A Criticism of the Traditional Analysis of Banking...

No. 7801 A CRITICISM OF THE TRADITIONAL ANALYSIS OF llANKIKG COMPETITION by Dale Osborne and Jeanne Wendel March 1978 Research Paper II FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ([email protected])

Transcript of A Criticism of the Traditional Analysis of Banking...

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No. 7801



Dale Osborne and Jeanne Wendel

March 1978



FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLASThis publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ([email protected])

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No. 7801



Dale Osborne and Jeanne Wendel

March 1978

This is a working paper and should not be quoted or reproduced inwhole or in part without the written consent of the authors. Theviews expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributedto the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or any other part of the FederalReserve System.

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A Criticism of the Traditional Analysis of Banking Competition

Dale Osborne and Jeanne Wendel


The conventional Structure-Conduct-Performance approach to the

study of banking competition has failed to produce the understanding

sought by bankers, students of banking, and policymakers. While

the unsatisfactory empirical results may derive, in part, from

inadequate data and improper statistical techniques--i.e., from

imperfect applications of the approach__the available evidence

suggests that they are explained instead by the fUndamental defects

in the approach itself. In this paper we examine the conceptual

problems inherent in the traditional approach and suggest an alternative

line of inquiry which may be more fruitful.

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A Criticism of Traditional Research on Banking Competition

Dale Osborne* and Jeanne Wendel**

The shop seemed to be full of all manner of

curious things. But whenever Alice looked

hard at any shelf, to make out exactly what

it had on it, that particular shelf was always

quite empty.

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Public policy toward banking competition in this country rests,

as all public policy in every field must rest, on the assumptions, hypothe­

ses, conventions, and selected empirical findings that constitute a

conventional wisdom. In this case the conventional wisdom is that of the

Structure-Conduct-Performance model of competition. It has two earmarks.

First, competition in the sense of action, or competitive behavior, is

conceptually distinct from--indeed, it is explained by--competition in

the sense of conditions, or competitive potential. Second, competitive

potential is a matter of concentration in the local market.

It is doubtful that competitive potential can be defined in a

way that completely excludes behavior, since the actions of one bank must,

*Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

**Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

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to some extent, affect the conditions of other banks. Nonetheless. the

conceptual divorce of competitive potential from behavior is not peculiar

to S-C-P; indeed it seems essential to any model that can support utili­

tarian public policies in a more-ar-less free society. The government of

such a society cannot regularly order competitive behavior; it can only

foster competitive behavior by creating and preserving its potential. It

therefore needs a model that not only distinguishes between potential and

behavior'but also describes the former as causing the latter.*

The S-C-P model characterizes competitive potential in a particu­

lar way. It groups the country's banks into local markets and represents

the conditions facing each bank by the concentration in its market (more

accurately, in its markets, which might differ according to the service

in question). It thus assumes that banks compete--or more often, collude-­

with the banks in their market but with no others, and compete the less

vigorously the m0re concentrated the market.

While the courts and regulators do not follow this approach

slavishly, at some point in their deliberations on any proposed charter,

acquisition, merger, or innovation they will consider the proposal's

effects on local-market concentration. Indeed, they could hardly do

otherwise, for S-C-P is the only model they know; it is what the students

of banking competition have given them.

*rf public policy were (classically) liberal instead of

utilitarian, it would aim at minimizing fraud and coercion instead

of increasing social utility. Then, as it would be concerned with

punishing the proscribed actions instead of fostering the prescribed

ones, it would not require a model which defines competitive conditions

to be strictly exogenous to actions.

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In this paper we argue, first, that S-C-P has not worked;

second, that its failure derives from defects in the approach itself

rather than from imperfect applications of it; and third, that it distracts

attention from the main issues.

