A New 16-bit RISC Processor Architecture - Controller State Machines and Functional Verification...

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  • 7/27/2019 A New 16-bit RISC Processor Architecture - Controller State Machines and Functional Verification using VHDL.pdf


    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah




    Ismail Saad, Pukhraj Vaya, Abu Bakar A.R, Wan Hoong Wai

    School of Engineering and Information Technology

    University Malaysia Sabah, Locked Bag 2073, 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

    Tel: +60-8-832-0000 x 3147/3066, Fax: +60-8-832-0348

    (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected])


    This paper presents the design and simulation of new 16-bits RISC microprocessor architecture

    with an emphasis on state machines namely Controller State Machine (CSM) model and the processor

    functionality verification using Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL). The processor system

    consists of ROM, RAM, I/O and CPU. The CPU module is merely a shell which instances the real

    processor definition in cpu_core.v, control.v, datapath.v and alu.v module. The design and verification of

    CSM, which represents the core mechanism of control unit architectural design, are elaborated in detail in

    this paper. The processor offers 36 types of instruction to be used by the programmer. The functional

    verification task of the processor is carried out using VCS (Verilog Code Simulator) simulators by

    executing the 36 instructions which four of them are discussed in this paper.

    Key words: Verilog HDL, RISC, Datapath, Behavioural Model, VCS Simulator

    1.0 IntroductionMicroprocessor application is not limited to personal computer but also used in a specific field

    such as robotics, communications, control systems, etc [1-5]. However, the existing process of designing

    a very large scale ICs such a new microprocessor for specific application is complicated, time consuming

    and prone to human errors. Thus, we have employed the design methodology based on the Verilog-HDL

    (Hardware Description Language) software for our new architecture of 16-bits RISC microprocessor. The

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    Verilog is a tool that simplify the design processes by allowing designer to describe the design at the

    highest level of abstraction (behavioral and register transfer level) [8-10]. The design can be tested by

    simulation before sent-off for fabrication and thus, cost and time are saved [6-7]. However, the success of

    designing such new processors depends mainly on the accurate design of the state controller in the system

    control unit [12-14]. In this paper, we present the design and simulation of a new 16-bits processor

    architecture based on HDL design methodology using Verilog language with an emphasis on the design

    and verification of controller state machine as well as the processor functionality.

    2.0 Processor ArchitectureThe new 16-bits RISC processor design has a multiplexed 16-bit data and address path. The

    instruction has a variable length, as it takes one word for instruction that operates within registers only

    and two words for instructions operated on registers/memory and register/immediate. The 16-bits

    instruction field consists of 2-mode bit, 1-bit each for set condition (set_bit) and test condition (test_bit),

    3-bit ALU function (ALU_func) and 3-bit each for destination register (Rd), source1 register (Rs1) and

    source2 register (Rs2). The processor can execute 36 instructions, which are grouped into 2 instructions

    type; arithmetic/logical and load/store. There are six registers in the processor where 3 of them are general

    purpose (R1,R2,R3) while the other 3 are dedicated register that is PC (Program Counter), IR (Instruction

    Register) and DR (Direct Register). On top of that, a dummy register, R0 (always zero) is also included in

    the register file which follow the convention of RISC architecture [15].

    3. Processor Verilog Module SystemsThe top module of processor system is defined in system.v file. It consists of CPU, 256 words of

    ROM (addresses 0-255), 256 words of RAM (addresses 256-511), I/O module consisting of a bank of 16

    switches (mapped at address 512) and a bank of 16 LEDs (mapped at address 513), transparent address

    latch that stores address and decoder module to select either ROM, RAM or I/O modules. The second top

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    module is cpu.v file, which is merely a shell which simulates the pad ring and instances the real processor

    architecture definition in the cpu_core.v module. The cpu_core.v module instances the processor control.v

    and datapath.v definition. Finally, datapath.v module instances the ALU definition in alu.v file as show in

    figure 1 below. A monitor.v module is also written for monitoring the activity of processor design. The

    control.v, datapath.v, monitor.v and alu.v module includes an opcodes.v module which contains a

    definition of operational codes and oprenads of the processor architecture.






