A Time of Conflict

A Time of Conflict 9.3


A Time of Conflict. 9.3. Vocabulary. Tribute Stephen Decatur Embargo Smuggling Tecumseh William Henry Harrison. Why it Matters. Although Washington and Adams kept USA out of war, the foreign entanglement grew with fury. Defeating the Barbary States. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of A Time of Conflict

Page 1: A Time of Conflict

A Time of Conflict


Page 2: A Time of Conflict

Tribute Stephen Decatur Embargo Smuggling Tecumseh William Henry Harrison


Page 3: A Time of Conflict

Although Washington and Adams kept USA out

of war, the foreign entanglement grew with fury.

Why it Matters

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European trade critical to US economy Pirates were attacking ships in the

Mediterranean Sea Pirates were from Barbary States in North


Defeating the Barbary States

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Barbary States of North Africa

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Pirates demanded tribute-money paid by one country to another in return for protection

Warship Philadelphia ran aground and crew was imprisoned.

Pirates used the ship as a decoy to lure other USA merchant ships

Stephen Decatur burned down the Philadelphia and raided Tripoli harbor in 1804

Marines marched across the Sahara and captured Tripoli.

A sense of Pride is born in America

Pirates raid American Ships

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Britain and France back into war in 1803

USA tries to stay neutral but decides to trade with both countries

What kind of problems will that bring?

France and Britain seize more than 1500 ships combined

Britain impresses the sailors to serve in the British navy

American neutrality is Challenged

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From the Halls of Montezuma

To the Shores of Tripoli;We fight our country's battlesIn the air, on land and sea;First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine

Marine hymnhttp://


Page 9: A Time of Conflict

Embargo: A government order that forbids foreign trade

1807 Embargo Act is passed in hopes that both France and Britain would agree to stop seizing ships

Unfortunately, America suffered the most American’s angry Jobs lost, crops declined in value, trade

stops and merchants are angry

Jefferson Responds with an Embargo

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Smuggling increases Congress finally repealed the

Embargo Act in 1809 Can trade with any foreign nation

except Britain and France Will open trade with Britain and

France when they can respect our trading rights

“Good little smugglers we are”

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Population increases in Ohio

River Valley Native Americans die with

diseases and displacement Farmers cleared the forest

and drove away deer and other animals

Tecumseh and the Prophet

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Shawnee brothers: Tecumseh and “The

Prophet” encourage Native Americans to reject Whiteman trade and reverted back to Native American ways

Tecumseh wanted to restore Indian land Whiteman was deeply concerned about these


New Leaders Take Charge

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William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana

Territory attacks a Shawnee village called Prophetown on the Tippecanoe River

Harrison is deemed victor but Shawnee Brothers try to take revenge

Harrison’s Victory

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