A UWB Dipole Antenna With Enhanced Impedance and Gain Performance

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 57, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2009 2959 A UWB Dipole Antenna With Enhanced Impedance and Gain Performance Xue Ni Low, Zhi Ning Chen, Fellow, IEEE, and Terence S. P. See Abstract—A planar dipole antenna is proposed with enhanced impedance and gain performance across an ultrawideband (UWB) operating bandwidth of 3.1–10.6 GHz. The proposed antenna con- sists of two semi-elliptical-ended arms connected by a shorting bridge. With the shorting bridge, the length of the antenna is re- duced and the radiation performance in terms of gain is improved especially at higher frequencies. The performance of the proposed antenna is validated experimentally using a wideband balun to realize the microstrip-co-planar strip transition. The results show that the proposed antenna can achieve a gain of 2.4–6.2 dBi across a impedance bandwidth of 118% (2.8–10.9 GHz). The time domain responses of pulsed UWB signals through con- ventional and proposed antennas are compared. Furthermore, a parametric study is performed to provide antenna engineers with the information about the design. Index Terms—Antenna gain, dipole, ultrawideband (UWB). I. INTRODUCTION T HE release of an extremely wide spectrum from 3.1–10.6 GHz with a limit to the emission level of 41.3 dBm/MHz by the Federal Communication Commis- sion (FCC) for emerging commercial microwave ultrawideband (UWB) applications has greatly spurred the research and development of microwave UWB technology for communi- cations, imaging, radar, and localization applications [1]. One of promising commercial UWB applications is in the area of consumer electronics with short-range but high-data-rate wireless connection [1]–[6]. In a variety of UWB applications, the antennas for portable devices are playing critical roles with special requirements of broadband impedance matching, acceptable gain, and consistent radiation patterns [2]. So, the small/compact design is strongly desired. Usually, the requirement for small design limits the per- formance of antennas as size affects the gain and bandwidth of the antenna significantly. Thus, miniaturization of the an- tenna with a broad impedance bandwidth and acceptable gain is a challenging task. In view of the criteria imposed upon UWB antennas, monopole and dipole-type antennas have been widely em- ployed in UWB devices [3], [4]. Along with the development Manuscript received February 20, 2008; revised October 13, 2008. First pub- lished July 28, 2009; current version published October 07, 2009. The authors are with Institute for Infocomm Research, 138632 Singapore (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]. edu.sg). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2009.2028541 in the manufacture of microwave printed circuits, increasing amount of research efforts are devoted to printed dipoles for their low cost, low profile, and suitability for integration with feed network. The most common printed dipole has been reported early in [7] and its operating bandwidth is 40% for . Since then, dipoles of different geometries [8]–[14] have evolved to improve impedance matching across a broad bandwidth. Despite the widened impedance bandwidth, the gain of the antennas at certain direction is also an important consideration for system performance. Therefore, there is still big room to improve the radiation performance of dipole antennas in terms of consistent gain at the direction of interest because the variation of the gain will distort short pulses or signals used in UWB systems although the phase response is linear [2]. There are several wideband antennas with constant gain profile in the direction of interest such as the Vivaldi and the “bunny-ear” antenna. However such antennas are bulky in size or have a high profile [15], [16]. This paper presents a printed dipole antenna with consis- tent gain at the direction perpendicular to the planar structure across whole UWB band of 3.1–10.6 GHz. The arms of antenna are connected by a shorting bridge for reduction of arm length and increases in maximum gain at the higher frequencies for a consistent gain response over the achieved bandwidth. The en- hancement of gain and gain stability is conducive to pulse-based UWB systems as an UWB antenna may function as a bandpass filter and distort the waveforms of radiated/received pulses [2], [17]. The performance of the proposed antenna is examined in both frequency and time domains. II. ANTENNA DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE The geometry of the antenna is shown in Fig. 1. The param- eters are as follows, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. mm, mm, mm, and mm. The proposed antenna is printed on a substrate of thickness 0.8 mm and . The antenna lies in the plane with its normal direction is parallel to the -axis. The two arms of the dipole are of the same dimensions and connected via a shorting bridge. The arms are excited by a differential input RF signal. The inner sections of the arms are tapered for better impedance matching. The dimensions and are chosen such that the impedance of the slotline is 100 . With the shorting bridge, the antenna becomes a combination of a dipole and loop. The following discussion is based on the simulation by using IE3D, a method of moment based software package. Fig. 2 compares the simulated return losses for the proposed antenna and the case without the shorting bridge. It is seen that 0018-926X/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

