Academic History ·...

Version 2.0 December 1, 2009 Academic History Handbook

Transcript of Academic History ·...

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Version 2.0 December 1, 2009

Academic History Handbook

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Part I: Background Information ...............................................3 About this Handbook ...................................................................................4 Zangle’s Academic History Applications ............................................................5 Academic History Flowchart ..........................................................................6 Academic History .......................................................................................7

Transcript tab ...................................................................................................... 7 GPA History tab .................................................................................................... 8

Viewing Cumulative GPA Information ....................................................................... 8 Understanding the Terms............................................................................ 10 Student Profile and Transcript Data ............................................................... 11

Part II: Academic History .......................................................13 Adding a Mark to Academic History................................................................ 14 Editing Marks in Academic History ................................................................. 17

Change a Course from a Previous Year in Academic History............................................... 20 Can’t Change Current Courses or Marks in Academic History ............................................. 23 Change Current Mark for a block Course in Academic History and Student Marks or Class marks... 24

Block Course and their Components ........................................................................ 24 Grade (Mark) Suppression ........................................................................... 27 Calculating Cumulative GPAs and Class Rank: High Schools ................................... 31

Calculating Cumulative GPAs ................................................................................... 32 Factors affecting GPA calculations.......................................................................... 32

Class Rank.......................................................................................................... 34 Factors affecting class rank calculations................................................................... 34 Excluding Students From Class Rank ........................................................................ 34 Calculating Class Rank ........................................................................................ 36

Calculating Cumulative GPAs: Middle Schools.................................................... 40 Calculating Cumulative GPAs ................................................................................... 40

Factors affecting GPA calculations.......................................................................... 40 Calculating Graduation Requirements............................................................. 42

Calculating a Student’s Graduation Requirements using Academic History............................. 45 Samples of the Three Reports: Results, Transcripts by Sum, Transcript Allocation ................... 49

Results ........................................................................................................... 49 Transcripts by Sum – (The report found most useful by users) ......................................... 50 Transcript by Allocation ...................................................................................... 51

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Part III: Reports.........................................................................53 Current/Active GPA/Rank Report .................................................................. 54 Requirements Status Report ........................................................................ 57

Part IV: Transcripts ...................................................................59 Printing Transcripts: Middle Schools............................................................... 60 Printing Transcripts: High Schools ................................................................. 65 Historical Transcripts ................................................................................ 70

Printing Transcripts for students who have left the district............................................... 70 For students who left the district before the 2008-09 academic year ................................ 70 For students who left the district after August 2008 .................................................... 70

Part V: Miscellaneous Information ........................................73 Changing Academic History for Students Who Have Left the District ........................ 74 Graduation Requirements and Eligibility Rules .................................................. 75

How to Assign a Graduation Eligibility Rule .................................................................. 75 Records Access Log ................................................................................... 77 Apex Courses .......................................................................................... 79

Apex Credit Recovery Course Equivalence Information .................................................... 79 Handling Completed Apex Courses in Zangle................................................................. 79

Credit Recovery: Procedures for Submitting Apex Marks................................................ 79 Entry into Zangle Academic History......................................................................... 80 Mark Suppression............................................................................................... 80 Citizenship Marks for Graduation Seminar ................................................................. 80 Questions........................................................................................................ 80

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Part I:

Background Information

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About this Handbook

This handbook was created by members of SDUSD IT Training and Support as reference material for users who will access Zangle to enter, update and print various reports such as GPA reports and transcripts. It will be used during Zangle Academic History training courses.

This handbook is divided into three sections:

• Part I provides background information about Zangle’s Academic History applications. It also gives an overview of the Academic History process.

• Part II describes different scenarios of how to use the Academic History application.

• Part III explains how to print GPA, Graduation Requirements, Class Rank and Honor Roll reports.

• Part IV explains how to print SDUSD Official Transcripts.

• Part V explains miscellaneous information in regards to Academic History. Names used in the documentation are fictitious.

Instructions are explained with screenshots and step by step instructions. Please follow the steps in alphabetical order.

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Zangle’s Academic History Applications




Academic History provides an editable list of students’ complete course history through their entire enrollment in SDUSD.

The following changes can be made:

• Marks from prior years.

• Marks for courses taken out-of-district.

• Marks for block courses. Note: Marks for block courses get split into marks for individual courses when posted to Academic History. Academic History provides no link to mark reporting for block courses. Any mark change to a block course must be changed in both Mark Reporting and Academic History.

Calculate GPA is used for the calculation and maintenance of the cumulative GPA and Class Rank records that appear on student Transcripts.

Requirements is used to verify students’ status towards meeting the district’s graduation requirements.

This should be used as a guide only. Transcripts should always be checked by someone familiar with the district’s graduation requirements.


n U


) For entering or editing marks for a completed course, including courses taken out of district.

The HSDP program will add course information and mark value at the completion of each course.

For processing GPAs of students who have had a mark value change.

Primarily used by high schools to calculate student’s progress towards meeting the district’s graduation requirements.

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Academic History Flowchart

This flowchart shows how Academic History fits into the bigger picture. As of January, 2009 the Academic History module has been added to the following permission sets in Zangle:

Registrar (Full Academic History Permissions) Secondary Site Technician (Full Academic History Permissions) Counseling Secretary (Full Academic History Permissions) Counselor (Limited Academic History Permissions) Head Counselor (Limited Academic History Permissions)

Only persons assigned to the Registrar, Secondary Site Technician or Counseling Secretary permission sets in Zangle can print an official Transcript.

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Academic History The Academic History application shows a student's grade history. It also displays a history of the student’s credit, class rank, and GPA for each GPA type that has been defined and calculated.


The Transcript tab displays a list of completed courses. By default, the information on the transcript tab is sorted by year. Click any column heading to

sort by that heading.

Click the Grad Status button to display the student’s progress toward graduation.

