A New Applicantd1unatz8mcf3a5.cloudfront.net/guides/LL-Guide-Tenant-On...T Landlord’ G T O...


Transcript of A New Applicantd1unatz8mcf3a5.cloudfront.net/guides/LL-Guide-Tenant-On...T Landlord’ G T O...

A New Applicant .......................................................................................................... 1

The Tenant Onboarding Process .............................................................................. 1

Step 1: Collect a Rental Application ......................................................................... 3

Step 2: Screen the Applicant ..................................................................................... 4

Step 3: Notification of Acceptance or Rejection .................................................... 6

Step 4: Collect a Deposit ............................................................................................ 8

Step 5: Sign a Lease .................................................................................................. 10

Step 6: Sign Lease Disclosures & Addendums .................................................... 13

Step 7: Build a Welcome Packet ............................................................................. 17

Step 8: Move-In .......................................................................................................... 21

Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy the Passive Income ......................................................... 24

Additional Resources ................................................................................................ 25

About Landlordology ............................................................................................... 26


THE LANDLORD’S GUIDE TO TENANT ONBOARDINGA Step-by-Step Guide to Converting Applicants into Paying Tenants

What You’ll Learn

The tenant onboarding process is a critical yet complex part of securing new tenants. The onboarding experience is often the tenant’s first impression of your rental business, your credibility, and your level of professionalism.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the essential process of turning an applicant into a paying tenant, and teach you how to execute it flawlessly, year after year.

From acceptance notices to welcome packets, you’ll learn how to effortlessly guide your new tenant into your rental home, and set the stage for a healthy and profitable landlord-tenant relationship.

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A New ApplicantCongratulations! The applicant from your 2pm property showing just called to say, “I’ll take it!”

Her name is Meridian, but her friends call her Meriddles. She is well-spoken, respectful, and seems genuinely excited to live in your property.

She says she’s a pediatrician, makes $150k+ per year and has already paid off her med school loans.

Between working long hours and feeding the homeless on weekends, she doesn’t have any time for dramatic boyfriends OR pets! She describes herself as quiet, doesn’t cook much, and loves to watch Dancing with the Stars with her mom.

Perfect! Now what?

The Tenant Onboarding ProcessIt’s time to seal the deal. It’s your job to turn her from an applicant to a tenant.

You’ll need her to complete an application, satisfy your income and credit requirements, pass the ID check, give a security deposit, sign a lease, and pay first month’s rent. Then, when the lease begins, you’ll hand over the keys and welcome her as she moves in.

This process is called “tenant onboarding,” and it can be stressful and confusing for both landlord and tenant.

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It’s important to complete the initial steps within the first several days, otherwise you risk losing her to another landlord with a better property and/or better price. Also, you need to quickly determine if she does NOT qualify so you don’t miss out on other qualified applicants.

Take Control, Be the Guide

At this point, she’s looking to you for guidance. She’s hoping you are an experienced landlord who will walk her through the necessary steps with open and honest communication along the way.

This is your first and best opportunity to demonstrate that you are a professional, caring and approachable landlord who will treat her fairly and safeguard her identity.


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It’s your duty to help your new tenants navigate the onboarding successfully. If you can’t guide them through this process, you will never be able to secure decent and trustworthy tenants, and won’t ever make any money.

Once Meridian moves in, the lease and rent payments will go into autopilot mode, and you will have little to do until move-out, apart from handling the occasional maintenance request.

Provide an Overview / Set Expectations

Whether by email or phone, have a conversation with Meridian about the upcoming onboarding process. Explain each document and form that she’ll need to review, fill out and sign, and how you want to go about accomplishing this.


Be the type of landlord that will attract and keep high-quality tenants.

Step 1: Collect a Rental ApplicationThough you have a good feeling about Meridian, you’ll still need to collect her information and verify that she is who she claims to be. As a landlord, if an applicant sounds too good to be true, you should proceed with caution. Let’s hope Meridian is for real.

Online vs. Paper Applications

I recommend collecting online rental applications that integrate with your property management software of choice. If the applications are neither online nor integrated with your rent collection system, you’re just creating extra work for yourself.

