Admiel Kosman-The Multilingual Bibliography of Names of God in the HB and in Rabbinic Literature.pdf

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  • 7/26/2019 Admiel Kosman-The Multilingual Bibliography of Names of God in the HB and in Rabbinic Literature.pdf


    Admiel Kosman





    The Multilingual

    Bibliography of

    Names of God in

    the Hebrew Bibleand in Rabbinic


    Summaries, Notes

    Potsdam University

    and Abraham Geiger

    College Berlin

    Potsdam University





    For Researchers and




  • 7/26/2019 Admiel Kosman-The Multilingual Bibliography of Names of God in the HB and in Rabbinic Literature.pdf



    Content: The Sections of the Bibliographic Lists and the Summaries



    1. Entries in Encyclopedias, Bibliographies.


    2. YHWE and General discussions on the Name of God in the Hebrew Bible and the

    Biblical Period.


    2. A. YHWH and the Names El and Elohim..---.:2

    2.B: Additional Materials for the Name YHWE in the Hebrew Bible: Miscellaneous.


    2. C: Philosophical Aspects of the name of God in the Hebrew Bible.


    2. D: The Names of God in the different Books of the Hebrew Bible.

    ".---.: "2

    2. E: I am YHWH.


    2. F: Miscellaneous.


    2. G. The Punctuation and the Vocalization of the Name YHWH.


    3. The Name Yah or Yahu in the Hebrew Bible.


    4. The Name El or Eloah for God in the Hebrew Bible.


    5. Shaddai, El Shaddai, God of My Abraham, God of My Fathers.


    6. Zebaoth and Jahwe Zebaoth.


    7. El Elyon.

    ,,.8 .---,,

    8. The Gods of Canaan, Ugarit, Egypt, Babylon and others in the Near East versus YHWH.

    .:.88. A: Samaritans.


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    9. The Names of God in the Hebrew Bible in Translation.


    10. The Names of God in other Religions.


    10. A: The Names of God in Iconographies.


    11. The Revelation of God to Moses in Ex. Chaper 3:


    11. A: Exodus 3:14 I am that I am'.


    12. Rabbinic Litereture (The Sages, Talmud and Midrash), Philo, Josephus, and Later

    Rabbinic Litereature General overview..:".12

    12. A: The Tetragrammaton and the Thirteen Attributes:


    12. B: The Names of God At Qumran:


    13. Halakha.


    13. A: The One who is suspicious on his Oath.


    13. B: Writing the Divine Names.

    "13 .".:

    13. C: The Halakhic Term Azkara.


    13. D: Halkhot in regard to the Geniza.



    14. The Terms Shem ha-Meforash and Shem ha-Meyuchad and the Longer Names -beyond the Name of four Letters.


    14. A: Further Studies on Shem ha-Meforash (=Tetragrammaton).

    ".. "15

    15: Ani vaHu.


    16. The Divine Names and their Magic use.



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    16. A: The Divine Names in the Mezuza and Tephilin as a Magic Object.


    17. Research in regard to the Names of God in the Hebrew Bible and in Post-Biblical Periods:

    Summaries and Notes.


    18. YHWH, Elohim and other Divine Names of God as Representaions in the Post-Biblical


    ():19 .

    19. The Name of God at Elephantine.


    20. The Names of God: Kabbalah and Hassidism.


    21. Reading-Loudly of the Shem haMeForash (Tetragrammaton)...22

    22. The Divine Names and the Language Perception.


    23. Jewish Middle Ages Thinkers on the Divine Names.


    24. The Divine Attributes in the Jewish Philosophy of the Middle Ages.


    25. The Names of God in the Hebrew Bible in studies concering Feminism, Gender,

    Psychology and Psychoanalysis.


    26. The Names of God in the Modern Jewish Philosophy.


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    1. Entries in Encyclopedias, Bibliographies:

    "":1972,, ,

    ();297-302. "" :

    : "" ().302-321.

    "307-311. " ().---:










    M. Weippert, "Jahwe", RIA (=Reallexikon der Assyriologie,

    herausgegeben von Erich Ebeling und Bruno Meissner), vol. 5, de

    Gruyter, Berlin 1976, pp. 246-53.

    The Entry YHWH in: G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren

    (eds.), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, vol. 5, EerdmanPublishing, Grand Rapids 1986, pp. 500-521.

    The Entry in: G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren and

    Heinz-Josef Fabry (eds.), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament,

    vol. 15, Eerdman Publishing, Grand Rapids 2006, pp. 128-175.


    ' 128-133.


    The Entry YAHWE in: David Noel Freedman (ed.), Anchor Bible

    Dictionary. vol. 6, Si-Z, Doubleday, New York 1992, pp. 1011-1012

    (written by Henry Thompson).


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    The Entry YAHWEH in: Karel van der Toom, Bob Becking and Pieter

    W. van der Horst (eds.), Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible

    (DDD), Brill, Leiden 1995, pp. 910-919.

    The Entry YHWH in:

    --- YHWH Yahweh, in: Ernst Jenni and Claus

    Westermann, Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament, Hendrickson

    Publishers, Peabody 1997, pp. 683-687.

    The Entry YAHWEH in: Karel van der Toorn et al. (eds.), Dictionary ofDeities and Demons in the Bible (DDD) Brill, Leiden 1999, pp. 910-919.

    The Entry YAHWEH ZEBAOTH in: Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking

    and Pieter W. van der Horst (eds.), Dictionary of Deities and demons in

    the Bible (DDD), Brill, Leiden 1995, pp. 920-924.

    The Entry God, in Lawrence H. Schiffman and James C. VanderKam

    (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Oxford University Press,

    Oxford 2000, pp. 317-321 - esp. p. 317: Attributes of God (written by

    Martin Roesel and Uwe Glessner).


    The Entry --- in: Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen (eds.),Theologisches Wrterbuch zu den Qumrantexten, vol. 2, Kohlhammer,

    Stuttgart 2011, pp. 102-106.


    The Entry Attributes of God: Jewish Concepts (written by Louis Jacobs), in:

    Lindsay Jones (ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion, vol. 2, Tomson Gale, Detroit

    2005, pp. 613-615.


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    The Entry God in: James Hastings (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Religion and

    Ethics, T&T Clark, vol. 4, Edinburgh 1914, pp. 243-306:

    (-: --)






    Jean Chevalier & Alain Gheerbrant, A Dictionary of Symbols(translatedby John Buchanan-Brown), Penguin Books, London 1996, pp. 693-695

    (Names: Divine names).

    The Entry "Tetragramm" (written by Thomas David Winton), In: Die

    Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwrterbuch fr Theologie

    und Religionswiss, (=RGG) VI. (3rd edition), Mohr, Tbingen 1962, col.703.1

    The Entry God, names of (written by Marvin Fox, Louis F. Hartman, S.

    David Sperling and Louis Isaac Rabinowitz), in: Fred Skolnik (ed.),

    Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 7, Thomson-Gale and Keter, Detroit 2007, pp.



    ,2,, ,3, , , , ;---,



    1" .10"'---2.132'3.133'


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    Dov Neuman (Noy), Motif-index of Talmudic-Midrashic literature,

    (Doctoral dissertation series; Author's Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University,

    1951), University Microfilms, Ann Arbor 1954, pp. 341-343 (D1766.2-



    Edwin D. Lawson, Some Jewish Personal Names (2): An Annonated

    Bibliography, in: Aaron Demsky (ed.), These Are the Names: Studies in

    Jewish Onomastics, Vol. 4 [2003] (in Honor of Prof. Edwin D. Lawson

    on His 80th Birthday) Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan 2004, pp.



    ,Semitic Bibliography,Divine Name





    SHEM HA-MEFORASH by Wilhelm Bacher






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    2. YHWE and General discussions on the Name of God in the

    Hebrew Bible and the Biblical Period:

    ( ,:


    5":---: "87-94,'



    , : , ,











    ) :




    , (),:,



    S. D. Goitein, YHWH the Passionate: The Monotheistic Meaning and

    Origin of the Name YHWH, Vetus Testamentum, 6:1 (1956), pp. 1-9.

    Nahum M. Waldman, Divine Names and Connotations: A Reading of the

    Book of Jonah, Conservative Judaism, 46:4, (1994), pp. 53-57.

    5" .139"'---6




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    Abstract: Cassuto distinguished between YHWH as a concept of God where there was

    a direct relationship and Elohim who was transcendental. This article deals with those

    variations and their use in the Book of Jonah.


    '' , .



    A. Abela, U. Cassutos Alternative Explanation of the Divine Names

    Phenomena within the Abrabam Narrative in Genesis, in: H. Pavlinkov,

    D. Papouek, (eds.), The Bible in cultural context, Brno 1994, pp. 11-23.


    Herbert Chanan Brichto, The Names of God Poetic Readings in Biblical

    Beginings, New York, Oxford University Press, 1998; (On that see

    review of David Marcus, AJS 26, 2, (2002), pp. 349-350).


    Nahum M. Waldman, Divine Names, Jewish Bible Quarterly, 25:3,

    (1997). pp. 162-168.

