6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Transforming Medical Education from CME Activities to Integrated Healthcare Quality Improvement Brian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Director, Medical Education Group; Oncology, PFIZER Mindi McKenna, PhD, MBA, CME Division Director, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS BUDGET STRATEGIES Maximizing the Effectiveness of CME Support Under Tighter and Highly Scrutinized Budgetary Pressures Belinda Hunt, PhD, Director, Medical Education and Grants, BIOGEN IDEC PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT A Group-Led Discussion on Normalizing PI and Strategies to Justify the Value Preposition of Supported Programs John Ruggiero, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Medical Education Manager, IMED, GENENTECH NEEDS ASSESSMENT Re-Evaluating Systematic Approaches in Analyzing Educational Needs to Provide Value as a Learning Function Patricia Jassak, MS, RN, CCMEP, Senior Director, IME, Medical Affairs, SANOFI-AVENTIS SUPPORTER/PROVIDER RELATIONS How Can Supporters Establish and Maintain Credibility by Ensuring Educational Goals on Defined Healthcare Gaps are Achieved? Diane Plateis, PharmD, MBA, Director and Head of Medical Education and Investigational Studies, BAYER HEALTHCARE Patti Merwin, Director, Scientific Education, CELGENE CORPORATION Karen Roy, Senior Director, Medical Education, CEPHALON Lawrence Sherman, FACME, CCMEP, Senior Vice President, Educational Strategy, PROVA EDUCATION 6 th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education Forming Strategies that Align Compliance, Innovation and Outcomes to Ensure Value and Efficacy in Supported Medical Education Programs March 10-11, 2011 The New York Helmsley, New York, NY Register by January 28th for reduced pricing! Plus! IME in 10 Ten-minute concise summaries of hot topics that give insight and perspective into a range of topics on IME And Our Interactive STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN CHALLENGE Communicating Effectiveness and Value of IME Programs with Stakeholders To Register Call 866-207-6528 or visit us at www.exlpharma.com/ime Alicia Reese PharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Clinical Education Manager Endo Pharmaceuticals FEATURED SESSIONS INCLUDE: The only event by and for Supporters in Pharmaceutical, Biologic and Medical Device Companies!


Forming Strategies that Align Compliance, Innovation and Outcomes to Ensure Value and Efficacy in Supported Medical Education Programs

Transcript of 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

Page 1: 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

Keynote AddressTransforming Medical Education from CME Activities to Integrated Healthcare Quality ImprovementBrian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Director, Medical Education Group; Oncology, PFIZER


BUdGet strAteGIesMaximizing the Effectiveness of CME Support Under Tighter and Highly Scrutinized Budgetary PressuresBelinda Hunt, PhD, Director, Medical Education and Grants, BIOGEN IDEC

PerForMAnCe IMProVeMentA Group-Led Discussion on Normalizing PI and Strategies to Justify the Value Preposition of Supported ProgramsJohn ruggiero, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Medical Education Manager, IMED, GENENTECH

needs AssessMentRe-Evaluating Systematic Approaches in Analyzing Educational Needs to Provide Value as a Learning FunctionPatricia Jassak, MS, RN, CCMEP, Senior Director, IME, Medical Affairs, SANOFI-AVENTIS

sUPPorter/ProVIder reLAtIonsHow Can Supporters Establish and Maintain Credibility by Ensuring Educational Goals on Defined Healthcare Gaps are Achieved?diane Plateis, PharmD, MBA, Director and Head of Medical Education and Investigational Studies, BAYER HEALTHCARE

Patti Merwin, Director, Scientific Education, CELGENE CORPORATION

Karen roy, Senior Director, Medical Education, CEPHALON

Lawrence sherman, FACME, CCMEP, Senior Vice President, Educational Strategy, PROVA EDUCATION

6th Annual

Support for Independent Medical Education

Forming Strategies that Align Compliance, Innovation and Outcomes to Ensure Value and

Efficacy in Supported Medical Education Programs

March 10-11, 2011 the new york Helmsley, new york, ny

register by January 28th for reduced pricing!