The first point contradicts the conventional view that empirical

research has uncovered a statistically significant effect of concentration

on conduct and performance. It is true that the majority of published

studies appear to show such an effect. A recent non-evaluative survey,

for example, lists thirty_nine published studies of the relation between

concentration and profits or prices, thirty of which report at least one

relation that, though quantitatively small, appears to be statistically

significant at the five percent level (Rhoades, 1977). In that survey,

the 30/39 "success ratio" is interpreted as evidence of the basic validity

and fruitfulness of the S-C-P approach. This interpretation is doubtful

for two reasons. First, most of the surveyed studies present several tests

of the concentration-performance hypothesis; that is, they employ several

different concentration and performance variables and estimate several

different forms of the relation between them. For instance, Stolz (1976)

regresses ten different price variables on the Herfindahl index in three

different ways (linear, cubic, and hyperbolic), thus actually testing the

hypothesis thirty times; of these, only four show a statistically signi­

ficant effect. This study--one of the more careful ones--more truly repre­

sents four "successes!! in thirty "trials ll than one success in one trial

as tabulated by Rhoades. Second, empirical research is more likely to

be published (and if circulated in working papers, noticed and remembered)

if it reports a "success" than if not. For both reasons, it is premature

to conclude that the percentage of "succeeses" falls outside the ninty­

five percent confidence interval implied by the null hypothesis. The

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conventional view very likely rests on a misleading impression of the

empirical evidence.

Many workers in the field are aware of this possibility. Even

those unaware of it tend to be uncomfortable about the quantitative

insignificance of the apparently statistically significant effects of

concentration. All, therefore, continue their efforts to perfect the

application of the approach by improving the data, clarifYing the notions

of local markets and concentration, and refining the statistical techniques.

These efforts might indeed payoff. for the existing work leaves con­

siderable room for improvement.* But the meagre results thus far obtained

must raise questions about the approach itself. These questions all point,

we believe, to one conclusion: that it is time to reevaluate the theore­

tical underpinnings of S-C-P and explore alternative approaches.

*See the evaluative surveys by Bentson (1973) and Osborne (1977).

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The Supposed Support from the Industrial Studies

s-c-p originated in research on nonfinancial industries. Its

apparent success in explaining cross-section variations in the profits

of such industries is often regarded as ample justification for its

continued use in banking research despite its poor performance there.*

We must therefore digress for a moment to consider the results of S-C-P's

interindustry applications.

Though it is now a conventional wisdom--a set of answers--

S-C-P began as an organizing rramework -for research, a .source of

questions: What are the most important dimensions of market structure and

how can they be measured~ what is the precise meaning of competitive

conduct and to what extent rs it observable? how are structure and conduct

related? These were never thought to be easy questions but they were

thought to be fruitful. S-C-P was thought, therefore, to constitute a

useful research program.

A need for compromise, however, rapidly became apparent. As

has often been observed, by economists more frequently than others,

traditional economic analysis lacks a compelling theory--or even, some

would say, a definition--of competitive conduct. Until very recently

*Thus Rhoades speaks for many when he admits to "disbelief and

frustration!! at the repeated failures to find an appreciable effect of

structure on performance, since "so many studies of the industrial sector

have found a relatively large effect ... " (Rhoades, 1977, p. 16).

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it has been unable, for example, to say whether advertising is a species

of such conduct or its opposite.* This theoretical gap combined with

the trouble and expense of observing conduct to suggest a short cut:

instead of conduct itself, researchers would deal with its putative

results, which would then serve as indicators of conduct. The dominant

line of research--the line most influential on antitrust policy--has

found its prime indicator of conduct in profits. the assumption being

that persistently high profits imply noncompetitive conduct. Thus the

Structure-Conduct-Performance trio soon evolved into a Structure-Profits duo.

During this evolution, Structure underwent a similar trans­

formation into Concentration. While entry conditions were not for-

gotten in the thinking about structure, they tended to be proxied by

their putative effects on structure instead of being measured directly.

Many honorable exceptions aside, the most influential line of research

followed the assumption that the amount of successful entry into an

industry would vary inversely with the height of its entry barriers.

Hence an industry in which sales remained highly concentrated for a long

time was, ~ fortiori, protected by high entry barriers. On such grounds

it seemed possible to avoid the separate investigation of entry conditions

and thus to represent an industry's structure solely by a measure of its


*This did not keep the earlier S-C-P researchers from assuming

advertising to be anticompetitive (mainly on the grounds that the perfectly

competitive firm does not advertise). According to recent research, however,

advertising is more often pro-competitive than not. See Ayanian (1975),

for example.

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These compromises result in the working hypothesis that high

concentration causes high profits. To supply the hypothesis with content

we must decide (1) how we should measure profits; (2) how we should

define concentration, (3) what form of positive association between the

two we should look for, and (4) what we mean by an industry. It is

a serious defect that the hypothesis offers little help with these

decisions. Yet its very flexibility has made it durable. When a particu­

lar specified relation between particular measures of profits and con­

centration in a particular defined industry failed to show up. one could

blame the particularities and try another set of such.

