A Study Through James

MONDAY NIGHT BIBLICAL STUDIES The Purpose for Our Problems James 1:1-12 Rev. Maurice A. Bates, M.T.S., Senior Pastor MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher 1 The Epistle of James Series Faith That Works!


James 1:1-12

Transcript of A Study Through James

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The Purpose for Our ProblemsJames 1:1-12

Rev. Maurice A. Bates, M.T.S., Senior Pastor

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


The Epistle of James SeriesFaith That Works!


Page 2: A Study Through James

James is a very practical book because it deals with issues of life such as problems, temptation, money, prejudice, anger, misuse of the tongue, social injustice, etc. Written by James (the half-brother of Jesus) who became a leader in the church at Jerusalem, this epistle is basically a manual on having a "faith that works."

According to verse 1 to whom was this epistle originally written to?

After the death of Stephen, persecution caused many believers in Jerusalem to flee for their lives, leaving their jobs, homes, and properties (Acts 8:1-3). Therefore, James writes this letter to Jewish Christians living outside Palestine, however, by way of principles and precepts James is also speaking to us who have been scattered abroad.

Believers of James' day, as well as we today, will experience what truth revealed by Jesus in John 16:33b?

James wrote this letter to teach believers of all time how to deal with the stress, problems, and trials of life. In this passage James reveals four purposes for our problems, beginning with...


Notice what James says in verse 2 James doesn't say "if" you fall into divers

temptations but when (emphasis mine). The word translated temptations (peirasmos)

refers to ______________________________________. We can count on having

problems. We are either _____ a problem, ________________ of a problem, or

_________ ______ a problem because life is basically a series of problems. Thus, our

problems are a test of our faith and are divers (poikilos, poy-kee'-loss), which means

they come in _____________________________.

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


James 1:2-4 (KJV) “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; [3] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. [4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

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Discussion Question:

Why should we consider our temptations or problems all joy based on verse 3?




What does James tell us in verse 4?




Problems ______________ patience (hupomonē, hoop-om-on-ay'), which means they

help us become ________________________, but they also

_____________________________. The late Pastor C.W. Johnson of the Paradise

Baptist Church in Oakland once said that, "Christians are like tea bags. You don't

know what's in them until they get in hot water."

What does the Apostle Peter tell us about our problems in 1 Peter 1:7a?




What is the result of the refining process through problems, according to 1 Peter





Our values determine our joy. If we value ______________ more than

____________, then we will count it all joy when we have trials designed to make us

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


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spiritually mature (Jas. 1:2-4). Job had the right attitude toward problems. How does

he express his attitude in Job 23:10?




Trials are really __________ "in the making" as far as our faith is concerned because

problems refine our faith and...


If we never have problems that we are unable to handle on our own, we will never

sense our need of God. This is why James tells us: If any of you lack wisdom, let him

ask of God (1:5). What is Wisdom based on the context of this verse?



So, when we have a problem, we should ask God for wisdom to see what He is trying

to develop in us through this problem. However, pride can ____________ divine

wisdom in our lives. That is why we find what truth in Proverbs 11:2?



The first step in receiving wisdom from God is ____________________________.

The reason our problems sometimes overwhelm us is our pride causes us to try to

James 1:5-8 (KJV) “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. [6] But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. [7] For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. [8] A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


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handle them all by ourselves. When we swallow our pride and ask of God, that giveth

to all men liberally, wisdom shall be given to us (Jas. 1:5b). God will never respond

to our request for wisdom by saying something like: "You made your own bed; now

lie in it." He will never scold us for our deficiency of wisdom.

Not only are we to pray for wisdom, but James also writes when we ask we ask in

faith, nothing wavering (1:6a).

What is the greatest enemy to answered prayer according to vs. 6?


James says that ____________ causes us to be like a wave of the sea driven with the

wind and tossed (1:6b). One minute we're up, and the next we're down.

