Aaron Johnson, Ben Mader, Connor Roach Anthology

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  • 8/6/2019 Aaron Johnson, Ben Mader, Connor Roach Anthology


  • 8/6/2019 Aaron Johnson, Ben Mader, Connor Roach Anthology



    Table of Contents

    A New NBA Trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3-9

    -By Aaron Johnson

    NFL: Controversial Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 10-19

    -By Ben Mader

    To be or Not to be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 20-25

    -By Connor Roach

    Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 26-27

    Works cited for cover picture:

    American Football Silhouette. Photograph. Eu.fotolia.com.

    Jordan-brand-holiday-2009-preview. 2009. Photograph.Http://dimemag.com.

    - Both Pictures taken from Google images then photo shopped together to make onepicture.

  • 8/6/2019 Aaron Johnson, Ben Mader, Connor Roach Anthology



    A New NBA Trend

    The American sports associations have begun to change during the past few years. We start off

    with some changes in the National Basketball Association (NBA) and then move into the changes into

    the National Football League (NFL). The NBA is one of the many changing. The new NBA trend is the

    creation of a super team. These super teams started off with two star players on a team, but have

    recently changed to three superstar players all on one team. It started with the Boston Celtics and now

    the Miami Heat. This new trend will eventually be good for the NBA by showing changing player

    attitudes, the dispersions of talent, intense playoffs and finals. Not only are owners looking at this, but

    the players want to be part of this too. This new positive change may bring the NBA to better age.

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    The New NBA Trend

    The 2010 Miami Heat made surprising additions during the offseason. They added superstars

    LeBron James and Chris Bosh from the Cleveland Cavaliers and Toronto Raptors. James was one of the

    youngest players to join the NBA at 18 years old, and Bosh was the franchise player in Toronto for many

    years. After adding these two players to the Heat, Dwayne Wade may be looking at another NBA Final.

    After this move and the move of The Big Three (Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Kevin Garnet) in Boston

    three years ago has led many superstars to look into teaming up onto one team. This raises the

    questions on whether these Super Teams will be good or bad for the Nation Basketball Association

    (NBA). It most likely will be positive for the NBA.

    Many fans argue that players dont actually play to win games, but to make money. Many argue

    that these players just play the games so that they will get paid and that winning a bunch of games or

    the championship comes second. Now teams are putting that rumor to rest. By combining star players,

    teams are increasing their chances of winning championships. The whole Super Team concept started

    with the Boston Celtics. Their main superstar was Paul Pierce. During the offseason of 2007, Boston

    made a couple of amazing trades. They acquired Kevin Garnet from the Minnesota Timberwolves, but

    for a hefty price. The trade required Minnesota to receive five players, two first-round draft picks, and

    cash considerations (NBA.com). They also received Ray Allen from the Seattle Supersonics. Allen was

    not as high priced. He only cost Boston a first-round draft pick, Wally Szczerbiak, and Delonte West.

    (McNamara) With these three superstars (Pierce, Garnet, and Allen) a new trend had started. They

    later went on to win the championship their first year together and made it to the Finals the again over

    the next two years. This put the idea that this is how you win championships. Last year the Miami Heat

    followed suite with LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. Halfway through the season the New

    York Knicks had begun talks of getting two more players to complement Amare Stoudemire. They are

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    halfway there after they acquired Carmelo Anthony from the Denver Nuggets. The teams are not the

    only ones realizing the prospects of winning. The players are taking notice too. Chris Paul was at

    Anthonys wedding and spoke of Stoudemire, Anthony, and himself all playing together on the Knicks.

    (Berman) Another player wanting to move is Dwight Howard. The 610 Orlando Magic center wants to

    move to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he would join Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol. Although this last

    trade is not likely to happen, many players are changing views. Players are no longer as focused on

    money, but on winning. Of course there are the few exceptions that potentially get both, such as

    LeBron James and Kevin Garnet.