    Abstract: Waldman Distinguishes between YHWH (the personal name of God) and

    Elohim [. . .] beyond denoting God, denotes not only God (of Israel), but god

    (any one or all of the gods of the nations; Ex. 12:12, Josh. 24:15); supernatural being,

    angel (Gen. 32:29, Ps. 8:6) and ghost (Sam. 28:13, Isa. 8:19). The writer examines

    episodes in the life of Saul to show that the use of the terms depends on the narrator.8






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    M. H. Segal, El, Elohim, and YHWH in the Bible, JQR 46 (1955), pp.


    , ,








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    ""1349-51.,' .

    --- .

    ""-. "


    ---, ),-( ,



    ,":?,".---, "171-172.'

    '165-171.' ''" ( 9').-: "

    G.H. Skipwith, The Tetragrammaton: Its Meaning and Origin, JQR

    (Original Series) 10 (1898), pp. 662-677.

    W. R. W. Gardner, The Name 'Yahweh', The Expository Times, 20

    (1908/9), pp. 91-92.

    Jacob, B., Im Namen Gottes, Calvary, Berlin 1909.


    George Foot Moore, Notes on the Name Yhwh, AJSL (=The American

    Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures), 25 (1909), pp. 312318.

    William Hayes Ward, The Origin of the Worship of Yahwe, AJSL (=The

    American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures), XXV (1909),

    pp. 175-187.



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    Paul Haupt, Der Name Jahweh, OLZ (=Orientalistische Literaturzeitung),

    (1909), cols. 211-214.

    William Rainey Harper, The Prophetic Element in the Old Testament,

    University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1905, p. 86 n. 3:

    --- , :

    (), :

    (), () ('),, (),10 11

    () () ( (). 12),

    W. Robertson Smith, The Prophets of Israel and their Place in History to

    the Close of the Eighth century B.C., Black, London 1907, pp. 386-388:

    , , ( ,:

    ,17'173'),1965 ,


    (,) 13,'

    ( ").

    George Foot Moore, Notes on the Name --- , The American Journal of

    Semitic Languages and Literatures, 28:1 (1911), pp. 56-62.

    Andrew Jukes, Die Namen Gottes in der Heiligen Schrift: Eine

    Offenbarung seiner Natur u. seiner Beziehungen, Maranatha-Verlag,Leipzig 1922.





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    William F. Albright, Contributions to Biblical Archaeology and

    Philology, Journal of Biblical Literature,43, (1924), pp. 363-393.

    Abstract: in Section 2 (pp. 370-378) Albright holds that the theory that Yahwh is an

    expansion of Yh, an unidentified god of early Syria, is not tenable. Evidencepresented.14




    William F. Albright, The evolution of the West Semitic divinity: An-

    Anat-Att. American Journal of Semitic Languages, 41, (1925), pp. 73-101.

    Abstract: After surveying many of the influences on the divinity Albright concludes

    that the numina of fertility were feminized and goes on,

    The Aramaeans replaced the Canaanite-Hebrew name Anat with the Aramaeized

    form Att, and later amalgamated the sister-deities Attar and Att into the dea syria,

    Atargatis. Meanwhile, some unknown Jewish theological group had transformed the

    heathen Anat, Providence into a form of Yh (p. 101).15


    , .

    : ;


    F. C. Burkitt, On the Name Yahweh, JBL (=Journal of Biblical

    Literature), 44:3/4 (1925), pp. 353-356.

    Godfrey Rolles Driver, The Original Form of the Name Yahweh:

    Evidence and conclusions, ZAW (=Zeitschrift fr die alttestamentliche

    Wissenschaft), 46, (1928), pp. 7-25.



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    Abstract: After examination of prosopographic evidence from several sources

    concludes [...] that God was known only as Ya, not as Yahweh, until the new name

    came into use at the time of the Exodus.16



    A. M. Dubarle, La signification du nom de Jahwe, RSPh 35, (1951), pp.


    William Foxwell Albright, Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan: A Historical

    Analysis of two Contrasting Faiths, Athlone Press, London 1968.

    Oskar Grether, Name und Wort Gottes im Alten Testament, Tpelmann,

    Giessen 1934.

    Arnold Schleiff-Halle, Der Gottesname Jahwe, Zeitschrift der Deutschen

    Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft, 90:3-4 (1936), pp. 679-702.

    Julian Obermann, The Divine Name YHWH in Light of Recent

    Discoveries, JBL 68 (1949), pp. 301323 (=1. Hebrew an yahw and

    Phoenician yqtlnk. 2. YHWH as a proper name. 3. YHWH as a nomen agentis. 4.

    Evolution of the epithet).

    Aimo Edvard Murtonen, APhilological and Literary Treatise on the OldTestament Divine Names, Studia Orientalia Fennica, XVII.1. Helsinki,


    G. Lambert, Que signifie le nom divin YHWH?, Nouvelle Revue

    Thologique 74, (1952), pp. 897-915.



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    douard Dhorme, Le Nom du Dieu d'Isral, RHR (=Revue de l'histoire

    des religions) 141 (1952), pp. 5-18.

    R. A. Barclay, The Origin of the Name YHWH, TGUOS (=Transactions

    of the Glasgow University Oriental Society)15 (1953-54), pp. 44-47.

    Godfrey Rolles Driver, The Interpretation of Yhwh as a Participial Form,

    JBL 73 (1954), pp. 125-131.

    Immanuel Lewy, The Beginnings of the Worship of YHWH: Conflicting

    Biblical Views, Vetus Testamentum 6 (1956), pp. 429-435.

    R. Mayer, Der Gottesname Jahwe in Lichte der neusten Forschung, BZ

    (=Biblische Zeitschrift), n.s.2 (1958), pp. 26-53.

    Norman Walker, Yahwism and the Divine Name 'Yhwh, ZAW

    (=Zeitschrift fr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft),70(1958), pp. 262-



    Raymond Abba, The Divine Name Yahweh, JBL (=Journal of Biblical

    Literature) 80:4 (1961), pp. 320-328.

    J. Vergote, Une thorie sur lorigine gyptienne du nom de Yahweh,

    EphThL 39, (1963), pp. 447-452 [=on N. Walkers article ZAW 70,

    (1958), pp. 262-265].


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    Robert. W. Gleason, Yahweh the God of the Old Testament, Prentice-

    Hall,New Jersey 1964.

    Geoffrey H Parke-Taylor, Yahweh: The Divine Name in the Bible,

    Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo 1975.

    See the review of J.M. de Tarragon in: CBQ (=The Catholic Biblical Quarterly) 38,

    (1976), pp. 583-584

    : -



    Manfred Grg, Jahwe: ein Toponym? in: Biblische Notizen. Beitrge zur

    exegetischen Diskussion 1, (1976), S. 7-14.

    David Noel Freedman, Divine Names and Titles in Early Hebrew Poetry,

    In: F. M. Cross, W. E. Lemke, & P. D. Miller, Jr. (eds.) Magnalia Dei:

    The Mighty Acts of God: Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in

    Memory of G. Ernest Wright,Garden City, 1976, pp. 77-129.

    [Reprinted in: David Noel Freedman, Pottery, Poetry and Prophecy,

    Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 1979, pp. 77-129].

    Abstract: Extensive detailed analysis of the divine names and titles used in 14 Old

    Testament poems. These poems represent three periods: Militant Mosaic Yahwism,

    Patriarchic Revival, and Monarchic Syncretism. Tables show the frequency of 20

    terms for God in each of the poems. Among the names used are: Shepherd of Israel,Exalted Warrior, and the God of Israel. Proposes that the original form yahweh was a



    , : ,






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    M. Ros, Jahwe, Zum Streit um den alttestamentlichen Gottesnamen,

    Theologische Studien 122, Zrich (1978).

    Ernst Axel Knauf, Yahwe, VT (=Vetus Testamentum) 34 (1984), pp.


    Jacob A.Loewen, ,The Names of God in the Old Testament, Bible

    Translator, 35:2, (1984), pp. 201-207.

    Abstract: Discussion of the names El, Eloah, Elohim as singular and plural names.

    Refers to the view of Walther Eichrodt in his Theology of the Old Testament 18that

    Elohim is a plural of intensity as the British queen referring to herself as we. Goes

    on with a discussion of yhwh, Adon - and combined names such as El shaddai, yhwh

    nissi, and yhwh rapha.19

    , -'', ,

    ' (,'



    S.I.L. Norin, Sein Name allein ist hoch: das Jhw-haltige Sufflx

    althebrischer Personennamen untersucht mit besonderer

    Bercksichtigung der alttestamentlichen Redaktionsgeschichte

    (Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament Series 24), Lund 1986.

    Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, In Search of God: The Meaning and Messageof the Everlasting Name (translated From Swedish by Frederick H.

    Cryer), Fortress, Philadelphia 1988.

    Abstract: Extensive description and analysis of various names for God.


    Walther Eichrodt, Theology of the Old Testament, vol. 1 (Transl. by J. A. Baker), The

    Westminster Press, Philadelphia 1961, pp. 178-205: The Names of the Covenant God.19.4.'


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    Topics include: Divine Names as an organizing principle, YHWH, El Shadai, YHWH

    Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts, and Redeemer.20



    Johannes C. de Moor, The Rise of Yahwism: The Roots of Israelite

    Monotheism Leuven University Press, Leuven 1990.22

    Aleksy Klawek, The Name Jahveh in the Light of most recent

    Discussions, FO 27, 1990 (1991), pp. 11-12.