    Fig.1 ssor: Verilog Module Structure for Proce

    4. Processor Control Unit DesignThe control unit is the core of the microprocessor. It accepts as input, those signals that are needed to

    operate the controller, and provides as output all the control signals necessary to effect that operation.

    Thus, two main functions of control unit are to execute operations in a proper sequence by means of CSM

    and to interpret the instruction words and consequently generate the control signal that causes each

    instruction to be executed. Our control unit design consists of 16-bit Instruction Register (IR), 1-bit Zero

    Flag register, Controller State Machine and Sub States of memory cycles and the different types of

    generated control signals as illustrated in Fig.2:

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    State :

    0: Fetch1





    4.1 Controller State MachineThe CSM has three states: Fetch1 (00), Fetch2 (11) and Execute (01) that coded by using gray code.

    The controller state machine is based on the Mealy machines as referred in the reference [1,14]. Details of

    the state transition are shown in the state diagram in the Fig.3.

    3: Fetch2

    1: Execute

    Sub_state :

    0: address_setup

    1: address_hold 2: data_hold


    15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 4567 0123


















    Zero Flag












    3: data_setup

    Fig.2: Processor Control Module Architecture







    TRUE, 01TRUE, 10,11


    TRUE, 10/11

    TRUE, XX

    TRUE, 00 or FLASE, 00/01

    Fig.3: Controller State Machine State Diagram

    FALSE, 10/11

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    In addition it also has 4 memory cycles sub states: address_setup (00), address_hold (01),

    data_setup (11) and data_hold (10). To distinguish transitions of operation from one state to another, the

    data_hold sub state of memory cycle and the 2-mode bitfields of instruction are used.

    Referring to Fig. 3, TRUE or FALSE represents the presence of data_hold in the sub state cycle,

    the 2-bit (00,01,11,10) is represent the possible values of mode bit and XX is referred as dont care

    condition. Details of states transition are explained details below.

    Fetch1 states case:

    The Fetch1 states will remain in its current state when the data_hold is TRUE and mode bit is 00. Then,

    Fetch1 states will jump to the Execute states and if the data_hold is TRUE and mode bit is 01. In order for

    the Fetch1 states to jump from its present state to Fetch2, the condition to be fulfilled is when the

    data_hold is TRUE and mode bit is 10 or 11. When the data_hold is FALSE and mode bit is 01 or 10, the

    Fetch1 state will remains at its current state.

    Execute states case:

    The Execute state will remain in its current state during the FALSE data_hold and dont care conditions

    (XX) of mode bit occur. Then, if data_hold is TRUE and mode bit is dont care conditions then the next

    state will be Fecth1.

    Fetch2 states case:

    For the purpose of Load and Store operations both Fetch2 and Execute states will be used accordingly. If

    the data_hold is TRUE and mode bit is 10 or 11 then the next state will be jump to execute states.

    Otherwise, if data_hold is FALSE and mode bit is 10 or 11 then the current state will be remained.

    Generally, Fetch1 states is dedicated for register and register instruction type, which uses 4 clock

    cycle or 1 memory cycle to be executed. Execute states is for register and immediate instruction type, that

    uses 8 clock cycle or 2 memory cycles to be executed. For Load and Store instruction type, which is the

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    longest instruction to be executed, Fetch2 and Execute state is uses 3 memory cycles or 12 clock cycles.

    Hence, all instructions are completed in exactly 12 clock cycles. Gray code style is employed for the state

    assignments since each of the state transition requires only one bit changing. This approach is chosen to

    reduce the glitch problem during bit changing process.

    This controller state machine is coded in verilog by using case statement and the algorithm can be

    viewed as follows:

    case (state)

    `Fetch1:if (sub_state == `data_hold && (ModeBit == 2'b00)) state

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    Fig. 4.0: Fetch1 (0) to Execute (1) state transition

    Fig. 4.0 shows the transition from Fetch1 (2) to Execute (1) state happen when data_hold (3) is

    TRUE (2) and mode bit equals to 01. It also shown the Execute operation (register and immediate) uses 8

    clock cycles to be executed denoted by c1 to c2 range.

