Adopt-a-Physicis - Ms. McPhee's Math and Physics...

li Adopt-a-Physicis My Profile My Classes Forums Program Packet About Home Logout Physicist Abdullah Lookman Adeleke Jeddah Jeddah, Western Region 21499 Personal Email: lookmanabdullah(a)vahoo,com Work Email: [email protected] Personal Cell Phone: +966535980058 Current Adopters Jarvis Collegiate Institute Grade 11 AP Physics Minority Status Female Black or African American Biography I am a medical physicist with about 5 years clinical experience in both Diagnostics and Therapeutic radiology. My research interest are in Radiation Dosimetry and Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Transport in matter. I currently work as an IAEA resident physicist In a Radiotherapy Department and my goal is to become a board certified Medical Physicist with unique expertise of clinical, research and analytical skills by working In challenging Institutions that enhances growth and self- development where my practical skills & academic qualifications can be applied and further enhanced. I received my BS Degree in physics at Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria and concluded my MS Degree in medical physics at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Physics Degree Master's Degree Employer Hospital : King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSHRC) Department Radiotherapy Job Physics research : Biophysics / Medical Physics Other research Teaching college Computer science / software Job Description Medical Physicist, Medical Physics Department, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre - Gen. Org, Saudi Arabia. Job Functions: Performed Acceptance testing and commissioning of Elekta HD Versa installed newly in our hospital • Periodic Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Quality Assurance (QA) for Siemens ARTISTE and ELEKTA SYNERGY Linear Accelerator. • Performs VMAT/IMRT Patient Specific QA measurements and Analysis • Performs Brachytherapy QA and assists in Calibration of New Brachytherapy Sources • Performs Treatment Planning and treatment simulation of 3DCRT Plans on the following treatment planning systems: Eclipse SomaVision and BrachyVision, MONACO TPS, XIO TPS' FOCAL SIM and Siemens Dosimetrist SIM

Transcript of Adopt-a-Physicis - Ms. McPhee's Math and Physics...

li Adopt-a-Physicis My Profile My Classes Forums Program Packet About Home Logout

Phys i c i s t

Abdu l l ah L o o k m a n A d e l e k e Jeddah Jeddah, Western Region 21499

Personal Ema i l : lookmanabdullah(a)vahoo,com Work Emai l : Labdul [email protected] Personal Cel l Phone: +966535980058

Cu r r en t Adop t e r s

Ja rv i s Col legiate Institute Grade 11 AP Phys ics

Minority S t a t u s

Fema le B lack or Afr ican Amer i can

B iog raphy

I am a medica l physic ist with about 5 y e a r s clinical exper ience in both Diagnostics and Therapeut ic radiology. My research interest are in Radiation Dos imetry and Monte Carlo Simulat ion of Radiation T ranspor t in matter. I current ly work as an IAEA resident physic ist In a Radiotherapy Department and my goal is to become a board certif ied Medical Physic ist with unique exper t i se of cl inical, r e sea r ch and analyt ica l ski l ls by working In challenging Inst itut ions that enhances growth and self-deve lopment where my practical ski l ls & academic qualif ications can be applied and further enhanced. I rece ived my BS Degree in physics at Federa l University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria and concluded my MS Degree in medical physics at King Fahd Univers i ty of Petro leum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saud i Arab ia .

Phys i c s D e g r e e

Master 's Degree

Emp l o ye r

Hospital : King Fa isa l Spec ia l is t Hospital and Resea rch Center ( K F S H R C )

Depa r tmen t



Phys ics research : Biophysics / Medical Physics Other r e sea r ch Teach ing college Computer sc ience / software

Job Desc r i p t i on

Medical Physic ist, Medical Phys ics Department, King Fa isa l Spec ia l i s t Hospital & Resea rch Centre - Gen . Org, Saudi Arab ia .

Job Functions:

Per formed Acceptance testing and commissioning of E lekta HD Ve r sa instal led newly in our hospital • Periodic Monthly, Quarter ly and Annual Quality Assurance (QA) for S i emens A R T I S T E and ELEKTA SYNERGY Linear Accelerator. • Per forms VMAT/IMRT Patient Speci f ic QA measurements and Ana lys i s • Per forms Brachy therapy QA and ass i s ts in Calibration of New Brachy therapy Sou r ces • Per forms T rea tmen t Planning and t reatment simulation of 3DCRT Plans on the following t reatment planning s y s t ems : Ecl ipse SomaVis ion and BrachyVis ion, MONACO T P S , X I O T P S ' FOCAL SIM and S i emens Dosimetr ist S IM

• Per forms IMRT/VMAT T rea tment Planning • Per forms In -v i vo Dos imetry Measurement using MOSFETS and GAFCHROMIC film • Part ic ipates in clinical r esearch , training and educational p rograms

My past exper i ences have helped me alot, especia l ly in the deve lopment of my interpersonal , analyt ica l and cognitive ski l ls .