    Richard S. Hess, The Divine Name Yahweh in Late Bronze Age

    Sources?, Ugarit-Forschungen 23, (1991), pp. 181-188.

    Abstract: Does not agree that the personal names from Amarna and Alalakh contain

    the divine name as suggested by Johannes C. de Moor in The rise of Yahwism: The

    roots of Israelite monotheism.23 Concludes that the Egyptian placename yh(w)

    mentioned in Egyptian topographical lists remains a possible source for the attestation

    of the divine name in extrabiblical sources of the Late Bronze Age.24




    Jonathan Magonet, The Names of God in Biblical Narratives, In: Jon

    Davies, Graham Harvey, Wilfred G. E. Watson & John Davies (eds.),

    Words remembered, texts renewed: Essays in Honour of John F. A.Sawyer, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1995, pp.80-96.



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    Abstract: The auther Analyzes several biblical incidents to show how using two

    divine names interacts with the narrative. Among the incidents analyzed are: The

    Burning Bush (Elohim/YHWH), Mt. Sinai (haElohim/YHWH), and the Wife of

    Manoah (the Angel of YHWH/ Elohim).25

    )----(: )----(,


    Martin Rose, Names of God in the OT, In: David Noel Freedman (ed.)

    Anchor Bible dictionary on CD-ROM (24p. on printout) Oak Harbor

    1997 (Logos Research Systems).

    Abstract: Detailed description of the divine name Yahweh and those of 13 non-

    Yahwistic divine names and titles. These include El, Shaddai, Elohm, and Baal.

    Other topics include: Foreign Divine Names, Attenuation of the Divine Name, and

    From Immanence to Transcendance.

    ----- :- ,,

    26, . , ,


    B. Lang, Jahwe: der biblische Gott. Ein Portrait, Mnchen, Beck, 2002.

    Andre Lemaire, The Birth of Monotheism: The Rise and Disappearance

    of Yahwism, (translated by Andre Lemaire and Jack Meinhardt ; edited

    by Jack Meinhardt), Biblical Archaeology Society, Washington, DC


    Content: Before YHWH - The Origins of Yahwism - Early Yahwism in Israels

    central hill country - The God of Israel - Yahwism of the First Temple Period:

    monotheism or monolatry? - The divided kingdom and the resurgence of Baalism -

    YHWH and his Asherah? Did the God of Israel have a consort? - Yahwism and

    aniconism - The rise of the prophets - The religious reforms of the Judahite King



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    Hezekiah - Astral worship and the religious reforms of king Josiah - The religious

    crisis of exile - The emergence of universal monotheism - Israelite religion in the

    Persian Empire: YHWH as God of heaven? - The Temple, the synagogue and

    Absolute aniconism - The disappearance of YHWH - The pronunciation of the

    Tetragrammaton YHWH.

    Benjamin D. Sommer, The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient

    Israel, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009.


    ( . -""


    ---. -

    . ,


    Marlene Elizabeth Mondriaan, The Rise of Yahwism: Role of

    Marginalised Groups, Ph. D. dissertation (Ancient Languages and

    Cultures) University of Pretoria 2010.

    T. Rmer, Yhwh: the Goddess and Evil: Is 'Monotheism' an adequate

    Concept to describe the Hebrew Bible's discourses about the God of

    Israel?, in: Verbum et Ecclesia (online) 34/2, 2013, pp. 1-5.

    Shawn W. Flynn, YHWH is King: The Development of Divine Kingship

    in Ancient Israel, Brill, Leiden 2014.On the book: Amidst various methodologies for the comparative study of the Hebrew

    Bible, at times the opportunity arises to improve on a method recently introduced into

    the field. In YHWH is King, Flynn uses the anthropological method of cultural

    translation to study diachronic change in YHWHs kingship. Here, such change is

    compared to a similar Babylonian development to Marduks kingship. Based on that



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    comparison and informed by cultural translation, Flynn discovers that Judahite scribes

    suppressed the earlier YHWH warrior king and promoted a creator/universal king in

    order to combat the increasing threat of Neo-Assyrian imperialism. Flynn thus opens

    the possibility that Judahite scribes engaged in a cultural translation of Marduk to

    YHWH, in order to respond to the mounting Neo-Assyrian presence.


    2. A. YHWH and the Names El and Elohim:

    Moses Hirsch Segal, El, Elohim, and YHWH in the Bible, JQR (=JewishQuarterly Review) 46 (1955), pp. 89-115.

    O. Eissfeldt, El and Yahweh, JSS (=Journal of Semitic Studies) 1 (1956),

    pp. 25-37 (Reprinted in Kleine Schriften, vol. 4, Mhr, Tubingen 1962,

    pp. 386-397).

    Aleksy Klawek, Les noms hbraques Jahveh et Elohim, FO 27, (1990),

    pp. 5-9.

    N. Wyatt, The Meaning of El Roi and the Mythological Dimension of

    Genesis 16, in: Nick Wyatt, Theres such Divinity doth Hedge a King:

    Selected essays of Nycolas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and Old

    Testament Literatur, Ashgate, Aldershot 2005, pp. 77-84.


    Frank Zimmermann, El and Adonai, VT 12, (1962), pp. 190-195.



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    2.B: Additional Materials for the Name YHWE in the Hebrew Bible:


    Jacob Milgrom, The Desecration of YHWHs Name: Its Parameters and

    Significance, in: Moshe Bar-Asher et al. (eds.), Shai le-Sara Japhet;

    Studies in the Bible, Its Exegesis and Its Language, The Bialik Institute,

    Jerusalem 2007, pp. 317*-325*.


    : - (), , : "


    Cyrus H. Gordon, His Name Is "One", Journal of Near Eastern Studies,

    29:3 (1970), pp. 198-199.

    W. von Soden, Jahwe Er ist, Er erweist sich, WO 3, 3 (1966), pp. 177-


    Frank Zimmerman, A Suggested Source for Some of the Substitute

    Names for YHWH, in: Charles Berin (ed.) Studies in Jewish

    Bibliography, History and Literature in Honor of .1. Edward Kiev, Ktav,

    New York 1971, pp. 3-6.

    Edmund Jacob, Theology of the Old Testmant, Harper & Row, Harper &

    Row, New York 1958.



    P.A.H. de Boer, YHWH as Epithet Expressing the Superlative, VT

    (=Vetus Testamentum)24, (1974), pp. 233-235.


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    Manfred. Grg, Jochebed und Isis, Biblische Notizen,pp. 61, 10-14.

    Abstract: Jochebed was the mother of Aaron and Moses. There is speculation about

    the link to the name to YHWH. The answer could be of importance for the history of

    religion. Was there a pre-Mosaic faith in YHWH? One explanation might be arelationship to Isis of Egyptian mythology.28




    Martin Klingbeil, Yahweh fighting from Heaven: God as warrior and as

    God of Heaven in the Hebrew Psalter, Fribourg University Press,

    Goettingen 1999.


    J. Meja, El nombre divino Yahweh, Criterio 26, (1952), pp. 300-303.

    L. Vigan, Nomi e ttoli di YHWH alla luce del semitico del Nordovest

    (Biblica et Orientalia 31), Roma 1976.

    R. Zarbski, O rytualnyrn aspekcie zmiany imion w Biblii (=On the

    ritual aspect of names change in the Bible), in R. Zarbski, ed., Rytua:

    jzyk religia, od 2005, pp. 611-6221.


    2. C: Philosophical Aspects of the name of God in the Hebrew Bible:

    J.W. Gericke, YHWHs Personal Identity: A Philosophical Perspective,

    JS 21:2, (2012), pp. 200-221.



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    Gellman, Jerome, Naming and Naming God, Religious Studies, 20:2, pp.


    Abstract: Analysis of the logic of the name God in two stages: (1) the meaning ofnames in general and (2) how these findings apply to the name God.

    The first stage is concerned with (1) whether names stand for definite descriptions or

    are rigid designators, and (2) what the conditions are for successful initial baptism.

    Develops the position that (1) a name can be a rigid designator as well as a

    description, and (2) successful initial baptisms require a path from namer to the object

    even if the object is never perceived by the namer.29

    : - .





    2. D: The Names of God in the different books of the Hebrew Bible:


    John Skinner, The Divine Names in Genesis, Hodder and Stoughton,

    London 1914.

    Philip J. Hyatt, Was Yahweh Originally a Creator Deity?, JBL 86 (1967),

    pp. 369-377.


    Donald J. Slager, The use of divine Names in Genesis, Bible Translator,

    43:4, (1992), pp. 423-429.



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    Abstract: Explains the diverse divine names in Genesis as semantic matching. Elohim

    indicates God transcendant (Eve and the snake speaking) while Yahweh is immanent

    (Noah referring to God). Many examples given of semantic matching but there are

    exceptions. There is danger of changing the meaning of divine names in trying to

    represent a unified whole. For example, deleting some variant divine names or using

    the first person instead of the third person in conversation will make the text more

    natural for Many languages, but how does it change the meaning?.30

    )semantic matching.( ': ('

    ('---),' ).


    Philip J. Hyatt, Was Yahweh Originally a Creator Deity?, JBL 86 (1967),

    pp. 369-377.