Transcript of A UWB Dipole Antenna With Enhanced Impedance and Gain Performance


A UWB Dipole Antenna With EnhancedImpedance and Gain Performance

Xue Ni Low, Zhi Ning Chen, Fellow, IEEE, and Terence S. P. See

Abstract—A planar dipole antenna is proposed with enhancedimpedance and gain performance across an ultrawideband (UWB)operating bandwidth of 3.1–10.6 GHz. The proposed antenna con-sists of two semi-elliptical-ended arms connected by a shortingbridge. With the shorting bridge, the length of the antenna is re-duced and the radiation performance in terms of gain is improvedespecially at higher frequencies. The performance of the proposedantenna is validated experimentally using a wideband balun torealize the microstrip-co-planar strip transition. The results showthat the proposed antenna can achieve a gain of 2.4–6.2 dBi acrossa ���� � � impedance bandwidth of 118% (2.8–10.9 GHz).The time domain responses of pulsed UWB signals through con-ventional and proposed antennas are compared. Furthermore, aparametric study is performed to provide antenna engineers withthe information about the design.

Index Terms—Antenna gain, dipole, ultrawideband (UWB).


T HE release of an extremely wide spectrum from3.1–10.6 GHz with a limit to the emission level of

41.3 dBm/MHz by the Federal Communication Commis-sion (FCC) for emerging commercial microwave ultrawideband(UWB) applications has greatly spurred the research anddevelopment of microwave UWB technology for communi-cations, imaging, radar, and localization applications [1]. Oneof promising commercial UWB applications is in the areaof consumer electronics with short-range but high-data-ratewireless connection [1]–[6].

In a variety of UWB applications, the antennas for portabledevices are playing critical roles with special requirements ofbroadband impedance matching, acceptable gain, and consistentradiation patterns [2]. So, the small/compact design is stronglydesired. Usually, the requirement for small design limits the per-formance of antennas as size affects the gain and bandwidthof the antenna significantly. Thus, miniaturization of the an-tenna with a broad impedance bandwidth and acceptable gainis a challenging task.

In view of the criteria imposed upon UWB antennas,monopole and dipole-type antennas have been widely em-ployed in UWB devices [3], [4]. Along with the development

Manuscript received February 20, 2008; revised October 13, 2008. First pub-lished July 28, 2009; current version published October 07, 2009.

The authors are with Institute for Infocomm Research, 138632 Singapore(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2009.2028541

in the manufacture of microwave printed circuits, increasingamount of research efforts are devoted to printed dipoles fortheir low cost, low profile, and suitability for integration withfeed network. The most common printed dipole has beenreported early in [7] and its operating bandwidth is 40% for

. Since then, dipoles of different geometries[8]–[14] have evolved to improve impedance matching across abroad bandwidth. Despite the widened impedance bandwidth,the gain of the antennas at certain direction is also an importantconsideration for system performance. Therefore, there isstill big room to improve the radiation performance of dipoleantennas in terms of consistent gain at the direction of interestbecause the variation of the gain will distort short pulses orsignals used in UWB systems although the phase response islinear [2]. There are several wideband antennas with constantgain profile in the direction of interest such as the Vivaldi andthe “bunny-ear” antenna. However such antennas are bulky insize or have a high profile [15], [16].

This paper presents a printed dipole antenna with consis-tent gain at the direction perpendicular to the planar structureacross whole UWB band of 3.1–10.6 GHz. The arms of antennaare connected by a shorting bridge for reduction of arm lengthand increases in maximum gain at the higher frequencies for aconsistent gain response over the achieved bandwidth. The en-hancement of gain and gain stability is conducive to pulse-basedUWB systems as an UWB antenna may function as a bandpassfilter and distort the waveforms of radiated/received pulses [2],[17]. The performance of the proposed antenna is examined inboth frequency and time domains.


