7520 35th SW packet

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  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443

    D esign Review Recom m endation

    M organ & 35th AveM ajor Intersection ;C om m ercial &Institutiona l U ses

    Barton & 35th AveM ajor Intersection ;

    C om m ercial U ses

    W estw ood VH igh Re tail;H igh TrafficC urren t Loca tC learview Eye

    7520 35th Ave - Site Locatio nNC2 Node - Minor Intersections

    Evolving, Diverse Uses

    A p r il 1 6 , 2 0 1 5D PD Pro jec t #3 0173 067520 35th A venue Ave SWS e a t tle , W a s h in g to n

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


    Establish a high qu ality m id-block building in a transitionalcom m ercial zone and encourage future beneficial urbandevelopm ent.Provide p erm anent hom e for existing ophthalm ology practice w ithm ore than a 60 year legacy in W est Seattle, developed , ow nedand operated by practition ers that live in the n eigh bo rhoo d.A ctivate the n eighborhood w ith 120 + custom er visits per dayProvide an en han ced p edestrian d estination and environm ent.

    Stim ulate existing , adjacen t retail and com m ercial businesses.Provide a visual upgrade to the neighbo rhood.Provide opportunity for com m ercial tenant space and new retailactivity.



    2 . PR O JEC T G O A L S

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Project G oals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Existing S ite Con ditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Existing S ite Con ditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Lo cal A rchitecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Ph oto M ontag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7N eigh borh oo d Aerials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Land Use Condition s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9ED G # 2 Sum m ary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10O verall M assing Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11ED G # 2 Sum m ary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12O verall Site Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335th A venu e Elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15N orth, East & W est Facade s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16So uthw est Co rne r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735th A venu e Street Level #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1835th A venu e Street Level #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19A lley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Sign age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Veh icle A ccess & Parking # 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Veh icle A ccess & Parking # 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23SD O T SIP #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24SD O T SIP #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A erial M assing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A erial M assing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27W est Render . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28So utheast Ren de r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29No rtheast Render. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30N orthea st Re nd er Even ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Roof Planting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33W est Elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    East Elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35South & N orth Elevations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36South & N orth Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Externa l M aterials & Elem en ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Plan ting M aterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39C om po site Land scaping & Ha rdscape Plan . . . . . . . . 40Land scaping M aterial N otes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D etailed D esign a t 35 th Ave Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . 42D etailed D esign a t O ptical / Eye W ear Retail . . . . . . . 43Detailed D esign at 35th A ve Screening . . . . . . . . . . 44D etailed D esign at 35th Ave N orth Retail. . . . . . . . . 45Shadow Studies #1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Shadow Studies #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Exterior Lighting Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Sign ag e Co ncep t Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Floo r Plans - G roun d & M ezza nine . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Floor Plans - Second & Third Floors. . . . . . . . . . . . 51Floo r Plans - Ro of Deck & D eck Land scaping . . . . . . . 52D esign G uidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54D esign G uidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    D esign G uidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56D esign G uidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57D esign G uidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58D esign G uidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59D esign D ep artu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60D esign D ep artu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61D esign D epa rtures - A ccess O ption s #1 & # 2 . . . . . . 62D esign Dep artures - A ccess Option #3 . . . . . . . . . . 63

    PRO JECT TEAMO w nerC learview Eye & Laser, PLLC. has its’roo ts in W est Seattle since 19 57 , w henno w retired D r. Ferris Ke tchu m and D r. W illiam P. M ulligan beg an theirop hthalm ology p ractice serving W est Seattle at a location in the Junctionneighborhood . Th is successful practice grew and expand ed to the currenttw o location s in W estw oo d V illage and adjacent to H igh line M edical C enterin B urien .C learview Eye & Laser is a com prehen sive op hthalm olog y practice offeringstate-of-the-art m ed ical, laser an d surgical treatm en t for eye d iseases. The irbo ard-certified op hthalm ologists and op tom etrist perform bo th routine and

    m edical eye exam s. and are trained to diagn ose, m anage, and treat eyediseases that requ ire b oth m edical and no n-m edical treatm ent. Their goalis to provide the h igh est quality care po ssible, follow ing a long trad ition ofethical and skilled ph ysicians of great p ersonal integ rity. For over 60 years,they h ave served p atien ts of all ages in a profession al, dign ified and ca ringenvironm ent.W ith ded icated resources and a p rofession al, experienced team in place,C learview is ready to b egin developm ent of a p erm anent ho m e for theirpractice w ith exp anded facilities an d capabilities for their custom ers andprovide an enh ancem ent to the neighb orhood .Tea mO w ner: C learview Eye and Laser C enter PLLCA rchitect: PB A rchitects Inc., P.S.C ivil Engineer: N BEng ineeringStructural Engineer: Yu & Trochalakis, PLCM echanical Engineer: H erm anson

    Surveyor: C hadw ick & W intersLand scape A rchitect: H ou gh , Beck, and BairdG eotechn ical Eng inee r: G eotech C on sultants, Inc.Traffic C on sultant: JTE, Inc.

    PRO JECTThe site is near the m idd le of a sm all N C 2 com m ercial zone located along35th A venue SW , w ith the prim ary cross streets of SW W ebster St and SWH olden St.The zone con sists of an eclectic m ix of existing uses: sing le an d m ulti-fam ily hou sing , retail, auto repair, and includes a chu rch, gas station , andfire station . The com m ercial zon e generally is a half block w ide extend ingfrom the cen terline of 35 th A venu e SW to existing alleys on the east toequ ivalent half-block depth to the w est.The prim ary goals for the Eye C linic are to con struct a bu ilding alon g w ithnecessary surface and structured p arking that they w ill ow n and occupy.

    The street level retail area w ill also b e o w ned and occup ied by the EyeC linic w hich w ill provide eye w ear and related accessories. The p roject alsoinclud es addition al retail space for lease. The p roposed developm ent w ou ldinclud e the dem olition and rem oval of one h ou se and accessory structure,and the Red S tar Pizza bu ilding.

    PRO PO SED D EVELO PM ENT’S STATISTIC S AN D D ESIRES:The propo sed d evelop m ent is a three story building w ith structuredand surface p arking . The uses w ill be first floo r structured parkingand retail, and the second and third floo rs w ill be an Eye C linic. Totalsquare foo tage o f building is approxim ately 17 ,90 0 square feet.

    First floo r retail approxim ate squ are footag e: 4,50 0 square feet,includ ing m ezzanine space.

    Second and third floo r Co m m ercial (Eye C linic) approxim ate totalsquare footage: 13,400 square feet.

    A pp roxim ate num ber of parking stalls:

    Su rface p arking for 29 p arking stalls.N o residential un its are proposed .

    The existing alley is un-im proved and is proposed to be up graded fromthe sou th bo rder of the site north to SW W ebster Street. The alley is 16feet w ide w ith sing le fam ily zoning bo rdering the alley’s eastern ed ge.O ne sing le-fam ily garage is located across from the site on the easternalley ed ge. Pow er po les w ith teleph on e lines serve the structures onbo th sides of the alley. The propo sal w ou ld u se the alley for vehicleing ress/eg ress but du e to the narrow ness of the alley and it’s shareduse w ith o ther neigh bo rs, garbag e, utility vehicles, etc. the p ropo salrequ ires m aintaining the existing curb cut off 35 th Avenu e SW toalleviate traffic conflicts.

    M aintaining the existing curb cut (currently serving Red Star Pizza’sparking area) is crucial to the prop osed Eye C linic’s veh icular access an deg ress. The facility w ill average the follow ing :

    12 0 patients per day p lus a staff of 20 .4 daily deliveries b y truck (UPS, U SPS, Fed Ex, laund ry, etc);King C oun ty A ccess bus tw ice a day, several tim es a w eek;

    The facility requires easy access for patient transfer by Em ergencyveh icles.

    The m ajority of patients are over 65 and m any w ith vision issues.

    A traffic study and facility-use analysis has been p repared that suppo rtpresen t the case for m aintaining the existing curb cu t off of 35 thAvenue SW .