    David L. Petersen, Genesis 6.1-4, Yahweh and the Organization of the

    Cosmos, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 13 (1979), pp. 47-


    The Doctrine of 'Creation through the Name' in Late Antiquity (The

    Name of God and Creation: A Reassessment of Jarl Fossums Evidence)

    [Lecture: at the International Meeting of the Society for Biblical

    Literature, St Andrews July 2013]



    Abstract: In one of the most important and often-cited texts of the last thirty years,

    The Name of God and The Angel of the Lord, Jarl Fossum claimed that there was a

    Second Temple tradition of Gods Name YHWH as agent or tool of creation. This has

    since become an accepted academic principle, referenced without challenge in many


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    texts on the theology of the period, and informing the analysis of later texts. This

    paper will re-examine the evidence, analysing the Samaritan and Talmudic texts of the

    Common Era which Fossum used, as well as some earlier apocryphal and

    pseudepigraphic texts. A close textual analysis will show that many of the

    assumptions based on Fossums work are unfounded, a conclusion which has

    implications for, among others, the work of Daniel Boyarin in the early relationship of

    early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism.



    Auret, Adrian ,The Theological Intent of the use of the Names of God in

    the Eight-century Memoir of Isaiah, Old Testament Essays, 5:2, (1992),

    pp. 272-291.

    Author abstract: Investigation of the use of appellatives for God in the 8th century

    base document of the Memoir of Isaiah seems to indicate that the author used the

    different names not arbitrarily, but with specific theological intent.

    So, for instance, personally metes out punishment, while --- makes use of an

    agent to punish, --- is the undisputed holy king who ensures stability, and

    is used when the relationship between God and man is in question.


    "". 31



    31, - ,

    ).:'Denkschrift' (

    k . Budde , Jesajas erleben - Eine Gemeinverstandliche: Auslegung cler Denkschrift des

    Propheten (Kap. 6:1-9:6), Gotha 1928.

    ) ),.Duhm

    , :



    Thomas Wagner, eine Analyse der Denkschrift (Jes 6,1 - 9,6), (Supplements to Vetus

    Testamentum 108), Brill, Leiden 2005.


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    '' ,







    "" ":"






    , ;,


    Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta 2013, pp. 206-219.

    , : ,

    '' '' ("),', :15-34

    "22' : --- . "


    (' ):108

    Peter Craig Hamilton, Theological Implications of the Divine Title Adonai Yahweh

    in Ezekiel, Ph. D. dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 1990.

    F. Baumgrtel, Zu den Gottesnamen in den Bchern Jeremia und

    Ezechiel, in: Arnulf Kuschke (ed.), Verbannung und Heimkehr: Beitrge

    zur Geschichte und Theologie Israels im 6. und 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. :

    Wilhelm Rudolph zum 70. Geburtstage, Mohr, Tbingen 1961, pp. 1-30.



    Stephen Dempster, The Lord is His Name: A study of the Distribution of

    the Names and Titles of God in the Book of Amos, Revue Biblique, 98:2,

    (1991), pp. 170-189.


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    Abstract: A qualitative and statistical analysis of the Divine names and titles in Amos.

    Makes the following points: The importance of a text-oriented method for

    interpretation; the structure of the book; the study of the doxologies; the possible

    intervention of the Divine name in the affairs of man, and dating of the book.32



    , ,



    , " 73-74,



    M.J. Dahood, The Divine Name Eli in the Psalms, Theological Studies

    14 (1953), pp. 452-457.


    Hendricus Jacobus Franken, The Mystical Communion with Jhwh in theBook of Psalms, Brill, Leiden 1954.

    M. Dahood, The Composite Divine Name in Psalms 89,16-17 and 140,9,

    Biblica 61, (1980), pp. 277-278.

    Ronald F. Youngblood, Divine Names in the Book of Psalms: LiteraryStructures and Number Patterns, Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern

    Society[New York], 19, (1989), pp. 171-181.

    Abstract: The focus is on the surface structures of biblical literatureCinclusios,

    chiasms, concentric structures, ring structures, alternations, number patterns, and

    others regarding divine names, especially YHWH in the Books of Psalms.33



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    , , '---'


    God among the Gods: An Analysis of the Function of Yahweh in the

    Divine Council of Deuteronomy 32 and Psalm 82, M.A. Thesus, Liberty

    University, Lynchburg 2010.


    Edward L. Greenstein, YHWH's Lightning in Psalms 29:7, Maarav 8

    (1993), pp.49-57.---,: " ".

    Jerome F. D. Creach, Yahweh as Refuge and the Editing of the Hebrew

    Psalter, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1996.


    ":---.: "2

    2. E: I am YHWH:

    Raymond A. Bowman, Yahweh the Speaker, Journal of Near Eastern

    Studies, 3:1 (1944), pp. 1-8.

    Walther Zimmerli, Ich bin Jahwe, in: Geschichte und Altes Testament:

    Albrecht Alt zum 70. Geburtstag, Mohr (Siebeck), Tbingen 1953, pp.

    179-209 (Reprinted in: Walther Zimmerli, Gesammelte Aufstze: vol. 1:

    Gottes Offenbarung, Kaiser Verlag, Mnchen 1963, pp. 1-40).

    K. Elliger, "Ich bin der Herr - Euer Gott", in: Theologie als

    Glaubenswagnis. Fs K. Heim, Furche-Verlag, Hamburg 1954, pp. 9-34


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    [=Kleine Schriften zum Alten Testament: zu seinem 65. Geburtstag,

    Theologische Bcherei, Bd. 32

    Kaiser, Mnchen 1966, pp. 211-231.

    Walther Zimmerli, Douglas W. Stott and Walter Brueggemann, I am

    Yahweh, Atlanta, John Knox Press, 1982.

    John E Hartley, Leviticus, in: Word biblical commentary, v. 4, Word

    Books, Dallas 1992, pp. 291-293.


    2. F: Miscellaneous:






    ".---: "31632.'

    ."---: "1837'.


    ")374'72'. " (---):


    ). -



    )95-102:'99' ).









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    , ' '--- ' ,'

    ( .,151-157')"






    Tallay Ornan, Member in the Entourage of Yahweh: A Uraeus Seal from

    the Western Wall Plaza Excavations, Jerusalem, Atiqot 72 (2012), pp.


    Walther Eichrodt, Theology of the Old Testament, vol. 1 (Transl. by J. A.

    Baker), The Westminster Press, Philadelphia 1961, pp. 178-205: The

    Names of the Covenant God.

    S. Herrmann, Der Name Jhw in den Inschriften von Soleb, Proceedings of

    the World Congress of Jewish Studies, vol. I (1965), pp. 213-216.

    Terri Daniel, Yahweh: God or Godzilla? Marylhurst University, (Paper:Instructor: Carol Higgins, 3/12/14),



    2. G. The Punctuation and the Vocalization of the Name YHWH:


    '': " ,---'',

    , ,





  • 7/26/2019 Admiel Kosman-The Multilingual Bibliography of Names of God in the HB and in Rabbinic Literature.pdf


    Leopold Lw. Gesammelte Schriften, Baba, Szegedin 1889, pp. 187-212:

    Die Aussprache des Vierbuchstabigen Gottesnamens.


    )Theodoret of Cyrus(393-457."-).=)YAHWE:

    Daniel David Luckenbill, The Pronunciation of the Name of the God of

    Israel, AJSL (=The American Journal of Semitic Languages and

    Literatures), XL (1924), pp. 277-283.

    Otto Eissfeldt, Neue Zeugnisse fr die Aussprache des Tetragramms als

    Jahwe, ZAW (=Zeitschrift fr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft) 53

    (1935), pp. 59-76 (Reprinted in Kleine Schriften, vol. 2, Mhr,

    Tubingen 1962, pp. 80-96).

    G. J. Thierry, The Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, OTS 5

    (=Oudtestamentische Studin), (1948), 30-42.

    Bern Alfring, La prononciation 'Jehova' du ttragramme O.T.S.

    (=Oudtestamentische Studien), 5 (1948), pp. 43-62;

    Peter Katz, ,= Jej .= Jj?, Vetus Testamentum, 4:4 (1954), pp


    W. Vischer, Eher Jahwo als Jahwe, TbZ 16, (1960), pp. 259-267

    (=on the pronunciation of the tetragrammaton).

    Antti Marjanen, A Nag Hammadi Contribution to the Discussion about

    the Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, in: Hannu Juusola, Juha

    Laulainen and Heikki Palva (eds.), Verbum et Calamus; Semitic and32

  • 7/26/2019 Admiel Kosman-The Multilingual Bibliography of Names of God in the HB and in Rabbinic Literature.pdf


    Related Studies in Honour of the Sixtieth Birthday of Professor Tapani

    Harviainen, Finnish Oriental Society, Helsinki: 2004, pp. 153-159.


    Steven Ortlepp, Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton: A Historico-

    Linguistic (Lulu Com, 2011).

    Pavlos D. Vasileiadis, Aspects of Rendering the sacred Tetragrammaton

    in Greek, Open Theology, Volume 1:1 (2015), pp. 56-88.


