A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed,...

A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar Value Play Dear Reader, I recently had the chance to sit down with a shipwreck explorer. It was a fascinating discussion. Oh sure, he showed me the usual jaw-droppers... ancient coins, piles of gold and jewelry that framed dynasties. I’ll get to all that in a minute. But what was most interesting – at least to a curious fellow like me – was a video that he recently shot while diving deep under the water’s surface. He and his crew were exploring a centuries-old “quicksilver” ship – one of the huge cargo-laden galleons that hauled tons of mercury to mines across the globe. The video showed container after container filled with the poisonous liquid. Because it was heavier than water, it stayed right where it was when the ship went down. It was an untouched time capsule – a representation of a world where so much was new and so much wealth was at the fingertips of anybody with the guts to go out and get it. Mercury, you may remember, was and still is used in what’s called the “patio process” to extract gold and silver from the otherwise valueless ore that surrounds it. With just a bit of mercury and a pile of rocks grabbed right off the ground, a 16th-century adventurer could get rich quite quickly. There was just one problem. The gold-rich rocks were in Mexico and South America... and the mercury was in Spain. Countless ships were christened just to haul mercury west and precious metal east. Most ships made the voyage. But many did not. In fact, the sea is now littered with toxic dumps like the one my diver friend showed me. He’s brought a lot of it to the surface and sold it to modern mines. But they don’t want much of it, so he’s storing the rest of it in his (well-insured) garage. Down With the Ship It’s funny how time has made one asset virtually worthless while allowing another to hold its full value. MANWARD letter LIBERTY KNOW-HOW CONNECTIONS Volume 3, September 2019 Manward’s health mission is growing by leaps and bounds... which means you have even more to look forward to with your Manward Letter subscription. Coming soon: An expanded look at your health and well-being from our expert doctor contributors. Are there medical topics you’d like to know more about? Drop us a line at [email protected].

Transcript of A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed,...

Page 1: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar

A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar Value Play

Dear Reader,

I recently had the chance to sit down with a shipwreck explorer. It was a fascinating discussion.

Oh sure, he showed me the usual jaw-droppers... ancient coins, piles of gold and jewelry that framed dynasties.

I’ll get to all that in a minute. But what was most interesting – at least to a curious fellow like me – was a video that he recently shot while diving deep under the water’s surface.

He and his crew were exploring a centuries-old “quicksilver” ship – one of the huge cargo-laden galleons that hauled tons of mercury to mines across the globe.

The video showed container after container filled with the poisonous liquid. Because it was heavier than water, it stayed right where it was when the ship went down.

It was an untouched time capsule – a representation of a world where so much was new and so much wealth was at the fingertips of anybody with the guts to go out and get it.

Mercury, you may remember, was and still is used in what’s called the “patio process” to extract gold and silver from the otherwise valueless ore that surrounds it.

With just a bit of mercury and a pile of rocks grabbed right off the ground, a 16th-century adventurer could

get rich quite quickly. There was just one problem. The gold-rich rocks were in Mexico and South America... and the mercury was in Spain.

Countless ships were christened just to haul mercury west and precious metal east. Most ships made the voyage. But many did not.

In fact, the sea is now littered with toxic dumps like the one my diver friend showed me. He’s brought a lot of it to the surface and sold it to modern mines.

But they don’t want much of it, so he’s storing the rest of it in his (well-insured) garage.

Down With the ShipIt’s funny how time has made one asset virtually worthless while allowing another to hold its full value.

M A N W A R D letter


Volume 3, September 2019

Manward’s health mission is growing by leaps and bounds... which means you have even more to look forward to with your Manward Letter subscription. Coming soon: An expanded look at your health and well-being from our expert doctor contributors. Are there medical topics you’d like to know more about? Drop us a line at [email protected].

Page 2: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar


Nobody wants that once-precious mercury. In fact, many are forced to pay just to get rid of it. But men will still gladly go to the ends of the earth or the bottom of the sea if a big pile of gold awaits them.

As I sat with my friend and looked through the gold and silver coins, jewelry, and artifacts he had pulled from the ocean, the correlation to our own wealth was obvious.

What will a shipwreck of American quarters be worth two or three centuries from now? What would my suitcase contain that would inspire a grown man to push away from the dock, put on an air tank and dive deep into the ocean just to dig through it?

