A Hoods Mexican Mustang Liniment cts I fi...

t i f- A J fI l s u i r THINK OF Mexican Mustang Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO i O- lr Y r b J Relief from pain that might otherwise cause you hours agony Tired out muscles eased and made ready for another days work in the back and shoulders promptly and stiff joints limbered up Burns Scalds Guts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed Rheumatism Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever Ulcers Old Sores and Wounds healed promptly and permanently d I i d t ¬ quickly p fi of this yjv enables it to do this In all ca U Bruises or Mustang Liniment should be bbed The antis jtic qualities of this old relia ble househ it safe and sure t I fi pqJlieteXZ 1 r The fam M In t fir ition eIn Mus 11 but it quivering of Lame- ness ¬ Prices 25c SOc 100 per bottle FOTMJI JiDnwd LYON MFG CO 41 to 4H5o 5th St It Uo BROOKLYN NY Queen of Sea Routes Steamship Lines Jacksonville to Savannah Baltimore and Philadelphia Baltimore to Boston and Philadelphia to Boston Norfolk to and Providence Nat eoonomical and beat to reach Eutern cities and New England points Low fares Excellent service For further Information address L D Jones Coml Agt H C Avery Agent Seminole Hotel Jackionvllle Fla Jaoksonvillo FOR THE MANW- HO WANTS AT ANY PRICE Your Goods are Shipped SAME DAY Order Is Received WE WILL SHIP YOU EXPRESS PAID BLENDED GOODS Lewis 69 UuUr Echo Sprint Citcidt Mart Hill Club 4AM I W- IQiunt Ou rr- Ai l WOO IIJOO- DlumiHonofrtm 00 1100 EhtrlduClub 275 100 MrlodCiub 8W 00 IsOO- Clwl UUI 1600 Ribbon DeS I f r4ot pMktdln hoxf lOI Ctnctnnott Uoo ruriloi IIMI- rrlenrO aJukunillle BOTTLED IN BOND CAPE PAID A IA Quart yearn n 1500 11200 Brook 00 HOO- ZulyTlmw 100 1100 O- QMeUira4 jitf nMJ GlamjUaiwtnm xtCO 1200 400 1100 astki SourMuh 400 10W BULK WHISKIES MA MOO WW MCO M tt00- UCO600 BULK CORN WHISKEY D tUt tl tour Rows 700 I8W Three Feather 700 1SCO CORN WHISKEY pros TointMM OU ReMrvl MOO 11109 800 00- Hsrvwt Com HW 1080 Laurel 8W IOTO Checker Board 8U 900- CIWSOLIH fcCo til- MW l 00 W pst Ctllon OMA- t n On all orders for 9360 or I over goods will be shipped handsome glass LONG DISTANCe PHONE 18 Wt hantttt all Intporitt I Wine and LIquor At for Priest CHAS BLUM CO S175I9 Wet Boy Street JACKSONVILLE FLA Drink a Bottle of genuine Palatka Coca Cola Bottling 0 o EDWARD KUMMER PrOD of Ginger Ale and Soda Water Th Most Refinishing The only authorized bottlers Merchants Minors Trans Coc mi1l Ill the apt Tnot 01 the to n 800 ro U 1 Toll eels bbl I2te Oil Block end Blu Pt bbl n 4 U Put t 11 I rj H 60 0 0tiL- t pJ1Jr n n Ubelf- f Most ndRef eshing Drink Han DrInk i iJ- l 11 f 4 T 1 w1 1 r The Best that can beBogght tti t tt t k gUARS stony cI Nov Q T n 900 e sorr4 rat cL TJikrri l 5T tartstIN lobar sat 4 12 Int r r Ctrl es QVAftTS 1002- I M0 i f k y 2 e K optic e LUM y teR per ruse ui J Pi1O r aUio t for The Healthful Heatthful and < < < + + At once attacked hilt overt dangerous pulmonary ailments 25c SOc and 100 Sold everywhi DAVIS tt LAWRENCB The Scat sleep la the after the first hour the Intensltyqjf sleep slowly dlmnlshes hence value ol forty winks after dinner la quickly recuperating shattered powe Tem perature and vitality are at about 2a m so that two hours sleep before midnight are worth there- after Nature has DO rule aslKto the length of sleep except that men need- less than women since women are the more sensitive creatures end a wo mans heart beau five Umes la- t minute than a mans be Just to long that when wake in the uornlng a stretch nfra yawn necessary tojand s uln a 0A Bryce say It IA a habit hfls gone to wreck of Wang growing youh Ex persons of a habit will derive by tiding ono of these pills If you DRINKING TOO MUCH they will promptly relieve tl SICK HEADACHE ya- ndnervougntsawhlch the appetite and remove glc sugar coa Take No FOR ALL FORMS 0 CHILLS and LA G TRIPE- A Guaranteed Care JJ and Is GOo Mailed anywhere prloe Dept G and LING WAI Jnat installed an MA- CHINE Bettor prepared ow this ever before to do Rood work ep8 NOTICE OF APPLICATION KOR TAX DEED Notice l given tlmt J C Angler of Tax No IS In office and ha made applica- tion for tax deed to law Bald certificate te described property In Putnam County Florida i of nwy Section S4Town llp I