    Before these new three-player super teams started up, Super teams have long been just duos

    throughout the league. The Chicago Bulls are a good example of this. They had Michael Jordan and

    Scottie Pippen, two great players. This created a Super Team because of their multiple championships

    and because Michael Jordan was such a phenomenal player. Together they won multiple

    championships and dominated games for many seasons. Kobe Bryant and Shaquille ONeal of the Los

    Angeles Lakers are another example. These two worked together so well that they teamed up for 51% of

    their teams points and also won many championships together. Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-

    Jabbar were another noted Lakers duo.

    Although it is good that players are more focused on winning, it also creates too few good teams

    which can create a less enjoyable game experience. Because there are so few players that are

    considered superstars, when you put multiple superstars on one team it creates more bad teams than

    good. There will potentially be four or five very good teams: the Heat, the Celtics, the Lakers, and

    possibly the Knicks and Bulls. This leaves 26 other teams that wont be as good. This means that when

    a person goes to a game of a lower team, they will pick games that are against these few very good

    teams. So the majority of the games would be against bad teams which would make for bad games.

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    There will be way less attendance at these games than at games with better teams (Bessi, 14). The

    regular season may not initially be as good, but the playoffs will be great. It will end up with a few great

    teams playing against each other creating great playing atmospheres. This will help create a better fan

    experience as well.

    Fan attendance at a game is a big factor in all this. When a player is traded from a team or

    leaves a team, the main reason for the trade is so the team or player can win a championship. It can

    also be for off the court issues, but seldom do the owners look at the effects on the surrounding

    community. When a superstar player leaves a team/city, depending on the terms it can sometimes have

    a lasting effect. The Cleveland Cavaliers lost LeBron James to free agency last summer. Their team is

    now last in the league and has no chance of making the playoffs for a few years. This is not necessarily

    true for every team though. Some teams flourish after a superstar leaves. The Denver nuggets are a

    great example of this. When Carmelo was traded, the Nuggets played more as a team and didnt rely on

    one player. The made it as the fifth seed in the playoffs.

    When a player arrives to a new team it will usually have a reverse effect. With a new better

    player, the new team will usually result in more wins, which results in people coming to this teams

    games. When it is a superstar joining another superstar it creates very big hype. The Boston Celtics are

    an example. A new player can also have an effect on the economy. When Michael Jordan returned out

    of retirement, his first game received a rating of 10.9% on NBC. This percentage corresponds to the

    number of households that watched the game. This states that 10.9% of American households watched

    his first game back, which is a very large amount. To compare, when Jordan played against the Celtics

    in the 1993 Finals, the games received a 17.9% rating. This is a large amount and it was a very important

    game. Jordans retirement return game was a regular season game and was not as important, but

    because it was Michael Jordan (a superstar) large amounts of people watched. A returning player can

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    also affect the economy. When Jordan was deciding to return from retirement, his endorsement stocks

    rose. He hadnt even returned yet and was just thinking about returning and his stocks rose for Nike

    (3.4%) and McDonalds (6.5%) (Hausman, 2). By just stating he was going to return to the NBA he helped

    spiked the economy a little bit.

    These new super teams will initially create big problems with small-market teams. For some

    teams, a star player is the only reason people come to watch. The Toronto Raptors were a good

    example of this. Before Chris Bosh left, the raptors were not an amazing team, but they occasionally

    made runs at the playoffs and made for exciting games. Once Bosh was out of the picture, they have

    rarely been talked about, and because they are now way worse, finishing 22-60. This has also affected

    the Sacramento Kings. This was also evident in the Seattle Supersonics. After trading away star players

    Rashard Lewis and Ray Allen, This team went way downhill and with money problems and new owner

    motives, was forced to move to Oklahoma City. A larger market team like the L.A. Lakers would easily

    be able to handle losing a superstar. If Kobe Bryant, L.A.s superstar, were to retire after this season,

    their attendance would not be significantly affected because it is such a large-market team. A few less

    people would go to games and pay attention to the team, but it is significantly less compared to the

    effect on a smaller-market team.

    When a team is looking to trade their first idea is what key part of the team is needed. Then the

    next question is how much will the piece cost. If a team is looking to add another super star this is

    usually the first question. While having this new player can be good for the team, it usually cost a large

    amount. Anything from multiple players to draft picks, which limits a team expansion with new players.