Please see page 40 for directions on how to use this feature.

Note: This is used as a guide only. Always check the requirements manually.

If the All box is checked, the student’s entire academic history will appear, including courses that do not count toward high school graduation. Click the Exclude No Grad Credit Att box to show only the courses that count toward high school graduation.

If the All box is not checked, the grade range can be changed.

A Y in the RPT column shows that the course was repeated.

If the Exclude No Grad Credit Att box is checked, only courses that count toward high school graduation will appear.

The Exclude No Grad Credit Att box is typically used in conjunction with the Show Grades: All box.

You will need to scroll to the right to see other information.

When both the Exclude No Grad Credit Att box and the Show Grades: All box are checked, the Total Grad Credits includes all credits earned toward graduation, regardless of grade level when earned.

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GPA HISTORY TAB To view a student’s GPA history, click the GPA History tab.

Viewing Cumulative GPA Information Make sure the desired cumulative GPAs have been calculated before following this procedure. Please see page 31 for calculating cumulative GPAs at High Schools or page 40 for calculating cumulative GPAs at Middle Schools.

The screen will appear blank until you choose a GPA Type in Step B, below.

Click the GPA History tab. A

From the GPA Type drop-down menu, choose the desired GPA type.

The GPA information appears.


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The student’s cumulative GPA calculations for the selected cumulative GPA type are displayed.

Important: The Academic History application does not automatically calculate GPAs for students. The recalculation must be done separately. Please see page 40 for Middle Schools or page 31 for High Schools.

This window was maximized to display more columns.

You might need to scroll to view the desired information.

Rank and Class Size information displays after GPA and Rank is calculated in the Calculate GPA application. See page 36.

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Understanding the Terms

Term Description

GPA Type The GPA Type for which you wish to view calculations. Remember that Courses are linked to GPA Types during the District Courses Set-Up.

Grade The Grade Level the student was in when they earned the mark.

Year The ending year of the school year in which the student took the class.

Term Term for which the GPA Type was calculated.


A check mark in this field indicates that this is the initial record used when calculating GPA. It will be the starting point for subsequent calculations. (If any GPA records have been entered manually from a previous system, it will not necessarily be the first entry in the student's GPA history).

TermGPA The grade point average calculated for the Term.

TermGPAPts The total grade points for the Term. (The dividend in calculating GPA).

TermGPACrAtt The total GPA credits/units attempted for the Term. (The divisor in calculating GPA).

TermGradCr The total credits/units earned towards graduation for the Term.

CumGPA Cumulative GPAs are either 6–8 or 10-12. Students get the 10-12 GPAs once they have at least one mark taken as a 10th grader (including during summer school).

CumGPAPts The total grade points awarded to date. (The dividend in calculating GPA).

CumGPACrAtt The total GPA credits/units attempted to date. (The divisor in calculating GPA).

CumGradCr The cumulative credits earned towards graduation to date.

Rank The student's Class Rank. This field only displays values if the Class Rank option is checked when GPA Calculations are performed in the Calculate GPA application. This field may also be empty if the student has been selected for No Rank (see below).

Class Size

The Class Size for the Term. This value is calculated in the Calculate GPA application, based on the number of students in the same Year, Grade Level and Term. It is not based on the student’s entry in the Graduation Year field on the Misc tab in Student Editor.

Don't Rank This box is checked if the student has been selected not to rank when the Calculate GPA application is run. This flag is set in the Student Editor on the Miscellaneous Tab.

School The name of the school where the course was taken.

Changed By The user name of the individual that made the last changes to this entry.

Change Date The date of the last time this GPA row was calculated.

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Student Profile and Transcript Data

SDUSD staff that have access to Zangle Front Office and ZangleConnection are able to view transcript and Graduation Requirement data from Student Profile. The Transcript and Graduation Requirement data buttons display information that relates to Academic History.

Note: Users have the ability to print a report that lists a student’s academic history. This version of the report does not replace the official transcript that is configured and printed by site Registrars or Power Users.

The Transcript data button:

The Transcript data button has been selected.

IMPORTANT REMINDER! If you choose to print the transcript information from the Student Profile, it is not an official transcript and should not be sent to any college or school.

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GPAs button

Grad Reqs button:

A checkmark will appear if that requirement for graduation has been met.

The Grad Reqs data button has been clicked.

The GPAs data button has been clicked.

The student’s various GPAs appear here.

You will need to scroll to the right to see more GPA data.

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Part II:

Academic History

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Adding a Mark to Academic History

At times, some students will need to have course marks that were completed at a school outside of SDUSD added to Zangle’s Academic History. These directions can be used to create a new Academic History record to record graduation credits earned by that student. You will be able to add the following academic and citizenship marks:

• A, B, C, D and F. • E, G, S, N and U.

Important: When entering marks, use the same date for all entries for the same term. Atypical schools might be an exception. Once a student’s Academic History has been changed, cumulative GPA calculations must be performed. Please see page 40 for Middle Schools or page 31 for High Schools.

Follow the steps below to add courses to Academic History.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Academic History. • Complete Steps A-I. Steps A-B are shown below. Steps C-I are on the following pages.

Click Find or List to find the desired student.


Click Add. B

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School of Record Explanation * Out of District For use when school is a California school but not

an SDUSD school * Out of District – Court For use when student is assigned to a Court school * Out of State For use when school is not a California school ** Out of Country For use when school is not a U.S. school

If mark is from a non-SDUSD school, enter the name of the school and school district where the mark was earned, teacher is optional. This will not appear on the transcript. If this is a SDUSD school, enter the teacher’s name or leave blank.

Click the Course tab.

Important: Make sure the Show only current courses box is checked.

Code: Enter the SDUSD course number of the desired course.

One you click out of this field. The course title will display in the Course field.


Click the Marks tab.K

Enter the date the mark was earned.

Important: Be sure to use the same date for all marks earned during the same term because this date is used to group the student’s marks on transcripts.

