
Abortion “It’s a child not a choice”

Transcript of Abortion

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Abortion“It’s a child not a choice”

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Just a clump of tissueJust a fetus It’s not really livingIt’s your choice


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This baby was killed

by saline solution

in its mother’s


Does this look like just a clump of tissue?

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This was a third trimester baby found in

medical waste bags outside a

legal abortion center in Houston, Texas,

in late 1986.

He was 14 inches long,

weighed 2 pounds 2 ounces.

Does this look like just a fetus?

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This form of abortion

is not allowed in the

US but is being practiced

in other countries.

Is this really a choice that should be given?

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Woman need to stop being so

selfish and egoistic when

thinking of the defenseless

living person

they helped


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If people behave responsibly,

a beautiful thing like

creating life would

never have


an issue.

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Abortion is MURDER!!!

During an abortion a physician uses a small suction tube to poke at the unborn child.

The little body is torn apart as it is sucked out of the womb.

The baby’s head is then clamped on by tongs that crush the tiny skull.

If it is illegal to do this to any person why is it that we allow it to happen to the most defenseless souls?

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Value Human Life

From the moment of

conception there

is life

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The Silent Cry

Too many voices stay silentHorrendous acts of butcheryEndless babies aborted

So sad and done so selfishlyInception of life so preciousLife taken for so little reasonEnded with scalpel in hand No one to stop death's seasonTaken lives by the millions

Cries that will never be heardReaching beyond the silenceYears of a child's unspoken word

-Sandy Gram

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A Gift from God

A new life is a gift from GodSo many people want to have children but they can’t.Abortion is not theChoice.

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Everyone deserves a chance to live. No matter how small or where they reside at the moment.

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We need to defend the most precious souls from the hands of injustice.

We need to do our parts in helping stop this horrific epidemic that has taken over the world.

We need to stop looking away.

Take a stand for what is right!!!!

“I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” ~Ronald Reagan, quoted in New York Times, 22 September 1980

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Works Cited



http://www.silentscream.org/www.google.comMusic by Enya