P rev i ous Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e

Phys ics research Engineering Sc ience communicat ion Management

Addi t iona l In fo rmat ion

Home Page:

Fo rum Ava ta r :

P rev i ous Adop t e r s

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2010 Adopter: Rocky Hill School Honors 7

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2010 Adopter: Seoul Amer ican High School Phys ics Applications

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2010 Adopter: Whitesands School , Lekk i Sen ior School two A

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2015 Adopter: Duxbury High School PerS Honors Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fal l 2015 Adopter: Key Destiny Academy (homeschoo l ) Middle School Sc ience

Adopt-a-Physic lst Fall 2015 Adopter: Souderton Area High School AP Mechanics 3

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2013 Adopter: Burlington High School Honors Phys ics 1 Blue 3

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2013 Adopter: Oak Knoll School Phys ics Sect ion 2

Adopt-a-Physlc ist Fall 2013 Adopter: Washtenaw Internat ional High School I B Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Arts and Media Prep Phys ics C lass A

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Metz Middle School Mrs. S t e ven s Phys ica l Sc ience C lass

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fal l 2012 Adopter: Sumne r Academy of Arts & Sc ience Phys i cs , period 5

P rev i ous T h r e a d s

Adopt-a-Phvsic ist Spring 2010 Forum

Adopt-a-Phvsic ist Spr ing 2010 Forum

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2010 Forum

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Forum

Adopt-a-Phvsic ist Fall 2013 Forum

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2015 Forum

9/27/2016 Esteban Bagdy's Profile

Adopt-a-Physicis 1 • ^ II i« i

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S t e v e n B a g a v ^ X i .

Phys i c i s t

E s t e b a n Bagdy 16969 Mesam in tS t . S a n Diego, CA 92127

Work Emai l : [email protected] Personal Ema i l : T7RSkv@qma i l . com Personal Cell Phone: 8587549197

•,-•1 -Cu r r en t Adop t e r s

Belv idere High School HP 3 BHS

Ja r v i s Col legiate Institute Grade 11 AP Phys ics

B i og raphy

I a m 27 y e a r s old with an Applied Phys ics degree f rom Cal i fornia State Univers ity S a n Marcos ( C S U S M ) . I have l ived in Southern California s ince I was 1 y e a r old. Having gone through the public school s y s t em here (two yea r s at Westv iew HS and two y e a r s at S a n Pasqual H S ) , I ended up taking the long path to degree completion by f i rst attending a jun ior college (Pa lomar College in S a n Marcos, CA ) , spending a couple y e a r s figuring out what I wanted to do before choosing Phys ics . Once I chose Phys ics, I attended CSUSM and immediate ly started looking into internships which landed me a t Genera l Atomics ( G A ) during my 'Sophomore-Junior ' y e a r . At this point I worked part-t ime at GA and commuted twice a day to and from school while I was a student full t ime.

At the end of my 1 y e a r internship, GA decided to renew my contract again and again until I graduated and was hired into an engineering position, where I have worked until now. I n total I have been with GA for a lmost 4 y e a r s .

On a personal note, my hobbies include playing video games (Xbox One) along with maintaining and driving my track car at sanct ioned auto-racing events .

I f t eachers are interested and local to San Diego CA, I would be willing to also vis i t High Schools and talk directly to the c lasses .

Phy s i c s Deg r ee

Bache lor ' s Degree

Emp l o ye r

Other Industry (R&D) : Genera l Atomics Electromagnet ic S y s t e m s (GA -EMS)

D e p a r t m e n t

Advanced Concepts Group


Other r e sea r ch : Materials Sc ience Engineer ing

Job Desc r i p t i on

Current ly I work in a field that focuses on Material Sc ience . Pr imari ly on Dielectr ics for use in High Energy Density Pulse Power S y s t e m s and other exotic appl ications. Along with basic exper imentat ion and test setup, I also work on sy s t em automation (using sof tware like LabVIEW and Matlab to create automated test s y s t ems from scra tch) and dabble in Project Management.