SEtnge laid land ac uud at the Site of the certificate Co Unlew said certin cato shall be redeemed to Uw tax deed will lame on 2SU day of September A D 1910 witted mr official And aeat thli 26th day of juifiut A n 1910 HENRY II- I Notice ot Application Deed Wrebr given that rt Parker A aa certificate offloe and baslijail tlon for tax deed tti law certmoata embrs described property situated IDlfttnain Coun- ty A of of 8eotto Township 10 B tonne 24 TBJW acres i land being assessed a date ol the Issuance o n Unknown Unless laid certlfluta snail bo ro deemed according to taw tax Wltneis official seal thli- tbdMlb day of Auznit A HUTplIINIOX- Br H UntclliuoL Jr D 0 c SIp Bonn west ore Sleep IhOl1ld qp d early It II Dg Yri Dr at ta t e tJona a Ln don treas Tufts sA- lter foil U 1801 W mON G > day of July A D woe has Sled said oer I W 2G g acrel J The nuance pf arch name or I un rcnit tonrt Ill tGtr r- Dy UeIll IIUtcJlu n If t Nltr f the Bald nn Uoa to rduce With n wlJ I the tile naate of lttJ thereon tin l pI g mbfrA p 11I1t 1Dtnam jt A A Lug when rk the four y day mt nprl r o a nattsss restore y tall Substitute tn i oe tot t unzt 0- ChhieseLa dry tth embrace lath Itlimen for Ill SON Clerk Tax tgpttneer o ax j NO m vied A Uaue t will leeae day B f tnr and t sL trislorirta- 1k t ¬ + >> ° + Gypsies and Death The custom of placing the property of the dead In their graves has always boon followed by the true Romany due to some qld tradi- tion of ill luck attending the possession ot an article whose former much valuable property is burled There is also a sentiment ampng gypsies against the possession of anything that baa to n person because It serves to Uxto the rFnm d aiu s Jb custom of burying their property gypsy dead dates from the history of the Romany tribes I- I Odd Superstitions In there is a superstition that If i bride nod groom eat peri- winkle together they will love one another Should be after mar- riage recalcitrant here Is a way to back Take a piece of the root VC a wallflower and a partridges heart roll them Into a ball and make the eat It It you want to know wbmber your lover loves you crush somb bleeding heart If the Juice is If It is white be does not to whatever them easel comfort and strength Foley City Drug Stores J HHauglton bales of new cotton have within the past ten and sold at prices ranging from lit to 16 cents Mrs Jacob Whalers Lincoln III found Iher way back to perfect health She I trouble and backache and my appetite- was poor at times A ago I KIDNBY PILLS and gave them a fair trial gave me lellef BO continued till now am again In perfect health City Drug Store J Haughton A Jacksonville street car was held up ri and male passengers sao the men away ey trouble long t may be acute or whatever it Is Foley of It and restore your natural health and One Fo LEYS KIDNEY UEMEDY made me well ald J Slbbull of Grand View Wis Commence taking It now City Drug Store I Rev T J Sparkman has sold his orange grove at Lakeland the conild eratlon being f2SpOO Several years ago Mr Sparkman parohased this prop- erty for 18600 ellet be- longed d re ltd ° In tI n of t Eo land IUPII rove win him inn red he does hl v tldsa a JAMu M SeT rat boon ollmer Tallahassee d ys ye ot by night but polar maybe of t ey will aid you rid of J H owner is- o wand de- parted dread ttb earlle Goes out zi S tO e WI lies y are bandits Sunday r ring but to ¬ The Renewal of Strain Vacation la over Again the school bell rings at and at noon again with tens of thousands the hardest kind of work has begun the renewal of which Is a mental and physical strain to all exeopt the most rugged The little girl that a few days ago had roses in heroheeks and the little boy whose lips were then so red you would that bad been kissed by strawberries- have already lost something of the appearance of Is a time when many children should be given- a tonic which may avert much serious trouble and we know of no other so highly recommended as Roods Sar soon and aids mental development by building up the system- A spool of Coats ootton thread given free with every 11 dross pattern- at Leo Jacobaona SANDS BROS Electrical Engineers Dealers and Contractors Agents for the Palraer GASQLIKE- BKQINB8 StAndard of the World made In all sites the t The i sap which ntreogthensfbe