    One good thing about super teams is that it helps bad teams get better draft choices. If a team trades

    away a super star they will most likely get some draft picks for the player. Without their super star, the

    team will most likely not do as well throughout the season. The worse a team does, the higher their

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    chance for a good draft pick in the draft lottery. For example when the Cavaliers had LeBron they were

    a decent team. Because of LeBron, they were able to make it to the playoffs almost every year.

    Because they did so well in the season, they didnt have a high draft pick. Although they had LeBron,

    they didnt have anyone to compliment him. By trading away players for a superstar, the team may also

    have a shortage of players. This results in less depth for the team, which forces key players to play more

    minutes, which may have a lasting effect on their bodies later on in the season. When a superstar

    leaves, the old team usually takes a heavy hit on their record. A teams record is what gets the team

    into the playoffs and a chance for the championship. When a teams record goes down, so does

    attendance, and then profit decreases as well.

    The new three person superstar team is having its effect on the NBA. Not only are owners

    looking to create these teams, but so are the players. There are many good things about super teams.

    Players playing to win, high quality playoffs, and the eventual leveling of the teams are all good for the

    NBA. The majority of the games will be meaningless and not as fun to watch, but after a few years that

    will change. The playoffs will end up including two of these super teams which will create very intense

    match ups. After a few more years these teams will level out creating a very fun playing atmosphere.

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    Works Cited

    Baade, Robert . "The Impact of Sports Teams and Facilities on Neighborhood Economies: What is the

    Score?." The Economics of Sports. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment

    Research, 2000. 21-51. Print.

    Berman, Marc. "Paul toasts Knicks' future dream team with Stoudemire, Anthony - NYPOST.com." New

    York News. New York Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2011.

    Berri, David J., Martin B. Schmidt, and Stacey L. Brook. "Stars at the Gate: The Impact of Star Power on

    NBA Gate Revenues." Journal of Sports Economics 5.1 (2004): 33-50. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.

    "Celtics vs. Lakers: That '80s show." USA Today5 June. 2008. sec. Sports: 1c. Print.

    "Celtics Acquire 10-Time All-Star Kevin Garnett | Celtics.com - The official website of the Boston Celtics."

    NBA.com . N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2011.

    David, DuPree. "Lakers 1-2 duo Leads way." USA today[New York] 26 Feb. 2002, sec. Sports: 4c. Print.

    Hausman, Jerry A., and Gregory K. Leonard. "Superstars in the National Basketball Association: Economic

    Value and Policy." Journal of Labor Economics 15.4 (1997): 586. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.

    McNamara, Kevin . "Celtics trade three players for Ray Allen." Rhode Island, Providence. The Providence

    Journal. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2011.

    "Shaq And D-Wade Blaze The Miami Heat To Its First NBA Title."Jet10 July 2006: 48-50. Print.

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    This particular commentary is a recent and rather interesting part in the Anthology.

    Along with the rest of the commentaries this one is two about the sports aspect of the world.

    Issues with sport topics are probably one of the most common things to discuss. This will

    introduce a topic that is being debated still today. Flags and penalties in the NFL (National

    Football League) has been an issue over the years but fans were more interested in the game

    then the penalties. Over the last football season (2010-2011) the controversy over penalties

    has really taken a jump. This commentary talks about the problem with penalties and how

    some fans may feel about the topic. It also gives quotes and information about the players

    view on the rule enforcements in the NFL.

    This piece was selected to be the second commentary and the middle of the Anthology

    for a few reasons. The Anthology starts off with the topic of the NBA and how teams seem to

    combine superstars on one team in order to make a supper team. This gives the anthology a

    sports atmosphere. After discussing the NBA football is the next big sports topic that comes up

    and this is a commentary worth reading and introduces the next commentary well.

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    NFL: Controversial Changes

    When we talk about football what are the main conversations that are had? Something

    that might be heard after a NFL (National Football League) game might be: Did you see that

    huge play in the game last night? Or that hit was so hard that player got laid out. These plays

    are what stand out in the game of football. Without these plays and hits, what makes the game

    exciting? Football is probably the most widely watched sport in the world. The exact number

    of viewers is extremely large but how many watch football is dependent on the schedule of the

    viewers. This is why football is on public channels and on Sunday (according to Hallvard

    Johnsen). What would the NFL be like with rules that seem to force less big hits and change the

    physicality of the game?

