a MUS€ARELLO'S SPECIAL OFFER 8/Niagara Falls NY...whitewash the dictatorial aspects of the Franco...

••'• fcs ;.;• Page Twenty-four THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Thurs'day, November 1 6 , . 1 9 5 0 $62,500,000 LOAN TO FRANCO SPAIN TO BEGIN AT ONCE Specific Amounts to fie Lent of Specific Projects to Aid Nation's Economy WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 (W— American loans to Spain today give the government of Generalissimo Francisco Franco a financial- boost —and a political-victory. Four years'ago,;-the United States was calling on the Spanish people to depose Franco. Now, t the United States is preparing to lend him $62,- 500.000. Congress made available the money for the loans, and the Economic Cor- poration administration announced that funds will start flowing to Spain immediately. Specific amounts will be lent for specific projects to help Spain's economy. To Get American Cotton Spain is expected to buy substan- tial amounts of American cotton, even though it now is scarce in the United States is under export con- trols. An early loan also.is expected to be made for construction of a fer- tilizer plant at Pamplona. The Export-Import bank will handle, details, but presumably on a more liberal basis than regular ex- port-import loans. For some time the bank has failed to approve loanj to Spain out of its regular funds. Franco, in .obtaining the loans through Congress, gained a victory over the American officials who had criticized his regime and hoped it would fall. Franco, with the help of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, wop the Spanish Civil war in 1938. He sym- pathized with the Axis during World War 2. Since then, however, the Western World has recognized conv munisra as the enemy—and Franco is assuredly anti-Communist. U. S. to Get Metals Nobody here has attempted to whitewash the dictatorial aspects of the Franco government, but many of- i * K! i r 5 ! u ri ill MUS€ARELLO'S SPECIAL OFFER IN CONJUNCTION WITH NIAGARA'S NEWEST NU-WAY MARKET OPENING We are offering to old and new pa Irons our $1.40 Special Deluxe Quality Cleaning at ONLY $1.00 C £ H R TUIC mm uncc MEN'S SUITS AND TOPCOATS IIIIO InbLUUCO LADIES' SUITS AND DRESSES (Regular) FOR THUR., FRI., SAT. ONLY and CARRY MUSCARELLO'S Cleaners and Tailors 1622 - 18th Strict Next Door to Nu-Way Market Ample Parking Facilities Dial 2-2500 Open for ybur convenience 'til 7:00 P. M. every evening . FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY ficials feel Spain would be useful to the Western Allies should war in Europe develop. The American loans could help pep up Spain's flagging economy. Spain's textile mills have been handicapped by lack of raw materials. . Mill dwn- ers have been buying- cotton in Eu- rope's-black markets. Spain also needs industrial and mining machin- ery. ' ECA announced the loan agree- ments will provide "in appropriate cases" that Spain help the United States- acquire—strategic materials. These would be mostly non-ferrous metals such as tungsten, which is used to harden steel. These metals generally have been available previously—but the price was too high for the United States to pay. Winters Elected President Of Falls Kennel Club Edward Winters was elected presi- dent and Mrs. Mary Kondo first vice- president of the Niagara Falls Ken- nel club at the election meeting* in the Moose Tower hotel. Other officers for 1951 are George A. Allen, second vice president; Mrs. B. Smiech Wolins, secretary, and Thjomas Whalen, treasurer. Elect- ed to the board of directors were Mrs. Kondo, Mr. Allen, Mr. Whalen and George German. Plans for next summer's dog show were discussed and it was decided to hold a Christmas party December 19 instead of the regular meeting sched- uled for December 12. Sanbria Hicks 4-H Club Meets Tomorrow-Night SANBORN. Nov. . lfS^The San- bria Hicks 4-H club, will hold its re- organization meetini'-Momorrow at 7:30 p.m. at Cambria District school, Saunders Settlement road. Officers will be elected and new programs planned. Enrollment cards will be filled out and projects chosen from the wide variety of available agricultural and homemaking sub- jects. Boys and girls from Sanborn and vicinity, who are between the ages of nine and 21. and who are in- terested ia 4-H club work, are invited to join the club at this meeting. For further information, call Mrs. Vernette Genter, .club leader, at Sanborn 56-F-22. AM6RiOA'S PAVORITE sAty FAVOfclTfcf SAUERKRAUT Yti. SILVER FIOSS SAUERKRAUTVVM you wholnome, dtticiout, otd-foihioncd flavor... end it coils to Ettlt! Wrilt Dept. N, Empire Stat* Pickling Co., Phelps. M. Y. for FREE RECIPE BOOKIET describing