Paper applications are easy to misplace, and are subject to state regulations mandating that landlords keep a tenant’s personally identifying information (PII) secure in a locked room, safe, or file

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cabinet, as well as being subject to record keeping for up to five years.

If your house or office were burglarized and the tenant’s identity stolen because you didn’t safeguard their application, you could be held liable for damages.

Cozy’s online rental application makes receiving applicant information so very easy. You can effortlessly add an application link to your rental advertisements, and an applicant can apply quickly and easily online. It can be done within minutes without the fuss of paper applications.

You can even ask prospective tenants to complete the application prior to the showing, in order to pre-screen them in case there are any immediate red flags. When someone submits an application, Cozy lets you know immediately, thereby helping you get through the process more quickly.

Step 2: Screen the ApplicantThe question you are trying to answer is: Are they able and willing to pay rent?

If you use online applications through Cozy, Meridian’s information will be available via your landlord dashboard. On a single page you can review employment history and stated income, past landlords and personal references, personal references, along with an optional credit report/score.

If more than one applicant is interested in your rental, Cozy makes it easy to compare and select the most-qualified applicant or applicant group.

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☐ Quick Review Ensure the information on the application matches what the applicant has told you.

☐ Income Verification Verify income via paystubs or a discussion with the employer. I recommend requiring 2–3x the monthly rent in gross income.

☐ Landlord References Call the previous two landlords and ask about on-time payment, behavior, and whether they would rent to your applicant again.

☐ Credit Check The tenant must not have a tremendous amount of unsecured debt, and I prefer scores to be above 650.

☐ Background Check Do not rent to anyone with a violent or destructive criminal history or anyone with an eviction judgement.

☐ ID Check Using a credit check through Cozy will verify their identity, but checking a government-issued photo ID is wise as well.

Fair Housing Rules

The federal Fair Housing Act and Fair Housing Amendments Act prohibit landlords from selecting tenants based on:

I recommend ordering a credit report, if for no other reason than Experian prompts the tenant to answer three identity-verification questions based on their Social Security number and past loans. Only Meridian will be able to answer these questions correctly, so it’s an easy way to verify her identity. If you don’t order a credit report, you should at least check a government-issued photo ID before signing a lease.

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• Race

• Color

• Religion

• Sex

• Familial status, including having children or being pregnant

• National Origin

• Mental or Physical Disability

Additionally, some state and local laws prohibit discrimination based on a person’s age, marital status, and sexual orientation. My rule of thumb is always to err on the side of caution and stick to income, credit, and references when evaluating applicants.

Be Fair and Equal

Apart from these federal and local restrictions, your leasing requirements can be whatever you want, as long as you treat all applicants equally and you base your decisions on legitimate business reasons.

Learn More About Screening: Check out our step-by-step guide: The Landlord’s Guide to Tenant Screening

Step 3: Notification of Acceptance or RejectionLet’s assume Meridian meets all your requirements and she really is the perfect applicant. The next step is to let her know that she got the place and will need to give a deposit (if she hasn’t already) and sign a lease.

Congratulate by Phone, Reject by Phone & Email

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“Hi Meridian, this is Lucas Hall from the property at 123 Main St. I’m calling to let you know that your application was approved. CONGRATULATIONS, the place is yours! By the end of the day, I’m going to send you a copy of the lease via email (or e-signature tool). Please review it and let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to have your legal counsel review it as well before signing.”

When rejecting an applicant, you should notify them immediately by phone (so they can continue their housing search), but also send a formal, written notification via email or regular mail. Calling the denied applicant gives them an opportunity to ask questions and helps to cushion the blow. It’s also how I would want to be treated. Don’t forget the Golden Rule!

Rejected Applicants Based on Credit

If the applicant is being denied based on information provided by a credit bureau, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires that the landlord must supply the name and address of the credit bureau that was contacted.

Further, tenants have the right to a free copy of the credit report when their application is denied due to information supplied by the credit bureau.