The answer scares me. And it should scare you too.

That’s why I devote this issue to the subject.

Anybody who thinks a ship filled with American coins or dripping wet bills will be worth anything in 500 years, frankly, may have had their mind tainted by some of that mercury.

Hell, declining at an annual clip of 3.49% over the last 70 years, a dollar today is worth just a tenth of its value in 1950.

We’d surely rather find a ship filled with gold.

This Is Critical As you read the words and ideas that lie ahead, I urge you to keep that thought in mind. We’re living in a time of great monetary flux.

Looking overseas, we see negative interest rates. And here in the States, rates are headed that way fast.

As we explore all the angles of the Triad and what it means to our wealth, health and happiness, it’s imperative that we understand the history of our money. It’s critical that we don’t look at the value of our dollars for what they can buy today... but for what they can get us tomorrow.

After all, isn’t it tomorrow that we’re so worried about? Aren’t we investing a bit of hard work today so we can have a happier and lazier tomorrow?

That’s the goal... but it’s rarely reality.

But I’m convinced just a bit of Know-How can steer legions of folks in the right direction.

If more people know the follies of American monetary decisions... if they know the real reason behind political decisions... and if they know where history virtually dictates things will head next... they’ll make smarter decisions, they’ll earn more from the stock market than they ever imagined and they’ll keep what’s rightfully theirs, despite an economy that seems destined to take it all away.

It’s all in the pages ahead.

Something for EverybodyI’m excited about this issue.

If you know me, you know this is the stuff I spend a lot of my time studying. Money, its history, and the levers and ropes that move the “machine” are intriguing topics... and imperative Know-How.

That’s why I start the issue with a robust essay on the recent history of gold in America... and why our government has “chosen” to brush the icon of wealth aside.

It’s fascinating.

But Know-How isn’t much good unless we can do something about it.

That’s why I’m so excited about the stock I’m adding to our Own What You Know Portfolio this month.

It has everything to do with the value of money... and yet it has nothing to do with money or gold.

It’s a sleeper play with the potential to surge by 50% or more before this time next year.

What’s interesting is that I found the company and uncovered its potential by studying its CEO and his accountability to the business.

With more than $95 million on the line... this fellow is the very definition of executive accountability.

And that’s good, because we round out the issue with a great essay from Dr. Sanjay Jain... who shows us how to be the CEOs of our bodies. You may recognize him from his contributions to our daily e-letter Manward Digest, and we’re pleased to bring his expertise to these pages.

His debut Manward Letter essay takes the idea of accountability to a fresh and exciting new level.

Page 3: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar

know-how 3

I’m convinced you’ll enjoy what’s ahead.

If you’ve ever thought the nation’s economy is a sinking ship... this is the issue for you.

Be well,


Gold vs. the DollarThe Winner Is ClearThe history of money is in flux. The global economy is very likely to soon go through a long and painful period of adjustment. It threatens the stability we’ve long enjoyed as a nation. It threatens the success of the U.S. economy. And, of course, it threatens our stock market.

But it could also spell the start of the “great reset” that so many historically minded economists have long called for.

We’d welcome it with arms wide open... with fists of cash.

You probably didn’t hear the news. (With propaganda of its own to spread, the mainstream media didn’t cover it.) But one afternoon in late July, President Trump quietly met with his closest advisors.

The subject: the fate of the dollar.

It’s a scary topic – especially when a handful of powerful men are discussing how to artificially slash the value of the world’s most powerful currency.

The true scope of the meeting will never be known. We’ll never know why Trump called his advisors to the White House.

What is known is that the men openly discussed the idea of using a $95 billion slush fund to flood the market with greenbacks and lower the value of the dollar by 10%.

In the end, the official word is the White House “ruled out any currency intervention.” But, as he tends to do, Trump took the conversation off the script.

“I could do that in two seconds if I wanted to,” he said about a scheme to devalue the dollar. “I didn’t say I’m not going to do something.”

If he does – if the president unleashes a wave of devaluation – he’ll push America into an unprecedented period of monetary history.

Power MovesWhat’s crazy about all of this is the move has been some 86 years in the making.

Technically, it was the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 that gave the president the ability to move the market at his whim. But really, it was Executive Order 6102 from 1933 that sparked this long, slow race to destruction.

If you’re not familiar, that’s the felonious order signed by Franklin Roosevelt that made it illegal for Americans to buy or sell gold.

