·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council...

P, ·:; f ' .• ' -"'" . ' . t:l .. ' l_, . ' ' ' ..... t .. . ' . ; . ' IJ I ,. .. , '. ·' --- - ,•-A• . . . <> ., ..,,. ••• --· ,_" -·. ' . ·t. ..... -' •h .- ·\\ "' . -- . ' ' •. ., .. -,,«""' .. ••-.- _.,__,,,.,,."A' ''f >• "''••.•·· '"; . ' '• . . ., ... "' . ' ... , . ' .. . ' . ' ',, . " ·- ,. . . .·· ... ··c._·. ' . ' . . ' .. "'' __ r__., "' ;--·- . . ' f f ., •• ' " "" . ' ·. / ,, . . ' '" - .... i '\o ' ' ' ... <. . - . _, - ·' . . . ' .. . ... ' . . ' --: , .. '' .,.-·--::-. '• ' . .. . . ' .. - .''<if • . ..!l '- .. . •' . - ,. ""' ·c:.i.· 10..- <> ·· .. ·outlQ()k ! . . .. '. . . : (Q11Uoo-. Vol1un' 47 .tfO. 4$) . . . Court · . .. · A. T. Carrilolo S4 · · April 21 Date ·cd · .Carrizozo Council Vacancy Second Annual'·" :Dour .cam:s were h .._Th . ,.· l .... •. . Comw.el'Ce f met f I Monday ln d.lstrlct CQuTt, iJudgt; . . . ree CountY . , . esfiVQ . WLeaslkli:r,.e.pnret"srelddlng. · . ,. lkl 1 . Qrd ofhTrl ustees 1 at 1 thetlrTrhegu· tlon office t9. dhleuss several By .,NilS. WILBU'II r. COE · "" .... · "' · ·ln 1 m ar mont Y meet ng as urs· matters ot buslne&$. . ...« . . or:.gullty to a charge . Sltturti!J.Y• . day· afternOPn. The carrizozo club bas taken -,;ne . secon4 .. Apple whlle Intoxicated. He was .. mes, . . , and designed They were thoso ot. Co\lncll· tlio lead_ershlp In. having a sign Blossom Festlv4l wlll be. ataged on ll year's probation and bv the ti valley, are ln J!llln !).. P, Sitton Jr., who · erected at tho jUil'ctlon or High· Saturdr;1y evening, AprU •. at suspended '( t ed..:t: N 1 City M h 11 the new · Hondo High School that ·length of ·time; also ... Uie laf4 s llaea d. cqmpletton. mav , o oga ; ars a 54 with 66 at Santa Rosa. gymnasiUm. Mrs. Charles Fuller, costs. tollow.lni the program Severo Gallegos, a fo:r requesting chairman of 'the festhral, and Line. -.·.· oz.··. n Coun·ty' .. on -iob.n who announceds. aevcral $1gn have by ;r; G. exciting and interesting tftla "'"",yean ago. ·• ··•ent ch""".·ft ..• He was given .... 0 ,, s;regnroaduap, Moore, seecretary.treasur!lr, to moam. ... . . ... pr;b;tlon on Jm..ch ... her desire to retire chambers o, eotnmerce ln Tula· o•Each of the 15 princesses wllo The Mayberry hotel "stood at}d $250 t;aurt CQSts levh:d on . El Paso and have been selected :'from the fol' ·1s ·years each coun't. . · -- 1 · · - -Hondo. - -.e-a-pltan- --nnd 11 dnre.d enter lts Claude Terrlil_. charJed on two No action was taken on The Ca.tdzow C. '·of C: dlrcc· high schools perform at tho . considered counts. qf c;lrlvlng while lntoxl· tor the other two tors. will meet again this Friday festival. . .. .. '-- - ·boolt also Cl£ted. :He entef!)d a plea. Qf evening with a representative of The vrlncesses receiving the ·..:t.r. _ _.,_\ _ _.d .... .. .,. •hn on,.,.,nd ...,...,nt. tho Tesco Sign . of Ros· .num""ft• .o• nolnts MJt & "" "'"' ... "'...,...,.u · . .... ,.. tor -a· ·-turthel" ...... _ "' · · • · · MRS. A. B. en· ot $1()0 wua suspended, his Queen .UPIIF.PfAT!OH .abouf the- sign and Its cqst, on rating, special ta\. \ ' . Bonito City, on ground lQng to driver's suspended tor \)() head of W• wllb to expreu our thcm'ka . either on a ·purchase or lease cnts. beauty, poise" charm, etc., .burled fieneath the blue-green watchers time to ddys and court costs assessed of Herrera! Pan· cmd crpprec:laUon to our mcmy plan. . . t'J wm be selected Queen of tl\o 'W&tert ;O! Bonito Lake, wlll live walt before bl $150. Ramon loy(iJ frlenda CJnCi tuppoltitrll Tho directors w.111 alSo appoint Festival. ' fQl'ever ln the memory of Mr. · m nm· On motton of Frank C. Boyce; · ... f 1 the t h · After the Queen Ia crowned, an.d ..,_ .. B. Zurn"'"lt, but not nlng from the though Carrizozo town attorney, chargt)s a servant. "'""' YO or ua n HC*l one. qf t elr board tp fill the va· there will be a dance with mu· P ..... '"" n... being chaced of d a set• town eJM:Uon. . caney or vlce·prcsfdcnt.' It Is btcauae- he surveyed tba olte spoolw from the re· were dtsmfsse against Concep. vant, Ramona a W• wllb 1o offer con;nrtula· hoped all members of the board sic by Wilbur Coo and his band, . ana Jet off the first dynamltr gtons." tlon Morales. Nick V.egn ,r,, and servant. Uou to our IUciceuon. will • be· present at Friday's cqmposeJ) or Bonnell, Dan ' c:hqe be· Donlto City gradually faded Cado!l Gallegos. They were ap. a Chavez. J(AilVIH B. IIOBBJ\TIS, meeting. l . Storm, Elzy Perry Jr. and Mrs. glln, The Zumwruts remembCJ ._way and all log cablrl!l, lnclud· pealD from a justice ot the peace · · CLU'TOH. B. ZUMWALT Present at Tuesday's meeting Wilbur Coo. they -were the Mayberry hotel, were de· eaoo aeveral.months ago, TJI& tVIMUCd .l'lESTAl .. JUAN IIAaTJftE% were 3 . u. Fulmer, president; dlo The !ollowlng . married tht.:-re February 13, 1898 moltahed In tavor of Bonito lng a tight In a Carrizozo bar. of· lutqtnnrlM. Pablb. rectors Clarence E. Shaw, T. B. been aelected: · ln a loi 4tluCtul'Q. 'Which tcrved Lnlce,·whlch ls prescntJv, A jury for tho Sprlng term or In c:hatJit d ttttl!!lhments, Er· - .__.. __ ... ,.._. __ .. _t_ .. Smoot llnd J. E. Thornton and Capitan cchool . .areo--Q\pltan, tho community llB cb,urch and 1 ., ... 1 court woe lmponoled Wcdncs- neatl):Ja. am{ Elena. In othet bualnecs tho trus .ccs Sally'Cioud; Anauo Judy scllbol .bouac. Thor had their Zutnwalt CQmC!l In OIDl n. dny nnd civil cases called, Judge Thet EnU.d• by the entlre approved bulldlnl! permits for: J. G. Moore, secretary. LaMay; Fort Stanton, Moldlo \iath \\'etldlni •nnJvci'sn.ty Feb· ncr later worltcd Qn the con· Walker presiding. group of dlneftl: D. G. Barnum ($1000) to move Bolle £Dswcr; . t.lncoln, Marjorie tua.t)l'13. odcyk.dnm. cqapnut· t ... EJ Shotls and La t\voohOucro onto prepared fouri· Club NMUnt I'Oitp0Mc1 Irlah: Enclno:m, Nathalie Britton; ,..,_ ..., · b r: dntlono Tho ·Pant Matrons Club meet· n ld R ld 0 &Ju.. II the story or Bpnlto Bowen wan In the tlrot or nee· 5 • H f bY t e ent,ro group. lock uarkcy t$3000) to move u . a:Jo - orca- u O!lO, Ill· City and tho a ond. grade at Anauo cchool when 8rfiC85 Of "C.nilt» <luonaJuato" by ono houne onto prepared toun· lng, which wan sc:hedulcd tor lenc lonen; Glencoe, Fredda. Per· t.ew lncldents Jn reglonnl htlltory he first met Effie, 0 ·throo·ycat:· h Gilbert MOrttf.!i. dation. '1\lcsday afternoon Wll!l ry; Green Tree, Jo Berty they were on the tdnglit:I"'r, or old v1Dit1ng cehool. She accw:cs Mrs. frank Eng'lis La VArtOVlana nnd l.a!J Es· Fred Jl. Enalloh ($1500) tor poned due to the death or one llollywood, Joan Marlo Mathews. contrltluted ·to. Zumwalt retired &wen of havlna run Into hor puelu by tM enttro group. · new In tho McVOnald of ltD membern. Mra. Fl'llllk nondo cchool .. orca - Uondo, as au.Ptrtntendent of plpcllnta and lmoclted her down that day carrizozo lost one ot Its -most "E1 tiJjO Malo" by thq Girls' dd EnglJoh. VIrginia Torreo; Alamo Canyon. tot the .Southern Paclfle Rnll· wtJUo playing 'Aildy-over, and beloved resldonto thls week ln ., . · 8 t$().000} tor now Dannie Salcido; Picacho, Stella road In :Matcll of l!J.18 ntter 39 thby cUll have a picture of her tho pnss!ng of Mra. Frank A. Pollc& QUtlta &bd La Cuna by residence ln the llorltey addltlon. Secrefarv Frooqucz: Tthnle. Laurnlea )'1!11'$ of continuous service. And. wcarin£t the dre:l!l ahe wore that English. . a apecJalaroup., · . · A. sum of $1 46225 was ropQrtcd 1 Pctern: San Patricio; Glngor but tor « year's dllctepancy ln day. Tbo trlcndnhlp rlpcnctl Mro. Engl!Bb becnmo Ill at her AlvtrfJ, l'J···bo)l' sex• ........ h dJt t th T lis f p Thoman. Umln&', ill> would be nblo to anll lo.ter, In the bc:lt Uadlt!on, homo ro.rly Monday mornlnl7, tette. ' I . Oil dcr-t to t c ere 0 0 e 0 Ml"'ll Jcon LaTa, ot--ttundo, meet blf wlfe'IJ status as a no.· ho carried her bookt:l hotpo trom She was tnken to tho El .JarlbtJ '1\pal!l>. Spcclal juvenllo reercaUon rund, bcln.i . 1 Vilil chairman or tho prouram, >ad· · tlve New Mexican: abo was "'"hool. " "rour., ' tecelpts' from the t!ttctreltct . t(lX MJ •1· vttcll th"t th" Featlvol wlll bo· ..... hospital by the Shaw ambu· u jl' Jl. up to !!arch 81 SSI e •ent ... .. .CEUJtt e .. Bohn!!_O (Concluded next Janw. uu death occurred trorn <Efltfe vtrgtnla Polaro. ;'(lu ta.x cWtttD c!cpo!lted to . •u gm "Applo Tlmo" - Y ill m4Y o .,..., a uaug u.:r B ecrcbtal . hcmonhago at 5:3() V«ltct de lOt by spccla. tho street fund total $211?.''11, up Fort Dlls.s-Stcps taken by the played by the 'Mellotoncs trom Rov. and Mrs. John It Dl- p --..11 For. tho following momtns. ' ifO\IP to M-.n:h 31. Army to provide Amerlcan sol· Ruldoeo. . - ..,.., . • n '"r. .... ll'lidts roe..u . Rervleca \!."(!tO held Thurtday, Ranchero SorlJ, mlxt1fi croup. dlers with new and powerful . Loul!:c Mll!l!:cy. rndlo and n A. D. Zumwalt. wldcly ltnO".vn AM-Sports laftqHt - nt 2 ,p.m .. o.t t}u) CAr· ,.. .. .. c .. L--.J H-d v.'tepnns wcro dc:terJbed by s;ce •. ctar, will illnll her m.vn ccmW!l• .. . • U B<r.r.·en, was bo:n In Kerr An "t.£nnrt:J b:lnnuc:t !D to be. rlrow Daptlat Church. P.av. C. Vottt arc ust to: Fle!1a - rotary or the ·AnnY Wilber M tlon "MY Adobe Ullc!cnd&" C()unty, TcmlS tn Marcb of 1818. 1 1 .. !": .r .. u'" I)., t E. nurch Md JL T. nay cont1ud• Qutefb. · $ &-LL... R f-.-.J- 1 Drucker tn an address at Fort wh!ch hrus tcrontly btt'n select· JUt movcl tho next ;o u ... on, ... ny, .. pr "" a .,..IN 1 ed the church savl.cH a.nd LU CuadtlUit Sl!OC1&1 grollp. U mni es · i Dllp, nlaht. . · ct1 for thO' "lfau bt Fame:• settlln; clght miles em of p.m. at 111gb Sdmot to, mcnt cc:vtce at the- __ JJuM&ndo a- ml Se.\'tll.ln.a, L. W. Cla.rlt. auperlntcndont of . lllo apok,e at a dinner In tho nov. Pllt pastor of whtn lt chnsl!;t!?d of honor all taldnr: port 1l1 ln cbargo c! ·the £iltfm ;obnny Cnmc.z. . the Capitan Munlelp:l.l Schools Fort Dllss Club. wet. the CapUut Church In Tinnlo :••• .ney .at!}!ctle ttc:tf\'lUC$... Stttt. !!urtal walJ in Ute flrnity , AD:ntiUCMDlant.::c n1 Flesta fo:r ar tlum)J.tr of Yea:J. aubmlt• romlnl' the teeet.Uy. llllltant 'WUl he O% loon -.nt'l one t!l!l father All boyn ana tht>lt date$ uro to plcrt In 'E1t'Cl'1feM Cdnctc:y. Queen. de: Ataion. ted bls rc!lgnaUon at a cap1tttn and r.earty SO dvll· lie han hlld mueh oxpcftQllCO ln tntl uncJct tr.ado 11 bo curoo. For all oUier.. Mro. Engllih was a past fllll· · Spcclal Ecruod of f.:d_r;roUon linn nldes 1 nt 'lo\1:!11 u 38 generatJ. this iypo or \'.-'o:Jc. and It wtu tie lng stetmJ for Capta1 C: tho prlct? of Ucttc:n wlll he $1.50 for tmn• ot Cnmct Chapter of lho by ar.d hu c:soott. fl!dlna April 1. lc.eludlns Cbto.r of Stalt. Cener· worth the JtJ!l\ to bear Lfa ClltUo Comp:wy, nd Clher eacll adult and 7V «>nto for ellll· l&lslcrn Sftlr. She sc:vro o.s wlth t.an ChlnPMlCC&.S: 11 Antt3 y Mr. on!ll Mro. Cllllk pmchued al D. 1'1\y!or, to him . bJg tr..stflts ttnd 1>,9 baullnc lo:rn dron. . wcrtby matron Im tho j-ear'l!lJO. l}tspuo," Oralia Con· \he . lB·UnU. Mckl on day roncummt ronfl:!nmocs at · Tho pcoplc of tho Throo VLll• from the rnt;llntalM the The menu will lnl'ludo T·oor..n She wao also • membc of the nnuwn Prudcndo. Ulghway 'W In l".G.... ,..cU thtt pc:;l. leyn am coopcraUnn to mnko .adobe! hotllitS &mLdunouLO being atenlm. pomto .oolod. lime Jello, Pc.o)' Ma.troll!J Club and t11.o Car· El Valso do to. Znamo:ro.das. monUw ago. tiro. Clade haJJ .. From tho lncrcdlblc pO"w'l:!r of thlo thn IJ.t1:!1 and blagcat Ccstt· -built In the Peoo:l, VaUoy by COt· pinto bronn. buttered hrend, rel· rlzm:o Woman's Club. to M: by a very apcdat gro'Jp, IC1J by been mnt1Eiilntr tha mntcl IUld n gutdcd mi.!!Uo to tho anent V4L ThiHrn'hnrd!l will ba.ln Cull tltlS. PBrtaklng.ctccm." to: the lnhCJl. mUk amJ coffee. enho ar..d eru-Uer yc:us abo wn3 llct!...-e tn the and her C!S®rt: La rJz. ClJ:lrk wm Join bcr at tho thrust of a bayonet thtt. fU'I'ey I the wtclt. and CV• . btnttit of othcro un'lte.mcd ln lee cream. Mc!hodlr.:t LadiCl Ald. enUm VC"JP. d must alwaya bb n!a.dy with tho CfYtmdy ahoutd drtvo through tronUer hlstA:ey, ml!ant mnklna . . Ticl:eto wU1 bl! on t:n!l! at the Mm. ... lo-Y'l:!d tho out• right ar..sw'l:!r," Mr. Drudtcr c.=lld. tho valte)'IS to tha bnauUful of buruen out of lona· cnhool and ln tcenl ntore!l. I'.c:J· doom )''Cars sllct nc told hlu hearom that 01 apple biOSSOm!l. not mtu . --- --- . ' J , --- .. .. !·) hom& From a1can to oxen ln ervatlon!l mU!lt b<> ln by two and her hU!bat:lJ '"""""l thlf Two Lincoln .c· Alrpty Women's Clubs wr·n Fun DIJ!3 thtt<> would C«l (!Ill• Uto fcoUvat, ,proaram . abort. d!Iyn tho .Ent.ct· -...-·· vw .• d "d '"" Is · " .- u ,.,., part of (;f;:ey sammu at dcnttt of tho Army's rcnrlcnta• ana a.nro. •• m.n:..on pr'""' "c!lt uarntt'a p!nro on .Jorth talnment wi 00 turn.,.,.., .... "'" thclt summa homt! on the ruo he t St t A L• .. t Awards . tton toWard '"Weaponry of tO· $1 ror adults: chlldron 50 \ I •• • • !')prln,g lllrtt adjolnetl ouro on lOfal tnlcnt, wlth tho procrrrun 19 s a • . CnleV1iimen . Tile 'I'M VaUcy: Garden Club ,the · nnrth," ·Zrunwalt by Co!lch DMUtm. Bonito. u 1 lte th 1 CiJda anti Puc Gom:U boll tl t.et'o all be Oil hontl to nhGW She Wn!l (lcvotc<.J to bC!f faro. .., Mil!. A. •• SJDCE.B : Woman'& Club and oleo tho Uo t:!mphtllud that cftc:rts WI c VG pr to () pr white horM? \1.'0 thn10 to the bnyn our appmdnUon tor lly !Uld gnmdclilldrnn. An CUt• "'• ' , GardcnDivts!on; Lovington Wmn· IJ are oolng made to ttans.f61'tn the and to tho Queen. day .att ttay." their cl!arta In b'l'lnging lnW'ds standing was that '1\vn Wnmen Citlb In L!rt!:tilfl . an'o Club: Womnn'o " Army Into a atrattatcaUy anll .. -Jo. ·· At fi'W'n :;cars. BG-.t:en made hb to the community. ohe tn:got hor trtenzll or Connty hove liM and cc-e· · Club: ctns-'t!m Cilftt! Club: Cuba tacUrolly mobl!o fcttt>, addtng Manager for I 9 rust log haul Into the fllotm• tt-..n:e In nero or dlsttt:s!. cnll ptne£'ll In the oommuruty 1 ! Club tmtl Uto Gnt· that a te3Ct\."' .... an Airives In Carrizozo tatt.s wttbihls fathe:, a ttlp ro· -.- •tt*ee Mao Durtcsnn English WU ae.-.!.cY'tttnent a.watt'It, Jup l!Iruorn. Jal wUtdrow be· centlal cl our JitrJ.:Clf qutrlng !G'Ul' days from nrowell vuau r bnm JlJ Cimarron. ne:w Me.xloo, by the, Ger.etal lG:e tho daW.. •to t>fCVi'!nt war/' . Jolm W. of No-.vton. to C.p1tan by oxen. \'llu!n. ha H do 21, 1800. She wu Women a Clutt:J ct Ne'W Tho projtcts tt!pertd by "'fllo ·that wan bO Kana. rww for the Dig 'WU eUgbt :y-ears old. In m:;o, h!!l Maet1ng at Oft . man]ed to Frank A. Englh.'l on nw Cantm:;t) WU!flan d C)ob-, W<:>m!Ul"s cuub " rouaht anll \\-<m by nnnnto. OOfl· Jo L> .. unbet Co, nu1vcd In .Cnrrl· tatnlU.V m.m'OO to the mmmtlllr..!l Mm. Mnr;v Mnrcll 21.· 1!ni. fll Altlmcgmth was ,glt't!fl fim tn GwJp A; t\"eft', In tntd as to1b>t,i8: trot.· macll!ncs and _ Putb_: · ... ·, ..... , 1 ,..,,. been d•" and be· AtlitlS ccllool, ter at Lmroln and chn!rmnn o% The mup!e ooeh:atro 4Blh -(15 memhenl Ol' ard the . Projtct &!::mu- buttons. 1.1 danxacus . myth. ,, •• n •=- ..,.. bft iJint mot 'Effie ffitll!/r.a. CotmlY Paat Offlw rommit· wedding thla rear. CapUan•c Wcmatilt Club e:.:-'00rn1 : fuJ .. camp:>.lgn. £1artcl wllh ; rue &ror<:tary &:all.t nt ulcssnan rc: 'llie Antrim l.'.Jm· The Rev. an:J Mm. Jc}m . n. tre, called n me<:UnU retentlr to £he In doth by p:ize In Clru::J A. . , prob!l:!m d Jmpro-Jlng SC-'.wgo ron nead cnly to h-."1 C'mpony In Ncrmon for tho " Sldnntr nrovtd to I!lmltn Ctty, v.mk (l1ll phif.!l to ctlm;>Ue infnt• one l>mJ, ruul f3 t;y fie awnrdll. tniic!s ar:d trnnb to . cplritunl and c11:1Wm'lght past nbc yearn, Cdo:re that llo a town, trom Ernth mnuon en· the hktonr of encll her hcsb:md: mu daugbwa.. mrough tho CC!:l!!m'..11 poopem· : cttv CG:tr-.tll _ woo inlr.t<l anp:cp:ucdn(Cu fat .. rcauue.s (;(l'.tn:Y. Tau. In the rnu of etr...lnty pn:;t office. Glenncth nwJ Marpntte; U\'G t!on ot the Ecetmfk Fmm· rep:rc;;;nttlthu of t!-&! IJnnn. o1 miUt!lry . •y "' "" aM Efit& Jwta wos bern 'I't.e memhl?ro oucr.tiing were FKil ar.d Dr. FraoJc Eng. daUnn. were at the. Club. Women . Mr. Brudccr that nected with Ulo fui@c:t buslnt'U to !olU,wlnz sptina. Dc."nfh)' J?Mncll. pt;Stmn&1o arul lfsh; t\f.-"0 brottss. fr.J.df!• mate ct wnmen•o !Uld ilasj)UaJ Awdllaey ln this the Army ts ntr.V laying majar In Oklnhnmn, 'fextl!.l nn1 Kanm clc:;e- watch for. in· arunty director at Gre-...n Tree; wn ct Ei ruro. u!l Tcm Burte. clu!o held rn · Wctloc3· ·. Pe1llbnc1 tcwn tcr (lU nU«<::J utmn th& of ·Few r._.lcx!ro_ .. ft<> .. m_ illan!'l Yn.· ZW:nwnlfs p:.ttenfs r-Jnttt.E\7 Pitre, ttl cnn of &well;· nlw by len aay afiamoon c1 [mpzo:::ern.eut fif·uillltl aud -wtt· , 1 wl'ttJ!e fom!UI!!I- 111 gmd£4 mla- ...... , - ·· tolil bet !t.ter. ntmlild Fen Stnnton; uennnn Kelt. post· · """" H...,.,, .... .,..,. .. ,.__,_ .,..., .... ,. barto dfs--4• tm1 rc!ocatl::m._c!_jfa1_Ie2. b:lllim_ aM IDrn· Kaman. Mt. wn& dUSt· ' c- .... .... ........ -. ..... u .. ,.,..,. ... ,.,.,. ... t ,. _ _,__,,. ,.,.. l.lb ..... nu ......... .. ., .... ,... t A.. .,l... !round Sun\1:1"' Dlllillll't. no qo:w'm .::u.Y:u ... w .... e• .,. .... ..,., ......... pc-u MMW1 a ... au"""''"" ..... "' beaten! at tha. !let• Club finrt -i.M In Ct<>"J"". u <:li!V Qump, and f2}_ . ret. tJlllClng iii!!J to SUpt:J .... t:.en _IUW gun_ .:t . ' en ro11te to lJohltl>' City. And, clettt,- ncy Hnlri'lan. were R. M. !Thalct. A. T. {G" .. n 15 vllie spccta.l ctcctfm tho wUh wb!ch Ill twtli!'J are S!lld he enootmfac-J cno cf Ulo , 'While r.Gtblng camo oJ The purpa:se o1 thl9 I'..oberls. w. lL rur:kmon. & £. Unhh3 Cillie dub. seoor.:l 111 pa:;p:e d CattWltil t:cr $1CiJ,OOl .. _ "'n tt!e rtalm c1 l!clcr..slvc :;:t dust s!ezmg ln re· lt; abe t1le Jadlan threat t;.-ru:i to cutllna a pzo;;tmn M a Eaker_ , Marvin P.oht!rts aml t!Mt , .... ,., •• , n. .. SiiS!Cm._ . ir.cl• m_ . ho aaltt "the_ Nlke " dUrtnr ·her thlldhaod. "MY guide ill working em thl:!' arman. .......... , . . .. .. . , thtt dJ 6 c1 pUs.an:t Cat· guUdc-1.! tru!!11ll"S¥-"BU!m Is tho na• 111. N. !Moots. wl:o hM btcn ·- :trtnd..tathd tauJht ·UJJ not -to ut c:1cll count1 post 4)ffko glnro The loUClWin- Mmn.•_rv ·· -. The W6tnltl.s cn 1111 .-.. ... ..,.,.,.. mJn"t· national tt-4l• t __ Wn's mtljet ground y,.·upo_ n_ far ln c:harge of tho Big Jo Lumbtlt 'nUl Jioi' scrt!am · W'We UW lndl• Its '(;ttabllsbm(!nt to the pallbearers: . Bay tenum.. iOY a:;.I'J .. tho p:rotectkm of our prlnclpal . JfiW!;_ nn:Ml:lSter \t71ll woTit Shnfcr, Flay A. N. A • t!luhf. wu :.:atde-d a mmt. (3) Plan tell 41 to against Thumtay. ,, .., ...... .. n!!ls. Sabina Vldattnl,. Leandto .. . .. ,....... .,.,. ·•- 11 addl• tmprov& appearance ot school hnstlle . . , -:':":::= · ..Jttddtn_tirttu.lifi reseut;U us._ """ out tfte hlstor)'_ of _the Vega, Vlnront netJ, }"aut &leer, USn pt._ ell .,.r.vv• a&BU a teaeMtage5. . Thlf aecutary told h!J audl• _ Het Utber was !l!Irltual coull_: will nny pertinent ot n. Elftro tones., CulM". ..... .... ProJect 2-Spt>nso:ed by the ence that lt,wut not bo long be• •tor• and unofficial law tntet£'3tlng fnru any <ild Wm. Gallacher; CUitiln B. znm· .tOt nav ng '"'"' -..n:=- .. "'' '" carttwt.o Wom!ltl'l club and Ia· fO'ro the P.edstono tong • range Irt JJomto CitY: ltid well or relative of an old timet call wa!t. Alva Sitton. Hemtan: kelt, O.flt first tM bt!romtn.l a 'lt!parate org&nl·. g:round·tiHttound mwUe wUl. J. & Thorn ten. Allen Pr . . . . . ... 0 . 11? . .. iatlofi, and' w1th the aid ot r.. c. bo ln the hands of ttoo.PS- to "thi! , . . _ . . son. Mawln Bu.rtOJt atid. Jullatt. " 11m C&pltan prize was Moorf!, . Juj!pltal. be In the hand9 ·of ;a :BOnito- Cl"' w ._ small F.urm a ... au Meeting 'fa)!Ulr. ,. . $100. • . . .. . a auxtllaty )Vu estab· • , ... .. ?.Lt·"* ... b'""'hed • · .. -• · 11 · . .. . · . . · · ·rM J'antitt.V U•'-ed. In helpb11 tM hOSlllfal tu .... tii ....... r- L--y· tt Apnl20 m Roswe .. · • Stlsab. T.ty · · ·1955 ihd' tinat rtpOID ;;oup, the tJonJ Club of- .. _ •.., _lllft•anv wu thti:iUih the or that -Farm nurenu wo;nen of . Dis; · smtlces \\'Cte cbbd'ucted llt St. Mattft. it 1056. .. 1M tlittrth and ega (He\'. Skin· ttiet :l Cha"-es.. :Anne-a ch!pet in Glt!ncoe u.t on tfifi' contest "!'U oA groups m tOfih kladl)' ulllt!d· Jft«s thlt. Wt!elc t-om¥ ana bli gOOd that na and Lea are to Saturday morntn-,, tor sw.u 1t. Wlth.clubs tlte alld eticouraaed thelr Well on an · pttce han to Aptll ro·_gt o:ao. in .. the mlltnifiJ . Tully 55.. 6t .. if.eMl on . : al110 mmbet!f tiS .Joln the: new •uxU· 8·am ttaet (If IanrJ eut Of Cat· ftOllft then ·rount)r at . tM · Chafilber ilf OlmMen:e Sheehy, w&o pa•'l81 away . •t were ·il'W'trt credlt IUS', Wbtcli Wom• wbkb he ttom liNt.. tq, }tudj •nd dl5tut· ·oJtlet! rn 'the -NfclW,ln :betel· lfi 1tote1 Vteu.. hasptfil 'Ul_ Et l'uo · liltS. Robt!rt L)ttle of w Crtl• lln•ii c::tub:Jii.L®nlted tbeti BOb Glbson .weral rnontht aao. · " ... " . ll. .. . 'F..b.!tWelt. . · . . . . . . Friday She' lad wa:s thalnrtan. .. Judgt!t clubtroUM ftlt meeili!P. ... .. A litlaltet well on the propettt · . :ll llattht Nel*on. J4. iri!nt . MrS.. :Matill_ Daugherty, dlre;· Jtl tor thUe and. undci!f.. MiS. Dorothy Jtanny-. Ot· .t'tc)Jecf &Jonr wu •mlarted by Ray Taylot. · onelillbt blto- cuy tor ot tfie wome 1 ns \\'@nt &Jl operatton. tbe jet\ lftattY and Dr. J.o 4 IUihmY 380 in the :Mat Pall wen drlllet, to. ll lo.tnch hole .. ·· k11Mct ilw •••"ll!tlr ·9f the actlvlUes. and· Mrs. . .. f!· •. · · . . ot AAJ4 OlUegt!> · .... lmtalltd tn th!! .ummet 4rt eltrhMneh At · a&r'lrtr . . . J«t\_ . Mtet · mon. dtairmaJ1 <if tlte .. Sheehy wu an: ·· The New MIOOm dubs en:tet• undet the chairmamhip CJt Mrs. a depth ot 106 the well pro· ............. & . . . & tn .Charge lilltL '-The 8etv1ce WU 8ftd\itt• fnf the ciinttirt w.e:e AJ&moi'Of• . (;'. A. $ni)W• . . · r. •. dUctd 2«) g.jt,rn., OYtt 1: p!tJI)d· dt · , til ta.Jte tM . · . · .. . . . .. _ .. M bY Vkat tluarte. L. COndw. ®: Juniors-; C&pttan Woman•, ProJM 4--"trybft get :the ·ot eljht hour& pumptpt. . . . . . .. . . . . ·.·· ... . ....,. .,.._ a- •1111 All .()f_ Farnt· lhntai wu ffi the te'me# t:lub; Albuquerque Woman•• !(at tm ·• :t"•· ; Mt. J• alf«) tnhirlltit . JIY. KIIAH Jl}JJIIA'f ...... Qstllll llliiY m tum tu tbi<:oln ootmt}r, tme!'! bt!!tae bet father, 1. fl •. ttub; Woman••· Club; ttortal .Mortum.mt by Fedf!tal the ort the 1\lltet lOOM' t"t!Wf.et tiM rsnt. f•MltJ*W• !!: • ._ ••tatn· nd.\\"'men. Utgt .... o a t«mu 'l'tilly. t..Wtt lttl4 a, kotbe:f. Jtot aM Uidabtu:l' tdjolntni (Itt the' tut dl1liel& _, Wile . .ut . r rut · !Illite Mi· this. :. . · . . b•d. been a rf!ll· and · biz• . . • .. . _ ' . )(r. Stdwell plaJtJ to ll'\lt 1. ;•••11\kt « llrlll . c, .._ . .. . · ·· • ·· · · . · , . or Et t'uo lot She lunJor IIMJW tlYk! Club: s ...... Htll*l· the ffew on the •tld do' JOIOf iicYS .. -.. c.- .. t111t IIII.C totW •••tt. , MfS.. Wtlibt, 't'oJ]t I! ;arilvtd .. Jfrt. kn.tl h W'*iu•t• Cl\ib inti. tot C't1Pit8 · .U Drndnt. ntJCt ,year. 'lV . , .... _, . ·• ' .. / a•ttua " ... ,._..,. htw in !atur• .-f,..., Jrarrtt Mlii'Pil .ol All• (;I lilt; Artt .. l Jwnb't: MlftH lot -ChtiitinU· Ca.rdi _,.. 4Ulft7 and M \rill haf't P u.- .t 7t:tl IL•• 11:'1 .. ·· 111t ...... . . o•wlltd-.l tit•. anct i't'Otn ·t¥, 0ta :G. Tully of •.• 1fti7 :AttotlaUott: . u.t M\llU. fftt, Nt 1W -w"aUt apj!ell'IJ to. w ,f!C ta•l ... · Ml'lt ••\- ; 'laf. · ·· · ·. .. : «=•tht•l•• ott ••'t , 11 .. . r-. A., • cr••; Cis$ <C:.atbtUtll ••• Pli:,.l · a)fl,ll .lMdf, · • ,• · AJiiU ,. ·f· .. ---·- ..., ._ -" . . 'j I -- .• ' > -- - > - _ .. - .. - -- ... ·---·- -'-' ..... '--·- .. ··--·-··--··-· -- t: ,. ; . v •.

