7 days to get started on twitter

7 Days to get started on Twitter Before you start marketing your business, learn the basics! Claire Chapman www.uksocialmediacoach.co.uk


Nervous about jumping in to use Twitter for your Business? Here is how to get started in just 7 days

Transcript of 7 days to get started on twitter

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7 Days to get started on Twitter

Before you start marketing your business, learn the basics!

Claire Chapman


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Day 1: Think before you StartOne of my mantras, often used, is about being joined up in your business


That's why in my Twitter Training Course for Marketing, and here, before I even share any tips for getting started on Twitter, I want to just ask you to spend a bit of time thinking about Twitter.

How can you do this?

1. Go to http://www.twitter.com/ and have a look at the home page to see what you think. What are your first impressions?

2. While you are there, pop a search phrase in to see what is being talked about, with your specialist subject (coaching, supervision, leadership). This will help give you a feel by LISTENING what is being said already

3. Do some initial market research (conversations and desk research) to find out if your prospects are using Twitter. Using Social Media Platforms which are already being used is a way to save lots of time for education!

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Day 2: Sign up for a Twitter Account

1. Go to http://twitter.com and right over on the right hand side you'll see a box saying "new to Twitter"". Yes that is it - click on right there to sign up for an account! All you need to do to get started is have an email account, and fill in your name and choose a user name!

2. Choose a user name which fits your business need - either your personal name, or a business name. People use both - make it easy to remember and clear. Alternative is something about what you do, which is why I am coachclaire on Twitter.

3. When you've created an account, Twitter will send you straight to a page to start following people. You can do this straight away - I recommend setting up your account and popping some tweets on before you do!

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Day 3: Twitter Language Twitter itself is a microblogging platform. A blog is traditionally a weblog - a way of sharing content online (used to be a diary format and is now increasingly used for sharing great, relevant content for your business).

It's a microblog as you can only Tweet an update of a maximum 140 characters at one time.

That means it is easy to get started and start the conversation!

You tweet in the box at the top where Twitter asks you "What's happening?"

When you send a tweet, it gets seen by the people who follow what you say.

Anyone on Twitter can mention you or send you a reply by using the @username - you can also see to reply when you hover over an update.

You can also send personal, private messages to people who are following you using the Direct Message Function - this is also known as a DM.

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Day 4: What can I talk about?

1. Use the Twitter Search function to see what others are talking about

2. Share tips relevant to what your customers need help with

3. Share relevant resources - both yours and others

4. Start a conversation with someone who is talking about stuff you are interested in

5. Re-purpose content you already have in your business.

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Day 5: Finding people to Follow

1. If you use AOL, GoogleMail or YahooMail you can import your connections and see who is on Twitter

2. You can search by individual name for people to follow

3. You can use one of the many tools to find targetted relevant people - I cover much more on following indepth in my Twitter Training and in One to One Coaching.


All you do to follow is click on the "follow" button. You can also unfollow at any time (hint, don't follow and refollow a lot, Twitter will think you are a spammer!)

2nd hint - don't follow too many at once - quality rather than quantity!

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Day 6: Content

Content is king in social media!

Even if it is 140 characters, share useful and relevant content that adds value

- Use keywords that link to what you do for a living

- Share useful tips

- Be context specific - answer replies which show what subject you are referring to

- See what language people are using online to help you get ideas for your website language & real life issues

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Day 7: Be Social

Social Media is...well, social!

Or at least it is at it's most effective! If you just want another channel to sell what you do, and plan to do this aggressively, then Twitter probably isn't for you!

If you are ready to reach out, to find new people to talk to, to help them out, and be interested in helping people, then Twitter is for you!

It is like a big flowing river of information. Pick out the bits that are most relevant for you, and jump into those pools, out of the main stream of action, to get the most out of the time you spend on Twitter

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Find out more...

It can be easy to get started on Twitter, and sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming. This is where I can help!

I offer a range of one to one and group coaching solutions for coaches, consultants and business owners to help them look at social media in relation to their business.


•Shortcut your learning so you know hints and tips it’s taken me 3 years to put together!

•Help you think through how Twitter and other social media tools can fit for your particular business

•Brainstorm what content you can use to meet the needs of your audience

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Book me for training or Coaching...

Ready for more?

I offer both individual and group training on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Training can be run either face to face or over telephone/ skype with the addition of webinar access to my screen to help you really consolidate visually your learning. All training is offered with in-depth technical notes and checklists.

Prices start from £70 for 1 hour of one to one support or I run Group Workshops


LinkedIn Training

Twitter: Now ICF Accredited for 5 CCE’s

Twitter Marketing for Coaches

Twitter Marketing for Other Small Business Owners

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About Claire Chapman

• Claire Chapman is the UK Social Media Coach.

• Claire’s passion is to help people “Join Up” their thinking to create powerful, passionate, connected brand achievements in the work they do.

• Claire works with a range of tribes including Career Professionals who want to stay ahead of the online game, Business Owners and Job Seekers.

• Ready to connect the dots with your personal brand? Contact Claire at:

• Web: http://www.uksocialmediacoach.co.uk

• Twitter: http://twitter.com/coachclaire

• LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/clairemchapman

• Email: [email protected]

• Tel: 07815 091 039