iiervoit ar = I Fairly atone of the Id the Vrar era Onion building was asked In Ger- man by one of two men who stood him where they could find out bow much n telegram to a vermin place In the far wwt would coat mUD vuluntfiriHl to mugs the Inquiry did no mid returned KnylDR tlmt mIght ond n message of tun words tor a ccrimn price nod that nddrww nod stgputure would nut count After us silting blmself that the men could write be walked away but was stop- ped tt tile door by brio of the stnin BOW with profuse thanks I have been In the city onlya few days ha said anjl try jo s vmui me men today und me a favor I no lunger bate any tear Thats right said tho man but just the same look out for the third man New York Tribune She Loved His Tomb An Immensely wealthy widow who gave yearly hundreds of thousands to charity to some Individual cases of deserving poverty herself Ono of her agents brought before her a poorly clad wom- an saying lore Is a poor old woman a very decent sort of person tier husband used to go about with a dancing bear This creature though usually very tame and gentle one day threw itself- on its master and ate him up Alas my good sir the old woman broke In since that moment the poor beast and myself been without a I homer What The beast asked the wealthy woman Is It the same that devoured your bpsbond Alas ray good Indy nil that Is left to me of the dear lamented coo Now York Jerald JUan who hill The Mil have Its acted was pjng atoleglnm near they war stojhpard did HANDICAPPED THIS IS THE CASE WITH MANY PALATKA PEOPLE Too many Palatka citizens are bad ly handicapped with a bad back The unnecessary pain causes constant misery making a burden and stooping or lifting an Impossibility The back aches at nIght preventing refreshing rest and In Is stiff and lame Plasters and liniments may give relief but cannot reach the cause To eliminate the pains and aches you must cnre the kidneys Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kid noya and cure them permanently- The following statement convince every Palatka reader of their tfflclency E J Seeds Warner Ave Omega vi ays My kidneys and n fOry iir rth x i a fall My back became so lam for days at a time I could not and I was often confined to house I doctored and used several kidney remedies bat could find noth- ing that would help me until I pro cured Deans Kidney Pills Since taking them my back has been strong and free from pain the kidney se orations have passed more regularly- and have been in health Kidney Pills lave my hearty endorsement- For tale by all dealers Price FOSTBEMUBUKN Co Buffalo New York sole for the United Stater Remember the name Doans na take no other The Jacksonville Board of Health is taking steps to secure more sanitary measures in I ha restaurants of that city Believing that cleanliness is next to godliness eipeolallyin a semipublic kitchen they Intend to put the motto to the tes- t8afoMtaloln6 lor Children Foleys Honey and Tar is a safe and effective medicine for children as It does not contain opiates or harmful Got only genuine Honey and In the package City Drug Store The famous Halcyon Hall hotel at Miami was void at nnotloa in that city on Monday and was knocked down to Smiley M Tatnm for i200 tbe rOu e 0 L Doan dO cents ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Notice of Application lor Tax Deed NotlM h hereby given 0 of C rt cit No II hated D 1008 said lion for tax dead to Issue In accordance with described property situated In onty Florida M Range The said land being a Mi l at the date of the issuance of cettlaoaM In tit name of Co Unless Uflcate shall be redeemed according to law 1910 IiraEY Clerk Circuit Court Pare Ico Cream Hot and t call on L A At the Qld stand for that J Purchaser July In and w made law Bata certificate the following ItIA or aey Beaton 19 Township a J outberJand said oer tax deed thereon on day 01 D Witness m pffiCJsl lint seal loyal spJ 11J U i t esr- f HomeMade Candy i Cold Drinks i SMITJ Q r the fah day of A lee 80 acres win Issue A signature this August UntohinsoneJr Canty lptda uvjwr1- DalteriW e8tf < SarsaparillaA- cts directly and peculiarly on the blood purifies enriches and revitalizes it in this- way builds up the whole sys- tem Take In usual liquid form or In chocoiai coated tablets palled