Plus!IMe in 10

Ten-minute concise summaries of hot topics that give insight and perspective

into a range of topics on IME


our Interactive strAteGIC edUCAtIon

PLAn CHALLenGeCommunicating Effectiveness and Value of

IME Programs with Stakeholders

to register Call 866-207-6528 or visit us at www.exlpharma.com/ime

Alicia reesePharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Clinical Education Manager

Endo Pharmaceuticals

FeAtUred sessIons InCLUde:

the only event by and for supporters in Pharmaceutical, Biologic and Medical device


Page 2: 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

Dear Colleague,The combination of trying to prove the value of medical education grants, dealing with the stresses of the economic climate, and the fundamental mission to improve patient cares has been an increasing challenge for supporters of medical education. In addition to keeping up with ethical and regulatory guidelines that are constantly evolving, IME departments and grant offices are establishing new models of support that go beyond CME activities and instead evolve to support programs of planned change, practice improvement and healthcare quality.

Now in its 6th year, ExL’s Support for Independent Medical Education conference is the only meeting that looks deep into the operational and functional challenges supporters face when evaluating, approving, and ensuring grants meet the requirements of all stakeholders involved in medical education. We take a close look at the regulatory and ethical influences that are transforming the grant support environment, determine methods of ensuring value internally to senior management and externally to the medical community and ultimately patients.

We look forward to seeing you in New York.


Terry di Paolo Kristen HunterConference Producer Team Leader, Production

Who Should Attend?Professionals from Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device companies with responsibilities in the following areas:

Medical/Clinical Education Continuing Medical Education/CME Independent Medical Education/IME National Education Grants/Grant Offices Medical Communications Academic Affairs Scientific Affairs Ethics Compliance Legal Operations

this event is also of interest to:

Medical Education and Communications ProvidersOutcome Management FirmsGrants ManagementCompliance Consultancy

Advisory BoardBrian McGowan, PhD, CCMEPDirector, Medical Education Group, OncologyPFIZER

Alicia M. reese, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEPScientific AffairsENDO PHARMACEUTICALS

Lawrence sherman, FACME, CCMEPSenior Vice President, Educational StrategyPROVA EDUCATION

The New York Helmsley Hotel 212 East 42nd StreetNew York, NY 10017

For Reservations please call 212.405.4300Discounts End on February 13, 2011

Please contact the hotel directly at 212.405.4300 to book your room. Please mention ExL Pharma and the 6th Support for

Independent Medical Education to take advantage of the discounts we have established for you. You must book your room

by February 13, 2011 to be eligible for the discounted rate. Please book your room early as the rooms available at this

rate are limited and review your hotel confirmation to ensure that you received the ExL Pharma group rate.

Page 3: 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

MITIgATINg RISk THRougH THE IMplEMENTATIoN of AudITINg CoNTRolS ANd pRoCESSESHear perspectives of external Legal Counsel, in-house Compliance and Medical Education on the issues that may present during a review of the CME process. Identify a template of control measures you can implement to ensure compliance and mitigate risk for your Company.• Identify potential non-CME events which may trigger a wider investigation• Define issues of fraud / non-compliance within the CME process• Ensure effective controls deterring fraud and non-compliance

- Factors to consider in scheduling audit initiatives - Scheduling annual and random audits

• Evaluating audit tools and systems used - CME Reconciliation - timing, scope and process - Creating audit protocols, documentation, guides, and other audit tools

• Developing an audit plan that focuses on the most relevant risk areasAlan Minsk, Partner and Practice Leader, Food & Drug Practice Team ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY LLPelizabeth Jobes, Vice President, Chief Compliance OfficerADOLOR CORPORATIONKaren roy, Senior Director, Medical EducationCEPHALON

8:00 Workshop registration and Breakfast9:00 Workshop Begins10:30 networking Break12:00 Luncheon for Workshop Attendees

12:00 registration opens

1:00 Conference Begins

1:00 Chairpersons opening remarks Brian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Director, Oncology Medical Education PFIZER, Support for IME Co-Chair Alicia reese, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Scientific Affairs ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS, Support for IME Co-Chair

1:15 kEYNoTE AddRESS Transforming Medical Education from CME Activities to Integrated Healthcare Quality Improvement

• Thinking beyond CME meetings and materials and considering the construct of planned change

• Enabling collaboration of CME professionals with medical professionals, administrators, and quality officers

• Re-envisioning the convergence of interest model of commercial support to improve physician competency, performance and healthcare quality.

