AchemAsia 2013 Einladung Einzelseiten



AchemAsia 2013 Einladung Einzelseiten

Transcript of AchemAsia 2013 Einladung Einzelseiten

  • 2013A N NOU NC EM E N T



  • the GAteWAy tO chinAs PrOcess industry

    ACHEMA, the world forum for the chemical process indus-

    tries, is the global flagship event for chemical engineering and

    biotechnology. The ACHEMA worldwide approach with its focus

    on the emerging markets gives this forum a regional platform in

    the worlds most dynamic growth region.

    Already the 9th event in a successful row, AchemAsia 2013 is the

    communication hub for suppliers of the process industries to

    benefit from the chances that China continues to offer. This is

    the opportunity to strengthen your position in China, to under-

    line your technical leadership, and to gain ground against the


    To date, no other economy in the world comes close to Chinas

    modernization pace and economic drive. Courageous yet bal-

    anced economic stimulus programmes keep the Chinese econ-

    omy on track, accompanied by a remarkable independence from

    the economic situation of the rest of the world. Fostered by the

    current Five-Year Plan, the demand for innovative solutions in

    the process industries is probably higher than ever.

    At the same time, in China there is no other event for our indus-

    tries which rivals AchemAsia in terms of nation-wide visibility

    and networking potential.

    most international and most visible event for Chinas process industry

    face-to-face communication with experts and decision makers

    partnering platform among Chinas heavyweights and trendsetters

    stepping stone to investment decisions showcase for innovations integrated technical solutions for all sectors of the process industries

    opportunity to recruit new personnel synergies through DECHEMAs global network

    consistent economic growth for two decades the worlds number one in foreign investments the worlds second largest consumer of chemical products the worlds third largest chemical producer facilitated access for foreign investors since Chinas WTO entry in 2001

    successful reform policy steady deregulation and adaptation to market economy structures

    enormous biotech potential with approx. 5,000 biotech companies

    largest market for agrochemicals global powerhouse for the production of industrial goods increasing competitiveness of products made in China key position of chemical process industry within Chinas economy

    substantial progress in the protection of intellectual property rights

    30 th World Exhibition Congress Frankfurt am Main 18 22 June 2012

    Chemica l Engineer ing Env i ronmenta l Protect ion B io technology
















    The success platform to present innovations for Chinas process industry to a key audience.

    the global hotspot of our industry.Destination China

  • eXhiBitiOn And cOnference A BALANCED SYNERGY


    DVS German Welding Society, a technical scientific community

    with more than 19,000 members and a pacemaker in the fields of

    joining and surfacing of all types of materials, offers an Industrial

    Forum at the occasion of AchemAsia 2013. Experts from industry and

    science will discuss recent trends and applications covering the fol-

    lowing topics:

    Joining solutions for chemical apparatus and plant construction Joining of advanced materials in chemical engineering Quality and reliability of joint structures

    Your contact at DVS:

    Phone: +49 211 1591-302

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Abstract submission (title, presenter, 200 words max.) requested by

    e-mail prior November 15, 2012.

    obtain first-hand information on recent trends in Chinas process industry

    identify present technological demand listen to senior speakers discussing Chinas investment strategy meet the most important Chinese companies at one venue introduce products and services to potential clients learn from the experience of top investors discuss with potential cooperation partners

    Resources for the Substitution of Petroleum: Biomass, Coal, Natural Gas (B)

    organized by CIESC Chemical Industry and Engineering Society

    of China

    Environmental Protection: Upgrading of Transportation Fuels, Reduction of Air Pollution, Loss Prevention (C)

    organized by CIESC Chemical Industry and Engineering Society

    of China

    Industrial Water Treatment: Rising to Chinas Water Challenge (D)

    organized by China Desalination Association as follow-up

    symposium to the CDA Conference October 2012 in Lanzhou

    Process Analytics and Control Technology: Control is key (E) organized by China Instrument and Control Society (CIS)

    Product Safety: Make it safer! (F) organized by AICM Association of International Chemical


    Exhibition profile with focus on national core industries

    Chemical Apparatus and Plant Construction Process Technology Petrochemistry Maintenance and Quality Assurance Environmental Protection Water Treatment Pharmaceutical Industry

    Biotechnology Food Industry Agrochemistry Laboratory and Analytical Techniques Packaging and Storage Techniques Resources Development

    DVS Industrial Forum: Joining in Chemical Apparatus and Plant Construction (A) May 14, 2013


    New Conference Layout: Satellite Symposia on focal topics, individually organized in cooperation with DECHEMAs partner associations, are addressing subjects of practical relevance or special interest:

    9 T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L E X I B I T I O N A N D C O N F E R E N C E O N C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G A N D B I O T E C H N O L O G Y B E I J I N G P E O P L E S R E P U B L I C O F C H I N A 1 3 - 1 6 M A Y 2 0 1 3

    Preferred conference language is English. Please submit your pro-

    posed lecture in the form of a single page abstract (200 kB max.)

    either directly through the respective symposium organizer or via and indicate the desired symposium

    [(A) (F)] . Deadline for lecture submissions is 15 November 2012.