Transcript of ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council...

Page 1: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

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• (Q11Uoo-. Vol1un' 47 • .tfO. 4$)

. . . Court · . .. · A. T. Carrilolo ·~a~ S4 · · April 21 Date ·cd

·~lens · .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council Vacancy 5~t~c=~s~r":h~O:rrl~o~O Second Annual'·" :Dour .cam:s were dlspos~ h .._Th . ,.· l .... •. ch,.mb~r o~ . Comw.el'Ce f met f • I

Monday ln d.lstrlct CQuTt, iJudgt; . . . ree b;es:g~~~:~~~~~ CountY s~e:~~\~i..o~~~ l:s%1~~ . , . esfiVQ . Al~u_.nb,tD; WLeaslkli:r,.e.pnret"srelddlng. · . ,. to1 ·,y;,~~ lkl

1. Qrd ofhTrl ustees

1 at

1thetlrTrhegu· tlon office t9. dhleuss several By .,NilS. WILBU'II r. COE

· <~-"' • "" .... · "' · ·ln 1 m ar mont Y meet ng as urs· matters ot buslne&$. . ...« . . or:.gullty to a charge q~ . .· Sltturti!J.Y• . ar;:n;.:;:.~ ~ll~ day· afternOPn. The carrizozo club bas taken -,;ne . secon4 .. ~nnut;ll Apple whlle Intoxicated. He was .c;Q~Jt .. mes, . . , and designed They were thoso ot. Co\lncll· tlio lead_ershlp In. having a sign Blossom Festlv4l wlll be. ataged on ll year's probation and bv the ~1t ~t ti valley, are ln J!llln !).. P, Sitton Jr., who · erected at tho jUil'ctlon or High· Saturdr;1y evening, AprU ~~ •. at drtve~;'s· ll~nsa suspended to~ '( t ed..:t: N 1 City M h 11 the new · Hondo High School that ·length of ·time; also ... Uie laf4 s llaea d. cqmpletton. mav , o oga ; ars a 54 with 66 at Santa Rosa. gymnasiUm. Mrs. Charles Fuller,

p~?~~~-\?.~· ~w~· costs. tollow.lni the program Severo Gallegos, a fo:r requesting chairman of 'the festhral, and


-.·.· oz.··. n Coun·ty' ttl~~ .. =:ta:b,l~l~lbhed=· g:t1=~1D.~t~ on two~unts oll~~"! • "barrat~r. -iob.n who announceds. aevcral $1gn have wrt~ten by ;r; G. exciting and interesting pio~ tftla "'"",yean ago. ·• ··•ent ch""".·ft ..• He was given .... 0 ,, s;regnroaduap, Moore, seecretary.treasur!lr, to moam.

... . . ... ~ar~ pr;b;tlon on Jm..ch ~~';,t ... mont~~t:~· her desire to retire chambers o, eotnmerce ln Tula· o•Each of the 15 princesses wllo The Mayberry hotel "stood at}d $250 t;aurt CQSts levh:d on • . El Paso and have been selected :'from the

U~Jmolest~:d fol' ·1s ·years each coun't. . · -- 1 · · - -Hondo. - -.e-a-pltan- --nnd -Ruldo&C)~. 11 dnre.d enter lts Claude Terrlil_. charJed on two No action was taken on The Ca.tdzow C. '·of C: dlrcc· high schools ~vlll perform at tho

fnd<~-\•vrus· . considered counts. qf c;lrlvlng while lntoxl· tor the other two tors. will meet again this Friday festival. .

• •

.. ..

'-- - -~

·boolt also .;~.lleges Cl£ted. :He entef!)d a plea. Qf evening with a representative of The vrlncesses receiving the · ..:t.r. _ _.,_\ _ _.d .... --~ . . r~; .,. •hn on,.,.,nd ...,...,nt. tho Tesco Sign . of Ros· .num""ft• .o• nolnts bn~-.o MJt & "" "'"' ... "'...,...,.u · . ....,.. tor -a· ·-turthel" ......_ ~ "' ~"r.:u · ·

• · · MRS. A. B. ZUMW~LT en· ot $1()0 wua suspended, his Queen .UPIIF.PfAT!OH .abouf the- sign and Its cqst, on rating, special ta\.

\ ' .

• •

Bonito City, on ground lQng to driver's llce~e suspended tor \)() head of W• wllb to expreu our thcm'ka . either on a ·purchase or lease cnts. beauty, poise" charm, etc., .burled fieneath the blue-green watchers time to ddys and court costs assessed of Herrera! Pan· cmd crpprec:laUon to our mcmy plan. . . t'J wm be selected Queen of tl\o 'W&tert ;O! Bonito Lake, wlll live walt before bl $150. Ramon loy(iJ frlenda CJnCi tuppoltitrll Tho directors w.111 alSo appoint Festival. ' fQl'ever ln the memory of Mr. · m nm· On motton of Frank C. Boyce; · ... t~ f 1 the t h · After the Queen Ia crowned, an.d ..,_ .. B. Zurn"'"lt, but not nlng from the though Carrizozo town attorney, chargt)s a servant. "'""' YO or ua n HC*l one. qf t elr board tp fill the va· there will be a dance with mu·

P ..... '"" n... being chaced of d a set• town eJM:Uon. . caney or vlce·prcsfdcnt.' It Is btcauae- he surveyed tba olte spoolw from the re· were dtsmfsse against Concep. vant, Ramona a W• wllb 1o offer con;nrtula· hoped all members of the board sic by Wilbur Coo and his band, . ana Jet off the first dynamltr gtons." tlon Morales. Nick V.egn ,r,, and servant. Uou to our IUciceuon. will • be· present at Friday's cqmposeJ) or Ralph~ Bonnell, Dan ' c:hqe W~-lts-.construc.Uon be· Donlto City gradually faded Cado!l Gallegos. They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B. IIOBBJ\TIS, meeting. l . Storm, Elzy Perry Jr. and Mrs. glln, The Zumwruts remembCJ ._way and all log cablrl!l, lnclud· pealD from a justice ot the peace · · CLU'TOH. B. ZUMWALT Present at Tuesday's meeting Wilbur Coo. lionlto~ttty wen~ they -were the Mayberry hotel, were de· eaoo aeveral.months ago, follow~ TJI& tVIMUCd .l'lESTAl .. JUAN IIAaTJftE% were 3. u. Fulmer, president; dlo The !ollowlng Prln~~~~~ b(lV~;t . married tht.:-re February 13, 1898 moltahed In tavor of Bonito lng a tight In a Carrizozo bar. ~tghtffir of· lutqtnnrlM. Pablb. rectors Clarence E. Shaw, T. B. been aelected: • · ln a loi 4tluCtul'Q. 'Which tcrved Lnlce,·whlch ls whcr~, prescntJv, A jury for tho Sprlng term or In c:hatJit d ttttl!!lhments, Er· - .__.. __ ... ,.._. __ .. _t_ .. Smoot llnd J. E. Thornton and Capitan cchool . .areo--Q\pltan, tho community llB cb,urch and 1 ., ... 1 ~ court woe lmponoled Wcdncs- neatl):Ja. am{ Elena. In othet bualnecs tho trus .ccs Sally'Cioud; Anauo M~aa, Judy scllbol .bouac. Thor had their Zutnwalt CQmC!l In OIDl n. ~ D· dny nnd civil cases called, Judge Thet EnU.d• by the entlre approved bulldlnl! permits for: J. G. Moore, secretary. LaMay; Fort Stanton, Moldlo \iath \\'etldlni •nnJvci'sn.ty Feb· ncr later worltcd Qn the con· Walker presiding. group of dlneftl: D. G. Barnum ($1000) to move Bolle £Dswcr; . t.lncoln, Marjorie tua.t)l'13. otln~cbtylonhoo!pib· odcyk.dnm. cqapnut· t ... CAmll~, EJ Shotls and La t\voohOucro onto prepared fouri· Club NMUnt I'Oitp0Mc1 Irlah: Enclno:m, Nathalie Britton;

,..,_ ..., ·~ · ~ b r: dntlono Tho ·Pant Matrons Club meet· n ld R ld 0 &Ju.. II the story or Bpnlto Bowen wan In the tlrot or nee· 5 • H f Bull~ bY t e ent,ro group. lock • uarkcy t$3000) to move u . a:Jo - orca- u O!lO, Ill·

City and tho ~umwnlts-nnd a ond. grade at Anauo cchool when 8rfiC85 ere~ Of "C.nilt» -~ <luonaJuato" by ono houne onto prepared toun· lng, which wan sc:hedulcd tor lenc lonen; Glencoe, Fredda. Per· t.ew lncldents Jn reglonnl htlltory he first met Effie, 0 ·throo·ycat:· h Gilbert MOrttf.!i. dation. '1\lcsday afternoon Wll!l pu:~t· ry; Green Tree, Jo Berty Rcc~e: they were on the tdnglit:I"'r, or old v1Dit1ng cehool. She accw:cs Mrs. frank Eng'lis La VArtOVlana nnd l.a!J Es· Fred Jl. Enalloh ($1500) tor poned due to the death or one llollywood, Joan Marlo Mathews. contrltluted ·to. Zumwalt retired &wen of havlna run Into hor puelu by tM enttro group. · new re::~ldencc In tho McVOnald of ltD membern. Mra. Fl'llllk nondo cchool .. orca - Uondo, as au.Ptrtntendent of plpcllnta and lmoclted her down that day carrizozo lost one ot Its -most "E1 tiJjO Malo" by thq Girls' dd EnglJoh. VIrginia Torreo; Alamo Canyon. tot the .Southern Paclfle Rnll· wtJUo playing 'Aildy-over, and beloved resldonto thls week ln oetett~ • ., . · 8 J.1~~nDuncnn t$().000} tor now • • Dannie Salcido; Picacho, Stella road In :Matcll of l!J.18 ntter 39 thby cUll have a picture of her tho pnss!ng of Mra. Frank A. Pollc& QUtlta &bd La Cuna by residence ln the llorltey addltlon. Ar.~~'~'f Secrefarv Frooqucz: Tthnle. Laurnlea )'1!11'$ of continuous service. And. wcarin£t the dre:l!l ahe wore that English. . a apecJalaroup., · . · A. sum of $146225 was ropQrtcd ~· • 1 Pctern: San Patricio; Glngor but tor « year's dllctepancy ln day. Tbo trlcndnhlp rlpcnctl Mro. Engl!Bb becnmo Ill at her 41~ta AlvtrfJ, l'J···bo)l' sex• ........ h dJt t th T lis f p • Thoman. • Umln&', ill> would be nblo to anll lo.ter, In the bc:lt Uadlt!on, homo ro.rly Monday mornlnl7, tette. ' I . Oil dcr-t to t c ere 0 0 e 0 rog~ln Ml"'ll Jcon LaTa, ot--ttundo, meet blf wlfe'IJ status as a no.· ho carried her bookt:l hotpo trom She was tnken to tho Can~ El .JarlbtJ '1\pal!l>. Spcclal juvenllo reercaUon rund, bcln.i . 1 Vilil chairman or tho prouram, >ad· · tlve New Mexican: abo was "'"hool. " "rour., ' .~~ tecelpts' from the t!ttctreltct . t(lX MJ •1· vttcll th"t th" Featlvol wlll bo· • ..... hospital by the Shaw ambu· u jl' Jl. up to !!arch 81 SSI e •ent ... .. • .CEUJtt e .. J~Y• Srkll~ l~ Bohn!!_O (Concluded next \~) Janw. uu death occurred trorn <Efltfe Sorbo~~.. vtrgtnla Polaro. ;'(lu ta.x cWtttD c!cpo!lted to . •u gm e~llh "Applo mo~om Tlmo"

- Y ill m4Y o .,..., a uaug u.:r B ecrcbtal . hcmonhago at 5:3() V«ltct de lOt ~'•na:~. by spccla. tho street fund total $211?.''11, up Fort Dlls.s-Stcps taken by the played by the 'Mellotoncs trom /Slfklthn~ Rov. and Mrs. John It Dl- p --..11 For. tho following momtns. ' ifO\IP to M-.n:h 31. Army to provide Amerlcan sol· Ruldoeo. • . - ..,..,

. • n '"r. • .... ll'lidts roe..u . Rervleca \!."(!tO held Thurtday, Ranchero SorlJ, mlxt1fi croup. dlers with new and powerful . Loul!:c Mll!l!:cy. rndlo and n • A. D. Zumwalt. wldcly ltnO".vn AM-Sports laftqHt - ll.p:n.~ nt 2 ,p.m .. o.t t}u) CAr· LasChlap~spcclalr:roup, ,.. .. ~ .. c .. L--.J H-d v.'tepnns wcro dc:terJbed by s;ce •. ctar, will illnll her m.vn ccmW!l• ..

. • U B<r.r.·en, was bo:n In Kerr An "t.£nnrt:J b:lnnuc:t !D to be. rlrow Daptlat Church. P.av. C. Vottt arc ust to: Fle!1a ~~awu ~nvv - rotary or the ·AnnY Wilber M tlon "MY Adobe Ullc!cnd&" C()unty, TcmlS tn Marcb of 1818. 1 1 .. !": .r .. u'" I)., t ~.t:-n. E. nurch Md JL T. nay cont1ud• Qutefb. · $ &-LL... R f-.-.J- 1 Drucker tn an address at Fort wh!ch hrus tcrontly btt'n select· JUt ~lc!nts movcl tho next ;o u ... on, ... ny, .. pr "" a .,..IN 1 ed the church savl.cH a.nd LU CuadtlUit Sl!OC1&1 grollp. U mni es ~iw•non• · i Dllp, W~ritldtY nlaht. . · ct1 for thO' "lfau bt Fame:• y~r, settlln; clght miles em of p.m. at C'a~nn 111gb Sdmot to, mcnt cc:vtce at the- __ JJuM&ndo a- ml Se.\'tll.ln.a, L. W. Cla.rlt. auperlntcndont of . lllo apok,e at a dinner In tho nov. Pllt Uend~on, pastor of ~tU whtn lt chnsl!;t!?d of honor all ~-o taldnr: port 1l1 ~..,ns ln cbargo c! ·the £iltfm ;obnny Cnmc.z. . the Capitan Munlelp:l.l Schools Fort Dllss om~r•~ Club. wet. the CapUut Church In Tinnlo :••• -~ ~--~ ~t .ney .at!}!ctle ttc:tf\'lUC$... • Stttt. !!urtal walJ in Ute flrnity , AD:ntiUCMDlant.::c n1 Flesta fo:r ar tlum)J.tr of Yea:J. aubmlt• romlnl' the teeet.Uy. llllltant 'WUl he JPW~ttt O% ~m.onle3. loon -.nt'l one llou~., t!l!l father All boyn ana tht>lt date$ uro to plcrt In 'E1t'Cl'1feM Cdnctc:y. Queen. M~U~arlta de: Ataion. ted bls rc!lgnaUon at a cap1tttn ~tartcs and r.earty SO dvll· lie han hlld mueh oxpcftQllCO ln tntl uncJct tr.ado 11 ~nil brcal~· bo curoo. For all oUier.. tb~ Mro. Engllih was a past fllll· · Spcclal dan~ng pcdonnJn.tt:~ Ecruod of f.:d_r;roUon mt~tlflg linn nldes

1 nt 'lo\1:!11 u 38 generatJ. this iypo or \'.-'o:Jc. and It wtu tie

lng stetmJ for Capta1 ~3 C: tho prlct? of Ucttc:n wlll he $1.50 for tmn• ot Cnmct Chapter of lho by Qu~n ar.d hu c:soott. fl!dlna April 1. lc.eludlns Cbto.r of Stalt. Cener· worth the odml~tcn JtJ!l\ to bear Lfa ClltUo Comp:wy, nd Clher eacll adult and 7V «>nto for ellll· l&lslcrn Sftlr. She sc:vro o.s wlth t.an ChlnPMlCC&.S: 11Antt3 y Mr. on!ll Mro. Cllllk pmchued al M~""cll D. 1'1\y!or, to th~· him . bJg tr..stflts ttnd 1>,9 baullnc lo:rn dron. . wcrtby matron Im tho j-ear'l!lJO. l}tspuo," Oralia Ut~:a; Con· \he . lB·UnU. Wc::~tan Mckl on day roncummt ronfl:!nmocs at · Tho pcoplc of tho Throo VLll• from the rnt;llntalM ~r the The menu will lnl'ludo T·oor..n She wao also • membc of the tcs~ nnuwn Prudcndo. Ulghway 'W In l".G....,..cU SC~'(!ZOI thtt pc:;l. leyn am coopcraUnn to mnko .adobe! hotllitS &mLdunouLO being atenlm. pomto .oolod. lime Jello, Pc.o)' Ma.troll!J Club and t11.o Car· El Valso do to. Znamo:ro.das. monUw ago. tiro. Clade haJJ .. From tho lncrcdlblc pO"w'l:!r of thlo thn IJ.t1:!1 and blagcat Ccstt·

-built In the Peoo:l, VaUoy by COt· pinto bronn. buttered hrend, rel· rlzm:o Woman's Club. to M: by a very apcdat gro'Jp, IC1J by been mnt1Eiilntr tha mntcl IUld n gutdcd mi.!!Uo to tho anent V4L ThiHrn'hnrd!l will ba.ln Cull tltlS. PBrtaklng.ctccm." to: the lnhCJl. mUk amJ coffee. enho ar..d eru-Uer yc:us abo wn3 llct!...-e tn the Que~m and her C!S®rt: La rJz. ClJ:lrk wm Join bcr at tho thrust of a bayonet thtt. fU'I'ey I bloomA~rlntr the wtclt. and CV•

. btnttit of othcro un'lte.mcd ln lee cream. tb~ Mc!hodlr.:t LadiCl Ald. ~hla. enUm VC"JP. cl~ d ~ool. must alwaya bb n!a.dy with tho CfYtmdy ahoutd drtvo through tronUer hlstA:ey, ml!ant mnklna . . Ticl:eto wU1 bl! on t:n!l! at the Mm. E~ ... u~., lo-Y'l:!d tho out• right ar..sw'l:!r," Mr. Drudtcr c.=lld. tho valte)'IS to ~ tha bnauUful -~uta of buruen out of lona· cnhool and ln tcenl ntore!l. I'.c:J· doom antt"~"mnny )''Cars sllct nc told hlu hearom that 01 apple biOSSOm!l. ~ not mtu .

