A Case of 'Typho-Lumbricosis'


Transcript of A Case of 'Typho-Lumbricosis'



By B. P. BANERJI, m.b.,

The City Pharmacy, 285, Kalighat Road, Calcutta.

Tttf. natient, a child aged 4 years, was firs* shewn to nie in an unconscious state, resem-

bling that of typhoid fever. There was low

muttering delirium, subsultus tendinum, pinching at the nose and bed clothes, whilst lie tried to bite anything placed in front of his mouth. The eyes were half open and rolling, the pupils widely dilated and not reacting to light. Convulsive movements also occurred at times. The pulse was very weak and the respirations hurried, the extremities cold and the fingers cyanosed: in fact the child

appeared to be at death's door. There was

involuntary escape of fceces, but a tendency to suppression of urine.


I gave 'him at once a powder containing

calomel, thymol, and sodium bicarbonate, and

a mixture containing- adrenalin, strophanthus, and glycothymoline. Both the liver and the

spleen were enlarged, and I hesitated before

Prescribing a routine dose of santonin.

The parents stated that the child had had

occasional attacks of malaria, had had bron-

cho-pneumonia a month or so previously, and was always ailing, with bowel complaints and the passing of mucus and

of offensive

stools for the previous week.

Shortly afterwards the child became vio-

ently delirious, began to scream, had to be

held down in bed, refused to take any food,

and remained in this state for four days. The

Prescriptions given above were continued. ()n the third day, however, a round-worm

about 6" in length was passed and immedi-

ately the child's condition began to improve.

Throughout his whole illness the one hope- ful feature of the case was that the child s

condition remained afebrile, but on the fourth

day the temperature rose to 100? F and

Remained elevated for 4 subsequent days.

Once the fever had abated and the child was

recovering, I administered santonin in frac-

tional doses and five further round-worms

)yere expelled. During his illness a bland

11 id diet was prescribed with occasional

rectal salines. Later on a general tonic was

?lven and the patient made a slow but u.n-

eventful recoverv.