appetizing ways to prtpaiVond servo taucrVroul. ooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooco Not a powder! Not a grind! But millions of tiny "FLAVOR BUDS" of real coffee... ready to burst instantly into that famous MAXWELL HOUSE FLAVOR! UTTERLY UNLIKE OLD-STYLE INSTANTS... JUST AS QUICK, BUT TASTES SO DIFFERENT! » Here's the biggest coffee news Rince the vacuunvpack! Ari exciting new kind of coffee—quick-to-fix ns old- ityle "insUnfa"—delicious AB the best 'brew you ever made! The only coffee of its kind in the world! Only Maxwell House can bring it to you—and it> at your grocer's today! Lets work— batter coffee We brew this coffee for you in our own spotless kitchens. Then—at the exact moment of its fresh-brewed per- fection—we remove the water. What's left ia the pure essence of the best coffee you ever tasted ... millions of tiny "Flavor Buds" which miracu- lously "come to life" in your cup the instant you add hot water! There's none of the fuss and muss of "brewing your own"! None of rhe disappointment offlat-tastingold- Ptyle "instants." Instead . . . in mere tcconds . . . you get coffee asrichand * full-bodied as any you've ever tasted. And you get perfect coffee every time .. . coffee you're Vroud to nerve!' This sensational coffee-making dis- • covery ia all pure coffee—nothing else but! Taste this utterly new Instant Maxwell House toclay. Just reach for the jar with the stars on top! I. THE ONLY INSTANT COFFEE WITH THAT "GOOD TO THE LAST DROP" FLAVOR! S/ s .DONALD O. NOTMAN \ Promoted by du Pont company NotmanAppointed Department Heacf By du Pont Firm The appointment of Donald O. Notman as general manager of the Electrochemical* department of E. I. cju Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc., was announced here today. Mr. Notman succeeds Samuel C. Baker \ who becomes general manager of the Photo Products department. , The appointments become effec- tive December 1. The Electrocbemicals department includes plants here and at Perth' Amboy, N. J., Wyandotte. Mich.. Toledo. O.. Dresden, N. Y., and Memphis. Tehn. Mr. NoJmafi started his career here in 1922 as a chemical engineer with the Rocssler and Hasslacher Chemical company. In 1925 he was appointed superintendent of the St. Albans, W. Va., plant of the same company. In 1927 he returned to Niagara Falls wheje he held various supervisory positions untitr in 1930. he became production superintendent of the Niagara Falls plant. In 1930. the du^. Pont company purchased the Roessler and Hass- lacher Chemicals company and Mr. Notman continued as production su- perintendent for the next ten yeah, broken only by a brief period spent at the EI Monte, Calif., plant, as assistant plant manager. In 1940, Mr. Notman was appoint- ed'plant manager of the Niag.ira plant continuing in this position until January. 1943, when he was transferred to the Explosives depart- ment of the du Pont company For the remainder of the war period he served first as technical specialist in conjunction with the atomic energy program and later becoming assist- ant . manager of the Hanford En- gineering Works, near Pasco. Wash. At the end of the war. Mr. Not- man was, appointed director of the technical division of the Electro- chemicals department, in charge of the research program of the •depart- ment. He served in that capacity un- til January. 1948. when he became assistant general manager of the de- partment. Mr. Notman was born in St. Cath- arines. Ont.. and attended the public schools in that city. In 1921. he re- ceived the B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Queen's university, Kingston. Ont.. and was the recipient of the Milton Hershey fellowship. He continued at Queen's and received an M. S. degree the following year. Mr. and Mrs. Notman are well known here. They will continue to make their residence in Wilmington. Dela. Fpr Marvelous THANKSGIVING FIXIN'S ' * * You will serve your family extra goodness this ihanksghing If you servo a Under "Blue Ribbon" Mohican turkey.. And for ell your other holiday foo4 needs . . . appetisers, desserts, vege tables,-relishes and tempting bakery treats. . . SHOP MQHICA 1628 MAIN ST. a Priorities Asked For New Sewage Treatment Plants ALBANY. Nov. 16 LP—The State Water Pollution Control board says that new plants for treatment of sewage and industrial wastes arc of "utmost importance to the maximum uie and expansion of defense indus- tries." ^ It has asked federal authorities to grant priorities for construction of such projects. Dr. Herman E. Hilleboe. state health commissioner and chairman of the Pollution Control board, said yesterday a petition for the priorities had been sent to President