--- --- ..


J •

, ---



!·) hom& From a1can to oxen ln ervatlon!l mU!lt b<> ln by two and her hU!bat:lJ '"""""l thlf Two Lincoln .c· Alrpty Women's Clubs wr·n Fun DIJ!3 thtt<> would C«l (!Ill• Uto fcoUvat, ~c<!U(!nt ,proaram . abort. d!Iyn ~~eraro tho ~nquet. .Ent.ct· -...-·· vw ~, .• d "d •~~• '"" Is · " .- • u •~'-~' ,.,., <>n''~ter part of (;f;:ey sammu at dcnttt of tho Army's rcnrlcnta• ana a.nro. •• m.n:..on pr'""'

"c!lt uarntt'a p!nro on .Jorth talnment wi 00 turn.,.,.., .... "'" thclt summa homt! on the ruo a· he t St t A L• .. t Awards . tton toWard '"Weaponry of tO· $1 ror adults: chlldron 50 con~

\ I


• •

• !')prln,g lllrtt adjolnetl ouro on lOfal tnlcnt, wlth tho procrrrun 19 s a • . CnleV1iimen . ~arrow." Tile 'I'M VaUcy: Garden Club ,the · nnrth," ·Zrunwalt re~:all!l. plnnn~ by Co!lch DMUtm. Bonito. u 1 lte th 1 ~,1 CiJda anti Puc Gom:U boll tl t.et'o all be Oil hontl to nhGW She Wn!l (lcvotc<.J to bC!f faro. .., Mil!. A. •• SJDCE.B : Woman'& Club and oleo tho ~ Uo t:!mphtllud that cftc:rts WI c VG pr ~a to () pr n~z-: white horM? \1.'0 thn10 ~J to the bnyn our appmdnUon tor lly !Uld gnmdclilldrnn. An CUt• "'• ' , GardcnDivts!on; Lovington Wmn· IJ are oolng made to ttans.f61'tn the and to tho Queen. ~ day .att ttay." their cl!arta In b'l'lnging lnW'ds standing clltua.ctMtsU~ was that '1\vn Wnmen ~ Citlb In L!rt!:tilfl . an'o Club: Turom~an Womnn'o " Army Into a atrattatcaUy anll ~" ==~~~~ .. -Jo.

·· At fi'W'n :;cars. BG-.t:en made hb to the ~hoo1.and community. ohe ncv~ tn:got hor trtenzll or Connty hove ~en liM and cc-e· · Club: ctns-'t!m Cilftt! Club: Cuba tacUrolly mobl!o fcttt>, addtng Manager for I 9 rust log haul Into the fllotm• tt-..n:e In nero or dlsttt:s!. cnll ptne£'ll In the oommuruty 1! Naclcml~~o Club tmtl Uto Gnt· that a ~•c11 te3Ct\."' .... an ~·· Airives In Carrizozo

• tatt.s wttbihls fathe:, a ttlp ro· c· -.-•tt*ee Mao Durtcsnn English WU ae.-.!.cY'tttnent a.watt'It, ~r.sc1cd' Jup l!Iruorn. Jal wUtdrow be· centlal ln~tad!ent cl our JitrJ.:Clf qutrlng !G'Ul' days from nrowell vuau r bnm JlJ Cimarron. ne:w Me.xloo, by the, Ger.etal F~atl:oo of~ lG:e tho d~lng daW.. •to t>fCVi'!nt war/' . Jolm W. Wl~bnrt of No-.vton. to C.p1tan by oxen. \'llu!n. ha • H do St;ptem~r 21, 1800. She wu Women a Clutt:J ct Ne'W ~extro. ~ Tho projtcts tt!pertd ~n by "'fllo ~otl(m ·that wan ~n bO Kana. rww monn~cr for the Dig 'WU eUgbt :y-ears old. In m:;o, h!!l Maet1ng at Oft . man]ed to Frank A. Englh.'l on nw Cantm:;t) WU!flan d C)ob-, Ut~ CoJdzu:t~ W<:>m!Ul"s cuub " rouaht anll \\-<m by nnnnto. OOfl· Jo L> .. unbet Co, nu1vcd In .Cnrrl· tatnlU.V m.m'OO to the mmmtlllr..!l Mm. Mnr;v !?hUll~ 1J&~· Mnrcll 21.· 1!ni. fll Altlmcgmth was ,glt't!fl fim 1lf~ tn GwJp A; t\"eft', In tntd as to1b>t,i8: trot.· w~tb macll!ncs and _ Putb_: · ~.~ ... M~f!t~!.i:_ ·,....., 1,..,,. been d•" and be· ~sded AtlitlS ccllool, ter at Lmroln and chn!rmnn o% The mup!e ooeh:atro ~1r 4Blh -(15 memhenl Ol' l~l ard the . s~oJ Projtct ~ty &!::mu- buttons. 1.1 • danxacus . myth. ,, •• n ~"'~"'n •=- ..,.. whet~ bft iJint mot 'Effie ffitll!/r.a. ~ CotmlY Paat Offlw rommit· wedding ruml~<~ thla rear. CapUan•c Wcmatilt Club e:.:-'00rn1 : fuJ .. camp:>.lgn. £1artcl wllh ; rue &ror<:tary &:all.t "BeUe-v~ nt ulcssnan rc: 'llie Antrim l.'.Jm·

The Rev. an:J Mm. Jc}m . n. tre, called n me<:UnU retentlr to £he wru~ ~ In doth by p:ize In Clru::J A. . , prob!l:!m d Jmpro-Jlng SC-'.wgo ~ ron nead cnly to p;zyehota~~· h-."1 C'mpony In Ncrmon for tho " Sldnntr nrovtd to I!lmltn Ctty, v.mk (l1ll phif.!l to ctlm;>Ue infnt• one ct:~n. l>mJ, ruul f3 C".uvil.'t~ t;y fie awnrdll. tniic!s ~bl~. ar:d trnnb a~. App~akd to . cplritunl and c11:1Wm'lght pry~at past nbc yearn, Cdo:re that llo

a ~-tot'.s town, trom Ernth mnuon en· the hktonr of encll her hcsb:md: mu daugbwa.. mrough tho CC!:l!!m'..11 poopem· : cttv CG:tr-.tll _ woo inlr.t<l b¥ ~ anp:cp:ucdn(Cu fat .. th~ rcauue.s mp!n,.n~n:!~an:W~~ ~!~c-o:~ (;(l'.tn:Y. Tau. In the rnu of etr...lnty pn:;t office. Glenncth nwJ Marpntte; U\'G t!on ot the ~-:l.lll Ecetmfk Fmm· rep:rc;;;nttlthu of t!-&! IJnnn. o1 miUt!lry ~nmct. . •y "' "" 1~ aM Efit& Jwta wos bern 'I't.e memhl?ro oucr.tiing were ~:'PM. FKil ar.d Dr. FraoJc Eng. daUnn. were ~::anall at the. Club. F.n~--<;CntltnUl! Women . Mr. Brudccr ~amcl. that nected with Ulo fui@c:t buslnt'U to ~ tlt~ !olU,wlnz sptina. Dc."nfh)' J?Mncll. pt;Stmn&1o arul lfsh; t\f.-"0 brottss. F~ fr.J.df!• mate ron~>"E'nt!.Cn ct wnmen•o !Uld ilasj)UaJ Awdllaey ln this the Army ts ntr.V laying majar In Oklnhnmn, 'fextl!.l nn1 Kanm ~q :~apt clc:;e- watch for. in· arunty director at Gre-...n Tree; wn ct Ei ruro. u!l Tcm Burte. clu!o held rn · p~f~ Wctloc3· ·. ep~., Pe1llbnc1 tcwn tcr (lU ~ nU«<::J utmn th& .de--:cl!:l;:mco~ of fc~,!~a~ ·Few r._.lcx!ro_ .. ft<> .. m_ illan!'l Yn.· ZW:nwnlfs p:.ttenfs r-Jnttt.E\7 Pitre, pu:runmrte~ ttl cnn of &well;· nlw by len aay afiamoon c1 ililt.~~ [mpzo:::ern.eut fif·uillltl aud -wtt· ,1 wl'ttJ!e fom!UI!!I- 111 gmd£4 mla- ......, - ·· tolil bet !t.ter. ~lnlfV ntmlild Fen Stnnton; uennnn Kelt. post· crnndr.~lelten. · """" H...,.,, .... .,..,. .. ,.__,_ .,..., .... ,. barto dfs--4• tm1 rc!ocatl::m._c!_jfa1_Ie2. b:lllim_ 1~ m!~[cs aM IDrn· Kaman. Mt. W~hnrt wn& dUSt· ' c-.... .... ~ ........ -. ..... u .. ,.,..,. ... ,.,.,. ... t ,. _ _,__,,. ,.,.. l.lb ·~·' ..... ftJU'-''"'"'""'J.~Cf nu......... .. "'~ .,....,... t A.. .,l... !round Sun\1:1"' ~tear Dlllillll't. no qo:w'm .::u.Y:u ... w .... e • .,. .... ..,., ......... pc-u MMW1 a ... au"""''"" ..... "' M~oz.-: beaten! at tha. !let• Club ~;-.~n finrt -i.M In Ct<>"J"". u <:li!V Qump, and f2}_ . ret. tJlllClng iii!!J to SUpt:J .... t:.en _IUW ~- gun_ u:~_ .:t

. ' en ro11te to lJohltl>' City. And, clettt,- ncy Hnlri'lan. vi~ were R. M. !Thalct. A. T. {G" .. n 15 m~btnJ ~r.;l vllie spccta.l ba~:l ctcctfm ~~em tho wUh wb!ch Ill twtli!'J are arm~ S!lld he enootmfac-J cno cf Ulo , 'While r.Gtblng actu~Uy camo oJ The purpa:se o1 thl9 mc-Etin~ I'..oberls. w. lL rur:kmon. & £. Unhh3 Cillie dub. seoor.:l 111 pa:;p:e d CattWltil t:cr $1CiJ,OOl .. _ "'n tt!e rtalm c1 l!clcr..slvc :;:t e':o.~ dust s!ezmg ln re·

lt; abe t~aUs t1le Jadlan threat t;.-ru:i to cutllna a pzo;;tmn M a Eaker_ , Marvin P.oht!rts aml t!Mt ,....,., •• , n. ~,1 .. ~ew 6.0Wa"'~ SiiS!Cm._ . ir.cl• m_ ts!U~. . ho aaltt "the_ Nlke " dUrtnr ·her thlldhaod. "MY guide ill working em thl:!' 111~ arman. ~, ......... ., . . .. .. . , d~nbtlly, thtt dJ6c1 pUs.an:t Cat· guUdc-1.! tru!!11ll"S¥-"BU!m Is tho na• 111. N. !Moots. wl:o hM btcn

·- :trtnd..tathd tauJht ·UJJ not -to ut c:1cll count1 post 4)ffko glnro The loUClWin-~ Mmn.•_rv ·· -. The C4rt~ W6tnltl.s cn1111• .-.. ... ..,.,.,.. mJn"t· ~av"'- national tt-4l• t __ Wn's mtljet ground y,.·upo_ n_ far ln c:harge of tho Big Jo Lumbtlt • 'nUl Jioi' scrt!am · W'We UW lndl• Its '(;ttabllsbm(!nt to the ~nt pallbearers: . Bay tenum.. iOY ri:~ a:;.I'J ::~1":nt ta~:~ ~~on .. i~r ~· th~ aU3mplli~· tho p:rotectkm of our prlnclpal ~e::!.\~~::~ii~o p~~~~: . JfiW!;_ -~ ~:m.·· ta~!ltei}tea:f~~ ~:·cb nn:Ml:lSter \t71ll woTit Shnfcr, Flay Sidtm~t. A. N. ·~· ~rottp A • t!luhf. wu :.:atde-d a mmt. (3) Plan tell 41 -~ to cmcund.tndu~W ~oas against Thumtay.

~.o ,, .~:o... ..,...... .. n!!ls. Sabina Vldattnl,. Leandto .. . .. , ....... .,.,. ·•- 11 addl• tmprov& appearance ot school hnstlle alr~aft. . . , -:':":::= · ..Jttddtn_tirttu.lifi reseut;U us._ """ out tfte hlstor)'_ of _the offi~ a~u Vega, Vlnront netJ, }"aut &leer, USn pt._ ell .,.r.vv• a&BU a teaeMtage5. . Thlf aecutary told h!J audl•

_ Het Utber was !l!Irltual coull_: will nppr~a~e nny pertinent ot n. Elftro tones., Jhy~_ CulM". ~o00na! ~~ ..... L-.!~ll1 .... /e~: ProJect 2-Spt>nso:ed by the ence that lt,wut not bo long be• •tor• ~d~mr and unofficial law tntet£'3tlng fnru any <ild t~et Wm. Gallacher; CUitiln B. znm· ~ .tOt nav ng '"'"' -..n:=- .. "'' '" carttwt.o Wom!ltl'l club and Ia· fO'ro the P.edstono tong • range Irt JJomto CitY: ltid well quatt~ or relative of an old timet call wa!t. Alva Sitton. Hemtan: kelt, m:~tl O.flt ~::. "'Wi:Pn~g first tM bt!romtn.l a 'lt!parate org&nl·. g:round·tiHttound mwUe wUl. ~:~ ~~~o:e:u~~ ~lv~, J. & Thorn ten. Allen Orine~lohn· Pr. . . . . ... 0 . 11? . .. iatlofi, and' w1th the aid ot r.. c. bo ln the hands of ttoo.PS- ~nd ~nl to "thi! Jfty~ , . . _ . . • son. Mawln Bu.rtOJt atid. Jullatt. " 11m C&pltan ~u'bfs prize was 1· Moorf!, . Juj!pltal. su~tmtendent,. be In the hand9 ·of troop~o· ~-- ;a :BOnito- Cl"' w ._ small F.urm a ... au Meeting 'fa)!Ulr. ,. . $100. • . . .. . a bo~pltal auxtllaty )Vu estab·

• , ~ ... ~ .. ?.Lt·"* ... ~~U't::• b'""'hed • · .. - • · 11 · . .. . · . . · · ·rM &:~ntest ~ J'antitt.V U•'-ed. In helpb11 tM hOSlllfal tu .... tii ....... r- L--y· ~ :-A.L~~titr~~ tt Apnl20 m Roswe .. · • Stlsab. T.ty · · ·1955 ihd' tinat rtpOID we~~ ~uf! ;;oup, the tJonJ Club oona~ed :_~t-of-.. _ • .., _lllft•anv wu thti:iUih the ~rfottg or that -Farm nurenu wo;nen of . Dis; · smtlces \\'Cte cbbd'ucted llt St. Mattft. it 1056. .. 1M .~mphbl! .· ~; oth~ tlittrth and ~iltn~n·• ega ~ tenU~m!ll'l (He\'. Skin· ttiet :l (lJn~lrt. Cha"-es.. ~dr. :Anne-a ch!pet in Glt!ncoe u.t on tfifi' contest "!'U oA ~tltlr. groups m tOfih kladl)' ulllt!d· ~o Jft«s SJdw~U thlt. Wt!elc t-om¥ ~) ana bli gOOd wll~~ that na and Lea oountl~sl are to m~ Saturday morntn-,, tor sw.u 1t. othef·.tt~SHJW'tmi" Wlth.clubs tlte ca.UJH~- alld eticouraaed thelr pl~tM Well lmJi:rOVf~t on an · pttce ~ han to ~ uu~ Aptll ro·_gt o:ao. in .. the mlltnifiJ . Tully Sh~, 55.. ·~ 6t .. if.eMl on . ~PMjf!ctl: : al110 unnrt~ mmbet!f tiS .Joln the: new •uxU· 8·am ttaet (If IanrJ eut Of Cat· ftOllft ~Itt. then .lh~ ·rount)r at . tM · Chafilber ilf OlmMen:e Sheehy, w&o pa•'l81 away . •t lifo~ were ·il'W'trt credlt IUS', Wbtcli th~Y ~ltL 'I'h~ Wom• ~~ wbkb he P.utcltll~ ttom liNt.. tq, a~etUt: }tudj •nd dl5tut· ·oJtlet! rn 'the -NfclW,ln :betel· lfi 1tote1 Vteu.. hasptfil 'Ul_ Et l'uo · liltS. Robt!rt L)ttle of w Crtl• lln•ii c::tub:Jii.L®nlted tbeti BOb Glbson .weral rnontht aao. ~-. · " ... " . • ll. .. . 'F..b.!tWelt. . · . . . . . . Friday ~nomtng. She' lad ~n ~ wa:s ~t~ thalnrtan. .. Judgt!t clubtroUM ftlt meeili!P. ... . . • A litlaltet well on the propettt · . :ll llattht Nel*on. J4. iri!nt . MrS.. :Matill_ Daugherty, dlre;· Jtl tor thUe ~ and. undci!f.. Wer~ MiS. Dorothy Jtanny-. Ot· .t'tc)Jecf ~_.,'Rl'Jad!lde P~k &Jonr wu •mlarted by Ray Taylot. · btttt~Jc: onelillbt ~~ blto- cuy tor ot tfie ~~ )tur~u wome

1ns \\'@nt &Jl operatton. tbe ~- jet\ lftattY and Dr. J.o 4 ~IMt IUihmY 380 in the :Mat Pall wen drlllet, to. ll lo.tnch hole ..

· · ~~nit k11Mct ilw •••"ll!tlr ·9f the actlvlUes. and· Mrs. 1'h~tm,~ . .. f!· ~iiy •. · · . . ot AAJ4 OlUegt!> · .... lmtalltd tn th!! .ummet <i~ 1~ ~Uh 4rt eltrhMneh tUlitt~ At · a&r'lrtr . . . J«t\_ . Mtet · mon. dtairmaJ1 <if tlte \\"omen~ .. ~- Sheehy wu an: ~~· · · The New MIOOm dubs en:tet• undet the chairmamhip CJt Mrs. a depth ot 106 f~. the well pro· ............. & . . . ~of, & toiilitiitt~, Will'~ tn .Charge O~o lilltL '-The 8etv1ce WU 8ftd\itt• fnf the ciinttirt w.e:e AJ&moi'Of• . (;'. A. $ni)W• . . · r. • .· •. dUctd 2«) g.jt,rn., OYtt 1: p!tJI)d· ·=·~~ dt · , til ta.Jte tM .m~i- . · . · .. . . . .. _ .. M bY Vkat tluarte. L. COndw. ®: Juniors-; C&pttan Woman•, ProJM 4--"trybft 1~· get :the ·ot eljht hour& pumptpt. . .· . . . . .. . . . . ·.·· ... . ... .,. .,.._ a- •1111 • &t~r'Y· All m~tn~ .()f_ Farnt· B~tt lhntai wu ffi the G.l~ te'me# t:lub; Albuquerque Woman•• !(at tm ~ ~ ·• :t"•· ; Mt. T~Jo~ J• alf«) tnhirlltit . JIY. KIIAH Jl}JJIIA'f ...... • Qstllll llliiY m tum tu tbi<:oln ootmt}r, .!fot~ tme!'! t~ bt!!tae bet father, 1. fl •. ttub; ~ Woman••· Club; ttortal .Mortum.mt by Fedf!tal the w~ ort the 1\lltet lOOM' t"t!Wf.et tiM rsnt. f•MltJ*W• !!: • ._ ••tatn· nd.\\"'men. ~ Utgt .... o a t«mu 'l'tilly. t..Wtt ~ lttl4 a, kotbe:f. Jtot S~Jn.P aM Uidabtu:l' Govl!mment\--Pn>~_MUlpend· ~Y tdjolntni (Itt the' tut dl1liel& _, Wile . .ut . ~- r rut · !Illite Mi· this. m.~tnt. :. . · . . ~ttL. ~heebt b•d. been a rf!ll· w~•· Cl~ and tot~r' · biz• . . • .. . _ ' . )(r. Stdwell plaJtJ to ll'\lt 1. ;•••11\kt « llrlll . c, .._ ~t•• . ~•Ill .. . · · · • ·· · · . · , . ~,x:- d~t or Et t'uo lot 21~ She lunJor ~ub; IIMJW tlYk! Club: ftO~t s ...... Htll*l· the ffew ~~ on the ~11 •tld do' JOIOf iicYS .. • -.. c.-

.. t111t IIII.C totW •••tt. , MfS.. At~ Wtlibt, 't'oJ]t _llrat~ I! ;arilvtd -~ • ~ .. Jfrt. kn.tl h W'*iu•t• Cl\ib inti. U~ ~· tot C't1Pit8 ChUdtti~ · .U Drndnt. ntJCt ,year. 'lV . Ck~ ,...._,

. ·•



/ •

a•ttua " ... ,._..,. htw ~ in ~ !atur• .-f,..., Jrarrtt Mlii'Pil .ol All• W'~'l:. (;I lilt; Artt .. l Jwnb't: MlftH lot -ChtiitinU· Ca.rdi _,.. 4Ulft7 and M \rill haf't P u.- .t 7t:tl IL•• 11:'1 .. ·· 111t ...... . . o•wlltd-.l tit•. anct Fted,,fid.~va ~ i't'Otn ·t¥, 0ta :G. Tully of G~: •.• 1fti7 :AttotlaUott: . ~~· u.t M\llU. fftt, Nt 1W ~ ~. -w"aUt apj!ell'IJ to. w ,f!C ta•l ... 11-••Mr'~•• ·

Ml'lt ••\- ; 'laf. · ·· · ·. .. : «=•tht•l•• ott ••'t !~Mill , 11 .. . r-. A., • cr••; Cis$ <C:.atbtUtll • ••• Pli:,.l · a)fl,ll .lMdf, · • , • · AJiiU • ,. ·f· .. ---·- ..., ._ -" . . 'j

~! I •

-- .•

' • -· > -- - > - • ··---·~ _ .. - --·-~- -~.

.. • - -- ... -· ·---·- -'-' -~ ..... -~ '--·- .. ··--·-··--··-· ~--~ ~--~-·--·---~--!'~

-- t: ,. ; . ~-· v •. •

Page 2: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

' u l '. . . • .. , •.. ; . .... • . . .. ,<:···'.' ·~·' .... '" ·.··.:: ·,-, ... ,. .. ·:; .. ····:·; ~. ·;· .. ·,'" '"''.', , .... , .... ·,f<···J .,,IL .. ,; "IJ .. : .. o. .. I"'./(" t. :. !"I.:,.;. ''·, '3: .... 3$,03.: 3,:3 ••',···· ·: 3';· :' ... •:; ". ;·~.:···' ••• , ••. V•

l'c ··" f · • ·«· ' ' •• ' • V 0 , ·~.'''' '"o ;.'.0 •· • '• •. '::. •<·"•

L~nct>ln ~~19 fli.w. n..-• ·. ··•·· . ·· . .'"'·. H19h'qy 54 $plfll9 . ~·~ ~ 'r~ ~ · .t<!kl ... t ®.: ;,. • ieb.ik~ ~-• N.'~'n AH'il~..... ·' · ···. ' '

' .


-· .. - · ~2~·A;t~.~.o"!'v~ws :- ~··~: :=r~~n~~~tc-.~~~"'~~-· ·· raiDAYdlmt. ••• .... ...v. ...... d.:.:... r.,.·.~.::~t: At: G~. Ol!fa. . . . . '" flu>.~ ..... .,.-~. .... oJt. till! .I• <lliiJ~· ··~ -~t. ·••!J\otltf AVril llt ~ ..... l!l; .., "" .