Brian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Director, Oncology Medical Education PFIZER, Mindi McKenna, PhD, MBA, CME Division Director AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS

1:45 NEEdS ASSESSMENT Re-Evaluating Systematic Approaches in Analyzing Educational Needs to Provide Value as a Learning Function

• Assessing the interplay between Assessment, Standards Development, Training and QA

• Defining the information source - physician, research, media, internal strategies• Verifying the apparent gaps of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the target audience• Identifying system barriers in provider proposals that reduce outcome abilities

Patricia Jassak, MS, RN, CCMEP, Senior Director, IME, Medical Affairs SANOFI-AVENTIS

2:30 refreshment Break and social Learning Participants are encouraged to seek out feedback and answers from faculty and other participants

3:00 SuppoRTER/pRoVIdER RElATIoNS How Can Supporters Establish and Maintain Credibility by Ensuring Educational Goals on Defined Healthcare Gaps are Achieved?

• What kind of relationships between supporters and providers can produce productive outcomes while ensuring compliance is met?

• Defining the particular challenges in ensuring supported organization provides high-quality education, especially in specialized therapeutic areas

• Examine the strategies taken in working with providers – pre-qualified lists of providers, RFPs, online marketing methods of getting grant submissions to approve

diane Plateis, PharmD, MBA, Director and Head of Medical Education and Investigational Studies, BAYER HEALTHCARE Patti Merwin, RN, BSN, OCN , CCMEP, Director, Scientific Education CELGENE CORPORATION Karen roy, Senior Director, Medical Education CEPHALON Lawrence sherman, FACME, CCMEP, Senior Vice President, Educational Strategy, PROVA EDUCATION

4:00 ouTCoME MEASuREMENT Identifying the Metrics of CME that Properly Measure and Report Educational Outcomes

• Defining the abilities of providers to plan and gather data• Defining outcomes - competency, practice, patient and/or population measures• Quantifying the learning expectations and forming appropriate uses of scaling

Jason M. singer, PharmD, CCMEP, Consultant-Medical Education Grants, Lilly Grant Office LILLY USA

4:45 IME in 10 Six Ten-Minute Summary Presentations of hot topics that give insight and perspective into a range of topics on supported independent medical education.

Topics may include:– What REMS can do for IME– Evaluating Evidence-Based Medicine Initiatives– Grant writing competencies– ‘Learning lessons’ from other industries

Submit your own proposal on one of these topics or suggest your own to present a ten minute presentation or talking point for the group to discuss in our lively and highly interactive IME in 10. To apply, please submit a one-page overview explaining what the principle question is, what the need for the discussion is, and what the objectives of the 10 minute presentation are to [email protected].

5:45 Close of day one

to register Call 866-207-6528 or visit us at www.exlpharma.com/ime



THuRSdAY, MARCH 10, 2011

Page 4: 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

8:00 Continental Breakfast and social Learning Participants are encouraged to seek out feedback and answers from faculty and other participants

9:00 Chairpersons opening remarks Brian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Director, Oncology Medical Education PFIZER, Support for IME Co-Chair Alicia reese, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Scientific Affairs ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS, Support for IME Co-Chair

9:00 puBlISHINg ouTCoMES Getting Outcomes into the Hands of those who Need It: How Can Industry Further the Impact of Educational Initiatives After the Program is Complete?