The tenacious search for supporting evidence has been due

largely to historical accident. In the earliest test of the hypothesis,

Bain (1951) found a weak but statistically significant association between

concentration and profits in a sample of 42 industries for the period

1936-1940. Probably because it was the first in the field, this study

became very influential and its finding came to be accepted as truth.

The several studies published soon afterward produced mixed results lead­

ing to no firm conclusions and leaving Bainls influence untouched. As

late as 1911, Weiss could say that tlpractically all observers are now

convinced that there is something to the traditional hypothesis. I! (Weiss,

1971, p. 371).

Recent results, however, undermine the hypothesis in a

fundamental way. As the earlier studies supporting the hypothesis

are reconsidered with larger samples, longer time periods, and, if appro­

priate, sounder statistical methods, two kinds of finding emerge.

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First, most of the positive associations between concentration and

profits vanish.* Second, those that remain fail, on closer inspection,

to be consistent with the basic idea behind the hypothesis. This idea,

it will be recalled, is that firms in concentrated industries can more

easily coordinate their actions, by tacit or explicit collusion, to

keep prices high and realize greater profits. If so. concentration

should permit higher profits among firms of all sizes in the industry.

Coordination, even if it were limited to the larger firms, would never­

theless shield the small ones as well. But Demsetz (1973) found that

the remaining positive associations between concentration and profits

hold only among the large firms, not the smaller ones. This pattern

suggests that the above-average profits earned by the leading firms in

concentrated industries generally reflect superior performance rather

than collusion. Indeed, the superior performance might well explain the

large firms' growth to dominance and hence the concentration of their

industries. If this is so, concentration, far from leading to collusive

behavior, actually emerges from competitive behavior. This position is

argued forcefully by Peltzman (1977) and Brozen (1978) among others.

These findings are raising serious doubts about the conventional

wisdom. Phillips (1976), for instance, recently concluded that we know

very little about the relation, if any, between market structure and

profitability. It is too early to say when the findings will penetrate

the minds of legislators, regulators, and judges. But it is already too

*See, for example, Brozen (1974, 1975).

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late to justify S-C-P's application to banking by its interindustry

results. That application must stand or fallon its own merits.

The Crucial Role of the Local-Market Concept

Since the later and more careful interindustry applications of

S-C-P had not yet appeared when serious research into banking competi­

tion began in the early 1960's, S-C-P seemed to be a natural organizing

framework. In place of separate industries one had separate local

markets for banking 'services but the analogy between them was obvious~

and the concepts of structure and conduct in local banking markets

introduced no additional problems. Indeed, these concepts seemed

easier to handle in banking. Because entry is controlled by state and

federal bodies, structure may more plausibly be identified with concentra­

tion; because public authorities collect so much information, the data on

prices and services are obtainable cheaply enough that conduct need not

be proxied by profits. In banking studies, therefore, Structure­

Conduct-Performance rapidly took the form of Concentration-Conduct

----(or Concentration-Performance according to some investigators, who

identify Performance with what we have been calling Conduct), and the

traditional hypothesis is that banking services are more expensive

in the more highly concentrated markets.

Regardless of the form in which it is applied to banking,

S-C-P forces us to assume that distinct geographic markets exist for each

banking service. By assumption, the banks in a given market compete for

the business of the buyers located only within that market. Each

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market must therefore be a self-contained unit. Since the structure of

this unit determines the conduct and performance of the banks within

it, a lot depends on our conception of structure. But no matter how

appropriate this conception is, it will be useless if we fail to identify

the market boundary.

s-c-p offers no help with the identification of local markets

and does not indicate the types, if any, of nonbank financial firms that

should be included in the market. These things have been handled in

about as many ways in banking as in the industrial sector. But despite

the generally poor results, the discussion tends to concern the particu­

larities rather than the approach itself.*

Many investigators-have identified banking markets with ready­

made political units such as counties, towns, or SMSA's. The dangers

of this practice are obvious, and the courts and regulatory authorities

have tried to better it by using bank records to identify the geographic

area in which a particular bank draws its customers. This approach ignores

the potential customers who could be drawn to the bank by a more attractive

price service package. Moreover, it cannot determine how many banks should

be considered together in this manner. The resulting market areas are

highly sensitive to the way in which this determination is made.**

*Thus Austin's (1977) comprehensive survey of the issues in this

field, while quite critical of many particular ways in which the approach

has been carried out, never questions the validity of the approach itself.