    Applications are welcome both from industry and academia on

    new scientific results of high application relevance and innovative problem solutions

    new developments and first practical experience.

  • 9 T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L E X I B I T I O N A N D C O N F E R E N C E O N C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G A N D B I O T E C H N O L O G Y B E I J I N G P E O P L E S R E P U B L I C O F C H I N A 1 3 - 1 6 M A Y 2 0 1 3


    AchemAsia Development in Figures

    2010 2007 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992

    Exhibitors 413 505 414 330 416 453 256

    Net exhibition area / sqm 6,249 8,797 6,396 4,804 6,036 6,671 3,770

    Exhibitors from China 190 239 167 125 120 147 116

    Exhibitors from abroad 223 266 247 205 296 306 140

    Countries / Regions 24 27 25 23 21 23 17

    Attendees 12,453*) 16,048**) 18,440 22,142 19,058 17,175 15,716

    *) shortened 3-day event schedule**) introduction of electronic visitor counting

    visitOr survey field Of Activity

    Planning / Construction 20%

    Research / Development 21%

    Production 13%

    Materials Testing 4%

    Consulting 11%

    Information and Data Processing 3%

    Sales 24%

    Other 4%

    AchemAsiA 2007 - eXhiBitOrs By cOuntry/reGiOnCountry / region Number of

    exhibitorsExhibition area /

    sqmAustria 6 66Belgium 3 36Canada 1 9China PR 191 3162Denmark 1 0Finland 2 12France 23 361Germany 118 1802Great Britain 8 60Hong Kong, PR China 4 51India 5 45Israel 1 9Italy 9 140Japan 3 42Korea, South 2 24Netherlands 2 21Russia 1 9Singapore 2 42Spain 2 21Sweden 3 44Switzerland 9 105Turkey 1 9Taiwan 5 57USA 11 105Total 413 6.232


    CIESC Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China

    Engineer 43%

    Technican 16%

    Lab Assistant 3%

    Chemist / Physicist 3%

    Student 5%

    Other 11%

    Sales person 19%

    Industry 48%

    University and Research Institutes 12%

    Other 16%

    Trade 24%

    visitOr survey PrOfessiOnAl BAcKGrOund visitOr survey - PlAce Of WOrK

    CO-ORGANIZERSCIATA China Industry Anticorrosion Technology Association

    CNCC China National Convention Center


    The new China National Convention Center (CNCC) which will host

    the 9th AchemAsia has set standards for exhibition facilities in Chi-

    na. With its convenient location and its modern hall layout, CNCC

    offers AchemAsia a perfect stage. Rental tariffs for AchemAsia 2013

    have been kept unchanged and stable, aiming at a fair and custo-

    mer-friendly system with good transparency. Our graded tariff of-

    fers exhibitors various options for a wide range of budgets, based

    solely on the attractiveness of the actual booth location.

    AchemAsiA rentAl rAtesStands with more than two open sidesor preferential location: 496.- / m2Stands with two open sides: 20 % discountCentral aisle stands: 40 % discountAisle stands along the outer hallways: 50 % discountmandatory media package: 340.-

    rentAl fees include: stand walls in modular construction carpeting and basic cleaning fascia board with company name standard socket spotlights 2 chairs and 1 table or counter

    The minimum stand size is 12 m2, and 9 m2 for aisle stands along

    the outer hallways; raw space (stand area without stand construc-

    tion) is alternatively available at a rental rate uniformly reduced by

    17.- / m2 for all booth types.