    Since football first started it was a game of toughness, both physically and mentally.

    The main point of the game is to outscore your opponent. However, the fans love it when their

    team not just wins the game, but makes entertaining plays. The fans really cheer for the big

    plays whether it is a long pass, an amazing catch, a break out touchdown run, or a big hit that

    forces a turnover and can change the momentum of the game. Players lift to get strong and the

    stronger the player is the more of an advantage they have over their opponent.

    The players who need the strength the most is the defense so that they keep the

    offense from scoring. By Rule the offense is down after the player is tackled, but over time the

    wrapping up of players has declined. The hard hits to knock the offense to the ground have

    risen. This kind of physical play has led to more injuries to the body and even more scary the

    head. Since the hard hitting type of play has been progressing the league has stepped in and

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    seemed like the better quarterbacks seemed to get more protection. It was like whenever the

    quarterback was touched there was a penalty called that gave the offense free yards.

    Quarterbacks such as Payton Manning, Eli Manning, and Tom Brady were almost

    untouchable. Players and Fans took this in a bad way. In the Magazine The Huddle there is

    an article about Ray Lewis and his roughing the passer calls against him on Tom Brady. In this

    article it puts into perspective that the quarterback is being protected. Rodney Harrison; a

    former Patriots player was quoted saying Take off the skirt referring to Tom Brady not being

    able to take a hit. "Without totally going off the wall, it is embarrassing to the game. Brady is

    good enough to make his own plays, let him make the play. When you have two great teams

    that are going at it, let them go at it. Did (the penalties) win or lose the game? No, but it got

    them 14 points. This was said by Ray Lewis (Baltimore Ravens linebacker). They said that

    these players got all the calls because they were so good and were so important to the game

    and the league couldnt risk them getting hurt. I, along with most others, feel the quarterback

    did get better treatment then the rest of the players.

    Players go into the league based on their skills but it is expected that those players

    know what they are in for once they commit to the game of football. Players know this is a

    game of hard hits. Every player should condition and prepare themselves for anything that

    could happen on the field. Players should be ready for any situation and be able to take any

    kind of hit because it is part of the game. This is what I feel should be the mentality of anyone

    who wants to play this game.

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    Even though these new protectionrules brought controversy, they were and are still

    enforced and the complaining soon stopped. Player safety became the main focus in the NFL.

    In response to the hits on the field, players get bigger and stronger in order to be tougher on

    the field. Depending on their position they work to get faster or catch better. This aids in their

    ability to be able to both take and deliver a hit. Also players believe the more muscle and

    stronger they get the less likely they are to be injured while playing. In a sense this is true but it

    has another affect. As a result of players getting stronger it improved them from getting

    injured more frequently in normal contact situations. However, on the flip side, these same

    players are hurting and injuring other players through violent hits.

    Many injuries occur in the NFL. Things such as sprained ankles, pulled muscles, broken

    bones, and the worst of all, concussions. All these injuries frequently occur in the NFL, but for

    the most part have been thought of as part of the game. From another perspective think about

    what the game of football would be like if all the players, whom we love to, watch make big

    plays, were hurt? The fans, including myself, feel that the more penalties that are added to the

    game the worse it is to watch.

    A problem that is clear is the NFL has become almost obsessed with protecting players.

    They use this reasoning for almost every time they decide to put in a new rule. After years of

    hard hits and very physical play, the league has decided to take action. First, rules such as

    defensive players leading with their head in order to take out the offensive player were

    implemented. The late hit penalty has been in effect for a long time. This rule ensures that

    once a player is down or out of bounce the defense can no longer make a hit on that offensive

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    player. This rule in understandable because it is expected of the players to be physical and be

    able to take a hit when the game is in play. But once the play is called dead the offense stops

    going and the defense sometimes delivers hits when the offense is unsuspecting.