    N on e o f the existing bu ildings o n-site are of historical sign ificance andcan be rem oved.








    IN D 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    S i t e

    C o

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  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Req uired set-back:0’up to 13 ’height;2’above 13 ’heigh t

    P R O

    J E C

    T S

    I T E

    Existing alley is unim provedbetw een SW W ebster Stand near SW H olden St

    Existing curb cu t on35th Ave SW

    Project Site

    Existing 4-storyapartm ent b uilding

    Existing bu ildingsto b e rem oved

    35th Avenue SW

    SW W ebster Street

    Existing com m ercial andresidential use b uilding sto rem ain

    Street & sidew alk slop edow n n orth to south

    approxim ately 7’acrosssite fron tage

    EXISTIN G SITE CO N D ITIO 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    S i t e

    C o

    nt ext

    Swedish Automotive High Point Medical / Dental Building

    Seattle Public Librar y - SW Branch Fire Statio n #37

    Seattle Public Library - High Point Branch


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    S I T E


    Fire Station is nicely designed and is arelatively n ew facility.Bu s stop s exist in front of gas stationand Ed w ards-Jones Investm ents.H ill Crest A partm ents adjacen t toproposed site is a large bu ilding w ith

    lon g facade (approx. 200’lon g)N ote: Block betw een SW W ebster andSW H olden is approx. 600’long.


    H ill Crest A partm ents for heigh t andm odu lation cues.Provide street trees to enhance the streetscene by con tinu ing the existing streettrees fron ting H ill Crest Ap artm ents andgas station .O lym pic M ano r retail frontage

    3 5 T H AV E N U E S W - W E S TS


    O n w est side of 35th A venue SW streettrees fron t the form er M ars Hill Chu rch,D ebon aire A partm ents and the O lym picM anor apartm ents.O lym pic M anor apartm ents have som eactive com m ercial ped estrian activity atthe street level.


    Provide street trees to enh ance thestreet scene by con tinu ing street treeplanting sProvide an active pedestrian friendlycom m ercial frontage to enhance theactivity that exists at the O lym pic M anorapartm ents.

    John’s Corner D eliW ebster St H ill C rest A partm ents

    Bu s Stop

    A ustin St W ebster StD ebonaire A partm ents W Sea A utow orks

    Bu s Stop

    (s ite o p p o site s id e )

    Red Star PizzaEdw ard JonesInvestm ents

    H ouse H ouse

    O lym pic M anor A pts

    PH O TO M O N T 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015



    S i t e

    C o

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    Looking East

    Looking North

    Looking South

    Looking West


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


    a. Zon ing : N C 2-40b. Lot area: A pp roxim ately 14,970 sq.ft. (D oes no t includ e portion s of

    the tw o northern parcels)c. 23 .47 A .00 8: Street level develop m ent standards:

    B.3: Non-residential uses shall extend an average depth of at least30 feet and a m inim um dep th o f 15 feet. N on-residen tial uses

    at street level shall have a floor-to-floor height of at least 13feet.

    d. 23 .47 A .01 2: Structure heigh t:A : H eight lim it is 40 feet

    1.a: the heigh t of a structure m ay exceed the lim it by upto 4 feet if a floor-to-floor heigh t of 13 feet or m ore isprovided by non -residential uses at street level.

    e. 23 .47A .014: Setback requ irem entsB.2: A setback is required alon g any rear or side lot line that abu ts

    a lot in a residential zone as follow s:B.2.a: A 10 foo t setback is required abo ve 13 feet in heigh t w hen

    abutting a residential zone.

    B.4: O ne-half of the w idth of an abutting alley m ay be countedas part of the requ ired setback.

    f. 23 .47A .016: Landscaping and screening stand ardsA .2: Landscaping that achieves a G reen Factor score of 0.30 o r

    greater is required.g. 23 .47 A .03 2: Parking location and access

    B.1c: Parking to the side of a structure shall no t exceed 60 feet ofstreet frontage (exhibit B).

    D .1: Access to off-street parking m ay be from a street if, dueto the relation ship of an alley to the street system , use ofthe a lley for parking access w ou ld create a sign ifican t safetyhazard as determ ined by the D irector.

    h. M iscellaneous inform ation and requirem ents:Bus stops are located on SW W ebster (north boun d) and betw een

    SW W ebster and SW A ustin (south bo und ). Bu s route is #21.

    LAN D USE CO ND IT 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s


    Building aligned w ith 35th A venue SWRed uces im pact on single fam ily zone edg e to east.Presents com bination of blank and fenestrated facades to street fron tage.



  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


    Bulk of the building has been m odulated and set back from street.A dd ition al retail space added to street level at no rth.Southw est corner setback & up per stories respect datum lines of HillcrestA partm ents.Parking frontage redu ced an d screened.


    O VERALL M A SSING STRA 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s

    1 2 . ED G # 2 SU M M A RY

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    O VERA LL SITE LAY 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s

    Proposed Project

    Existing 1 -StoryCom m ercial U se

    (G rocery Store)


    Existing Single-Fam ily U se

    N orthRetailSpace

    VehicleA ccess AtExisting


    M ainEntry

    O ptical / Eye W earRetail

    Existing 4 -Story H illcrestA partm ents

    D esignated PedestrianA ccess

    D esignated PedestrianA ccess


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Elevator /Stair /M echanicalPenthouse

    RooftopM echanicalU nits

    SolarA rrays

    Rooftop D eck and G reenRo of Planting s

    Roof top Look

    Rooftop Looking West

    RoofA ccess


    R O 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s

    East façad es are setback betw een 55’&

    70 ’from alley centerlineand sing le fam ily zone

    to the east

    N orth façades ligh t w ellslot & recessed sidingtreatm ent

    N orth portion of streetfaçade has 10’setbackm od ulation

    3rd level A SCalternative


    Lam inate ‘w oo d’tonecladding at street level

    & roof overhang s


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    2nd & 3rd floor façadesare setback to app roxim ate

    adjacent apartm ent b uilding

    SW corner is setback13 ’from propertyline and is 8’w ide

    Retail space is alon g propertyline at w iden ed sidew alk, butis set back 8’from SW corner

    SOU THW EST CO 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s

    O ptical / Eye W ear RetailEntry

    N orth RetailEntry

    M ain BuildingEntry

    N orth Retail Plaza &Pedestrian W alkw ay

    18 . 35TH AV ENU E STREET LEVEL #1

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Veh icle Access ‘Po rtal’pass through drop off / pickup

    StreetviewFrom South

    Sidew alk View FromSouth

    M ain Entry / Plaza /Sidew alk Benches

    35TH AV ENU E STREET LEV 4 / 6 / 1 5

    20 ALLEY

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s

    Surface Parking Fence an dLandscape Screening

    A lley Looking


    A lley En trance toSurface Parking

    20 . ALLEY

    SIG NA5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    M ain Building Sign O ptical / EyeW ear Sign

    M ain Entry A ddressSign

    N orth FaçadeLogo Sign

    N orth Retail BladeSign

    SecondaryBu ilding Sign

    SIG NA 4 / 6 / 1 5


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn C on si d er at i on s

    D esign exam ple of successful integration of veh icle access, pedestriancirculation, bu ilding en try, and p arking.