Enter the school year when the mark was earned. (Summer School is part of the new school year.)

Choose the appropriate report card term. Do not choose a progress report term.

Tip: Typing seme will move the list to Semester 1; typing qu will move the list to Quarter 1.

Choose the grade level of the student when credit was earned.

Choose the school of record where the mark was earned. If it is a non-district school, pick one of the choices from the table below. Note: Do not use **Out of SDUSD Boundaries.







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Choose the academic mark assigned.

Note the added mark is now displayed in the student’s academic history.


Click Save I

If desired, enter a SDUSD Citizenship mark equivalent to the Citizenship mark earned at the out of district school.

In many circumstances, it is appropriate to leave this blank.


Nothing needs to be put on the State tab. However, attendance information from a previous school can be entered if desired.

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Editing Marks in Academic History

Throughout the school year, a student mark may need to be changed to correct an error or modified as requested by a teacher. Current year marks are edited via Mark Reporting except for block courses, which are edited in Academic History as well. Only prior year marks or marks not generated from Mark Reporting can be edited in Academic History. These steps will guide you through how to modify academic and citizenship marks that have been applied to a student’s Academic History record.

Important: Cumulative GPAs need to be recalculated after changes to marks have been made. Please see page 40 for Middle Schools or page 31 for High Schools.

Note: Prior to changing marks, verify that the mark change request has been approved by an administrator.

Follow the steps below to change marks in Academic History.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Academic History. • Complete Steps A-F. Steps A-C are shown below. Steps D-F are on the following pages.

Click Find or List to find the desired student. A

Click the course you want to edit. B

Click Edit. C

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Under Marks Awarded, choose the new mark.

Click the Marks tab. D


Click Save. F

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Important: Users will need to manually recalculate cumulative GPAs after making changes to marks, including changes made to final marks in Mark Reporting. Please see page 40 for Middle Schools or page 31 for High Schools.

The mark value has been applied to the Academic History record.

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CHANGE A COURSE FROM A PREVIOUS YEAR IN ACADEMIC HISTORY There are times when it becomes necessary to change the course from a previous year. For example, when a student was scheduled for a specific course, but the incorrect course number was used in the master schedule. If this error is discovered in a subsequent year, use Academic History to correct it.

Follow the steps below to change a course from a previous year in Academic History.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Academic History.

Click Find or List to find the desired student. A

Click the course to be changed. B

Click Edit. C

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Click the Course tab. D

Highlight the existing course Code that needs to be changed.


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Important: Users will need to manually recalculate cumulative GPAs after making changes to either courses or marks. Please see page 40 for Middle Schools or page 31 for High Schools.

Enter the correct course code.

When you click or tab out of the Code field, the Course field fills in with the new course description.


Click Save. G

The corrected course now appears in the Academic History record.

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CAN’T CHANGE CURRENT COURSES OR MARKS IN ACADEMIC HISTORY Changes cannot be made in Academic History to current academic year courses or marks. Those changes need to be made in Student Marks or Class Marks in Zangle’s Marks Processing module. (The only exception is when a block course in the current academic year needs to be edited. See section below.)

If you attempt to make a change in Academic History to current academic year courses or marks, the following message appears:

After clicking OK, the Academic History editor opens to the selected course, but all fields are uneditable except for Teacher Name.

Click Undo and proceed to the Zangle Mark Processing module to make the change. See the Zangle Mark Reporting handbook for detailed instructions.

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CHANGE CURRENT MARK FOR A BLOCK COURSE IN ACADEMIC HISTORY AND STUDENT MARKS OR CLASS MARKS If a mark in a block course needs to be changed, it must be changed in both Academic History and Student Marks or Class Marks. This is because the block course number in Student Marks or Class Marks gets split into two different course numbers in Academic History.

Here is an example of one scholarship mark for a block course as it appears in the Student Marks window in the Zangle Marks Processing module:

In the example, Course 1625 splits into two different courses (1579 and 1996) when uploaded into Academic History, which is shown on the next page. If changing this mark, it must be changed on this screen as well as the marks for both of these courses as they appear in Academic History.

Block Course and their Components To see a list of district block course and their components, go to the district’s website and follow the links: Offices & Departments > R > Research and Evaluation Division > Course Information > Information about Block Courses.

Follow the steps below to change a block course in Academic History.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Academic History.

Click Find or List to find the desired student. A

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Click Edit. C

Notice that two different courses with the exact same mark appear in Academic History.

Click one of the courses that will have the mark changed.

(You will edit the mark for the other course after completing the first.) B

Click the Marks tab. D

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Important: Users will need to manually recalculate cumulative GPAs after making changes to marks, including changes made to final marks in Mark Reporting. Please see page 40 for Middle Schools or page 31 for High Schools.

Under Marks Awarded, choose the new mark. E

Click Save.Remember to repeat Steps B- F to change the grade of the other course.


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Grade (Mark) Suppression

Grade Suppression is a district policy described in Administrative Procedures 4770 and 4705. Reviewing the Course of Study or the 4100 course file will provide additional information as well. The intent of this policy is to encourage a student who receives a D or F under certain circumstances to repeat the same course to earn an A, B, or C, thus improving the cumulative GPAs. The following pages provide examples.

General Rules 1. Ds or Fs received in suppressed courses are not counted in graduation credits and are

excluded from cumulative GPA calculations. 2. In order for the suppression policy to apply, the student must originally earn a D or an F

and repeat the exact course with the same district course number. (Suppression does not apply to an A, B C, NC, NG or P.) In some cases, the suppression policy will be applied when course equivalents exist.

3. An Incomplete (I) is treated as an F. 4. Both the original taking of a course and the repeat of the course must occur at district

schools. (Suppression does not apply to courses taken out of district.) 5. Both entries must be during different terms. (In Zangle, courses taken in Quarter 1 and

Quarter 2 are in different terms.) A course with the same course number will not suppress another entry of the same course and course number within the same term.