    The leading with the head penalty can be controversial. At first it seemed like it took

    away from the defensive hits and made it hard for the tackler because they had to make sure

    not to use their helmet. I believed that this made it hard for the defense and allowed the

    offense to gain yards. After further thought this rule is good for both sides of the ball. Leading

    with the helmet can seriously affect the offensive player but it can cause a career ending injury

    to the defensive player. When hitting with the helmet it puts strain on the neck and if the hit is

    hard enough it can seriously hurt the spine and cause the player to be paralyzed. When the

    league says they want to protect all players this rule is one of the best examples.

    Even with the rules set and the penalties being enforced, players still committed these

    penalties. Over time more and more players have been seriously hurt because of the major

    hits. Recently the NFL has decided to take further action on the matter. Along with the in-

    game penalties, there are now off field consequences. Players now are fined if they make a hit

    that is considered to be too vicious or have a type of dangerous helmet to helmet contact.

    James Harrison is a pro football player who has been fined many times for hitting to hard. He

    threatened to retire because he felt these penalties were unfair and not letting football player

    do what they know, hit.

    "I understand the league is trying to make it safer for the players, but their plan isn't

    working. Why is James Harrison being fined every time he plays the way he was taught to play since

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    he was a kid?" This was a statement made by Harrisons agent. This is the same reaction I along

    with other fans have with the new penalties. This is how all the players were taught and it is the

    reason they got to the NFL why should they change their style of play?

    Fining of players came about after the new rule that if a receiver come across the

    middle of the field and is unprotected the defensive player has to use their shoulder and wrap

    up in order to tackle. After some really big hits that have resulted in concussions this rule was

    put in place. I, the fans, and even the players felt like this rule was very unfair. Many believe

    that the receiver has to expect that they will be hit as soon as the ball is caught no matter

    where their position is on the field. Other arguments are that the coaches are partially at fault

    for putting these plays in the play book and the quarterback who leads the receiver into these

    dangerous zones.

    Even when player safety is figured into the situation is this rule still fair to the defense?

    The safety of the players is very important and yes it is dangerous for receivers to go into the

    middle of the defense. The penalty that rewards the offense is fair but fining the players seems

    to be taking it too far. From my perspective, this seems to almost change the whole game of

    football. It makes it a lot easier for the offense to gain yards and almost impossible for the

    defense to stop them from scoring.

    Every down has the possibility of a crazy play or something unexpected happening.

    Now after every turnover or a big play such as a hard hit happens it is almost expected that

    some kind of penalty will occur. This takes away from the possibilities of momentum switch or

    defensive scores. The players may be protected and able to have a longer year in the NFL but it

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    takes away from the excitement of the game. It makes it almost one dimensional and even

    predictable which isnt what I or anyone else wants.

    The NFL is currently undergoing a lockout which means the players are currently not

    playing football. The NFL players union is discussing money matters with the NFL owner and

    trying to work out a new collective bargaining agreement. What would it be like if there was no

    football to watch on Sundays? This is a very big topic in the world but even in the middle of

    discussing if there will be another NFL season, new safety rules are still being put into the rule

    book. This shows that these new rules are so important to the league that they are adding

    more even with a possibility of there not being anymore football.

    The newest rule now is that the kickoff will be moved up five more yards and this is

    supposed to cut down on all the injuries on special teams. The big argument now is that kickers

    will kick it out of the back of the touchdown and make it very rare for the returner to even have

    a chance to run with the ball. This will definitely lead to fewer injuries on kickoff but there will

    be no more need for a good kick returner and it seems almost easier to just get rid of the

    kickoff and start from the twenty yard line.

    All these rules have recently gone into effect within the middle of the 2011 season and

    into the beginning of the off season. Is it fair to protect the players to this extent? There is

    much controversy over these issues and even though it is mainly for the safety of the players,

    according to the league, I feel as if it is ruining the game. There is no doubt that these rules are

    changing the game. Is this good for football or not? The league has the final decision and if and

    hopefully when there is another season it will be interesting to see how all these new rules will

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    be handled. It will be even more interesting to see if the game of football will remain the

    exciting physically and mentally tough game that it has always been.

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    Works Cited

    Sullivan, Justin. "NFL: 'A Higher Level of Discipline Is Needed' to Prevent Hard Hits." News, Travel,

    Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - USATODAY.com. US Today, 18

    Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2011.