Truman, Congress and federal agencies con- cerned with defense mobilization. "The State Water Pollution Con- trol board believes the conservation, improvement and prevention of fur- ther deterioration of the quality of natural water resources is of the ut- most importance to the maximum use and expansion of defense indus- tries." Hilleboe said. He reported that the petition asked that materials for pollution control projects be allocated "on a priority basis substantially equal to thai which iv or may be established for materials for the expansion of de- fense-connected industries." Leading Lady Plays Part In Play Despite Injury HOLLYWOOD. Nov. Ifi. OP— Che show went on as planned, even though Marie McDonald, the leading lady, walked with a limp, one leg bandaged.. At a dress rehearsal for the play, "Born Yesterday.". Miss McDonald, apparently blinded by the footlights, walked off the stage and fell seven feet into the orchestra pit. No understudy was ready for the part, *o the actress limped onto the stage l»«l night for the opening per- formance. Adjournment Is Expected In National Carbon Cate A National Labor Relations board hearing on alleged unfair labor prac tices by the National Carbon division^ of the Union Carbide and Carbon corporation is expected to be adjourn- ed tomorrow until November 28. The hearing is continuing today at the LaSallc Municipal building on » complaint filed with the NLRB by Local 83 of the United Chemical Workers, CIO. The company now is rrtsenlinp its case and several more days of hearing »re believed necessary before the hearing can be closed. BEST CUTS FRESH BEEF CHUCK ROAST For a ratty and economical Sun- f™ PF ~ day dinner terve a delicious ^|k •% ** beef roaif. All the bert cuti at • | L this price. * * • * * * iP* POT ROAST BEEF » 49c SHORT RIBS 0'BEEF b 39c LEAN PLATE BEEF ,b 31c CORNED BEEF•"** B r lb 59c H -s^—V^^N/^I rtESH MILK-FATTED MOHICAN QUALITY ) D ftJ|e T |Uft FANCY SMALL LEAN / KUAbl lllU COOKED j JIUIIUMCIIC A M 5 \ 1 The same fine quality that you WHOLE H A M or EITHER J have been buying at A Q r HALF at thii price. / our markets ... lb. " ^ C lb. 59C ) MILK-FATTED CUT-UP SHANK ENDS < CHICKEN " 41c 49c ) PARTS Cut from the l i m t Mohican Buy tht Parft You Lik. But . , . from our l i n e displays. PORK LOIN ROAST*~" Rb Ed b 39c SLICED BACOlt Wu Ua ,b 45c Mohican Quality NEW GLACE FRUITS CITROM PEtL lb. 59c ORANCI PEIt :. lb. LEMON PEEL lb. CUT MIXED FRUIT lb. PINEAPPLE SLICES lb. CHERRY PIECES lb. BLEACHED RAISINS Ik. SEEDLESS RAISINS lb. For A Perfect Thanksgiving Feast . Mohican Fresh Dressed "Blue Ribbon" TURKEYS If you want tht best in Turktyi , ... be sur« to |tt e Mohkin Blue Ribbon frtsh dretitd Turkiy . . , the fivorltt of thousands for more than 50 yean. "\ MOHICAN BAKERY TREATS ASSORTED HOME TYPf LAYER CAKES Make your selection from our tempting dri- playi. Many varieties to J\ g m ^choose from LARGE FAMILY SIZE LAYER CAKES each .. ea. 55c l .„, •spicy flavor . . each «•* -• C Mohican Luscious Pumpkin Pies I2V'2 lb. llool MOHICAN RICH FRUIT CAKES 1.65 : r b 98c Mohican Fresh-V/hipped Cream Cakes * o:h 59c Mohican Fresh-Whipped Cream Puffs 2 '" 15c Mohican Old Fashioned Mince Pies h 45c Mohican Fresh Baked SLICED White Bread ••••fcr16c "Holiday Grocery Suygestions" GOLD MEDAL FLOUR K ^ T "< d 10 b ^ 89c MOHICAN COFFEE te % D "" 8,,nd b ** 75c SALAD DRESSING Mehcon r " ,h •»««>'• »»•«'• 47c LAKE SHORE PUMPKIN '•- »» ,„.. », ; ; ton |5 C STUFFED OLIVES Mohicon *»*"•* *-i °». *><»"• 29c ROYAL CHIEF TOMATOES 2 *«,'. «» 29c CORN ON THE COB •••• FRUIT COCKTAIL °- * TOMATO JUICE »~ >* ..I. PIE CRUST MIX C«M»,UIH -.-, rr:„ s,i. 2 p*v- 25c PREMIUM CRACKERS "•««. -. P.,. 27c MOHICAN MINCE MEAT •'.,. P u. fee "~DAIrlY~FEATURES" Mohican Meadowbrook OUR BEST CREAMERY BUTTER None better at any price . . . buy enough for the Z £• holiday lb. OOC Mohican Meadowbrook Fresh EGGS Medium Site Grade "A." fresh from*nearby AQ farms dot. M»M«in Btu N.Y. Stitt SHARP CHEESE Lb..55c Fruits and Vegetables California Emperor CRAPES 2 ib>. 25c Florida Seediest Grapefruit 10 for 39c California Delicious Fresh Datet . .lb. 33c Fresh Tender Crisp CELERY vVell bleached, prepared the itj you buy It. Q^ Large stalk •. TC I A 1 1 *»A. IA # ^1 \ 1 1 * 1 VIA IA 1 *L A. \A \ i 1 * ' • « » * ' > * * •••/*••*•*• »A4 NEW 1950 CROP NtW 1950 CROP r DIAMOND WALNUTS, If e. budded, lb. 43« .ORECON FILBIRTS lb. 39« BRAZIL NUTS ...; lb. A}, DRAKl ALMONDS lb. 39« SOFT SHiLl PtCANS lb. 49e « . * V * » ».# % A- » « ' A. a^. •. A._ ^A A., A -V f * - * .*.- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of a MUS€ARELLO'S SPECIAL OFFER 8/Niagara Falls NY...whitewash the dictatorial aspects of the Franco...

