A Novel Idea From the POOR

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Transcript of A Novel Idea From the POOR

  • 7/23/2019 A Novel Idea From the POOR


    We should subsidize, not only banks and large fat cat corporations, but the individual's

    family time, play time, time in nature, learning for the sake of personal interest, creative

    expression, helping others with any learned skill and most generally any micro moment of

    shared positivity with passer byes. We could measure the positive change this has on our

    human physiology and place a social value on getting better, for others, in your own way.

    This unique information can also be monetized as appropriate and in combination withparticipatory telerobotics and relativistic statistical arbitrage, a person could used their

    personal betterment, any free time with a mobile device !"# their physical location to

    increase steadily money$profit for the public utility or company that provided some initial

    subsidy, covering one's living and growth expenses and any size government tithe%tax&. !ll

    while adding meaning and value to W!T()(* +T + T!T -/ !*( !0*(!#- #+"1.

    !nd all the technology to do this is here now. We can easily make it happen... yet...

    cience and education, as it is done now, is both part of the problem and solution. !cademia's

    authoritarian structure perpetuates and exacerbates a fixed mindset and a personal agenda

    that sub2ugates the non3doctoral %or in general less educated& human being to a less thanstatus, mainly letting them know they have nothing to add to science %or truth& as a person

    and should accept the truth and authority set by educational institutions. %that is

    %un&fortunately outside of the individual's purview&. this is counter productive to equality

    and democracy to say the least, and at worst a dictatorship by the coordinating class of all

    'educated professionals' and here go some evidence....

    ow a 1rowth 4indset will fix T(4 https566www.youtube.com6watch7v8a9:;bv:G2rHpqw>@v-G


    link to info about relativistic statistical arbitrage and participatory telerobotics...