    "NFL Fines 3 Players Total of $175K." ESPN: The Worldwide Leader in Sports. Associated Press, 19

    Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. .

    Leahy, Sean. "After Series of Concussions, NFL under Fire to Eliminate Hard Hits to the Head."News,

    Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - USATODAY.com. US

    Today, 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2011.

    Thomas, Katie. "N.F.L.s Policy on Helmet-to-Helmet Hits Makes Highlights Distasteful." The New

    York Times 21 Oct. 2010. Print.

    Keriloff, Aaron. "NFL Owners and Players Are in a Pain Conflict." Businessweek 4 Nov. 2010. Web10 Mar. 2011.

    Caine, Dennis J, Caroline G. Caine, and Koenraad J. Lindner. Epidemiology of Sports Injuries.Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1996. Print.

    Woods, C. "The Football Association Medical Research Programme: an audit of injuries inprofessional football--analysis of preseason injuries." British Journal of SportsMedicine 36.6 (2002): 436- 441. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.

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    Even without its TV money, the NFL will be well prepared for the possibility of a lost

    2011 season. Owners have stockpiled enough money to carry them through a potential

    cancellation of the 2011 due to the current lockout, the Wall Street Journal reported. That

    report, which came more than a week after a federal judge ruled the league cannot use its TV

    revenue as lockout insurance, was evidence of the league's plan for the CBA fight. Several

    owners and players have already said they expect the lockout the league imposed on Saturday

    will be resolved before the start of the regular season. The league and the players association

    had been advising teams and players, respectively, to save money in anticipation of a potential

    lockout over the past year. The NFL collects billions in TV revenue that the NFLPA had

    contested in federal court. A judge blocked the league from accessing that money during the

    lockout. The league generates about $9 billion in revenue annually, and the sides are searching

    for a resolution to a collective bargaining dispute centered on how to split that money. Rodger

    Goodell needs to end this scrutiny. He will go down as the NFLs worst commissioner of all time

    and I do not believe Mr. Goodell wants to be thrown under the bus like that.

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    TO BE, OR NOT TO BEWhat will the late months of 2011 and early months of 2012 be like if there is no NFL football to

    be watched. NFL owners and players were both given the timeline of March 3rd to come to an

    agreement on the issue and if they cant agree the NFL will officially be locked out. Does this mean that

    this could be the first time since 1987 that there will be a stoppage in the NFL? It seems very inevitable

    that we could be on the edge of our seats this whole summer, wondering whether or not our team will

    be playing a game starting in September.

    The issue of the lockout is the players and owners cannot come to a bargaining agreement oh

    how much they should get paid. Players get 60% of the NFLs income and the owners are not pleased

    about that fact. Players want more money or for the NFL to provide them with health coverage for

    them and their family because it is not available for them when they retire as of present

    (dcplayersbox.com). The NFL was locked out for 43 days; there will be a draft but who knows what will

    happen after that. The NFL is unlocked now that the judge ruled that players may return to practice


    The most baffling disagreement between the NLFPA and the league owners is the argument

    over whether or not there should be 18 regular season games instead of the usual 16 games. Rodger

    Godell sure seems to think it will benefit the NFL thinking it is giving the fans what they want to see.

    But we all know what Godell really wants to see and that is more revenue. This past season we have

    seen more fines handed out to one player in a season than we have the past two seasons. You all know

    who I am talking about he contemplated retirement, James Harrison. If Godell is all for player safety

    why on earth would you have 18 games, it makes absolutely no sense. A starting running back averages

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    about a 6-year span in the NFL of being productive and healthy. Maybe Goodell should ask an NFL

    running back if they want to add two more games to the 16 game schedules.

    This is not the first time the NFL has been locked out. Players have sued the NFL again and

    again on antitrust grounds amid a nasty labor dispute that resulted in a lockout that will threaten the

    2011 season (USA Today). With more and more owners being money hungry; everyone seems as if they

    want the power and revenue that Jerry Jones (Cowboys Owner & GM) brings in. But to be able to do so

    the owners and other representatives need to work with the players in doing so, they cant just cut the

    players income by 50% to get back to the 1992 NFL salary average which $489,000. If they tried to do

    this, one no one would play most players would protest the situation. In 2010 the average salary has

    nearly quadrupled to 1.8 million. How does this problem somehow get put on the players shoulders?