AN ORDINANCE South Third North Third and Reid Streets with Vitrified Brick and of North Third River Fifth Laurel Kirby and Teonuueh Streets with ilacadnm Cement Rook Shell- or Gravel In Accordance Ueneral Specifications Adopted September 0 1010 the City for Paving Sundry Streets- in the City of Be it Ordained by the Mayor and CUE Council of the Palatka BBOTIO 1 That the Board of Bond TroBteta are authorized to pave with vitrified brick and granite cnrbiae In accordance with A or B Paving Material and Class on in the foliuvvlUB Worth Laurel l ef approximately twentyfour 24 feet west lino of South Second street to the east line of Third Street South Third Street 24 feet In Width from the south line of Laurel Street to the south line of Lemon Street i North Third Street approxl mately twentyfonr M feet from the north line of Lemon 8 C3t to the linG ot Reid Street Reid Street approximately eighteen 18 f k- in line of NonST Third Street to the rest line of Wtttrv r Hoods j It It t 1 o u R t 1 tees to PAve Parts ot North Lsurell with of I us per Ooneral Specifications be tb J Street G ate arditF31fi City hereby Curbing attests ilea t ap- proximately p P > > = Sao 2 That the Board of BqnflJ Trustees are authorized with Macadam Cement Silent on Gravel and granite curb or concrete curb and gutter in accordance with either Class 0 or F on file in the Clerks office thO streets North Third Street approximately eighteen 18 width the north hue ot Reid Street to the south line of Dunhao Street Sac 8 That the Board of Bond Tros tees arc authorized tp with Macadam Cement Shell orr Gravel and wood in accord ance with either Class 0 D E or F Paving Material and Class 4 Curbing as per Ueneral Specifications file in the City Clerks streets River Street sixteen 10 feet in south had of Laurel Street to the Grant Line Sonth Fifth street approximately sixteen 10 feet in south line of Lemon Street to the north line of Street p- t from east line ot South Fifth street extended to the west line of street extended Kirby Street approximately sixteen 18j feet in from Una oit Laurel street to the south line ot MorrIe street Sac 4 That the Board of Bond Trustees are hereby authorized to pave with Gravel and wood curbing ac- cordance with either Class U CHLorr as General Specifications file in the City the lowing streets Kirby street approxi- mately twelve 12 feet in line of Morris street to the south line bf Teonmseh street approxi mately twelve 13 feet In width from the west line of steel to the southwest corner of the West View Cemetery and from that point across the right as per ordidanoe passed May 4th and approved May Oth 1809 to the Grant Line Sac 6 That the sum of Six Thou Hundred Seventy 6B7000V Dollars or so much thereof as bo necessary be and the same ia hereby appropriated from the moneys paying the expenses of streets are to be paved lit the order named SEO 7 That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances In conflict with the of this Ordinance be and same are hereby repealed Passed in open Council this 6th day of September A D 1910 BENJ L WAY Attest i President City Council- A T TRIAY Clerk Approved September Gtb 1910 A DAVIS Mayor AN ORDINANCE Provide for the Levy of City Tazew for the Year 1010 Be It ordained by the Mayor andt Florida for the purpose of seonri an equal and uniform rate of taxi tlon and to pay tho approprlaUonB for the current expenses of the olty and for paying the expenses of the tax of Eighteen mills the dol- lar distributed as follows r General Revenue Fund 8 Fire and Water Fund 5 mills Sinking Fund 4 mills Paving Fund 1 mill Passed In open Council this 6tt day of September A D 1910 Attest President Olty Council Clerk Approved 6th day of September T Ct 9 Pav- Ing Material and 1 2 Curbing as per General nllo i I I follow j Lau el Laurel Street thirty tOO 1 I Paving Material and Olaaa 4 Curb land Three mo j the of I f tid bonds PI d I Trustees said t 1 of Inchp v v upon the Sao 6 All of above parts or I t I To I of the City pjpartments Ut mill t 1 BEND I GAY A T l i 1 nOVElJL A DAVIa BeaS n t tr- I Class pr S1 on ap- proximately from approximately fe oar r prre mould i of city u devolves the pro- visions e City Council re apd Ater theres- p r sa ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > > +

Transcript of A Hoods Mexican Mustang Liniment cts I fi...

Page 1: A Hoods Mexican Mustang Liniment cts I fi eInufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00131/00385.pdf · pros TointMM OU ReMrvl MOO 11109 800 00-Hsrvwt Com HW 1080 Laurel 8W IOTO Checker


i f-

A J fI


s u i r


Mexican Mustang LinimentAND WHAT IT MEANS TO

i O-


Y r



Relief from pain that might otherwisecause you hours agony

Tired out muscles eased and madeready for another days work

in the back and shoulderspromptly and stiff joints limberedup

Burns Scalds Guts and Mashes rendered painless and quickly healed

Rheumatism Lumbago and Sciaticarobbed of their anguish and banishedforever

Ulcers Old Sores and Woundshealed promptly and permanently


i d




p fi

of thisyjv enables it to do this

In all ca U Bruises orMustang Liniment

should be bbed

The antis jtic qualities of this old reliable househ it safe andsure


I fipqJlieteXZ 1 r





fir ition eIn Mus11 but it


of Lame-ness


Prices 25c SOc 100 per bottle FOTMJI JiDnwd LYON MFG CO 41 to 4H5o 5th St



Queen of Sea Routes

Steamship LinesJacksonville to Savannah Baltimore and Philadelphia

Baltimore to Boston andPhiladelphia to Boston

Norfolk to and Providence

Nat eoonomical and beat to reach Eutern cities and New Englandpoints Low fares Excellent service For further Information address

L D Jones Coml Agt H C Avery Agent

Seminole Hotel Jackionvllle Fla Jaoksonvillo



AT ANY PRICEYour Goods are Shipped SAME DAY Order Is Received


Lewis 69 UuUrEcho Sprint Citcidt

Mart Hill Club4AM I W-IQiunt Ou rr-

Ai l WOO IIJOO-DlumiHonofrtm 00 1100EhtrlduClub 275 100MrlodCiub 8W

00 IsOO-

Clwl UUI 1600

Ribbon DeS I

f r4ot pMktdln hoxf lOICtnctnnott

Uoo ruriloi IIMI-rrlenrO aJukunillle


A IAQuart yearn

n 1500 11200Brook 00 HOO-

ZulyTlmw 100 1100O-

QMeUira4 jitf nMJGlamjUaiwtnm xtCO 1200

400 1100astki SourMuh 400 10W



D tUt tltour Rows 700 I8WThree Feather 700 1SCO


TointMM OU ReMrvl MOO 11109800 00-

Hsrvwt Com HW 1080Laurel 8W IOTOChecker Board 8U 900-


MW l 00 W pst Ctllon OMA-

t nOn all orders for 9360 or I

over goods will be shippedhandsome glass


Wt hantttt all Intporitt I

Wine and LIquor Atfor Priest


Drink a Bottle of genuine

Palatka Coca Cola Bottling 0 o

EDWARD KUMMER PrODof Ginger Ale and Soda Water

Th Most Refinishing

The only authorized bottlers

Merchants Minors Trans Coc

mi1l Ill



01 the




1Toll eels

bbl I2te

Oil Block end BluPt bbl


4 U

Putt 11

I rjH



0tiL-t pJ1Jr n n Ubelf-

fMost ndRef eshing Drink





f 4T 1 w1


r The Best that can beBogght






900 e sorr4 rat cLTJikrri l5T tartstIN

lobar sat4 12


rrCtrl es

QVAftTS 1002-


fk y 2e

K optic eLUM

y teR

per ruse

ui J Pi1O


aUio t for


Heatthful and






At once attacked

hilt overt dangerouspulmonary ailments

25c SOc and 100Sold everywhi


The Scat sleep la the afterthe first hour the Intensltyqjf sleepslowly dlmnlshes hence value olforty winks after dinner la quicklyrecuperating shattered powe Temperature and vitality are atabout 2 a m so that two hours sleepbefore midnight are worth there-after Nature has DO rule aslKto thelength of sleep except that men need-less than women since women are themore sensitive creatures end a womans heart beau five Umes la-

t minute than a mansbe Just to long that when wakein the uornlng a stretch nfra yawn