________________ is nothing but the lack of faith, and if we lack faith, we should

not think we shall receive any thing of the Lord (1:7). As someone has said,

"Pray and believe, and you will receive; pray and doubt, and do without."

How does Jesus express this truth in Mark 9:23b?



When we lack faith, we are double minded (Jas. 1:8a). The word translated double

minded (dipsuchos, deep'-soo-koss) means "________________." It is being wishy-

washy and vacillating between God's way and our way, God's desire for our lives and

our desires. If we are double minded, verse 8 says that we will be unstable in

______________ (1:8b). That means that God can't count on us to fulfill His purpose

for our lives. Being single-minded means we are totally _______________ to God.

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


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There is a _______________ behind every problem God allows us to have. Therefore,

problems refine our faith, cause us to rely on God, and ...


Problems are not _______________ of persons. Thus, James writes: “Let the brother

of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted” (vs. 9). Low degree refers to those who

are _______________ poor. Poverty, or having less than others, ____________ some

Christians. However, as believers we should recognize that though we may be

____________ poor, we become _____________ rich when we endure problems.

In contrast to poor believers, James writes: “But the rich, in that he is made low:

because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away.” (vs. 10). Trials and problems

teach well-to-do believers that possessions and prosperity cannot buy ____________

and _______________. Trials teach the wealthy the vanity of riches because problems

reveal that in spite of having wealth they still _________ God. Solomon owned more

livestock than anyone in Jerusalem. He amassed enough silver and gold to be

wealthier than Wal-Mart's Sam Walton or Apple’s Steve Jobs (Eccles. 2:7-8).

Yet, what does Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, say in Ecclesiastes 2:17b about

his enormous wealth?



James 1:9-11 (KJV) “Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: [10] But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. [11] For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways.”

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


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The phrase vexation of spirit refers to__________________. Therefore, all our

earthly stuff means nothing because "you can't take it with you." The only thing we

will take into eternity is our _____________. Problems cause us to refocus on what's

really important, reminding us of what truth found in 1 Timothy 6:7?



In verse 11 James says problems remind us that life is short and we too can pass away

suddenly like a flower in the heat of the sun. Problems remind rich and poor alike that

it is not what we have but who we are that's really important.

Problems refine our faith, cause us to rely on God, refocus our priorities, and...

IV. PROBLEMS ______________ IN REWARDS

James mentions two rewards for enduring problems according to God's purpose. The

first reward is: _______________________________________ (1:12a). The word

translated blessed (makarios, mah-kar'-ee-os) means "_________ ____________." It

is a deep joy that comes from knowing we are _________________ God. Some

people think happiness comes from _______________ trials, but for us as Christians

it comes from _____________ trials by letting them fulfill God's purpose in our lives.

The second reward ________________________________________________

_______________________ (1:12b). God's purpose for allowing our problems in this

life is to produce spiritual ______________ and ________________. However, there

is an eternal purpose as well—that we might receive the crown of life. This crown

James 1:12 (KJV) “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.”

MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher


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doesn't represent ____________ _________ because our salvation is not based on

________ (Eph. 2:8-9). The word translated crown (stephanos, stef'-ah-nos) refers to

a wreath given as a prize at Greek athletic games. Therefore, James is referring to

rewards based on works or how we ______________ to our problems. Jesus said He

will come in His Father's glory with His angels (Mt 16:27a). Then, in the last part of

that verse what does Jesus say He will do?



However, our motivation for enduring trials shouldn't be for ___________, but as

James says because we ______ ______ (1:12).

As someone has said, "Trials make our love for the Lord show and grow or tilt and

wilt." Problems make us better people or bitter people. There is a divine purpose for

every problem God allows us to have because problems refine our faith, problems

cause us to rely on God, problems refocus our priorities, and problems result in

rewards. In the space below, sum up the divine purpose for your problems and what

your response to them should be.











MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Maurice A. Bates, Pastor-Teacher