    The owners and management of NFL teams offered the 100 million dollar contracts to the big time

    players. Contracts like that were unheard of in the 90s. This is NOT the players problem; they just try to

    make the most money they can in such a short amount of time because there is no guarantee that they

    will ever step on the field again. They all have families to take care of; it is there job to make the most of

    the opportunity they are given.

    A former NFL player Freeman McNeil had something to say about this absurd lockout. He

    continued to say, I look at both sides and say, you guys (NFL & NFLPA) are in a partnership. Thats the

    way this game is going to be from here to eternity. You (players) have reconciliation, as owners you have

    a guaranteed product that will make you money. But these players make the league (USA Today). The

    owners need to figure out way that will benefit them the most, which could be finding better sponsors

    or new endorsement deals. Possibly cut Reebok and deal with Nike, Under Armor, or Adidas to name a


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    DirecTV, ESPN, NBC, CBS, and Fox pay a combined 4 billion dollars for the broadcasting rights

    and they will continue to pay that if there continues to be a lockout. On top of the 4 billion, fantasy

    football leagues bring in about 5 billion dollars a year (Directvnew.com). Economically this would be like

    an atom bomb dropping and if the owners want more money they will figure out a way to deal with

    what the players want and will come to a decision soon. This brings great revenue to the owners. Jerry

    Jones built the biggest NFL stadium so he could make deals with other sporting venues

    What happens to the fans? Will they turn their head on the NFL or will they still support it?

    Thousands of fans will be inferior; Vegas wouldnt be the same without football. The NHL is still

    recovering from the 2004-2005 lockout season. The NFL would have to win their fans and money back

    and the greed driving owners in the league probably dont like that idea. In 1987 they brought

    replacement players in for the players that went on strike for five weeks. Even if there are replacement

    players there wont be people out of jobs, but the NFL will still lose a lot of money. Im sure if there is a

    season with replacement players there will still be fans that watch but it may not be a team of players

    you are used to rooting for.

    Now lets get back to the players side of the issue. Chad Ochocinco asked DeMaurice Smith how

    serious the lockout is and Smith answered, On a scale to 1 to 10 it is a 14 (Smith). Jeff Saturday was

    interviewed and said, weve told *the players+ them dont go out and buy a new boat. Dont go out and

    buy a new car. Players are going to have to lean how to budget their money, which can be hard for some

    players. Brandon Marshall jokingly once said on 103.5 The Rocks, If there is a lockout Ill just have to go

    and tryout for an NBA team. He may just have to do so, Ochocinco tried out for a Major League Soccer

    Team and made it. So maybe we will see NFL players looking to play their second sport. NFL

    Commissioner Rodger Goodell said, you dont make money by shutting down your business. The idea

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    owners want to have a NFL lockout is not the case. Thats just not good for anybody. Basically no one

    wanted a lockout but since owners and players cant come to an agreement they had to lockdown.

    The NFL Draft coming up in a few days and the NFL is going to treat it as if there will be a season

    next year. Some draft prospects are worried that if they get drafted there will be no signing bonuses or

    up front money because of the lockout. Some players will not attend the draft but it is still too early to

    tell who is going to go and stay home. One issue regarding the rookies is, the NFL wants to cut nearly

    60% of guaranteed pay for first-round picks, lock them in for five years and divert the savings to

    veterans salaries and benefits according to the AP (thestreet.com).

    If there is a lockout it will be tough for players to stay in shape there is not as much discipline

    when training at home. So some players may rely on their high schools, colleges or for some their back

    yard. Players coming to camp overweight and slow just leads to be very injury prone, which could

    ultimately get you, cut from the team. Many older players dont have much playing time left in their legs

    and bodies so they cannot afford a season off. You could look at that either way. There will be no helmet

    to helmet hits or any bone crushing hits so that could actually benefit some players who make the most

    of it.