necessary tojand s uln a0A

Bryce say It IA a habit hflsgone to wreck ofWang growing youh Ex

persons of a habitwill derive by tiding onoof these pills If you

DRINKING TOO MUCHthey will promptly relieve tl

SICK HEADACHE ya-ndnervougntsawhlchthe appetite and remove glc

sugar coaTake No


TRIPE-A Guaranteed Care JJ

and IsGOo Mailed anywhereprloe

Dept Gand

LING WAIJnat installed an MA-

CHINE Bettor prepared ow thisever before to do Rood work ep8


Notice l given tlmt J C Anglerof Tax No IS

In office and ha made applica-tion for tax deed tolaw Bald certificate tedescribed property In Putnam CountyFlorida i

of nwy Section S4Town llp I SEtnge

laid land ac uud at the Site ofthe certificate

Co Unlew said certincato shall be redeemed to Uw taxdeed will lame on 2SU day ofSeptember A D 1910

witted mr official And aeat thli26th day of juifiut A n 1910


I Notice ot Application DeedWrebr given that rt Parker

A aacertificate offloe and baslijailtlon for tax deed ttilaw certmoata embrsdescribed property situated IDlfttnain Coun-ty

A of of 8eotto Township 10B tonne 24 TBJW acres i

land being assessed a date olthe Issuance o nUnknown Unless laid certlfluta snail bo rodeemed according to taw tax

Wltneis official seal thli-tbdMlb day of Auznit A


Br H UntclliuoL Jr D 0




oreSleep IhOl1ld


early It II Dg Yri

Dr atta t e tJona

a Ln dontreas

Tufts sA-



U 1801W



day of July A D woe has Sled said oer


2G g acrelJ The

nuance pf arch name or


unrcnit tonrt Ill tGtr r-

Dy UeIll IIUtcJlu n Ift

Nltr fthe

Baldn n Uoa

to rduce With

n wlJ I

thetile naate of

lttJthereon tin l pI g mbfrA p11I1t










day mt nprlr o



restorey tall

Substitute tn



unzt 0-

ChhieseLa dry





Ill SONClerk


tgpttneer o ax j NO m vied



will leeaeday B f

tnr andt








Gypsies and DeathThe custom of placing the property

of the dead In their graves has alwaysboon followed by the true Romany

due to some qld tradi-tion of ill luck attending the possessionot an article whose former

much valuable property isburled There is also asentiment ampng gypsies against thepossession of anything that baa

to n person because Itserves to Uxto the

rFnmd aiu s Jb custom of burying theirproperty gypsy dead dates fromthe history of the Romanytribes I-

I Odd SuperstitionsIn there is a superstition

that If i bride nod groom eat peri-

winkle together they will loveone another Should be after mar-riage recalcitrant here Is a wayto back Take a piece of theroot VC a wallflower and a partridgesheart roll them Into a ball and makethe eat It It you want to knowwbmber your lover loves you crushsomb bleeding heart If the Juice is

If It is white be does not

to whatever themeasel comfort and strength Foley

City DrugStores J HHauglton

bales of new cotton havewithin the past

ten and sold at prices rangingfrom lit to 16 cents

Mrs Jacob Whalers Lincoln IIIfound Iher way back to perfect healthShe Itrouble and backache and my appetite-was poor at times Aago I KIDNBY PILLS andgave them a fair trial gave me

lellef BO continued till now amagain In perfect health City DrugStore J Haughton

A Jacksonville street car was held up

ri and male passengers saothe men away

ey trouble longt may be acute or

whatever it Is Foleyof It and restore your naturalhealth and One FoLEYS KIDNEY UEMEDY made me wellald J Slbbull of Grand View WisCommence taking It now City DrugStore

I Rev T J Sparkman has sold hisorange grove at Lakeland the conilderatlon being f2SpOO Several yearsago Mr Sparkman parohased this prop-erty for 18600



longed dre ltd °

In tI n of


Eo land


rovewin him


red he does

hl v tldsa a JAMuM

SeT rat boonollmer Tallahassee

d ys


by night butpolar

maybe of

t ey will aid you rid



owner is-o wand


parted dread


Goes out

ziS tO e

WI lies


are bandits Sunday

r ring



The Renewal of StrainVacation la over Again the school

bell rings at and at noonagain with tens of thousands thehardest kind of work has begun therenewal of which Is a mental andphysical strain to all exeopt the mostrugged The little girl that a fewdays ago had roses in heroheeks andthe little boy whose lips were then sored you would thatbad been kissed by strawberries-have already lost something of theappearance of Is a timewhen many children should be given-a tonic which may avert much serioustrouble and we know of no other sohighly recommended as Roods Sar

soon and aids mental developmentby building up the system-

A spool of Coats ootton threadgiven free with every 11 dross pattern-at Leo Jacobaona