    Exam ples of design patterns to b e avoidedD ark, ob scure ‘garage’doo r veh icle accessLow ceiling , un inviting parking and dropoff/pick-up areaPoor sight-linesN o accom odation for ped estrians





  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    G reen W all,Landscape Parking


    O pen , 14’high passthrough from 35th

    Avenue en trance

    Ped estrianW alkw ays

    N orthRetail

    Proposed Veh icleA ccess at Existing

    Curb-Cu t Locationon 35 th A ve SW

    M ain Entry

    A ccessible ParkingStalls, Drop-Off /

    Pickup A rea

    Ped estrianPath

    Pass throug h to surfaceparking , drop off / pickup access

    Access Pass-Throug

    Access Pass-Throug h From P

    Access Pass-Throug h From Street

    3 5 t h

    A v e n u e

    S W

    Vehicle access via35th Ave SW

    Bo llards alon gpedestrian path,y

    A ll w alkw ays barrierfree - no curbs

    L o a


    U n

    l o a


    A c c e s s

    i b l e

    Covered pass throughaccess and d rop off/

    pick up

    VEHICLE AC C ESS & PARK IN 4 / 6 /

    24. SDO TSIP#1

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn

    C on si d er at i on s


    30% subm ittal com pleteCorrection s received and in processExisting street tree approved for replacem entN o alley w idening requiredA pproved to proceed w ith 60% subm ittalA pproval includes use of 35th A venue SW curb cut and alley for accessLandscap e bu lbs denied; O K to paint curb red and p lace ‘N o Parking ’sign s


    A lley access approved

    24 . SDO T SIP #1

    SD O T SIP #6

    / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Proposed street tree deleted dueto proxim ity to light pole A dd itional street tree

    Proposed land scape bulbsden ied

    35th Avenue SW accessand egress approved

    4 / 6


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn

    Aerial View Looking North east

    Aerial View Looking Sout heast

    N orth façadearchitectural

    tream ent

    Façadem odu lation

    Veh icle access & covereddrop-off & pick-up

    Vehicle access atexisting cu rb-cut

    Façadem odu lation

    A ERIA L M A S4

    / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    55’-70’setback from alley /sing le-fam ily zone edge

    Im proved alley toSW W ebster St


    2 8 . W EST RENDER

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn

    SOU THEAST REN 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn

    NO RTHEAST REN DER EV 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    32 . SITE PLAN

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn

    Planting strip transition toadjacen t property

    A djacentsingle fam ilyhou se use

    Existing light pole

    Roo f overhangw eather protection

    Retail plaza/patio

    2’x4’sco redconcrete

    Street plan ting strip

    Vehicle access via35th Ave SW

    14’tall green w all

    Raised planting bedw ith tree

    Ben ches and bicylce rack

    Entry m arquee

    3 5 t h

    A v e n u e

    S W A

    l l e y

    D elivery load/un load

    1x4 paver pedestrianw alkw ay

    N orth retail

    P . L


    Street planting strip, typ

    W idened sidew alk

    Street trees per SD O T, typ

    Existing utility poles

    Cano py along south retail

    Planting b ed , tree and 1 4’tallgreen w all at SW corner setback

    Japanese M aple tree,typical per Landscap e plan

    W ood fence onalley P.L.

    Covered p ass throughaccess and d rop off/

    pick up

    Bo llards alongpedestrian p ath

    Surface parking(perm eable asphalt)

    S u r f a c e p a r k

    i n g

    ( p e r m e a

    b l e a s p

    h a

    l t )

    A lleyaccess

    Building abo ve

    Planting bedand tree

    S u r f a c e p a r k

    i n g

    South retaileyew ear/op tical

    1x4 paver pedestrianw alkw ay

    A ll w alkw ays barrierfree - no curbs

    Planting b ed andfence on P.L.

    Screen w all

    A djacent apartm entbu ilding

    R e

    t a i l

    e n

    t r y

    E n t r y


    Existing po w er pole

    Existing po w er pole

    5’w ide planting strip andtrees along alley

    L o a


    U n

    l o a


    A c c e s s

    i b l e

    A ccessible

    RO O F PLAN T 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Rooftop deck, concretepavers on ped estals

    Concrete raised tree andplanting bed s

    N orth w all ligh t w ell

    42 ”high gu ard railparapet and m echanicalscreen, continuous

    M aintenance w alkpads

    M echanical un it,typical

    Proposed solararray

    Elevator pentho use, stairand m echanical room

    Concrete raised tree andplanting bed s


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn


    N orth Retail


    Ro of StairA ccess


    Parapet &M echanical



    ElevatorPenthouse &

    M echanical Roo mM etal

    Cladd ingM echanical


    Com m ercialParking &

    Van A ccess

    G reenW all

    M ainEntry

    Concrete Canopy G reenW all

    M etalPanel

    Cladd ing

    Lam inateCladd ing



    111 11


    EA ST ELEVA T 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


    12 Parapet &M echanical



    Penthouse &M echanical Roo m


    M echanicalVents


    4 Ro of StairA ccess



    G reenW all


    M etalCladd ing


    D rop O ff / Pick-U p A ccess Pass



    M etalCladd ing


    1 236 . SOU TH & N O RTH ELEVATIO NS

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn

    M etalCladd ing

    M etalCladd ing

    M echanicalVents

    A djacent A pt.Building (Beyond)

    Lam inateCladd ing


    Elevator Penthouse& M echanical Room


    M echan ical U nitsM etal

    Cladd ing

    2A djacent Ap t. Bu ilding

    (in foreground )

    Lam inateCladd ing



    W indoww ell recess



    El t P th R ftR ft d k


    4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    M etalC ladd ing


    So . retailen try

    M etalCladd ing1 N orth retail

    D rop off /pickup

    A ccess passthrough

    Elevator Penthouse& M echanical Room

    RooftopM echan ical U nitsRo oftop solar array

    Roo ftop d eckplanters

    Ro oftop solar arrayElevator Penthouse& M echanical Room


    G L dMetalPanel


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn




    2’x 2 ’sco red



    2 7









    2’x 2 ’




    Perferated m etal














    Metal PanelCladding

    C entria“C hrom ium G ray”#971

    Metal PanelCladding

    C en tria “ZincBlue”#76 6


    “Parklex”#A m bar

    Windows/Door Frames& Sunshade

    C lear A no dizedA lum inum (typ)

    Retail &AdjacentDoors andCladding

    Bone W hite



    B i o r e t e n t i o n P l a n t s

    PLA N TIN G M ATE 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Acer circinatum Acer truncatum xAcer platanoides


    Carex obnupta Iris douglasiana Juncus ef fusus Symphocarpus x chenaultii Han

    Bamboo multiplexGolden Goddess

    Cotinus coggygriaRoyal Purp le

    Lavandula angustifo liaMunstead

    Miscanthu s sinensisPurpurascens

    Nasella t en uissim a Pen niset um alo pecu ro id esLittle Bunny

    Rhudb eckia hirIndian Summe

    Acer palmatumTobiosho

    Berberis thu nbergii f.atropu rpurea Bagatelle

    Clematis armandiiVine

    Co rn us ser icea Kelseyi Lir io pe sp icat aSilver Drago n

    Nandina domesticaMo yers Red

    Prunus laurocerasusMount Vernon

    Styrax japonica Teucrium cha

    S t r e e t s c a p e & S i t e P l a n t s

    G r e e n R o o f P l a n t s

    B i o r e t e n t i o n P l a n t s


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Ov er al l D

    e si gn

    Roof Deck

    LAN DSCA PING M ATERIAL 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    I m pl em ent at i on

    D ETA ILED D ESIG N AT O PTIC A L / EYE W EA R R 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    I m pl em ent at i on

    D ETA ILED D ESIG N A T 35TH A VE N O RTH 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    46 . SHA DO W STUD IES #1

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    I m pl em ent at i on

    Mar-Sep 21st 2 PM Mar-Sep 21st 10AM

    Mar-Sep 21st Noon

    SHADO W STUD 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    Jun 21st 10A M

    Dec 21st 10AM

    Jun 21st Noon Jun 21st 2PM

    Dec 21st Noon Dec 21st 2PM


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    I m pl em ent at i on

    U pligh ts at planter andgreen w all

    W all sconces at No rthretail

    W all sconce

    Baffled ‘dark sky’polem ounted ligh ts (3) show n

    Pathw ay ligh ts, typ.