If using Cozy, a copy of the credit report is already provided to them, which makes denials quick, easy, and painless (at least for me).

When notifying an applicant of acceptance, it’s fine to do so over the phone. These phone conversations go something like this:

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Step 4: Collect a DepositA security or “damage” deposit is used to offset against potential property damages that the tenant may cause during the lease. The deposit is held for the entire lease term, and only given back to the tenant after move-out and any deductions for damages have been withheld.

Technically, Meridian’s security deposit money does not belong to you. It’s on loan while she lives in the rental property.

In many states, the law prohibits landlords from commingling the deposit with any other money, especially personal funds. Further, the landlord must also collect and track interest on the security deposit for the tenant. Check your state laws for the specific rules that apply to you.

There is much debate in the industry about when to collect a deposit. My opinion is it depends on the situation.

Collecting Deposit Prior to Application

If the applicant wants you to hold the unit for them, then you should absolutely take a deposit while reviewing their application. In this scenario, the money acts more as a “good-faith deposit” rather than a “damage deposit.”

By accepting a good-faith deposit with the application:

• You promise that you will not rent the property to anyone else while their application is being considered;

• They promise to sign a lease if their application is accepted.

If you decline their application, you must return their deposit in full. If


Keep the tenant’s deposit in a separate bank account and never commingle it with your personal funds.

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they back out of the application process, they forfeit the money to compensate you for taking the unit off the market.

Collecting Deposits After Application Acceptance

If you have accepted an applicant but have not already collected a deposit, you should do so immediately. Once you’ve committed to an applicant, you want to force them to have skin in the game as soon as possible.

As mentioned before, this deposit is used to insure against potential property damage that the tenant may cause. It is held for the entire lease term and only returned after a thorough move-out inspection has been performed and damages withheld.

The security deposit should be collected prior to or at the time the lease is signed. NEVER allow a tenant to move in without having their security deposit in the bank.


Never give the keys to a tenant until after the deposit funds have cleared.

True Story: My sister-in-law is also a landlord. She was in a hurry to find a renter and made the mistake of giving the tenant a set of keys at the same time she collected checks for the security deposit and first month’s rent. When she tried to deposit the checks, they bounced. After six weeks and three more bounced checks she was finally able to evict this gentleman. On the morning of the eviction court case, the tenant failed to show up for court, but sent her a text message saying “I’ve moved out sucka, you’ll never find me.” When my sister-in-law went back to check on the property, he had stuffed pillows into the washing machine, thereby intentionally flooding the unit and permanently warping the new wood floors.

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Step 5: Sign a LeaseA written lease is the single most important document for any landlord. It’s mind-boggling to me that some landlords continue to create verbal agreements with tenants.

My advice is to find a rock-solid lease that’s fair to both parties, and stick to it.

A Lease Contains:• Names of the landlord and tenant(s)


Always use a lease that is specifically designed for your state’s laws.

Ways to Collect a Deposit

• Online Payment Collecting a deposit electronically is the easiest method, especially if it automatically gets recorded within your property management software. Cozy gives you the ability to collect deposits and other move-in costs immediately after an application has been accepted.

• Personal Check If you accept a personal check, be sure to cash it prior to the tenant moving in to ensure it’s not a scam. Many young tenants don’t even have a checkbook, and wouldn’t be able to write a check if you asked them to.

• Bank/Cashier’s Check If move-in is 24-48 hours away, then online payments and personal checks are not an option because they take a few days to transfer the funds. Under a time-crunch, you can ask the tenant to give you a certified bank check or certified cashier’s check, which can be obtained from their local bank, or even most convenience stores (like 7-11 or Plaid Pantry). Certified checks are backed by the institution where they were purchased, so they are the same as cash, but without the risk.


Never accept cash. It’s difficult to track, and nearly impossible to prove in court.