I t is not uncommon for someone with a Phys ics degree to enter the Gove rnmen t Contracting field, although it is f iercely competit ive. Studying Applied Phys ics gave me a lot of Hands-On exper ience f rom school which made me a v e r y strong appl icant for the Internship program.

P rev i ous W o r k E x p e r i e n c e

Other ?ID=40378

9/27/2016 Elena Long's Profile

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E l e n a L ong ' s Profi le

Work Emai l : elena,lonqig) Office Phone: 603-862-1962

E l e n a Long 45 New York S t Unit 2 Dover, NH 03820

Cu r r en t Adop t e r s

Minor i ty S t a t u s


Phy s i c s Deg r ee

E m p l o y e r


Job Desc r i p t i on

J a r v i s Col legiate Institute 12 Phys ics (Sect ion 1)

J a r v i s Col legiate Institute Grade 11 AP Phys ics

Fema le Other Minority

During high school I was a lways interested in sc ience which continued Into college where I majored In phys ics . While there I was v e r y involved with our chapter of the Soc iety of Phys ics Students, which Included being president and v ice president at di f ferent points. I n graduate school I was a part of the Graduate Associat ion of Phys ics Students until I moved to Virginia to participate in an exper iment that I wrote my dissertation on. | ,

I have a BS in Phys ics from Juniata College, and both an MA and PhD in Phys ics f rom Kent State Univers i ty. I am current ly a Post Doctoral Research Assoc iate a t the Univers ity of New Hampshire studying the internal structure of light nuclei.

Outside of phys ics I enjoy reading, playing saxophone, taking photographs, working towards LGBT equal ity, and have recently d iscovered the j o y s of Pokemon. I c reated the resource website LGBT+ Physic ists and a m on the national board of oSTEM (Out in Sc ience , Technology, Engineer ing, and Mathemat ics) .

College or Univers ity : University of New Hampshire (UNH)

Phys ics r e sea r ch : Nuclear Physics

I am current ly working on finding the missing puzzle piece to the so-cal led "spin cr is is ." The protons and neutrons inside of atoms are made up of sma l le r part ic les, cal led qua rks . You can think of both the proton and neutron as being made up of three different quarks . The re ' s other complicating things happening, but that understanding has helped us to build the s tandard model.

The quarks have a property called spin, which is s imi lar to what a top does, but slightly different because it can only spin in ve ry specif ic way s , can j ump f rom one to another, cannot stop spinning, and what 's spinning doesn't real ly have a radius so it make s it a little difficult to think of what 'spin' means here . The proton and neutron also have angular moment that comes f rom the spinning quarks inside of them.

There is a problem, however . I f we add up the spin of the three quarks , that only accounts for about 3 0 % of the total spin of the proton and neutron! I 'm studying what happens when you hit a combination of a proton and neutron, in a nucleus called deuter ium, with an electron beam. The effects f rom this interaction will (hopeful ly) give us some insight a s to where the missing spin is coming f rom.

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9/27/2016 Elena Long's Profile

For those pursuing an academic research career , my position is typ ica l . I a m now, and a lways will, continue to learn how to become a better physicist. Current ly this has brought with it the f reedom to work on exper iments that interest me, and begin flourishing into an exper ienced researcher . My education has taught me not only the basic concepts needed to comprehend my work, but also has g iven me the ski l ls to learn independently. My PhD work a t Je f fe rson Lab has been a fantast ic introduction to the professional phys ics world with regards to both being a part of ground-breaking research and in collaborating with other scientists f rom around the wor ld.

P rev i ous Worl< E x p e r i e n c e

Phys ics r e sea r ch Teach ing college ,' Student : ' t

••• . • -ff -̂ ' -

Addi t iona l In fo rmat ion

Home Page :

http: //www, personal .kent,edu/~e long 5

Fo rum Ava ta r :

P r ev i ous Adop t e r s

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2014 Adopter: Florida Virtual School Honors Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2014 Adopter: Mario Ouintana High School Te rce i rao

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2014 Adopter: University Liggett School AP Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic lst Spring 2013 Adopter: Milton Academy P h y s i c s l

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2013 Adopter: Northern Highlands Regional High School P H Y S I C S

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2013 Adopter: University High School Honors Phys ics I B

Adopt-a-Physic lst Spr ing 2011 Adopter: Half Hollow Hills H.S. Eas t AP Phys ics B

Adopt-a-Physic lst Spring 2011 Adopter: Miami T r a ce High School Phys ics Period 3

