7 reasons Why Inbound Marketing is More Effective Than Mass Marketing


Transcript of 7 reasons Why Inbound Marketing is More Effective Than Mass Marketing

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Smart businesses today understand the landscape has changed when it comes to marketing. At one time, simply coming up with a clever commercial jingle was enough to capture the attention of the consumer. Technology has changed all that. As Brian Halligan, CEO of HubSpot recently pointed out in a Forbes article, “Human beings are sick and tired of being marketed to.” Halligan is in a position to know, since his company has actually undergone a massive customer base growth that hundreds of other companies envy.

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With the changes out there, more and more companies are moving to the inbound or attraction marketing approach to building up their customer base. Basically, inbound marketing is where customers come to you, rather than having you go to your customers.

Traditional mass marketing is on its last legs, with inbound marketing being the wave of the future. Here are 7 reasons that inbound marketing cannot be ignored:

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Local SearchMore than 3 out of 4 consumers look for local businesses when they search online. This means they are already in the market for a product or service. With inbound marketing, the consumer will find a business via a search engine or through a blog post or targeted online advertising.

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Online PurchasingNearly three-quarters of adults with disposable income are using their online time to purchase products for themselves or their businesses. Inbound marketing can direct them directly where they need to go. Traditional advertising does not have that luxury.

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Active UsersOver 8 out of 10 adults spend almost 40 hours a month online, engaged in various activities. Inbound marketing can take advantage of the time when they are active online to move potential clients to the business they desire. Traditional advertising is designed for a passive audience, while inbound marketing is geared towards active users.

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Online ResearchOver 90 percent of online users will conduct an online search (using different search engines) to learn about a product or service they are considering using. Inbound marketing can take them from doing a search on a product to delivering them directly to a business that can assist them. Traditional advertising relies upon a person needing a product or service at the moment that the advertising is broadcast.

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Inbound is evolvingCompanies that use marketing services, often find new ways to attract customers that were previously unexplored. Inbound marketing is constantly evolving, unlike traditional advertising, and new approaches are able to keep a business in the forefront of the customer’s awareness. Smart businesses, stay current with the latest trends in marketing. 

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Educating and Attracting

Inbound marketing is designed so that people approach a business, rather than having a business approach them. For example, someone might want to find a good way to clean rugs. A search engine might lead to an article that shows different techniques to clean rugs. The article might be posted on a website that belongs to a company specializing in cleaning rugs. After reading the article on rug cleaning, the user might decide to contact the company for information and pricing. In doing so, the customer is not annoyed by someone trying to sell them something. Instead, they are going to the business, needing assistance.

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AuthorityWhen a business uses inbound marketing, it helps to establish itself as an authority for others. This, in turns, leads to rising in the search rankings, making the business even more visible to potential customers, at no additional charge. Traditional advertising costs more for higher visibility.It's easy to see, why inbound marketing is a much more effective form of marketing

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The Right Place at the Right Time

You can have the best offer in the world, but if you publish it at 2:00am when your prospect is sound asleep, the chances of them seeing it are slim to none. So the final and most crucial step is to choose the right time and place for your offer. 

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About Doug McIsaac• I love helping companies experience exponential

growth. If you are starting out and are dead-serious about taking action and growing a business, I can help you.

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