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• Start and end dates

• Rent amount/due dates

• Deposit amount

• Inclusion/exclusion of pets

• Late fees

• Penalties for default/abandonment

• Rules on cleaning, noise, parking

• and a variety of other legal information

If you don’t already have a lease, you can buy one from a few different sources:

• A local landlord-tenant attorney

• A local real estate club or realtor’s association

• A legal forms website

Regardless of where you get your lease, you need to make sure it is in compliance with your state’s laws. Laws and statutes are always subject to change, and may even vary from county to county or city to city.

You are responsible for performing your own research and complying with all laws applicable to your unique situation.

Learn More About State Laws: Find out about our state rental laws on Landlordology.

Signing in Person

If Meridian lives locally, you have the option to sign the lease together, in person. I think signing a lease in person adds an extra sense of formality and seriousness to the deal. It’s critical to ensure that the tenant realizes the importance of the lease and paying rent on time.


Every tenant over the age of 18 should be listed as an occupant and subsequently sign the lease.


A physical signature does not have any extra legal authority compared to a digital signature.

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I suggest asking Meridian to meet with you, perhaps over coffee, to review and sign the lease. Bring multiple copies with you, and then review the entire lease with her. That’s right, page by page, clause by clause.

By meeting in person, you can look her in the eye and explain the consequences of not paying. You can ensure that she is aware of every clause, condition, and responsibility of both parties. In the nicest way possible, you want make sure that your new tenant is aware that you mean business, and late rent will NOT be tolerated.

It also provides an opportunity for her to ask questions about the property, lease, or about you.

This meeting will set the tone for the entire term of the lease. Don’t be afraid to be stern about your lease rules. If you require a carpet cleaning at the end of the lease, point it out.

Signing Electronically

If Meridian does not live locally, or you just don’t have time to meet in person, digital signatures are the next best thing.

Digital signatures are legally binding. The first section (101.a) of the federal ESIGN Act says that a contract of signature “may not be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form.”


The basic premise is that you first upload a document to an online e-signature tool, designate where you want Meridian to sign, and then the tool coordinates the rest. You will be notified by email when she signs the document. Then you’ll be able to download or print a copy for safe-keeping.


It’s always easier to be stern at first, and lighten up later on, rather than the other way around.

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CudaSign https://cudasign.com From $1/month

HelloSign http://hellosign.com From Free

DocuSign https://www.docusign.com From $10/month

Adobe echoSign http://echosign.adobe.com From $15/month

RightSignature https://rightsignature.com


From $14/month

Sertifi http://sertifi.net From Free


Step 6: Sign Lease Disclosures & AddendumsIn addition to the lease, there are other important documents that need signing, which can usually be added to the “lease package” and signed at the same time.


• Receipt or Acknowledgement of Security Deposit Payment

• Lead Disclosure Statement

• Pet Addendum

• Parking Addendum

Many states require a landlord to deliver a ratified version of the lease to the tenant within a specified number of days. If using an e-signature tool, the system will automatically deliver a copy to the tenant for you.

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Security Deposit Receipt

The security deposit should be documented in the lease. If using Cozy, the tenants will have a record of paying the deposit in their dashboard, and therefore no other receipt is needed.

When recording a deposit payment the old-fashioned way, it can be as simple as making a note in the sidebar or on the last page, and having all tenants initial it.

I usually require all deposits to be paid in full (or be processing) by the time we are signing a lease.

Though I usually don’t like dealing with paper receipts, you should provide a receipt to your tenant if he or she asks for one. Though Meridian would probably be better than most, I find that most of the time, the receipt gets thrown away, lost, or washed with the laundry. Then, two weeks later, I’m being asked to write another one. It’s just not worth the effort.

Lead Disclosure Statement

Buildings built before 1978 are much more likely to have lead-based paint. Federal law requires landlords to give prospective tenants of buildings built before 1978:

• Any known information concerning lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards pertaining to the building.

• For multi-unit buildings, this requirement includes records and reports concerning common areas and other units when such information was obtained as a result of a building-wide evaluation.

• A lead disclosure attachment to the lease, or language inserted in the lease, that includes a “Lead Warning Statement” and confirms that you have complied with all notification requirements.

Download it Here: llgy.co/lead-disclose

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Pet Addendum

If you allow pets in your property, you should ask for their information and records. Having this information is more of a precaution should anything bad happen to the pet, or if the pet injures someone or something else.