Page 1: a MUS€ARELLO'S SPECIAL OFFER 8/Niagara Falls NY...whitewash the dictatorial aspects of the Franco government, but many of-i * K! i r 5u ! ri ill MUS€ARELLO'S SPECIAL OFFER IN CONJUNCTION

• • ' •


; . ; •

P a g e T w e n t y - f o u r T H E N I A G A R A F A L L S G A Z E T T E T h u r s ' d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 6 , . 1 9 5 0


Specific Amounts to fie Lent of Specific Projects to Aid Nation's Economy

WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 (W— American loans to Spain today give the government of Generalissimo Francisco Franco a financial- boost —and a political-victory.

Four years'ago,;-the United States

was calling on the Spanish people to depose Franco. Now, t the United States is preparing to lend him $62,-500.000.

Congress made available the money for the loans, and the Economic Cor­poration administration announced that funds will start flowing to Spain immediately. Specific amounts will be lent for specific projects to help Spain's economy. To Get American Cotton

Spain is expected to buy substan­tial amounts of American cotton, even though it now is scarce in the United States is under export con­trols. An early loan also.is expected to be made for construction of a fer­tilizer plant at Pamplona.

The Export-Import bank will handle, details, but presumably on a

more liberal basis than regular ex­port-import loans. For some time the bank has failed to approve loanj to Spain out of its regular funds.