It’s the move that – mark my words – will someday be recognized by historians as America’s biggest folly.

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Page 4: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar


It gave us great power for most of the 21st century. But now it threatens to be our undoing... unless Washington has the guts to pull off a grand mission.

To understand what must be done and what Trump is aiming to do, you must know the history of gold in America. It’s a fascinating tale... and vital Know-How.

From Heyday to HadesThroughout much of the early 20th century, gold was money. That fact meant that as goods traveled from one country to another, gold, too, had to make an international trip.

It was the heyday of the free market. Countries selling the most would get the most.

But greedy governments and the free market have a bit of an inverse relationship. When one thrives, the other has a bit of a rough go at things.

The “Roaring ’20s” are an example of when the free markets reigned. Times were good.

At its low in 1921, the Dow stood at just 63 points. By its peak in 1923, it was at 318.

Ford was putting cars in driveways. The radio was bringing live news into homes. And resources were cheap and seemingly endless.

Many folks – especially politicians – claimed the nation was about to finally banish poverty.

But some folks couldn’t help but meddle with it all.

And as Mr. Market tends to do when the greedy get to meddling... he sent things heading in the other direction.

He did it in response to the robust manipulation of the gold market.

The Crimes of WarYou see, during World War I, many countries couldn’t afford to convert their currencies to gold. They had to spend their tax dollars winning a war.

But while the United Kingdom and the rest of the British Empire ditched their ties to gold, America tried a different route.

Instead of letting the free market move the value of its currency alongside its gold holdings, the newly formed Federal Reserve intervened. As is so fashionable these days, it sold debt. It gave America a huge stockpile of gold.

And just as we’d expect, after the bullets stopped flying, the war’s victors quickly tied their currency to gold once again.

In 1925, Winston Churchill brought the Gold Standard Act of 1925 to life. And when he did, modern economists say he made a “historic mistake.” He tied the price of his country’s money to the pre-war price of the rare metal.

It’s a mistake that gave his country a huge disadvantage in the global market. The economic weakness it created ultimately plunged Britain into a nasty depression and pushed tons of gold into the hands of the American Treasury.

Things could have worked themselves out, but the Federal Reserve was busy manipulating a slowing economy in the United States. Instead of stimulating things by letting gold trade freely, the folks in Washington held on to it.

Long story made short... it stirred a sweeping wind of deflation in the States that sent the nation spiraling into the Great Depression.

That’s where things got out of control.

Man vs. NatureDesperate to counteract the often painful but cleansing effects of the free market, several countries across the globe ditched their ties to gold.

Seeing the trend of the last few years, newly elected Franklin Roosevelt used his presidential powers in 1934 to do the same. He used the Gold Reserve Act to make it illegal for average Americans to own the historic store of value... and then he arbitrarily increased the value of gold by nearly 70%...

With the stroke of a pen, the president stole one of the greatest forms of Liberty from his citizens.

The bold move allowed the government to print money and issue debt at its whim... the free market be damned.

FDR, as you likely know, quickly took advantage of the opportunity. He used immense government spending (and its associated debt) to spark life back into the American economy.

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Suddenly, the nation felt great. It was a quick high... and all it took was the government printing some money.

It was the first hit of a dangerous drug the nation has become desperately addicted to.

Ever since FDR unhinged the dollar from its golden leash and used the government to put citizens back to work, the American economy has depended on a fresh, mind-altering dose of debt-fueled spending. But it gets worse...

Global DominanceIn 1944, delegates from 44 countries met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Their goal was to find a replacement for gold... a “fair” replacement.

If you’ve ever been in a meeting where the entire room was working to create a “fair” solution... you know the outcome is never good. It’s full of compromises and weak promises.

And that’s how the U.S. dollar became the world’s standard form of exchange. It was the only solution that appeased the majority... consequences be damned.

After that one all-important meeting, global trade was done in dollars.

If Germany, for example, wanted to buy oil from Kuwait, it would first have to buy dollars. Of course, the final owner of those dollars didn’t have to keep them. At least for a limited time, it could call up the U.S. and immediately trade its greenbacks for gold.

The dollar still hinged on the value of gold... but hardly.

That’s because that dollar-rich country could do something different... something it couldn’t do all that much of when the world was tied to gold.

