9.5 Group 4

Elephant Plus Midushanth Loganathan, Finlay McPherson, Ross Cunningham, Faiz Yuusuf


Apps for Good Competition Entry

Transcript of 9.5 Group 4

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Elephant Plus

Midushanth Loganathan, Finlay McPherson, Ross Cunningham,

Faiz Yuusuf

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Background Situation BriefWe are year 9 students from Sutton Grammar School for Boys. We are a select bunch of highly achieving academics with differing strengths which combined, create the perfect group for an application design.

Our application is aimed to help students with their 11+ exams. It will offer similar style questions to the ones they will face in the exam. We have all endured the examinations for entry into a Grammar School and we have come out successful. To gain acceptance into our school half of our group were tutored. However, both thought that an app would have been more fun and efficient as some tutors specialise in one of the four different categories; Maths, Literacy, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

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Background Situation Brief

We came across this thought whilst brainstorming ideas. Our other ideas supposed were a place finder app, also a cookbook app; these ideas proved to be futile as they had already been thoroughly explored. However, the Elephant Plus idea was the best and most recommended from our market research and survey we conducted on the Sutton High Street.

We acknowledged the struggle and plight parents undergo when trying to secure a decent tutor for their child. This evidently can be used on portable devices, so this app can be used anywhere, anytime.

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The main problem that is addressed by our Elephant Plus idea is what the most effective and efficient way would be to revise for an 11+ exam which consists of Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal.

This application is due to rectify the situation parents, along with their children, are put in when the dreaded 11+ comes knocking on the door.

There are currently books which provide a similar structure to our idea, though we believe they can cost too much although a major improvement to what tutors charge.

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Our main question we want to answer is:

‘Is there a way in which we can study for the 11+ exam without spending extortionate amounts of

money on tutoring?’

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Key Insight Statements

Reiterating, we have all gone through the 11+ exams and we definitely can all agree this app, if published, would benefit the children of the future for better lives.

We have also questioned parents seeking an alternative to paid tuition; below their answers:






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Our Pitch

Millions of children throughout the UK take the 11+ exam. The vast majority of these children spend hundreds of pounds on tutoring to improve their chances on passing. We wish to create an application that helps students prepare for the exam without having to spend ample amounts of money.

Currently it costs £4200 on average for a years worth of tutoring. This extortionate price means it is inaccessible for poorer students. Many people, including our headmaster, believe that the 11+ exam should be more accessible… this is the answer;

Our app: Elephant Plus

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User Profiles

• The majority of our users are budding primary school pupils. They have shown an obvious interest in expanding their knowledge and using it to successfully pass an 11+ exam.

• Additionally, this app could be used by teachers or tutors whom wish to teach and aid other pupils through the exam.

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Rivals & Alternatives

Webrich Software

Bond 11+ Books

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MVP User Stories & Feature Chosen• Our MVP is the ability for users to practise

whenever, wherever and however they wish to utilise it. This is because our app is extremely accessible and cheap. Furthermore, our app provides excellent questions and knowledge from students who have taken the exam in the past.

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Flow of Application & User Feedback Integrated

We have asked three people on their opinion of the app:

• “An excellent idea!” – Ms Sutherland

• “That would have been very useful” – Schoolboy

• “Sounds great! I would definitely use it” - Parent

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Key wireframes 1/3

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Business Case & Customer Pledges

We promise to provide the best preparation for the exam for students and a peace of mind for the parents

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Marketing Strategy

Easy to use, making people aware of how much people spend on tutoring but our app is superior. We intend to put this on the market with banners to publicise our app and idea.

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WildcardThe Perks

• The numerous amount of questions that are available on the app to be answered.