Franco, in .obtaining the loans through Congress, gained a victory over the American officials who had criticized his regime and hoped it would fall.

Franco, with the help of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, wop the Spanish Civil war in 1938. He sym­pathized with the Axis during World War 2. Since then, however, the Western World has recognized conv munisra as the enemy—and Franco is assuredly anti-Communist. U. S. to Get Metals

Nobody here has attempted to whitewash the dictatorial aspects of the Franco government, but many of-

i *


i r

5 ! u


i l l



We are offering to old and new pa Irons our $1.40 Special Deluxe

Quality Cleaning at ONLY $1.00 C£HR




MUSCARELLO'S Cleaners and Tailors 1622 - 18th Strict Next Door to Nu-Way Market Ample Parking Facilities

Dial 2-2500 Open for ybur convenience 't i l 7:00 P. M. every evening .


ficials feel Spain would be useful to the Western Allies should war in Europe develop.

The American loans could help pep up Spain's flagging economy. Spain's textile mills have been handicapped by lack of raw materials. . Mill dwn-ers have been buying- cotton in Eu­rope's-black markets. Spain also needs industrial and mining machin­ery. '

ECA announced the loan agree­ments will provide "in appropriate cases" that Spain help the United States- acquire—strategic materials. These would be mostly non-ferrous metals such as tungsten, which is used to harden steel.

These metals generally have been available previously—but the price was too high for the United States to pay.

Winters Elected President Of Falls Kennel Club

Edward Winters was elected presi­dent and Mrs. Mary Kondo first vice-president of the Niagara Falls Ken­nel club at the election meeting* in the Moose Tower hotel.

Other officers for 1951 are George A. Allen, second vice president;

Mrs. B. Smiech Wolins, secretary, and Thjomas Whalen, treasurer. Elect­ed to the board of directors were Mrs. Kondo, Mr. Allen, Mr. Whalen and George German.

Plans for next summer's dog show were discussed and it was decided to hold a Christmas party December 19 instead of the regular meeting sched­uled for December 12.

Sanbria Hicks 4-H Club Meets Tomorrow-Night

SANBORN. Nov. . lfS^The San­bria Hicks 4-H club, will hold its re­organization meetini'-Momorrow at 7:30 p.m. at Cambria District school, Saunders Settlement road.

Officers will be elected and new programs planned. Enrollment cards will be filled out and projects chosen from the wide variety of available agricultural and homemaking sub­jects.

Boys and girls from Sanborn and vicinity, who are between the ages of nine and 21. and who are in­terested ia 4-H club work, are invited to join the club at this meeting.

For further information, call Mrs. Vernette Genter, .club leader, at Sanborn 56-F-22.


sAty FAVOfclTfcf

SAUERKRAUT Yti. SILVER FIOSS S A U E R K R A U T V V M you wholnome, dtticiout, otd-foihioncd flavor... end it coils to Ettlt! Wrilt Dept. N, Empire Stat* Pickling Co., Phelps. M. Y. for FREE RECIPE BOOKIET describing appetizing ways to prtpaiVond servo taucrVroul.


Not a powder! Not a grind! But millions of tiny "FLAVOR BUDS" of real coffee... ready to burst instantly

into that famous MAXWELL HOUSE FLAVOR!



Here's the biggest coffee news Rince the vacuunvpack! Ari exciting new kind of coffee—quick-to-fix ns old-ityle "insUnfa"—delicious AB the best

'brew you ever made! The only coffee of its kind in the world! Only Maxwell House can bring it to you—and it> at your grocer's today!

Lets work—batter coffee

We brew this coffee for you in our own spotless kitchens. Then—at the exact moment of its fresh-brewed per­fection—we remove the water. What's left ia the pure essence of the best coffee you ever tasted . . . millions of

tiny "Flavor Buds" which miracu­lously "come to life" in your cup the instant you add hot water!

There's none of the fuss and muss of "brewing your own"! None of rhe disappointment of flat-tasting old-Ptyle "instants." Instead . . . in mere tcconds . . . you get coffee as rich and

* full-bodied as any you've ever tasted. And you get perfect coffee every time . . . coffee you're Vroud to nerve!'