It could buy, sell or trade currencies on the open market, regardless of the price of gold. It could even buy or sell its own currency, just to boost or quell its value.

Money had no real value. It was now possible because gold was pushed aside.

Feeding the AddictionIt became quite a boon for the U.S. Treasury. Countries ditched their gold reserves and replaced them with dollar reserves. It gave Washington a robust market for its debt and created a unique way for sovereign nations

to finally earn some interest on their reserves. But the idea also put great power into the hands of America’s economic partners.

When times were good, these nations were happy to own U.S. dollars. But when America’s fortune looked a bit tarnished, they ditched the greenback.

In the 1970s, American spending and its associated debt soared. Our debtors worried about the affordability of it all, so they dumped their dollars and once again bought gold.

It put so much pressure on Washington and the American economy that Richard Nixon was forced to make a shocking announcement.

Despite the half-assed compromises made at Bretton Woods, he ditched any ties to gold. The dollar would float on its own merits.

A great era of fiat currency was born. It allowed the U.S. to print as much money as it liked. And it ensured our stimulus-addicted economy continued to get the hits of dope it needed to thrive.

Today, it all adds up to some $22 trillion worth of national debt... and secret meetings on how to ensure the house of cards doesn’t come crashing down.

Against the “Current”We’re into serious territory. As history shows, reserve currency status doesn’t bless a nation forever.

But there’s something most folks don’t understand about how the economy works. It all has to do with America’s fiat money and that oh-so-blind decision to make the dollar the world’s go-to currency.

Reserve Currency Status Does Not Last Forever







1400 1575 1750 1925 2100

YearSource: Reserve Currency Status

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The move not only allows America to go into great amounts of debt... but forces it to take out those huge loans.

It has no choice – at least if our leaders don’t want to inflict great pain.

You could watch the nightly news for a month straight and never hear the words “current account.” That’s a shame... because it’s one of the most important metrics in all of the macro economy.

It’s pretty simple. The figure measures the difference between the cash coming into a country and the cash going out.

America’s current account deficit, just as we’d expect, is the largest in the world – $489 billion last year. The next contender isn’t even close. It’s England, with a deficit of just $107 billion.

Of course, if we have a deficit, our top trading partners must have a surplus.

China has a surplus of $165 billion, while the European Union brings in $405 billion more than it sends out.

And here’s the thing... most of that surplus is made up of American dollars – the world’s currency of choice. That means those countries have to do something with all those greenbacks.

They can’t trade them all for gold. There’s no longer enough of the stuff.

That means their best (and often, only) option these days is to simply send it back to the U.S. in the form of a loan.

That means the U.S. has virtually no choice but to continue to spend more than it has. If Washington were to suddenly stop borrowing, all that fiat money would pile up overseas and the global economy would come to a standstill... just as happened before the Great Depression.

It really is quite a mess.

It’s why so many folks are calling for a return to a gold standard. Ditching the direct tie to something with real value has removed the governor from the world’s economic engine. It’s running faster and faster every day... which is great as long as it lasts.

But sometime – perhaps sometime very soon – the engine will spin out of control.

Most folks who dare to study such things have rational heads. They know the engine is already spinning too fast to slow down. It would be disastrous to attempt to stick a wrench on the flywheel.

That’s why any notion of returning to the gold standard – no matter how good the long-term benefit – is dead in the water.

Instead, Washington is forced to try different tactics... like secret meetings with the president about devaluing the dollar... the Fed lowering rates when all signs say it should be raising them... and the introduction of half-cocked legislation.

It’s that third one most folks are unfamiliar with. But it’s happening.

More Power to the Fed?On July 31, two senators (from opposite sides of the aisle) introduced a bill that would force the Federal Reserve to balance the country’s current account within five years.

It’s a huge order that effectively gives the Fed a third critical mandate (adding to its mission of managing inflation and employment).

The bill would implement a tax on all foreign purchases of U.S. stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets. It’s aimed squarely at the $21 trillion worth of foreign investments last year and their bullish effect on the American dollar.

If passed – which is highly unlikely – it would greatly alter the international economic landscape. It would be painful.

But my point isn’t to scare. No, my point with this ultra-condensed history of the dollar is quite simple.

We’re falling down a slippery slope at a quickening pace.

One bad decision has led to two even worse decisions.