    3. The Name Yah or Yahu in the Hebrew Bible:

    Morris Jastow Jr., The origin of the form of the divine Name,

    Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 16, (1896), pp. 1-16.

    Abstract: Discussion and analysis of the form comes to 8 conclusions. Amongthem: Yah as the name of the deity is of purely artificial origin and growth, and

    The interpretation of ,as a divine name and with this its origin and literary use

    belongs to the post-exilic period of Jewish history.P35F





    Hubert Grimme, Sind Jaho und Jahwe zwei Verschiedene Namen und

    Begriffe? Biblische Zeitschrift, 17 (1926), pp. 29-42.

    Francis Crawford Burkitt, (in rejoinder to A. L. Williams), Yahweh or

    Yahoh: Additional Note, JTS (=Journal of Theological Studies) 28,

    (1927), pp. 407-409.



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    A. Lukyn Williams, Yahoh, JTS (=Journal of Theological Studies) 28

    (1927), pp. 276-283.

    B. D. Eerdmans, The Name Jahu, OTS(=Oudtestamentische Studin) 5,

    (1948), pp. 1-29.

    John Gray, The God Yw in the Religion of Canaan, JNES (=Journal of

    Near Eastern Studies), 12: 4 (1953), pp. 278-283.

    Lienhard Delekat, Yho-Yahwe und die alttestamentlichenGottesnamenkorrekturen, in: Gert Jeremias (ed.), Tradition und Glaube:

    das frhe Christentum in seiner Umwelt: Festgabe fr Karl Georg Kuhn

    zum 65. Geburtstag, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gttingen 1971, pp. 23-


    M. Dahood, The God Ya at Ebla?, JBL 100A (1981), pp. 607-608.37

    H. P. Willer, Gab es in Ebla emen Gottesnamen Ja?, Zeitschrift fuer die

    alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 70:1 (1981), pp. 70-92.


    4. The Name El or Eloah for God in the Hebrew Bible:

    S.I. Feigin, The Origin of elh, God in Hebrew, JNES 3, (1944), p.


    Norman Walker, Elohim and Eloah, VT 6, (1956), pp. 214-215.



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    R. Rendtorff, El als israelitische Gottesbezeichnung, ZAW (=Zeitschrift

    fr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft) 106, (1994), pp. 4-21.

    W. Herrmann, Die Verehrung des Gottes El unter der Israeliten, in:

    Semitic and Assyriological Studies: Presented to Pelio Fronzaroli (by

    pupils and colleagues), Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2003, pp. 198-206.

    H. Rouillard, El Rof en Nombres 12, 23, Semitica 37, (1987), pp. 17-46.

    .":,: "


    5. Shaddai, El Shaddai, God of My Abraham, God of My Fathers:

    William. F. Albright, The Names Shaddai and Abram, JBL (=Journal ofBiblical Literature), 54 (1935), pp. 173-204.38

    Philip J. Hyatt, Yahweh as 'The God of My Father', VT (=Vetus

    Testamentum), 5 (1955), pp. 130-136.

    Norman Walker, A New Interpretation of the Divine Name Shaddai,

    ZAW 72, (1960), pp. 64-66.

    M. Weippert, Erwgungen zur Etymologie des Gtternamen El-addaj,

    ZDMG (=Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft) 111,

    (1961), pp. 42-46.



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    Frank Moore Cross Jr.,Yahweh and the God of the Patriarchs, HTR

    (=The Harvard Theological Review) 55, (1962), pp. 225259.

    E.C.B. MacLaurin, Shaddai, Abr-Nahrain 3, (1961) p. 62 (1963), pp. 99-


    (= 1. Distribution of the name Shaddai. 2. Etymology. 3. Characteristics

    of the god El Shaddai. 4. Shaddai and Sadu. 5. Identification of Shaddai

    with El. 6. The meaning and form of the name. 7. The root and semantics

    of dd. 8. Shaddai - Hedad - Adad).

    Otto Eissfeldt, Jahwe: der Gott der Vater, TLZ (=Theologische

    Literaturzeitung), 88 (1963), cols. 481-490 (Reprinted in Kleine

    Schriften, vol. 4, Mhr, Tubingen 1962, pp. 79-91).

    L.R. Bailey, Israelite El Sadday and Amorite Bl Sad, JBL87 (1968),pp. 434-438.

    K. Koch, addaj: Zum Verhltnis zwischen israelitischer Monolatrie und

    nordwest-semitischem Polytheismus, VT (=Vetus Testamentum) 26,

    (1976), pp. 299-332.

    O. Loretz, Der kanaanische Ursprung des biblischen Gottesnames El

    Saddaj, UF 12, 1980 (1981), pp. 420-421.

    David Biale, The God with Breasts: El Shaddai in the Bible, History of

    Religions, 20:3 (1982), pp. 240-456.


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    Henri Cazelles, Der persnliche Gott Abrahams und der Gott des Volkes

    Israel, in: Rudolf Mosis and Lothar Ruppert (eds.), Der Weg zum

    Menschen: zur philosophischen und theologischen Anthropologie - fr

    Alfons Deissler, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1989, pp. 341-344.

    H.C. Lutzky, Shadday as a Goddess Epithet, VT (=Vetus Testamentum)

    48, (1998), pp. 15-36.

    J.F. Healey, The Nabataean God of the Fathers, in: Katharine J. Dell,Graham Davies, Yee Von Koh (eds.), Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms: A

    Festschrift to honour Professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday,

    Brill, Leiden 2010, pp. 45-57.


    Ernst Axel Knauf, Eine nabatische Parallele zum hebrischen

    Gottesnamen, BN 23, (1984), pp. 21-28.

    M. Witte, Vom EL SCHADDAJ zum PANTOKRATOR Ein berblick

    zur israelitisch-jdischen Religionsgeschichte, KUSATU (=Kleine

    Untersuchungen zur Sprache des Alten Testaments und seiner umwelt)

    12-13, (2011), pp. 211-256.

    :, '(, "),27-29:

    "--- --

    "",",- -:


    :: ",?, ,




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    , ' ", ,97-103



    6. Zebaoth and Jahwe Zebaoth:


    247-248' : ---

    . , "

    ).248'" ('-





    --- ) -'] (,













    (-,, :-,')"

    "".-' :

    :,40 ,

    , '2005, '44, "49'74.

    (:,, ""

    99' "[ -]





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    ( ."83-102),'

    B. N. Wambacq, L'pithte Divine Jahv Sebaoth, tude philologique,

    historique et exgtiquc, Bruges/Paris 1947.

    [note: See the review of this book by Richard Murphy in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly,

    11 (1949), p. 229].

    Otto Eissfeldt, Jahwe Zebaoth, Miscellanea Academica Berolinensia

    (Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Feier des 250 jhrigen Bestehens derdeutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin II/2), Akademie Verlag,

    Berlin 1950, pp. 128-150 (Reprinted in Kleine Schriften, vol. 3, Mhr,

    Tubingen 1962, pp. 103-123).

    Maag, V. Jahws Heerscharen. STU (=Schweizerische Theologische

    Umschau) 20 (1950) 2752.

    M. Tsevat, Studies in the Book of Samuel. IV: Yahweh Seba'ot', HUCA

    36, (1965), pp. 49-58.

    J. P. Ross, Jahweh e' in Samuel and Psalms, VT (=Vetus

    Testamentum) 17:1 (1967), pp. 76-92.


    7. El Elyon:

    G. Levi Della Vida, El 'Elyon in Genesis 14:18-20, JBL (=Journal of

    Biblical Literature), 63:1 (1944), pp. 1-9.42



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    8., :---,,,

    8. The Gods of Canaan, Ugarit, Egypt, Babylon and others in the

    Near East versus YHWH:

    Raphael Patai, The Hebrew goddess, Ktav, New York 1967.

    . .

    43.-, .


    - ).






    Stephen A. Geller, The God of the Covenant, in: Barbara N Porter, (ed.), One God or Many?

    Concepts of Divinity in the Ancient World, CDL Press, Bethesda 2000, pp. 373-319.


    John Day, Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan, Journal for the Study of the Old

    Testament (Supplement Series 265), Sheffield Academic Press, London 2002.---,---,---,---

    ,---, , (, ) , (,



    . ' () '




    "",,,1 ..786-788,




    (,--- (,),

    43[], ( ,) (='



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    Baruch Margalit, The meaning and significance of Asherah, Vetus Testamentum 40:3 (1990),

    pp. 264-297.:.,3 ,



    Moshe Weinfeld, Feminine Features in the Imagery of God in Israel: The Sacred Marriage

    and the Sacred Tree, Vetus Testamentum, 46: 4 (1996), pp. 515-529.






    William G. Dever, Asherah, Consort of Yahweh? New Evidence from Kuntillet Ajrd,

    Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 255 (1984), pp. 21-37.


    J. A. Emerton, Yahweh and His Asherah: The Goddess or Her Symbol?, Vetus

    Testamentum, 49: 3 (1999), pp. 315-337.


    Tilde Binger, Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament, SheffieldAcademic Press, Sheffield 1997.