    Landscape ped estaldow n lights

    Recessed dow nlights atpass trhoug h

    Recessed dow nlights atbuilding overhang

    Surface m oun teddo w nligh ts at entry

    Bo llard ligh ts at pedestrianw alkw ay

    D rive o ver ligh ts atdrivew ay edge

    W all sconces at Southretail

    U pligh ts at planter and

    green w all

    3 5 t h

    A v e n u e

    S W

    A l l

    e y

    SIG NA G E CO NC EPT 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    I m pl em ent at i on


    C irculatory / Sup po rt

    C linic

    A dm inistration

    A SC

    R il

    FLO O R PLAN S - SECO ND & TH IRD FL 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


    C irculatory / Supp ort

    C linic

    A dm inistration

    A SC

    R t il


  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    I m pl em ent at i on


    C irculatory / Sup po rt

    C linic

    A dm inistration

    A SC

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    Design Concept and Massing: The design and siting pattern of thenew com m ercial developm ent shou ld p rovide an ap propriate transitionto a less intensive zon e, exhibit form an d features identifying the interior

    CS2-D-1. Existing Development and Zoning: Review the heigh t, bu lk,and scale o f neigh bo ring bu ilding s as w ell as the scale o f develop m entanticipated by zoning for the area to determ ine an app rop riate

    CS2-D-4. Massing Choices: Strive for a successful transition betw eenzones w here a p roject abuts a less intense zone.



  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn G ui d el i n e s

    function s, be co m patible w ith the anticipated scale of develop m ent,and co m plem ent the architectural character of neigh bo ring residentialbuildings. (CS2.A.2, CS2.C.2, CS2.D.1, CS2.D.2, CS2.D.3, CS2.D.4, CS2.D.5)


    The existing m idblock com mercially zoned site on the east side of35th Avenue SW has a large multi-family apartment bu ilding to itsimmediat e south and an a eclectic array of mostly smaller buildings

    to t he north, across the street and at t he nearest intersection of 35t havenue SW and SW Webster Street. Uses vary also from single fam ilyhouses to apartm ents to auto repair. There is a church buildin gin the vicinity and oth er single story commercial uses. The nearestrecent new b uilding is Fire Statio n #37 a blo ck away and less than 5years old. All the other buildings vary from about 30-75+ years old.

    The site has a zone edge con dition to a Single Family (SF5000) zoneacross the existing alley to t he East.

    CS2-A-2. Architectural Presence: Evaluate the degree o f visibility orarchitectural presence that is approp riate o r desired g iven the co ntext,and design according ly.


    The design of the propo sed building accommodates the

    program matic requirement s of this own er-occupied eye clinic use.It approximates the scale of the adjacent apartment building . Itestablishes a visibility appropriat e to it s function and sets a presencefor qu ality, fut ure development.

    CS2-C-2. Mid-Block Sites: Loo k to the uses and scales of adjacentbu ilding s for clues ab ou t how to design a m id-block bu ilding . Continu ea stron g street-edg e and respon d to datum lines o f adjacent b uilding s atthe first three floors.


    The scale of the propo sed building cont inues the relative heightsand similar setbacks of the adjacent apartment building. With it sgroun d level commercial/retail use, it engages the street edge directly,provides widened sidewalks and improves the op portunity for streetlevel/pedestrian interactio n.

    com plem ent and/or transition .


    The scale of the propo sed building cont inues the relative heightsand similar setbacks of the adjacent apartment bu ilding. Its bulkat less than 50% of t he maximum allowed, set back from the alleyand orientated along 35t h Avenue, diminishes the impact on thesingle family zone to the east. This is an improvement over the largeadjacent apartment building to the south. The building’s design

    along 35th Avenue SW anticipates future development to th e north,encouragin g similar, height , bulk and scale allowed b y this NC2-40zone.

    CS2-D-2. Existing Site Features: U se chan ges in topog raph y, site shape,and vegetation or structures to help m ake a successful fit w ith ad jacen tproperties.


    The building site is nearly square, with no no table vegetatio n, andfor most o f its length slopes gently down approximately 2 feet fromnort h to south (elev. 497’ to 49 5’). There are existing rockery/ret ainingwalls on adjacent properties on the no rth and south property lines.The existing sidew alk and street have a constant grade alon g the sitefrontage that slopes a total of 5 feet from north to south (elev. 498’to 49 3’). The building design selects a mid-point elevation fo r themain level retail and entrance at 496’ and an elevation of 497’ f orthe nort h retail. This combinat ion allows for barrier free access froma majority of t he sidewalk front age and surface parking under andbehind the building footprint.

    CS2-D-3. Zone Transitions: For projects located at the edge of d ifferentzones, provide an app rop riate transition or com plem ent to the adjacentzon e(s). Projects should create a step in perceived heigh t, bu lk and scalebetw een the anticipated d evelop m ent po tential of the adjacent zone andthe proposed developm ent.


    The site has a zone edge con ditio n to a Single Family (SF5000) zoneacross the existing alley to the East. The proposed building d esignis volunt arily set back approximat ely 55’ from t he alley centerline

    (required setback is 10’ abo ve 13’ height ). The alley edge has a woo dfence and a 5’ wide landscape buff er screening the surface parkingfor the bu ilding from the single family zone to the east.


    The mass of the b uilding is held towards the 35th avenue frontageand is modulated to reflect the interior function. The east facingfaçade setbacks from the alley centerline are 55’, 7 4’ and 7 9’.

    CS2-D-5. Respect for Adjacent Sites: Respect adjacent properties w ithdesign and site planning to m inim ize d isrup ting the p rivacy o f residents inadjacen t bu ildings.


    The building location on the site and the placement of fenestrationminimizes the disrupt ion of privacy of adjacent building s. The southfacing f açade is modulated and is largely blank f acing th e existingapartmen t bu ilding, which has blank n orth façade. The east façadesare set back (as noted above) from t he alley and single family zone tothe east wit h minimal fenestration reflecting the interior function ofthe building.

    PL1 Connectivity: C om plem ent and contribute to the netw ork of openspaces aroun d the site and the con nections am ong them .

    PL1-A Network of Open Spaces

    PL1-A-1. Enhancing Open Space: D esign the b uilding and op en spacesto po sitively con tribu te to a broader netw ork of open spaces throu gh ou tthe neighb orhood .


    The existing o pen spaces in the neighb orhoo d consist primarily ofpaved vehicle access and surface parking lo ts with some landscapedareas abutt ing the street scape. The proposed building designincorpo rates a widen ed sidewalk, open plaza and entry areas at theretail locations, enhanced right-of -way landscaping, amenities andlandscaping screening. Pedestrians can egress/ingress from t he alley.

    PL1-A-2. Adding to Public Life: Seek op po rtunities to foster hum aninteraction throu gh an increase in the size and qu ality of project-relatedop en space availab le for pu blic life.


    The proposed building design provides opportunity for sidewalklevel, open spaces and int eraction along t he north r etail sidewalk.

    Addit ionally, the building entry and south retail areas are open toa widened sidewalk and plaza area allowing for t he placement ofbenches, bicycle parking w ith enhancing oppo rtunities for people togather and pause.

    PL2-B Safety and Security

    PL2-B-1. Eyes on the Street: C reate a safe en viron m ent by p rovidinglinesofsigh tand encou raging naturalsurveillance

    DC3-B-1. M eeting U ser Need s: Plan the size, uses, activities, and featuresof each op en space to m eet the n eeds of expected u sers, ensuring eachspace has a purpose and function .

    for several windows, and a change in t he wall plane with a changcladding mat erial. As an alternat e, this recessed area could inclumural..

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  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    lines of sigh t and encou raging natural surveillance.


    The building’s entry and retail spaces abutt ing the sidewalkhave maximum t ransparency, and sight lines to sidewalk activit y.Additionally, the screened but open parking/drop off area at the 35thAvenue fron tage enhances the sense of op enness and provid es oradditio nal natural site lines across the ent ire site from sidewalk t o rearsurface parking.

    PL2-B-2. Lighting for Safety: Provide ligh ting at sufficien t lum enintensities and scales, including pathw ay illum ination , ped estrian anden try lighting , and/or security lights.


    The lighting plan for t he building and site provides for a variety oflighting solutions appropriate to circulation pathw ays from and at thestreet, the entries, and along and w ithin t he screened parking areas.The lighting plan will achieve secure lighting at t hese areas and seekto minimize unwanted glare on adjacent p roperties.