    Exhibition space will be allocated to exhibitors on a first-come-

    first-served basis. Applications are requested prior to 30 Novem-

    ber 2012. Exhibitors can withdraw their application free of charge

    until 31 October 2012. Once a stand reservation has been confir-

    med, exhibitors will receive their user ID to order all available ser-

    vices online.

    suPPOrt netWOrK

    Forging alliances for twenty-five years AchemAsias network offers access to regional target groups

    ACHEMASIA SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) SINOPEC China Petro-Chemical Corporation China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) ChemChina China National Chemical Corporation China General Machinery Industry Association (CGMA) China Water Enterprise Chinese Society of Biotechnology (CSBT) China National Petroleum and Chemical Planning Institute (NPCPI) China Pharmaceutical Association of Plant Engineering (CPAPE) China Instrument and Control Society (CIS) China National Chemical Information Centre (CNCIC) China Desalination Association (CDA) Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM) CCPIT Sub-Council of Chemical Industry (CCPIT-CHEM) Shanghai Society of Chemistry and Chemical Industry Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan World Economic Forum DVS German Welding Society VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) Interamerican Confederation of Chemical Engineering GIFIC (French Association of Suppliers of the Chemical Industry) European Federation of Chemical Engineering European Federation of Biotechnology

    European Federation of Corrosion

    P.R. China / TaiwanMr. Paul WooJingguang Centre,Office BuildingRoom 1410, Mail Box 8806Hujialou, Chaoyang District100020 Beijing / P.R. CHINATel.: +86 10 65974621 / -622E-mail: [email protected]

    Canada / USAMr Alan R. MorrisMorris Marketing, Inc.22 Bayview Avenue, NY 11030 Manhasset / USATel.: +1 516 869 0220E-mail: amorris@morrismarketinginc.


    France / BelgiumMs Vickie Nikolaou25 rue Charles Ferdinand Dreyfus91640 Fontenay les Briis / FRANCETel. : +33 1 64922429E-mail: [email protected]

    Great Britain / IrelandMr Paul Carter175 Hinton Way Great ShelfordCambridge CB22 5AN /GREAT BRITAINTel.: +44 7802 923250E-mail: [email protected]

    Korea / Malaysia / Singapore / Thailand / VietnamMr Tae-Jik ChaeKong Myong E & T908 A, I-Want Office890-54 Daechi-dongKangnam-gu, Seoul 135-839 / ROKTel.: +82 2 7786792E-mail: [email protected]

    Czech Republic / Slovakia Ms Lucie HavlovaHappy Materials Ricanova 19169 00 Prague 6 / CZECH REPUBLICTel.: +420 2 33355246E-mail: lucie.havlova@happymateri-

    PolandMr Piotr LukaszewiczTargi Frankfurt Przedstawicielstwo w Polsceul. Moldawska 7 lok 14102-127 Warszawa / POLANDTel.: +48 22 494-3200E-mail: piotr.lukaszewicz@poland.

    Russian FederationMr Nikolay KamenetskyMesse Frankfurt RUSLeningradsky Prospect 39A125167 Moscow / RUSSIA Tel.: +7 495 7211057E-mail: nikolay.kamenetsky@russia.

    TurkeyMr Ferit OrbayEmel Sokak 3Iclevent34330 Istanbul / TURKEYTel.: +90 537 5405259Mob: +49 152 03399185E-mail: [email protected]

    ACHEMAworldwidE sErviCEs And AssistAnCE ArE Also AvAilAblE tHrougH:

  • 2013


    9 T H I N T E R N AT I O N A L E X I B I T I O N A N D C O N F E R E N C E O N C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G A N D B I O T E C H N O LO G Y

    hAll lAyOut chinA nAtiOnAl cOnventiOn center

    Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25

    60486 Frankfurt am Main / GERMANY

    Postal address:

    P.O. Box 17 01 52

    60075 Frankfurt am Main / GERMANY

    Phone: +49 69 7564-100 Exhibitors: +49 69 7564-230, -390 Conference: +49 69 7564-152 Press: +49 69 7564-296, -277 Visitors: +49 69 7564-423

    Fax: +49 69 7564-450 E-mail: [email protected]

    Graphics: Peter Mueck GrafikDesign 2012

    Print: Druck- und Verlagshaus Zarbock

    Subject to alteration


    Application for Stand Space

    General Terms and Conditions of Participation

    Just onE CliCk to tHE wEAltH of inforMAtion And CoMpEtEnCE of ACHEMA

    5,000 suppliers and research institutions from 60 countries Chemical Engineering Environmental Protection Biotechnology

    AchemA Online the PrOmPt AnsWer fOr questiOns such As:

    What new products and processes are available? Who offers them? Who supplies equipment or components? Who could be a suitable research partner? or cooperation partner? What agencies are sought or offered? What new developments are on the market? What are emerging trends? Who is seeking licensees or licensors? Who might be interested in our products or services?

    ACHEMA online, the multifunctional information platform for the global process industry is the quick and easy way to navigate the world of process technology.

    Every exhibitor at AchemAsia will be automatically included in ACHEMA online as part of the AchemAsia media package*).

    *) general terms of participation apply