6. Some courses are excluded. For example, multi-credit, year long courses are not included in this policy.

7. A D is not suppressed in a multi-credit course. (A credit was earned if the student received a D).

8. All courses in the student’s permanent history are displayed in the Zangle Academic History application and are printed on the Student Profile.

9. If the course was taken and repeated during or prior to 1991-1992, no suppression occurs.

10. If the course was taken and repeated 1992-1993 through 2007-2008, the suppressed course will not print on transcripts.

11. If the course was taken or repeated during 2008-2009 or later, the suppressed course will print on transcripts, preceded by a hyphen. The repeated course that causes the suppression will not be designated with a character preceding the course number.

12. A course that is suppressed when printed on a transcript will be designated in Academic History with a Y in the Repeated (Rpt) column. The repeated course that causes the suppression will also be displayed with a Y in the Rpt column.

13. When suppression applies, both instances of the course and their respective marks appear. However, credit is only earned for the instance of the course with the higher mark; the instance of the course with the lower mark earns 0 credits. If the marks turn out to be the same, credit for the first course is suppressed and credit is earned for the second course.

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Example 1: A student receives an F in Course 1570 (English 3) during Semester 1 of Grade 10. The student repeats this same course during Semester 1 of Grade 11 and passes with a D, C, B or A. Course 1570 taken in Grade 10 will appear on the transcript preceded by a hyphen, and Course 1570 taken in Grade 11 will also appear. The credit earned will be counted in grade 11. The cumulative GPA will include only the passing A, B, C, or D.

Example 2: A student receives a D in Course 1541 (English 2) during Semester 2 of Grade 9. The student repeats the course in summer session and earns an A, B, or C. Course 1541 taken in Grade 9 will not print on the transcript; Course 1541 taken in summer will appear. The credit will be counted in grade 10; the cumulative GPA will include only the A, B, or C. The 9 – 12 cumulative GPA will no longer include this course from ninth grade because it has been suppressed.

Notice the Ys in the Rpt column.

The credit earned in grade 10 will be counted in the cumulative GPA.

Notice the Y in the Rpt column and the number of credits in the Credit column. The credit earned will be counted in grade 11.

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Example 3: A student receives an F in Course 1402 (Speech 8th) during Semester 1 of Grade 8, takes the same course again Semester 2 of Grade 8, and receives an A, B, C or D. The first course will be suppressed on the transcript and the F will not be calculated in the cumulative GPA.

Example 4: A student receives a D in Course 5050 (Beginning Chorus) during Semester 1 of Grade 9, takes the same course again in Semester 2 during Grade 9, and receives an A, B, C or D. Both courses will remain on the transcript and be calculated in the cumulative GPA because this is not a repeated course. Credit can be earned more than once for this course and a D earns credit so no suppression occurs.

The original course will remain on the transcript.

Both courses will display on the transcript because this is not a repeated course.

Note: There is no Y in the Rpt column!

Notice the Ys in the Rpt column. The first course will not appear on the transcript and the F will not be calculated in the cumulative GPA.

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Example 5: A student receives an F in Course 5711(Phys Ed Mlvl SH) during Grade 9 in Semester 1 and during Grade 10 in Semester 2. The student receives an A, B, C, or D in the same course in Semester 1, Grade 10. None of the failing grades will be suppressed. Course 5711 is a course that is excluded from grade suppression.

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Calculating Cumulative GPAs and Class Rank: High Schools The Calculate GPA application is used for the calculation of the cumulative GPA and Class Rank records that appear on the Zangle Transcripts report. (Important: This is different from a Term GPA that gets calculated in the Zangle Mark Processing module.) The Calculate GPA application can be used to calculate the multiple types of cumulative GPA records that are used in the SDUSD and simultaneously calculate Class Ranks or just calculate a Class Rank for an existing set of cumulative GPA records.

The SDUSD policy is that students are assigned a weighted cumulative GPA based on courses taken in ninth grade until they complete a course in the tenth grade. Once they complete a course during the tenth grade, multiple cumulative GPAs are calculated only on courses taken in the tenth through twelfth grade as well as one cumulative GPA (9-12 Weighted GPA) calculated on courses completed in grades nine through twelve. Note: Some students at the beginning of tenth grade will have cumulative GPAs calculated on their ninth grade courses and others will have cumulative GPAs calculated on their tenth grade courses. This discrepancy is due to courses completed during Summer School. Remember, any student at the end of their ninth grade who attends Summer school attends Summer School as a tenth grader. If that student completes a course during Summer School, that student is completing a course during their tenth grade, thus triggering the cumulative GPA calculation only on courses taken in the tenth through twelfth grades. Therefore, when cumulative GPAs are calculated after summer school, these students have 10-12 GPAs, which will only reflect the couple of courses a student might have taken in summer school. The tenth grade students who didn’t get any summer school marks will still have a cumulative GPA calculated only on courses completed during ninth grade until the end of their first 10th grade term when final marks are posted.

High School Defaults: High schools calculate the first seven cumulative GPAs on this list: GPA Type Description

10-12 Total WGPA GPA is calculated on courses taken with AP courses calculated on a 0 – 5 scale.

10-12 Total GPA GPA is calculated on courses taken with all courses calculated on a 0 – 4 scale.

10-12 WGPA w/o PE GPA is calculated on courses taken, excluding PE courses, with AP courses calculated on a 0 – 5 scale.

10-12 GPA w/o PE GPA is calculated on courses taken, excluding PE courses, with all courses calculated on a 0 – 4 scale.

9-12 Total WGPA GPA is calculated on all courses taken in the 9th-12th grades with weighted courses calculated on a 0 – 5 scale. See Administrative Procedure 4770.