    PL2-B-3. Street-Level Transparency: Ensure tran sparency o f street-leveluses (for uses such as n on residential uses or residential lob bies), w hereapprop riate, by keeping view s open into spaces beh ind w alls or planting s,at corners, or alon g narrow passagew ays.

    Response: All of th e street facing f acades are largely glazed wit h a variety ofwindow shapes and doors. The building entry and lobby area exteriorwalls are mostly transparent allow ing views from the street as well asthe pedestrian p aths and vehicle access areas. The north ret ail hasadditio nal glazing and doors facing the pedestrian paths and vehicleaccess areas.

    A t the R ecom m end ation m eeting, the B oard expects to see a cohesivearrangem ent of the architectural elem ents (elevator pentho use, stairpen thouse, m echan ical equ ipm ent, etc.), op en space, access andlan dscaping (green roof) planned for the building’s roo ftop that w eren’tillustrated o n the p resented design schem es. (DC2.A.1, DC3.B.1)

    DC2-A Massing

    DC2-A-1. Site Characteristics and U ses: A rrange the m ass of the bu ildingtaking into con sideration the ch aracteristics of the site and the p rop oseduses of the building and its op en space.

    DC3-B O pen Space Uses and A ctivities


    The proposed building design roof element s include a combinedelevator/stair/mechanical pent house that serves a roof level deckand landscaping (green r oof ), and a separate access stairw ay/ exit. Addit ionally, there are freestandin g mechanical unit s locatedthat serve the clinic’s needs for special air handling requirement s.Lastly, we have included solar pan el arrays. The elevator and stairpenthouses are designed to be th e minimum height needed. All of

    the ot her roof element s (mechanical equipmen t) are largely screenedby a continuous parapet at the roof perimeter.

    The Board noted that the app licant should pay specific atten tion tothe north, east and w est façades to allow for creative fenestration andarticulation and avoid blank w alls w hile m eeting the unique interiorprogram m ing n eeds for the m edical user. The Board expects to see m oredetailed rendering s of façad e treatm ents, arrangem ent of interior spaceand interaction w ith the p arking /landscap ing /op en space, in response tothis concern at the Recom m endation m eeting. (DC2.B)


    Overall, the prop osed building façade design have been carefullydeveloped to include creative solut ions to accommodat e an interio rthat largely does not f unction with window s. On the street (west)elevation the design has arranged many of the int erior spaces thatcan function with exterior openings (waiting areas, of fices) tow ardsthe street allowin g for large win dow s. The west façade also includesa creative use of sunshades and shrouds to add t exture and variety towindow openings and provide functional shading. On the third level,for t he Amb ulator y Surgery Center (ASC) the design includ es smaller,slot windows and shades in a grouping that reflects the interiorfunction o f patient pre/post op erative stations.

    The east facing f açades are set back from the alley and single familyzone edge as much as 75’ . The design of t hese façades also havebeen developed to include win dow s wherever possible given theinternal function of exam, test and procedures rooms that do notfun ction wit h windo ws. The third level includes use of some smallwind ows and spandrel/opaqu e glass and sunshades to pro videarchitectur al interest and variety. The façades also cont ain articulatedsurfaces and cladding chang es.

    On the north lot line/fire wall, the design includes additionalmodulation and architectural treatments w ith a recessed slot allowing

    DC2-B Architectural and Façade Composition

    DC2-B-1. Façade Composition: D esign all bu ilding façades — includ ingalleys an d visible roofs — co nsidering the co m po sition and architecturalexpression of the building as a w ho le. Ensure that all façades areattractive and w ell-propo rtion ed .

    DC2-B-2. Blank Walls: A void large blank w alls alon g visible façadesw herever po ssible. W here exp anses of blank w alls, retaining w alls, or

    garage façades are unavoidab le, includ e u ses or design treatm ents at thestreet level that have h um an scale and are design ed for pedestrians.


    The building façades are designed t o ut ilize primarily (3) high q ucladding types to develop a consistent vocabulary reflecting t hebuildin g’s form and expressing internal funct ions. The façades ia system of fenestration ut ilizing a consistent module and propofor single and multiple window group ings. The openings creatpattern that is reflected in the cladding joints both horizontallyvertically. The cladding pattern s are also utilized to add interest tthe areas of the f açades that are necessarily blank d ue to the clinic’sinternal functions.

    It is im perative that the p roject provide an ap propriate tran sition to thesing le fam ily-zoned p roperties to the east and be respectful to adjacentprop erties, particularly the neigh bo ring residential developm ent to thesouth. The Bo ard ap preciated that the n orth-south m assing orientationand b uilding setback from the alley of Option #2 design respectfullyrespon ded to the residential prop erties to the east. H ow ever, theBo ard felt that a sim ilar gesture to the neigh bo ring residential propertyto the south w as w arranted. Therefore, the Bo ard stated the futuredesign shou ld app rop riately respo nd to the setbacks an d datum linesof the residential property to the south to allow for ligh t and air to theresiden tial neighbors. At the Recom m end ation m eeting , the Boardexpects to review a study that explores a voluntary setback at thesouthw est corner up the project to the existing datum or other designthat m eets the intent of this Bo ard d irection . (CS2.C.2, CS2.D.1, CS2.D.5)


    The building design has incorporated a volunt ary setback at th esouthwest corner. The treatment in this location includes a 13 f odeep by 8 foot w ide setback that is landscaped, and has a 16’ t allgreen wall. This corner treatment extends the full height of the

    buildin g and enhances access to light and air for th e existing 4 un itsat the nort hwest corner of t he existing 4 story apartment building.The setback also helps to maint ain sightlines from these units to th e


    The building location on the site and th e placement of fenestrationminimizes the disruption of p rivacy of adjacent buildin gs. The south

    PL3-C Retail Edges

    PL3-C-1. Porous Edge: Engage p assersby w ith oppo rtun ities to interactvisuallyw iththebu ildinginteriorusing glazing andtransparency.C reate

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  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn G ui d el i n e s

    street. Additionally, the building design for the south half of the2nd and 3rd flo ors incorporates a street setback that app roximatesthe setback of the f acades of adjacent apartment b uilding that areforw ard to th e street. Lastly, the north half o f the street façade is setback an additional 10 feet, providing additional mod ulation similar tothe existing apartment building t o the south.

    CS2-C Relationship to the Block

    CS2-C-2. Mid-Block Sites: Loo k to the uses and scales of adjacentbu ilding s for clues ab ou t how to design a m id-block bu ilding . Continu ea stron g street-edg e and respon d to datum lines o f adjacent b uilding s atthe first three floors.


    The scale of the propo sed building cont inues the relative heightsand similar setbacks of the adjacent apartment building. With it sgroun d level commercial/retail use, it engages the street edge directly,provides widened sidewalks and improves the op portunity for streetlevel/pedestrian interactio n.

    CS2-D Height, Bulk, and Scale

    CS2-D-1. Existing Development and Zoning: Review the he igh t, bu lk,and scale o f neigh bo ring bu ilding s as w ell as the scale o f develop m entanticipated by zoning for the area to de term ine an app rop riatecom plem ent and/or transition .


    The scale of the propo sed building cont inues the relative heightsand similar setbacks of the adjacent apartment bu ilding. Its bulkat less than 50% of the maximum allowed, set back from t healley and orientated along 35th Avenue, diminishes the impact onthe single family zone to the east. This is an improvement overthe large adjacent apartment building to t he south that is closerto 100 % of t he allowable FAR and is built close to th e alley. Thepropo sed building’s design along 35t h Avenue SW anticipates futu redevelopment t o th e north, encouraging similar, height, bulk and scaleallowed by th is NC2-40 zone.

    CS2-D-5. Respect for Adjacent Sites: Resp ect adjacen t prop erties w ith

    design and site planning to m inim ize d isrup ting the p rivacy o f residents inadjacen t bu ildings.

    facing f açade is modulated and is largely blank t oward t he existingapartment building, wh ich is also blank. There are no window s thatlook into adjacent apartment units from the proposed clinic building.The east façades are set back (as noted abo ve) from t he alley andsingle family zone to the east w ith minimal f enestration reflecting theinterior function of the building.