··---·-·- """~ 10, maddnJ flu>· 1-,.,..,....: """ ~l'tlnM COIIV.mtll!o •of tlje , -= . .ro~""/• J/n:ol<lonl ro1m -~ ~ll!l>b)y. ~ ... y, ."''d !m' ~11.~"',;/\_'b'.~-= 'l\!ll' sary of Theta Chi Fraternley are V. $/ N4Uonql. ·m~bWAY ~ 6f :NI~ . . . . Bu~orfl· lmtl~. te~h~tl · · ' Y~ . . · : · .. · . · .r :b 1· I : Ali f tlo · · t • • being made t;y Its chapter .At .~latlon baaccmc:luded at·Quy~· · · , .. , .. · .··· . , . !~iftlg~O~IHU.e- ttnlte4 S~tU. to. · "1. !l1:n proud to ff:{\d:\~ ~J.\~· n:r~~ti ~tf5ij:g ~q. Jl.. tl' lm·, . .

- New Mexico A&M ot. whleb Eu· . ~on, Okl(ll,tomJ. . . .· : ' . LINCOLN COUNTY ~ . w y . theY were proud to pf ~·~ ®l.lrt~l.Ul fll;en oth~n~. ; - . . . : • . r . . • . . g~ne R. ~Degner, wnuam Galla·· Delegate• from tlye of the l!lx · ·. · " : · · , · tr,ach. ~~rpts ttom. seven.. of abQW~(l flu:t:Je.sne.,, .. Q/ upholtl• .... ' : • · '·' 3

" '·"" •• " •

D D. · ,. cher Jr., uowara"E. RiitJte)', 1Uch/ tates·..t'-rough- w~ll~h-~lllJJh\YaY IN 8J40He~Y.EAR..$. _ .I~e lette~s we~ selcct~!'l tor p~l). Jn&: vf~PtOl.l,lY Wh,a't' 1 ~Ueve I$ ot:J.j!;!:l~~~~! 1r ·1f: e11

"f. eserl an qrd E. Harkey, carJ· G. Mays, M passes were, pre~ent ~or the ,.......,_.,.......,._. ~~-- t cation;, f)~€~ oHh~ev~n"l.~':" ·rlB,lttr- 9t-Aetentlmr~WJI()l\ltdY- ·.edt:1iou:·I!!4nr1» lili&!,0~,'..!! ·

Billy K. Stephenson and Walton 1956 SprJng .Conventlon. About ~ ·,. ers WIU! wr~ ten by lfrs. ltuby g Ut~ to wMm I OWP.'J.llY 4etlpe&t ·•• ~ · · · . "' "' · "f"9s. B. Wilson are member•, flfty''delegatea.attended the con· . 20 Year$ Ag<> . D91Jglaas, teacher- at Jangua"ell ~oy~l~,- of _.fJhUn'nbig ~QtlelltJy ··-~" '.;: - .. , . . _ · ". · Founded •at N,"i!cWlch .. Unlytt• ve.ntJqn_...and each se.ssJ.on wa~ ·(I' -~ .- , . _and ()utaan~ Cou~lor ~~~ tb~ .a ~Jre for ~rS!>n~Al g1ory1 P.~ ltondo Scl.loUl !lYst~m. ~b4!' )!a:t says

•• •

alty In Vmll<l~ on Aprn .... 10, J-V.~lJ.! .. J.lt~n!lrut "'.. . _ . • ~.i~l,~p.J·l~~~D).~;t~JD :Jn:!!? ~~1~ •. · ~low , 11! 1111nt• ~(!eJ>hU~ 'l.lll~nt wben · vllUfl~ . by hl!.4 ~V~tal arttcles p.Ul}J{lij\t;d. 1856, Theta Chf naternlty now . .TuJIU11· C?"· c)U{It~ah ·· or· the · · . . - • - ~-~ .. · · ··· w~ ~·& coPiElnta-~~u.i:. i ~titer.._ ·JJfl:d:' o~ jifWUlln~: extl\jeS$., ·in· th.~ ){ew- ~ext~ . ~hoot ne.

__ ...,.. .. ._.~--- ._......,.... has 117 chap\ers at e4ucatlonal Oklahoma St(lte Highway Com~ GeQJt~ 'l', MCQuillen; .manag. 1~~~ l~tteJ:. Jn ita .enttretr: · tiourJ tn 'Cl>JI.!!titnt Pu~ult ·.o{ view. aM. h1u1 alW~}.'S llee.D- a -Give~ averagc-·youngster lnstJtuttons Jn ruJ ~tion& f!f the mission IIPbke on· the new pro. er ln C11rr~i.Q.fof tile Mountain J,· 'l!'@,· l am proud ;to t(!lch; aelf·b.ettcrrnel'lt .•nd ln m)" p~o· :s9\Uce: of tm~plr~tl<.!n;-:;1(). fuose: "" <hdi® o' food an' he'll tako nntton and mo,. !liM 54 alumni ,_ Federal hllllnvay-plnu."" 4!ta"" T!!l•pi!•IJO .ComP,.I\v .... · ·~the pdrte that .I feel Is not 4f:oll<m•! doU.... ':·l . co••- wllll .th• · •••ehlng · ·a hamburger or a hot dog. See chapters In represent!.tllte clUes. w~s followed by B\ll Addington, n,qt,~nce_cl l~at' tbe ~n}pan;v w lblle kind tJJaJ -goes. Wlt!J. the

4•For th~-~ai!Qntt 1and .. 1ot- ,protCI!IIlo~.- .We· Jn .fieW'.14¢Xtco, & h . r


. · a member of the I(am~as state. S.iiCndfnJ #v~ral thou,mnd do • eati~.B p( the ~ ~~!IJ.I'\S ana the ~thcr n!II,SO~ deep dt?WP tnsf<JE: ,fi.J:l4' .xmrtl.I:'Ylarly, . ln Mn®ln . V ~1 er,~ a ed ler hwlth 11 shar~en· The Red Cross r~e.Lyed bl.ood highway commission. . · l{U's to"'_l:blli1'e ttom' magneto bl!>WJng ot the tnimpets. There of me: l ·AM pt(>"d -~fl .t~ach-l. ,Coyney •. arc 'espec)~tllY. }.l~\\cl ot ''' '

~lies g~~e ho: ~r:'d! ~!ten i~ donations tor treatm~nt of, Ill ·ch.alrmqn 'Co" deplored. thej)O b~ttery ,pp.eratJon. All tha ls no t~nt~re .that ac:co!Qpanlea am nrou!'l, tQ·~~ a }\umb.le, ·ove.t~ t~ta Teco~rllt\qn ~tven-'Mr. Slte • ye~&r-str.etched egd t' end theyd and Injured persons at an aver· sundry maneuv~«~ that have was J~!!Ces~!Jry to teach the o~r·' the •. f~ellng qeep lnsll}e -.- th\' WQr.k~~- \!ll~er•Pilfduschool. t~!lCll• Willi made· A . .mem~. o(.;tbe •

cltcle th' globe

30 tlmea. age rate of four each minute In kept an Interstate· system ~f ator WllJ tQ"~'~e the phone ott teeUng tllat Jn almost ..,thirty ~r.· I 'elJMJhm.~te· l!.n}'9ne ~find PrQUd To Teach·"Cl~li'.Qf~ the

. 1954·55. d highways from· bf:cOmlng a real· the.h.Ook. · · • years Qf teac:l~lng hll$ rarely l!ettet realiOtt$ t9r l>eln~ pro'U!l to : N'atlonal EducatlQn. ~IaUon. ltr and strongly advocated the · 1'he Peoples· Ticket In carrJ· ~JI'}e to the <~s1,1rface level. l do ~?Y l<tntl of. work under .the Mrs. . Douglll$5 · Itt "proud to· ' proposed .Federal network of . Zf}ZO ele~ted a mayor .and· two ave never wpm my pride llk:c sun! , . teach" and . we at Hondo are highways. .· · CQUnclbnen, respectively, 11' •. E •. 8 11 arm band to be note4 by --..:rhl!L · .yCat _.compleles . .MI1L. "proud"tQ bav~ ber aa a t.ea<:l'l· . Highway Commlsslontlr Ad: Richard mayor, J. w. Harkey others because It belongs; to Douglll$s' tenth ·year tn the er In our system. -~------·· ... dlngton potnted out the lm·. and Andy J,ladllla. A. J. Rolland· .sentln:ents, so cherished ~t- ~~g.~Q><.~·~~~'lOQ~~<q>.p-r;q...q ... ~~?"'!'.~""-0-...Q~~N'J-W prove.ment made on Highway 54 was a suc~ul candidate for con~c:t with the . c:olclnes.s and , ,,.,. , In western Kansas and said councilman · on the Citizens haraJm~ of the .world• outalde -there were more In the making. Ticket. · would only cau~ the111 to with·

• . . Mrs. Johnson announced that draw agaln Jnt~ the ah!!lte.red Las C.ruc: Fa Jly Dr. V. C, Robinson of Rochester recesses of my heart. Deep lnto · ' · · ··· · •


Candidate for the Republican Nomination for the


Subject to the Moy 8th Prlma'ly

.. ' . •

UNCOLN COUNTY REPRESENJATlV£ Jn Jha lAth .Legh- ... laturo < 1938-40) . - . REPUBLICAN COUNTY CHAIRMAN of lincoln County < 1940~2> ... RESIDENT' ·oF liNCOLN COUNTY 1910-1942-J 950 UNTIL--

. ft. . m Mlnn., would arrive- May 1 t~ . that ref~ge l ttave taken niy WJif See DJsneylaftcf . - lll}«: OVllrtbe Pl'l\'Cttce- of ttmlate 1U'9f9.1U:!.!1 ~t!~nUments _ oC ~...!!J_g_

• . D Dr. $. 11. Jollnson • proud to t~.ach. To confess thls _. A. Wl.Q.E ~ V. ARIETY OF MERCHANDISE

....__...., -...--.-.---..---------------------- --- --_ ----------_ --.. - _-;.-..."·::-"':··- -~- ··- .....

. ' ..


MA Las Cruces family, Mr. and Dr. ·W. Q. nath~an, a gradu· le to roll ba!:k tb curtain of my U:·e ~~~dr:c:~le ~nd

1t1helr ate or. the. medical school of the hheart (lD.d reve • Y Jnnermoat

on n a ·ex· U.nlverslt}t of Nebraska an· t ougbt.s. pense.pald trip ~ Dlsneyland nounccd be .. would estabhsb a · "l am proud tc11cb .becau5c ~~ ~~o~~~ rntest aponsored medical pr.c:Ucc In Carr®zo I h!'Ve !!cell glvcn the oppqrtU·

. r nc, · wfth tcmporaey offices at 'the nlty to bnlp /}~aPQ tbo ll'-'~ .!lnd The entire Noble tamlly, In· Glrrard Hotel; · • tbough~ ..... (!t )'ot,mg p(lOple and




• •

..... --In EverycJ,ay ~iving ..._. __ cfudlng Bobby, 'lr., BUJy and .Ta· New J>Ostal laws rcqul.rcd Carey to them the tel\chlngs of ~~ ~fruto 'Cat.:e~a .. !!~ newspaper$ to postage for a.ny the great thinkers of all tlmo.

1-J: nes. ---- change itt'•ddress turnlshed by J. CQrull~r mr- ~alllng . a chal· ll ~o lnchldes $100 spending any postoUJce, · lengc to1bring put wn"t Is best


A "GHOST WHJTEJI" ht•lpt.>d tho man rt•nponnlbll' ff{lr IJ('II·

nina thin column lh•rl''n how It hnpJ>Om•d !Jntll W1•1l nftN bedtlml' ont> nlnht. tlw wri!N woo pondt>rlng how bl•tJt to fl'll you about till' advuntaui~ of oovlng at n HANK ~:vt•n tuolly he nodded utf--and on olfln nuurl' do n<"«•d t nto h lu drt>Omb ltD '?OilY wan u nii~PI dollar. und wiDdom ahurw In It'D rae~> !il11pptnu bnl'lt and forth. 11 t•hantNI thlo llttlr oong "lla•1lt nnfl'Unurdo lt('('JJ your oovlnff!l S/\YE-un li!lfl' Clln bt>, ) uu II nmv . You don't lnVt>llt tlw monl'y-bu\ banlt lnton>at help!! It arow. : You'll find till' hunker hel(l ful-ho llkl'11 rollin to feel at homo .. You do ull bnnldng at one plooo-nu nl't'd to fur thctl room!" ilwn, oondlng quite clo:w to the wrlter'o car, the llpro shouted: 4'llt.'llE'S NOTttma 9UlTE UKE MONv EY m TliE',PANK!" \VhC'n bl' &Y.'Oke. ttur'Wrttcr decldl'd that

' .

tw couldn't nave put It better. "CONFIDENCE" means assur· nnL"~;" and It lfl&o .mearJ!I a t'Ommunlcatlon to be kept prl· vat~ When you clve us lntor· marton abo!.~! your · private money mnttcrn, you can have tulll'ot conrldenec that your confldenco will· be tully re· ~pccted. BEFOftE. TAII:IlfQ A TBQ, tnkl' thet:t!· nl~ps to protect > 1Ju r l'mptytloqsc .and pos.!!C!l• nlonn. To mlnlmlz.c r~k or flrt•. be> ouro that all applt· n m"t•n ate dlaconncctt!d and that the lumtiro; 1s .,clthcr turn&•d oft or In sato working orciN .. To miJllmlul .Jlslc of thnft. bo nuro, tlrat of All, not to mtvcrti!!C your absence: SloJJ dciiV<!rlco; and arrange to hove driveway and walks nhovcllcd U snow falls. In the lnterrot o( tniXIhtUM cafcty lor your Important Pll• pcro, JJ_cwclry, and othct vall Lieif vctsonnl. tblflgs, tranater them to a eafo deposlr bole ln our vault


Cerrizozo, Now Moxlco · . •


money and aC()9mmodntlons nt. carrJZO'IJO JU 6 School was to IU\d nobl~t. In· me so that, by !he H~tol Knickerbocker ln llol· give a inUs(c ·lontest ln eorinec• ~IJlple, J )tilly J>c AD lnsplrll· r-•~----------------.... ---"'! rn::ert E. Noble IS with Ro • tlon with ActlVlty Day Aprll 17, · !~n.ht.Q ~tudents. I am proud to

d N bJ 1 1

, m Miss Anna lkjllg Hoffman vis· ...,ac beenuso Qt n troubled · T ularosil Basin ·GaS ·co. ney an • o e . nip cmf)nt Com· lted friends ln :F;t p mind J bllVC ,help.ed to sooth of pany of Lils Cruces. The Nobleo nso. · a t 1 h h I""'' ' realde at 701 N Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer or BU!a· eard.lll ave c ~~''""' to dry, or ll

• · ham entertained saturday eve. ~~ . o 1 have fo:~vcn, ot a nine honoring M"r. and Mra. hanNa wc1rd 1 h(!ve r~fralned

Progms of Poliomyelitis Lairmore. from s~lng, ot ffrm.neGS when ~gram In Ntw Mexico Mrs. Wayne Withem of Adobe beseM&tY, or a mlstl1ke that l