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2011 Adopter: Rosat i-Kain High School AP Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2010 Adopter: Columbia HS CHS Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall Periods 3 & 8

2013 Adopter: De laware Val ley Regional High School Del Val Honors Physics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2013 Adopter: De laware Val ley Regional High School Del Va l Phys ics Period 6

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2013 Adopter: The Heritage School CHAOS B

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Hillsdale High School Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physlc ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Sumner Academy of Arts & Sc ience Phys ics , period 8

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2 011 Adopter: Terr i l l Middle School Period 1

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fal l 2 011 Adopter: Terr i l l Middle School Period 2

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2 011 Adopter: The Heritage School 4ACHAOS

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2009 Adopter: ADDleton Eas t High School Phys ics 6

http://www.adoptaphysicist.or g/user/ProfileAdopt.cfm?ID=15197

9/27/2016 Ina Reichel's Profile

Adopt-a-Physicist Home Logout My Profile My Classes Forums Program Packet About

Phys i c i s t

Cu r r en t Adop t e r s

Minor i ty S t a t u s

B i og raphy

I n a Re i c h e l MS 71R0259 One Cyclotron Road Be rke l ey , CA 94720

Work Emai l : [email protected] Office Phone: 510-486-4341

J a r v i s Col legiate Institute Grade 1 1 AP Phys ics

Webb School of Knoxvi l le AP Phys ics 1 f P )

Fema le

I 'm an acce lerator physic ist f rom Ge rmany now living and work ing in Cal i fornia. I got my degrees from the Univers it ies of Mainz and Aachen in Ge rmany . I did my research work for my diploma and PhD theses at CERN working on LEP (Large Electron Positron Col l ider). After that I wa s a PostDoc at SLAC (Stanford L inear Acce lerator Center) working on the commiss ioning and running of P E P - I I .

S ince coming to Berke ley Lab I have worked on beam dynamics issues for var ious acce lerators including the AP2 anti-proton beamline at Fermi lab and the Damping Rings for the I L C (Internat ional L inear Col l ider). | j

I real ly enjoy working on particle acce lerators , you usual ly work in a group of people but you still have you "own" little project where you do everyth ing f rom collecting data to ana lys ing it. I love it for the mix of group work but still doing you own little piece. Also it g ives me a chance to work with people f rom all ove r the world.

As I am also the coordinator for outreach and diversity for my division, I work a lot with the Lab's Workforce Deve lopment &. Education Office of var ious outreach act iv it ies for K-16 students and teachers .

Phy s i c s Deg r ee

Emp l o ye r


Job Desc r i p t i on

I a m marr ied and have a fourteen y e a r old son who is in 9th grade. I enjoy running, hiking, backpack ing and ( l a ce ) knitting.

Ph. D.

Pr ivate / Gove rnment Funded Resea rch Lab : Berke ley Lab ( LBNL )

Phys ics r e sea r ch : Other Sc ience communicat ion Other

I 'm current ly working with the radiation physis ist at the Advanced Light Source here at the Lab on a program to better find sources of radiation at their acce lerator .

With the Lab's Workforce Deve lopment & Education Office I am working on educational v is i ts to the lab for 5th grade c lasses , professional deve lopment for K-12 teachers and the lab's internship programs ( undergrads and sc ience t eache r s ) . I also lead a lot of tours through our Advanced Light Source , mostly for highschool and college groups.

Our Division started a month ly/every other month newsletter a few y e a r s ago. I 'm in charge of

http://www.adoptaphysicist.or g/user/ProfileAdopt.cfm?ID= 12228

9/27/2016 Ina Reichel's Profile

gathering news i tems and editing the newsletter.

I enjoy shar ing my passion for sc ience through interacting with people in the var ious programs.

The resea r ch work is v e r y typical for someone with my background. The education and outreach part is not as there a re v e r y few positions in that type of work.

For the research part I had real ly great mentors as an undergrad and grad student. They taught me a lot which real ly helped with some problems later on. j j j.

For the education part most of it is self-taught. Throughout my research ca ree r I have a lways enjoyed giving fr iends and re lat ives tours of the lab and shar ing my passion for my work. At Be rke l ey Lab I started volunteering with the 5th grade program. The fo rmer director of the Workforce Deve lopment & Education Office mentored me and helped me improve my sc ience teaching.