The global economy is desperately tied to a currency that gets its value arbitrarily. The natural forces that affect the value of the dollar are quickly waning... they’re being pushed aside by political forces and, dare we say it, desperation.

The house of cards is starting to teeter. There’s a stiffening breeze whistling through the upper layers. Gold could fix the problem. But it’d be painful... quite painful.

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7liberty – stock recommendation

It’s a nonstarter. That’s why we’re seeing so much fascination with bitcoin and the like. But those, too, seem to be nonstarters, especially as Washington works overtime to push them aside.

It means the only thing left to do is push the value of the dollar lower and lower.

Getting WarmFor folks unaware of what’s happening, it’ll be like boiling a frog. The temperature will rise, bubbles will form and pop on the surface, but no one will much notice until, suddenly, their skin falls off.

In many ways we’re already seeing it.

It no longer takes a million bucks to retire comfortably. It takes 2 million. It no longer takes a few bucks to fill up your gas tank. It takes 50.

And healthcare is no longer an assumption of the masses. It can cost a lifetime of work just to keep living. It’s sad.

That’s why it’s so important to know what’s going on. It makes it imperative that we invest accordingly... that we make the right decisions... and that we vote for the right folks.

The dollar is dying... and that’s exactly how Washington wants it. Without gold, it has no other choice.

Andy Snyder has made his followers rich. After leaving one of the nation’s leading brokerages, Andy decided to take his wealth-exploding advice to the masses. Using his nearly two decades in the investing business, he provides clear and easy-to-follow guidance on the best stocks to invest in each month in Manward Letter.

It’s Not All BadA Shot at a Quick 50% Gain as the Dollar Loses Its Reign

Perhaps the biggest problem with ditching the dollar’s ties to gold is the dearth of accountability it creates.

Without anything real backing up the value of the currency, politicians are able to spend all they please and

then point their fingers at somebody else when all hell breaks loose.

Perhaps that why I’ve made a career out of the stock market. It’s the land of accountability.

A company’s top leaders must take the stage every three months, face a crowd of owners and explain the results of their choices.

For Seifi Ghasemi, it’s not a problem. I have a feeling he thrives on executive accountability. He may actually enjoy it. After all, when he takes the podium to announce his company’s latest figures... he’s got $95 million on the line.

Follow the LeaderYou see, Ghasemi is the CEO of Air Products and Chemicals (APD). He should have some skin in the game.

Most CEOs do. They’re often compensated with stock options or other stock plans that incentivize them to do what’s best for shareholders.

But Ghasemi takes things a bit further. He’s doing something I love to see from a top executive.

He’s using his own cash to buy more of the company. In fact, in late July, he opened his wallet to buy another 20,000 shares of the company on the open market.

With just one move, he spent $4.54 million.

That explains why he’s having so much fun when he releases Air Products’ quarterly figures... especially its last round of numbers.

“I promised we would grow the earnings per share by at least 10% annually,” he said in late July. “As you can see, we have done better than that... and we expect to exceed 10% this year.”

In fact, his company posted its highest ever three-month earnings figure during its second quarter... up 11% from a year ago.

For a company with nearly $9 billion in annual sales, that sort of growth is quite big. It explains why the stock market is treating Ghasemi and his fellow shareholders so well.

Shares have more than doubled since he made his first purchase as a corporate insider in October 2013.


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But things are just getting started for this leader in the industrial gas production and transportation business.

International DelightIt has everything to do with that oh-so-unaccountable dollar I’ve been talking about.

You see, just about half of the company’s business is international.

In 2018, for example, the company raked in $8.9 billion in sales, thanks to operations in more than 50 countries.

That’s great news. As the dollar begins to lose value (thanks to either political pressure or natural forces), those foreign sales will add great value to the company.

It’s a concept that confuses a lot of investors, but it’s pretty simple.

When a currency weakens, it takes less of another nation’s currency to buy it.

For example, if I sell a widget in France for 100 euros, right now I can bring that money back home and get $111.

But if the dollar weakens by 10% (the figure the Trump administration seems to be aiming for), I can take those same 100 euros and get $122.

It’s easy money... considering I didn’t have to do any extra work to get it.

With those sorts of numbers, we can see why so many of our economic rivals are desperate to artificially cut the value of their currencies. It boosts profits and makes the countries’ products much more appealing.

