marketing campaigns.I know youre very busy, but if you could answer these questions for me, Id greatly appreciate it! (Is 5 business days enough time for you to do it?)

You can just hit reply and type your answers underneath the Qs if thats easiest.

Interview Questions1. Tell me about [[Company]]. Where does your company fit in its marketplace? Whats your role in the company? How long have you been in this role? What size is your database? How long have you been using ACT/Swiftpage? (Just a couple of sentences for frame of reference for readers). 2. When we first started working together on your drip marketing, do you remember why you wanted my help? What business problem were you trying to solve? Why couldnt you do it on your own? (OK to give background on what you were doing/did before) 3. What did [[Company]] do to help you with this challenge? 4. What were your results (good or bad)? Were there any surprises in the process we used or with your results? 5. Whats the next step you want to tackle with your database marketing? 6. What 3 tips would you give to other database marketers? 7. Would you please send me a mug shot? Or may I copy pictures off your website?

Warmly,Lori Feldman314-485-4350



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A/B Testing

No one can know what will work best for readership



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Pick the Winning Subject Line

Not highlighted b/c it won.



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Test for Link Placement



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47% of emails are read on mobile devices

Swiftpage wont track this, but your Google Analytics will tell you how important this is



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Unopens, Bounces & Opt Outs

Unopens: Use the Drip Marketing module to send your blasts.Message 1 > Day 1 > To allMessage 2 > Day 3 > To unopens from Day 1Bounces = Sales CallACT! Users: Get Free App: Email Address Lookupwww.Exponenciel.comOpt Outs = One last email via Outlook as an Exit Interview

TODD - Demo

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Advanced SPE Strategies

Special Offers #1 Convert More Leads!

Free 10-Point Drip Marketing Evaluation$500 ValueSubmit before Wed., Feb. 13, 2013, 11:59pm Central


Give us your existing drip campaign or tell us an IDEA you have for one, and well give you a 10-point written evaluation on what youre doing right and how we think you can improve it

Weve written or helped write over 200 drip marketing campaigns, so we know what works.

All work is covered by an Aviva LLC Non-Disclosure Agreement, and will not be shared with any third party.

This offer expires midnight Feb. 13 so get your files ready to send now

Write down this URL and well send it to you tomorrow with the recording



Advanced SPE Strategies

10X Guarantee

#1 Do It Yourself Lead Generation

$100 Off Drip Marketing Camp $100 Off Content Camp CODE: DripCamp

10X Guarantee

DRIP MARKETING CAMP6 WeeksDrip Campaign BlueprintDrip Messages Written, Edited by LoriLaunched in your Swiftpage account

CONTENT CAMP6 Weeks Teach you everything you need to know to easily generate the right content, published to the right places at the right timeeven if youre not a writer. Includes:3 live group sessions: 1 every other week, homework in betweenCurriculum covers:The WHAT: Content Strategy, what should you write about?The HOW: How to write when youre not a writer and have no time3 month Content CalendarT/M/B Offer / Landing Page Creation

Both camps come with a 10X guarantee: You must generate sales of at least 10X your Camp investment within 12 years, or we give you a 100% refund.

Use this coupon code for either or both camps. The URL will give more info about starting dates.



Advanced SPE Strategies

#2 Do-it-For-You Content-Writing Service

Regularly $2,750 Till midnight: $2,000, Save $750Includes:Creation of 1 drip marketing campaign2-hour interviewOffer creation / Landing page consult*Copy write 12 messagesSet up the campaign in your Swiftpage accountWork with you to segment your database LaunchAnalyze your tracking reports with you to make recommendationsRepurpose your drip into blog posts and social media updatesAllow 30 days for delivery

* Cant promise we can get the forms on your website; depends on your website; you may need to contact your webmaster

Have to limit it to today because of our production schedule and Lori going out of town.



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Heres To Dripping with Success!

Q&AStacia Shinaberrywww.TheDatabaseDiva.com314-485-4350 x 107Skype: [email protected]

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