    Fig. 4.1: Execute (1) to Fetch1 (0) state transition

    Fig. 4.1 shows the transition from Execute (1) to Fetch1 (0) state happen when the data_hold (3) is

    TRUE (2) and mode bit equals to 00. In the first data_hold TRUE there is state transition happen due to

    the previous instruction (4040) is Execute operation where it uses 8 clock cycles as denoted by red line in

    the Fig. 4.1. The Fetch1 operation (register and register) is the shortest types of instruction to be executed

    where it only used 4 clock cycles as denoted by c1 to c2 range.

    Fig. 4.2: Fetch1 (0) to Fetch2 (3) state transition

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    Fig. 4.2 shows the transition from Fetch1 (0) to Fetch2 (3) state happen when the data_hold is

    TRUE (2) and mode bit equals to 11. The executed instruction (c00b) is longest types of instruction. It

    used for store and load operation where it requires Fetch2 (3) and Execute (1) state and total 12 clock

    cycles needed in order to executed the instruction as denoted by c1 to c2 range.

    5. Processor Functionality VerificationVerification of processor functionalities is done for the basic operations which include arithmetic,

    logic and shift operation. This processor architecture offers 36 types of instructions available for use. At

    the simulation level, the functionalities of the processor are verified through timing diagram of each

    module as generated in the VCS simulator windows. For example, only 4 types of instructions are shown

    here which Register + Immediate, Register + Register and Load/Store Instructions.

    5.1 Register + Immediate value operation test

    RdRs1AddiImm //R1R0 + 259(103hex);

    This instruction is used to verify add operations between Register1 (R1) and immediate value (259) where

    the immediate value is stored into Register1. Details of the process are shown in Fig.5.0.

    Fig.5.0: Timing Diagram of Register + Immediate Operation

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    5.2 Register + Register operation test

    RdRs1AddrRs2 // R3R1 + R2;

    This instruction is used to verify add operation within registers. In this example the instruction involves

    add operation between Register1 and Register2 then output is stored into Register3. The immediate value

    259(0103hex) in the Register1 is added to immediate value in the Register2: 93(005dhex) that is stored

    initially, then result: 352(0160hex) is stored into Register 3. Details of the process are shown in the


    Fig.5.1: Timing Diagram of Register + Register Operation

    5.3 Store operation test

    mem[Rs1+ Imm]Rd // mem[R0 + 259]R1;

    This instruction is used to verify store operation. In this example the instruction involves store operation

    from Register2 into memory at location [259]. The Register0 (R0) is a dummy register and it always 0.

    After Write signals enabled the content of Register2 is stored into memory addresses at [259]. Details of

    the process are shown in the Fig.5.3.

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    The content of memory at location [259] after store operation is now equal to 10 as shown in the Fig.5.4.

    Fig.5.3: Timing Diagram of Store Operation

    Fig.5.4: Interactive Display of Memory


    5.4 Load operation test

    Rdmem[Rs1+ Imm] // R2mem[R0 + 259];

    This instruction is used to verify load operation. In this example the instruction involves load from

    memory at location [259] into Register 2. The content of memory locations addresses at [259] is loaded

    into destination register (Register2). Details of the process are shown in the Fig.5.5.

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

    Fig.5.5: Timing Diagram of Load Operation

    6. ConclusionsNew 16-bit processor architecture is successfully designed based on HDL methodology and

    simulated completely through VCS simulator in Synopsys tools in order to verify the processor

    functionalities. The success of the processor depends to the state controller of the system. As presented in

    the paper, controller state machine is designed to control the state transition and its functionalities is

    verified through execution of 36 instructions out of which 4 instructions as test bench cases are explained

    thoroughly in the paper.

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    3rdSeminar on Science and Technology, 10-11 August 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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