The geometry of the antenna is shown in Fig. 1. The param-eters are as follows, mm, mm, mm,

mm, mm. mm, mm,mm, and mm.

The proposed antenna is printed on a substrate of thickness0.8 mm and . The antenna lies in the plane with itsnormal direction is parallel to the -axis. The two arms of thedipole are of the same dimensions and connected via a shortingbridge. The arms are excited by a differential input RF signal.The inner sections of the arms are tapered for better impedancematching. The dimensions and are chosen such that theimpedance of the slotline is 100 . With the shorting bridge,the antenna becomes a combination of a dipole and loop. Thefollowing discussion is based on the simulation by using IE3D,a method of moment based software package.

Fig. 2 compares the simulated return losses for the proposedantenna and the case without the shorting bridge. It is seen that

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Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed antenna.

Fig. 2. Comparison of simulated return losses of the dipole with and withoutshorting bridge.

the shorting bridge helps to reduce the lower edge frequencyof impedance bandwidth from 4.3 GHz to 3 GHz because theshorting bridge increases current length by providing a directcurrent path across the two arms. As a result, the arm lengthsof dipole can be reduced from typical to ( corre-sponding to that of the lower edge frequency) at the price of aslight increase in width.

Fig. 3(a) and (b) show the magnitude and phase of the trans-mission response for the antennas with and without shortingbridge using the method suggested in [4] where a pair of iden-tical antennas was used as transmit and receive antenna, respec-tively and positioned face to face at a distance of 1 m. It canbe seen that the antennas with the shorting bridge have a flattertransmission magnitude response as compared to the antennaswithout the shorting bridge which suffers a rapid decrease in thetransmission above 8 GHz. The phase responses for both the an-tennas are generally linear across the impedance bandwidth.

Fig. 4 shows that the shorting bridge increases the max-imum gain of dipole across the entire UWB bandwidth of3.1–10.6 GHz especially at the higher frequencies. It alsoreduces the variation of the gain in the direction from about8 dBi in the case of dipole without the shorting bridge to lessthan 3 dBi for the proposed antenna.

Fig. 5(a) and (b) show the average current distributions of theproposed antenna as well as the antenna without the shortingbridge at 3 GHz. It is evident from Fig. 5(b) that the horizontalcomponents of the current along the two tapered edges of the

Fig. 3. (a) Magnitude response. (b) Phase response for antennas with andwithout shorting bridge.

Fig. 4. Comparison of peak gain and gain in �� direction of dipole antennawith and without the shorting bridge.

antenna are in the opposite direction (as depicted by the dottedregion). This results in the cancellation of part of the radiatedenergy, and thus limits the overall gain of the antenna. In thecase of the proposed antenna, the current is directed towardsthe shorting bridge. This reduction of the current density alongthe tapered edges leads to less cancellation of energy, thus in-creasing the maximum gain of the antenna.

At higher frequencies, the conventional dipole is no longera dipole. Therefore, radiation patterns will be distorted.Fig. 6(b) shows the average current distribution on the conven-tional dipole at 9 GHz. Due to the difference in current length,the currents along the two parallel edges of the radiating armsare out of phase. This gives rise to the cancellation in energythat eventually limits the achievable maximum gain and distortsthe radiation patterns.

The shorting bridge helps to alleviate this problem. Fig. 6(a)shows that the current on the arms becomes very weak anddoes not contribute to the resultant radiation patterns. At higher


Fig. 5. Average current distributions of (a) proposed antenna and (b) antennawithout shorting bridge at 3 GHz.

Fig. 6. Average current distributions of (a) proposed antenna and (b) dipoleantenna without shorting bridge at 9 GHz.

frequencies, the length of the shorting bridge is approximately. As such, the shorting bridge is the main radiator, behaving

like a dipole. On top of that, the resultant current along thetapered edges of the antenna is in phase with that of the shortingbridge, increasing the maximum gain. The resultant radiationpatterns are slightly directional as the tapered edges of the an-tenna acts as the reflector to the shorting bridge. The proposedantenna has both electric and magnetic dipole moments, and thedipole moments are at a right angle. At higher frequencies, theproposed antenna behaves like a antenna [18]. The radia-tion patterns of the proposed antenna as well as that of the dipolewithout the shorting bridge at 9 GHz are as shown in Fig. 7.