SANDS BROSElectrical Engineers

Dealers and ContractorsAgents for the Palraer GASQLIKE-

BKQINB8 StAndard of theWorld made In all sites





sap which ntreogthensfbeiiervoit



I Fairly

atone of the Id the Vrarera Onion building was asked In Ger-

man by one of two men who stoodhim where they could find out

bow much n telegram to a verminplace In the far wwt would coatmUD vuluntfiriHl to mugs the Inquirydid no mid returned KnylDR tlmtmIght ond n message of tun words tora ccrimn price nod that nddrww nodstgputure would nut count After ussilting blmself that the men couldwrite be walked away but was stop-ped tt tile door by brio of the stninBOW with profuse thanks I havebeen In the city onlya few days hasaid anjl

try jo s vmui memen today und me a favor I

no lunger bate any tear Thatsright said tho man but just thesame look out for the third manNew York Tribune

She Loved His TombAn Immensely wealthy widow who

gave yearly hundreds of thousands tocharity tosome Individual cases of deservingpoverty herself Ono of her agentsbrought before her a poorly clad wom-

an sayinglore Is a poor old woman a very

decent sort of person tier husbandused to go about with a dancing bearThis creature though usually verytame and gentle one day threw itself-on its master and ate him up

Alas my good sir the old womanbroke In since that moment the poorbeast and myself been without a

I homerWhat The beast asked the

wealthy woman Is It the same thatdevoured your bpsbond

Alas ray good Indy nil that Isleft to me of the dear lamented cooNow York Jerald

JUan whohill





actedwas pjng atoleglnm



war stojhpard





Too many Palatka citizens are badly handicapped with a bad back Theunnecessary pain causes constantmisery making a burden andstooping or lifting an ImpossibilityThe back aches at nIght preventingrefreshing rest and In Isstiff and lame Plasters and linimentsmay give relief but cannot reach thecause To eliminate the pains andaches you must cnre the kidneys

Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kidnoya and cure them permanently-

The following statementconvince every Palatka reader oftheir tfflclency

E J Seeds Warner Ave Omegavi ays My kidneys and

n fOry iir rth x i

a fall My back became so lamfor days at a time I could notand I was often confined tohouse I doctored and used severalkidney remedies bat could find noth-ing that would help me until I procured Deans Kidney Pills Sincetaking them my back has been strongand free from pain the kidney seorations have passed more regularly-and have been in health

Kidney Pills lave my heartyendorsement-

For tale by all dealers PriceFOSTBEMUBUKN Co Buffalo NewYork sole for the United Stater

Remember the name Doans natake no other

The Jacksonville Board of Health istaking steps to secure more sanitarymeasures in I ha restaurants of that cityBelieving that cleanliness is next togodliness eipeolallyin a semipublickitchen they Intend to put the mottoto the tes-

t8afoMtaloln6 lor ChildrenFoleys Honey and Tar is a safe and

effective medicine for children as Itdoes not contain opiates or harmful

Got only genuineHoney and In the packageCity Drug Store

The famous Halcyon Hall hotel atMiami was void at nnotloa in that cityon Monday and was knocked down toSmiley M Tatnm for i200




0 L


dO cents






Notice of Application lor Tax DeedNotlM h hereby given 0

of C rt cit No II hatedD 1008 said

lion for tax dead to Issue In accordance with

described property situated In ontyFlorida


The said land being a Mi l at the date ofthe issuance of cettlaoaM In tit nameof Co UnlessUflcate shall be redeemed according to law


IiraEYClerk Circuit Court

Pare Ico Cream Hot and

t call on

L AAt the Qld stand


that JPurchaser

JulyIn and w made

law Bata certificate the following

ItIA or aey Beaton 19 Township aJ

outberJand said oertax deed thereon on day 01

DWitness m pffiCJsl lint sealloyal


11J U

i tesr-

f HomeMade Candy iCold Drinks




the fah day of A lee

80 acres

win IssueA

signature thisAugust

UntohinsoneJr Canty lptda

uvjwr1-DalteriW e8tf


SarsaparillaA-cts directly and peculiarlyon the blood purifies enrichesand revitalizes it in this-way builds up the whole sys-tem Take