10-12 WGPA w/o PE & ROTC GPA is calculated on courses taken, excluding PE and ROTC courses, with AP courses calculated on a 0 – 5 scale.

10-12 GPA w/o PE & ROTC GPA is calculated on courses taken, excluding PE and ROTC courses, with all courses calculated on a 0 – 4 scale.

6-8 Total GPA Used by Middle Schools. 6-8 GPA w/o PE Used by Middle Schools.

Note: The last two GPA Types appear in the drop-down menus but are not used at high schools; they are only used at middle schools.

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CALCULATING CUMULATIVE GPAs • Because SDUSD uses seven different cumulative GPAs for high school students, high schools need

to run the following process seven times.

Factors affecting GPA calculations • Because you maintain more than one GPA Type for your students, remember that you will need to

rerun the Calculate GPA process for each GPA type. • If you have made any changes to a student's Academic History records, you will need to

recalculate all of the cumulative GPAs for that student. • Every time report cards are issued (because marks are posted to Academic History), you will need

to run the Calculate GPA process for each GPA type.

Follow the steps below to calculate GPA and/or Class Rank records.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Calculate GPA.

Click Calculate GPA.

A status bar will soon appear.B

Choose the GPA Type you would like to calculate first.

Note: You will likely be choosing each type in succession when calculating cumulative GPAs.

Make sure that Use Defaultsis checked.

If you decide to calculate class rank along with cumulative GPA at this point, please set this value to 2.

Note: If calculating class rank, it would only be necessary have the 10-12 Total WGPA type selected. Multiple calculations using other GPA types would be unnecessary.

For a full discussion (including instructions on calculating class rank), please see page 36.


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Once calculation is completed, messages similar to these will be displayed.

Click OK.

Important: You will need to repeat steps A and B six more times.

Note: High Schools do not calculate 6-8 GPAs.


Click Quit when finished. D

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Factors affecting class rank calculations • When you are ranking seniors, the SDUSD policy is to exclude part-time students at the selected

school from the ranking. (See “Calculating Class Rank” on page 36.) • Only students with an Active status will be used. • The class size used for ranking is based solely on the number of students in that grade level at the

time that the ranking is calculated. Note: Grade level is determined by credits earned.

Note: For Special Education Non-Diploma bound students, please contact the Special Education Department at 619-725-7700.

Excluding Students From Class Rank There are students who should not be included as part of a class rank. Those students need to have the Not Ranked box checked on the Miscellaneous tab in Student Editor.

Follow the steps below to exclude a student from being included in Class Ranking.

• Launch Zangle. Click Enrollment. Click Student Editor. • Complete Steps A-F. Step A – B are shown below; Steps C – F are on next page.

Click Find or List to display the desired student’s record. A

Click the Misc tab. B

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Click Edit. C

Click Not Ranked. D

Click Save. E

Click Quit.F

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Calculating Class Rank Now that you’ve excluded those students who should not be included in class ranking, you can now accurately calculate class rank.

Follow the steps below to calculate Class Rank records.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Calculate GPA. • Complete Steps A-I. Step A is shown below; Steps B – I are on following pages.

Double-click Grade.

A new window opens. A

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Scroll down to select the desired grade level. B

Click Done. C

Double-click Enrollment.A new window opens.


Notice the selected grade level now appears.

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Click Calculate GPA and Rank.

A status bar will soon appear.I

Make sure that Use Defaults is checked.

Set this value to 2.H

Choose 10-12 Total WGPA as the GPA Type. G

Check Exclude Part-time Students E

Click Done.F

Notice that Enrollment now excludes Part-Time students.

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Once calculation is completed, a Calculate GPA message similar to this one will be displayed.

Click OK.

A Calculate Rank message appears.


Click Quit. To see the class rankings, look at the students’ Rank column on the GPA History tab in the Zangle Academic History application (starting on page 8),or run the Current/Active GPA/Rank report, described on page 55.


Click OK. K

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Calculating Cumulative GPAs: Middle Schools

The Calculate GPA application is used for the calculation of the cumulative GPA and Class Rank records that appear on the Zangle Transcripts report. (Important: This is different from a Term GPA that gets calculated in the Zangle Mark Processing module.) The Calculate GPA application can be used to calculate the two types of cumulative GPA records that are used at middle schools in the SDUSD and simultaneously calculate Class Ranks or just calculate a Class Rank for an existing set of cumulative GPA records. At the middle school level, the SDUSD calculates cumulative GPAs for marks earned in grades six, seven, and eight, only.

Even though there are two possible cumulative GPA types that might be calculated, the 6-8 Total GPA type is the type that most middle schools typically calculate.

Middle School cumulative GPAs: GPA Type Description

6-8 Total GPA GPA is calculated on courses taken with all courses calculated on a 0 – 4 scale.

6-8 GPA w/o PE GPA is calculated on courses taken, excluding PE courses, with all courses calculated on a 0 – 4 scale.

CALCULATING CUMULATIVE GPAs If your middle school requires both cumulative GPA types to be calculated, be sure to run the following process twice, switching GPA types in Step A, below.

Factors affecting GPA calculations • When a student from out of district enters one of our schools, it is typical that only the courses

that count toward High School graduation get entered into Academic History by the registrar; there could be many sixth, seventh, and eighth grade courses that never get entered. Therefore, calculating a cumulative GPA for any of these students could be considered inaccurate.

• If you have made any changes to a student's Academic History records, you will need to recalculate both of the cumulative GPAs for that student.

• Every time report cards are issued (because marks are posted to Academic History), you will need to run the Calculate GPA process for both GPA types.

Follow the steps below to calculate cumulative GPAs.

• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Calculate GPA. • Complete Steps A-C. The process begins on the next page.

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Once calculation is completed, messages similar to these will be displayed.

Click OK.

Important: If you need to calculate 6-8 Total GPA w/o PE, repeat steps A, B, and C.


Click Calculate GPA.

