6 popular publishing platforms for your contents


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Transcript of 6 popular publishing platforms for your contents

Page 1: 6 popular publishing platforms for your contents

6 Popular Publishing platforms for your


6 Popular platforms for your contents


Hephzibah Asaolu www.hephzysocial.com

Page 2: 6 popular publishing platforms for your contents

In this e-book, we will be looking at where you can publish the different type of

contents you created.

1. Blog post

The age of using programming codes and CSS is long gone. It is now easy for

everyone to have a website without knowing anything about programming. All it

takes now is to purchase a hosting account and install a content management

system (CMS) within minutes and your website/blog will be up and running.

There are different types of content management systems such as WordPress,

Joomla, Modx, TextPattern, RefineryCMS, Drupal, etc, with Wordpress the most

popular being.

WordPress is a very easy platform where you can publish your blog posts. It has a

lot of themes and plugins that makes it easy to customize according to your taste.

You can customize the appearance, moderate comments, add widgets and

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integrate any multimedia of your choice. Once you are through with that, you can

start posting your content.

2. Video

One of the ways you can market/promote your business is by creating and

promoting video content. A research carried out by comScore revealed that

188.2million people in the US watched 52.4 billion video content in December

2013 and for the entire year, 93 percent of marketers used video to boost their

marking efforts. This data shows that video can help you generate engagement

and shareability of your content. This is the reason why it is necessary for you to

start using it in your marketing campaign.

There are numerous video sharing websites on the internet where you can host

your video, each with its own distinctive features. Some of them are content

restrictive (i.e. not all kinds of contents are acceptable), non-commercial,

category specifics, etc. The platform you use will depend on your business needs

and so you need to really sit down and choose the best one for your company.

Youtube is the most popularly used platform to host videos and many small and

big businesses are using it to market their product and services. According to

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Youtube press page , 1 billion unique users visit Youtube every month and more

than 6 billions hours of video are watched every month. This figure clearly shows

that Youtube is the highest trafficked web based video publishing platform. All

you need is to create an account on Youtube and upload your videos on it.

Although, Youtube is free, you can extend your reach through paid promotions. It

is a great platform for any business. Other video platforms you can try out are

Vimeo, metacafe, Vitomy, Blip.tv etc.

3. Podcast

Both big and small companies are creating podcasts. It has become a new

method of content marketing for businesses.

There are several benefits of using podcast for you business. One, creating a

podcast is one of the best way to reach a large audience (1 billion smartphones

were shipped in 2013 alone ). It is a great way to enhance your company's brand

as it adds a new dimension to your marketing strategy.

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Although you can host it on your website, but not all website hosts that are good

hosts for podcasts. This is because creating podcasts involves large storage space

and this can bog down servers, hence the need for separate podcast hosts. You

can use other online services such as ourmedia.org, archive.org etc.

4. E-book platform

There are several places where you can sell your e-books starting from your

website. You can create a product page on your website and sell it right there.

You can also decide to sell it on places like Amazon kindle. The platform holds

67% of the e-book buying market share according to bloomberg. With Amazon

Kindle Publishing platform, everyone can buy your e-book. It is free to list your e-

book on Amazon kindle.

The second platform you can use is Nook by Barnes and Noble. The platform has

about 25% e-book sales market share. The third platform is the Apple's iBooks.

The platform holds a mere 5% of the market share. However, the number is rising

as e-books become more popular and sophisticated and more app-like. With the

iBook Author, you can upload your e-book using Epub format which does not

work well with Amazon Kindle.

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Overall, the choice of the platform you use depends on the purpose of creating

the e-book in the first place. If you want to use it to generate leads/subscribers,

you will need to host it on your website or offer it free on Amazon kindle. But, if

you want to make some money from it, you can choose any of the platforms

discussed above.

5. Infographic

There are several platforms you can use to publish your infographic content. Find

them listed below

a. Your website

The first place to host your infographic is on your website. Hosting it there will

help you to create credibility, support your search engine ranking and can even

leads to sales for you. You can also use it as a means of generating leads by

creating a contact form for people to fill before they can download it.

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b. Quora

This is another great place you can host your infographic. It will help you to build

authority and relationship with people who share similar ideas and interests. It

will even be more helpful if you see a question to answer on quora using your


c. Bookmarketing sites

Bookmarking sites provide a wider reach to build your brand and create

engagement with your audience. You can use sites like reddit, digg, stumbleupon,

etc. This way, it will be easy for people to index your infographic faster and you

also receive a lot of traffic in return. Other platform for hosting infographics

includes Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, Google+, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc,


You can share your meme on different platform, starting from your website or

blog. From there, share it on your Facebook page, linking back to the page or post

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on your website or blog. You can also share on twitter several times a day as

tweets tend to disappear fast. If you have a pinterest account, pin it to your

board and include a link back to your blog. If it is a video meme, you can share it

on Youtube channel.

There you have it. You can use any of the platforms mentioned above to publish

your content based on the type of content. What are you waiting for? Start

publishing your contents right away! The next post will be on content promotion,

keep it a date with me.

I invite you to check out my blog www.hephzysocial.com and read interesting

posts that will help you to skyrocket your business to the next level.



Then you are in the right place.

Here's the deal:

If you need contents to:

* Generate leads to follow up by sales and marketing teams

* Help your sales team close sales more quickly

* Generate interest in your products

* Build and repair public opinion about your brand and products

* Develop friends and fans who interact with your brand socially

* Help customers get the most from your products

Then you are in the right place.


I'm a big believer that every online marketer must master the art of content

marketing and promotion. But with the increasing amounts of information out

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there, how can you find practical techniques that will help you to achieve the

goals highlighted above?

That's where Hephzysocial comes in.

Hephzysocial has grown into one of the most popular content marketing sites on

the web for one simple reason:

Everything I publish is super actionable and designed to help you get more leads,

customers and sales.

You can get in touch with me through my contact page or send a mail to

[email protected].