1\l'C.'Ordlng to the New Mexico spent a week with her pa«!nta. ~dmltted, of an advantage that Department· : of Publlc Uenlth, Mr. an4 Mra. J, P. Glover.· --·--::----~---755 children bad been given po· Catrlt.ol.o golfers brollght hom& . speeding • so fast they couldn't llo vaccinations In Lincoln County a 12 to 6 vlctoey over tbc Alamo• tell who It was. Mtcr tJtt!ng through March 3, 19"J6. A toUll gordo Golt Club. Dll!lter C&rr of lnto bls· cozy Ford so lon

~~~o~~ll~at~b=!t~v:~o~~~~~ AJ~g= and wm· Gallacher ,Frank looka Uke nn old hen trff:-""'n:entn"o of oomp' IAUon of V"C· o PI r Etl. t,Jcll tor low s.core. lng .f.o 4et on fourteen eggs, ln ... ~ .. .. .. crrc· enno Flandlll, Jnnch hJ.t new JJu!ck. · · "Cinatlon Ulr1t ahotsl In Uncoln fotcJgn mlnliter demanded that r 1 · . • cou~ty was alvcri ~ 19<::0, com· Adolf llltlet tlVc proof Gmnariy d lke to have a. lllQbU~.cu paroo·wttb • statowldo avc@RC bas no a~:grealvc lntenttOM or At\d ketp lt ln a abed of 22.62<;',. elae France would prepare' tor And watch .It suck tflo gaao!lne



TANKS AND PROPANE GAS We are prepared to install tanks from . I 00 to } 000-gal. capacity. Our delivery

· truck gavet1'rompt service anywhere in Carrizozo and vicinity. · -·

• •

war. ·: When.C\'er It waa fed I'd run It forty JnDcr an flour · · •

40 Years Aqo · Ami smllo to~ It get, ··- . .-.. .... - ... ----~----------' {Flo. u.. ~ ~ -ttse Cent• Anti roar U tho ~rburotor •

For Rent • ••• x.,., ~ u, 1111) • JWuled to carbuft!t •. Membcts J)t ...the . MetlJ,Qc,Ust I'd take my trtends on joyous

Church Soutb JIL White ·Olb Th~d:Untry up ,anll down. . A talJcd $35 at a ~ IJUppef't th& Ant' 11 \\-'e. met ~R LlcCtdCnf. .

Only $6 per month =~ to bo UJed tQl' church re• Wdd hoot !t baclc to town.

27 ,OQO.grotn Self Se-rvice Softener

CUW(;AN . Mr. aM Mrs. Funk 1. Batu TetmJ ot lcllooJ cloecd at 11n· . · rnotottd to Whitt 0.~ Sunday nit!, fdJewliiJ, Sari Patrldo and

Soft WCIItr StrvJc. :to vtllt ludito It'ewJtt. whom Metlc afterJNn.~n.rnonths.ot suc-

-~--~ .. •

comfortable leei;r.9... .

· to know your insurance ' •

• TUUROSA !hey met o~ the way to Carrl· eeutot schooL .. · •

~==========~~==========~;o:z::o:_:tn~P:a~u~l ~M:&)':!:'et':•~rna=chl=n.,. .. Dr. Lav.'l of Uncoln apent ----------~ . J,rooday afttntOOn tn Vert Stan· • ~. ton, t&fdnl :part tn tho t~ iainM. -..

is placed in. ·only the best companies with prov.en tee·

ord, for paying claims •

J ...

~ . . '



·- ·~amps of ~ywelght~ass I ···-1\lew. ~8 Chev:Eolet·'.task•Fo:rce · I

• .. '

• • ..

• • Model 310) ri!l _,.r~ W ..... __ 1· . - ~ .... .CIIAM .. ·I

- ··~ . • ..

• to. ' •

• ~ •


+ M· liCh8 ••~tt~~ lW lllrnk: • ~ Strfet ttai6.. Oa&MNI.

• ,. •

-. •

- .;-"' - .

··...:c.r~ • • ... ~ ............ ...... · ... 1.,_. .. •

. .

~ .. ~t,•tr~~·

• : "' ... ' '" • •) .... , • 1'1

~ la IU8l~cCU. . .. ................. u 011 u..~' .' •

cu\tl _.. 'Wh7 f&l:\)ibli\1 ...,.· ,.. II • oli~ftt~•cl ~.· .. ·t . ' ' •

• '


Work was. · being rtt!htd on the new :Paradise .OOool Car tho opMflng- term b) May.

CC.rruni!Slt:lnu numaldo Duran returned from a trip to El Puo. . tfr. F. lt. lohiUml anti Sam 1.

Btnu were to- Carriro.tn from Caplfan.

Jlle. TrWe from 'l't1rM tu~m to IUtsl of fdcndS ln Canltotn.

DeputY Shetitl Frank ~~~$ or Lhlooln \tO In· the c ~~~tat on -GfncW bt.1!1ntU.

• fairly and promptly •••

backed up by a ho"!.e town, incfe •

pencfent agent.

' .. ' .

P~ ~ llt nutd!lo repcrts X..:::::?'· lltUe, If aey, tmlt !eft on ae· count of the ~t fttttt.l.

Good·· !l(ar..d.J of range grass !t.dkatc.d that Ctro\<~ would oot h&\'e m.aey 1()55d dtte to m­qttt>. PIJt Jlllrinp, at fcct mll'q' <11 them, saw fDatrM as the only green ll'Jbst~ and ttoli11ta.tf!ecU·th& ~ l::!St . 1l!fi111. . ... . . .

PHlLLIPS .T.IPS " a., "'JtGGS"

' . ' •

J. G •. MOORE. AGENCY. -··· tl!OXt U ·~·

• •

~ Eminently Qi,gdiliei{ · · ··fOI . .

----- .·DtSTR.IC .. T ·JU·DGI. \ . . .A . . ' • . ~ , J ·-

·~Ant; LJI\6)(,. and .. · Otero Counties} •

.. '

. .

. . -~ . -. •

. • . --. ,._ .

' ' • .. ~MIItr. . . .........,. . ' • • • . . . . ' . .

•· --y

. ' -- 1 . I . - I . . I i' I

• • ..

' •• •

•• •

Page 3: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

•• • . • . .


•• •

• •

•• . .

l •


I ..

I ' • • ' .

• -- -,. I

- Soft Water OHA


0111 or write


Soft Wat•r S.rvic;•

• , .. GLADYS MORRISS , • Phone I I I

• _i;- •

•• .. .· .. " .. -spring is Paint-up, Cle~n-up Time I . ~

• • • • • . . .

JO offers . BIG ·sAVINGS·· .. •

• ..

..Q first-line<Pcrint • . . • ,, • ..

• • •

Close-outs a11 • • .. .. _ . • • . .

• •


er • • • • .....t '

.. -..... - ';J ~·-·

. •'

Rariahman' s Hecidquat-ters .... : · . ftiOHI'* '~. . ·-·~. . . . . tAitmOXOt.~ MIX. .. >.~ - . ·. .. '

~ • «'·' ~:. - --- . ,. " .

. . . . •


. -'"' ,- -' . . .

- •· ; .c. • • •

- . . ·~ .

. '

Wlgonwill I

. ' I 0 , . ... -~... ., • • ~- 0 ' • ~ •

. ·F•Od Mart APril 20th . . •• . . -

,.-- -

. '


--~ -~~..:-------------~.------.:..· ~----...;.' .. · ""'. "' _____ .,. _____ _ ·~·--· ~~- -- . - ---- --- ---~--------- ---- ---- ---- _________ ....,....... -- _....,.._...____ ___ -~

·" . Glover's Chuck Wagon B •

lib. Sliced •

I ' . • - .-

8 .. · . · ~LQVER'S aeon CHU~K WAGON •

• • •

" .

'b. Slciftless·-Frinles ~~~~~Ri~AGON "' . . .

~ .. . . . . . . .liZ

' . . ~~.

lib. Coun.ry SauSage ~:;:;:.~~~ ·


·~~F ............ ~ . LL 'I



U, 8, Cl{OlCE BEEF ·•••n•u·O>•·•·• •··••·· •



' ~

BABY, BEEF HEARTS. '1:0 IAn 08 FBY q . . .• . ...

' •

.. .. • . . ~

· FOOD MART GRADE A LARGE .......... _ ... __ DOZEN

•• •• 1nner: •

EGGS • 53c • • ~



• • •

• •


1 Ll • ROMA YELLOW QUARTERS .,_..._.,,_...,..,. ........ a.CU:tH• .. • • 0

TAMALES 2 for 35c Austex With Chlll Gravy ......... No. 3oo· Can

·o • • •

2·5c ~

Orangeade •

GOLDEN AGE .............. 46 ~ CAN I ..


G·reen Beans I , -

Stok•ly's Fartey Cut :.. No. 303 Can • 0

• • •


VAL VITA -SLICED .. ,_." .. -"" .. No. 2112 CAN

19c · 30c·

~-· .• -~ ,. ·- • ~

GUM. Ai.L FLAVORS. ~~ ............ ,. ............ ~ ..... ., ..... 3 PKGS. lOc KARO SYRUP Red or lla Label - 1 '12 Lb. lottie

• • . - "" .

23c 39c · PRESERVES

• •

. ' I •


QUAKER OATS • . Q'UICK • ...... .., ... __ .... ... ... . .... .

' - ~-- ,', -. . - _. "-


• . . " •..


Mrs. WJ•e's Peacll Of' Apricot --·-.. %0 _Oz. Jar

• ALUMINUM FOIL ptJrOLDS ~ ............... , ............... .

• aoc-·is. "'· • •

I .. . PIE MIX L . • 41k ~- t•ier .o\'AJIDU ... ~, ..... ;. .. ~· uu. , . 11 Oa. IIOX iJ . .,·- (I • • '

• -. •

Ll • • • • • • •

p ~ : ' ... ~ .... -


• • • •

• . i

·. b.IWI.

• " . .

, . .. ····· .... . .

• . .. . ''

. ' - - -- _ _: ___ )..:..

.•. •

_,. $~

. .

• •

I •


Page 4: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.



,;, . -·~

"t i!


.. " l ' l .

• . ' . '

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f,. . , if '• ,, !f J'

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-. ~ ... ,.iv.. · •tJNc0iH · • ANt110NEW$· Apiil1u_...f!W· : :~ " u. llt~h~ Jh0 • ·; · . ' • . . M...,~L - .•. '!'!>lPm>' • and ,_, $1<Wat; l'ayilllf ~ T!lll•· . ' · · · · · l ~ ~ . .

8·. r ·h··.d.· ·· ·· · · · ·· ~ncl. tneWt.t!iari:ffl-tQ-'iU: ·meir~ ~t~Hnte .. inev~n~e~~" ........ ·~-

.......... · · ·. jri,f in~· . . .... on . •!if . ay , . . . .. Ancho friend$. · . • .· . . J~ teP9t_f:B ~h'o~ th~\ the Alt;l.l· . · Los Alamos Lady Did . ..,.lbttl•• <>f1!1< ;·on.A!>ril $. 'f'S·.lll•wP• .w. Til• Vtble otu<ll'·""""' ot A/1· ••~·· ow ... ~ ... """-"


' qt. ~ork that hn{! . 1\t bqm~ W,,old -frJencJ$. p.n!J Cl\Q WiU ® ~~ntlJ)Ued Mtll $84~90~32 M (a,r ijtJ!, y~ar. ·· .shin~ ill Wroqg ,lace i wtn• dutln" .we .. ~..t . In •- oUM -·· autumn. -· .UUI Lytle 14 <>It '!'llt 1111""' tor tllll ,..,. ll0rio4 Carl Berghofer. checking flsh·j· · · · --=::::.:.: .·~·-·· ... . . . . of ber moth~r ,fqr l:!i !i\twt V~C)atlon fl.n«J upon l~st yeAt Walh~~.556,..$.a. . . ,

lntr licenses 'on £a"ter sunday faL1Pr · dlrecttbn of · . .. · . ' oncL of_JJn! Ill~ .-etux:n. \,Vlll ~&In vacation .· )~efund~ of ool,lrs~ r:edute th~ used the. opportunlty t~ blind 1 the by: 'IM· SteVflJlll, f:Oln'~ plttllfl? · . ·:-- , ~ JJU>le-1le!Ji()OJs.~.AncliO'-Jf.HQQkma:~~Jl~!J~!l.Ji_s~re~~>~ ~a"~ c:o).~~tors · out coplt>B ot tile April 1saue of ; doso, 9·8 la,st and w~l· H~nder!Jon. . _..Mm...M~Ii WI,UI . .. . at nart'chc) Jorw~r~. t<h<:ontlmdn~ thy ·Blble b.eli~v.e ~ .numoer ot lijese:;~;:-· :-'"New Mexico W!ldllfe." He.t loped ~.r:_ona, af· · and carl p: . Uenry, . be~ween and· lrt!,ldy. • . . . ·fUnd~ (Q tQ. tlll<P.~YeJ'$ wM · 4on ~ reports very· good""'rcsponse to tcrnoM: .· .. . . dl~t···the.· . · · . Tories ~ancb. )ler .J.>e~e.S,tml~y lpld.DI*'Wll®n d.~lap.~·.all' Qt,th~lr·i!epeqde~t!i. the publication. A Los Alamos'. Thursday, the Grlzzllcs lU'c vadPUS t)'pl,l/1 .ot J>hysiC!ll exer• .• , . .,. bJrth, her Pltf.1llt§:. . and Q1 AfcM CoUe~~ were.h!)me oyer tor WJtpholcllng .. l\'UI'~$eiJ· .qp Juay. dellghtl'd . wtth the" little , achcl}uled to trel( to Corona tor c:l~s whlcti Include gymnastics, n Marla In~ Mqntoya took !be the w~ek ~,n~. 'they were gu~.s.ts thet~;~ Jobs. 'fhl$ ~~fiUre.!io- t~em A,. paper. thouffht It wan a· goodthe final of a.two·s-ame series b¢dng

1and callstheridcs. 'Boys_.,.:-~~--·- ..... --~ .. ~ _______ . ____ · Ruflna.backto·LasChQsas, at tlle .Jutlior an4·S~:ntor.·ban• rehln.d wh~Jl t!feY llle fttUJ'Jllj

ld'ea to hand out ooplea to tlsh· ·and next wcc.k they- ~Ul-tra.v~J ,and alrl!! wUl tqkcrpArt.". · ·--"--:r:::::=.:~::::~~·=·::" ~~- the little dber~ee settlem~Jnt 11 quet and _p:rom In· C~J'rlz~. . llnd list all th~Jl' dep~nden~. · ermen. ''It tht> Department 1Jt\ to Encino on Mondar . . ..-u~------~- ... ---- ~ ___ _ SPORT$ FLASHES '· few miielt.eastofulilncoln Qn the •. ]~Jrs. ':l:'OJJ!.Bar,nett. ot El :Pa~.. Wbl~e Mf .. encouraged; !M· ··

.Game and ·Fish doean't nupply and RuidOSO' on Thursday. . .=r'"'"y .. o""""uap• H""""'E'A'""'t""___ . . . . . . . ·n~nlto.' It WllS~ there she ~pent was home-~nlt11la<J nttended tb!' :Jil'~Cft!)(}ls nol:....oltJ,cJa,Uy frowned A any tlnh. lt'rs nice to have oome· : In the win qver RUidoso, Pn· · JH · · Younglrter• ~Jro.un!l Spokane, her gtrlbood. ~· · J'unlor nn'd Sentor proqt, .Jlccom.' on .. e~tlle.r.


'Who w"nts tQ be• '.JII

"' •·'

' '

thlng to rend whllll out flshlng." lomnrn Ct!lliPletely Jlandcuttc:d ~ · · ~ · · . . W"ash., 4,r~ gett,lz)g a breal(,_ says She was married in &fncoln ln .panted by ber rnotbel', JUne ~dge ·II. tll1(pay~r a')lt1le flnaJ!· "ohe In 'J"hlngly <Omnrked. · the Rul._ bnt,men. · "n41ng The SP<> .. !nr Newo. G .. "-' .... · tO -·""' """ ot Lin· S"aley. nn<l !'""II bn>thor T•m· Cll<l Urt ...... 4 ,.....,,., tlmi;?"

'A· 'feW' hundred yard!l down· . 20 men down via fitrlkeouts. Su~phur and Molasses chairman of •r drive to ralse coln. ' . . - ~y. ;Jr. • . c,me collectQr llSked ..



'6 , 1Jtream. a su11

ta Fq man hauled The Warrlorn ,Pushed seven runs rn Grandmother's day, this was money to C9n1Plete·the first sec· _ Am.<!~B her old'' friends who Mrs. Mae Sackett has retumtXI ijandllng 'refunds j~; a. COJl1· • In

0 nlnl."'·pound-three-bunce. 30.. acrosr1 In the final two fr{\,mes the

11eason for sulphur and me)· Uon of a new;g~andstand at Fer· calfed to wtsh l:ler many happy to her home Jn T. or G. plex business; bUt th(! dlstrJct ,

Inch ,brown trout~ _ · aB- th~ .Gr!p:lles showed sl,gds . The whole family tis Fleld, holnt} ot the- returns. and share her . beaUt!· ~rs. Irene StQneman Is In Fot1 ottlcE,l ~t Albuctuerque manages ... ___ the optmlng game jitters and Jlne up to $Wallow spoonfuls of decorated .J:akg,_ baked by Su.mJtcr with ber mother, Mrs. to proceliS as high as .2000 a. day~ "if"'



.,OirrsN~U cOOPEBATES 1 rommltled • near d.,.n ""'"'· tho liorroa modlolno hOm the bl$ """' will .. made · h" daughter. were Mis. CilS!o; •m; ,....,.. .•who ·"'-,.,...,,. · dq!lm<=!h<tjlea_k ~..... _ •. , Whtle" pafomnrez was turning brown bottle. 'fhls was 8\IPJ)Osed wlth' • no payment of rent, to bal Zampra, MI'B. Sarll Salazar, from major surgery. . • . Tlie. d!strlct afre.ctor pointed . · ~

· Duncnn Campbell or Alamo· In an outstanding pertllnnance to build up blood thin· ne·d b" th" semt·pro, high school, American Mr. and Mrs. Fr:"...,. Ch"'V"'", M..... Th.. e J. I... Tharps were guests out_th~t the deadll.ne tor payldg aordo wnrcht>d p~.>roonnel ot the th d Gil"

0 1 J "' J..eglon and IJ<lndlot teamH when """" "" ..... '"' f th tr ""f 11 t Th t Is A rll 16 d h Departm(•nt of Gnme and Fish on e moun ' ..,ert tt z. long winter aJJd protect against the section .Js ... ~mpl"'ted. . . Uno Baca and cl,llldren, and o e son a~u am y. a ree . axes . p . an t at 9'11· .. Billy Hlckrs arid Tony Beltran the 'hazards of sprlng. '"" " Mnrttn Medina and tats son, Fer& Rivers Sunday. ~ .... - Ui~payers WhQ have not tlleLI

In an antelope trapping opera· pounded out two hits aplece to Maybe a stUt dose of sulphur 1

t th Y . . • nando. • Mrs. Lutra.n Richard!! ts In El should· avoid tho last minute ~ . rlon He took movteo and pro· give the flreballer IITI"early lead and molasses could. temporarily ~· o "t e

5· pankees trq.lnlng H"• grandson , uclo Macs Paso for a tew !lays.. rush ·by tlllng now.

vlded the Dt•purtrnc>nt · with u of seven runs. J It . d 1 t ca ... p " f, etersburg a few' "' ' .. • Q. - · ----· print of the film. to add to the 0 an· a 0 f;SCCn out of the day days ago walked Joe DlMaggto I brought hl!l chJldren from Ala· . r' . . . ... - . . . The average resldent ot New edUt"ullonlll film library. Such ag~~;nd~%ok ev::~~g, th:al'::::,r::~ dreaming that goes with the It was. a sentimental journey: I mpgofdo Jo congratula~ ,their l More Be n~ Dotte for Mexico eass 5~ pouocm· ot l[lrnb" ldndnenr; Ill very mucti apprccl· chorea and twirled another ex· season. Prob,abl)', It had no oth· $!lys The Sporting News.·"It's hard great. grandmother. From Cllll· I Nation-~s· Cri .. '•d· . ~ a y~a.r ... ~ompq.red~ wlth tllo 4.5 nted !.JY the department. er useful ettect •. But ,Qrandmotl!,- to believe,'• DIMaggio said. "that fornla came glffa and cards 1 · pp.. · pounds per perso-ns--wri$umed

cellent game,"' recelvlng nmple cdr wash not 1tar wr~mg. ·Spring 20 yeats have rolled by sliice 1 fl'om the daughter and two sons Than Ever Before - throughout tho ~ntlre Uril.tcJ

• •

. '

rsupport In defensive play from oes ave ts special· hazards .. reyortcd to Joe McCarthy rlgbt who could not be present. Be· States. • · his teammatCll. Natle allowed and stem measuers are often on thls field, a 8cared rookie out sides her daughter who makes More has been accomplished _ but two hits, a Qlngle Jn the tlrst necessary to delliJ with them. of the Coast League." Twen..., her home with her mother, Mrn. for, ~he crippled in our tim~ thnn frame nnd a double ln the final This Is the seUon ot ,spring years. Yes, It ll hnrd to bellev':, Maes has one 8011 ln Uncoln. Jn nll ceneratlons ot. man s cJv. Inning. while the stocky right colds, brought on by mans eter· · another son In Alamogordo, and l!lzation. ·

. hn8~~,~~8:~z o~~a':~hpll"Y""'


.. ~al op1tJm

11sm. We all know-that The Plftsburg pirate cct 11 a sister In n.om.yell. lmpro1vement In techniques Is

., .. ....._. " enut fu April fll<lcs can turn club record this eprlng nays 'the one exp nnatlon for the progres!l. · Important rote tn the bltttng fle· gray and pour .down dretichlng Sportln .. N t the t.A. Pt)ll de Rosier and Frank Another Ia the work .of both I partment, connecting on two for rain wlfhln nn hour. We know ot the~ · ort'l''rlnor nrou~:nfue Boyce bought 11 house in .Ala.· public and private ngencles ! three trlpn 'to the pJaro and drlv· that temperature• can go up and Fort Myers trJinJz~g base There mogordo and moved there ln.st wlt~ut who:Je ertorts sctcnttnl! ' ln~t In 11 pnlr or run~. down like a sec·•lw. nut who nrc 21"klds. Pitcher Red Mt.m~ week. They eold thel~ house Jn advanceD would be meaningless I F.cldlc Knight, the Corona prepares. lor such weather? We ger lB the cham Lon father wlth lJneoln to Mr. and Mrs. Edd Not many prlvnte organtza·.

hurler. whltfed nine Zozo balD· expect nod' dress fiJr nQt~lng but four youngstcra.P Vern L!lw a.nd Downing who have a ranch Uon.s can matcll the auperllltlve ml.'n, but 'the Grizzlies pounded the bC!ll: Women ahlvrlr in th11lr Fred '\Vaters bnve three each. north ot the Capltnll!l. • 'COntribution made by the Nn· out bnce hltn when there were new nprlng coat& and. olosh 1\vl!lvc Pirates arc bachelors. Mr. and Mro. Clark Pfingoten UQnal Society Cor Crippled Chll·

\ mrn nbonrd. through pudples In open . toed and ooM, Mr. Pond and Mrn. dren and Adults. For more than Palomarcz had plenty -ot oup· ohoco. Tho Iarmer cnn~t DlO.P · One ol !JUly Mnrtln'o tnvorJto Maggie Ptlngtrtcn drove around a quarter centuty, Ell!ltcr Seal

port lrom... his teammaten au hlD ploughing and run Cor eover stories, saytl Tho Sporting News, the mountain ltl!lt Saturday to SoclcUes have • been prov~dlng , Jack Ueflter turned ln nn above with every shower. The small Is about hl!l mannaer, Casey v!slt Mr. and Mro. Creighton care tor the crlpple4 · and In· · · avrrnae catcblng Job. Gllbcrt boyo lO"..Cll hlo rubbers. Ills old· Stengel. One dllY In lloston, the Richards at their ranch home forming tho pubUc ot tho crlp'·

Ortiz turned In C.C'fertll fli'Ji:i de· er oltlter wouldn't be ·caugnt Yankeea wero t\vo ruM bchlnd northwest of IW!i\velL pled's nccds, apendlns Easter fl'nrslvo playa, wbllo Sel)tt Lcw1o, de lid with im. umbf'l?lla. In tho ~lghth lnnlng but had two 1\lr. and Mro. Chrtntolr.l.l Za· Srol dollars N.'alJQrnllbly, n:L.1eJy Tony 1\cllran. Rlctmtd Orttz.. Rob· Mother can't spend an her men on wltb Andy carey at bt1t. morn and Joe opcilt the EMtcr and welL · Nt lUmpi).On and Lonnlo fiowcll time chasing after these dclln· Two strike& were called on en. tlolldayn h.clplncr move the The ~mpnlun ln NC'\v Mexico Jf YOU Wanf " pill) I'd crrorlct.:5 ball. qucnca. She might an well lake rcy,

0nnd Stengel r.rcw frantlc. Chrlstobnlclr. 1amlly from Santi;! hoo meant the"'...c tanalbllo

Bllly lllcltq rommlttcd one It tor granted thnt they wlll be. "DUly," ha sahl to Martin, "call Ro:la to Tllro where Chrl!l lD now t}!l~o: opcclal cnso V.'Otk, wher· mlnMit~ but- turned lr1aovernJ de· toolloh, ant.\,;t&'f to buDd up their tlmo and, go In there and tell employed- by tho Forcot Service. ever, the need mny arise: IJtate· tcmnl\'1' playa, oo tM Grlzzttco natu~nl rc$Jsmn~ to .ool~s. Sho carey to' hit 11 homo run." Dtuy 'tbw tell 1n love with the beau• wlde \Vhcolc:balr and Crutch ohowcd nlgM of Improvement c11n nco tcr It that every member felt ollly about lt but dld 115 he' tJtul oountey around Taro. Lo:m Service: Adult Epllep!lJI afield nftcr their performance of the rn.m~ly 15 ·gcttlnar ~.proper waa told. sure ~nough, on tho Duo to ttnr fact that her par· Pro!Jfatnl and other special ccr· O!lnlnnt nuJdm;o, dl?t:, rcplo.c wltb thrf protec• next pltcil care)" put one over ents were away, Doloroo Zamora vlttS. lt wUl mean the eutab·

the low .. don1 tht htd4~ baaeball ••wa, you'll wont to take advantqs• of thb ape· clol offtt. ·

A win over corona thls Frldny tllfo COOdo: mttk. (!ggs, meat, tho lett field SCJ.CCO. "TlUlt suro stnycd at State Colll~gc during llBhiJlcnt ~r New Mcxlco'o flrot and aunt nat Encino -next. Mon· green vegetables. She can make convinced mt>," Dllly eays. "that the Erulter hoUdaya. Ildmbllltatlen C<lntcr, a SUm· iln)' nftcmooG would tnsuro tho ouro thnt ovcryono Is getting Stengel knm.,.. bl!l otuU." Mra. Emilio Ztlmora who mer Camp for ctlpplcd cblld.ron, carrlwzo nine n play.oU berth enough sleep. It ~nr member <lf . teaches at E!l.st vaughn opcnt , tmd cxpo.ndcd dtatcwlde pro· Cor the ncan ValleY Conrcrtmoo tho iamlly accms "run dO"Nn" Somct~no asked Chuck Comls· last w~d; crrtl with Mr. a~d Mrn! QJ'llm5' ol direct ~rvlc:c. <'flnmplonohlp. and rompfnlns of Uredneu. 4 kC!('. vtcc.presl\kn~ o( tha Whltc Chrtatobnl Zamora In ~nroln. ThlD l!l the Umo or year when