P rev i ous Worl< E x p e r i e n c e

Phys ics r e sea r ch Sc ience communicat ion Other

Addi t iona l In fo rmat ion

P r ev i ous Adop t e r s

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2013 Adopter: McAulev High School Phys ics bell H

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2013 Adopter: Norfolk Academy k ineman iacs four

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2013 Adopter: University High School Intercoordinated Sc ience I B

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2011 Adopter: Avonworth High School Avonworth Phys ics Period 6

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2011 Adopter: Grea t Oak High School GOHS Phys ics 2 011

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2011 Adopter: Northern Highlands Regional High School Honors Phys ics

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2010 Adopter: Gary Academy Honors Phys ics 3

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2010 Adopter: University High School Conceptual Phys ics P e r l

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spring 2009 Adopter: Buena High School Phys ics is Phun

Adopt-a-Physic ist Spr ing 2009 Adopter: Rocky Hill School Intro 1

Adopt-a-Physlc ist Spring 2009 Adopter: West Chester Eas t High School Phys ics 1 Honors Per 8

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2015 Adopter: De laware Val ley Regional High School AP Phys ics 1 Period 1

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2015 Adopter: The Heritage School Phys ica l Sc ience D

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2015 Adopter: Webb School of Knoxvi l le CP Phys ics C Period

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fal l 2014 Adopter: J a rv i s Collegiate Inst itute G r 11 Phys ics ( 2 )

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2014 Adopter: Manila Sc ience High School Townes

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2014 Adopter: Sumne r Academy of Arts & Sc ience I B Phys ics S L

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Gary Academy Honors Phys ics 1

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Duxbury High School 331 Period5

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2012 Adopter: Merritt Is land High School AP Phys ics C

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2011 Adopter: Half Hollow Hills H.S. Eas t Independent Sc ience Resea rch

Adopt-a-Physic ist Fall 2 011 Adopter: Jef ferson West High School T igers 12228

Adopt-a-Physicist Home Logout My Profile My Classes Forums Program Packet About

Phys i c i s t

Cu r r en t Adop t e r s

B i og raphy

Ca r l o s F. S opue r t a Inst i tut de Ciencies de I'Espai ( C S I C - I E E C ) Campus UAB Ca r re r de Can Magrans s/n Cerdanyo la del Va l les (Ba r ce l ona) , Catalonia 08193

Work Emai l : sopuerta@ieec-uab-SS Personal Ema i l : Car losFSopuerta@qmai l .com Office Phone: + 34 93 7379788 Depar tment Phone: +34 93 28020888

Burr and Burton Academy Honors Phys ics I I

J a r v i s Collegiate Institute Grade 11 AP Physics

R ivers ide High School AP Phys ics

I did my PhD (1996 ) at the University of Barce lona (Spa in ) in the a rea of the genera l theory of relat ivity, work ing mainly on the search of exac t solutions of Einstein's equations for cosmology and relativist ic ast rophys ics . After working at the s ame univers i ty a s an ass i s tant professor I moved (1998 ) to the Institute for Theoret ica l Phys ics of the Fr iedrich Schi l ler Univers i ty of Jena ( G e r m a n y ) as an A lexander von Humboldt Fellow. After that I moved (2000 ) to the Inst itute of Cosmology and Gravitat ion of Portsmouth University (United Kingdom) as a Marie Cur ie Fel low, where I worked in higher-dimensional models of grav i ty and also in the description of sources of gravitat ional w a v e s . To continue work in the last subject I went (2003) to the Institute of Gravi tat ional Phys ics and Geomet ry of Penn State University (United S ta tes of Ame r i c a ) . In 2006 I went to Guelph Univers ity (Canada ) where I continued work mainly on the s imulat ions of some sources of gravitat ional radiation and how to use it to increase our understanding of the cosmos and its history. I n 2007 I moved back to Spa in , where I work at the Institute of Space Sc i ences .

Phys i c s D e g r e e

Emp l o ye r

Depa r tmen t


Job Desc r i p t i on

Ph. D.

Pr ivate / Gove rnmen t Funded Resea rch Lab : National Span i sh Resea rch Council and Catalonia Inst itute for Space Sc iences ( C S I C and l E E C )

Inst itute of Space Sc iences

Phys ics research : Astrophys ics / Astronomy

I work in the a r ea of relativist ic ast rophys ics and cosmology.

P rev i ous Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e

Phys ics research Teach ing high school Teach ing college

Addi t iona l In fo rmat ion

H o m e p a g e : I'X^^ • i ' ^^^'<-- ^^/^h^YldiAoi^L4£rh