    35th Avenue Southwest Frontage: The Board felt that the design ofthe building shou ld incorpo rate a stron ger retail presence alon g 3 5th

    A venu e Sou thw est. The Board expressed a desire to see how the buildingcould en gag e the streetscape in a m ean ing ful w ay. (PL3.A.1, PL3.C)

    PL3-A Entries

    PL3-A-1. Design Objectives: D esign prim ary entries to be ob viou s,identifiab le, an d distinctive w ith clear lines o f sigh t and lobb ies visuallycon nected to the street.


    The building has two p rimary point s of entry. The main entry plaza isrecessed back from the street allow ing barrier fr ee access from thesidewalk and th e covered and surface parking areas. It is anchoredby a vertical fin element w ith signage above and also announced bya projecting marquee that extends over the widened sidewalk andhis higher than adjacent awn ing projections at the retail frontage.

    This recessed entry provides weather pro tection and con tains boththe clinic’s opt ical/eyewear entry do ors as well as the eye clinic lobby.The entire area is fitted with glazed doors and adjacent window s thatextend the f ull height o f t he ground level space (approximately 14’).From this entry plaza the sightlin es are favorable in all direction s:into t he retail area, the lobby area, out t o the street, and across tothe covered parking area of t he north ret ail. The nort h retail area hasthe second primary entry that is dedicated to the space and orientedto t he street. This entry is setback from th e sidewalk with its ownplaza/patio and cont ains doors that can opened completely to extendthe interior retail space to the outside. The north retail has its ownoverhanging roof p rojection to p rovide a distinct identity, sense ofentry, weather protection and signage opportunities.

    visually w ith the bu ilding interior using glazing and transparency. C reatem ultiple entries w here po ssible and m ake a p hysical and visual con nectionbetw een peop le on the sidew alk an d retail activities in the bu ilding.


    The north ret ail street facing façade is setback fro m the street w ithan open p laza/patio and large glazed doors that can be opened inagreeable weather. The sout h retail space is the eye clinics’ dedicatedopt ical/eyewear space and is accessed directly from the street via acovered, recessed entry shared with the main bu ilding ent ry. Thesemult iple entries are largely glazed allowing deep views into t he retailand lobby interior from the sidewalk.

    PL3-C-2. Visibility: M axim ize visibility into the b uilding interior an dm erchan dise d isplays. Co nsider fully operation al glazed w all-sized do orsthat can be com pletely op ened to the street, increased heigh t in lob bies,and/or special ligh ting for displays.


    The north retail street has large glazed doors that can be opened inagreeable weather. The optical retail has the majorit y of its streetedge façade glazed in a variety of wind ow shapes allowing f orcomplet e visibility to t he merchandising displays. Both retail spaces aswell as the building entry/lobby feature double height space (14’ plus)and allow f or mezzanines spaces that o verlook and serve the ground /

    street level spaces.PL3-C-3. Ancillary Activities: A llow space for activities such as sidew alkvending, seating , and restaurant dining to occur. C on sider settingstructures back from the street or inco rporating space in the p rojectdesign into w hich retail uses can extend .


    The north retail space is designed to engage th e widened sidewalkand th e façade is setback fro m the street w ith an op en plaza/patioand large glazed doo rs that can be opened in ag reeable weather. Thisallows for o utdoor seating/dining/display. Additionally, the right-of - way improvement s include widen ed sidewalks and additio nal areasfor seating/bicycle parking directly in front of th e building entry andsouth retail entry.

    The Bo ard enco uraged the app licant to co nsider the setbacks o f adjacentstructures alon g 35 th A venu e Sou thw est fron tage in design ing street-level interaction in a m anner that contribu tes to the p edestrian levelexperience. The B oard reiterated that add ition al setback along 35 th

    A venue So uthw est w ould be appropriate to achieve a goo d h um an scalean d reinforce the existing spatial characteristic of the street frontage tothe south (e.g., H illside A partm en ts). (DC2.A, DC2.B)

    shape in a reduced scale commensurat e with t he north ret ail space.Lastly, there are variations in t he façade cladding ad ding h orizont albands at the ceiling levels and a small step back at t he parapet.

    CS2-B Adjacent Sites, Streets, and Open Spaces

    CS2-B-2. Connection to the Street: Iden tify oppo rtun ities for theproject to m ake a stron g connection to the street and pu blic realm .

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  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015


    The overall design includes voluntar y setbacks at the SW corner(as described above), and on the north retail space. Addit ionally,the building design for the south half of the 2nd and 3 rd floorsincorpo rates a street setback of 5 feet and appro ximates the setbackof t he facades of adjacent apartment building. Lastly, the north half o fthe street façade is set back 10 feet, providing ad ditio nal modulat ionwh ich breaks dow n th e scale of t he overall façade and mim ics

    the adjacent Hillside Apartm ents pattern of varying street f açadepositions.

    DC2-A Massing

    DC2-A-1. Site Characteristics and Uses: A rrange the m ass of thebu ilding taking into con sideration the characteristics of the site an d thepropo sed uses of the bu ilding and its open space.


    The proposed massing of t he building is primarily arranged toreinfo rce a strong street fro ntage presence and create open spacebehind , separating t he commercial use from the single family zoneedge. This open space is screened w ith fen cing and landscaping andincludes surface parking. To engage the street, th e proposed designincludes sidewalk setbacks as described above and creat es pockets

    of op en space at the North retail, near the main entry and at thesouthw est corner. These spaces are either landscaped or p rovideactivity space along the sidewalk in combinat ion wit h internal uses(north retail).

    DC2-A-2. Reducing Perceived Mass: U se secon dary architecturalelem ents to reduce the p erceived m ass of larger projects.


    The design of b uilding overall and individ ually each façade contain ssecondary elements to add architectu ral interest, articulation ofinterio r functio ns and break dow n the larger expanses of th e facades.On the w est (street) elevation t his includes street level awnin gs andmarquees. On the 2nd and 3rd levels all of the fenestration in cludessunshades or cowlings for fu nctional sun protection and also addingtextur e and variety to th e façade. There are also tw o vertical fins thatextend up t he main façade and become ho rizontal overhan gs. Thelarger of t hese two marks the m ain entry. The smaller replicates the

    DC2-B Architectural and Facade Composition

    DC2-B-1. Façade Composition: D esign all bu ilding facades—includingalleys and visible roofs— co nsidering the com po sition and architecturalexpression of the b uilding as a w ho le. Ensure that all facades areattractive and w ell-propo rtion ed.

    DC2-B-2. Blank Walls: A void large blank w alls alon g visible façad esw herever po ssible. W here expan ses of blank w alls, retaining w alls, orgarage facades are un avoidable, include u ses or design treatm ents at thestreet level that have h um an scale and are design ed for pedestrians.


    The building facades are designed to u tilize primarily (3) high qualitycladding typ es to develop a consistent vocabulary reflecting t hebuildin g’s form and expressing intern al functions. The facades includea system of fenestration ut ilizing a consistent module and proportionfor single and multiple window grou pings. The openings create apattern that is reflected in the cladding joints both horizontally andvertically. The cladding pat terns are also utilized to add in terest tothe areas of the facades that are necessarily blank du e to the clinic’sinternal functions.

    The Bo ard supported a design that includ ed elem ents that w ou ld b etterinteract w ith the streetscape and/or em ph asize retail edge con nectivityw ith the pu blic spaces. A t the Recom m end ation m eeting , the Boardexpects to review an ensem ble of elem ents (entries, w eather protection ,architectural features, lighting, ped estrian am en ities, etc.) that areincorpo rated in the com m ercial developm ent. The Bo ard also encou ragedthe ap plicant to explore the inclusion of an addition al com m ercial use atthe street-level as a m ethod to further activate the streetscape. (CS2.B.2,PL2.C, PL3.A, PL3.C)


    The streetscape design overall has been developed to integ rate wit hthe pr oposed retail spaces, entries and vehicle access from 35 thAvenue SW. This includes awning s, overhangs, recesses, landscapingand screening to enhance the pedestrian experience. The currentdesign has added retail space on the north side of the building t hat inprevious versions was screened surface park ing.

    p j g p


    The main lobby entr y and clinic optical/eyewear retail ent ry sharweath er protected, gen erously scaled space that connect s directthe wid ened sidewalk and expanded streetscape area wit h seatinand bicycle racks. This area of the buildin g is anchored by th e verfin and horizontal overhang that is highly visible from both sideand street. Both pedestrians and vehicle occupant s can readilyidentif y the building’s use, recognize entry point s, and comfortand safely approach and access the buildin g. Addit ionally, bothspaces are highly transparent and visible from a distance allowinimmediat e awareness of th e uses wit hin. These elements areintegrat ed into t he design of t he vehicle access port al as describebelow.