• How supporters can ethically help providers publish educational impact - Minimizing risks of offering funding support for publishing outcomes - Ensuring no inappropriate influence - Ensuring compliance with standards for commercial support

• How supporters can help providers address barriers to publishing outcomes - The need for sufficient resources and skills

• Determining where to publish and what to publish in order to garnish the greatest impact

Moderator: Mindi McKenna, PhD, MBA, CME Division Director AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS Panelists: Patricia Jassak, MS, RN, CCMEP, Senior Director, IME, Medical Affairs SANOFI-AVENTIS Cynthia Guerra, Senior Director, Medical Education and Scientific Resources ACORDA THERAPEUTICS

10:00 BudgET STRATEgIES Maximizing the Effectiveness of CME Support Under Tighter and Highly Scrutinized Budgetary Pressures

• Developing appropriate budgets for different therapeutic areas • Evaluating program impact of budget cuts• Maximizing efficiencies in the grant review process• Exploring the changes that health care reform may bring to CME

Belinda Hunt, PhD, Director, Medical Education and Grants BIOGEN IDEC

10:45 refreshment Break and social Learning Participants are encouraged to seek out feedback and answers from faculty and other participants

11:15 EduCATIoNAl ouTCoMES Measuring the Impact of Educational Initiatives for Improved Patient Care

• Evaluating grant requests: the importance of robust outcomes measurement plans• Ensuring alignment of the evaluation plan with the identified healthcare gap and

proposed intervention• How to leverage outcomes to inform ongoing educational strategy

Anthia Mandarakas, Senior National Education Manager SANOFI-AVENTIS

12:00 pERfoRMANCE IMpRoVEMENT A Group-Led Discussion on Normalizing Performance Improvement and Strategies to Justify the Value Preposition of Supported Programs

• Review the key pearls from the previous PI-CME discussion held at the Exl Pharma meeting and discuss the applications you made or did not make as a result of the discussion

• Determine if there are ways that levels 6 and 7 outcomes or PI-CME can effectively change physician practice behaviors

• Discuss action plans for addressing clinical gaps in open/closed PI-CME models while considering ways to improve all models as necessary

• Develop strategies for measuring changes in practice performance by analyzing baseline and post-implementation data

John ruggiero, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Medical Education Manager, Independent Medical Education Department (IMED), GENENTECH

12:45 Luncheon

1:45 STRATEgIC EduCATIoN plAN CHAllENgE Interactive Workshop: Communicating Effectiveness and Value of IME Programs with Stakeholders

In this interactive session, attendees will break into smaller groups and work on defined

challenges provided by the presenter. The groups will then take their results and discuss

them together. Using the group’s outputs, attendees will leave the meeting with tangible

tools to communicate the value and effectiveness of IME.

• Developing sound bites to acknowledge and handle common objections to IME

• Integrating IME into activities that bring value for government affairs, compliance and legal departments

• Determining how others can view IME as an opportunity to be an agent of change in healthcare

• Aligning internal and external stakeholders to build a stronger IME unit• Finding synergy through building allies and advocates for IME

Alicia reese, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Scientific Affairs ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS

3:00 THE TAkEWAY Measuring the Impact of Change witin Medical Education: What Are We Doing Today to Effect Change?

• Assessing the value of CME grant support on the wider medical community• Evaluating how well the conference met the pre-event assessment goals

Panelists include: Brian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Director, Medical Education Group; Oncology, PFIZER Alicia reese, CPharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Scientific Affairs ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS John ruggiero, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Medical Education Manager, Independent Medical Education Department (IMED), GENENTECH Lawrence sherman, FACME, CCMEP, Senior Vice President,

Educational Strategy, PROVA EDUCATION

4:00 Conference Concludes

fRIdAY, MARCH 11, 2011

to register Call 866-207-6528 or visit us at www.exlpharma.com/ime

Page 5: 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

Sponsorship and Exhibiting opportunities

Do you want to spread the word about your organization’s solutions and services to potential clients who will be attending this event? Take advantage of the opportunity to exhibit, present an educational session, host a networking event, or distribute promotional items to attendees. ExL Pharma will work closely with you to customize a package that will suit all of your needs. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact:

Eric MorrinBusiness Development Manager(212) 400-6228, [email protected]

Media Partners

five Ways to RegisterFax: 888-221-6750Mail: ExL Events, Inc. 555 8th Ave, Ste 310 New York, NY 10018Phone: 866-207-6528online: www.exlpharma.com/imeemail: [email protected]

Registration fees for Attending Exl pharma’s 6th Support for Independent Medical Education:

eArLy BIrd PrICInGRegister by Friday, January 28, 2011 to Take Advantage of Early-Bird Pricing:Conference + Workshop $1995Conference Only $1695

stAndArd PrICInGRegister after Friday, January 28, 2011: Conference + Workshop $2195Conference Only $1895

onsIte PrICInGConference + Workshop $2295Conference Only $1995

group discount program: Discounts cannot be combined; Early Bird Rates do not apply

save 25% per person when registering Four For every three simultaneous registrations from your company, you will receive a fourth complimentary registration to the program (must register 4 at one time). This is a savings of 25% per person.

save 15% per person when registering three Can only send three? You can still save 15% off of every registration. To find out more on how you can take advantage of these group discounts, please call 866-207-6528.