Whllo the Crlnllco are cyoln~J vlolt to tho dootor 15 In o:dcr. ~ lt Chico Cl1rr.o.squo1 was Emlllo In ctatloncd n't' Fen llen• renldent.o or New Mt'Xloo can the Ccnn Valley Tilt, they oleo Children With colds should be traded to Cleveland OCJ!au.w be n.lur.. GC'f)rgio.. again corrt.rlbu1c to the caur:::c. hove thelr a!shts cot on tho kept at home. A day of quiet WM havlng trouble Wlth Manas· I Mrs. 'Lupc Bact~ and Mrs. Della T!IO E!lnter SC31 Procram I!} ln

. aomo wl!h nuldoso Qn April 19. rest wUl usually w~rd ott ~rl· cr Marty Mntlon. M relat~ 1n Wlfwn '-iere the cledro for tho the finest tradiUon or llurnnnlty

I' A vlc:tary Jn thlf; ronte&t ·would ous dwctopmcnto.. The Sptlrttnu ti~JWB <:omUkey rc· reglctratlon of vola& at Unct>ln.' and deserves auppnrt. It ron· fll"" the Grlullt3 the Dlstrtct Too won sprlna wUI pru:s. \VfJ plied: t'CnrrMq\lcl ltad trouble. Mro. Annie Rnmey, MhurUda tlnuen thro~gh Aprll 15. SD tltlo and send them to the owe ll to ouu.elvcs to be.,..ln ron· but only wlth tho· An'lt:!tle&f nnc1 !klib!lrn ?.1cGrow. dro··c to playoffs tor tho right to com· diU on 10_Sn1oY cv~?ry minute of 1t. League pltchcrn." Gocotro to tllnlt the nOy na~eya.. J. N. 'Kimbrel AJ)pUes pct~JlJJh.~ ~.!:!tO ~urn(>)'. ' Th!D '¥1umn Is opo~:cd, ·~ J.tm. Iloy llamey Wrul ln C1 hC!IJ)l· r

· Ma~.:cr HObbY Dragan ot:ihe l~:W1"=~o!ru~~~:ura~~!th~: e JEST IN fUN <~> tal _In Banta Fo oonvntczclnn For Air Force Acadauay Plrata hu ono advu:ntngo that daUon, P. o. Dox lGGS. s~nta Fe, Tho Sunday cchool teadlu from an operation. She to home Jnmea N. KlmbreU, con of Mr •

;Jprmcr Mtmagcr Fred Uancy Mex!co. . wao rev!ewlnu 11 JC!:Stln. ''\Vho now, fooling better. and Mro. A. N. Kimbrell, of Pl· · didn't hnvt>, l!!lya Tho Spt>rtlng • .. _ ~~ ~too the eblldren of hrael out- of Mr. and M:m. . Joo MllC:l qJJd roeho and o (ll'!ldullte of ttJ,o ' News. IInney couldn't talk wllh A lot flf~ motbC1S or tho wt.. Egypt 'r' No an.s-Gcr. m. · sho children ~of El Pnr:o rome 1o lJn· llondo Ulgh Sehool hrul to.klin : hla Spnnlah·ap(lnklng players. gcmraUon had thelr dnughtcra pblnt.ed to n little boy at tbe wln last Friday night. The. dlll· hlrl exa.mlnntlon!l In TQ1toyo far 'Drunen cpenkn and undemttmds vaednatc-1'l ln plnoot~ they tondly bade of the room'and aske-d hfm. drcn stayed with thelr BJUDd· entrance Into the A1r F~ Aro·

n ' thouaht would nover ahow. "It wao.n't m~" be wd Umldb' parents. Mr. and Mro. Boman dcmy 1n C.Oiarado. ••we Just moved .hero last \lottk 1\taea. wh~lo Joo nnd Prl!idlla Appglntcd by Senntor Clinton

· · ~ trom bUuourl." • wtmt on to Ilosv;."Cll to be wltb Antl!et5013, he In now frt.ll.Uoned . Zorla falhmo wllo wnn sedoU!31y. wUb the Air Force lntelllgeneo

• •

Fonllgif woman customer CSn hurt wbcn a ho:to throw hlm ln Japan. . bank): "I would Hka to maka last Friday. Uo l!J comcr..vhat -----------

dn Jnan." •. - . tmprovo<i and thcr; went bnclf to nan!< 'Ofllcllll: ''itou have- to El Paso Monday morning.

.sc.e U1e IO:ln arranger." Woman: "WM. pUnt" ' OfflclaJ: "'The to.an arran.:e:." Woman: "'b, y.:r..anean da

. o~a who ~mY tat•Uo suvur "Now," aatd th& arcllltoct. "'U

S.'OU wUl JUit il'ic ntc a g~maal Idea of tho .,Jn:l ct lwuse you want ••• " •

Army Enainttfl to s.n 9$0 Surplus luifdina-

.Approximtety 000 buUdinga located on the Fen DUo mill· tJuy rez:erv'atlmt aro bt!lng 0:· fen:d far cnle to Ute genonl publfe by the Co::pg ot ~

Enallttc!m The bUUdftlgn include otora·

bouseJl, mcs:s ball'l, lavatory buUdlngn. reeNaUon · buUdlnga and a numba cf hutments shro 1G ft. by 16 ft. by 1 ft. 4 lo~ ' ~C?d b[d! t;vUl be reclo-v"etl

on Ul(!., butllllilgs untU May 1 by the dl3tdct englt:~er. CG1po at Erigtnms,. P. 0. Boot 1538. Albuqumtue.

• • We'U4ild you 12 wMiily b~~Je~

of THE SPOJtnNG NEWS (reg. uf41r .ralue $3..00} PlUS o ccpy of the big, brand•nrtY 528-pufio 1956 edilion of th• Offldal BoUt~ boll Guld• (ragular ptle. $1.<10) for only $2.oo1 • • · If'S OFFICIAL, A.U1HEHTIC

1 'lhh fomout hookc.onta!m maJor and mtno:r lecgue ave rages • ncord&, off!-

. ptapmg rufea o net · thotnonds of

obcu1 ~~ g::~me.

lt'a free to you - ofong wilh o 12 ·week subltti;rtlon to TH5 SPORTtNG NEWS for $2.00. Lef't Qfl otq!Ul!tdid-bU thil «;~n4 wUhoot dtroyl ' . ~

: ~~~-"~

~·~--------------1 2 1 I·=

ClTY ··-----.....%ot40MlJL-'--• sun

-•'"''"• ~I ,..., .. Arflet!l 011

·~----------------~ eu••

'"That'a e·"•".. te-'ted the ......dT- .......,. .... pros.,... ...... ,;u heme ownet. "We want aomethlnl tn cu 'with an

.. iUJUque> -door.~ m)" · . pld<td up In .Mexlro Cltsl .tut

• •

I• GUAflllNUIDl • W1'14sxuu. •

• co . . . • -- • n. WU4KUSI'MtMIWIU

' . " .................. •


wlntt:." . ......._-

A little- trot dtiled ~ha· Ut••" ana asked" t:c.: the total mn\lic theata.

"Y<ltt wm nna that nutnbet,' .aafd tho .opetatof empty • your telphope dltectoryr

"I knuw," came the apU.U ·vo!~. "~~· rm .ttartdlna on ltn . <..? •

- - .. -- ~ .- - -· - ' - . . .. ,

• •

• . ·-

Nylon .. - - -"~ . .

LA.DIE$ .. .,. •~•••u••• .... ••=••~ .... ,.,, U:n.·~~.~~~~·,·•j•""•••·•· ..... ·+· • 4 4 &In 11 'lat~JUI:IUIUtl'liUitliu

• •


HQlf ~lipS ·: .- . . . NYL.ON ---- f4M•••••••~•If:t..-._,..ti'IUK\& liis'II~M!l&~n~~fqailo Clt:stss;ll~-.aaaa*•~

' ' •

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• . WGI.. OF MINiS . . . ,

: 1· ·Sp· .. ring·· · · ~Spo· · ~ · tt ·. :J· ··

• • F , - • -- . - •' . . ' . .· . ,

· · <i R·~Trousers · · -; •\. ~ . ' ' J•-

1:1 "" l'

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98 •

• . •



• •


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. . . , . • , , .• * .. ·IIAsoHAIL f JIIUCel=- .

. Petty• s. General Merchandise · · · , ' .. ·: t ' .. ··. <>ot\Y ·IOQQ$ ~ l)oiE ENTllE fMJLY· .. . .

• • ·,

• , .. • • IIIONI 8• « • • , CA.tllllOZO

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Page 5: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

• _,_ -·-···-"" ~, ____ ~-~------~ -· -~·- -·--··--- ·--~ ... - ··---~·,__ _ _.~~ . ' .... . .

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·. · ·11· ~E~~Ft~~·~:~~:~1 • · • · • · • ~ · ii• "' • · · · ·: · • .anll :=~~(f::::::~:.:~~ .. . ~dy ZatlJ!~---. dWb?' 1$ In tll.e nQMrd . .,;. &ll!!. Mltt~ .n?!~>rr<t ~~rt;lnb· .4f • . · .• ·. ~·~t'S . .. I ;::: . !,!()uti.\~~ . • or b«:<ln

. . ~o\~~q~, !!JJtJ,O~e .. 4n ~pswell. ~· ...... , v~S. (lu, '!;"'!: r- "'f4Ug te~ • .,. ' w I A I. . . I . ••• st~ks lnt!:l And ex t ·" · · · ' ':;.!~·~~~·:.= ~'Ur"'lart~· ;:":,~ n:!:fa~o .· · ~~· <tt am ··.· '· · OQ · .. • · P.P jt;ltioOS ==· oV::p~anu~·:,l\~e '" '"" ·----~~!:...;_-.~;,_ ·~~!~f:fg£$~~~~ ~~~-'-¢lOp· .. A,e·p..,~Apif30- ;.;~.~·~~:i·i!


"' · A®~ ~an. ·rn.ey motored .· .!M noswtal AprU s, .a'e 'n'easu~r. '·l'>fl'S. LeRoy. Me:· 1!-nd. 1s at: ~~~ool'sii.le.~ :be!ore,:Apur~. t~·m~l-t:)l:poi~fl[JW1~:thlto\11gii''-ta1~u~~iil5i-is ..,. T __ ·l.:t,l.,lt~ to Yi$lt Mt patents


Ml'. and l4J:s. Lcsli~ are at. the ho.me Knight. by s4lt ~r prob· are . eligible · tor rln~ntlve outlets could absorb: · Approxl· down frorn a mil· · .... And l'ttrfh·.Pe~ B'tckJila~, tor the of ·her--~sl~ter .and husband, M'r. , JnstalUn~ Olflcer was· ·Mrs. lema .~r ®tb;~~a r.. menta thts yenr;/provtded ·tne~·•mately l:fo/et o( m~ l9S4 prtiduc· Uon h~ndtedwet(lht the··

.. · · ~~lll$tt~ .holl!tays. . . . . and :Mrs. W. _P, Walker, _In Res· . Jack. Shaw~ . . . . . Gul~, ~tel1$1on · SQll . applfc!ltlon 1/J 1n the mnil . . tlonrwa~t tnkenover by Ute Com.; 1954 cwp p!Jt . undep . support " · A gt(IJllJ of Naznr~ne mimsters ~~· ,!et l

1s· able.}'?' eat soUl! · -ne-v.•cortder was-ln chiuge t1ionl$t¥:~w.f~Mextco• ... . Col·· ~prll. 30, .lie~n1a1n ,;.McK_Il!ben, · mod lY Cret\it Cor~or~$lon · un· tlm~.ugh !lame dnte a..yei!J' !!Co~.

An<l JaymeJi are wc.)rklng on the th t' .. J,a : g~nl:' news. r~p the PrOgt'I:\Jn, He spoke on "A ege. $11lt and sodium gen. ~ce man~get ~ t,,e Co\ntt}' Ag.. • ,_ .

. ~ : ... , tl.~W ~e m AfiiD!lf' this h n up a1n ~b n yol,l. wJ l be lJ~althy Community." · eraUy ocdU together tllroufhOut rleultttural Sctnbll~tton. and 'Con· ,__..,.,..._,.,...;......:..''...,.· _. ---.-~-....;.. _____ ....;..-_.: ... _

Well.k- I . . -· ... om(}f.ga n-.wit . USr Re!reshments. ~ (!()~ • .. . .. • t~e Rio Grand(!. serv~ on oml))ittee, remin.ds r .. h d. IW' ~· . . ' . 11J.r' .... ' . . . . . ;Mr; and Mia. Roseoe Cloud 4ougpnuts w.ete served by Mr~ . .are pllrtlcultirly -wool prf]dUqe~ ..... - .... - . ~at ·e r~ .,·n .. ·o· w· Dramati•C.

• · .· . • .-.l'ld .Mrs. Champ ,F.ergu. lett. last Sunday fora month'a ariiJ .Mrs. E. a. .Salas, Mr. tlnd tfqublesome ln southwe,stem.: . Paym~nts this yetu_~:!.\j~~-;,· =· ~- ... · · · · · Q · · ; . . - · · · · ·· ..

• ; -

• •


• •

• ,




aon went to Las Cruces. last Vllf.llltlon .in Indhma and·l)ilc;hi· Mrs. "Jake Grtego 1\nd Mr: and New>-¥eJ.dco1 ·· · to wqol St\les madeo after we$. ~nd to vmlt Mr. and. Mrs. gan. :,. · . ~ · · Mrs Herma.ri ·ote • Sa1t att(l · so<llum. acl:umula: 31, 1~. amlllefore ,t\prU 1, 1956, l-mes WUU11ms and tamlly. . • Darlene ·Patn~ •. ·who. waa rt · ro. · , tlon8 ln · tb~ soll '-reduce crop and tor which application ls

I,Jr. and ;Mrs. 1'favls Werner year.s old Aprll 4, bad a n!ci: Ba tJ ·t WMU Elec: · yle~ds. The.cost of tUlage, seed, maUed by.Ap'rll 30, 1956. · · ~pent last ?'elilk end in Roswell birthday party on. that·. happy . · P · 5 1'$ · fertlli~e~, .t\qd water applied to Wool growers shQuld be- espe· .vl.!iltlng hls m_other, Mrs. Allle J, day nt her ~ome. Therewere 13 Youth:Director • · unproductive . .area constitutes claUy careful to provide the ~·

· · ~JYemer. Wm,~m~l! Sr~~- chlldren_._Ere!!~nt_lncludlng her • an ad!iltloru,ll. loss ot· net Income qul!.ed sales rewr~I In subm.lt· . \Vltb them to _Tlntlie tQ visit . brothet and two sisters; Afmii -'l'he-W.M.U.. .of-tlie ~st. .nap.. · Ung appllcatlons for· IncentiVe

... .<la,u~hter and family, Mr .. and Walker, Ann . Robinson, .Joan ·Ust Chutch met Thursday, April . · ate those that .con· pil;Ymems:~ .Fbi Blilirn wooT; the .M.rs· Ftan~ TI.tsworth. He w~ll and Leslie Roy Fl'cCland, Betty 6, for a. bu!itness meeting. Mrs. ~In sufiiclept soluble salts 'to sales~ . record must · show the . .Mpen<l several dl;lys with them. Lot\ Jones, Joan ;Her..rera, Jean Bob Floyd was elected tbe new lmpatr ~top: production, Guice na.me and address of the buyer •

All . of the · colJ~~.e students ·Neal, Janice McKnlf:tht and Zane Youth director. expltdns. S}lch sollij are often date ot sale, name and .address )}ave returned to ;¥i~lt studi~s Leslie Jr. · Plans were discussed tor thg referred to o.a "white alknll" be- or the producer, the net weight after A veey enjoyable Easter J\(ter. games, . refreshments or Mother and Daughter banquet cause ot th&· wblte crust of ex· of wool -sold, nqd the net pr9· yacjltlon. fJlrtMay cake, cookJe~ nn.ci sott and Installation sEirvl~s tor the ccsmvo .salt present on the soll c~s· to the producer after n<>f·

_ ~?.11'~ ,a.~d_ M~ Henry Peebles artnks ,.J.ye~ served. Dadene G. A.'s . · . surface. ·· • mal deductions .. went to Roswell last F.rldny to received a number -of ~lovelY: · 'r!!e !ollowlng members were -~~!um SQils contain surtl· In the ease-of larpbs and year· get their baby chlclro. They gifts. . . . . present, 'Yis.~e ~oerson; 'Mia. clent. ex~&.J1geoble sodluin to lings sold for slaughter unsllor.n, spent Sunday visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. Bud Payne and Ke,vs. Mrs. • Buster Luck, Mrs. Jmpalr proclu.c~vlty. Quite fle· .the application must bo nccom· LeRoy McKnight ranQh where four chlld.ren, Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Towel McCoeyb Mrs. Owen Ben· quently they .are spolten of as panted with a J;!Ul of sale giving they were !lhcllrln~: sht!t:p. On Ftcelan.d and two chlldten, Mr. nett. Mfs; Bo Floyd and Me. "black alkall'' because, the sur· name and address of slaughter~r. their return trtp home they via· Mrs. Zane Leslie and three Cl~ude "'Walker. race of such-sPllB f\l!lY look dark date of .sale; name and address tted Mr. and Mrs. Gray at ~n· boys and Mr. and Ml'3. Bob Les· ~.:.-d Robln$01lS Move or black, due; to the presence ot. of .the seller; and. the number, tOO. . J lie nll went to Roswel~-Enster rut" dissolved otganlc· mQ.ttcr. • descrll>tlon, qnd net Jive weight

• MJ. IUld Mrs. Charles Jones Sunday tor dln~cr with their To Roswell Business There are ccrtoln things whlch ot nn!mnls sold. The appUcant eame In -from. the ranch. to~uy J,!yl ~-~'l.~ . Lef!!_l.!W, . In a farmer ca11 do to control salt m\lst hnve a certification trom tf!elr BUJ>!»!ieB tor ·the shearing of""Mf. OliO 'MtD. W. "1>. 1\Ir, lfffir"MrS;- Ford. Robinson and Sodium accumulations ' on the buyer that tile animalS Were 4ays ahead thin week. Payne. "' . who s.vere resldlllg ln. J..Q.l1 An· hls land; thc·soll coru!ervatlonlst bought for slaughter and 1hl.lt

.\Vilfig....Shfehb, Paul D. Dun· Dee Hlcl,mnn's Chevron Stn· geles, have recently moved to says. SoU 'tests to· determine tim they had ()r lmd .not bi:lcn shorn •

.can and Alph v. Teague all of Uon Ia bcnutltully lighted with Roswell to make their perm!l· amount of necumulated ao.lt con at the time of sale. To be elfcf· Sp4r. Texns. have accepted em: Neon lights and a veey pretty nent home-. .They and their be made. Such tesw wlll reveal ble tor payment, the applicant ployment wlth the sawmill in Neon olgn os well. 1t ls a ·nice n.cphcw,. ltlck McKnight, who inlonnattop which permltll tbe muat httve owned the ll.'llmals the l>Jno Lodge nreo and ore Improvement. Lnat week Dee o.t- WllS just released trom the farmer_ tQ ~~f>c with hln special for at least 30.doy'a before cell· •

ilvlno fm . 20'1 Ill'·

.. •

bedrm. 12'all!4•.

bedrm l:l:.ot"all'•4~

• ..' •

' • • . .

splylng at the Lodge. ·~ ten~ a Standar4,011 Co. refresh· Navy, are vl!lltlng her brothers problem. · lng them for slauapter. .• ' · · • The Copltnn Band Boo!Jtero er couroo In El Paco. Mro. Hlclc: and tamlllea, LeRpy and Wllb\.lf Guice says soil high ,In white The local ASC ortlcc can sup.. A 12-foot-hlgh pondero~ pine when thoro aro tmlall children .

Club wm meet Aprll80 at 7 p.m. man and their daughter Faye McKnight. alkali can bt'l made more pro· ply .application fonno 11nd an· cathedral wtndow and a Iorge, Tho patio i:J lclcally lluitcd for a roofed patio ore omons the unique nummcr cntcrtolnlna. lt can bo In the lllsh School muolc room went with hi.Jn. They were After a rew dnyo vl!llt they ductlve bY leaching. Leaching · wer w any queatlonu. about the Ccaturell ot thlll contemporary de· cntarcd directly from tho dlnlnu In capitan. there trom Mondoy to Fllday. · wUl be at home ·In their new Is aj!eampllshcd by applying ex· wool pron'fam. rrlgn by -Rudolph A. Matern. room ol' Uvlns room 11nd in clono

.. .Jo.scvb Rench tett Jnut Satur· carol Allyn Bonnell won tho .!).Wnlng bWllnctl!l, known an the ccsslve amounts of wptcr. The · . • Th11 window, located In the liv· to tho kitchen for convenient day momln" for

0 flohln" trip Ltncclln wJdc County Spclltng Roblru:dn Awnlnrr Co., 2.1) W""t amount ot water required wlll Crop Support for lng ·room, domlnotca tho whole scrvlnl of food. ~ .... eo •- t h ld l ,.,. •~~- Fr " .... "'"' d d lh 1 hoUJ:o. Jl glvoll n vcrvODivc tcclln" Tho caUlcdrol window Jft tho fo·

to Alamogordb... lcol!o. · 1'lul. nu:o. e n -...rruu.c.u lday McGnl!ey. Jack wUI Journey "'n cpen upon " c na t CQ1ltent of D E of "~11 lou " d I • 1 1 .. h " I

"t. Sh lll t Ll ... th ll .... th tl I lint ~ d•able B.~-ns . " c onP.o,.. on uxury. CQ po n. ol t o exterior. If b wind wns tOo ntrong 10 flnh but n !Jn e w rcprecen · n· to hill homa In Jlllnola. We wish e co a,~ 0 na M ty /;.' .- T o llvln!l room ote1Jplcs-e eepa· flon}((ld by d alone veneer w41 on flo dlcl .~et rp . tey out hla. new coin County In El PfUW very you tvorldD of ouceem In your level desired. I Experimental ro· · · J'he U. s. Department of Aarl· roto wing, for grociollll cntectain· ono aida and Jn vcrllcnl·board

· boat. Uo returhed sunday nlght. coon to compete tor. die nat!onn~· nC"..v.b~ . suiW have dlccloced that It ls culture annouUl'ed thin wooft lng. Jtbh.M1tho ~ddc~ charm of o 1frorrt entrance- on tho-othli, Thfl ,._ n-. ,.. Provine "nd Mro. 8lll opelllng controt to be held In ... ~~k~~~·• pOO!llblc to rtducc the salinity that th" n"tlon 1 u woo • urn ng rop,aco end llll ong root overhang lomb greater .... .., m•, ... u. . "' .. a averasre a P· opcn-bcnm ccllln~. ' ~'dlmcn!llon" to U1o ho""C whll"

Jlandlc aro attcndlnrr the armu• Wnohlngton, D. C. Good luck, ''"'• and Mrs. Denne A. Dlako· about 80S'~ b)"' applying one toot port price to( WSG·ctop d"" "'dl· ·The work and n ""pin~~-~ ""0 tho ls'(lhlcr n~oJor of th-.o 'nr~-ro"• Ill S

•"·to "-n·ventlon o"t the "'om· Carol. · · · nMJ returned Friday Cro'- Den· of wat"" 1""' ench foot of ""ll. ., "' "" 'an: ... -.v ~ ,.... '"" .,. ~., 'm -.. "" .... blo bcar.a will tjc ~.31 per hun. neht aport for quiet an pr vacy. nlntnnt tl!lpholt obinglc rool glh.i • ans• Club3 ln Portal en. otarttnu Mr. and Mro. L. Po:;cy nnd fivo vcr City to make their homo ln For cxnmple~ 1r the average dred poundo. Th}o }o 'lOr" o1 Ute T e bcdrooltlll c:nn b() cntcr(d rcom uddcd "height"

Monday untll Friday. children vlnltcd htt sinter and Pine Lodge. Mr. Blalccney 1s rc. ooUnlty In a· fhtre foot depth of· Februaey 15 p:~rfty ·prloo ot $9.02 tho front cntronco without cro:m· Tho orcbilcc\ ouoccal!l thnl tho ••.-. , Fln•Ah"r l"-U'" moth""• 1am1'"• Mr. and M.... "drlan 11111 tlrlng after 22 ycaro of ccrvlcc the field 1!l 40 mllllmlio!l (unit nnr hun·.T.r;;.~ pou dn Ina the llvlnsr room. One room opcn·bcnm cothcdlol ccllln"' b!l =oo .... " '"'"' ., .... .., ·- •• · .,.. 0 ' cu n "" • opel\!! dlrc~tl)i oa tho toyer, anlt lnnulntcd w1U1 3-lnch·\hlck 'inllb

?.fr& 'l'Onn, returned to her homo Qnd children. IODt wcclt end. with tho Jlumble on ·eo. ~and bt mefumtcmlmt for oollnltyl Prlro uupport tor 195S·crop dry c:m be uccd llll n den, ptny room, l'rul wool bJon!tclll to ltt!cp out tho 1n Lubbock, tntdnn her. tittle Glenn lUll, who woo oJx yearn wao nlvon an elaborate golng· and you wo.nf to reduce thin· to ~~i~lc bearu~ wan at o -nntlonnl or family room. heat of tho llUn ·tn oummer ond txronddnughter Znna Hnll. wlth old Sunday, enjoyed hnvlng a nway party by both the comp:my eight, then you mWll leach with llvcrnce. price of ro.so per hUn· • Tho ldtc:hcn'n "L" nhopcd worl\ ~ccp an to!ltly warmth In- w(ntQr. her for a n!co vl!.!lt. rcw ot hlg fllendn tn tor crurA o!tlelals and hiD many' fllcndo three root ot 'Water. The etrcc· dred poundo. whteh wa.o 70,1 of oren t::~vCf Umo tmd ntcS:l· T11crc Thl.!l holltlo 1n from tho UoinC•

_ ·• and leo cronm tn Denver Clty and Uonston, Uvenr!l:l ot lec.ehlng will depend th1c ~1cbruory 1n.. 1955 p;rlty ' ~l~ ~~~~~~~~~~~v~o~a cg~g~ =\~fu~1~~:¥f~aoVpl~oPr!IJ0l!llco.rron

home office ot Humble OU eo.. upon adequate drnlnauc or deep pr cc or bcana. tSupnn t tl.'t:ll n\ tu lh ldtcl b t b no A •• u. ' . Ev~su-"r'--d ....... twlth •"~m P" ..... l"tlon. ".t"' ... . ~"vlng a "ard . ·~ ...-r ra . n.., on.., o ten, u o lll!C·I" ·04 lOlct Bt, Jotn:lie:r-32, L. l,, • ~,.,. _ _. ' • . . .. ..... .. ><UI .. ~. u"' ,,......, .. ~Ul' nu u by cltl.~f.:J. and by arcos whero mont and outdoorn.. lmporlon\ N. Y. Rc~er to lllnn r,:o (}4'\l'l'