**See Austin (1969) for a vivid demonstration of this sensitivity.

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Probably the most attractive approach to defining local markets

is that of Stolz (1976),' who used economic and demographic data to delin­

eate "areas of convenience" within which most local residents work and

shop. Stolz assumed that these" areas of' convenience" would be the

relevant markets for a wide range of bank products and services,

such as demand and time deposits, car loans, farm operating loans, and

farm machinery loans.

This approach to banking markets can be tested statistically.

If each market indeed represents a distinct group of buyers and sellers

of a particluar bank~g service, its prices should be fairly homogeneous.

Prices might differ between markets in response to intermarket

differences in factors affecting supply and demand; but since such differ­

ences do not exist within a market (by definition), the dispersion of

prices within markets should be small relative to the dispersion across

them. An analysis of variance indicates, however, that this is the case for

only a few of the 14 continuous price and service variables considered

*by Stolz.

In other words, the variance within most of the markets is so

large relative to the variance between them that the markets cannot be

distinguished on the basis of individual price and service variables.

Actual banking markets thus remain exceedingly difficult to identifY.

*For two variables in Iowa, three in Minnesota, and four in

Wisconsin, the F-ratio was significantly large at the 5 percent level

(see the appendix below for details). We are indebted to Stolz for the

use of his data.

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Problems Inherent in the Local-Market Concept

~nings which remain elusive despite diligent search often

turn out to be ill-defined or even nonexistent. That this might be

the case with the concept of distinct local banking markets is

suggested by three considerations. First, the concept of a local market

implicitly rests on the assumption that Ioeational convenience is of

paramount importance to the consumer. It is implausible to assume con-

currently that the importance of this factor ends at the market boundary.

If location considerations prevent competition between markets, as S-C-P

forces us to assume, they must also affect competition within each market.

While this is partly a matter of structure ( structural measures should

depend on time or distance as well as the number and size distribution

*o~ banks ), it must make us wonder whether the conventional concept of a

market is appropriate.

Second, in areas where population centers are not separated by

large sparsely populated regions, the market boundaries must be somewhat

arbitrary. Customers who are located near the boundaries could bank

conveniently in either market. The competition between both markets'

banks for these borderline customers blurs the distinction between the


Third, it is difficult to believe that consumers care only

about locational convenience. It is more reasonable to expect them to

care about a variety of banking characteristics, of which locational

*We are indebted to Alton Gilbert for this observation.

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convenience is only one: business hours, prices, lending policies, etc.

If consumers are always willing to trade some Ioeational convenience for,

say, a better price, one cannot establish a definite boundary around the

area in which a group of people will select a bank. That area depends,

in part, on the vigor of competition among the banks.

This feedback of competition on local market areas creates a

problem for the traditional hypothesis, which implies a one-way flow of

causation from market structure to competition and performance. Since

competitive behavior partially determines the market and hence the market's

structure, it cannot be explained solely by that structure. This

is the fundamental conceptual defect of the conventional Structure­

Conduct-Performance approach.

This conceptual defect could be of minor practical significance

if the effect of competition-on markets and structure were negligible

compared to the effect of structure on conduct and performance. If that

were so, it would surely show up in the data. The failure of numerous

research efforts to detect a clear connection between market structure and

performance persuades us that it is not so. On the contrary. we conclude

that the practical difficulty of identifying markets issues from the

conceptual ambiguity of the market itself.

The Local-Market Concept is a Distraction

To see just how distracting the local-market concept is, let us

waive the above objections and assume that the market problem is solvable

in priciple. What does the problem look like from an abstract point of view?

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We begin with a set X of banks--all the banks in the country--and

wish to allocate them tq subsets that correspond to local markets. Abstractly,

then. the problem is to define a family of subsets of X.