Further, service animals have almost as many rights as people, so it’s wise to document their existence.


• Number of Allowable Pets;

• Name, Weight, Breed, Age;

• Vaccination dates;

• Spayed or Neutered status;

• Licenses;

• and Service Animal Status, if applicable.

One benefit of having this document is that if a tenant acquires two more dogs in the middle of the lease, you can politely point to the addendum and remind them that only one small goldendoodle, named Bear, is allowed.

Download It Here: llgy.co/pet-addend

Parking Addendum

If the property has a complex parking situation, or if you simply want to regulate it, then you can ask your tenants to sign a parking addendum.

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PARKING: Tenant(s) is permitted to park TWO (2) vehicles on the Premises. No automobile, truck, motorcycle, trailer, any other such vehicle, or vehicle parts shall be parked or stored on the Premises without current license plates and said vehicles must be operational and able to be driven in a normal fashion. Licensed vehicles may be parked only in garages, driveways, dedicated parking spots, if provided, or in the street. Parking or storing vehicle parts in the yard is not acceptable. Tenant(s) hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint Landlord or Landlord’s agents as Tenant’s attorney in fact to remove any vehicle parked in violation of the Agreement, parking rules (posted or otherwise), or regulations to store the vehicle, at Tenant’s cost and expense, in such place or places at Landlord’s sole discretion, may deem proper, or to dispose of the vehicle in the manner provided by applicable law. No compensation shall be given for any loss of parking spaces due to building or road construction or rehabilitation efforts by landlord or any government authority.


• The Tenant’s Vehicle(s): Year, Make, Model, Color, Plate Number, etc;

• Cost to Park, if any;

• Dedicated Parking Spaces;

• Rules on Vehicle Washing, Maintenance, Noise;

• Number of Motorcycles per Space;

• Use of Space as Storage;

• and anything else related to parking.

Personally, I don’t care what car they drive, as long as it is legally registered and operates normally.

In lieu of an addendum, I include the following provision in my lease:

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Step 7: Build a Welcome PacketTake a deep breath and savor the moment - the lease is signed and Meridian is now legally responsible for paying rent.

It’s time to gather all the documents together and congratulate her on officially securing the unit.

Since the lease signing preferably happens a few weeks (or more) prior to the start of the lease, it means that there will be a lull between the signing and move-in.

This is a great opportunity to include any materials that she will need for move-in day, or other educational pamphlets that will ease her transition to the neighborhood.


• Welcome Letter

• Lead Safety Booklet

• Move-In/Move-Out Inspection Checklist

• Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Acknowledgement

• Instructions for Automatic Rent Payments

• Local Map

Welcome Letter

On the first page of the welcome packet, I like to include a short greeting, followed by important contact information:

• Name of Landlord or Property Manager, phone number, and email

• My emergency contact POC

• Any utility companies that services the unit, with instructions on how and when to assume responsibility

• When rent is due and an explanation of late fees

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• Locations of Smoke/Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors

• Locations of Fire Extinguishers

• Websites of any local newspapers or community groups

Download It Here: llgy.co/welcome-info

Download It Here: llgy.co/lead-safe

Lead Safety Booklet

Accompanying the lead disclosure, all prospective tenants must receive an EPA-approved information pamphlet on identifying and controlling lead-based paint hazards, “Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home (PDF).”

Condition of Rental Property Checklist

Besides the lease, the most important document in your arsenal is the Conditional of Rental Property Checklist, also known as the Move-In/Move-Out Inspection Checklist.

It’s a simple checklist that documents the condition of the property upon move-in and move-out. It is important that the tenant completes this form shortly after moving in because it acts as the baseline for the condition of the property when they move out.

It gives them a chance to document any pre-existing defects or damage to the property, and acts as the basis for any deposit deductions.

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Download It Here: llgy.co/cond-check

I mandate that my tenants complete and return this document within three days of move-in.