This sensational coffee-making dis-• covery ia all pure coffee—nothing else but! Taste this utterly new Instant Maxwell House toclay. Just reach for the jar with the stars on top!


S / s

.DONALD O. NOTMAN \ Promoted by du Pont company

NotmanAppointed Department Heacf By du Pont Firm

The appointment of Donald O. Notman as general manager of the Electrochemical* department of E. I. cju Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc., was announced here today. Mr. Notman succeeds Samuel C. Baker \ who becomes general manager of the Photo Products department. ,

The appointments become effec­tive December 1.

The Electrocbemicals department includes plants here and at Perth' Amboy, N. J., Wyandotte. Mich.. Toledo. O.. Dresden, N. Y., and Memphis. Tehn.

Mr. NoJmafi started his career here in 1922 as a chemical engineer with the Rocssler and Hasslacher Chemical company. In 1925 he was appointed superintendent of the St. Albans, W. Va., plant of the same company. In 1927 he returned to Niagara Falls wheje he held various supervisory positions untitr in 1930. he became production superintendent of the Niagara Falls plant.

In 1930. the du . Pont company purchased the Roessler and Hass­lacher Chemicals company and Mr. Notman continued as production su­perintendent for the next ten yeah, broken only by a brief period spent at the EI Monte, Calif., plant, as assistant plant manager.

In 1940, Mr. Notman was appoint­ed'plant manager of the Niag.ira plant continuing in this position until January. 1943, when he was transferred to the Explosives depart­ment of the du Pont company For the remainder of the war period he served first as technical specialist in conjunction with the atomic energy program and later becoming assist­ant . manager of the Hanford En­gineering Works, near Pasco. Wash.

At the end of the war. Mr. Not-man was, appointed director of the technical division of the Electro-chemicals department, in charge of the research program of the •depart­ment. He served in that capacity un­til January. 1948. when he became assistant general manager of the de­partment.

Mr. Notman was born in St. Cath­arines. Ont.. and attended the public schools in that city. In 1921. he re­ceived the B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Queen's university, Kingston. Ont.. and was the recipient of the Milton Hershey fellowship. He continued at Queen's and received an M. S. degree the following year.

Mr. and Mrs. Notman are well known here.

They will continue to make their residence in Wilmington. Dela.


' • * • *

You will serve your family extra goodness this ihanksghing If you servo a Under "Blue Ribbon" Mohican turkey.. And for ell your other holiday foo4 needs . . . appetisers, desserts, vege-tables,-relishes and tempting bakery treats. . . SHOP MQHICAH

1628 MAIN ST. a

Priorities Asked For New Sewage Treatment Plants

ALBANY. Nov. 16 LP—The State Water Pollution Control board says that new plants for treatment of sewage and industrial wastes arc of "utmost importance to the maximum uie and expansion of defense indus­tries." ^

It has asked federal authorities to grant priorities for construction of such projects.

Dr. Herman E. Hilleboe. state health commissioner and chairman of the Pollution Control board, said yesterday a petition for the priorities had been sent to President Truman, Congress and federal agencies con­cerned with defense mobilization.

"The State Water Pollution Con­trol board believes the conservation, improvement and prevention of fur­ther deterioration of the quality of natural water resources is of the ut­most importance to the maximum use and expansion of defense indus­tries." Hilleboe said.

He reported that the petition asked that materials for pollution control projects be allocated "on a priority basis substantially equal to thai which iv or may be established for materials for the expansion of de­fense-connected industries."

Leading Lady Plays Part In Play Despite Injury

HOLLYWOOD. Nov. Ifi. OP— Che show went on as planned, even though Marie McDonald, the leading lady, walked with a limp, one leg bandaged..

At a dress rehearsal for the play, "Born Yesterday.". Miss McDonald, apparently blinded by the footlights, walked off the stage and fell seven feet into the orchestra pit.

N o understudy was ready for the part, *o the actress limped onto the stage l»«l night for the opening per­formance.