We might believe that there are several families of subsets,

corresponding to different banking services; the local market for farm

loans, for example, might differ from that for time deposits. We might

also believe that some of the subsets of a given family intersect, i.e.,

that a bank can belong to more than one market for a given service. Alter-

natively, we might believe that the subsets do not intersect, i.e., that

they partition X. Whatever we believe to be true of the family, we must

in any case assign banks to their appropriate subsets. If this assignment

were always obvious. we would have a characteristic function f M for each

subset M: for each bank x.

if xEM


In words, if bank x belongs to market M then fM(X) = 1; if not, then

fM(x) = O. We can say, therefore, that if the assignment of banks to

markets were never uncertain, each market would have a characteristic

function whose range is {O,l}.

But of course the assignment will in many cases be uncertain.

It will not always be obvious whether a particular bank does or

does not belong to market M. *A local market is therefore a fuzzy set :

in place of a characteristic function that takes values in the two­

element set {a.l}. it has a membership function taking values in the

*See Zadeh (1965).

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closed interval [0,1]. If the membership fUnction for market Mis gM'

then gM{x) shows the degree of membership of bank x in the market. If

x un~uestionably belongs to M, then gM(x) = 1; if x un~uestionably does

not belong to M, then gM(x) = 0; if membership is ~uestionable. then

gM(x) is strictly between 0 and 1, being larger the more likely it 1s

that x properly belongs to M. Hence the assignment of banks to markets

is equivalent to the assignment of a membership number from [0,1] to

each bank with respect to each market. This is the market-delineation

problem considered abstractly.*

Without going into the particular factors that we would

consider in choosing membership numbers in the uncertain cases, we think

the general nature of those factors is clear. Suppose gM(X) =1; then

in choosing a value for gM(Y) we will have to consider the competitive

forces between banks x and y. If these forces are strong, we will put

gM(y) equal to 1 or close to it; if they are weak, we will put gM(y)

equal to zero or near it. In other words, we can properly delineate

local markets only if we canevaluate the com~etitiye torceScbetween

banks. But if we can do this we can deal with competitive conditions

*If we could solve this problem, we might use the solution in a

regression analysis (for example) to multiply the individual-bank data by

the value of the membership function. Thus, if gM(x) = I, gN(x) = .5)

gR(x) = .2, and gT(x) = a for all other markets T, then instead of using

one observation vector for bank x in the regression, we would use three:

the given vector with the structure of market M, one-half that vector with

the structure of market N, and two-tenths of that vector with the structure

of market R.

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directly'; we willi not have to proxy them by some index of local-market

structure. Ironically, the more accurately we can delineate local markets,

the less we need the local-market concept. Market delineation, so

essential to S-C-p. distracts us from the main issues.

A Possible Alternative

Trying to solve a scientific problem (or indeed any problem)

is like trying to traverse a maze. Wherever we might be in relation to

our goal, we can proceed along any of several paths, each of which is

a potential blind alley. We must, therefore, constantly search for signs

that we have taken such a path. When the signs have accumulated suffi­

ciently we must abandon our path, however comfortably familiar it might be,

and set out on a new one. The abandonment of a blind alley is progress.

We therefore feel no compulsion to present, at this time, a fully developed

alternative to S-C_P. However, the following remarks suggest an approach

that may prove to be fruitful.

The essential idea behind the S-C-P approach is that competitive

potential affects behavior. The approach expresses this idea in a

particular form. That this form is unproductive does not mean that the

idea is wrong. What is wrong is the denial of tradeoffs between

locational convenience and other aspects of bank services, and thus

the denial of potential competition between banks in different "markets."

We might as well make a virtue of necessity and not only admit

but exploit the fact that, in some appropriate sense, all banks poten­

tially compete with each other. Instead of beginning with the extreme

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assumption that the population of banks can be divided into subsets

constituting local markets, it seems better to begin at the opposite

extreme: all banks constitute one market, over which, however, competitive

potential is distributed unevenly.

It is no objection that people tend to bank near their homes

or businesses. Admittedly, distance and the associated transportation

costs give banks an advantage over their distant rivals in attracting

local customers, but they do not preclude competition between them. Any

bank that tries to exploit its advantage too intensively will lose

customers to distant rivals. The desire for profits will therefore lead

the banks to protect the part of their business that is cheapest to

protect--that of their local customers. Hence consumers tend to deal

with the closest bank, not in spite of the competition with distant banks

but because of it. That consumers tend to bank locally is, therefore, as

consistent with the assumption of one market as with the assumption of


The one-market assumption acknowledges the importance of loca­

tional convenience but avoids the necessity of classifying banks as either

convenient to a group of customers or not convenient. Rather, it suggests

that any bank offering a sufficiently attractive product will become

"convenient" to any consumer. Naturally, it will rarely pay distant banks

to do this. Competition for more distant customers is more expensive.