For the last decade or so, the dollar has been at the losing end of this economic war. It may sound like great news that the American greenback is 30% stronger (when weighed against a basket of its worse-off global brethren) than it was 10 years ago. But it means our goods are less appealing to foreign importers and the profits we bring back from overseas are falling.

That’s why Trump has been so stern with his fight to curb this trend.

Whether he gets the job done or it’s America’s massive debt that pushes the dollar down doesn’t matter.

What matters is some companies stand to see a significant and quick windfall from the trend.

With huge international sales and a product lineup that doesn’t see its pricing quickly discount currency fluctuations (like oil or other global commodities), Air Products is in position to see its sales and profits grow as the dollar inevitably weakens.

A Tank in Every FactoryAs I mentioned, the company is in the business of processing and transporting industrial gases.

And, unless you’re one of those Amish folks I wrote about several issues ago, I’m willing to bet you use several of its products every day.

The company is a leading producer of pressurized carbon dioxide. It’s used in the food industry to preserve meat and to make ice cream. And, of course, it’s used to put some extra bubbles in your soda... or beer.

Air Products also works with much more high-tech gases... like xenon, which helps propel satellites and rockets through space. It also manufactures krypton, which helps insulate windows. And when I had LASIK eye surgery last year, there’s a very good chance it was neon supplied by this company that was fueling the laser that etched my lenses into the proper shape.

The list goes on and on. Drive around back of just about any factory in America and many of the industrial buildings throughout the developed world, and you’ll find a tank or two with the green and white Air Products label.

Air Products isn’t the sort of company you’d think of as a growth stock. It has a $49 billion market value and a bevy of mature global operations. But with CEO Ghasemi promising and delivering on that healthy double-digit growth plan, that’s exactly how the market is treating the company. It’s in the midst of a strong, long-term run higher.

But that doesn’t mean the company isn’t also a play on value. It is.

That’s what makes this situation unique and urgent. With the dollar in flux and on the cusp of a big move downward, Air Products has immense potential to be a strong value play over the next 12 months.

8liberty – stock recommendation

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As the market begins to price in the huge effect a declining dollar will have on this company’s bottom line, investors will finally see just how cheap this stock is.

Remember, there’s a very good reason Ghasemi is pouring millions of dollars into this company. He knows the numbers are only going to get better.

Air Products is on the verge of a huge run higher.

Because this is a company that makes a product we use every day and because we see its logo at the back of every factory we tour, we’ll add this stock to our Own What You Know Portfolio.

As with so many of the stocks we’ve recently added to this portfolio, we won’t have to wait long for this one to surge in value.

Thanks to a falling dollar and a big commitment by the company’s CEO, I expect shares to rise by 50% or more in the next 12 months.

Dr. Sanjay Jain is a renowned physician, businessman and investor. U.S.-trained and board-certified in integrative medicine, diagnostic radiology, and healthcare quality and management, he has decades of experience in private practice, academic and HMO settings. He is currently on staff at Johns Hopkins Medicine and is the author of the best-selling book Optimal Living 360.

Your Body Is a Business... and You’re the CEOBy Dr. Sanjay Jain, M.D., MBA

Getting older comes with an assortment of aches, pains and health issues that slow us down.

We’re told to accept them as a natural part of aging. But what if you took a different approach...

If you’ve run a business, you know there’s a lot that goes into it. From defining and measuring goals and hiring the right team to staying on top of the latest research and trends... not to mention watching the finances like a hawk.

The same can be said for your health.

My medical degree combined with an MBA has led me to think about my body as if it were a Fortune 500 company. And I’m convinced it’s why I’m healthier today and have even more energy than when I was in my 20s. I’m confident you can feel the same.

If you want to be healthy – and stay healthy – only you can be in charge. Treat your body like a business... and think like a CEO. Here’s how...

As with managing any good business, you need to start with a plan. What are your goals? Maybe you’re recovering from surgery. Perhaps you’re looking to keep your joint pain at bay or get your blood pressure in check.

Whatever the case, make sure your goals are clear, concise and specific. It’s not enough to want lower blood pressure. How much lower? And by when?

Once you know what you want, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to get it. That’s when you develop a plan of action (like the one I lay out below). This is the road map you’ll be following to reach your desired goals.

Your action plan needs to be feasible and practical. Don’t include things that you know you’re not going to stick with.

That’s crucial.