The simulated radiation patterns for the proposed antenna for3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, and 9.0 GHz are as shown in Fig. 8.


The proposed antenna was tested by using a wideband balunproposed in [19]. The balun used a Chebyshev three-sectiontransformer (ripple level ) described in [20] to trans-form a 50 input port to a 155 output port as shown in Fig. 9.The striplines are printed on the same substrate as the antennaand a ground plane on the underside of the substrate as indi-cated by dotted-line. The section impedances of the transformerare 124 , 87 , and 61 , respectively. Since the gap of thecoplanar stripeline (CPS) and the slotline are the same, the fieldmatching can be easily obtained. With tapered lines, the CPS of155 gradually changes to a 100 slotline to feed the antenna.To maximize the radiation, the proposed antenna is placed such

Fig. 7. Comparison of simulated radiation patterns of antennas with andwithout shorting bridge at 9 GHz in the (a) �� plane (cross-polarizationlevels � �20 dB); (b) �� plane, and (c) �� plane (cross-polarization levels� �20 dB).

that it is approximately a at 6.85 GHz from the edge ofthe ground plane for measurement purpose. The effect of theground plane on the performance of the antenna will be takeninto account when the antenna is integrated into the system.

The balun is designed at the centre frequency of 6.85 GHz.Fig. 10 shows the return loss for the proposed antenna with andwithout the balun and that without the balun. It can be observedthat the balun introduces additional resonances to the antenna.Due to the limited bandwidth of the balun, the impedance band-width of the prototype is compromised.

The gain of the antenna is also affected by the balun as shownin Fig. 11. There is an increase in peak gain at the lower fre-quencies as the ground plane of the balun acts as a reflector andincreases the directivity of the antenna. However, the balun ex-periences a higher loss at the upper frequencies and thus causingthe peak gain to fall as compared to the antenna without thebalun. The increase in fluctuation in the gain in the direc-tion is attributed to the distortion of radiation patterns due to the


Fig. 8. Simulated radiation patterns for proposed antenna at 3, 6, and 9 GHz inthe (a) ��, (b) ��, and (c) �� plane.

Fig. 9. Geometry of antenna prototype with balun.

Fig. 10. Return losses of antennas with and without balun.

leaky radiation from the balun. The back-to-back insertion lossof the balun is measured as shown in Fig. 12.


A. Performance in Frequency Domain

This design was simulated using IE3D, and followed by ex-perimental verification. The return loss, , measurement wastaken using an HP8510C vector network analyzer, and com-pared to the simulated ones as shown in Fig. 13. The measured

Fig. 11. Peak gain and gain in the �� direction of proposed antenna with andwithout balun.

Fig. 12. Back-to-back insertion loss of balun for proposed antenna.

Fig. 13. Return loss of antenna prototype.

and simulated results are in good agreement. The antenna is wellmatched with achieved dB across the frequencyrange of 2.8–10.9 GHz. Slight discrepancy between the mea-sured and simulated results is observed. This may be caused bythe infinite and finite substrates used in the simulation and mea-surement, respectively.

The simulated and measured radiation patterns in the threeprinciple planes are compared at 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, and 9.0 GHzas shown in Fig. 14(a) –(c). There is good agreement betweenthe simulated and the measured radiation patterns. The steps inwidth of the balun give rise to spurious radiation that result inthe high cross-polarization level.

The measured and simulated gain discussed is obtained bysumming the insertion loss and the gain at each frequency. Thisis done to compensate for the loss experienced in the balun.


Fig. 14. Comparison of measured and simulated radiation patterns at 3.0 GHz,6.0 GHz, and 9.0 GHz in the (a) ��-plane.

Fig. 14. (Continued). Comparison of measured and simulated radiation pat-terns at 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, and 9.0 GHz in the (b) ��-plane.

Fig. 15 shows the comparison between the measured and simu-lated peak gain and gain in the direction of the antenna pro-

Fig. 14. (Continued). Comparison of measured and simulated radiation pat-terns at 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, and 9.0 GHz in the (c) ��-plane.