.;JIV\oft _. • • • to rctum to her atudlen at the pan or bJgh itndertrround wnter • • - •

. •



HIHJEO.lO·Olrl)fl GUEST' 'HE·(K .. S college nfter a \vcclc'o Uln~. toblc t1re not out ted tor thtrr type ·- • -\. Judy and Frodclle Provine arc of. treatment. • • • •



• •

•• ' .J Visiting tbeJr grandpnrcntn, the Guice rceomnlcnd.!l the ~ of • • •

8 Ke,-etono tn ,Lubboclc. £IYP!)um and nulfur for the con· • •

SAlES B. ·ooKS Michael and Jan Iklndlc ore trol of block nUmlt. 111(} ooll • . . . i: guroiD this week ln the home of mWlt be kep~ moist to bring

tbelt Crandparentn, Mr. and Mts. nbout the n~ chomlcnl Elmer Ham nt Fort Stanton. . eonvcrotOfl!l whtch reduce the

lnjU1lOWl eUect!.l of the coluble

IClrnedhlt dell•etY- 6ntn qnalltf at 110 more con cha11 -ctdlcuJ _.lnt chcdlt 111cd taln boob! Dopltt.te. criplluut and ll)l.nlf!l!d tty let; • wide 'ldcaion ol t:bet aod J(flts.


• boo Powell and D. 0. Mu.tphy nnlta were bwlnc==: vloltaro In Ca.rrl· &>1J mulchca ~lie benelldaJ In l.'mO MoiJ,.day· . re~rdlnfi cvnpomUon of Doll

Monroo iiownrd to In tlio h~· wnt('f and Ute sub=cquent dcpo· pltal In Cattlrozo. alUon of r.olto · ln th,l! aur!Licc

Mr. and Mro. Elbert Drown of sol~ -.Th~ uw 0: anlt tnken out • Cnnlzozo visited their nlete. l!l another lmportnnt feature of Mm Leo Powell and Mt. Po-~11 thtUnlty Control. in Capitan last Saturday nlglit. Farmers. who have an ·alkali -q~

Mr. nnd Mm Taylor, clteult problem Dhoultl c:omrult their ,CC:VjltlW ot Jehovah's Wltn~ oounty extension asent toT ll!J· opt)rtt the" week at' th~ Buerta s~tanee In planning a cilntrol Vlsta llotcl. They worke-d ln proarnm. · 1 • Cnpltah. Cattlzilto. tort Stanton. Nognl nntl .nutdQso. K. lL CatUe ~gbt.r Up I Sit~. an~~J...:J~-~~gn~ct _ . .Cattle •. stoughte:cd In New

n on, . . . actom~ed by .Mexico during the! year elf 1955 the it aon OUa C~nnop and hls tataleil 56.700 ;!lead rom pared \7ife nrul. little son DaU spent with 54.800 head slaughtered three d~s at Pine Lodge thl9 during 1~. cal\"~ slaughtered i w~ rJley tllld they really during 1005 \\~ rep<lrt!!d at enjnJ;etl the ~do:n mm san.d· 5,100 hend cpmpirf:!d with 6,400 ~ &1ozmj .and tt.lUit, aa West Tex!l9 bead a year culler. Hor:s ~ Jma been hord blt-. wlth wind mnu"htered durlfi.t 11)55 were this npring. . • estltnnted · nt 83,600 head, :W,i-

~i. A. Hfinft!ll of RcSwtU nrtd tnom tlmn thf '(;2,000 head , ~s b~lliet Gary and famUy slatightered during 1954. Tho were vi\StUng Pine I.otlgo SatUt· nutnba ,..pf sh(!(?p atid Inrrlb9 day nnd Sundny. slau~htewi during 1005 amount·

.. •

CARRIZOZO ·NEW MEXICO Mr. and .Mrs. t>.agst)ale, lt. atd ed-to 23.000 bend. Cbmpared wllh

Sr .. went to the fiesta in Trulh ·22,l'i00 bend slnttQhterM dtttlng .. .or ~ucnro.!i ltUt week eM. ~. · ' . ... .

-• •

•• •

• • ,·

• .. - :.. ~ -·


• •

• • •• •

• •


fM.ca• O(t: liltNE . •• · -· . 101 $2M 01 usn -....... , . . .

•• , ... ., .... Olllillll ... i.,. .......... .... . - ., ....... ·-.. """ S.lfri;'t. t1'tK .



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"I co.n afford to:''_-- ---- -- · "' " ·., - -

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~call' her twice· a· vi'eek ·. •

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Page 6: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

.. .

. . •


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• • •

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. ALTO . BRIEFS 'Mills :N"eUl and h.tr th.ll'tl grade chll!lre~ thl• week · · . studflng -~~ · ur1Jt


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for GOVERNOR· . .


" "Our n··-w· .wsa· -----. . e . -

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· · ·-· e.,-Butane I


WE CAN FILL YOUR 150, 250, 500 or J .ooo GALLON iANK

• • ~- 0 ~-


. We Givf.S a H Stamps •

·. Phont 9&. P. 0. Box 68 Cardzoto •


~--·_·ALL·!' LINCOLN ~OIJHTY . --~ . • Clteclt.lnl A~ .

~ . • •• .. •.

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Page 7: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

' ' I i ' ' Vi !'



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P-~-1 ID~<tire~~r~·~v w.eetc.Lr_a~n, . . a tn!!lntrun . •. · . a JnoW.!itorm.. .betw~n il11~r . .

. . to Sf.lt down ~tt Vau~fln, an~ 3,954 · sea!iQn. · 4005 ' . . were · · TO; as· .be to1dcd thtt Wil:liiS ~f ijln 'lG% Qf whtclt"W(lm three · No. ·a. plane •. he noted tb,ilt ~ey we;re .· ·and ufl{ler-•. · Ot the 1.!l5f; trOirn' " · .,

det~~~:f~_~g; ®at~d with an even fnch ot .. ~ce. . .. ~~ w~~· ;tll.ree,.y.ea~ Ros:wen Sund~ 'J.( dece(U;ed. their SURVEY$ l.JNP~B WI,T · ~nd -gnder. tn!Ucat!Nt. tl\~t re· st d lO ·

J..ula Winmleld. 1'he Guadalupe MounWn lrn~ pror;b,.tctlo~t:ls very }11gb,. • service ui:J.'. ·JJer!fd• 0'f0.:.:!!!& DorothY CJark, vey bY the Department of GIUne F~RmQ Qto•T . bwadc~t KEPO "'30 Dl 1 690 llil Dot'QtltY.Wi .and.F,.I,sh gotl.llll}er way-April. . FJslilrm·.l'~pwt'torm~.~-nl)w ··.~ , , ~ "'~:· . a '\-

uldti!l, 'Mar~an ·n. :''th .A-9;-ftln · ~~rt~"tlJ;n · · c~lllated · ~mong the As.· . SENBLY IJr QQD cuuacit knQW.. a$ erson. .....v~n .......... ••u-.r . ...,en' of tt.e. .,.;,ftnar-e' nt ot .... -

G~"'e •• Etz, .and I.o.dd G~d~;m part•clpatlng. ... j~ ~,. ·· .... ~x 181 12tb Street. CcmtJoao' qo All GPA's Jn thQ are~J hive been Ga.me and Ffsh. 110 that the Mt. nnd Mra. Luke .Jonea

as ~g. -~' .and lnvlted to take n~. roed.la ~nn be ~pt In· . Leadel'$ · . J!.. C!lrt~, part,· and others will ,•be taken formed of Jpca.l fljhln~ .g

'M' A 111 ·an. ·wo~ ",.,. . . B. E. Pen· ov~r the range after the surve" tlono. Th~ flrst of theJO repo~slf, unday School-10 a-.m. ..... ""'!, . . .... .r.q.&, wanted to A. Me· Th" . . . "• readS'. ~s 1ollows: . - Morning WorahiP-11 a.m. . h!Ul~le Mc'Nesl! Prod\lcts full' . B,. Belcher, J. ira e sta~Ung point was tbe Car· . . Collins t.ake Vel'$' . goOd. Stor· Youn~r Peoplea Servl~ ...,. 6:30 · or spa':,;Ume~~~pportunl~ .to Stepbenlll no~l\ .S~ephens. some· ~r:.nS:ar statJon or the Fgrest rle l.ak<L fair. Weather rQugh, p.m.. . ._ · ..

=n~ss~;.:.wrl~ M= Phe~-k~?~ S:u!~ J~LJ, S. . x··suivey of. thb Saciarr,Wnto fcaWlUrlg<lh.s,to.--1\1, A big pfel.ilrce!lEn~ta:n:ga.~ e:t.--1--- ~=!1'!\~tfn~vl~. ~a:.:~ . COMPANY, '120 E. Clark St ... Sutt<in, ~. C. PQto nnd Claude ot Umlts wereQugbt. 7:30.p.m. FreG~~· 111. · • 4·13·2tp cunnlngMm. ~nd THE VN· L E GAL "'N .0 TIC E S Fishing- season · opened . at -- -. -


feiMI,I; ·. \i~~p WANtED . ~.nww~:. r.a~~. Wingfield, COUNTY OF LINCOLN. l as. 250 f~~~enm:::~h8t :~!:e lOOOth.e . D AYec':aao~, 'l'IHe.n~ ~tr•lt AVON · CQSMS'l'IC • COMPANY ;9iiiSumefl kn9w.n llB nee N. STA~ 'OFNEW MEXICO, .. W!l!i gQOd. Hlih wlnds c. E. Bukh. Ml;;ter

.. . ' . . ' - '

PWONAt. · ._ . !· r •


• 0


. I . ' ' ., .

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. '

. ·~-


+-'"imlHll "~"'---aTY · Olll"NOWN clff- THE- -PllQBA-U . .COUaT - ·· ..School .lO!()()_JUD.. .... __ _ '~;::::~~~~rt~~~~:1WJpgtield an~· L N. :~m~:,}.~_:: ·run tn afternoon. · mature-. wonum ,. ZNf.s ~-o;; nftEnEST IN THE IN TIJE MA'ri'ER OF1 · ) . Morning Worship ... _ 11:00 a.m • '

' . '

. . ... . tt .. nnd Cownll for: a. ..,, PREMISES APVERSE TO THE F$TATE OF FRED )Mo. th~ .. waters, according to BUl M. Y. F ........ ·-··-·-·-"· 6:00 p.m. ::ta~wn._,;..lt'::'~U:!~l;t~t, Mrs. PLAINTlf'FS, GREETINGS: TitORNTON SCHLARB )885 Wotmun ~ Nando Ma:~r~ln or Evening Worship --··-·7:00 p.m.

• • .

-­. ,·

·• ~. Verona 'l,'aylor, Box 792, ... Clovls. . 'l(OU ~jl· ea.cb ot you are Deeeascd, .................. ., ... :._" __ ' ) . ~~h.Dep . ent ot Ga e and ti~hes~t':n~e:fscl;~:r ~:d . ~.."t-:~""'--w: lio'i!dli_, . • , _lfflW. Mextw~ • 4·5-~p hereby notffl~ that there has NOTICE OF APPOINTMEN'J' FOX HOT POUHD LUm and tourth Wednesday or the

.WrL--- '·'· . -------....... -.--...;....-· -- }lcef, t'l~ tn tfiO District CQurt OF ,ADMINISTRATROt The fox whl~ was taken by month at 2:30 p.m. _ . ~. ·~ JIUUit ~ ton:ething .to thh heredity atuff. For WANTED-Legal secrotncy. AP· e>t . ..,..n~ln.Coupty, State ot New Notleo,l~J hereby glven that on men of the Department ot ~. Reggie • Bot his mother''l brown cyet,. ' n1'Y ln pcr&an. George L. Zlm· lfex!C(), ~ ~tn cause the 5th or April, 1956, tho Garrie and Fish on Pecos Road

_ · .nd hit father's blqe eonv«:rtihf,.l" . . merman. · • · 3-30·tfb WUJle ~Q~c~, .~ •• P. W!l!l nppolnteil ad. In Sante Fe last week was eX'· ------... -------------.!111!.~~---""'---~---~·- · .J~h!l L. 'MnlJk,!!._re plalntJtf!J and ot the estate ot nritlilcd .nnd .found non·rabld. ,.LA. SSIFIED GUIDE TO HOMES . FOR rALE YQU lmrl -each or you are defeiul· Fred Thornton Schlarb, tie· ' . ·~ _ . _ .. _. ~ ants, the s!lmo belna cause No. ce'nscd, In the above .named ---------. --

MISCELlANEOUS SER Es . ---------1 6110 on the ClvJI Docket..' 'rho Court, and having-' qualified tts

VI( ron SALE-'1\vo modern two· genetnl olijects ot oald action ch h 1 1 1m .- ·~ ·,_, ' · . · · b.cdroom. ho~ 65 tt. front· "ro to q·_ uJet an.d set at rest title au ' anyone av ng a c ll · -r';'.

'·----------------------· - p - so 5 .. agnlnst sald ~tate Is hereby • • age. h<>ne. . ·R. 4· ~tP of 'the plalntlff5 ln fee olmple 1il notified to me tho s:une wlUtln · . - SEE - . • . . nn.d to . that property described lx th r M Ath lnt!ll

Klllg'l ~actus Bar · · FbR SALE - ~!odem two·bed· Complillht ln oald cause 8 mon ° rom · ay .. ' """'

III:I•D "'- ....... , . L. Z. MANIRE.AGENCY room ho~s set .. on your own ls. eltu.ta In Section 28. MARIANd~llLARD,lx.

• • ------ Aoi#JII,UO- ...... for GEHEIU\L llfSUilA!tCE founclatlon.~, $2400 each. Smllll U'.South or Rnnge 13 · A nlstratr DOH'JOEaQAJU) AutomobJlt-. Slckneu 6 down payment wlll handle. 'Ea$t the- New Mexico Prlncl· It Ellrcd JoneD. · ~ j'

Cecllt JQ pall 1af btllo 1'1n wumu.c.. • Z.U•-~ PhOne OO.R-. - 4-5·3tp pal MP,tldlan, Lincoln County, ~':f~~~· r:rc~d~':a:atrlx. .. X.UliiCia .Mw.~P Kl!fQ _? C<mU~o. Mew Kt.ldco · New M~co. · · • . __,_ s••r V ,..,.., • YOU AND 'EACH OF YOU AnE Publ, Apr. 13, 20, 27; MGy 4,'1956 .

_ . '"'"'?"'-.-.. ftldO- U EST"""" FtJRTI.IEll· NOTIFIED that un· ' · · Sho Fred's Shoe Repair · le35 ·you enter your qppcarnnce IN THE Tmno JUDICIAL ·DIS·

1 . , •

lody cmd fendtr p SIU)DLES BEPII.Illtn JlEDUCl'ION SALE of youQg or plead hereln tm or before tho TIUCT COURT OF 'l'liE STATE · ' '~ ·1

101 JIIUUfi-H·!u. wrldm' lCii!Jtcrod Aberdeen Angus 4th d!ly ot )tn)t, 1956. tho plain· OF NEW MEXICO wrrnm I .,, ~ lro Job too la%9• or JUl T'Jpu of Bancb Ctcu fQI' bUlls. l_lcady for aervlcc, See t1Us will make Jlppllcntlon to · ~D ron LINCOIJ{ COUNTY ... .-.11'. JJMM:MJ 71• (:.cr;llJ,IIIc.. tht Ito~ lUr~ P. Brimberry at R·Ba.r tho Court for Judgment by Do· Mo. ., .....

.. --~'!"""'..._ ____ ....._-= 1wQ DOOIIS EAST 01' CITI• llnnch, NogaL · 3·1G>Ub fault, and Judifnent by Default ~ - dft$ IAlt'E ILDQ. ' Will be rendered agnlrot yolf StJ'JOIOKS AJfD HOTICE OJ'

. Notary, l'8bllc: CIJW%0%0, nW IIEXJCO . MISCEllANEOUS and· cnclt of you llll proyed for • . fENDEKCY OJ'' SUIT 111~ J)()W - ~ ~=o " · ~ ' • In tnld Complaint. . TilE SJ'ATE OF 'NEW MEXICO, 1l A.,., bet. lith cmd u· su. Nu•Way Cleaners liAVE »n4oiiig~ -;~d ~t;rt;ii. Tho ntJmo bt the plnlntll~ ro: GOLDEN E. ROGERS. Plt.o•• 1C4·W ftcJc·Up cud neumr lnr 'With dw..cr. Wollld lU<e attorney ,t's •. t.cwl!l c. Kimmel, TIIOMAS JtEr.lflY ROGERS.

- Phcqe 81 ~ Ccirrhozo . wo:lt. Rcasonab!o. Phone whoso ~ost Offloo address Is Box MilS. REFUGIO ROMERO, lllsa

EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Chllrles L. Conder

Vicar-, Fort Stanton Chapel of Our Redeemer, Fort

Stanton-lat. 3rd, 5th Sundays 10 a.m.

St. Anne's Chapel, Glencoe-2nd nnd .4th Sundnyo 0:15 a.ih.

Church ot the Holy Mount. R.uldoso.-Every Sunday 11 a.m.

Church School at nuldo:;o cv· cry Wcdn~:.dny ut 3~1!1 p.m.

Women'Q Meettnrio on 2nd ~csdayn, .Ruldo!.lo and Glencoe, 10' a.m.; Fort Stanton 7:30 p.m.

SAIMT RITA· CATBOUC c:utmCB Carrizozo, N. ht.

Rev. Ocorcc Lcchcl • P.!Wtor

Rev. Reuben T. Mo:rowltz, . Asllltn.nt Plwtor -

SCUEDULB OF MASSES Carrizozo - Sundny Mans~ at 8

nnd 10 A. M. ·weol:dsys nt 7:SfJ antt 8 A. M.

Musca also !l!lld on SunQys aa

ZAn ~~ lJI,'Jrt. PhOne •· ~1nln 2,mfUI Roswcl' 4~5.tf 112, I!c$WeU, Now Mexico. known.aa ROBERTA C. • • C ... _., .,...,. " • WITl-iESS my .Jl,nnd nnr1 seal no: T11E

~~· ;mta••• -~• Shaw MorhtQry . : o! the Dlstl1ct Court-of Lincoln DEFErtDMn'S DY

J. G~ ·MOORE . ~/;!- ~ercd ucart .Cha~i . I Lincoln - St. John's Chapel,

~ · - j 9•00 a m •


Olto. 1! •. , ..... h ... II ..., U·hotu •-"-' .......... •.nstit Fill Dlrf . County, StatlJ, -of New Mexico on .LtVmG;&r1>ECEASED, .

•- .__ ~·.. th15 Sth day of Marcll. 1006. urumowr.; HEins: REirtJ· -·..,~··'f,j'iliiia'll,_t•wmt"Jtot. . .. PROM.& 54 F.Qa SALE - a.od fJ11 dirt. (SEAL> LAtmA W. CIWG; GIO ciJMrEi~ MA1UA T. An·

. XO'l'AU' •UJr.tC • . . ' You hcml or we bctuL. Clttk of thb Dlrulct Court. CHULETA do CIIAVEZ; IRE· aus.J;.ttaw- AP«lt•llliJ- . Machine Ditch Digglllg fhD•• IU Secrt-~H-a. · PubL Mar. 23, aQ; A11r. 6.13. 1000 mo CIL\VEZ; MRS. mENlO UPOIZa JCoW.- Jlloof laG or For dltda • d~W!Dg, nt or . .. . 4-JJ..,.~ ~ CHACI ... ~!. DA!:~CinAOCIACiu~~~. t1·1f, c.m ... , tttK:O tmll4llifl, ... AL .JnY G · <XmNTY or UNOOUJ u.. ~.... u.

aox ~~c. C.ttaoao, w. w. MININ SEIVfCES REF·UGIO ROMERO: anll An·

GJI,},Irg Mw;slc ~o. I'S&tlll- .... Cd4 U'Md ....... 19. .....u. .•. M.

A; "' =::s;-:' :::: · STATE OF t-iEW MEXICO THUll ~RT'ER l!OGEBS: Tho . .. • • 'wf:i~;'l'EBN MINING CO.. Bolt Of iltE DIStiJCT COUU d«'!funct EXCIIANGE BANK

. Mac:JikHt Wk.,. Wekflrtg 11&'1 .• Ru!doeo, N. M. Lt•41na. Mnry Nell Ferrell. • ) OF CM!ntzOzo or Its MS!P'J: GeD1ta1 Jkpa1r - ftoM ttl. custl:lm d_rlJllni (eont or PlUI)• PlalnWI, ) Mo. '111E UNRltOWN HEIRS OF Ccn11016-BuUmma W•ldlag Dcaltr :for Du·Jac·Mlnl Drlll. -w.- c • )lUI TilE FOLLO\VING f-fAMED & Modslu Sbop. Plwne 2'131. 3•9-41p nobctt Franltllo ·.Fmcll, } . DECEASED PEUSONS: RA'l·

..._.,., .. -.;'1 t.t~-. Dd'-dant. ) .. MOND n. P.OOEI!S, also ""'""' ,, ·- r~ MAlE 11£1 WANl'lO 4

+ no nAY n. llOGtF.S. and non. ~- Vadftf Tt.,. hdiag.. Royal Typewritm • · P . . t-lOTICE OF SUIT . EnT 11tt1cm:r: ·and ALL m-e. a .. · ,"!J: J$_. ~.... Jh~hiJ Mcrdlt~ ~ l'UUSH WGil $Cli00L or Grado To Tho Above NruncdDQ!atdant: iaiOWN CLAThfAfiTS OF n-;. .,.. .,.. ..,, ,._..... • ~-.Sen-~ & SuppU& • School at hom~. S1l&fO Ume You Me hercby~nutuled that TERESi' m THE pfiE?;-tiDES

n;o:n:t MtUA M«raagil' Al1led JUJb~M• Mcrddn., . BOOks futnbhcd. Dlplotroa a SUit haa ~n fUM nglllnDt DESCnmED 111 TilE COM· · ~ n.ooe 3674·W 4•17-ita • 4Watdtd. Statt whcro fff>ta lett )~11 tn Ute r;atd Goarl aM Coun· PL!illiT AI>VEn~E TO TilE . . LO DG. ···E·· ~ :o~· . . . . . . . . . scllooL 'Wrlto ColwnbtlSchool tY·bY the aboVI,t named plain· PLAINTIFF, ncr~·rll.$.

,...,.. ..... ., .. '""'N·s····· nd~ .,.,,.U· .,,.. C ..... --. .JL .. ccnv_ 0,0Ce Bex 1433; Albuquetqui!, N. p,t UU, In which thl:! Qtd· plalntltf You. and each of yo1,1 ar;l !Wrc· ~vftnu.rliiW "'"' ~ IA'IVIft J"--.r ~ 10-14>00 ~ for decrt-'0 (}t divorce on by noUfied that on tho 19th day

• -- · • .... ·. .. ·. · . . . · . · ehu•Lttj and ~ . . - · the ,groundn of tnt:QmpaUblllty of Ma«'h, 1056, He!en Hinchey ' c~DJ:iozo c • ShiPJ>etJ lkptes&ntiXUYH w· . · t d 11...u llhd dCllettlon. .An(J. $--.:!tl aro fur. Meeks fllcd In the I)l.stdct' Court.

tfOJfS er.tm 'li 0. ~ .Ill E1 Pcuo. Texllt Uft1 to .,., tber nntmed that unless you en· Llnro1n. County, State or tiew Mt!dd&tan13td ; - · ·. • WJUiTED-AU tdn:ia tel' ct row;e to .fit! l!lltctcd your Mexloo, n oomplalnt against you


w. ·e._ -.._'_frus,_-·_~_._mtin.· th_. ~-·· ~ .... · ... •- used fut• appcamnro In sahi .cause on or and cub of'i'GU, CaU!Je' tlo. m50 - ,. __ ~ 'lllture. l1lghtst prlces paLL bclcro the '7th d"u G! Mny. 1ro6. th ' U .. • ~ ...# ~-•d .. ... 'rp.m."too:~ . . Call bO fat appralut lack's , .. ,•-..~t .... ,, ':'f.. ...,n;. _ _. In 911 e c.v oOoelt!?• "'"' 1:144 oo .... .. &:hoo'lN~trl".:.t "'WhKJ 2ualneu bec:omM • Tradl.n , .. u., ... "'.. Wl """ ... Uii.!H.'U Ute srenernl ftbltct theroo! being

· Jl%1 tama• ......, THE JEST Df · _ · - - !l Emf. ~ 1·9·U dlcl cause agaltat )".m.L by do· to -qukt a,-~ aet. at rC3t Jn plllln· It ~·Ja~~t !'nO: t.tQitOV ·· fauU tutti the t~et l!l'lWcl ta: tiff the UUo to certain real cs· ' r .. ~.-t-ToiU' Hod • . . ..-w 00 grahtro. j • G!ate !llluata In Lincoln County, . . • .. :. · -.. -~_, .. _,, · · r ·~, TRY ."lfu! name G% tho tJlalntlff'a State of UGW Mcxtro, as tallowa.

v • .,.. •

U)J:)GE!fo.311 . f.~ 0.. t.

J'tt!d lfcbonatd.. fiobl~ Sr&rtd Beyan itendrlcld. ~wr

ittetht« F..acll Tul!Sdsy Hfabt '

Grill t attamey Is GEO. 4 ztMt1ER· to·wit: . -· ' ...... .;:._ HmMe . MAN, who::e (ltm tfllro'1!ddross E1L .... n, "EtL C1 nn

"WJiicJ UWXlite )flit to Eat •-- liift~ ~)foxES. Corrlt~NCiW'Mexloo. ~ ...... '::' .,.. m~~ ~ ·-o;y ·Utri )df rode m· TO'riiJ. .. - tmA ~ SE~rm'* ... ~-....... u~ Soc: 31 Opatl., .Dciyt d 'fieek-14 Rd. .. c' 1 .a.s·s'JF' JED ~u·toe·· Q.,. .... , Is! LA . 7;. ~~ -,. nw~sw~ .~::.,~~ ... See 32 « Dq·-. JIDth l:t1ld, Welcotlll IJ'\ P (~ • Twp. 8 S., Rge. 16 5:,,-N.M.-P.M. ~ - "eo.•. IN Utr ., .,. • ~ :Mru;.-23. ao; Apt. 0.13. l!ii6 S\V'~m!~~wtUiW~ -Sec. 4.

... ,. . . ~NE~ and tats 2,

T. ~ _.. A . E. -. . . · · .

1. . . . -~· a antt· .... : ..... ".-~ ......... ·Sf!c. s -.

.. • . -.-. 1'!,;. f... -w.• .. y . H 0 ... EI .. ~ NE~r.:w~.w~~tm~ ... sec. e . ' ; v ·.. .·. " ' .. -~ 'l'wV> -9 &.tlge.1& n. tf~.M. .. CORNII . ., stANtoN ·and SAN ANTONIO~ S1UirS . YOU Al\E FURTElER MO'l1·

.... ~ · , ~ · . . . & ~~0~ ~~$... · ==~~ ufne;:t~0~~tJ~0~ - · . M.trillt Mai'ilscal~, ~., before !lay•14tb. ~,"judgHtent . , • .wm u ~ndet.ed AMri!l~ ilplnst

• 104 lOOMS, a1 · fob. lath ·or hw.w you bY def4utt. . . : - · ·. "

• ·. -~. -_ .. ' .... ·.· ... .,. .. __ iOO~~-.·-. . · _ ·- Attorney tot plaintiff .and his ,.._,._... • ..... ... ~.,.·rvn"' addtt!M-18 H. Ellil!d 1on~ Box ., • • f ... • , .. ""' ·.:li•~t ,. .. _ N ....... _.

-·· : ~11 aAfiS ; ·· · ·- <> - • • .. .,. ~ ".t.ulmto, trW MCAJCO. . , ' ·\V11'NESS my hand aM seal

LOCA'rt:D IN THE HEART OF. THE CITY . .:i::re ~ ob. thu ~ f.IJY or


• •

. -CONTACT . .


Candidate for 1 uo~do ..:. Our Lady 11f Ouad.a·

R- _1 ·tl 1 lupc Chapel, U a.m. ....-.ec on ' Baptltims by n.nan~cmcnt with ono of the priests of tho PJirl,all.

STATE SENATOR Fir!it communion c~ tn progreu at all mlulora belon!


Uiu:oJn County


and after Mus.

'11\CUD BEJUlT CJIAfU. ' i'ort Stantpn

bv. lulu tL MoJlnlo, Cbaplaltl Sunday Mara ···-··-· 9:00 a.m. Wetkdq MQI ·-·-.. e:41 a.m.

... • : .f~l!ll~ CHUaCB CLAUNCH - ·s~ntlay Schoo\

~ery Sunday at 10 a.m. Scrv• lcc::J Ut. Sunday mornlna at 11: 2nd and 4tlt 'Sunday filahta at 7. Ladles Auxiliary 2d and 4th FrL

Af-fCHo-.sundny Sebool ovozy bt and 811 Sunday at 10:SO a.m. Au ouu'!r"'Sundeya at O:SO a.m. Servkc:l on l!rt and 3d Sunday& at 9:30 a.m. DJbto Study 2nd nod

. olth Monday from · '1 tU. 8 p.m. Youth meeting$ ovay a1hct.

, . Thurellny. at '1 p.m. Ladles Aux.o, Ulary third Tnur&!2ay. '

Jl 1a Mt thti ClmOWlt NOGAl-Sunday £cllool evet7, of rt10t1tf liP tilt but Sund!U' nt 10 a.m.; serviea 1st the ptd.c:tloa •f the and Rzd Sunday n§ibta at 7:00:

Youth meeting. c~ery otha Mntc.. OU1' poUcy Tburs1ay at '1 p.m. 1wu Glwaya. bn• - Laillcs Auxiliary tin: Thursday •

• · , . COOO!-lA-8unday School f!'t• ~ro'flde .UptdOt IHV• ery Sunday at UO a.m.~ S6vf~ See cm4 the """'J Ut• evczy Sunday at 11 a.m.; Lalllet u. ~ ct wlwlt• Auxlllary 3.rd Tua:day nliht at

. 1 o'doclc. , -*"' ftJa. 'fOU. ws.Jl to

;· CJ. I' ' . ·-'• · ·.SHAW.