Most of us have been lured into a new diet. Or we’ve tried to adopt a new fitness routine... only for it to fall by the wayside. Sometimes we just forget about it. Other times we give in to temptation or skip it out of habit.

As CEO, you need to know what your organization (your body) is capable of. Because once you have your plan of action, you need to stick to it.

Your business depends on it. You can’t set lofty sales goals, for example, without knowing what it’ll take to achieve them... or you’ll take a beating from shareholders.

And you need to hold yourself accountable when there are setbacks.


Action to Take: Buy shares of Air Products and Chemicals (NYSE: APD) at the market price. We’ll use a 25% trailing stop on this position.

Page 10: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar


A Practical PlanLet’s again say you’re dealing with joint pain. There are many prescribed activities that can help with this.

A CEO must weigh all options in order to choose the best course of action to tackle any issue. For example, how to best improve lagging sales... or how to address dissatisfied customers.

For joint pain, weight loss and low-impact exercise are great places to start.

But if those aren’t practical for you – perhaps you’re limited in your movement or already on a specific diet plan – don’t put them in your business plan.

Perhaps hot and cold therapy are more up your alley. Simply taking a long, hot shower in the morning can do a world of good to ease stiffness in your joints.

Some have found relief through acupuncture. There are also supplements that can help. Fish oil capsules will boost your omega-3 fatty acids, which has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain. Turmeric (with the key active ingredient curcumin) has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce arthritic pain.

Just as a CEO of a public company has to give quarterly updates on how business is doing, it’s important to check in on your progress regularly. Even just making incremental headway on a goal is an outstanding motivator to help you stick with it.

A CEO of Many HatsSo you’ve got a plan... what now?

As CEO of your body, you must pay close attention to the bottom line. That’s where financial management comes into play.

In order to run a successful business, you need to create a budget so your expenses don’t wipe out your revenue... or put you into bankruptcy.

It isn’t hard to apply that same idea to your health.

If your plan involves visiting doctors or specialists on a regular basis, you need to know how much that will cost you... and how much you’re willing to spend based on the money coming in each month. Then you can decide how often it’s possible to make these visits. (Hopefully you’re

taking advantage of the expert investing advice in each issue of Manward Letter to build up your coffers.)

If you find that there are supplements you can take that fit into your business plan, you need to do a little cost-benefit analysis. For instance, turmeric supplements can range a good deal in price. But more expensive doesn’t always mean better.

Read the labels. See how many milligrams of the active ingredient each dose contains. Are there other valuable or helpful ingredients? For example, in turmeric supplements, piperine helps with the absorption of curcumin.

Don’t throw money at the cheap stuff that won’t work. And don’t waste money on the more expensive of two identical products either.

Finding ways to reduce costs is another crucial piece of running a business. And there are ways to save money on healthcare costs. There are healthcare co-ops that spread costs across members... and direct primary care, which eschews insurance bureaucracy. (There’s a link in the Appendix for more research on DPC plans.)

Build Your TeamOnce your plan and finances are set, it’s time to build a team to help you execute. Every CEO needs a trusted team to support the company’s mission. This will vary quite a bit based on your needs. Whether you’re looking for a nutritionist, a physical therapist, a consultant or a specialist, you should interview them for what they are: your employee.

You pay them for a service, and you want the best that your money can buy. You need employees you can trust. You want people who are organized and have good listening skills. And they should be able to offer clear and simple verbal and written communication. Getting advice from those in your employ is worthless if you don’t understand it.

And finally, marketing is the driving force of any successful business. For the sake of this metaphor though, I want you to think of marketing in a slightly different way. While a business needs a constant flow of leads to grow, your business needs to maintain a constant flow of information to stay up to date and healthy.


Page 11: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar

1 1know-how

The Own What You Know Portfolio

Company/Symbol Rec. Date Rec. Price Curr. Price Rating Trailing Stop Total Gains

AGCO (NYSE: AGCO) Aug-19 $70.29 $67.87 Buy $55.25 -3.44%

Air Products and Chemicals (NYSE: APD) Sep-19 New New Buy 25% TS New

Alamo Group (NYSE: ALG) Oct-18 $90.33 $105.29 Buy $82.05 17.08%

Copart (Nasdaq: CPRT) Nov-18 $50.30 $75.29 Buy $59.57 49.68%

Flagstar Bancorp Inc. (NYSE: FBC) May-19 $35.25 $34.01 Buy $26.29 -3.40%

Visa (NYSE: V) Sep-18 $147.80 $176.34 Buy $137.77 19.82%

Zoetis Inc. (NYSE: ZTS) Mar-19 $95.72 $123.96 Buy $93.80 29.85%

Last Update: 8/12/19Gains include dividends.