Fig. 15. Measured and simulated peak and gain in the �� direction.

totype. The measured and simulated results are in good agree-ment. Fluctuation of the gain in the direction can be ob-served especially at the higher frequencies. This is the result ofmanufacturing tolerance and sensitivity of the antenna at highfrequency.

An optimized conventional dipole, matched across the fre-quency range of 3.1–10.6 GHz, was also fabricated and mea-sured. The optimized length of the conventional dipole is foundto be 20% longer than that of the proposed dipole. The measuredpeak gain and gain in the direction of the two antennas areshown in Fig. 16.

Even though the proposed antenna is electrically smaller, itspeak gain is comparable to that of the conventional dipole. Fur-thermore, the proposed antenna has a more constant gain profilein the direction than the conventional dipole.


Fig. 16. Measured peak and gain in the�� direction of the conventional dipoleantenna and the proposed antenna.

B. Performance in the Time Domain

In UWB systems, it is very important to know the impactof the channel from a transmit antenna to a receive antennaon the signals, in particular, the waveforms of the pulses re-ceived at the output of the receive antenna [4], [21]. The dis-tortion of the pulse waveform can be suppressed by optimizingthe source pulses and antenna performance with a flat responseover the whole bandwidth of interest [20], [22]. Alternatively,the characteristics of transmit antennas can be designed to havea “half-derivative” to realize the dispersionless channel [21].

The received pulses for the antennas with and without theshorting bridge were also investigated for the single-bandscheme using a sine-modulated Gaussian pulse as well as themulti-band scheme, where the UWB band is divided into 15sub-bands. In this study, a pair of identical antennas is orientedface-to-face and separated at 1 m from each other.

In this study, a source pulse of ps and modulatedat 4 GHz, 6.85 GHz, and 8.3 GHz was used. Fig. 17(a), (b)show the normalized source spectrum and pulses, respectively.The modulation frequencies that were chosen correspond to thecentre frequency of the lower (3.1–5 GHz), upper (6–10.6 GHz),and whole UWB band (3.1–10.6 GHz). Fig. 18(a)–(c) show thereceived pulses for each modulation frequency where the wave-forms have been normalized at the frequency for comparison.It can be observed that the amplitude of the waveform for theantenna with shorting bridge is generally larger with less dis-tortion, at 6.85 and 8.3 GHz because the majority of the en-ergy of the source pulse can be received as shown in Fig. 18 (a)and can pass the transmit and receive antennas well as shownin Fig. 18(b), (c). At the lowest frequency of 4 GHz, the an-tenna without shorting bridge experiences a spread in the wave-form because part of energy of the source pulse is located out ofthe operating bandwidth, which will be filtered by the antenna.There is generally little ringing produced by both the antennas,which is due to the linear phase responses shown in Fig. 3(b).

In the multi-band scheme, the UWB band is divided into15 equal sub-bands with 500 MHz–10 dB bandwidths andthe corresponding waveforms of source pulses are shown inFig. 19(a). The central frequency for the first sub-band is3.35 GHz, with an interval of 0.5 GHz between each sub-band.The pulse parameter ps was chosen so as to obtainthe 500 MHz–10 dB bandwidth for each pulse. The receivedpulses through the face-to-face oriented antennas are shown

Fig. 17. (a) Source spectrum and (b) source pulses at 4 GHz, 6.85 GHz, and8.3 GHz.

Fig. 18. Received waveforms for the single-band scheme using a Gaussianpulse modulated at (a) 4 GHz (b) 6.85 GHz (c) 8.3 GHz.

in Fig. 19(b), (c). It can be seen that the amplitudes are notconstant for different sub-bands, which is due to non-constantmagnitude response as shown in Fig. 3(a). However, as com-pared to the antenna without shorting bridge, the amplitudes atthe different sub-bands for the antenna with the shorting bridgeare higher and relatively constant.


A parametric study was carried out for all parameters of theantenna using IE3D software package. Of all investigated designparameters, four of them, namely length , width , length ofthe horizontal branch of the shorting bridge , and the lengthof the vertical branch of the shorting bridge are important indetermining the performance of the antenna.