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Acknowledgement

I ask my tenants to test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, then sign and return this acknowledgement form within three days of move-in. This allow me to ensure all essential detectors are working at the beginning of each lease and that the tenant has taken responsibility to ensure they operate normally during the lease.

Download It Here: llgy.co/smoke-carbon

Instructions for Automatic Rent Payments

Automatic rent payments not only make it easier for the tenant to pay rent, but it reduces issues with trying to collect rent. It’s the quickest and easiest way to put your rental business on autopilot.

Being a tech-savvy tenant, Meridian is super excited that you’ve chosen to collect rent online through Cozy. She has all her other bills configured to be paid automatically, and until now, rent was the only bill that she still paid with a paper check.

With Cozy, if Meridian ever cancels or changes her automatic payments, you’ll be the first to know.

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Instructions for setting up Cozy: support.cozy.co

Providing a simple instructional document will help Meridian set up her automatic rent payments to ensure her first rent payment is on time and paid in full.

Local Map

Whether Meridian is from the area or not, I’m sure she would appreciate a little help finding the closest grocery store, pharmacy, post office, hospital, Redbox, pizza joint, and Starbucks.

Whether you create a custom Google map or buy a laminated street map at a gas station, you are helping Meridian get acclimated to the neighborhood, and building trust and respect as her landlord.

Map Tools: Where to Find: How to Use:

Google Maps Engine https://www.google.com/mymaps Create a custom map and share it electronically or print it out

Walk Score http://www.walkscore.com Create a custom map and share it electronically

Local Tourism Maps Your county tourism office Scribble on the map to highlight areas of interest

Street Map Gas stations, Convenience stores Scribble on the map to highlight areas of interest

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Step 8: Move-InMove-in day has finally arrived. Hopefully by this point, your presence is no longer required and Meridian can handle move-in all by herself.

If I just happen to be in the area that day, I’ll stop by to see if they need anything specific. Otherwise, I trust they will call with anything that needs my immediate attention.

Delivering Keys

Even though Meridian seems trustworthy, you should never give keys to a tenant before the start of the lease.

This is especially important if you have back-to-back leases, because you don’t want to give the new tenant access to the unit while it still technically belongs to the previous tenant.

Besides the liability, you need to set the tone that the lease is the irrefutable rule book. If you give the tenant the ability to move in a day early, you will have already broken your own lease before it has even started! Next, they may expect you to waive all late fees, or even ask you to accept partial rent payments.

Options for Delivering Keys on Move-in Day:• Use a lock box and text the combination or key code to the tenant.

• Meet the tenant at the property.

• Have the tenant pick up the keys from you.

• Hide them under the doormat, or in the mailbox.

• Leave the door unlocked.


Never give keys to a tenant before the lease starts.

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Conducting the Move-in Inspection

As mentioned earlier, the move-in inspection form acts as the baseline to compare with the condition of the property when tenants move out. It is imperative that this document be completed if you want to be able to make an objective claim on their security deposit as compensation for damages.


Some property managers refuse to let the tenant complete the move-in inspection form by themselves. Rather, the manager completes it in the presence of the tenant on move-in day, but doesn’t let the tenant touch the document.

I think this is a horrible way to begin the lease.

A decent property manager will know the condition of the property even before a tenant moves in. Even if the tenant tries to pull a fast one, you can still inspect the claim before accepting it as fact.

By not allowing the tenant to complete the inspection form without your help, you are communicating the message: “Welcome to the neighborhood! I’m going to fill this out for you because I don’t trust you to tell the truth.”

If this is your approach, then your tenants won’t trust or respect you. You will reap what you sow. Good Luck.


The alternative, and my preferred, technique is to give Meridian the move-in inspection form at the lease signing or have it waiting for her when she moves in.

By mandating that she fill it out within three days of move-in, you


On move-in day, email or text your tenants to remind them to complete the inspection and smoke/CO detector forms within three days.

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create a sense of urgency, but it also gives her a real opportunity to thoroughly document the condition of the unit.

One nice side effect of allowing a tenant to perform the inspection is that it helps you find minor issues before they turn into huge headaches.