The Everyman Portfolio

Company/Symbol Rec. Date Rec. Price Curr. Price Rating Trailing Stop Total Gains

Assurant Inc. (NYSE: AIZ) Apr-17 $95.11 $120.76 Buy $89.88 32.33%

CACI International (NYSE: CACI) Feb-19 $172.51 $209.24 Buy $162.99 21.29%

Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ) Dec-18 $193.21 $193.05 Buy $158.21 1.08%

Golub Capital BDC (Nasdaq: GBDC) May-18 $17.96 $18.45 Buy $13.29 12.31%

Herc Holdings (NYSE: HRI) Jun-19 $37.91 $40.04 Buy $34.76 5.62%

Novocure (Nasdaq: NVCR) Jul-19 $63.36 $86.70 Buy $65.62 36.84%

ProShares Short FTSE China 50 ETF (NYSE: YXI)

Jan-19 $21.42 $20.94 Buy $16.14 -1.77%

ResMed Inc. (NYSE: RMD) Oct-17 $76.53 $131.61 Buy $98.66 75.28%

Waste Management Inc. (NYSE: WM) Apr-17 $72.84 $117.73 Buy $101.20 67.34%

Healthcare is an ever-shifting environment. Doctors come and go from network plans. Medical breakthroughs happen every day. If a new therapy comes out that’s proven to be more effective and cheaper, you want to know about it! And if you have a good team set up, it’s all the more likely that you will.

Running a business takes work. But you’re worth it. That’s why I’ll talk more about these ideas in the months to come here in Manward Letter. After all, your health is the most important investment you can make. And you should be making continual improvements to it until it is running at peak efficiency. n

Page 12: A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t …...A Sinking Ship: The Dollar Is Doomed, but You Don’t Have to Drown With It... Earn 50% in 12 Months From a Surprising Anti-Dollar

About the cover image:

The holy grail of shipwrecks was discovered off the coast of Colombia in 2015. It wasn’t until 2018 that the ship was identified as the San José, a Spanish galleon loaded with gold, silver and emeralds... estimated to be worth some $17 billion. The San José sank in a spectacular explosion in 1708 in a battle with British ships during the War of the Spanish Succession. For now, it remains at the bottom of the sea, its treasure intact, while multiple countries and private companies fight for possession of it.

The Dollar Sits Atop a House of Cards




702011 2013 2015 2017 2019

U.S. Dollar Index

Insider Transactions by Ghasemi Seifi

Date Transaction




















Number of Shares




















Total Shares










Source: insiderarbitrage.com

July 26, 2019

November 12, 2018

February 1, 2016

November 20, 2015

August 24, 2015

July 31, 2015

May 1, 2015

February 18, 2015

November 24, 2014


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Manward Press is a financial and lifestyle publisher that does not offer any personal financial advice or advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment for any specific individual. Members should be aware that although our track record is highly rated by an independent analysis and has been legally reviewed, investment markets have inherent risks and there can be no guarantee of future profits. The stated returns may also include option trades. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in their own securities recommendations to readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after online publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publications prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended by Manward Press should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties.

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Further Reading

“ Trump Rejected Proposal to Weaken Dollar Through Market Intervention,” The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-rejected-proposal-to-weaken-dollar-through-market-intervention-11564172133/.

“ The U.S. Current Account Deficit: Threat or Way of Life?” The Balance: https://www.thebalance.com/the-u-s-current-account-deficit-threat-or-way-of-life-3305701/.

“ Bill Unveiled to Let Fed Tax Foreign Buys of U.S. Assets,” Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette: https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2019/jul/31/bill-unveiled-to-let-fed-tax-foreign-bu/.

“ Manward’s Guide to Owning and Profiting From Gold,” Manward Press: https://manwardpress.com/manward-letter/manwards-guide-owning-profiting-gold/.

“Healthcare Hope: Four Ways to Beat the ACA,” Manward Press: https://manwardpress.com/manward-letter/letter-reports/healthcare-hope/.