A status bar will soon appear. B

From the bottom of the menu, choose one of the 6-8 GPA Types you would like to calculate (first).

Note: High schools calculate the top seven GPA types; middle schools calculate the bottom two GPA types.


Make sure that Use Defaultsis checked.

If you decide to calculate class rank along with cumulative GPA at this point, please set this value to 2.

Note: If calculating class rank, it would only be necessary have the 6-8 Total GPA type selected. Multiple calculations using other GPA types would be unnecessary.

For a full discussion (including instructions on calculating class rank), please see page 34.

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Calculating Graduation Requirements

Zangle has features to assist Administrators, Counselors, and Registrars in making sure students are on track to fulfill all district high school graduation requirements on time. The IT Department assigns each high school student with a high school graduation Eligibility Rule that includes all the credits a student is required to earn, broken down by discipline, in order to earn a diploma.

Based on these Eligibility Rules, Zangle’s Graduation Requirements application compares the courses successfully completed by the student with the requirements set forth in that student’s Eligibility Rules and then indicates the total number of required credits within each discipline and whether the actual requirements have been met or the student is short a specific number of credits.

To calculate all students’ graduation requirements, use Zangle’s Requirements application. Before running this process, make sure that the students’ academic history data are up-to-date. After using the Requirements application, you can generate reports that show which students meet (or do not meet) the requirements.

Note: Requirements should be run each time term marks have been posted to Academic History or any time marks have been changed in Academic History.

Note: You might find it easier to run a single, specific student’s graduation requirements directly from Academic History. See page 45 for directions.

Follow the steps below to calculate graduation requirements.

• Open Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Requirements. • Complete Steps A-F. Step A is shown below. Steps B-E are on the following pages.

Click Run. A

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By default, all students are selected. Edit if necessary: standard Zangle filtering applies.

Click Use Each Student’s Assigned Rule.

Click Proceed. A progress window will appear.

Once calculations have completed, a message similar to this one appears.



Click Done.

Click OK.



Verify that the desired Track is displayed. Change it if necessary. B

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• Launch Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Academic History. • Complete Steps A-D.

Click Find or List to display the desired student’s record. A

Click Grad Status to see the student’s graduation requirements.

A new window will appear.


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A Y designates that the student fulfilled that category’s requirement.

Unless all marks have been posted for all semesters, this will always read Fail, indicating that the student has not met all scholarship requirements for graduation.

Check Show Sums.A detailed breakdown of subcategories (indicated by an S in the Type column) will appear below the main categories.


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Click Recalc to calculate this student’s graduation requirements.

Recalculation should be done anytime a student's academic history is edited or his enrollment records are modified in such a way as to affect the fulfillment of Graduation Rule that was assigned (for example, if the student is transferred to a continuation school).

Note: Recalculation must be executed if you plan to print the Transcripts by Sum report (page 49) or the Transcript Allocation report (page 50).

Note: If you need to batch recalculate all students’ graduation credits, use the Requirements application.


Click OK. E

An S in the Type column indicates a subcategory of one of the main Eligibility categories above.

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Click Print.A dialog box opens to give you three different ways of displaying this information in report form.


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Results The Graduation Requirement Results report contains the same information as the information displayed on the Academic History: Grad Status window.

Click Results.G

Click Preview.

A Graduation Requirements Results report displays in a new window.


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Transcripts by Sum – (The report found most useful by users) The Transcripts by Sum report lists the specific courses being counted toward each requirement. It can be useful when there is a question about why a requirement has not been met.

Click Transcripts by Sum. I

Click Preview.

A Transcripts by Sum report displays in a new window.


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Transcript by Allocation The Transcript by Allocation report lists the courses the student has completed and which requirement they meet.

Click Transcript Allocation. K

Click Preview.

A Transcript Allocation report displays in a new window.


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Part III:


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Current/Active GPA/Rank Report

The number of active students in a class may fluctuate from time to time, thus affecting students' ranking in a class. This report calculates and prints students' GPA/Ranking by comparing their latest posted cumulative GPA with the current class size on a specific day.

Note: Class rank is based on the student’s grade level as it appears in Student Editor.

Follow the steps below to run/configure a Current/Active GPA/Rank Report.

• Open Zangle. Click Academic History Click Reports. Click Current/Active GPA/Rank report.

If desired, deselect this option to omit the class rank values from printing and print only GPA values.

Change this value to 2, per district policy.

The report ranks student’s based on the number of students in each grade level on this date.

Change it if desired.


Click the Select tab to filter the report.


Choose a GPA Type that was used to calculate a cumulative GPA. High schools typically use 10-12 Total WGPA, and middle schools typically use 6-8 Total GPA.


If desired, you can change these values to generate a list of students who have a cumulative GPA above a certain value.

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Leaving the default Sort settings as is results in the report ranking the students by grade level. (However, if you filtered the report by one specific Grade Level on the Select tab, then only that one grade will appear on the report.

If you prefer, you can change the sort criteria from these default settings by rearranging them or adding others.

Click Preview. E

By default, all students are selected. Edit if desired: standard Zangle filtering applies.

High schools typically filter Grade Level and choose 12.

Middle schools typically filter Grade Level and choose 8.

Click the Sort tab to change the default sort order of the report.


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Click the X to close the cover sheet.


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Requirements Status Report

This report can be run at any time during the school year to check students’ progress toward high school graduation. Essentially, you check only one graduation class at a time because you are required to choose one and only one specific Eligibility Rule when you run this report. The report lists the students who have that particular eligibility rule assigned in the Graduation Requirement field on the Miscellaneous tab in Student Editor, listing all of those graduation requirements, how many credits toward that requirement are earned, and if that requirement has been met.

Note: If you click the Meeting Requirements radio button next to Include Students, the only students who will appear on the report will be those who have met all graduation requirements, seniors who have completed their last term.

Note: Be sure to recalculate the Graduation Requirement Status after making changes to Academic History and before running this report.

