A Call for Revolution (11/14/07)

A Call For Revolution J. Mastracchio (11/14/07) The Jamestown colony was est ablished 400 years ago, 1607. After 169 years of British rule the Unit ed States declared its i ndependence, 1776. Our country has been independent for 231 years and for 11 of those years we operated under the Articles of Confederation. We have been operati ng under the United S tates Constitut ion for 220 years, but a mere 51 years separate the time we spent under British rule from the time we’ve spent under our current government. Our founding fathers were so frustrated with the government that ruled them they took up arms against it. They were revolutionaries, great t hinkers who wanted something more and men of action, who bled and died t o ensure our freedom. Men who gave their lives so we could have the freedoms they did not, men who died so we could be free. Democracy boils down to one thing, voti ng. America was founded on the will of the people; our government operates with the consent of the governed. Our forefathers left us a tool that takes power away from those who have it a nd returns it to the people. Voting is powerful; it enables a populace to have a revolution without bloodshed. Democracy means a revolution every ti me an election occurs. The old government is thrown out and a new one is selected by the people. Americans needs to wake up and realize that their votes do matter, that change is possible. The average American citizen does not realize that they can make a difference in t he world. You are lazy America; you’ve convinced yourself that you’re just one person and your one vote will not make a difference. Citizens complain and complain, but a vast majority of them never do anything. Today America is a country of whiners, a group of crybabies who like to hear themselves complain; all people do is whine that nothing will ever change. The reason things don’t change is because no one sparks change. If you want this country to change, get off y our ass and change it. All you need to do is vote, run for office, or lobby; do something because “the only place success comes before work is the dictionary.” The fact that a majority of Americans complain an d don’t vote is what is wrong with this country. Our forefathers died to ensure us the right to vote. They laid their l ives down for future generations that t hey would never know. But what a waste their sacrifice was; the people they fought for, you and me, ignore the very idea they died for. You have the chance to have a revolution of your own; you can change the government and the world. We, the people, formed this country and we, the people, are i n control. How often is a person’s logic, “if I don’t vote for the popular candidate, I’ll be throwing my vote away.” That is t he stupidest thi ng I have ever hear d! You will be voicing your opinion; you wil l be exercising a right that men have died for. Your vote does, I can not stress this enough, does matter. Why would you vote for a candidate who doesn’t represent you or y our beliefs? If you never vote for the person who best represents you, they wil l never get elected. If you vote for a “winner” then you are truly throwing your vote away, wasting your vote because you want to be on the winning side. Many people believe that nothing will ever change because our government is so corrupt. When asked if they voted their sad response is often no. Well, that’s why our 

Transcript of A Call for Revolution (11/14/07)

Page 1: A Call for Revolution (11/14/07)

8/7/2019 A Call for Revolution (11/14/07)

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Page 2: A Call for Revolution (11/14/07)

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