Anything that increases the costs of competing for distant

customers will obstruct the competition between distant banks and,

therefore, permit competition to be less evenly distributed over the

banking system. The branching limitations imposed by many states act

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precisely in this manner. To gain some insight into their effects, we

have further analyzed Stolz·s data. As mentioned above, only a minority of

his fourteen price and service variables took significantly different

values in different convenience areas. In Iowa, however, which

permits some branching in either the same county as the home office or a

contiguous county, and where only two variables differed significantly

between convenience areas, eight differed significantly between counties.*

!n Wisconsin, which has only permitted limited branching since 1968,

four variables differed significantly between convenience areas and the same

four differed significantly between counties. In Minnesota, a unit

banking state, only three variables differed between convenience areas

and three also differed between counties.

In Iowa, competition is distributed more evenly within and less

evenly between counties than it is in the other two states because the

branching regulations do not so appreciably raise the costs of competing

within counties as they do in Wisconsin and even more so in Minnesota.

We believe, therefore, that competition is more adequately

viewed in terms of the strength of rivalry between banks than in terms of

the number of local options available to a specific group of customers.

Indeed, the number of options available to the customers should be viewed

as a by-product of the competitive forces acting on the banks in the

region. Some evidence supports this view. For example, Jacobs (1971)

found that while rates on business loans decline slightly with decreases

in concentration, they decline significantly with liberalizations of the

*See the appendix for details.

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branching laws. And when Horvitz (1968) calculated the dispersion in

rates paid on time deposits and certificates of deposit in a number of

.geographical regions, he found it to be smaller the less restrictive

the branching laws. Both patterns show that decreasing the costs of

competing increases the strength of competition and evens out its

distribution. Neither pattern can be explained by S-C-P.

The one-market assumption directs our attention away from the

conventional framework's curious proxies for competitive conditions

(concentration ratios, Herfindahl indexes, and the like) to a more direct

consideration of competition itself, both in the sense of action

(competitive behavior) and in the sense of conditions (competitive potential).

Competitive behavior is the attempt to attract and keep customers;

competitive potential determines how strenuous the effort must be and

how successful it is. The meaning of competitive behavior thus suggests

lines of inquiry into competitive potential.

The initial attraction of S-C-P was its apparent shortcut

past that inquiry. Instead of a research program concerned with the

measurement of competitive potential, it held out the apparently easier

targets of delineating local markets and measuring structure. Experience

proves that the apparent shortcut is a dead end. The one-market assumption

suggests questions that, though more difficult to answer, go directly to

the issues. It might even point us in the right direction.

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Analysis of variance allows us to evaluate an assignment of

banks to putative local markets. Taking a given price or service variable,

say the rate of interest on car loans, we compute the mean value of the

variable in each market, the variation of these means about the overall

sample mean, and the variation within each market. The variation of the

market means about the overall sample mean measureg the part of overall

sample variation accounted for by differences between markets. The

better the assignment, the larger is this part and the smaller is the part

originating from variation within each market, which is, of course, wholly

unaccounted for by the assignment. The F- ratio--the ratio of the former

to the latter after both are divided by their degrees of freedom-­

therefore permits an evaluation of the assignment. If the assignment

is completely artificial, so that the putative markets are imaginary,

the F-ratio will tend to 1. But the larger the F-ratio the harder

it is to accept the null hypothesis that the assignment is artificial. If

the ratio exceeds the critical value associated with a given level of

statistical significance, say one percent or five percent, we reject the

null hypothesis and conclude, with some risk, that the assignment is

not completely artificial. To reduce this risk we perform similar

analyses on a number of price and service variables and observe the pro­

portion of them for which the null hypothesis is rejected. A large pro­

portion of such rejections will incline us more favorably to the assign­

ment, a small proportion will lead us to doubt it.

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Table I presents the results of these analyses for all of

the continuous variables studied by Stolz. As the Table shows,

for only one variable is the F-ratio significantly large in all

three states; for two variables it is significantly large in two

of the three states. Of the total of 42 ratios computed for all

three states, only nine are significantly large at the 5 percent

level. In our judgment, this proportion is too small to rationalize

the market assignment.