Follow the steps below to configure and review the Requirements Status Report.

• Open Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Reports. Click Requirements Status report.

From the Eligibility Rule drop-down menu, choose the desired eligibility rule.


Click All Students. B

Click Show Requirement Sums to display graduation requirement details.


Click Preview to review the report.


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Click the X to close the cover sheet.


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Part IV: Transcripts

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Printing Transcripts: Middle Schools

The SDUSD Transcript has three primary uses. If a student transfers out of the district, an official Transcript is sent to the new school as record of the student’s academic progress. Official Transcripts are also sent to colleges and institutions when high school students are applying for admission. The transcript can also be used as a tool to monitor student progress towards graduation or meeting college entrance requirements.

o NOTE: Be sure to choose the “SDUSD Transcript – Middle School” from the settings menu. Middle school staff should set this report setting as their default.

Follow the steps below to configure and review the Transcript.

• Open Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Reports. Click Transcripts.

The Options tab

From the Settings menu, choose SDUSD Transcript – Middle School


Choose the school fax number from the menu if desired.

Do not change any other configuration on the Options tab when printing an official transcript.


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The Select tab:

The Sort tab

Active students are selected by default.

Edit if desired, using standard Zangle filtering.

Use this tab to set the order by which the transcripts will be printed when printing transcripts for more than one student.

This Sort tab works the same way as the sort tab in any other Zangle predefined report. See the Zangle Reports handbook for details.

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Issue To tab:

The Layout tab

It is recommended that you fill in the information for the place or person you are sending the Transcript to. This will appear on the Transcript itself.

Click Preview to review the official transcript. D

Verify the date displayed is the date you want printed on the transcript.

Change if necessary.


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Click the Red X to close the cover sheet.

GPAs are displayed here.


Graduation credits earned are displayed here.

This is the month and year. Academic year does not appear anywhere on a transcript.

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Lower half the transcript is displayed here.

IMPORTANT! This Transcript is not official unless certified by a signature and a school seal.

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Printing Transcripts: High Schools

The SDUSD Transcript has three primary uses. If a student transfers out of the district, an official transcript is sent to the new school as record of the student’s academic progress. Official Transcripts are also sent to colleges and institutions when high school students are applying for admission. The transcript can also be used as a tool to monitor student progress towards graduation or meeting college entrance requirements. Note: The IT Department has included default settings for printing an official transcript. Please do not change any of these default settings when printing a transcript that is sent from your school. Notice that (SDUSD Transcript – High School*) appears next to the Settings menu.

Follow the steps below to configure and review the Transcript.

• Open Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Reports. Select Transcripts. • Complete Steps A-D. Step A is shown below. Steps B-D are on the following pages.

Options tab

Choose the school fax number from the menu if desired.

Do not change any other configuration on the Options tab when printing an official transcript.


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The Select tab:

The Sort tab:

Active students are selected by default.

Edit if desired, using standard Zangle filtering.

Use this tab to set the order by which the transcripts will be printed when printing transcripts for more than one student. This Sort tab works the same way as the sort tab in any other Zangle predefined report. See the Zangle Reports handbook for details.

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The Issue To tab:

The Layout tab:

Click Preview to review the official transcript. C

It is recommended that you fill in the information for the place or person you are sending the transcript to. This will appear on the transcript itself.

Verify the date displayed is the date you want printed on the transcript.

Change if necessary.


Use the Issue To: radio buttons to select the recipient of the Transcript.

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Upper half of the Transcript

Graduation credits earned are displayed here.

GPAs are displayed here.

Click the Red X to close the cover sheet.D

This is the month and year. Academic year does not appear anywhere on a transcript.

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Lower half the transcript is displayed here.

Signature and school seal are required for official transcript.

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Historical Transcripts

Transcripts for students who left the SDUSD before the 2008-09 academic year must be printed from SIS Mainframe Client-Server. Transcripts for students who left the SDUSD during the 2008-09 academic year or later must be printed from Zangle.


For students who left the district before the 2008-09 academic year For students who left the district prior to 2008-09, transcripts should be printed from Mainframe Client-Server, not Zangle.

For students who left the district after August 2008 Transcripts can be printed from the current year track for students who left the district during the 2008-09 academic year or later.

Follow the steps below to print a transcript for a student who left the district during the2008-09 academic year .or later.

• Open Zangle. Click Academic History. Click Reports. Select Transcripts.

Options tab

Choose the school fax number from the menu if desired.

Do not change any other configuration on the Options tab when printing an official transcript.


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The Select tab:

Continue printing as described on page 65 for high schools or page 60 for middle schools.

Double-click Enrollment.B

Click All Students.C

Click Done.D

Double-click Student.E

Find the desired student. F

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Part V: Miscellaneous


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Changing Academic History for Students Who Have Left the District

In order to make changes to Academic History for students who are not enrolled in the district in the current year, the faculty status (facstat) record for the last year the student was actively enrolled in the district will need to be reopened. (Only Secondary Site Techs and Power Users have permission in Zangle to open and close facstats. Refer to the System Administration for Power Users handbook for instructions on reopening Faculty Status records.)

Note: Because reopening a facstat record also re-opens all permissions for that track, IT strongly recommends that facstats be opened only for the Site Tech, Registrar, or person designated by the Principal as responsible for making corrections to prior year enrollment exit data. (See the “Directions for completing the ExitSDUSD screen in Zangle” job aid or the Zangle Enrollment handbook on the Zangle Read & Learn webpage: .

Once the facstat has been reopened for the desired track, switch to that track by choosing Switch School/Track/Year from the File menu. You do not need to access a prior year track for a student who is actively enrolled in the district in the current year; the school that owns the student can change all academic history records for that student while working in the current year, regardless of the year of those records. Important: Do not make changes to any student who is not owned by your school! You can determine which school owns a student by looking up the student in Zangle’s Student Locator.