A. Length

By increasing the length from 38 to 42 mm, the lower edgefrequency of the antenna shifts down while leaving the upperedge frequency constant. The corresponding changes in gainand radiation patterns are found to be insignificant. This allowsthe antenna to be tuned to resonate in the desired frequency bandwithout compromising its performance.


Fig. 19. Received waveforms for the multi-band scheme (a) source pulse;(b) antenna without shorting bridge; (c) antenna with shorting bridge.

Fig. 20. Return loss of proposed antenna of different length, �.

Fig. 21. Return loss of antenna with different, �.

B. Width and Length of Horizontal Branch of ShortingBridge

As the width of the radiating arms is reduced from 11 mm to9 mm, the upper edge frequency is shifted up while the loweredge frequency remains relatively constant. The same trend isobserved from Fig. 22 when the length of the horizontal branchof the shorting bridge is reduced. The corresponding changesin gain and radiation patterns are found to be insignificant.

The three parameters discussed above can be used to tune theantenna to operate at the desired band. However, as the ratio of

Fig. 22. Return loss of antenna with different, � .

Fig. 23. Impedance locus of antenna with different, � .

Fig. 24. Return loss of antenna with different, � .

the upper edge frequency to the lower edge frequency becomestoo large, the antenna will be operating in a dual-band mode.

C. Length of the Vertical Branch of the Shorting Bridge

The length of the vertical branch of the shorting bridge hasto be carefully chosen so as to achieve a wide impedance band-width. When the is small, the two tapered edges of the an-tenna will be at a close proximity to each other. This increasesthe coupling between the two edges. Strong coupling results ina high -factor which is indicated by the large impedance locuswhen mm as shown in Fig. 23.

As is increased to 18 mm, the coupling between the taperededges reduces as they are now further apart. The impedancelocus shrinks and thus achieves better impedance matching. Thecorresponding return loss plot is shown in Fig. 24.



An UWB dipole antenna with a shorting bridge has been pre-sented in this paper. The shorting bridge has been introduced toreduce the length of the dipole and enhance the radiation perfor-mance in terms of the maximum gain and stability of gain re-sponse in the direction. A wideband balun has been used soas to measure the proposed dipole antenna. The performance ofthe proposed antenna has been examined in both frequency andtime domains for both the single-band and multi-band schemes.The proposed antenna has showed the advantages of the flat gainresponse in frequency domain or the less distortion of wave-forms in time domain over the conventional dipole antenna. Adetailed parametric study of this antenna has been carried out.The variables for tuning the upper and lower-edge frequenciesindependently have been identified.


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Xue Ni Low was born in Singapore, in 1985. She re-ceived the B.Eng. degree in electrical and electronicengineering from the Nanyang Technological Uni-versity, Singapore.

She worked with the Institute for Infocomm Re-search, Singapore for her Industrial Attachment andFinal Year Project, 2007–2008.

Zhi Ning Chen (M’99–SM’05–F’08) receivedthe B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from theInstitute of Communications Engineering, China,in 1985, 1988, 1993, and the Do.E. degree fromthe University of Tsukuba, Japan, in 2003, all inelectrical engineering.

Since 1988, he has been with the Institute forCommunications Engineering, Southeast Univer-sity, City University of Hong Kong, University ofTsukuba, and IBM Thomas J. Watson ResearchCenter, with teaching and research appointments. He

is now working as Principal Scientist and Department Head for RF & Optical.He has published more than 270 papers, four book chapters, and four books.

Dr. Chen founded IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology(iWAT). He is a Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Antennas and PropagationSociety Distinguished Lecturer (2008–2010).

Terence S. P. See received the B.Eng. and M.Eng.degrees in electrical engineering from the Na-tional University of Singapore in 2002 and 2004,respectively.

In 2004, he joined the Institute for Infocomm Re-search, Singapore. He is currently holding the posi-tion of Senior Research Engineer in the Antenna Labunder the RF and Optical Systems Department. Hismain research interests include antenna design andtheory, particularly in small and broadband antennasand arrays, diversity antennas, antennas for portable

devices, and antennas for on-body communications.