    Summary: A comprehensive discussion of texts concerning the goddess Asherah, as she is

    portrayed in texts from Ugarit (both epic and ritual texts, as well as the lists of sacrifices),

    Israel (the Khirbet el-Qom and Kuntillet Ajrud inscriptions) and the Old Testament. The main

    theses of the book are that two or more divinities carrying the same name but separated by

    several hundred years are not necessarily to be identified; that Asherah is probably not a

    name, but rather a title, carried by the main goddess in ancient Syria-Palestine; that the

    Asherah of the Old Testament and the Israelite texts was inded the consort of Yahweh.





    45"" ( ,6'170')41'



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    Bob Becking, Meindert Dijkstm, Marjo C.A. Korpel and KarelJ.H. Vriezen, Only one God?

    Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah, Sheffield

    Academic Press, London 2001.


    Richard S. Hess, Asherah or Asherata?, Orientalia,pp. 65:3, (1996), pp. 209-219.

    Abstract: Considered Bronze Age attestations from Old Babylonian, Ugarit, Amarna,

    Taanach; Iron Age attestations; and the Hebrew Bible.The spellings of Asherata in the West Semitic world have confirmed this vocalization for the

    deity in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages. In the Iron Age its -ta suffix may be suggested by

    the [...] consonantal spellings with a final -h. The Hebrew Bible attests to a change in the

    suffix, in conformity with other feminine nouns and names. However, it also bears witness to

    the preservation of the divine name and its vocalization through the first millennium B.C.


    Alice L. Perlman, Asherah and Astarte in the Old Testament and Ugaritic Literatures,

    (Berkeley, Graduate Theological Union, Diss.), 1978 - Ann Arbor, Michigan UniversityMicrofilms Internat, 1980.


    W.L. Reed, The Asherah in the Old Testament, Texas Christian University Press, Fort Worth,





    W. Robertson Smith, Religion of the Semites, Schoken, New York 1972, pp. 186-196.



    S. M. Olyan, Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh, Society of Biblical Literature (Monographs

    34) Scholars Press, Atlanta 1988.


    T. Ornan, Istar as Depicted on Finds from Israel, in: A. Mazar (ed.), Studies in the

    Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan, (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

    Supplements 331), Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 2001, pp. 23556.


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    (), :"


    O. Keel and C. Uehlinger, Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God inAncient Israel, trans. T. H. Trapp, Fortress, Minneapolis 1998.

    O. Keel, Goddesses and Trees, New Moon, and Yahweh: Ancient Near

    Eastern Art and the Hebrew Bible, Journal for the Study of the Old

    Testament Supplements 261, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1998.

    Aimo Edvard Murtonen, The Appearance of the Name YHWH outside

    Israel, Societas Orientalis Fennica, Helsinki 1951.

    K.M. Aloma, Lesser Gods of the Ancient Near East and Some

    Comparison with Heavenly Beings of the Old Testament, Dissertation,

    Andrews University 1987.

    Mark S. Smith, The Early History of God: Yahweh and the other Deities

    in Ancient Israel, Harper & Row, San Francisco 1990.

    Anne E. Draffkorn, Ilni/Elohim, JBL (=Journal ofBiblical Literature)

    76:3 (1957), pp. 216-224.

    H.B. Huffmon, Yahweh and Mari, in: Ernest Wright (ed.), The Bible and

    Ancient Near East: Essays in Honor of William Foxwell Albright,

    Doubleday, Garden City, New York 1961, pp. 283-289.


    H. P. Sthli, Solare Elemente im Jahwesglauben des Alten Testaments,

    Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 66, Freiburg: Universittsverlag, 1985.


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    Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, The Elusive Essence: YHWH, El and Baal and

    the Distinctiveness of Israelite Faith, in: E. Blum, C. Macholz and E.W.

    Stegemann (eds.), Die Hebrische Bibel und ihre zweifache

    Nachgeschichte (Festschrift fr Rolf Rendtorffzum 65. Geburtstag),

    Neukirchener Verlag, NeukirchenVluyn 1990, pp. 393-417 (and 409-


    Mark S. Smith, The Near Eastern Background of Solar Language for

    Yahweh. Journal of Biblical Literature, 109 (1990), pp. 29-39.

    Daniel Sarlo, A Fire Kindles in my Nostrils, It Will Burn to the Lowest

    Sheol: Ancient Near Eastern Cosmology and Yahweh as the Sun in the

    Hebrew Bible, Lecture: Presented June 1, 2015 at the CSBS Annual

    Meeting in Ottawa, ON.



    Daniel Sarlo, Winged Scarab Imagery in Judah: Yahweh as Khepri,

    Lecture: Presented March 28, 2014, Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society

    Annual Meeting, Eerie, PA.


    Samuel I. Feigin, Shemesh the Son of Yahweh, The Jewish Quarterly

    Review (New Series), 28: 3 (1938), pp. 225-242.

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    J. G. Taylor, Yahweh and the Sun: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence

    for Sun Worship in Ancient Israel (Journal for the Study of the Old

    Testament Supplements 111). Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1993.

    Frank Moore Cross, Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the

    History of the Religion of Israel, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass.


    : , ,


    --- , ---, ,,---,



    Manfred Weippert. Jahwe und die anderen Gtter: Studien zur

    Religionsgeschichte des antiken Israel in ihrem syrisch-palstinischen

    Kontext, Mohr Siebeck, Tbingen 1997.

    Mark S. Smith, Divine Travel as a Token of Divine Rank. UF (=Ugarit-

    Forschungen 16 (1984) p. 397.

    Spencer L. Allen, The Splintered Divine: A Study of Itar, Baal, and

    Yahweh Divine Names and Divine Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East,

    Publicly accessible Penn Dissertations, Spring 5-16-2011:

    Link: This dissertation is available at ScholarlyCommons:

    Abstract: This dissertation examines ancient conceptions of Near Eastern deities whose names

    consistently included geographic epithets, which functioned like last names. In Neo-Assyrian (ca. 900-

    630 B.C.E.) texts, Itar-of-Nineveh and Itar-of-Arbela are often included as divine witnesses or

    enforcers of curses along with several other deities whose names lack any geographic epithets.

    Similarly, in second-millennium Ugaritic texts, Baal-of-Ugarit and Baal-of-Aleppo received separate

    offerings in cultic rituals along with several other deities whose names lack geographic epithets, and in

    firstmillennium Aramaic, Phoenician, and Punic texts, Baal-of-apn, Baal-of-amm, and several


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    other Baal-named deities are contrasted with each other in the same way that they are contrasted with

    other deities. The exploration of these Itar and Baal divine names as first names suggests that the

    scribes of the ancient Near East considered each Itar and Baal who was explicitly associated with a

    unique geographic last name to be a unique deity. In fact, the geographic epithets that follow the divine

    names should be viewed as an essential part of these deities names. Neo-Assyrian scribes thought ofItar-of-Nineveh as distinct from Itar-of-Arbela just as they thought of her as distinct from any other

    deity whose name was not Itar. Likewise Ugaritic, Aramaic, Phoenician, and Punic scribes thought of

    Baal-of-apn as distinct from Baal-of-Aleppo and any other Baal-named deity just as they thought of

    him as distinct from any other deity whose name was not Baal. These analyses are pertinent to biblical

    studies because inscriptions from the eastern Sinai (ca. 800 B.C.E.) invoke a Yahweh-of-Samaria and a

    Yahweh-of-Teman in blessings. Unlike, the Itar and Baal divine names that are contrasted with each

    other in the same texts, however, these two Yahweh divine names do not appear together in the same

    texts and were not necessarily contrasted with each other. For this reason, it could not be determined

    whether or not Israelites who encountered the Yahweh-named deities recognized them as distinct and

    independent deities. They might have known the names Yahweh-of-Samaria and Yahweh-of-Teman,

    but there is nothing in the inscriptional or biblical evidence to suggest that they necessarily thought of

    these as different Yahwehs.

    Spencer L. Allen, The Splintered Divine: A Study of Istar, Baal, and

    Yahweh Divine Names and Divine Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East,

    Walter de Gruyter, Boston 2014.on the book: This book investigates the issue of the singularity versus the multiplicity

    of ancient Near Eastern deities who are known by a common first name but

    differentiated by their last names, or geographic epithets. It focuses primarily on the

    Istar divine names in Mesopotamia, Baal names in the Levant, and Yahweh names in


    Mark S. Smith, When the Heavens Darkened: Yahweh, El, and theDivine Astral Family in Iron Age II Judah, in: William G. Dever and

    Seymour Gitin (eds.), Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past:

    Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age

    through Roman Palaestina, Proceedings of the Centennial Symposium W.

    F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools

    of Oriental Research (Jerusalem, May 2931, 2000), Eisenbrauns,

    Winona Lake, Indiana 2003, pp. 265-277.46

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    Spencer L. Allen, An Examination of Northwest Semitic Divine Names

    and the Bet-Locative" Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old

    Testament 2:1 (2013), pp. 61-82.Abstract: Four separate inscriptions from Kuntillet Ajrd (ca. 800 B.C.) invoke the

    divine names Yahweh-of-Teman (HI KAjr 14, 19A, and 20) and Yahweh-of-Samaria

    (HI KAjr 18), which reopened the debate about Deuteronomys 6:4s declaration that

    Yahweh is One and the possibility of distinct, localized Yahwehs in the Israelite

    pantheon. In the biblical texts, the name Yahweh never appears in a construct chain

    with a geographic name (e.g., there is no Yahweh-of-Jerusalem), so alternative divine

    name formulas have been sought as additional evidence for an ancient poly-Yahwism.