To change academic history for a student who has been enrolled in the district this year, you do not need to switch to a prior year track. The school that owns the student can make changes to all academic history records for that student while working in the current year track, regardless of the year the records are from.

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Graduation Requirements and Eligibility Rules The IT Department sets the Graduation Requirement field on the Miscellaneous tab in Student Editor when a student becomes a ninth grader based on credits earned. The Graduation Requirement eligibility rule applied to a student is equivalent to the student’s Class Of designation. So students who are 9th graders in 2009-10 are Class of 2013 and would have the 2013 Comprehensive eligibility rule chosen as the Graduation Requirement. Students who entered 9th grade in 2006-07 are 12th graders in 2009-10, are Class of 2010, and will have the 2010 Comprehensive eligibility rule applied as the Graduation Requirement.

HOW TO ASSIGN A GRADUATION ELIGIBILITY RULE If for some reason, a school needs to manually set the eligibility rule in the Graduation Requirement field, follow the steps below:

Follow the steps below to manually set an eligibility rule.

• Launch Zangle. Click Enrollment. Click Student Editor. • Complete Steps A-E. Steps A -C are shown below. Steps D-E are on the following pages.

Click Find or List to display the desired student’s record.

Click Edit. C

Click Misc. B


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From the Graduation Requirement drop-down menu, choose the appropriate eligibility rule. D

Click Save. E

If this student is not to be included in class rankings, click the Not Ranked box. See page 37 for details.

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Records Access Log

The Records Access application, found in the Enrollment module, is a simple utility for recording where student records were sent. There is a report entitled Records Access found in the Enrollment reports application which can be used to print a report for records entered in this application.

• Launch Zangle. Click on Enrollment. Select Records Access. • Complete Steps A-E. Step A is shown below. Steps B-E are on the following page.

Click Find or List to find the desired student.


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Click the Record Access Log tab.

Click Add.

The screen will change. C


Enter information.

• Access Type: Select Colleges • Date: The date of the request

or the date of the access. • Name: The name of the

person/entity making the request.

• School: Choose the school being sent the transcript.

• Reason: This is a free form field.

• Circumstance: This is a free form field.

• What Records: Enter the records that were sent.

• Document Type: Choose Transcript.

• How Sent: Choose the correct venue of delivery.

• Notes: This is a free form field.


Click Save E

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Apex Courses

High school students who fail one or more courses and need to make up those credits may do so by taking designated online courses from Apex Learning. The courses that have been approved for district credit recovery in 2008-09 are from the Core (CR) course track of the Apex ClassTools Achieve (ACTA) program.

APEX CREDIT RECOVERY COURSE EQUIVALENCE INFORMATION To view the district courses and their approved Apex equivalent courses, go to the district’s website and follow the links: Offices & Departments > R > Research and Evaluation Division > Course of Study > Information about Block Courses > District Pilot and Site-adopted Courses: A Supplement to the Course of Study, K-12 > Special Programs.

HANDLING COMPLETED APEX COURSES IN ZANGLE Beginning in 2008-09, the district began offering online courses from Apex Learning. Apex courses are currently being offered in two different programs in the district:

1. Credit Recovery program at 16 comprehensive high schools and six alternative schools.

2. iHigh Virtual Academy (Zangle school 0395A Mt. Everest Academy, track TV).

The two Apex programs offer different types of Apex courses and are set up differently in Zangle. Credit Recovery students are scheduled in Zangle for one or more sections of Graduation Seminar (Course 8010); specific Apex courses come into Zangle as completed courses only. iHigh students are scheduled for the specific Apex courses in which they are enrolled.

The instructions below pertain to the Credit Recovery program only. Instructions for iHigh courses will be added as soon as they are available.

Credit Recovery: Procedures for Submitting Apex Marks

REGULAR HIGH SCHOOLS 1. Graduation Coaches will fill out an “Apex Grade Submission Form,” which they obtain from the

High School Office. For all but elective subjects, they will leave the Teacher of Record Signature and Date blank.

2. For elective courses, graduation coaches will sign the form as the teacher of record and send the form directly to the site registrar. For all other courses, completed forms will be forwarded to Vercie Carmonjohnson via district mail @ Education Center, Room 2140. She will be responsible for obtaining the signature of teachers of record and for sending grade forms back to registrars. Teachers of record will review student work. Forms complete with signature will be sent back to registrars in a timely manner.

ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS At the alternative sites, teachers will do their own marks since each will be credentialed in his/her own subject area. Teachers will enter marks into the Apex grade book and they will submit course completion forms to registrars for entry into Zangle.

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Entry into Zangle Academic History Site registrars will enter marks for completed Apex courses into Zangle Academic History following the instructions “Adding a Mark to Academic History” in the Academic History handbook. Apex Credit Recovery courses are treated as in-district courses so the student’s school should be entered as the school of record. Because Apex courses are not entered through Zangle Mark Reporting, they will not display on Zangle report cards. Upon entry, courses will immediately appear on the student’s transcript in Zangle.

Mark Suppression Successful completion of certain Apex courses will suppress Ds and Fs in certain (equivalent) district courses. (See Credit Recover Program course list in the Supplement to the Course of Study.) Suppressed courses will remain on the student’s permanent record and appear on the transcript, but they will not be calculated into the student’s cumulative GPA.

Citizenship Marks for Graduation Seminar In order for graduation coaches to issue citizenship marks for Graduation Seminar [8010] classes, the classes should be set up as semester rather than year-long. The sections should have the Assign Grades flag turned on and the Post to History flag turned off. Only a citizenship mark should be entered for this course – academic mark should be left blank.

Questions Technical questions should be directed to your IT On-Site Support staff member. Procedural questions should be directed to Nellie Meyer, Program Manager for High Schools: [email protected] or (619) 725-7237. For questions regarding the APEX software, please contact Frank Petersen at [email protected].