    Players cannot use the teams resources that are given to them. Carolina Panthers tight end

    Dante Rosario is working out at a local high school near Charlotte North Carolina. He is just happy that

    the high school is letting him use their facilities to train. DeMarcus Ware did not accept his $60,000 that

    is being paid to assist them financially during the lockout. He went on to say, I gave my money back to

    help out other guys that dont have as much money, that is going to help out and bring us closer

    together (nfllockout.com). To be eligible for the $60,000 pay, you must be on the 53-man roster during

    the previous season. Practice squad players dont get that benefit from the NFL (Washingtonpost.com).

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    No one knows what is in store for the future of the NFL Lockout. All me know is that as of April

    14, 2011 we are in the 33rd day of the lockout. Negations are off and on, media is forbidden to hear what

    goes on inside of the meetings. To say the least no one truly knows if there will be a 2011- 2012 NFL

    Football season. We know that certain teams want to trade and sign free agents but that is not possible

    until the lockout is lifted. U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson is still considering a request from the

    players to issue an injunction against the NFLs current labor lockout in efforts to force the league to

    resume business as usual (thestreet.com).

    The NFL has always been known as a players game, now it is seemingly becoming the owners

    show. They planned all along to lock the players out and put NFL employees out of work. The owners

    like Jerry Jones, Jason Richardson (Carolina Panthers), ect., kept from spending in free agency last year,

    when they had clear blaring needs. They knew they planned to do this and didnt want to pay salaries on

    free agents for a year, they fully intended not to have football. That is why everyone; media and fans

    were so shocked that Jerry Jones didnt make any free agent move or hire and expensive coach. The

    owners want to bankrupt the players so that they will accept all of the owners demands and for a new

    10 year CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). (nfllockout.com)

    The lockout is kind of like a Shakespearean story, not knowing what is going to happen next.

    Lets be real here though, there has to be a 2011-2012 season otherwise the owners show will not go on

    and they will lose millions of dollars. They need to do what is best for the players they are the ones that

    make the teams the millions.

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    The anthology is a collection of sports topics that have come about through recently

    added and discussed changes in professional sports. The first commentary introduced, talked

    about the changes in the NBA and how players now have different motives. Instead of just

    worrying about the money aspect of the business players are now teaming up with other

    superstars in order to better their chances for a NBA championship. These new ideas have

    helped to create a better fan experience and to put new marks on the history of the NBA.

    Roach doesnt like the super team concept. This ideas creates unfair teams and doesnt allow

    enough good games, creating a bad fan experience. Mader feels that this is a good thing for the

    NBA. This creates more excitement for the fans and shakes up the teams more in the league

    besides just the draft. With the superstars grouped together it makes a dominate team but

    when a few do the same then the intensity increases and rivalries really spark.

    The next commentary deals with the NFL. Its discusses topics such as the new rules that

    have recently been going into effect. These rules are designed to help prevent injuries. These

    new rules take away from the game, giving a worse experience for the fans. The two

    commentaries mach up well because the both are very popular topics and both relate to how

    the fans are reacting to these new concepts. Johnson feels that the quarterbacks should be

    more protected, because they are more vulnerable. Johnson does agree that some of the

    penalties are too much and ruin the game experience. Roach feels that the penalties are

    getting a little out of hand because it all it is doing to the sport is creating less contact for the

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    players. Roach feels that football has always been a physical sport and wouldnt be the same

    without the physicality.

    The last commentary talks about the NFL lockout. This lockout would be one of the

    biggest changes to any sports association. If the lockout were to happen the fan experience

    would be awful, because there would not be a season. Johnson agrees that the lockout would

    be a horrible idea. Not only would fans be mad, but any profit from the football would be lost.

    Mader also feels that the lockout is a horrible idea. Mader asks what would it be like with no

    football to watch over the weekend. Without pro football it would be one of the biggest losses

    in the sports world.

    This anthology could be used in a variety of ways. The first would be for research

    papers. The commentaries contained show a lot of information on NBA teams, NFL rules, and

    also some NFL economics. The statistics could also be used for these papers. For the most part

    these commentaries are great reading materials for those interested in the sports world. This is

    a way to get a different perspective and read how others feel about the topics besides just in

    things like newspaper articles.