CARRIZOZO Afubulanc.t Setvlc» PhOill!s M or 101



Rev. Clyde- A. Shultt. Putor Sunday Scllool --- 10 A.M. • l'rMclllni Service --- 11 A.M. Blbte study """M ......... _ T P.M. A ootdllll welqnne t() .all. _

··cuWGAN Soft Water Strvic · · .

• • • • •• 1'1" C H~· ·st. ,~....,· 'I!: 1 ~ d' un!ALt . LAU'Jtk·W. CJ'WG-,. _ ·• ry .our O.TT•~· nop ........ amo~s Tor.roo . X>Jattfct Court CJtdc. t-;;3~ · .:. ·· · · ·. · · · : · ~ ·. \ · : · · " ·~ · · ifubl.lfar. ~ 30; APt.,l. l3t 19M , c:

• _.-- .. ..... - ·--- ~ --. - ··- . '... ·- ---- ·--··· ... '.; •.•. - ... - ¥' ., . . .. _ ,- _, - ·-·- -~. ~-- -

' 1\itAI()SA ·. .

. .. . .

- :- 4- •• . . ... • . .


. ' .

' "

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• j - '




j ' '

Page 8: ·~a~ S4 · · ·cd ·~lens .Carrizozo :·n&-FI~I -~to Council …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-22 · They were ap. a servat~t. Chavez. J(AilVIH B.

. c


, .IS ' •

• •

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-' ' ~ . ' ,._, ~ ; · .. ',. . . . I . . ,. ' . . . -. ~ ~- _·_ ~~~.


Mrs. ·A. E. Mulkey

Min Jeanie Babb Weds Lonnie Crawford·

Mlsa Jeanie Babb, daughter of Mrs. Noble SnodgrasH, was mar· rled ln Capitan at the Capitan

' · Methodlat church. Friday, March 30, to Lonnll.' Crawford of Carrl· ZOZIJ,

Rev. Clyde Shults pcrtormed the ceremony. ,

The new Mrs. Crawford lo n senior In Corona High School.

' Revival Ends This Week.

The ten-day r~>vlval nl the \,.o· rona Baptist church will end the Jaat or thiB •Week. There haS been flOOd attendance. ReV. C1aude StoWPII or Maxwell hna brought rmmr vt>ry lnnplrlng me~umgea. .

Mr. and Mr11 · Waltrr Parkt>r of Albuquerque and Mrn. Edna Chrlatlan or Phocnlx wert' vlnll·

• 1 ng their sister heri'. Mr11 Alex Jenkins, laat week end. Mrs. Jenklnn hod nqt cet>n her 11loter for · oVer 20 yearn. Alno ·ncr­brother, Claud Parker of Sweet· water. Texap, won here vlaltlng tor a few daya.



Mr. and Mro. W-ayman Mayo • of Alamouordo were here thin wct>lt np~ndlng their vacation. Mayo In n rmn or Mr and Mrn. Dill Mayo of Corunu. and Mra Mayo lo n daugllter or Mr. and Mrn. Jark Davldoon.

Mr and Mr11. Lloyd Owen arc the proud parentn of a baby boy. born Friday, April 0. at Roawcll The Owens hav1• two daughlero.

Mr. and Mrn Loulr Errnmouo· p0 have a douchtt>r born tNI April 3. ·

Mock Uadluy from th1• 1-;1 Paoo Natural Gun c., C.qmprcll!!Or Station ·1a In Cnrrl:wzn honpllnl thla wook

Marahal Minar. who In In th(' Vcrterann hoDplta 1: In r~;>portl'd lmprovlnc and may ·be able to come hom" In n rouple of w"ekn.

Mr and Mrn f: V Wrlaht'n eon. Grorct>. lo undoraolng trent· mcnt tor. a bal'lt ln)ury af Vet<>· rann hospital. •

• r1c T H A T R E

ADVRIIO:tf .. ICUt Multi . . . . 50c Chlldren under 12 ..... 15c

Sundlty - Monday Aprtl 1&·11

JOH:tf Mc:UfTDlE and

UTHilnt C'JIUUfT • -In-


-nut-CARTOON and


Tues. • Wed. A;.u ., •••




"Love Is A Many· Spleftdored Thing"

CUIIMabpe ·111 C.lor



Thursday • Friday. April ll·lO

t raoK& POWEll IUIAif IIA'fWOD

• -ln-.

"UNTA.MID'" ClM.iiMfl • fa C.&et


CART()QN ; - U hili

Saturda~ . A1WU llo··OH kf. 0ttt


.. '" .... .

~ "fltl. oVR.Aws ·· . •• ,-, .

. .. '•-

• ·-I _.!. kt_·




• •

~- . ·' . ' ... ~ ' . . ' . A. ·w· AI. DS ... .. ... ;· • :ii .... · · ·,. • · -~· · -_ . . . ' . . ·:-: . : ..,.:· ~. r --~~~)"" -~~ ~ .. __ ,. .__.. -- . ... " -~ ~ .- . '. ·.,. •-. '• ' . ·--~-~---· .··:~-. . . ' .. ' ,, ' ,' .. c

. QtJ li:~tl}.r . Seal ~~11· : ·. · .• 17 ., ' • •

',• ' ''• ,

N~wi Y· -·· i

. .

· rroJelitt(h.lt.~Jp iQI'·ifew )!~: ~- . . $ , . "~~~ ..... .L.....;.~-.:.:.." ~--;, __ :,

. . .... • CQ npys' Rauclt, El\~ memlltt • · · ·f.· · · · · ~~ •. · , · · .· ... · "·· ·eNGAGEMENT r

- .-- - ---- ·- - ------ ----· _... __ -· ~· .

A,-~· '. l'.- '\Vi ·· .. · .PJ!1dg~(.l to ci>ptrJbut~. ~. AUQ. · ~· ·a·· -~· e · • . ·._oo.g. tn,e ~.w •... ·ay. ••. sollclted t:IU&IJ!eS.!! hotJ.$4 . ·:- I .. V. ' . ·. . . ·, . . · · · · . • Project *I ·- . JMensic'ln Clu6 .4 · • •

Examination• for' -~-. If r~VLJ.IAPR · Work-. Joined other extemlon ' " • •

., . '

.... ~I- i'l!l

• ·-civil ~~re · · -- -~ ---~-------- . ...,. ___ --- In- thll--'.C9untY;' .. ,lloldlng: _ .. • : __ . Wlll be lteld~ fer . The need t9r !ln ovprpasS, ·· ·· with others, · attending : ANNOUNCED· '

. · . . : - .-. .t.,~.:_ -~---;'-- .. 'U - --·---~ ----'-1 ' ··- . ·~

class postoffh:e. lnstallatloil of wamlng cJal!SCS once a~ moRth in locality ' · be. ln .. __ b __ v. April· For fur· llt the railroad eroselng of .. ~ 1 1 ,.· ·

!!.. the t!.ha4""r . Motor ""~ .. , . w. as. • ... v ng c Ill,!$. ~ • Jnfo.rmatlon Inquire· at the Q '" 'AI' COrona postottlce, ·· lm;mgltt qut J~s.t week by an Jn. PrA:»Ject s-.-Held . a cak~ walk

, eldent ·that .· rnl~ht have had to ral~>e tpnd!;l toward a municl· Home -on Leav• from Korea tragic· .-esuli:s. · . ' pal swimming Jl()Ol for · card·

· M/Sgt. Eygene . oldest 1drs, E.Ua. SJ,dwell, with two zozo. Cake-walk raised ·$50. : 11on of Mr. arnt 'MrEJ. sman::l!hi!dr~n -Jn her car. dlp. N6111onal· prizes. of .$5{100. f~r Lueras Sr: · of., Corona, ls }Jomc proach~ the CfO!gllng On .'her first, $3000 ,for s.econd and. S!Q® ' trom· Korea on a. 3!!·doy fur· w~y b'l\o t<>Wn. l·/1, ftelght train tor third place for ~acll tnoup · tough. ' He has been . In the was P$tke~ · pn ·;the sldlfig, but will be -awarciQ~ In May of thls

• •


- . '·•' - . --- ___ ...... __ --

• Armed. services for 17 year9. His was brol~~n · Jn two-at-tha. •. crqsll· year. family llve11 In RosWell. !ng. .S.he ~o\lldn't sec th~ main The Albuquerque . Woman's

. , line in elther cJJrectbm and. as Club, with 196 members, report· !and Studentl Attend . Clinic she drove between the freight ed the following projects: City

1... J. Voelker, Corona High cars, .~ pulling out .ot wide drive tor funds tor mental· :tf-HJc:l)_oo~, musle teacher, took .he...depot. ___ ·· _ b' retarded children. establish·

number__ pf his band students t~ "It wasn't very close. all ment-or an lmuuiil scholarsnTp

. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yandell of Corona announced the forth· comlnH marriage of their daugh· ter. Jo f!velyn, •to James B. Wnrcsback, san of Mr. and Mrs. (f. L. Wnr~bacJc of Klamath F'allo, Ore., at the regular sched· ulcd party tor -the young· people March 22, at the r~creatlon room of the Corona'\Bapdat church.·

The wedding wlll. tak!l. place at 8 p.m.,· June lO~.!n the Baptist church at Corona. lttls!J Yandell 11! g ~cnlor In Corona High School

a cllnrCarVnughn on Monday. turned ~out," :Mff. Sldw,ell said award,· Christmas Charity · 6ti· Mr~J. T. w. James ·and Mrs. V. (;. later,· "bUt t hate to think what zaar, assistance to activities of Waldron accompanied the stu· would h~P.Ve happened. It the car the -American Cancer Society, dentn. hnd staUe·4 on the tracks.'~~ · visiting nul'l!e service. as1dlttance . Mr. an· d· Mr•. C. H. Estes and Traffic II!Cro&ll the tracks Is In· t1> the Heart Fund. drive, Opera·

.. creasing all the..t.tmP-. Uon Brotherhbod, Gl'ound Obser· their ·three dauattters, Betty, 13, An overpass Is needed vp.ry ver Corps and Gray Ladles,- and Bonnie, 11, and Ellen 9, from To· much at the ;present time,· but all lt>cal charity drive:~: organl· haclil, N. ~have moved to Ul!l until ttJ.at IS built, let's have the zatlon of the New ,MeXico Herl· El Paso Natural Gas ~ntlon Installation ot.·warnmg signals tage study group within' the where Mrs. Este,s It plant super· lniJlcatlng an-approaching train. club, with some. .. notable pro· lntendent, taking Carl Buttrlll's grams open to the · public and , place. Mr. ~tes waa with the Six kl g " ya after wotk the club's annual Cbrlstmus ; El Pn·so Natural Gas Co. at Gal· WOf n "'a "' wns started. remodeling on the party. lup before comlni to <!<>rona. News 'ottJ~ w~~os nearing com· Mm. A. N. Spencer wao com·

Mro. Mary Vox lett Friday of ptcilon -Thursday. We have mlttee achievement chairman lust week for liP tcn·day trip to learned thJ.t .when Frank Veaa for the Canlzozo Wqman'o Club. Wichita ,Falls, Texns, to visit her and his crfiW gilt busy on a Job ------

in~~~ria~rs. 1 .. c. Lenhart ~t·~::s\~0 Jst;% ~~~~: ~~~r_;'~~ . Svscl_n ShtthJ .

. . '

Your thirst calls for some kind of

refreshment ... " yoQr.ttuta tells fOil

... ~¢ be aurc it'• ice-cold Coca·~ola. ' .


Mr. Waresback served tour yeur11 In tho Navy. llo· Is em· ployed at the present tlmo ns n tclonrn.~Wer tor tho Southern Pn· clfic- natl\iiiiy""C:Ompnny.

have moved Into the~ home one day to keep from getting mol!ordo: four brothcrn. Fred recently completed on the south · tromp_ed to death. They oay thP.t. Ely of El Paso: Gerald and Bide of town.. I Rome wasn't \ft.Ult In a day, but •• y Tully or Glencoe a .

u. ' ,., n ' Mrs. Edna that was t>efor0 Uie. 09nerete vaa Tully of the state' ot o ...... !7.M.Il.-.. • .!lt'.ui!. .... M.t.R~"Y• · · ... .. · · • ·1x ..... ~~t.. " w Give WnshJn..,ton Ala were nreoont Lovelace, and Mrs. Ada Hester m er """ l'cr .,ower oa . ., · - . -¥

arc on a vacation trip In call· Frank three ot tout'- more good fit the funeral except the latter •

afternoon. ' '

• Mlll!J Donnie Fr.nnlu came

home from Batlll{n Uospltnl In Albuq!lorque: Joat 'Saturlfay.

torn Ia tltls week. j men 1\nd be probably could brother, who was un!lblc to at· * ABOU. ,. PEOPLE Maynr o. c. BrO\Yn and Coun· build Rome ln 'II day and knoek tend becausl.' of lllne!l!l.

cllman Walter Ptclrter made a orr a coupl~ · l>t hours early. Mr. and Mm. E. A. ca.ey of:

Mru. Doyle · Lamb, who bao been vlolttr.g h.er mother In ~1e· vado, retu ned homo this wook.

NOGAL NEWS ly MilL IIAI.f. DtnfLAt . .

Mr and Mrs. Albert Carter Qt !J'uloro:m vlsltc(J Mra. !landaU Greer and Everett Thutl$1ay. Mr. Cnrter Ia Mrn. Greer's father.

Mr .und Mro. Lcstc·r Greer. and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy- Stewart and oonn · of. San Ysidro arrived tn Noaal last we& to: a vlslt. Both 1amllt~ • ernyc:!11 overnight wiU1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin F,ryo at llcrmanao. tt M. Tltt! St(iW· art11 c;1me 'bn to Nogal Friday and the Groom ctayed over- until Saturday. •

II Ia certainly nlc;cJ to hnvo thee" homrlolk boclt with utJ Car awhlll'.

fitr. ilnd Mra. Lcnter Gr(;(!t are otoylng With tholr COil flondall and family, Mr llfUI Mro. Stew· art and ~ arc otaylnn with Dnralcmo'o pnrento. Mr. and Mra.. Tommy Zumwnlt.

Mr. and Mrn.. Melvin Fryl'l qpd famlly nro cxpecttnJ up from vlnltoru Friday 'Mm. Zumwalt

Mr. and Mrn Jimmy Stewart' and rona vlnlted Mr and Mra. n. G. Stewart am! n. G. Jr In Capl• tan over the:> w{'(>h end.

Monday, they W(Jnf on to I'm· well. Their two boys, Gorvts and Timmy at£1y()d with thclr arandpnrentli In Noaa!, Mr. and Mro. Tom Zumwnlt.

Mr. an(] Mfll. ~stor Grccr Vll• ltM Mrn. Greer's father, · 'l'cm Drnmr and hb nrand~Wn Earl Drngg nunday. .

Mr. 11nd Mn. Tom Zumwalt Wt!ro Alamogordo omJ Tulnos& vlrlltoru Friday. Mra Zumwalt had awmo dental wo:k dono In Alamogordo. ttnm vlalttd hu cbtct and hU!band. Mr. · aml Mra. Marian ·UUBt at T'Ul~

'Min OattY Ctumley of Card· ww was an Ol.'l'!rnlgbt QUes-1 c% .ituwt G~r Wednesday.

Mr. anti Mra. :fed Zumwalt 1.\-ent to Artcs2a the first oC last wee'k,



'nltJIL riJ.i U'l\ . Atrd ... , ....

Jtanl!o1ph Scott

trip to Albuquerque on buslnc!l!l ·ThO"-e boys .c3n hardly watt tor e Dewey S. Stokes for the vlllago Tuesday of thlll dayiJght to get started. When I Cremation followed tcrvlces In wcelt. , I drag down td 1ho print · shop, Albuquerque Monday for Dewey

Rev. Blll Lytle of C<lrona atop· ped In carrl.zozo Wednesday, en route to a Presbyterian church conferenro .In Deming.

D. L. Jackson of White Oalro Jp opendln~ a few dnyo In El Paso.

II. J. F•Jller made a triP to. bal!m'•flY,Yd llt a a.m.,. CD.b Calla· S. Stokes. 58, of Truth or Conoo· Dallall to the cllnlo tor medical way r.rects mowlth "GOOd morn· qucncca. Mr. Stokcn wan fo'und treatment thls wcc"'k. i lng,·Mr. Ba11kerl" · · We're proud shot thrQugb the head In the

Mlll!l Mrlrglo,Cotbran Willi tak· ot tho way tho ornec Is qhQplng baclc yard of.hls home Saturday en to an Albuquerque hotl'pltal up nnd want to thank Mrlll Era night. A .32 pistol was bcoldc Mrs. Birdie Wnllter- returned thlo week fm'"11'1'nf1lil~l-clt«'kup. Y· Smllh for tho tlme and ex· the body. No foul play waD sU!l· Tuesday to Carrizozo after

Canlzozo bad- tho pleaauro of entertaining Mro. Casey's aunt, Mrs. CD.tbcrlne Ma.ble, on bcr're­turn trip to l>er horfi\1' ln Wash· lnzton !ant week. Mrs. Mable Uved ln White Oaks In l8S3. She vlalted a· tew friends and the old town or White Oaks but npted many .. change::~ since her lnot Vlolt In 19t& •

J. w. Datet 'of Tulsa Willi lp pcnsc lnvol\'~d' peeted. · spending a week at tho home ot Corona this week on bu!llnc:s3 at •

1. ;..~ Mr. Stokes owned a rancl\ cast h~ slstcr·ln-law In Roswell. Canr•IIOzo· Boy to ea. .... W

tho Dates ranch. A postcard trom the ...._vrge of Cilnlzozo< tor about twenty F th L 1 Antu•~ .._ t ~ Mrs. 'A. E. Mulkey and daugb., Pen)'a ln Flart&tatf, Ariz.. uka years. selling It to Bruro Duggar • cr u 11

""' Pll!lt9r 0 ·

tcr, Elene, made a ttlp to Albu· that the t1~M-'I tle acnt to them about eight -ream ago. After a St. Eleanor's Church In Ruldo;o, Solar Oven at Fair .; · quurquu Frida~ and Saturday. . tlwc, ad.dll)g: 'l'hls 15 a nice brlcf resldenro 1n E1 .P.aro. Mr. =~a trlp !~ Santa Fe tho po.ot Tony White wUl exhibit a

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Porter .and • town and V.'C .. ~~c the poo.plo I nod Mrs. Slolteo .moved to Tot. C1 Mrs. Ula "Mnver of Carrizozo retl!nro project nt the New .MJ!xl· Mn. charley Portcf wcro tn Al. I hero, but we mU!>3 all our lrlendls where theY have uved tor eqv. " co Sclcnro Fair to bo bellS on buqucr9ue; over tho week emt In Llnooln ~unty. We enjoy cral .. ~eam. . ~:Q. b:s~h sc~~d~c~~~er~~ the campua of 1hC Institute of Mr. Porter who hu b«ln a long the nC'w'S fro~ tho reporters 1n lie Wtia born at Midland. Tex.. E. MUler, wbo han' been 111 Cor Mining and Tcchn!>logy ln So • time patient In tlte Vetct'ana the VarloWJ 'eQtnmll~ltll!!l most March 12. 18!13. Survlvoro In· .. _ corro, Satun'lay, :April 14, 1!}5(l. hospital Is Improving. • or all. Glvo Cli.lr rci'Atds to. aU cludo hls widow, Mm. Lela F. t'u"c weeks a! her homo fQ Tu· lila project Includes a work·

frl n .. s. ..... ml•• to._,. V"""' Iarosa, ll!rs. 'Mlller'o condlUon In,.. mod"l of " -Pt.,. hC"t"d ·=- our .~ u n<> ~ ""'''' .... ., Stokcn: n daughter, Mlc!l A.de· lo Improving. .. " " IIQJ'" " "

Mr. and Mn. Dick Pcaeodt aro much. " Uno Stoke$ of .Ro::!Well: a ·oon, S. n. U. Uedgecoke of nuldo::o houcc ond n colar ilVtn. Tho homo agaln. They plan on be· Dewey Stokct:~ Jr~ and .two was here last Thuroday. -solar brotcd bouso is hcatt!d lnii here untll thoy take tholr COUNTY-WIDE grandchildren. · Saloman TruJillo ot Cnpltan wMn . .fuo sun retleet$ 0 ,. the trip to O:o<>on around May 15. E was here on buslnecs Thursday. HnUer. It Is pa{nttd blaclt' be-• SBetUNG IE ·• Ma B-" Ha,.._, cause tho dark rotor absorbs Mrs. Peacock was oldt Sundll$ . .-.... . ry .. , ,_. W. C. Hendren. formerly of heat. Tho solar ot."m 18 heated and Monday but lo fcel\ng bllltc:. • A llUC«C!lful cm.mtY·Wlde Sei"Vl~ !or Mrs. ,.Mary Doll Carrizozo. has putchru:ed a homo lk

lloy LaMay, Mm. Faye Woo· npetllng bet- was held at Hance, 05, ()f Tul~. wcro ln Albuque:que nexl to tho Br;t· by a plate. V.:~ 11110'sufnl Btl' es

.. ... "-:" Dutton. .... • "I l 1 t "' ~"n "-rbet•'" "'ome. ~·- Cor· a concnvo m...: .... r t rc c em on ten anu mn. '-".. · .... Carrlroro cehoiH auu. tor um a.s held Mond'"" mornlnn, AprU 9, "" """ "R ~· """' .. t h .. •- El ., o..ld ., ,_ t ... "J .. b"tt •- , ..... i:..u.,ht"• of Mr. .... d the .plato nnu tM p ate eatn turnc .. uum ra!IO r I a.,. Friday. Flmt }lru.c' 0 - at the MulllJUl·llamllton chapel " "" Uv .... ... '"' ...... u .. .. In e"'Cd to ll n- 11 r ....... .... E. Kcll"Y o• "'-n•--. the oven. .. ~on ... ay, r.OY "'urn " V."'f\. by C"nrol A yn uunne o tn A111rnogordo. Burial wan In ..,._...., •· .. • ""' UllUJV

nclcn. Mrs. Paul Aguayo ac· Capftnn, $3 ceoond prlte went to Angus Ccmctt!ry. Mr. Hendren and Charlea S:.Or· _ _... __ _ oompanled him homo. Mrs. Gerold Tully of •Ruldosn, whlle Mro. Hage<~ Ctlme to AniJUS bett. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley's ron RENT On LEASB-24 X 50 AiiU*YO atayed with her mbth· sa third plnoo mont!Y wu an· L!nooln emmty with her btl9· arandstln, cnmo to Canlzozo Cor buJldlnu ·tot store or rue. Fot· cr. Mrs. L. n. LaMay, white Mn. MXt!d by Ermtnla t~arvaez at band, Attoruo ltagoo, In 1001[)1 n sbort vl!lt. Friday night, ro· merly . Pat'o Package Stme. Wooten was tn E1 Paso. .fohn me S!lnfci RUn ~001. from Tom Otten county, Texas. turnJ~o AlbUquerque Sunday Phone zro.w. 4·13·1tp LaMay nlao went to Dclen. • 'fbo prl%etJ v."Cte ~~~Jentcl by They lived on the ol!l family .,. .................. - ........................ • -------~-...,.

Mr. and Mn. Ralph Dunlap Mta. 3oyca Simpson, ptt!Sldent plaoo northeast of Alto ~m.the and tamlly and Mr. and Mrs. of tho C4trlWZtJ Parent·Teaeher !Ugh Mesa road between Alto Henry ·Pcf!bles vlalted Mr. and Auoclntlon whfcli generou!lY and Yctt Stantorf. They movctl Mrs. Lclroy McKnight and Caml• spppllc-d the ptlttt. to Tular<lSll In m \Vhen Mr. ty Sunday. Ralph helped LI.'P.oy Ken Wlll!tL tt! the CarrlroW Hagee Pas!iCd away In 1929 \tm. grade< sheep. ~ool rend off' the: Y.-ords while Hagee made her home with her

BUlle O'lli!ar of Carrlt:lliO and the Judging wu taken .ca~ cf daughter, Mrs. .to!m w. Lackey, Bcwerly Witham Sllf!nt the week by Mrs. .Elva 'Wlllon ¢ Ar.cho when! shD Uved unut tho . cml en the Bontta. and L. Z. Man!re <>f Cantzwl. of her death.

Bobby Witham am! Mrs. Pt!Ul i\ _pumba c% peopte request· nev. Paul Ferney wno tn Stcana atundw the bu'..d oon· cd that mnro t"m of the ebapel cervtoo. cert at Vauabn Monday. beld were "i~enrer My GmJ to

Mr •• and Mta. Ralph Dunlap Ot!WZ contenan~Wer& ~m.. !fbee''-and "Sweet Bye i.uul Dye." and tamUy atter..1led tb& IYI'A ~ IJIUan OttU. Sttnn Wat. Tbe paUberuers were 1o1m w. mootlnK Motdajl. son. and Paul FtnnaA: -~. Lackey Jr.. Jamo r.t

Don'& knoW Whetbel; Uomet Blll.V GM1iO Bryan. Ba!bara Btll liage<?, Bill Fitt!l. J. T. No: McDanlal ts tmn::t c: nnt. !roW'n nn.!l Good Randolph wtll aM Al ~Awls.

l!n<>r last wWc. llad. .MIL nut~ M.uy. Sanch!!Z 'Mis. IJa_ieo_ was. ·oom Januaey "Snooks'• McDaruel 1n -Albtl· llaehelr. Hondo; 4. 1861. In Weathc:fonl.. Tens. qUetque h01pltal t.nstead Juanita ~ ~pia tremra She was the adugbter of John E. tromet Mcl>anlel. •ntl Pats:_~ Ja1ntt: Santa. Rtta, nnt1 Aloroe J'or.cs. ·

Dllft~N 1HIA11l I - - -

(OtiiiJ .. , We(tta ., ,._htif111)

iKUd.. nf... lltJU 0.11: ~ cary Grant, Myrna t.Dt


Patrlt'la Cl}Jl"u and tobn Rob· survlv_ou arc two sor.s. G. 'W. ~ Ortnz. ., Utree- ot Fredrftk5burg, Texatt.

_.~-c~·~: Supt. n. G. rftmln wo1ll!l11Jce and w .. T. Uagro ot BaYfield. tlianlc all ct thQIM wb!'.l mad« Colo.~ a daugbtet, 'Mta. John w. . Wllf!Uina~bM • p<*JbWtY LaclceY,.of. 'l'Ularon~· 22 grand· · "BUt'Cft& 'alld: e:Kptt11et1 the ehUdren, SS gre~ grand l"i• · thlll thll·~ ~~ • ~n *-rtd ~-great ~a't.gtJ.nd•

innutl tktUlob# chll~n.... . --~ .,.

"' •


N.o •

., .

iaat-e o/W - -i'

JUDGE ' ~. '



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tlHf~ Molt ... ,_ l~it :.f•illlollliii!!i!!!!!!ltlllli~.....,.....,-...,.. Attne »axttt

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J~tt Ch•t\dltt • . • ltdtY.ta)h'QWl · ' , THI· SPOA•s ~-

U,'l',. '"" JiiOif,.' JlJif. lt·U~il t-lnt Allylbl1 .

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