    PL2-C Weather Protection

    PL2-C-1. Locations and Coverage: O verhead w eather protectionis encou raged and shou ld b e located at or near uses that gen erateped estrian activity such as entries, retail uses, and transit stops.

    PL2-C-2. Design Integration: Integrate w eather protection , gu tters anddo w nspo uts into the d esign of the structure as a w ho le, and ensure thatit also relates w ell to n eigh bo ring bu ildings in design , coverage, or otherfeatures.

    PL2-C-3. People-Friendly Spaces: C reate an artful and peop le-friendlyspace b eneath bu ilding .


    Approximately 65% of the street frontage includes overhead wprotection, in the f orm of marquees and awnings that project ovthe sidewalk. These projections are along th e clinic opt ical/eyewretail and main entry. Additionally the north retail includes anoverhang prot ecting its’ entry and plaza/patio area. The inclusiof th ese elements is unique to t he street as existing nearby build inhave minimal examples of similar street side uses. A noth er uniqaspect includes the vehicle entry and covered parking/ drop of f apick up area. This open (but screened) space is form ed by the uppfloors spanning the south ground loor space to the north retail

    space and includes pedestrian walkw ays marked by surface mateand bollard s. While th is is the prim ary vehicle access rout e, is hasbeen developed more like a port cochere and is intended to safelyaccommodat e both pedestrian and vehicles in an inviting, open s

    A t the R ecom m endation m eeting, the B oard expects to review acon ceptual sign age plan that is design ed to b e con sisten t w ith thearchitectural con cept and responsive to the p edestrian experience. TheBo ardvoicedco ncernw iththepropo sedhorizontalsign ageatthe


    Utilizing t he existing curb cut locat ion on 3 5th as a primary accesspoint to th e property and developin g easily accessible surface parkingh b i i tf t h j t Thi i b d

    use by any vehicle. Transit vans access the facilit y approximately 4-6times a week. These include King Count y access, and various localretirement home access vans. Delivery vans arrive approximatelyt i d il Th j t’ g l i t g th t it t

    58 . D ESIG N G U ID ELIN ES

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN C P.S.617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443.9790 DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    D e si gn

    G ui d el i n e s

    Bo ard voiced co ncern w ith the propo sed horizontal sign age at theparapet level and en cou raged a design that inco rporates vertical andstreet-level (can op y) signage. (DC4.B)

    DC4-B Signage

    DC4-B-1. Scale and Character: A dd interest to the streetscape w ithexterior sign s and attachm ents that are app ropriate in scale and characterto the project and its environs.

    DC4-B-2. Coordination with Project Design: Develop a sign age

    plan w ithin the context of architectural and op en space co ncep ts, andcoo rdinate the details w ith façade d esign , ligh ting , and other projectfeatures to com plem ent the project as a w ho le, in add ition to thesurrou nd ing context.


    As the project is not speculatively developed and is being constru ctedand occupied by the owner/o ccupants, developing signage has beencarefully considered and integrated into the overall building d esign.The use of the vertical fin element at t he building ’s entr y providesa unique identity to the bu ilding and is a natural opportunity t oprovide primary signage. The “Clearview” letters may be raised andilluminated by appropriate up-lights or may be softly backlit channelletters. The orientation of t his primary signage reflects the desire to

    provide visibility to nort h boun d traveling vehicles (and pedestrians)allowing easy identification of the building location for visitors thatare anticipated to arrive largely from the south. Additional signageincludes blade signs at street level awnin gs and overhangs or bot hthe opt ical/eyewear retail space, address at main ent ry, and for thenort h retail space. Lastly, we have allowed fo r the owner’s trademarklogo as a small square sign located on th e northw est corner of thebuildin g’s parapet.

    Vehicular Parking and Access: The Bo ard reiterated their con cernsregarding the visibility of the surface p arking area from 35 th A venueSou thw est and stated that screen ing o f parking w ou ld need to beaddressed. The Bo ard stated that future design should add ress thiscon cern approp riately. (DC1.C.2)

    DC1-C-2. Visual Impacts: Redu ce the visual im pacts of parking lots,parking structures, entrances, and related sign s and equ ipm ent as m uchas po ssible.

    has been a primary requirem ent for t he project. This is based onthe volum e and variety of vehicle visits to th e building and t he needto pr ovide clear, readily identif iable access to safely and comfort ablyaccommod ate the clientele. To address the Board’s concerns, thedesign includes the follow ing solutions: First t he widt h of surfaceparking facing 35th Avenue SW has been reduced from 58 feet to 39feet. Of the 39’ approximately 15’ f eet is screened with landscapingand a 14’ high green wall. The remaining 24’ represents the drivewaywidth from the 35 th Avenue curb cut. Secondly, the reduced parkingwidth has been replaced by th e introduction of retail space on thenorth end of t he project (described above) and this retail portion ofthe building screens portions of the surface parking located behindthe build ing. There is also a pedestrian path alon g the nort h retailconnecting the street to the rear of the building. Lastly, the bulk ofthe required parkin g is behind th e building and along th e alley. Thisarea is screened from the alley with a 6’ w ood f ence and 5’ widelandscaping.

    The Bo ard inq uired abo ut the prop osed 14 ’clearance h eigh t forthe drivew ay access via the existing curb cu t abutting 35 th A venu eSou thw est and w asn’t convinced that the inform ation presentedadequately supp orted the app licant’s assertion that a 14 ’clearanceheight m inim um requirem ent to accom m oda te em ergency vehicles(am bulan ces, fire trucks, delivery vehicles, transit vans etc.) is essen tial. A tthe Recom m end ation m eeting , the Board expects the ap plicant to providem ore detailed inform ation regarding the access requirem ents relative tothe m edical services uses. The B oard also requested that the app licantexplore alternative o ffsite op tion s (load/unload zon e) and providefeedback at the next m eeting .(CS2.B.2, DC1.B)


    The 14’ height o f the access ‘por tal’ responds to several requiremen ts.First, as indicated by t he Seattle Fire Code, this is the minim um heig htrequired fo r emergency vehicle access. While emergency vehicleaccess occurs at this facility only occasionally, the prop osed heightwill allow these vehicles to arrive wh en needed at a barrier free,covered access point, safely off the busy arterial of 35t h Avenue.Satisfying t his requirement also allows for safe, convenient access byoth er over height vehicles such as transit vans that visit the facilit yon a frequ ent, regular b asis. This same vertical clearance height isnot ed in num erous codes and standard s for safe access and general

    tw ice daily. The project’s goal is to encourage th e transit vans toutilize this covered access area for pick-up and drop-o ff. Again, thisrepresents the most direct, safe and convenient approach fo r thesevisitors, many who m ay be physically impaired. It is anticipat ed thatdelivery trucks may use the curbside load/unload area. This has beendeveloped to provide a point of access to th e building directly fromthe street fo r th ese types of vehicles. Typically, th ese vehicles (UPS,FedEx, etc.) would pu ll up to th e designated curb load/unlo ad, exitthe vehicle curbside (not th e traff ic street lane side) and deliver smallerto medium size packages directly to the main entry. Maintaining the14’ heigh t of th is entry point h as several additional benefit s. First,it provides for a readily identifiable, op en and attractive access pointand entran ce area for the volume of daily visitors arriving by vehicles.As a practical matter, with t he available height, th ese vehicles canaccess the parking wit hout co ncern if their vehicle happens to betaller than stand ard, have a roof t op rack, box or b ikes. Secondly,this same open area has distinct pat hs for ped estrians to access thebuildin g entries points. These paths are designed to be barrier free(no curbs) and are designated by surface variation/materials andbollards. Taken all toget her, the design of th is space accommodat esthe clearance requirements, safe visitor drop -off and pick- up, transitvans, daily vehicle trips and pedestrians all in a cohesive, attractive andsafe space.