In usual liquid form or In chocoiaicoated tablets palled


South Third North Third and ReidStreets with Vitrified Brick and

of North Third River FifthLaurel Kirby and Teonuueh Streetswith ilacadnm Cement Rook Shell-or Gravel In AccordanceUeneral Specifications AdoptedSeptember 0 1010 the City

for Paving Sundry Streets-in the City of

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and CUECouncil of the Palatka

BBOTIO 1 That the Board of BondTroBteta are authorized to pavewith vitrified brick and granite cnrbiaeIn accordance with A or

B Paving Material and Class

on in thefoliuvvlUB Worth Laurel l efapproximately twentyfour 24 feet

west lino of SouthSecond street to the east line ofThird Street South Third Street

24 feet InWidth from the south line of LaurelStreet to the south line of LemonStreet i North Third Street approxlmately twentyfonr M feetfrom the north line of Lemon 8 C3t tothe linG ot Reid Street ReidStreet approximately eighteen 18 f k-in line of NonSTThird Street to the rest line of Wtttrv





o u R t 1tees to PAve Parts ot North Lsurell




us per Ooneral Specifications





ate arditF31fi











Sao 2 That the Board of BqnflJTrustees are authorizedwith Macadam Cement Silent onGravel and granite curb or concretecurb and gutter in accordance witheither Class 0 or F

on file in the Clerks office thOstreets North Third Street

approximately eighteen 18

width the north hue ot ReidStreet to the south line of DunhaoStreet

Sac 8 That the Board of Bond Trostees arc authorized tp withMacadam Cement Shell orrGravel and wood in accordance with either Class 0 D E or

F Paving Material and Class 4

Curbing as per Ueneral Specificationsfile in the City Clerks

streets River Streetsixteen 10 feet in

south had of Laurel Street tothe Grant Line Sonth Fifth streetapproximately sixteen 10 feet in

south line of LemonStreet to the north line of Street p-

t from east line otSouth Fifth street extended to thewest line of street extendedKirby Street approximately sixteen 18jfeet in from Una oitLaurel street to the south line ot MorrIestreet

Sac 4 That the Board of BondTrustees are hereby authorized to pavewith Gravel and wood curbing ac-cordance with either Class U CHLorr

as General Specificationsfile in the City thelowing streets Kirby street approxi-mately twelve 12 feet in

line of Morris street to thesouth line bf Teonmseh street approximately twelve 13 feet In width fromthe west line of steel to thesouthwest corner of the West ViewCemetery and from that point acrossthe right as per ordidanoe passedMay 4th and approved May Oth 1809to the Grant Line

Sac 6 That the sum of Six ThouHundred Seventy 6B7000V

Dollars or so much thereof as bonecessary be and the same ia herebyappropriated from the moneys

paying the expenses of

streets are to be paved lit the ordernamed

SEO 7 That all Ordinances and partsof Ordinances In conflict with the

of this Ordinance be andsame are hereby repealed

Passed in open Council this 6th dayof September A D 1910

BENJ L WAYAttest i President City Council-


Approved September Gtb 1910A DAVIS


AN ORDINANCEProvide for the Levy of City Tazew

for the Year 1010

Be It ordained by the Mayor andt

Floridafor the purpose of seonri

an equal and uniform rate of taxitlon and to pay tho approprlaUonBfor the current expenses of the oltyand for paying the expenses of the

tax of Eighteen mills the dol-lar distributed as follows r

General Revenue Fund 8Fire and Water Fund 5 millsSinking Fund 4 millsPaving Fund 1 millPassed In open Council this 6tt

day of September A D 1910

Attest President Olty Council

ClerkApproved 6th day of September



Pav-Ing Material and 1 2Curbing as per General nllo






Lau elLaurel Street thirty tOO


I Paving Material and Olaaa 4 Curb

land Threemo


the of I

f tid bonds PI d I

Trustees said t 1 ofInchp v

vupon theSao 6 All of above parts or






of the City



t 1




i1 nOVElJL A DAVIaBeaS n




Class pr S1






prremould i

of city

u devolvesthe



City Council

re apd Ater theres-p

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