A Welcome Gift

I like to leave a welcome gift for all my new tenants. My three favorite ideas are:

• A nice bottle of wine

• Exotic coffee and chocolates

• A basket of bathroom essentials

My tenants seem to appreciate the bathroom essentials more than anything else.

When moving, a tenant’s toiletries will be buried in a box, and they usually don’t realize that a shower liner is not standard issue with an unfurnished rental. The reality is, on move-in day, they need toilet paper more than they need coffee or wine.

My typical $10 welcome gift consists of:

• Toilet Paper: 1 Roll (I like Scott brand because they come individually wrapped and I can buy a single roll at the grocery store.) – $2

• Small Bar of Soap – $1

• Paper Towels: 1 Roll (The grocery store has single rolls.) – $3

• A Shower Liner (Just the liner, not the curtain.) – $4.

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Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy the Passive IncomeCongratulations, you made it!

Meridian has moved in and her automatic rent payments are being directly deposited into your bank account. She keeps the unit looking nice and her mother vacuums every monday night during commercial breaks from Dancing with the Stars.

She has said on multiple occasions that she loves living there and appreciates the time you took to help her with the move-in process. Little does she know that you were just following a thorough and repeatable tenant onboarding process designed to make your life easier.

You’re a smart landlord, and will continue to profit by providing a high-quality service to your tenants.

With any luck, Meridian will stay for many years, but if not, you’ll be ready to onboard the next applicant.

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Additional Resources

Lead Disclosure Statement

Download it here: llgy.co/lead-disclose

Lead Safety Booklet

Download it here: llgy.co/lead-safe

Pet Addendum

Download it here: llgy.co/pet-addend

Welcome Information

Download it here: llgy.co/welcome-info

Condition of Rental Property Checklist

Download it here: llgy.co/cond-check

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Acknowledgement

Download it here: llgy.co/smoke-carbon

Instructions for Automatic Rent Payments

Cozy Help Center: support.cozy.co

I’m Lucas Hall, Chief Landlordologist at Cozy, the company that makes renting easy for everyone.

I am a successful landlord with dozens of happy tenants and a profitable income property portfolio. A landlord for over eight years, I founded Landlordology in 2013, and became part of Cozy in January 2014.

Being a landlord to dozens of tenants, I’ve learned how to manage rental properties while thriving at my full-time job, and maintaining a high quality of life with my lovely wife and 90 lb goldendoodle. Most of my business is now on autopilot – but it wasn’t always easy.

Over the years, I’ve met lots of other amazing landlords and property managers. Some are positioned by choice (like myself), while others have fallen into the rental business because they were underwater on a mortgage, or simply could not sell their property.

Whatever your situation, I want to share with you the techniques needed to manage your rental in any economy – helping you to build financial security and keep your properties rented.

Lucas Hall Chief Landlordologist at Cozy

Articles, Tips and More:








About Landlordology Landlordology.com is a website dedicated to bringing small landlords, property managers, and tenants the best educational tools and resources on Earth. It is the brainchild of Lucas Hall, a successful landlord with dozens of happy tenants and a profitable income property portfolio , and is brought to you by the people at Cozy – the best online tool to automate your rental properties.


The Landlord Guides are an ever-expanding collection of essential information for independent landlords. We’ll help you succeed with time-tested advice, useful tips, and practical resources to save you time, money and headache — all in an easy-to-read and succinct format.

Find all of the Landlord Guides at landlordology.com/guides

Cozy is simple, modern property management software

for landlords and tenants.

Market Your Rentals

List your properties and attract quality applicants. Cozy listings provide flexible image galleries, detailed lease terms, amenities and pet policies. We make it easy to market your properties to make them stand out.

Screen Applicants

See essential information like credit reports, judgements, evictions, employment and salary history, rental history, and previous landlord testimonials for all of your applicants, in one convenient place.

Collect Rent Online

Collect rent from anywhere and never have to deal with paper checks again. Tenants can set it and forget it. Cozy payments are secure and automatic, and the money goes straight to your bank account.

Get started, it’s free!



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