    CS2-B-2. Connection to the Street: Identify opportun ities for theproject to m ake a stron g connection to the street and pu blic realm .


    As noted previously, the main lobby entry and clinic optical/eyewearretail entry share a weather pr otected, g enerously scaled space thatconnects directly to th e widened sidewalk and expanded streetscapearea. This area of the buildin g is anchored by the vertical fin andhorizontal overhang that is highly visible from both sidewalk andstreet. Both pedestrians and vehicle occupants can readily identifythe buildin g’s use, recognize entry points, and comfort ably and safelyapproach and access the buildin g. This strong connectio n to thestreet is furt her enhanced by utilizing the available height requirementnoted above to allow the development o f t he vehicle access pointto be clear and open and inviting, rather than dark and small andrestrictive. We seek in this design to create an attractive, easy tonavigate ‘port al’ rather than a visually constrictive ‘garage door’ entr y

    This treatm ent allow s the covered space within t o feel and act morelike a port cochere than a parking garage. We believe this furtherstrength ens the presence and connectio n to the street.

    Bo ard felt that resolution of these ou tstanding im provem ents in ad ditionto the ab ovem ention ed d edicated load /un load zone w ou ld b etter assistthem in p roviding future design gu idan ce. Im provem ents, land scapingand design elem entsw ithintherigh t-of-w ayarew ithinthepu rview ofthe


    The building’s use an eye clinic with an ambulat ory surgery cent(ASC) necessitates the need for cont rolled int erior environmen tsupport mechanical systems The buildin g’snatur al orientation

    D ESIG N G U ID EL 4 / 6 / 1 5

  • 8/9/2019 7520 35th SW packet


    PB A RC H ITEC TS IN617 8TH AV ENU E S. | SEATTLE | W A 98 104 | 206.443DPD PROJECT #3017306 | DPD PERM IT #TBD | 7520 35TH AV ENU E SW | DESIG N REV IEW SUBM ITTAL | APR.16.2015

    DC1-B Vehicular Access and Circulation

    DC1-B-1. Access Location and Design: C ho ose location s for vehicularaccess, service u ses, and delivery areas that m inim ize co nflict betw eenvehicles and no n-m otorists w herever possible. Em ph asize u se of thesidew alk for pedestrians, and create safe and attractive co nd ition s forped estrian s, bicyclists, an d drivers.


    As noted above, the current design of the main access off 35thAvenue SW allows for a favorable experience for vehicles of anyheight w hile integratin g paths for safe pedestrian access. Thismain access point is intend ed to be the prim ary entry for day to daycustomers, whet her arriving in privat e vehicles, taxi or transit vans.The proposed load/unload zone curbside in front of the building f ordelivery vehicles bringin g rout ine, smaller packages, can arrive andaccess the buildin g with out crossing or conflict wit h any pedestrianrout es. On t he alley side of the pro perty, there is a secondaryaccess. This is alternative vehicle entr y/exit access point, b ut also w illaccommod ate service vehicles such as garbage, recycling and deliveryof larger items. The surface parking area behind the build ing hasparking spaces and designated pedestrian w alkways, and isolatesaccess to the build ing garbage/recycling/du mpster room to t he farend of t he parking area. There is also a separate exterior door fordeliveries that are part of the clinic’s medical functions: laundr y pickupand delivery, larger medical supplies boxes, etc. It is anticipat ed thatthese delivery vehicles will utilize the alley fo r their p eriodic access.

    DC1-B-2. Facilities for Alternative Transportation: Locate facilities foralternative transportation in p rom inent location s that are convenient andreadily accessible to expected users.


    In additio n to t he general parking and accessible parking spaces in thecovered ‘p ort cochere’ area, the surface parking behind the buildinghas 6 spaces that abut the rear of the building with a pedestrianwalkw ay for access. These spaces are also weather prot ected due tothe projecting upper f loors, and represent a n atural opportunity t odesignate carpoo l and/or electric vehicles parking spaces.

    A t the ED G m eeting , the applicant’s m aterials included p rop osedim provem ents w ithin the 3 5th A venue Southw est right-of-w ay and theun im proved alley w hich generated several qu estion s from the Board. The

    and design elem ents w ithin the righ tofw ay are w ithin the pu rview of theSeattle D epartm ent of Transportation (SD O T). Therefore, the ap plicant isdirected to ad dress this Bo ard request directly w ith SD O T d uring the initialM U P review process and provide street im provem ent design specifics(includ ing land scaping ) at the R ecom m end ation m eeting . (DC1.B.1)

    DC1-B-1. Access Location and Design: C ho ose location s for vehicularaccess, service u ses, and delivery areas that m inim ize co nflict betw eenvehicles an d no n-m otorists w herever possible. Em ph asize u se of thesidew alk for pedestrians, and create safe and attractive co nd ition s forpedestrian s, bicyclists, an d drivers.


    As noted above, the design propo ses a load/unload zon e curbsidein front of the bu ilding. As shown in our landscaping plans, therea various landscape and paving improvement s to the sidewalk andcurb fron tage areas of the righ t-of -way (ROW). We also propo selandscape bulbs on bot h sides of t he curb cut access. These areas arepart of o ur landscaping green facto r calculations, enhance the visualexperience from street and sidewalk, and lastly, create clear sightlinesfor safe vehicle access both entering and exiting th e building. Thealley is propo sed to be improved not o nly for th e project’s east edgeabutting th e alley, but all the w ay north from t he property to the SWWebster St. ROW. All of these improvement s are part the current ly

    submitt ed Street Impro vement Plan (SIP) CS1 Natural Systems and Site Features: U se natural system s/featuresof the site and its surroun dings as a starting po int for project design .

    CS1-B Sunlight and Natural Ventilation

    CS1-B-1. Sun and Wind: Take advantage of solar exposure and naturalventilation . U se local w ind patterns and solar gain to reduce the need form echanical ventilation and heating w here p ossible.

    CS1-B-2. Daylight and Shading: M axim ize dayligh t for interior andexterior spaces an d m inim ize shad ing on adjacent sites throu gh theplacem ent and/or design of structures on site.

    CS1-B-3. Managing Solar Gain: M anage direct sun ligh t falling on southand w est facing facades throug h shading devices and existing or new ly

    planted trees.

    support mechanical systems. The buildin g s natur al orientationeliminates solar gain from the south. The street level retail spacefeature operable windows and, in the case of the north retail spaclarge, retractable doors that can be open w ith agreeable weathercondit ions. The street (west) façade fenestration in cludes awninoverhangs at street level providing b oth t he interior spaces andsidewalk with shade. The upper stor y window s all feature sunshand cowling s to reduce solar gain. Street trees will provide additshading during th e afternoon ho urs along the street level facadeSimilar win dow treatmen ts are included on th e east façade and thupper floor overhang provide solar and weather protection to thground f loor and mezzanine exterior wall. The building’s locaon the street side of the site eliminates shading even in the w intermonths on t he single family zone to t he east.

    CS1-D Plants and Habitat

    CS1-D-1. On-Site Features: Inco rporate on-site natural habitats andland scape elem ents into p roject design and connect those features toexisting netw orks of open spaces and natural habitats w herever po ssible.C onsider relocating significan t trees and vegetation if retention is notfeasible.


    There are no natu ral habitats, significant tr ees, and vegetation o nsite. The existing site is primarily existing structures asphalt parkgrass, and low replaceable bushes and shrubs of w hich all will bedemolished and removed.


    #1: A D eparture fromstandard requiring prim ary

    Exception m ay begranted by the D irector

    M aintain existing curb cut at35 Ave NW . Cu rb cut now