    The most commonly suggested alternative involves a divine name followed by a

    geographic name in a bet-locative phrase: DN-b-GN. Thus, Yahweh-in-Zion (Psalm

    99:2) and Yahweh-in-Hebron (2 Samuel 15:7) have been proposed as two additional

    localized Israelite deities. Comparable evidence from Ugaritic, Ammonite,

    Phoenician, and Punic texts containing the formula DN-b-GN has been offered in the

    past to support this claim (e.g., Tannit-in-Lebanon, KAI 81:1). This paper examines

    the relationship between divine names and geographic names as they pertain topotentially localized Yahweh deities and other Northwest Semitic deities.

    U. Oldenburg, Above the Stars of El: El in South Arabic Religion.

    Zeitschrift fr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 82 (1970), pp. 187


    Bertram Herr, Jhwh und die Gtter: Ein Querschnitt durch die Forschung

    zum syrisch-palstinischen Gottesverstndnis, Zeitschrift fr Religions

    und Geistesgeschichte, 52: 2 (2000), pp. 167-175.

    Otto Eissfeldt, Adonis und Adonaj, Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1970.



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    J. Gray, Reviews: Semitic Studies (1972) 17:2, pp. 255-256.


    Barbara G. Walker, The Womans Dictionary of Symbols and SacredObjects, Pandora, London 1995, pp. 1094-1095.






    Richard Payne Knight, A discourse on the worship of Priapus, and its connection with the

    mystic theology of the ancients:47(,' ,)113

    - , .

    ,,.)Jaho"" (



    George H. van Kooten, Moses/Musaeus/Mochos and his God Yahweh,

    Iao, and Sabaoth, Seen from a Graeco-Roman Perspective, George H.van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the Name YHWH to Moses:

    perspectives from Judaism, the pagan Graeco-Roman world, and early

    Christianity TBN 9 Brill, Leiden 2006, 107-138.

    M.F. Burnyeat, Platonism in the Bible: Numenius of Apamea on Exodus

    and Eternity, George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the NameYHWH to Moses: perspectives from Judaism, the pagan Graeco-Roman

    world, and early Christianity TBN 9, Brill, Leiden 2006, 139-166.

    Robbert M. van den Berg, Does it Matter to Call God Zeus?

    Origen,Contra Celsum I 2425 Against the Greek Intellectuals on Divine




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    Names, George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the Name

    YHWH to Moses: perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman

    World, and Early Christianity TBN 9, Brill, Leiden 2006, 169-186.

    Bert-Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, The Name above all Names (Philippians

    2:9), George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the Name YHWH to

    Moses: perspectives from Judaism, the pagan Graeco-Roman world, and

    early Christianity TBN 9, Brill, Leiden 2006, 187-206

    Riemer Roukema, Jesus and the Divine Name in the Gospel of John,George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the Name YHWH to

    Moses: Perspectives from Judaism, the pagan Graeco-Roman world, and

    early Christianity TBN 9, Brill, Leiden 2006, 207-224

    Gerard P. Luttikhuizen, The Revelation of the Unknowable God in

    Coptic Gnostic Texts, George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of theName YHWH to Moses: Perspectives from Judaism, the pagan Graeco-

    Roman world, and early Christianity TBN 9, Brill, Leiden 2006, 237-246.

    Charles Harold Dodd, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel,

    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1965, pp. 93-103: The Name of


    William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus,

    Prometheus Books, Buffalo 1992.

    Harold Bloom, Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine, Riverhead Books,

    New York 2005.


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    Guy G. Stroumsa, A Nameless God: Judaeo-Christian and Gnostic

    "Theologies of the Name", in: Peter J. Tomson and Doris Lambers-Petry

    (eds.), The Image of the Judaeo-Christians in Ancient Jewish and

    Christian Literature, Mohr Siebeck, Tbingen 2003, pp. 230-243.

    James David Audlin, Breathing the Name of God: YHWH and

    Elohim in the Gospel of John (=From The Gospel of John Restored and

    Translated, Volume II,as published by Editores Volcn Bar 2014).


    - , : ,



    ( .


    , ,

    (, :,19-62')"

    124'47' ,---: ' :



    Lloyd Graham, The Seven Seals of Judeo Islamic Magic: Possible

    Origins of the Symbols.



    Abstract: The Seven Seals of medieval Islamic magic, which are believed to constitute the Greatest

    Name of God, also feature in Jewish Kabbalah from the same period. While many Seal symbols make

    sporadic appearances in early Islamic amulets bearing Kufic script, the source of the symbols and their

    eventual ordering remains a matter of legend. As this topic was first and last examined

    systematically by Dr. Hans Winkler in 1930, a wider-ranging and more modern review is long overdue.

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    The present survey focuses on potential sources for the symbols rather than on their exegesis. It first

    examines the possibility that a precedent for the Seal series exists in an undecipherable seven signs

    repeated seven times inscribed on a Late Babylonian amulet. It then considers the possibility that the

    Seals origins lie in other cuneiform symbols from ancient Mesopotamia; in Egyptian hieroglyphs or

    scripts; in paleo-Hebrew characters or the letters of ancient South Arabian scripts; in Libyco-Berber orTifinagh letters from North Africa; or in the symbol repertoire of Late Antique magic, including the

    highly potent seven Greek vowels. The review also explores the possibility that at least some of the

    symbols originated in numerological ciphers or religious emblems, canvassing sources as diverse as

    Indian Hinduism and Byzantine Christendom. The article concludes by considering the recent

    suggestion that the Seal series may have acquired its privileged status because its symbols reflect

    shape archetypes that are hard-wired into the human nervous system.

    John Kaltner, Ishmael instructs Isaac: An Introduction to the Quran for

    Bible Readers, Liturgical Press, Collegeville 1999:



    David Burrell, Naming the Names of God: Muslims, Jews, Christians,

    Theology Today 47:1, pp. 22-29.

    Basilius M. Kasera, African Names for God and the Biblical Concept of

    YAHWEH, Grin, Mnchen 2012.

    G. O. Abe, Theological Concepts of Jewish and African Names of God,

    Asia Journal of Theology, 4(2), (1990), pp. 424-429.

    Abstract: Description of Jewish names for God such as YHWH, El, Elohim, and

    Adonai followed by description of African names for God in different groups. For the

    Yoruba, Olodumare; The Ibo, Chukwu, Chineke, Osebuluwa and others; and the

    Edo, Oghene. Other tribes also described.

    In some places God is conceived as a masculine, in other places he is bisexual, and

    yet he is feminine in other areas. The names and epithets accorded to God, the


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    Supreme Being as the Deity in Jewish and African theologies are unique and

    superior to those given to other lesser deities and spirits48

    ,---, ,,

    , : ', ', , , , , ,



    . , , ,






    Joseph Campbell, The power of Myth (with Bill D. Moyers) HighBridge, St. Paul,

    MN, 1990, pp. 230-231,



    8. A: Samaritans:

    Jarl E. Fossum, The Name of God and the Angel of the Lord: Samaritan

    and Jewish concepts of Intermediation and the Origin of Gnosticism,

    Mohr, Tbingen 1985.49


    9. The Names of God in the Hebrew Bible in Translation:

    :---, ,






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    , ,




    Kees F. De Blois, Translating the names of God: Tryggve Mettingers

    analyses applied to Bible translation, 43:4, (1992). pp. 406-414.

    Abstract: Evaluation of the work of Mettingers In search of God50 and his terms

    used to refer to God. Focuses on YHWH and how it is handled in translation and


    De Blois Points out that translation involves taking both cultures into consideration

    and gives examples. He Ggoes on to consider other terms such as Lord, YHWH

    sebaot,El and El Shaddai.

    .In search of God

    -- .



    Magne Saebo, Divine Names and Epithets in Genesis 49:24b-25a: Some

    Methodological and Traditio-Historical Remarks, In: Andr Lemaire,

    Benedikt Otzen, & Eduard Nielsen (eds.) History and traditions of early

    Israel: Studies presented to Eduard Nielsen, May 8th, Brill, Leiden 1993,

    pp. 115-132.

    Abstract: Gen: 49:24b-25a uses several terms to refer to God. These names have

    caused difficulties in translating and interpreting this passage. The original text was

    Hebrew which was then translated to the Greek of the Septuagint which was in turn

    translated into Latin. Among the names discussed with the usual English translations



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    are: abir yaaqob, (Athe Mighty One of Jacob), roeh, (the Shepherd), and eben

    yisrael, (the Rock of Israel).


    . ,


    G. Bertram, ''(=ikans) in den griechischen bersetzungen des

    Alten Testaments als Wiedergabe von schaddaj, ZAW 70 (1958) 20-31.


    Bernhard Anderson, Taking the Lords Name in vain Which Nme?

    Bible Review, 1(3), (1995), pp. 17, 48.

    Abstract: Discusses the difficulties (in English) of using the term Lord. Suggests that

    whenever possible use Godinstead of the Lord.

    '' .


    Joseph Hog, The translation of the Names of God in the South Pacific

    Languages, Bible Translator, 45:3, (1994), pp. 329-338.


