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Transcript of ADIT_SEP-2013

  • 7/27/2019 ADIT_SEP-2013



    Task: 11/2

    HR Marks: 100


    1) __________________ Shows Direct Expenses & Direct Income of the Business.

    a) Profit & Loss A/c b) Trading A/c c) Balance Sheet

    2) Amount paid to the Workers or Laborers is __________________.

    a) Salary b) Wages c) Income

    3) If the Credit Side of Trial Balance is less, then Suspense A/C is ________________

    a) Debited b) Credited c) Write Off

    4) To Shut Currently Opened Co. we have to press _______________ on Control Button Panel.

    a) Shut Cmp b) F5 c) Alt+F1

    5) Alteration of Individual Ledger is ________________.

    a) ALA b) AIL c) AIA

    6) ________________ of the following is not a valid type of Voucher Entry function key.

    a) F5 b) F4 c) F3

    7) ________________ is the shortcut key to select payroll vouchers for alteration.

    a) Ctrl+F1 b) Ctrl+Alt+F12 c) Alt+F12

    8) ________________ is the Under Group of "Tempo A/c" which is purchased for delivery of goods.a) Current Assets b) Fixed Assets c) Capital A/c

    9) _________________ refers to the names of variables functions, arrays, classes.

    a) Complier b) Interpreter c) Indentifier

    10) Arrays in C++ are _________________ based.

    a) 1 b) 0 c) 5

    11) ___________________ keyword is used to exit loops at arbitrary spots.

    a) Break b) Close c) Out

    12) Ms Access allows us to manage all our information in a _______________.

    a) Single Database file b) Multiple database file c) Single table of file

    13) The Second panel of query window is _______________.

    a) Table Grid b) Criteria Panel c) Sort Panel

    14) _____________of the following option not available in Find and Replace dialog box.a) Match case b) Use wild cards c) opposite word

    15) In MS-Word 2010, "Book Mark" option is available in __________________ tab.

    a) Home b) Insert c) Page Layout

    16) Delete key deletes a character on ___________________ of the cursor.

    a) Right b) Left c) Up

    17) Deleted files are stored in _______________.

    a) Inbox b) Network c) Recycle bin

    18) To change wallpaper on the desktop, we have to select ____________option from control panel


    a) Appearance b) Desktop c) Screen Saver

    19) In MS-PowerPoint 2010, "Slide Layout" option is available in __________________ tab.

    a) Animations b) Home c) Insert20) Which is an invalid E-mail Id _______________.

    a) [email protected] b) [email protected] c)

    21) ______________ is a Handheld Computer which is used to keep track of Appointments & Addresses.

    a) PDA b) PC c) Laptop

    22) In Excel _______________ is not a Chart Type

    a) Line Chart b) Column Chart c) Row Chart

    23) In MS-Excel 2010, "View Row & Column Headings" option is available in __________________ tab.

    a) Review b) Insert c) Page Layout

    24) ___________________ help you align objects on the Page.

    a) Rulers b) Margin c) Pointer Tool

    25) In PageMaker, Arrange Icons option is available in ________________ Menu.

    a) Help b) Utilities c) Window

  • 7/27/2019 ADIT_SEP-2013


    26) 3D Effects option is available in ________________ Menu in CorelDraw.

    a) Bitmaps b) Arrange c) Effects

    27) Export option is available in ________________ Menu in Photoshop.

    a) File b) Edit c) Image

    28) Render option is available in ________________ Menu in Photoshop.

    a) Layer b) Select c) Filter

    29) Sharpen option is available in ________________ Menu in Photoshop.

    a) Layer b) Select c) Filter

    30) ________________ is the shortcut key for Group in PageMaker.

    a) Shift+G b) ^G c) Alt+Ctrl+G

    31) __________________ control helps control animation effects.a) Timer b) Command Button c) GIF

    32) Visual Basic Programs are created in an __________________.

    a) Integrated Development Language b) High Level Language c) Machine

    Level Language

    33) ________________ file contains information about the user profiles & configuration.

    a) NTboot.sys b) user.sys c) NTuser.dat

    34) __________________ stores the data or information in a device permanently.

    a) Storage Devices b) Card Controller c) Display Devices

    35) The ________________ file is located in the root directory of the primary boot partition.


    36) The ________________ pin blue male connector is for connecting the modem.

    a) 9 b) 15 c) 1337) A billionth of a second is ________________.

    a) Nanosecond b) Millisecond c) Microsecond

    38) __________ memory is used to store the most frequently accessed information stored in RAM.

    a) Cache b) Upper c) Extended

    39) Portable computers use _________________ monitors

    a) CRT b) LCD c) HDTV

    40) ________________type of monitor commonly used for the office and the home.

    a) CRT b) Flat panel monitor c) Liquid crystal display

    B) TRUE OR FALSE: (20)

    41) Design Tab of Table Tools allows to add border styles to table.

    a) True b) False

    42) The actual physical network used for international communication is called internet.

    a) True b) False

    43) In Excel Worksheet, Default size of a column is 12.75

    a) True b) False

    44) The Blur tool blurs hard edges in an Image.

    a) True b) False

    45) Page Boundary is outer boundary of Page.

    a) True b) False

    46) Visual Basic assigns well-named control names by default.

    a) True b) False47) ASCII is most commonly used on Micro Computers.

    a) True b) False

    48) Computers are used in most areas of business today.

    a) True b) False

    49) Data transfer through a serial port is faster than that of a parallel port.

    a) True b) False

    50) Laser printers can use normal plain papers.

    a) True b) False