Stolz's convenience-areas are not, of course, without economic

significance. The banks within an area tend to exert more competitive

potential on each other than on banks outside the area. Competitive

forces "pdLe up" in these areas and induce the banks wi thin them

to compete more vigorously with each other than with banks outside

them. This is why some of the F-ratios are significantly large.

To check this reasoning, we performed a similar analysis of variance

on arbitrarily defined markets; that is, we randomly grouped the

banks of each state into 25 "markets" and computed the F-ratios as

above. As expected, none of the ratios were significantly large at

the 5-percent level.

We performed a similar analysis of a market partition determined

strictly by counties. Table II reports the results. Here considerably

more of the ratios are significantly large. This does not mean that

counties approximate the local markets postulated by the conventional

approach more closely than Stolz's convenience-areas do. Indeed,

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Stolz's method would represent an appropriate procedure for obtaining

such a local-market partition if the conventional market concept were

valid. It is just that competitive potential tends to pile up in each

tYIJe of "market," forcing some degree of homogeneity on the banks within

it. However, the potential extends past both kinds of "market " boundary,

and its effect on banks in other lImar ket s ll is a matter of more-or-less

and not some-or-none.

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Table 1



Annual percentage rate-paid on:Passbook savings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

90-day deposits .................•••...•.•...

One-year certificates of deposit ••••••••••••

Four-year certificates of deposit

Service charge on a standardizedpersonal checking account •••••••••••••••••••

Typical charge for a returned check

Annual percentage rate charged on:A 36..;month-instal.rnent new automobile loan •••

A standardized new farm machine loanmaturing in three years .

A one-year farm operating loan securedby crops or livestock .

Annual charge for smallest-sizesafety-deposit box .

Minne- WiSCO/-lowal/ sotal/ sinl

1.42 1.23 1.44

.87 1.19 .58

.84 1.13 1.38

1.34 .90 1.77*

1.30 1.51 5.48**

2.08** 2.32** 1.24

1.16 1.40 1.29

.86 1.50 1.23

1.18 2.74** 1.82*

.86 1.08 1.54

Total hours bank is open for business:During week . 1.17 1.28 1.08

On Saturday .................................... 2.75** 2.55** 1.81*

Monday-Friday during the core period(9:00 a-m, to 3:00 p.m.) .

Monday-Friday other than the core period ••••







1. Iowa, 109 banks and 25 markets; Minnesota, 113 banks and 25 markets;Wisconsin, 111 banks and 25 market a,

* Significant at 5-percent level (the critical value is 1.66).

** Significant at I-percent level (the critical value is 2.05 in Iowa andWisconsin and 2.04 in Minnesota).

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Table 2



90-day deposits •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

One-year certificates of deposit ••••••••••••

A one-year :farm operating loan securedby crops or livestock •••••••••••••••••••••

Minne- Wiscon-IowaY sotaY sinY

2.29** .80 ·97

L31 L14 .75

.50 2.72** L07

1.33 .88 L65*

L78* L54 2.60**

2.26** L24 L18

2.17** L15 .67

.59 L09 L49

.96 L62* 2.38**

L23 L20 L48



Four-year certificates of deposit

Typical charge for a returned check

Service charge on a standardizedpersonal checking acco'lUlt •••••••••••••••••••

Annual percentage rate paid on:Passbook savings ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••

A standardized new farm machine loanmaturing in three years •••••••••••••••••••

Annual percentage rate charged on:A 36-month-instaJ..rnent new automobile loan •••

Annual charge :for smallest-sizeeaf'eby-depoedt box •••••••••••••••••••••••• '.'

Total hours bank is open for business:During week •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

On Saturday ................................. 2.84**



Monday-Friday during the core period(9:00 a-m, to 3:00 p.m.) •••••••••••••••••• 1. 70* L08 L48

Monday-Friday other than the core period •••• L23

1. Iowa, 109 banks and 45 markets; Minnesota, 113 banks and 43 markets;Wisconsin, 111 banks and 40 markets.

* Signi:ficant at 5-percent level (the critical value is 1.58).

** Significant at Leper-cent level (the critical value is 1.93 in Iowa and1.91 in Minnesota and Wisconsin).

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