Make checks payable to ExL Events, Inc. and write code P1907 on your check.You may also use Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Payments must be received in full prior to the commencement of the conference.

Cancellations: If you need to cancel your registration for an upcoming ExL conference, please note the following policies derived from the Start Date of the event:

Four weeks or more: A full refund (minus a $95 processing fee), or a voucher to another ExL event valid for two years from the voucher issue date.

Four weeks or Less: A voucher to another ExL event valid for two years from the voucher issue date.

To receive a refund or voucher, please fax your request to 888-221-6750.

Please Note: Conference registrations may be transferred to other colleagues in the event you are unable to attend. There will be an administrative charge of $300 to substitute, exchange and/or replace attendance badges with a colleague occurring within five business days of any ExL conference.

Please notify ExL Pharma, [email protected], prior to the event with the name and contact information of the replacement attendee. ExL Pharma’s liability is limited to the conference registration fee in the event of a cancellation

Please Note: Speakers and agenda are subject to change without notice. In the event of a speaker cancellation, every effort to find a suitable replacement will be made.

*The opinions of this faculty do not necessarily reflect those of the companies they represent nor ExL Events, Inc.*

Page 6: 6th Annual Support for Independent Medical Education, March 2011, New York City

ExL Events, Inc.555 8th Avenue, Suite 310New York, NY 10018



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555 8th Avenue, Suite 310New York, NY 10018Priority Code: P1907

Registration Form:

6th Annual

Support for Independent Medical Education

Forming Strategies that Align Compliance, Innovation and Outcomes to Ensure Value and Efficacy in Supported Medical Education Programs

March 10-11, 2011 the new york Helmsley, new york, ny

register by January 28th for reduced pricing!

don’t Miss our Pre-Conference Workshop: Mitigating Risk Through the Implementation of Auditing Controls and ProcessesAlan Minsk, Partner and Practice Leader, Food & Drug Practice Team ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY LLP

elizabeth Jobes, Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, ADOLOR CORPORATION

Karen roy, MSc, Director, Medical EducationCEPHALON

Brian McGowan, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Director, Oncology Medical Education, PFIZER, Support for IME Co-Chair

Alicia M. Reese, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CCMEP, Scientific AffairsENDO PHARMACEUTICALS, Support for IME Co-Chair

Alan Minsk, Partner and Practice Leader, Food & Drug Practice Team ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY LLP

Elizabeth Jobes, Vice President, Chief Compliance OfficerADOLOR CORPORATION

Karen Roy, MSc, Director, Medical EducationCEPHALON


Patricia Jassak, Senior Director, Medical Education, Oncology SANOFI-AVENTIS

Diane M. Plateis, PharmD, MBA, Director and Head of Medical Education and Investigational Studies, BAYER HEALTHCARE

Patti Merwin, RS, BSN, OCN, CCMEP, Director, Scientific EducationCELGENE CORPORATION

Lawrence Sherman, FACME, CCMEP, Senior Vice President, Educational Strategy, PROVA EDUCATION

Jason M. Singer, PharmD, CCMEP Consultant, Medical Education Grants, Lilly Grant Office, ELI LILLY

Cynthia Guerra, Senior Director, Medical Education and Scientific Resources, ACORDA THERAPEUTICS

Belinda Hunt, PhD, Director, Medical Education and GrantsBIOGEN IDEC

Anthia Mandarakas, Senior National Educational ManagerSANOFI-AVENTIS

John Ruggiero, PhD, CCMEP, Senior Medical Education Manager, IMED GENENTECH