    God, Lord, Master, Jehovah, Father, Holy Spirit, Logos, God/s


    Fijian, Tongan, Samoan, Kiribati, Tuvaluan, Rotuman, Cook Island Maori, and



    10. The Names of God in other Religions:

    ' (), :





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    Jacobo Myerston, Divine Names in the Derveni Papyrus and

    Mesopotamian Hermeneuticsmore, Trends in Classics 5:1 (2013), pp. 74-

    110.Abstract:The author of the Derveni papyrus makes wide use of etymologies of divine

    names to interpret an Orphic theogony. With the help of these etymologies, he links

    episodes of the Orphic theogony with a philosophical model of the evolution of the

    cosmos. In this article, I argue that the techniqu es used by the Derveni author for the

    analysis of divine names are related to Meso potamian hermeneutical and theological

    traditions that go back to the end of the second millennium BCE, but were still alive

    in the fourth century BCE when the text of the papyrus was presumably composed. Icompare the interpretative strategies of the Derveni author with those of Assyrian and

    Babylonian scholars as found in Tablets VI and VII of Enma eli, in certain

    Akkadian commentaries, and cuneiform god-lists to show that there is a similar

    system of beliefs in the text compared.







    Naomi Janowitz, Theories of Divine Names in Origen and Pseudo-

    Dionysius, History of Religions [Chicago], 30:4, (1991), pp. 359-372.

    Abstract: Discussion and analysis by two famous Christian scholars who had

    contrasting views. Origens view held that there was inherent power in names.

    Pseudo-Dionysius called names statues that represent the deity on earth.




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    Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power: Ritual Practices in Late Antiquity,

    University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania 2002.

    Edwyn Robert Bevan, Hellenism and Christianity, Allen & Unwin,

    London 1921,pp. 77 ff.


    - -


    () -


    James George Frazer, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and

    Religion: Part 2: Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, Macmillan, London

    1951, pp. 387-391: Names of Gods Tabboed.


    Gordon Darnell Newby, A Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, Oneworld,Oxford 2002, pp. 219-220:

    Gods Ninety-Nine Names: al-Asma' al-Husma


    (), : '- -

    ('-' ,,'-)


    ' 109. 99: ()


    ' 109-110. , 99-:

    " ", ",

    ("") ,

    , -33 ,11



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    ,, ,,




    Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Manas, in: Selected Papers: vol. 2:

    Metaphysics, (Bollingen series; edited by Roger Lipsey), Princeton

    University Press, Princeton University Press, 1977, pp. 211-214.


    (), " , , "



    148' (')


    -;(' ), , ,





    Monica L. Siems, How Do You Say 'God' in Dakota?, NUMEN 45

    (1998), pp. 163-182.



    10. A: The Names of God in Iconographies:

    W. Kemp, Name Gottes, in: Lexikon der Christlichen Ikonographie, III,

    Herder, Rome 1971, pp. 310-311.



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    11. The Revelation of God to Moses in Ex. Chapter 3:

    ,,,,:54":---: ",240-243'1956



    , ---,




    "-- ,.;,

    [...] --

    ---() , -- , -




    Henry Preserved Smith, Theophorous Proper Names in the Old Testament, AJSL (=

    American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures), 24 (1907), pp. 34-61;

    Stig Norin,J-Namen und Jeh-Namen, Vetus Testamentum, 29:1 (1979), pp. 87-97.55


    ' 240-241. ---: ,


    - -,

    --- , ,


    - ,




    , ,: " ,




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    ' 241. : ,

    , --- , .


    ' 241-242. ---: .

    ,: " :.:

    (=,) " ".

    "". "" ,"

    57: "".

    " ",, "


    '' (,")".---


    , " . ,-

    . - .


    : ",


    , ", "", .


    . ", ", " : " :


    ' "",241-242. , , , , :59

    "". :"60", "

    ()". 61,

    "" "57 ,---,


    Ernst Axel Knauf, Midian: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte Palstinas und Nordarabiens am

    Ende des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr., O. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1988.59.10'.'60.11.'61


    " , , : "156',1953,

    , . -, ,

    . . " ,

    ''. ,,".-


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    ' 242. : ---: , "

    , [...] ,


    William R. Arnold, The Divine Name in Exodus III:14, Journal ofBiblical Literature, 24:2 (1905), pp. 107-165.

    : ", ' " .



    Robert H. Pfeiffer, Introduction to the Old Testament, Harper, New York 1941, p. 95.

    Otto Eissfeldt, Jakobs Begegnung mit El und Moses Begegnung mit

    Jahwe, Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 58 (1963), pp. 325-331.

    (Reprinted in Kleine Schriften, vol. 4, Mhr, Tubingen 1968, pp. 92-


    F. Hartenstein, Das Angesicht JHWHs: Studien zu seinem hfischen und

    kultischen Bedeutungshintergrund in den Psalmen und in Exodus 32-34,

    Mohr Siebeck, Tbingen 2008.

    David Noel Freedman, The Name of the God of Moses, JBL (=Journal of

    Biblical Literature), 79: 2 (1960), pp. 151-156.


    , ')"(,, ,


    D. J. McCarthy, Exod 3:14: History, Philology and Theology, CBQ 40

    (1978), pp. 311-322.


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    Julian Morgenstern, The Elohist Narrative in Exodus 3:1-15, AJSL (=The

    American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures), 37 (1920-2l),

    pp. 242-262.

    J. Lindblom, Noch einmal die Deutung des Jahwe-Namens in Ex. 3. 14,

    Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute 3, (1964), pp. 4-15.

    Roland de Vaux, The Revelation of the Divine Name Yhwh, in: Gwynne

    Henton Davies, John I. Durham, J. R. Porter (eds.), Proclamation and

    presence: Old Testament: Essays in Honour of Gwynne Henton Davies,John Knox Press, Richmond 1970, pp. 48-75.

    Sigmund Mowinckel, The Name of the God of Moses, HUCA (=Hebrew

    Union College Annual) 32 (1961), pp. 12133.

    W.H. Brownlee, The ineffable Name of God, BASOR (=Bulletin of the

    American Schools of Oriental Research), 226, (1977), pp. 39-46.

    Abstract: Critical examination of many references to God in the Bible and other

    places (Qumran, Cairo fragments of the Damascus Covenants) as to their meaning.

    The NAME is interpreted in different texts. For Gerhard von Rad in his Old

    Testament Theology (1962, p. 179), the meaning of Yahweh is being present in the

    context of Exodus 3:12.

    Brownlee concludes: This understanding of the ineffable NAME may be relevant to

    a host of passages in the Hebrew prophets, especially in the contexts of threats and

    promises, where `I am Yahweh may appropriately mean I am He who makes things


    ) (,




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    :--- , , , "


    " ; :--- " "


    H. P. Mller, Der Jahwename und seine Deutung Ex 3,14 im Licht der

    Textpublikationen aus Ebla, Biblica 62, (1981), pp. 305-327.63

    Thomas Rmer, The Revelation of the Divine Name to Moses and the

    Construction of a Memory About the Origins of the Encounter Between

    Yhwh and Israel, in: T. Rmer, The Revelation of the Divine Name toMoses and the Construction of a Memory About the Origins of the

    Encounter Between Yhwh and Israel, in: T. E. Levy, T. Schneider and W.

    H. C. Propp (eds.), Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective,

    Springer, Heidelberg 2015, pp. 305-315.

    George H. van Kooten (ed.), The Revelation of the Name YHWH to

    Moses: Perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman world, and

    Early Christianity TBN 9 Brill: Leiden 2006.

    Albert C. Geljon, Philo of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa on Moses at

    the Burning Bush, George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the

    Name YHWH to Moses: perspectives from Judaism, the pagan Graeco-

    Roman world, and early Christianity TBN 9, Brill, Leiden 2006, 225-







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    11. A: Exodus 3:14 I am that I am':

    , , :",),(

    '74-75' 21, : ( )

    65"" (,,",",).

    Theodorus Christiaan Vriezen, 'Ehje 'aser 'ehje, in: Walter Baumgartner,

    O. Eissfeldt, K. Elliger, and L. Rost, (eds.), Festschrift, Alfred Bertholet

    zum 80. Geburtstag, Mohr, Tbingen 1950, pp. 498-512.

    E. Schild, On Exodus 3:14 I am that I am', VT (=Vetus Testamentum)

    4, (1954), pp. 296-302.

    Otto Eissfeldt, 'heyh 'asr 'heyh und 'El olm, FF (=Forschungen und

    Fortschritte), (1965), pp. 298-300.

    (Reprinted in Kleine Schriften, vol. 4, Mhr, Tbingen 1968, pp. 193-



    Cornelis den Hertog, The other Face of God: 'I am that I am'

    reconsidered, Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield 2012.

    Albertini, Francesca, hyh ashr hyh": Ex.3,14 according to the

    Interpretations of Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig and Martin

    Buber, in: Judit Targarona Borrs and Angel Senz-Badillos (eds.),

    Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Proceedingsof the

    6th EAJS Congress, Toledo, July 1998, vol. I-II, pp. 19-26.

    65""' .131


  • 7/26/2019 Admiel Kosman-The Multilingual Bibliography of Names of God in the HB and in Rabbinic Literature.pdf

