Aauw presentation 11 8-10

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Transcript of Aauw presentation 11 8-10

  • 1. Technology for the 21 st Century Kathy Sipple www.mysocialmediacoach.com
  • 2. Kathy Sipple Social Media Specialist
    • Founder/CEO of My Social Media Coach
    • University of Michigan Graduate
    • 2009 Winner: Indianas Most Influential Woman in Social Media
    • Member of Mensa
    • Social Media Specialist at Forward Progress
    • 22 years in Sales and Marketing Technology
    • Campaign Development in Social Media
    • Trained and coached over 20,000 people
    • Financial Services, Real Estate, Professional Services, Legal, Accounting, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Technical, Insurance, Agencies, Auto, Retail, Banking and Channel Sales..
  • 3. Have you heard about?
  • 4. Lots of sites out there
  • 5. Evolution of Technology
    • Written language >>> Printing press
    • Mainframe computer >>> PCs/laptops
    • Telephone >>> Mobile phones
    • Internet/email >>> Chat/forums (Web 1.0)
    • Web sites >>> Blogs/social sites (Web. 2.0)
    • What next??
  • 6. What is social media?
    • Web 2.0 (a.k.a. read/write web)
    • People having online conversations
    • An opportunity!
    • Context Did You Know?
  • 7. Key Concepts
    • Many to many relationships
    • Ambient awareness
    • Crowdsourcing
    • Leaves a permanent trail
    • The network beneath the network
    • Blurry line between people and brands
    • Integration with mobile devices
  • 8. Who uses it?
    • Varies by site
    • Growing and changing
    • Quantcast.com
  • 9. Social network sites
    • Facebook social, fun, photos, events
    • LinkedIn professional, business
    • Twitter quick bits of information
    • Myspace younger
    • NING develop your own social site
    • Blog (web + log) Wordpress, Typepad, Blogspot
  • 10. Social bookmarking
    • What is it?
    • Make your life easier
    • Promote your own sites
      • Delicious
      • Digg
      • Stumbleupon
  • 11. Other
    • Flickr Photo sharing
    • YouTube Video sharing/search
    • Vimeo Longer video
    • Slideshare Powerpoint presentations
    • Dimdim Webinar
    • SurveyMonkey Surveys
    • Blip.fm, Grooveshark - Music
  • 12. Newer on the scene
    • Flowtown Drip marketing, lead capture
    • Gist, Xobni - Aggregators
    • Evernote, Dropbox Multi-platform storage
    • Google Laboratories Always innovative!
  • 13. Questions?
    • 2 myths about social media:
    • Myth #1: Its hard.
    • Myth #2: Its easy.
  • 14. Next steps
    • Before joining in, listen
    • Decide what makes sense for you
    • Create an efficient, sustainable plan
    • Claim your user ID
  • 15. Thanks for coming!
    • One-on-one coaching
    • Group coaching
    • Online training available
  • 16. Lets Connect!
    • Twitter.com/kathysipple
    • Facebook.com/kathysipple
    • LinkedIn.com/in/kathysipple
    • Facebook.com/mysocialmediacoach
    • [email_address]