Adjournment Is Expected In National Carbon Cate

A National Labor Relations board hearing on alleged unfair labor prac tices by the National Carbon division^ of the Union Carbide and Carbon corporation is expected to be adjourn­ed tomorrow until November 28.

The hearing is continuing today at the LaSallc Municipal building on » complaint filed with the NLRB by Local 83 of the United Chemical Workers, CIO.

The company now is rrtsenlinp its case and several more days of hearing »re believed necessary before the hearing can be closed. •


CHUCK ROAST For a ratty and economical Sun- f ™ P F ~ day dinner terve a delicious ^ | k • % ** beef roaif. All the bert cuti at • • | L this price. * * • * * * iP*



- s ^ — V ^ ^ N / ^ I rtESH MILK-FATTED



A M 5 \ 1 The same fine quality that you

WHOLE H A M or EITHER J have been buying at A Q r

HALF at t h i i price. / our markets . . . lb. " ^ C



Cut from the l imt Mohican Buy tht Parft You Lik. But . , . from our l ine displays.

PORK LOIN ROAST*~"Rb Ed b 39c SLICED BACOltWu Ua ,b 45c Mohican Quality


For A Perfect Thanksgiving Feast

. Mohican Fresh Dressed "Blue Ribbon"

TURKEYS If you want tht best in Turktyi , . . . be sur« to | t t e Mohkin Blue Ribbon frtsh dretitd Turkiy . . , the fivorltt of thousands for more than 50 yean. "\



LAYER CAKES Make your selection from our tempting dri -

playi. Many varieties to J\ g m

^choose from


.. ea. 55c

l .„, •spicy flavor . . each «•* -• C

Mohican Luscious

Pumpkin Pies

I2V'2 lb. l lool


FRUIT CAKES 1.65 : rb 98c

Mohican Fresh-V/hipped

Cream Cakes *o:h 59c Mohican Fresh-Whipped

Cream Puffs 2 '" 15c Mohican Old Fashioned

Mince Pies ' ° h 45c Mohican Fresh Baked SLICED

White Bread •••• fcr 16c

"Holiday Grocery Suygestions" GOLD MEDAL FLOUR K T"<d 10 b ^ 89c MOHICAN COFFEE te™% D"" 8,,nd b ** 75c SALAD DRESSING Mehcon r",h •»««>'• »»•«'• 47c LAKE SHORE PUMPKIN '•- »» ,„. . », ; ; ton | 5 C

STUFFED OLIVES Mohicon *»*"•* *-i °». *><»"• 29c ROYAL CHIEF TOMATOES 2 *«,'. «» 29c CORN ON THE COB •••• FRUIT COCKTAIL °- * TOMATO JUICE — »~ >* ..I. PIE CRUST MIX C«M»,UIH -.-, rr:„ s,i. 2 p*v- 25c PREMIUM CRACKERS "•««. -. P.,. 27c MOHICAN MINCE MEAT •'.,. Pu. fee


BUTTER None better at any price . . . buy enough for the Z £• holiday lb. O O C

Mohican Meadowbrook

Fresh EGGS Medium Site Grade " A . " fresh from*nearby AQ farms dot.

M»M«in Btu N.Y. Stitt


Fruits and Vegetables California Emperor

CRAPES 2 ib>. 2 5 c

Florida Seediest

Grapefruit 10 for 39c

California Delicious

Fresh Datet . .lb. 33c

Fresh Tender Crisp

CELERY vVell bleached, prepared the itj you buy It. Q ^ Large stalk •. T C

I A 1 1 *»A. IA #^1 \ 1 1 * 1 V I A IA 1 *L A. \A \ i 1 * ' • « » * ' > * * • • • / * • • * • * • »A4

NEW 1950 CROP N t W 1950 CROP —

r D I A M O N D W A L N U T S , I f e . budded, lb. 43« .ORECON FILBIRTS lb. 39«

BRAZIL NUTS . . . ; lb. A}, D R A K l ALMONDS lb. 39« SOFT S H i L l PtCANS lb. 49e

« . * V * » » .# % A- » « ' A . a . • . A._ ^A A. , A -V f * - * .*.-

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
